Another...Ranunculus, a beautiful pairing & the sea | Ep 62 | Heather & Hops Knitting Podcast

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are you gonna host it today no hello and welcome to heather and hopps my name is kat or catherine and i'm in knitter based in hertfordshire in the united kingdom this is my little space on the internet where i have documented my knitting journey from project one through to now and it's also been a place where i have managed to create a little community which has been really magic and i've found a lot of a lot more meaningful than i could have imagined connections through this amazing platform so if you're here and you've been here for a while it's really lovely to see you again if you're new welcome to this little space um that quick brief of kitten was audrey she is the in-house star i guess um and mascot of my show hey you she's still here she's just walking around my feet okay so i have a few things to talk about it's been a couple of weeks i didn't really intend on uh i kind of said that i might not record and then i felt like i might but in the end everything got chaotic again it was a really really busy week last night last week and it kind of felt like it just disappeared it was just really really chaotic um but we had a really nice weekend we had another nice weekend this weekend if you're in the uk how nice was it that we had some sunshine um that felt amazing i honestly i'm so glad that we we got the bright daylight it felt really refreshing and quite grounding i think um we made it to the beach um and as you might see from the footage it was very quiet it was amazing that we got into a you know a situation that it was so quiet and i got to hear the sea which i know that uh we're very lucky to be able to have made that journey um but i can't tell you how good it feels after so long to finally hear the sound of the ocean and just to see open space and sky again i really hope you can't hear it but the builders are they're on one today they were shouting quite loudly this morning um and they're drilling again i didn't know that i would need to drill so many holes but anyway let's talk about knitting um i have a few finished objects i have one that i don't have with me but i have a few little clips and some yarn so i can show you and i have two whips so let's go with this first one this is very simple or i should say i modified it to be even more simple than it was um so a long a long time ago not that long a while back i started the haier tank by kyomi bergen yes um very talented designer does gorgeous designs um i think for a while i'm not sure if it still is this pattern was free and the front is just slightly shorter than suggested so it is kind of as the pattern suggests only i knitted it in the round however the back i opted to um how do i describe it so i opted to do as i would on the other little crop tops that i've knitted like the jessie may my secret little crop i opted to go for that sort of shaping i did the same on the framework bralette but i just if i'm knitting for summer the kind of the more coverage but the less fabric possible works for me so i have bound off the underarms and the back basically at the same time and just left stitches on hold for the straps decreased as suggested and then grafted them back together so i the pattern should look more like the front on the back but i opted for this i'm really happy with the outcome the yarn was a dream to knit actually really really enjoyable as far as um yarn with cotton in i haven't i haven't not enjoyed knitting with cotton but i found myself needing to take breaks because it's quite hard and drying on the hands um i mean i'm quite a loose knitter like a relaxed knitter i should say not necessarily loose um and this was really nice it is 50 wool 25 cotton and 25 silk and it is beautiful if you are looking for a summer fabric i'm not quite sure how summery this is i've worn it a few times now i wore it three or four times in the last two weeks as the weather's heated up and it's been totally fine it's really loose so i'm not sure how it is for the summer quite yet but i do think it's a nice yarn um and it's called organic trio so if you're looking for it i think it's quite widely available in quite a lot of colors i'm not sure about getting it in the uk it was really kindly sent to me as a gift thank you so much um you know who you are um you've basically dressed me this year um beautiful color and i'm surprised it's quite bright but it goes with everything i own apparently um yeah so i might knit another one of these in the future but it was just a nice sort of alternative i would say to a sock knitting project you know it's a bit more gentle on the hands if you're not if you use mini circulars say or you don't enjoy or love magic loop this is a really good alternative for sort of knitting with friends or while chatting on zoom or discord all of those things and like i said it's very easy to modify tennis in the round so if you're not someone that likes to knit and pearl this is a great option i was going to maybe add a braid or some texture down the side but i kept it simple i know that i am quite simple when it comes to clothing today i'm wearing my i should say because i always forget this is a rizzo blouse i believe by poison garnets amy appel i believe this was a jing fiber silky merinos i think um the colors faded quite a lot but i do really i really like this color um yeah i have a fringe now and i wanted everything out of my face for the first time in a while so this was a perfect outfit for getting everything out and being the right temperature for the weather at the moment which is fairly warm but quite cloudy still am i turning into amy florence it's not a weather podcast um yeah so i guess the next one this kind of shouldn't be a surprise uh really i've had some drops alpaca silk in black in my stash stash or pantry much prefer that word um for quite some time and i knitted a bread and sort of black one that was inspired by my chemical romance last last time i shared and i recently finished this version of the varpu by jonah hitalia i can't remember i'm i'm really butchering everything today but it's a gorgeous pattern it was published first in lane magazine i believe um and the patterns now available separately this was the sixth one i believe i've knitted oh here comes the the cavalry hey you um this one i basically did a pattern i believe i don't think i did anything i left even the sleeves quite wide i just wanted i wear black a lot um and would find myself wearing it more if i owned hand knits in black so i might do the old switcheroo send some of the other ones away so that because this one i have already worn i don't know five or six times i wore it every day near enough over the last ten days um which isn't five or six times but i have i've thrown it on every other day at least but it's overall this pattern is brilliant it's really quick to knit up it's knitted on 10 mil needles which i found to be okay on my hands i've heard a lot of people say that they don't like knitting on larger needles i can't imagine wanting to knit on anything any larger if i'm honest um my large needles are bamboo which i think for me personally is quite nice on the hands anyway and then uh i think they're five inch needles again so they're not too heavy but just right and it's so quick as well that i imagine that there's only so much you know where it's gonna have when i think this used less than four balls so if you know affordability is a thing for you um the pattern itself is pretty well it's very reasonably priced i believe um and you know i think these are two pound fifty and again i am not necessarily sure how i feel about drops it's great yarn it's really really it lasts i just don't know about making something that affordable the ethics behind it um but like i said i've had this for quite some time and it was about time that i used it and this will get worn a lot a lot a lot kind of thing so there we go um the final finished object i don't actually have with me because it was a gift and so the last time i recorded i went on to lovely hannah's website who's creative anarchy yarn just because i wanted to share who i finally got to meet at uh unravel yarn festival and hannah had this gorgeous i think i've got some footage of it in the skein still but if not this gorgeous yarn which is called damson jamson and it's actually a seconds but it was slightly reduced because she considers it seconds and i think it's stunning and it's on her willow base which is a 72 kid mohair and 28 silk 50 grams and i've been on the lookout for a yarn for a dear friend of mine um who she i must give him credit but her boyfriend asked me almost two years ago if i would knit her something for a birthday and he wanted to pay and if you're a knitter or a maker you understand how much time goes into knitting and you know it might be more affordable say if you were to knit something like this you can you know kind of charge an affordable rate to a friend but for me i personally i would rather offer it as a gift and it just be a gift it's a lot easier if someone can tell you the color and what kind of style but if they cut it it becomes quite difficult and i kind of suddenly it popped into my head and i kept seeing a lovely instagram and i was like it's about time that i did make her something and then i saw this color and it all just clicked into place and then i had an email a little while ago from someone thank you so much that's had knitted with this yarn but found that it had been too drapey and this is um manostro uruguay and it is absolutely stunning it is a super super washable i believe it doesn't actually say um i think it might be i kind of hoped it wasn't but i think it is and it is 70 wool and 30 silk um you get a little bit more meter ridge it's 450 meters per hundred grams than you know usual sort of fingering weight yarn and it's the colorway dragon uh this yarn in particular is quite special because it's a non-profit organization and it assembles women in the cooperatives scattered throughout the countryside of uruguay the aim of the organization is to bring economic and social opportunities to rural women which isn't that special and actually the lovely lady that it's gone to is quite an advocate for women's rights so this seemed quite an apt pairing a one woman arm like one woman business and one supporting women in uruguay i just think this is a gorgeous combination and i this arrived four days three days before i was due to see said friend i swatched with it almost immediately thank you so much for sending your ball pre-wound um it had actually really had been knitting and the drape was too much but i thought that the mohair for the project that i wanted would help add a little bit of structural body and give it and it came out beautifully i did a tiny swatch because i knew it was going to be a ranunculus can you believe it if you've been here a while you'll be like again really and if you're new here i really like the ranunculus it's a pattern by midori hirose which previously i have definitely said wrong which i very much apologize for look at you um she's grunting at me she's like yes you always do and it's a it's a it's a beautiful pattern i did make some adjustments to it um because i think that's just tends to be how i i do everything these days so i knitted it to the pattern until after the yoke where i had to modify for a larger size however i knew that i didn't want it to have that much positivity i think it was a i want to say 38 inch bust and it had it was 55 inches around and i just felt like that was just for the person it was going to it was just too much so i i adjusted what how the increases went and did it in a way that the the underarm sat a little bit close oh well quite a bit closer up it wasn't sat down too low and i really love how it came out now i can't tell you how i did it because i didn't write it down we were in the car and i just kind of did it on the fly and i was measuring the depth and just kind of winging it slightly but also referring back to the kind of standard sizing so to speak um of a 38 bit bust inch bust chart and kind of went from there i made sure there was a bit of ease but not quite as much as suggested and then i finished one sleeve up to about seven inches the night before i saw my friend and then knitted the other one down to ten inches and whilst i was getting ready in the morning to see her and then i took it with us where we went and sat and had a lovely meal it was a takeaway mail we sat outside in the sunshine and we went to a country park which was completely empty which was really strange to me um it was so nice it was really so nice um and i just sat and i made i asked her to try it on and checked and it was a lot shorter than the pattern suggested and that's probably due to how much i reduced the depth of the yoke or where you divided for the sleeves so actually she was really chuffed with it she really loved the fit so i think i added just a few more rows and then did the bind off and it came out lovely um yeah the combination of these two fabrics is completely dreamy um really soft the colorways together downs and jams and dragon is is is really beautiful i think she wears quite a lot of neutrals but from memory and from like photos i always imagine her wearing a colored lipstick or having like pink or red nails or or fun nails i just think this is slightly neutral but a little bit fun and it's very clear that it's you know they're both special hand eye jars and yeah brilliant gift i was very grateful um both to lovely hannah and the lovely kind recipient sender of this gorgeous gorgeous yarn because i was able to make a friend really very happy um so yeah i'm gonna hit pause we run out of like it's on a timer when i record which is kind of fine but also apparently i do waffle quite a bit oh i just can get distracted by little audrey um so this one is absolutely covered in my hair this bag this project bag was made for me by my friend becky little nugget who is just one of my favorite people in the entire world she's my she's like my my other little sister that isn't blood related um and it was for a christmas gift and this will be fun to show you so this is a gorgeous yarn by animal annabelle williams and it is 100 corey dale from the falklands and it's undyed it's 4 ply 400 meters and so with this one i am doing a no nylon sock project where i'm looking at john's with no nylon and superwash and seeing how they last um as well as trying out a few new to me techniques along the way this time i am not trying new techniques on the way up yet i'm hoping to try a new hill i haven't quite decided um what hill yet but i am hoping to try a new hill and you have to i have to apologize for this but i started these in the car and i was knitting on this one and although i think i'm a little bit away from doing the heel i thought why not cast this on and get this to the same point and kind of do them in unison uh and so i have but i am working from the inside and outside of the yarn and it looks a bit chaotic but i am doing toe up because that's my my method of choice now um previously i'd only ever done cuff down but i really love that you can use every last scrap if you want to you can try it on as you go and so far this corridor feels amazing i i've i was i've been using the mini circulars again just because i have was in the car and it meant that i didn't have to look at all and i could just keep keep my eye out on the road i trust alex with all my heart but you know it's nice to actually see when you're driving around um and yeah i think i'm using two mil because of the the gauge i like with my socks and it works for me best so far yeah normal toe nothing interesting here and annabelle does responsibly sourced wool and dyes it naturally or sells it undyed and gets its spun herself and it can't it does come out beautiful i really like the feel of this it has a slight halo just a tiny one i would say um not the neatest knitting and the corridor is apparently the oldest of the crossbreeds i don't know how anyone knows that but that's the word on the street or on the farm and they are i believe a crossbreed of a merino and a lincoln um what else was there that was interesting i mean there's loads interesting about them but what else they first went to america in 1914 apparently and they are the one of the main breeds of the falcon islands um alongside a paul worth which alex is currently knitting with and it is lovely um that's that's the fun facts for today um put that away try and keep my projects fairly tidy because it's been last week it was a bit chaos i kind of everything was around me and yeah it took me quite a while to tidy up um this project bag is from mary katherine and as you can see it is kind of jam-packed um and it won't be once i finish recording because i can put a few of the yarns away but if if you have been on instagram with me you might have seen that i i shared saying i found a mermaid grunge swatch or not such i swatched and it's come out like mermaid grunge and these are the colors and the yarns that i swatched um i've recently posted a photo of the swatch um and this is newton and it is an amazing color it's kind of got a bit of everything in there from reds to blues to purples to pinks to creams to even a few browns i've noticed and this is wild atlantic yarns i believe it's the clover colorway i do have the blue band yes um and that is hand dyed in donegal in ireland which kind of makes it a perfect pairing for the pattern that i've opted for and i'm not even going to try and pronounce the name but i'll put it on the screen just because i can't even think how i would say it out loud which is really sad but look at this fabric it is really hard to get an accurate representation and in every single light it seems to look different um oh it's stunning so this pattern is by uh lb hannes or albion and as a designer albion does some stunning projects and takes time to for me to explore new techniques and share new techniques which makes my heart sing even things like using a provisional cast on and not necessarily anything you know crazy difficult or anything but just interesting that holds my attention and last night whilst playing d d which is really fun um with lovely kelsey i'll be sarah g mary and monica i finished the sleeve the first sleeve and so i hadn't i'm working the smallest size and i hadn't decided if i was going to do the color work and what colors i initially had these ones in in the in my little bag that i was considering and i couldn't this one of each year oh and there was a brown as well and i couldn't quite decide i felt like maybe doing the two pinks would be really fun and cute but when it came down to it i opted to hold this which is a whistle bear mohair blend double so i've held this one double i love this base so much um with this which is a rail work sport weight and this remnants of a drops alpaca that not alpaca yeah drops alpaca that i fairly recently used these two are both whistlebed too but my thought process of using these two grays i think absolutely works it it's a bit more neutral the color itself is from afar looks great anyway so i think that works but my main reasoning is that i've got these lovely um button toggles and i just thought that you know working with the more sort of gray driftwood colors it kind of works it's a bit more neutral i'll be able to wear it with a little bit more than if i was to put the pink in there personally um where the rest of these buttons here they are um well they're not the rest they're falling off because i was heathen and untangled it but these are from lily put white on the isle of wight and they are driftwood items that she collects and turns into buttons and i just think they're really cool um i did think that they would sit in my sort of wall pantry for a while but when i saw the newton and the mohair together i so i often have a little bit of yarn on here and it's it's not really for display it's to kind of keep my creativity going and as i'm knitting on something it might pop into my head like oh that's the perfect thing and these two were together and if you if you've been here for a while or you know you might be like yeah you would never normally put and i would never normally put these two yarns together it's a little bit out there but i don't know what nudged me to swatch but whatever did i'm so pleased that i like yeah brilliant so i'm very happy with this so far the fit for the sleeve is lovely it's i did it a little bit well i was anxious because i knitted it i think just half an inch shorter than the pattern suggests and i did think it might still be too long for me but i think it sits really nicely um right on the cuff and once the other sleeves on it might sit just a tiny bit lower um yeah if if i'm gonna see how it fits me and how structured it is but if it is structured enough i might consider putting like an afterthought pocket in here because it's quite a but it's a lightweight garment so i'm not sure it's really warm so i feel like it's an over layer so i could have a pocket but that's something i've been considering too so yeah overall really enjoying this quite enjoyed knitting back and forth the i haven't mentioned it but the lateral ribbed bind off is brilliant something that i really enjoyed working and quite enjoyed learning or my hair sorry or neutered in either one but yeah overall really enjoying it and you can see on the bottom there that lovely progress keeper stitch marker is by woolen witch steph is amazing and this one all it it kind of reminds me of sort of a mermaid but also caduceus of critical role which i haven't seen it but it's coming campaign 2 is coming to an end and so any any excuse to get as much critical role thoughts in my brain as possible so yes that is that i love this project so much i'm enjoying how maybe it was this bag that inspired these colors because the kind of green and the kind of goes really well yeah beautiful bag beautiful project like i couldn't i couldn't try these yarns without yourselves um so thank you i like from the absolute bottom of my heart thank you so much for the kofi support recently that's really made a huge difference my phone decided to completely kill itself for no apparent reason last week um yeah and i spent two of my work days trying to get that rectified which was tell you a nightmare it's fine and actually you know no one was harmed no one suffered but anything that could go awry went awry and i actually went and had to sit outside my parents house for nearly two hours no it wasn't nearly two hours it was an hour and a half in the end waiting for the package to arrive with my passport to prove who i was um because otherwise it was going to be delivered to the house where the current the new owner was apparently away for quite a long time so i wouldn't have been able to get it which i know i could do without a phone but i just love talking to everyone and if i can't talk to everyone then what am i doing um so yeah it was really i think that last week was just really chaotic um but again thanks to your connections your support i'm able to continue functioning like a human adult so thank you um i am i'm waffling again but anyway i really hope you are well i hope that you've got a couple of projects that are keeping you happy and excited if you're not a knitter maybe give it a go if you are i hope you're enjoying it um and hopefully i've inspired you to try a new technique or cast something on not being an enabler really but something that you've you know really wanted to and you've maybe not had the courage i always say it like this because it's knitting you can do it um yeah take care of yourself stay hydrated especially now the weather's getting a little bit warmer tell everyone you love them if you're allowed to give someone a hug and you love them enough to give them a hug do it safely but do it because we've not had enough oxytocin in the last year or so and as dear matthew mercer would say don't forget to love each other and hopefully i will see you very very [Music] soon [Music] uh [Music] he'll pull me [Music] [Music] [Music] feet [Music] you
Channel: Heather and Hops Knitting
Views: 6,252
Rating: 4.9629631 out of 5
Keywords: knitting, knitter, knitting podcast, knitting vlog, slow fashion, handmade, hand dyed yarn, yarn, wool, vlog, knitting podcast 2020, knitting podcast 2021, english knitting podcast, knitting podcast uk, podcast tricot, knit podcast, tricot podcast, UK knitting podcast, uk knitter, uk knitting, cosy knitting, english knitter, relaxing knitting, simple knitting, natural wool, non superwash, knitting design, indie design, knitting project, ranunculus, midori hirose
Id: P-Xk9aEzD-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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