Another Top 10 Ridiculous Infomercial Products

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buyer beware is a mantra that customers would do well to remember welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for another top 10 ridiculous infomercial products before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at even more crazy infomercial products if you don't see one you thought would be here be sure to check out our first list on the topic number 10 poo trap introducing poo trap an amazing new innovation that eliminates the need of picking up after your dog though dog waste might seem like little more than an inconvenience it can contain bacteria and parasites which if exposed to the eyes can result in blindness meaning that when you don't pick up after your dog you expose others to more than just some poop on their shoes it's easy to install on your dog and makes your walking experience fun poo trap is a product with good intentions but an incredibly bizarre execution it's a brightly colored harness you strap onto your dog's rear with a tiny bag attached so that when they squat to do their business the poo will in theory go straight into the bag without you having to actually pick it up nice and simple poo trap is available in eight sizes and three colors but unfortunately it's simply too odd for most people and probably dogs as well as you can see his poop is in the bag that's the poo trap I would not recommend this for anybody or anything number 9 car valet if you frequently find yourself frustrated by your car's cupholders both the space they offer and the number of them available fret no more because car valet is here to help spilled coffee everywhere all because your cup holders never have room for actual cops this product is basically just attachable cup and other accessory holders but while it is a pretty good idea the way it's advertised leaves much to be desired inc lemonade thank you you know I don't have a cup holder can I just give that in the infomercial we see people dropping all kinds of stuff at one point a woman who's talking animatedly on the phone drops the device but luckily car valet is there to catch it it just feels like a stretch so when you're facing those extreme situations you'll have just the solution you need right when you need it the most number eight booty pop it's here Hollywood's hottest new trade secret booty pop think of it like a Wonder Bra but for your butt booty pop is advertised as push-up panties designed to make your butt pop no matter what you're wearing to help raise your confidence and make you look good booty pop turns a droopy derriere into a youthful-looking head-turning bootylicious booty despite this being a product that some women would surely buy the commercial is downright patronizing claiming that the only thing women care about when buying a pair of jeans is how their backside is gonna look now you can get that fabulous figure that bootylicious perky pop that all women want without lifting a finger it also implies that booty pop is used by celebrities though they never actually named these alleged users Hollywood's hottest new trade secret indeed Alice for this booty number seven talking TP while some infomercial products are genuinely useful and ingenious this is not one of them it's about as a novelty minded as you can get let me did a hook up cable in here or something you need Direct TV well it's probably too late for this dump but you know if you do actually site talking TP is a toilet roll holder with a built-in speaker and microphone so you can record a message on it this recording will then trigger every time somebody takes some paper to wipe with this would obviously be terrifying if you were going to the bathroom in the middle of the night or if you're a guest in somebody else's house but what makes it even weirder are the example recordings used in the commercial and the uproarious laughter they'll supposedly inspire and bathroom visitors number six big hot dog big hot dog solves all the problems inherent to tiny hot dogs this product aims to eliminate the problem of having your hot dogs rolling around on the grill or worse falling onto the ground when you're trying to cook them by creating a monstrous seven pound 16 inch hot dog I'm just getting a hot dog we're all getting hot dogs the makers recommend that you chop the massive hot dog into hot dog patties before trying to cook it for the moment let's just forget the fact that it's obviously easier to just buy burgers if you're gonna slice them into that shape got a big hunger cut a big slice instead let's bask in the glory of this commercial which is one of the most surreal infomercials you're ever gonna see with the craziest thing of all one of these costs just 170 dollars tiny hot dogs come in packages of six while their buns come in packages of eight number five potty putter golf clap golf clam if the talking toilet paper wasn't enough ridiculousness for your bathroom you can now buy your very own miniature golf set to put on the floor in front of you I'll practice your putting every time you take care of your other business just aim and shoot the ball into the cup this is advertised as a way to help you practice your putting and uses the same fake green as real golf courses do though on a real golf course you probably won't be trying to use the bathroom at the same time when you're bored in the bathroom you rush and that's unhealthy but with the potty putter you'll take the time to play unfortunately the potty putter raises more problems than it solves mainly the question of whether you set it up permanently or do you only take it out whenever you need to go your body butter is the perfect gift for the man on the go he'll relax and think of you every time he practices Puttock number four doc bottoms a spray are you suffering from pungent pits foul feet beastly butt odor how do you stop this commercial was deemed so shocking and inappropriate that the network running it had to pull it shortly after it first aired doc bottoms Aspray is the world's first all-over deodorant but the infomercial doesn't play around when it comes to describing exactly which areas those problem smells arise from it can be used anywhere and I mean anywhere on your body a spray goes where other deodorants can it targets specific odor zones including pungent pits foul feet and beastly butt odor this entire commercial is offensively over-the-top it's that simple no bacteria no stank does it work we honestly don't know but the branding and marketing certainly don't do much to endure it to mainstream consumers I work hard for a living I sweat a lot I got I got older in special places and with a spray I don't have to worry about that anymore number three free flexor you will build strength you will get ribs if you thought the shake weight was the most suggestive infomercial product out there you are sorely mistaken because the free flexor has more than earned that title I'm gonna flex and bust out of here it's called the world's first flexing dumbbell but all it appears to be is two circular weights on either end of a stick the free flexor works your muscles at every angle in every direction apparently waving this ball stick around will guarantee you get ripped unfortunately various fitness professionals disagree with these claims stating that the free flexor is most likely nothing more than a gimmick I'll be at a very sexual gimmick should start getting them oh man I'm swinging it starts to go deep you can feel it if you really want to get buff like the guys in the add a gym membership seems like a much wiser investment number 2 facial flex this device looks more like it belongs in a dental clinic than as part of your daily beauty and fitness regime advertised as a product that gives you a natural facelift the facial flex is almost as odd as the reactions of the woman trying it out in the infomercial lisa is a flexor she's a user and you can see how all of these muscles and look at her neck do you see how tight her neck is and yet there are reportedly many people who swear by the facial flexes positive results I say the apartments not the only thing getting a facelift a similar device is the neckline slimmer a very unusual gadget promising to tighten your jaw line eliminate your double chin and take years off your appearance by having you repeatedly push your head against it they say beauty is pain but this stuff looks like downright torture number one TV hat private portable and hands-free for any sci-fi writers who predicted a dystopian future in which TV replaces social interaction TV hat was exactly the nightmare they were worried about so that hat is dope thanks Tom if I rock that bad Larry on my dome it's a visor with a very long cap that you can put your phone inside creating a portable movie theater perfect for blocking out the rest of the world it even includes a custom lens to make the display bigger and is shown as an alternative to the expensive vr gaming systems currently on the market watch what you want on your lunch break only with TV hat while watching things on your phone hands-free is a nice idea anyone who actually wears a TV hat will never live it down you're about to lose all your friends so quickly if you get this but you know what I'm okay with that do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Views: 1,028,720
Rating: 4.8379555 out of 5
Keywords: ridiculous informercial products, infomercials, Booty Pop, Potty Putter, TV Hat, Free Flexor, weird products, as seen on tv items, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
Id: AdquIZ1MzW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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