Another Time Travel Classic!! Strange New Worlds S2E3 Breakdown, EVERY EASTER EGG(WDIM News Ep. #25)

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hey everyone and welcome to wdim news my weekly podcast where I talk about sci-fi stuff and some other stuff my name is Eric thank you very much for joining me today this past week we had the pleasure of watching yet another classic Star Trek time travel story and of course I'm talking about the third episode of the second season of Star Trek strange new worlds an episode titled Tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow so first I'm gonna break down this very important episode given the events that transpire and explain all the changes that you may be confused by I will then go over all the Easter eggs I found and as you can imagine there are a lot of them this week then I'm going to discuss some updates related to the ongoing writer strike and how that could be moving in a positive direction I will also cover some recent changes to Paramount plus the new trailer for The Dune Sequel and two sci-fi fantasy films that have been in development hella for a long time but look to be finely nearing production before I get into all this I just want to remind you to hit that like button right now and to subscribe if you have not yet still only about 20 of My Views are from subscribers so so if just half of you watching this video hit that subscribe button I could reach and have over 40 000 subscribers today which would be a huge milestone so I'd really appreciate it if you could do that okay so first let's talk about the third episode of the second season of Star Trek stranger worlds an episode titled Tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow I really liked this episode the thing that really stood out for me is that it shows that Star Trek strange new worlds knows exactly what kind of show it is with any show you have various directors various writers but you should have one vision from the showrunner or the creator of the show but over the years it gets muddled by all these different directors and writers and these episodes that some of them seem to go nowhere and I'm not going to mention any specific Star Trek show but you could probably guess which one I'm talking about from the context I think that strange new worlds knows that as a series it is both part and homage series and part prequel what I mean by that is that since this series takes place roughly 10 years before the events of the original series you know that this is going to be a prequel you know that it's going to show events that happen right before things that we know will happen and we're going to get those fleshed out and we're going to learn new things about them and so far in the 13 episodes of strange new worlds that we have gotten we've seen that we've seen a lot of like setup for things that are going to happen in the next 10 years or the next hundred years but this show is also in homage so it's like it's in a weird spot where it's showing events that happen before the thing it's referencing but it's also going back and referencing those things in a new way so it's really kind of interesting how this show kind of plays out as it's both talking about the past and the future and having a time travel episode makes a lot of sense if you're working you know with those moving parts so I think that once again the writers and producers of the series show that they understand what this series is supposed to be about and they work those facets into their episode codes and I just think you know so far so good I think that they've really hit the ball out of the park with these alternate universe time travel episodes they did one in the first season the season finale quality of mercy and I'm gonna be referencing that episode a couple of times actually in my breakdown and review because there are some really smart things that I can kind of pick up that they're doing in regard to being part homage and park prequel and they're not stepping on things I mean they are changing things and I'm going to talk about some of the changes that occurred in this episode and how it affects the greater Star Trek universe but I think it's done with a lot of care and appreciation for the past it's not a hard right turn it's not a total change from what we've seen before I think it still works within the ethos of what Star Trek is so even the changes that they do make sense I guess is my long-winded point there but uh but yeah just overall I thought this was a great episode and it really shows the best parts of strange new world so let's break down this episode by piece it begins with laan on the Enterprise completing her daily duties and working out with Dr ambenga by the way when did Dr embenga become the biggest badass on this ship like I mean he's sparring with the security officer you know earlier this season we saw him beat up a bunch of Klingons usually on Star Trek the doctor is one of the more timid characters I mean we saw in the last season of Picard that may not have been the case with Dr Crusher because she turned into a total badass in the third season but usually you know we have like Dr Bashir and Dr McCoy who don't get into a lot of fights I mean they're doctors they're supposed to take care of people so you don't usually see that but it looks like they went a different way with uh Dr ambanga's character and he definitely looks like a pretty big badass for being a doctor so while on is doing her daily duties she has a very serendipitous conversation with pelia about her past in Vermont the first time I saw this I thought like oh this is kind of lazy writing like they just throw this in here because she needs to know this to do the next thing you see that especially a lot in television well writers will just do a thing because they need it to happen and it doesn't really make a lot of sense or it just very seems very convenient but you know after I thought about it for a while on talking to pelia about her time in Vermont I think it actually makes a lot of sense because I believe that this is the event that needed to happen in the prime timeline before temporal investigations could finel on and send her back in time because if laan didn't know about pelia in Vermont she wouldn't have been able to get the watch and she wouldn't have been able to find the facility in Toronto so I don't think that this is lazy writing I think this is very smart writing I think that if you look at the events that transpire basically pelea had to have this event with LA on Solan learned that pelea was in Vermont during this time so then temporal investigations could get a hold of LA on send her back in time and la on would know to go to talk to pelia so next a time traveler does give a device that Shields her to changes in the timeline and she is confused about you know seeing this man appear out of nowhere and he has a bullet wound instead of a phaser wound um this isn't really an Easter egg maybe it is but the fact that Leon is protected from changes in the timeline this has happened many times in Star Trek before two instances that I immediately thought of were first Contact the film when the Borg changed the past but the Enterprise E is not affected by it because they're in some Subspace bubble or something I don't know I don't remember what Riker says I think it's Riker or data that explains what happens there so that happened in first Contact and then also in the episode City on the edge of forever which I'm going to reference again when I'm talking about this episode because I think that this episode actually takes a big part of city on the edge of forever and really brings this episode together it also Shields Kirk Spock and I guess not McCoy but just Kirk and Spock from the event that are changed when McCoy goes to the pass and changes something and then Earth is not you know what it is and they can't find Starfleet so Kirk and Spock are shielded from changes in the timeline when that happens so it has happened a few times before that you know like when something happens in Star Trek somebody's given a device or put in a situation where they're shielded from changes in the timeline it is very convenient but there is precedent I guess in the history of Star Trek and I thought it was kind of cool that you know when the guy gets shot he tells to go to the bridge and her just like the audience thought that that meant you know go to the ship's bridge and then we find out later that's not exactly what he meant so again another really smart piece of writing that you don't always see in these kind of episodes but uh Star Trek pulls it off here so loan again thinks that the guy means to go to the bridge so she goes to the Enterprise Bridge but it's not the Enterprise that she recognizes and the first thing that she notices is that James Kirk is sitting in the captain's chair and not Pike you know I thought about this too and if they are in a war with the romulans it does make sense that Kirk is Captain and not Pike because Kirk seems more like a wartime Captain than Pike does and again if changes were made to the timeline and we're going to talk about those it could mean that Pike's accident actually happened earlier than in the prime timeline so that could be another reason why Pike is not on the bridge but it does make sense that Kirk is there and of course it fits very well for the story so Kirk does not trust on at first he does kind of understand what she's talking about and she's he's heard theories about this but before they can really get into it Spock appears but not on the bridge he's the captain of one of the last Vulcan ships in their war against the romulans now it also makes sense that the Vulcans are not only in a war with the romulans but they're not doing so good because in this timeline the Vulcans and Earth are not allies and it was is that affiliation that I think kept the romulans at the door and even though there was a war with the romulans that we don't know that much about the combination of Earth forces and Vulcan forces were able to defeat or at least convince Romulus not to get in a further war with the Federation so it does make sense that the Vulcans wouldn't be doing so good and they would also be in a war with the romulans so Spock asked Kirk for help but Kirk not knowing who Spock is and not being an ally with the Vulcans does not help Spock even though Spock says that if they don't help him they're not going to be able to survive and probably Vulcan will fall to the romulans this is actually a very dark needs of the many moments another smart way that strange new worlds is working in like the tropes of Star Trek into their stories because usually I mean the needs of the many moments are sad of course I'm talking about the adage the needs and the many outweigh the needs of the few and usually those are sad but usually it's done so the heroes can escape or win or whatever and in this case Kirk is saying he can't help Spock because he doesn't want to endanger his crew and endanger you know the United Earth forces because they're not doing so well against the romulans either and helping you know this one ship May sacrifice the United Earth forces so another smart move you know this is so this is your you know needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few moment and it's also ironic that Spock is at the bad end of this situation and he kind of has to just like limp off and eventually you know he's going to be killed whenever the romulans find him so that was kind of another moment where I was like okay this is going to be a good episode I really like what you did right there and it shows that there are fans of Star Trek in the writer's room sometimes you have these shows that are in long-standing franchises but you can tell like the directors of the creators or the writers or whoever don't really get the franchise they don't really get what they're talking about they're just trying to write a good story and include character from a known franchise but in the case of strange new worlds I really feel like they're fans of Star Trek in the writer's room they do these things really smart and they seem like they're you know three four five steps ahead so then Leon and Kirk go back to his quarters and they still fight it out and eventually laan is forced to push the button on the device and it sends both LA on and Kirk back in time 220 to 60 and Kirk does not recognize the area and states that Earth is now A Wasteland in his timeline I also thought it was kind of funny that he misrecognized Toronto as New York that may be a little in-joke at filming because many many many times Toronto is a stand-in for New York because it's easier and it's cheaper to film in Toronto so the fact that Kirk recognizes the city as New York first and then Toronto it makes sense because probably a lot of people in the audience may have thought it was New York as well because Toronto is always used as a stand-in for New York so I thought that probably isn't an Easter egg but I thought that that might have been kind of a little in-joke there as to how they filmed these shows so Lon and Kirk quickly understand that they are in the past and they need money to do whatever they need to do to get around so Kirk becomes a chess Hustler um I thought that this was kind of funny I mean the Hustler gag is a very common Trope in time travel stories Kirk does talk about how in his time they still play 3D chess and this is only two dimensional chess so it's a lot easier for him so it does make sense that he would be a lot better at chess than anybody else if if he's used to playing you know this very complex form of the game and we did see him play 3D chess on the Enterprise many times so it does make sense that he would be good at that game after they get the money laan and Kirk get a hotel room and discuss the differences in their timelines and Kirk realizes that if the timeline has changed then he thinks that he will cease to exist Balan isn't so sure and actually he's wrong so if you remember the 2009 Star Trek film Spock is sent back in time to an alternate history and two spocks exist one that's older one that's younger but the older Spock doesn't cease to exist when he meets his younger Spock or when the timeline has changed so Kirk is actually wrong here but that's one of the differences in time travel stories there's basically two types of time travel stories one where if you go to the past it will change your present and your future and the other is if you go to the past it creates an alternate timeline and that's the way that Star Trek usually handles time travel stories I think there may have been an original series episode that did not exactly do that but most of the time I mean the original series is kind of its own thing they had no idea that Star Trek would become what it did and yada yada but for the most part the way that Star Trek time travel works is that when somebody goes back in time and makes a change it creates an alternate timeline so even though la'an was brought into that alternate timeline the her timeline did still exist and she was able to uh to recreate it while they're talking a bridge explodes and Lan remembers this event so she knows at that point that they are are not in a change timeline they are still in her timeline and it still matches Kirk's alternate timeline so whatever change is made has not happened yet when they go to the side of the bridge they understand that it has been destroyed by a photonic bomb something that is not supposed to exist for another 100 years so they know that another time traveler is on the planet with them in a way they're wrong the person that they meet is a Romulan agent but she's not a time traveler and I'll explain a little bit later how she comes to be a part of the story but it is important to realize that they're wrong in this case that there's not another time traveler trying to stop what's going on it's somebody that actually exists from this time period but they are from an alien race so Kirk has the idea of tracking where they're taking the piece of the bridge that broke off from the explosion and he then steals a car learns to drive in minutes sort of and gets out of a ticket because of someone with a phone I mean if I had to pick a worse part of the episode this was it you know I mean obviously the person on a phone watching cops that's very prevalent in culture right now after you know what happened in America in the past couple years but to think that these cops would just let this guy off after doing all this crazy stuff and not being able to identify him he doesn't have any driver's license and they would just let him off and go do something else that's you know they would never that would never happen it's just very convenient for this story but of course no matter how you know the culture has shifted in the last couple years cops aren't going to just let somebody off of a ticket like that when they have no idea who the person is they think they stole a car they you know they can't answer simple questions there's no way that would happen but again if I had to pick a worse part of the episode this is probably it but thankfully it does not last very long one of the things that was kind of cool while they were driving around is that Kirk and laan discuss their middle and last names and La hon is surprised that Kirk is not aware of her name this may be a funny callback to the fact that in Khan's first appearance in the TOs episode space seed Kirk as well as most of the crew on the Enterprise was not aware of who Khan is so the fact that Kirk is not aware of the lion saying name so it's kind of a tip-off to LA on that her you know ancestor is not as important in this time period but in actuality in a few years when the Kirk played by William Shatner meets Khan he doesn't know who Khan is then either so it's really neither there neither here or there either way Kirk doesn't remember who kanui and Singh is he must not be a history buff and I do want to say speaking of History later this week I will be releasing a video about the history of Khan because I know that a lot of people are kind of confused as to what changes were made in this episode so I did a video that goes into not only the history on screen but some of the things that were talked about in his appearance is like his birth and the Eugenics Wars and World War III and stuff like that so look out for that video here later this week probably on Wednesday I'll be releasing it I put a lot of work into it too so I hope that you enjoy it after Kirk and Leon are able to get away from the cops they meet up with a photographer who acts like she is there to help them I thought it was pretty obvious that she was not who she said she was I mean she's always in the right place at the right time and usually those characters are not good ones so I was not very surprised when we found out that she was not on the level but she says that her name is Sarah s-e-r-a and reveals that there is a lot of anti-alien sentiment on the planet during this time which is pretty ironic since the proof of aliens is what brings the planet together when we have first contact with Vulcan so again it is ironic that there's so much anti-alien stuff going on on the planet when it is that event that saves the planet and she also reveals that romulans are on earth we didn't know that there were other aliens on Earth before first Contact but I don't know if we were ever told that romulans were on Earth so this might be the first time that's revealed that romulans are also on Earth during the 21st century after hearing uh what she has to say Leon and Kirk believe that there is a cold fusion reactor that's going to explode and need an engineering device from their time to find it so Lon remembers that pelia is in Vermont and they go to find her but upon meeting her they learn that she knows nothing about engineering which is cool because this probably means that on talking about pelia being an engineer makes palia go into engineering and it actually brings her on to the Enterprise eventually so this is a Full Circle event right here meeting pelia is the linchpin that makes this whole trip work if pelia and Lon don't talk here and pelea doesn't become an engineer then she's not on the bridge and she doesn't get to tell on that she's in Vermont and then Milan doesn't know you know it's it's all tied together it's a really like really tight Circle right there and again it's really good writing I mean it's very smart to have put this in a story like this and it just really ties everything together so they grab this watch that will help them find the cold fusion reactor and they return to Toronto where while walking around Kirk and laan catch feelings for each other it's interesting seeing that these two characters have such a strong connection because of course Kirk has a connection to her ancestor Khan Union sing later on in his life so it is also interesting that they have this connection here we also saw in the season finale of strategy World season one that la'an was serving on the Farragut under Kirk in an alternate future so it seems like these characters are bound to run into each other and be tied to each other I really believe that eventually LA on is gonna pass away and that Kirk is somehow gonna be involved and that he's going to be like sworn to secrecy or something like that because we don't know about LA on uh once the uh the original series hits and as I mentioned earlier when they come across Khan nooni and saying they are not aware of who he is nobody on the Enterprise knows who he is and you would think that they would know who Khan noonian Singh is if LA on nunian saying his descendant served on the ship just 10 years prior so I think that there's going to be something that happens hopefully many many seasons like we're talking like season six season seven a strange new worlds because I really like uh laani and sing I think Christina Chong does a great job with that character and I do not want to see her go but she is one of those characters on the Enterprise that kind of has a ticking clock on her back because she's not on the original series we'd never hear about her so we know that something has to happen to her before Kirk takes over on the bridge of the Enterprise but again back to this episode uh Kirk and Leon eventually find the facility but Sarah catches up to them and shoots Kirk dead right in front of on I thought that this was very much a city on the edge a forever moment if you're not familiar with that episode that's an episode of The Original Series where Kirk and spocko back in time to find McCoy and while they're there which I think is in 1930s New York Kirk falls in love with Edith Keeler who they find out that is very important to the future of Earth but her death is what is important so Kirk has to let her die in order for for his future to go forward and that's kind of what happens here Lan has to go through this adventure to save Khan and along the way the Kirk from the alternate universe who she has now caught feelings for just like Kurt caught feelings for Edith Keeler has to you know die right in front of her I just I almost got chills when that happened because I immediately caught the city on the edge of forever connection and it's just really smart you know they they've used Kirk twice in Star Trek strange new worlds and in both times it's an alternate history or an alternate future so they haven't really used Prime Kirk yet we've seen him twice on screen but we have we haven't seen the real Kirk yet so again a very very smart way to use the character and I really applaud the uh writers on strange new worlds for going about it this way Sarah then tells the on that romulans have predicted that killing Khan will stop the Federation from being created so this is what I was talking about before Sarah is not a time traveler she is from this this time period but she is from Romulus so apparently romulans have developed technology that can predict a future I think we saw something like this in the first season of Picard that the romulans could have this type of Technology but one important thing is that Sarah states that this event should have occurred in 1992 but that the temporal Wars have shifted this event to a later date so the temporal Wars if you are not familiar with Star Trek Enterprise are these wars that took place between many different factions and basically the Federation has just been cleaning up and cleaning up all these attempts to change the timeline over the years Star Trek Enterprise was the first ones to touch on this and went in went into it in great detail there was a character named Daniels who is kind of Captain Archer's guide and we have heard mentions of it since then I think we heard something about it neither Picard or strange new worlds I'm not I'm not 100 sure right now but what this means means is that because things have happened in the past they have changed these events and moved them further along I mean this also calls back to the 2009 Star Trek film they kind of touched on this and it does kind of make sense it makes sense as to why these characters look different and it allows for different actors to play them because maybe this is a different generation that is this character you know and that's why they look different who knows but I think it is smart I think it's a smart way to update the story of Star Trek for you know the 21st century and it allows not just the creators of strange new worlds but the creators of Star Trek as a whole to use these events in a different way and still pay homage to the original rendition but you know kind of make it their own so again we should still expect the same things to happen but maybe they'll just be pushed along a little I'm guessing that perhaps now the Eugenics Wars instead of happening decades before World War Three they might just push right up against world war three like re lead right into it so that's kind of the explanation behind that Lan and Sarah eventually get into a fight and blonde is able to defeat Sarah and comes face to face with a very young con who she spares and then returns to her time period so again this is kind of another city on the edge of forever moment she understands that letting Khan live leads to millions and millions of people dying but it also leads to Earth's evolution to being able to create Starfleet and then the Federation and then her prime timeline so it's also like would you go back in time and kill a baby Hitler it's it's that old adage that you know could you do that you know you know what Hitler did in his life could you kill him before he becomes that person so it's kind of like their take on that story too which I thought was pretty smart once laan returns to her timeline she's met by a member of the Department of temporal investigations we've seen them many times before especially in the series Star Trek Enterprise as well as the series Voyager and she's ordered never to speak at the events this is convenient but it also is very consistent with these Adventures whenever these characters meet up with the Department of temporal investigations they're always told they can't say what happens because it'll affect the timeline this is also convenient for the storyline of Star Trek because now that Lan can't reveal these things about Kirk it does not really shape their relationship I mean we see that she calls him at the end of the episode but she's still sworn to secrecy over these events and she can't talk to him about it and then Lon breaks down as she talks to Kirk and realizes that he is okay and fine in this new timeline so again just to wrap up I really enjoyed this episode it was fun to watch the plot wasn't the best plot of any Star Trek episode I you know talked about a couple of times where some convenient things happen or some just things that would never really happen in real life happen but the care that the writers took with the history of Star Trek time travel stories I really appreciate and I thought they did a great job and and this is probably one of my favorite episodes codes of Star Trek strange new worlds now it's probably in my top three I may even like it more than quality of Mercy the other elseworld type episode so just a really good episode in my opinion but let me know what did you think of this episode did you pick up on the things that I did what do you think that I was wrong about anything I said uh let me know in the comments below so now let's talk about the Easter eggs that I found in this episode now if you have been following my channel but you haven't watched my last few podcasts I am doing my Easter egg breakdowns after I do my episode reviews within my podcast instead of creating a separate video like I had done in the past I explained in my prior podcast why I made this change it has to do with YouTube and their rules towards monetization that don't make a lot of sense so first of all I want to point out that the basis of this episode is that a member of the crew is the only one that can stop an event from happening in a change timeline this is very similar to what happened to seven of nine in the episode of Voyager titled relativity that was also an episode that featured the department of temporal investigations so there that's another you know Star Trek episode that this episode kind of pays some uh homage to or or ties to a little bit speaking of ties the title of this episode comes from Shakespeare specifically Macbeth and was actually quoted by Q in the TNG episode haydnq and we know how much Star Trek likes to use Shakespeare when Leon arrives on the new Enterprise there is no record of her this is actually the first clue that the episode is tied to her ancestor Khan because the fact that they have no record of LA on nunyan Singh is because in this new timeline Khan Union sing was killed as a child never had any descendants so la'an was therefore never created Kirk states to LA on that he was born in space on the USS Iowa in the original timeline Kirk was born in the state of Iowa on Earth but in the alternate J.J Abrams timeline Kirk was actually born in space on the USS Kelvin but he then grew up on Earth Kirk's Brother Sam is Dead already in this new timeline Sam will still will die in a few years during events shown in the TOs episode operation annihilate so either way uh Sam doesn't have much of a half-life but um at least he gets to live a little bit longer in the prime timeline Kirk also mentions that everyone calls his brother George and not Sam George is the character's actual first name and he was named after their father but his name is actually George he just goes by his middle name Sam so Kirk mentioning that in this timeline he actually goes by the name George is another difference in the characters when Kirk steals a car he uses a Vulcan neck pinch on the driver since Vulcans are not allies of United Earth it is interesting that Kirk knows how to do this and I don't know do we ever see Kirk use a Vulcan neck pinch in the prime timeline I mean I know we saw Picard use one and we've seen sparkyism a lot but I don't know if we ever saw Kirk use a Vulcan neck pinch in the prime timeline so this may be something his alternate counterpart knows that he doesn't the car that Kirk steals is a red Dodge Challenger Hellcat which is a red spot sports car like the Corvette stolen by a young James Kirk in the 2009 film Kirk does not know how to drive in this episode though because he did not grow up on Earth so Kirk also does drive a car in the TOs episode a piece of the action and he drove in the 2009 film that's because he grew up on Earth and they had roads and in this new timeline he grew up on a spaceship that had no road so he had no idea how to drive a car when the cop lets Kirk and Lon go he tells them to drive safer in the future which I thought was kind of funny because they're from the future so that's just a little joke that the writers put in the right there uh Kirk at one point mispronounces Leon's last name as noonian soon instead of noonian sing now this is kind of funny because noonian soon is the character that created data as well as his brothers and his family has ties to the augment program we saw in the series Star Trek Enterprise that an ancestor of nunian soon did do some work with the embryos of the augments and try to raise them as children and thought out that by doing this he could change their personalities and make them not just the perfect Soldier but good officers and of course that didn't work out also the Romulan agent goes by the name Sarah s-e-r-a this is only one letter away from the name Sila s-e-l-a who is the daughter of Tasha Yar and a Romulan Commander that Rose to power in the Romulan government in the TNG era she was also part human and Sarah is posing as a human so I thought that maybe the choice of that name could have been a callback to the character Sila Sarah also states that there are aliens already on earth now he's talked about this for a second but besides the fact that she's a Romulan we also know of pelia that's on Earth and she's a lanthanite but there is also a good chance that Vulcans are also hiding somewhere on Earth too the Enterprise episode carbon Creek showed us that Vulcans were on the planet hundreds of years before we thought they were and also the second season of Picard showed that Vulcans had visited Earth way before uh our first contact with them so besides romulans we know that at least lanthanites and Vulcans are probably on Earth during this time Sarah tells the on that the romulans have built huge computers that can predict future events and what changes to the timeline would do now I mentioned that there was some kind of allusion to this in the first season of Picard that romulans had some technology like this but I thought this technology specifically was similar to kremen technology that was shown in the Voyager two-part episode The Year of hell now if you're not familiar with voyager or that episode Red Foreman was in charge of this time ship that could wipe out entire species and not just the current version of that species like the whole history of that species and that would then change the timeline and their ship was immune to changes in the timeline so they could see what the changes would do and afterwards how the timeline was changed Sarah states that she arrived in the past on Earth in 1992 and has been waiting for 30 years but still looks rather Young you know she doesn't look like she's in her 40s she looks like she's in her 20s or 30s this makes sense because romulans like Vulcans live twice to three times as long as the average human being does so 30 years would not seem that long for Romulan and then finally when Sarah is defeated by Lan she activates a device on her neck that disintegrates her body besides being convenient I mean if authorities found a Romulan body you know on the planet they would know that there were aliens on the planet and with her disintegrating her body that is not the case but we have seen Romulan agents use similar Tech in the first season of the series Picard there was a scene where there were two or three Romulan agents chasing after not soji Dodge I think it would Dodge what's her name Dodge was the twin that died I believe and when they were chasing after her after they were defeated they did something to themselves that made them disintegrate so whoever caught them didn't know that it was romulans that were after uh Dodge at first so we've seen romulans use this Tech and it looks like they had it back all the way in the 20th century but those are all the Easter eggs that I found so if I miss any please let me know in the comments below so now let's talk about an update with the streaming service Paramount plus of course that is the streaming service that shows most of Star Trek not all of it right now I don't know if that joke's too soon for a lot of people but anyway starting last week Paramount plus is now the new streaming home of showtime and it's the latest in a string of moves at Major media companies looking to integrate their offerings to boost engagement and reduce churn the launch ads showtimes edgier programming to the Paramount plus library for 11.99 a month Paramount plus lives on without showtime in a 599 essential plan the move comes just over a month after Warner Brothers Discovery added Discovery plus streaming content to HBO Max and changed its name to just max Discovery plus remains a standalone service the launch comes as Paramount plus continues to yank programming including a number of original series original movies and Nickelodeon content and the series that everyone in the Star Trek Community is talking about is Star Trek Prodigy and we learned a couple weeks ago that not only is the second season of Star Trek Prodigy which has all but been completed not going to err on the service but they also removed the first season of Prodigy last week I think a day or two before they made this change to add Showtime so I know a lot of people are angry some of the comments though are really out there like people are very upset they're like taking it personally I think that some fans need to understand that Paramount does not look at Star Trek like we do you know Paramount has hundreds and maybe thousands of different properties to push out of their service and Star Trek is just another one and it's not even their most popular so I don't think that anything that this service would do would be punitive I know a lot of Star Trek fans were like why do they have to remove the first season two days after stating that they were not gonna you know they're not gonna go forward with the second second season why are they hate Star Trek blah blah it's not that it's a money making move you know these are just numbers on a page to a lot of these people they don't love Star Trek the way we do so I think sometimes Star Trek fans need to take a step back with the rhetoric I know that I made a comment I think on Twitter about the state of Paramount plus and why they removed Prodigy and I got some really hateful comments like going right at me personally calling me stupid and an idiot and and I was just like I didn't say anything about anybody like I was just like I understand why Paramount plus did this and it wasn't punitive but yeah Star Trek fans can be very crazy sometimes and I mean I know all fandoms are like that but I'm just I just I'm just saying that if you're a fan of Star Trek Prodigy and if you wanted to come back that's fine you know more power to you but you should be able to make an argument without personally attacking somebody I guess is my only point there and uh if you need to do that then I don't think you have much of an argument to stand on but I know that predominantly Star Trek fans are not like that so if you are then maybe check yourself a little bit but if you're not I think it's very smart to you know express your opinion in a logical way and um if you want Star Trek Prodigy to be on the air you have every right to State it but if you have to personally attack somebody who has a different opinion I don't know guys I think that maybe you should look at your methods a little bit that we still have every series I think except for Prodigy on Paramount plus and all the movies are there so you know Paramount plus is still the home for most of Star Trek at this point and I still watch the service every week but let me know are you still mad at Paramount plus did you do something like cancel your subscription or are you going to cancel it after the second season of strange new worlds airs are used mad at the streaming service or do you understand that this is a business decision and it's not punitive it's not personal they don't hate Star Trek they don't hate Star Trek Prodigy they don't hate you you know you're allowed to have your opinions and you're allowed to like whatever you want and Paramount plus is not out there to make you have a bad day but uh but let me know what do you think about Paramount plus now and is it still a service that you watch I also noticed that a new trailer for the sequel to Dune and this would be the movie that came out in 2021 was released online this will be the second of a two-part adaptation of the 1965 novel Dune by Frank Herbert and follows Paul Atreides as he unites with the fremin people of the desert Planet Maracas to win the war against house harkana the new footage from director Dennis Villa nueva's adaptation of Frank Herbert's classic novel shows Paula tradies who's played by Timothy chalamet and Shawnee who is played by Zendaya engaging in their war against the evil harkonans while Paul wrestles with being worshiped as a prophet the footage also reveals a first look at Christopher Walken's scheming Emperor I didn't know that Christopher Walken was going to be a part of this so I think that it's pretty cool that he has this part the trailer also features Austin Butler as an albino whom Villanueva has described as an Olympic star Roadmaster crossed with a psychotic serial killer so that should be interesting other newcomers to The Saga include Florence Pew and Leia sayado my I myself have never been a fan of Dune I tried to watch the original movie many times maybe even as many as half a dozen because I was told by so many people that I should be a fan of it I mean I think that Dune is more like Star Wars and like Star Trek but I still I could never get into it it's just so boring for me like I just for some reason it's just too slow moving and I couldn't stick with it and I don't think I ever even made it through the entire first movie because it's just it's too boring for me now I did watch the uh Dune film that came out in 2021 I will say that it was less boring to me I think the action parts were well done and there's a lot of good performances uh in the film especially by Rebecca Ferguson but I still I didn't like it like it's still just like too boring it's very long when did all the characters names are hard to pronounce and it's just it's it's a lot of staring like a lot of characters like take these long looks at each other and and it's just I I just I can't get into it it's like the expanse the series The expanse I really want to get into and I've watched a few times it's just too boring I can't get through the first season and with Dune it's just really hard for me to get through it like I watched the 2021 movie I can't tell you what happens at the end I think the guy from No Old Country for Old Men says something and does something I don't know I really don't remember that uh first movie that much but I will probably try and watch the 2021 version of Dune again and see the sequel but I'm not very excited about it I don't have very high hopes even though the trailer just looks epic the the the performances I mean there's a lot of good actors in this movie so I'll still watch it but I'm just not very excited about it I guess so let me know in the comments are you a fan of Dune do you think I'm crazy for uh thinking it's slow moving and not being able to get into it you know some people just can't get into certain things and dune has always been like that for me like I can get into Stargate I can't get into Dune you know I know a lot of people say that Stargate is kind of slow moving and they can't get into it because of that for some reason Stargate is interesting to me and dune is not let me know in the comments are you a fan of Dune and are you excited for the sequel to come out next I'm going to talk about two movies that these movies have been in development hell for decades and it looks like finally they're gonna get made so first I'm going to talk about Tron three now this is the sequel to Tron 2 that came out in 2010 so just 13 years ago but they were already talking about this sequel when that movie was released and they've gone through like a ton of different actors and directors and even story lines to get to this point so even though it seems like oh it's only been 13 years ago this movie has literally been in pre-production in some point for 13 years which is very very very rare but it does look like the movie is gonna move forward and it has the subtitle of Aries so the recent update that we have about Tron 3 is that Evan Peters has joined the cast and the only other person that we know is definitely attached to this movie which is now being called Tron 3 Aries is Jared Leto and Jared Leto has been attached I think maybe for about a year and he may even be a producer on this film film will be directed by Joaquin roning who helmed the movie Maleficent Mistress of evil and co-directed Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men tell no Tales this is the follow-up to not only the 2010 sequel Tron legacy but the original film Tron that was released in 1982 that starred Jeff Bridges as a video game designer named Kevin Flynn who is transported inside his own creation and teams up with Tron a security program played by Bruce Boxleitner a lot of people forget that Babylon 5's Bruce Boxleitner was first well known in the Sci-Fi Community for his part in the movie Tron and they were actually talking about bringing him back for this movie Tron 3 but I think that that story may have been one of the ones that has been axed in the last 13 years so I'm not sure if he's still involved the original film was not considered a box office success but did earn two Oscar nominations Ironically neither was for visual effects which is one of the aspects the movie has become known for as it went on to become a cult hit I know that I have always really liked this movie I love the way Tron looks and I remember there was an arcade game based on Tron and that was my favorite arcade game for so long I Must Have Spent A College tuition just playing that game quarter by quarter that was like one of the first games that had different game modes like you could do the race or you could do the pong thing you know there's a lot of different things you could do usually when you put your quarter in you could only just do one like side scroll kind of Adventure and this is one of the first games where you could do a lot of different stuff and I think that that's why I liked it you know I love the the first movie too I love the way it looks Jeff Bridges does a great performance he also was in a movie called Starman around the same time and I think because of my age I watched Starman first and then saw Tron and I was just a huge Jeff Bridges fan after that and that went on into he became The Big Lebowski years later and I was a big fan of him for a totally different reason but uh yeah still a big Jeff Bridges fan over here uh back to this film The Studio finally made a sequel to this movie in 2010 Tron legacy which I just discussed which was directed by Future top gun Maverick filmmaker Joseph Kaczynski uh that movie star Jared hettle and Olivia Wilde and brought back Jeff Bridges that movie too didn't exactly light up the box office like the studio hope although it once again pushed visual effects as well as the Aging technology I know that that was one of the things that really people talked about after Tron legacy was how good the de-aging technology looked and that was probably the best it looked up until that point now this next bit of information about the movie is really interesting while the two previous movies were largely set inside the world of computers and programs the script for Aries is set to focus on the emergence of a sentient program that crosses over into the human world that is not ready for contact so you know with these kind of movies you always want to see a progression and now we're going to see this progress out of the virtual world into our world which will be really interesting because in the original movie Tron I think that it took place in the time period that it was supposed to take place in so we might just see a 2023 or whenever it gets released 2025 that looks like the actual 2025 and see a sentient computer program work within this world I mean AI is all the buzz right now so this is very very relevant to what's going on in the world today so I think that people are going to be very excited for this movie Leto who has been attached to the project for several years is set to play Aries the manifestation of the program it's unclear who Peters would play although the script calls for a soldier in the computer world and an awkward gamer in the human world so really given what Evan Peters has played in the past he could play either of these characters I would guess maybe more so towards the awkward gamer Evan Peters has always had this kind of Michael Sarah aspect to him and I think that he could kind of tap into that and become like that awkward gamer kind of character in the human world that would kind of be fighting against Jared Leto's uh character so I'm really excited for this movie but let me know are you a fan of Tron do you not care about it anymore because you didn't like the sequel or are you like me and you're just a huge nerd about Tron and can't wait for this new movie to come out let me know in the comments below and then the other movie that has been in Long development hell is spawn now this is not going to be a sequel to the original 1997 film this will be a reboot so The Story Goes that the long in development spawn reboot is apparently close to entering production with Insidious The Red Door producer and Blum House Chief Jason Blum telling that the current hope is to have the movie in theaters in 2025. unfortunately it sounds like the script is not yet completed because Blum suggested that the key to getting the movie back on track is the end of the current writers Guild strike he offered no insight as to whether the movie which was to be directed by Todd McFarland is still working with McFarland's original idea or whether big changes have been made since the last update Warner Brothers released a spawn movie in 1997 through its new line Cinema imprint the movie earned 88 million at the box office almost double its budget I remember I loved loved loved the original Spawn movie when it came out if you weren't alive in the 90s you probably don't know that a big thing with movies was movie soundtracks in the 90s like you would look at a movie and gauge it not just on itself but also on the soundtrack and the Spawn movie had an amazing soundtrack I remember it was one of my favorites from the time it was very Gothic and Industrial and heavy metal and stuff like that and I really love the character I was a fan of him in the comic books always been a fan of Tom McFarlane from his Spider-Man work and his spawn work he was involved in the first movie and it looks like he may be directing this this reboot I mean I don't know maybe you want to get an actual director sometimes when you get a combo Creator and put him in a director's seat it doesn't always turn out too great so I might like to see Tom McFarlane as maybe a co-writer on the screenplay an executive producer but perhaps not a director but I'm excited to see this I'm really excited to see who they would cast as spawn because Michael J White had such an iconic performance as the character in the 1997 film so I don't know who would come in and kind of make people forget about Michael J white so that will be very interesting when we hear that news who's going to be cast but I'm very excited for this movie as well again I was a huge fan of the original in 1997 I think it still holds up the CGI doesn't hold up as much but come on it's oh it's 25 years ago over 25 years ago now so some of the CGI is pretty bad in that movie but especially when they go to the uh the hell realm that's pretty much all stuff that you want to forget so if nothing else the CGI in this movie should be a lot better than the original so that's one way they can make the movie better but let me know are you excited about this news are you a fan of Jason Blum I mean I know that he's uh done a lot with his Blum House production house and a lot of people are fans of him and the Insidious franchise it looks like he's gonna be involved in this which could add a really cool horror element to spawn that it definitely needs so let me know are you a fan of this or do you just think that uh the original performances by Michael J white and John Leguizamo cannot be topped and they shouldn't even try and they should just leave that movie uh as its own thing and not reboot it let me know in the comments below and then finally I've been talking a lot about the writer strike and it's something that I've been trying to give you updates on again I have a very big update for you this week so in my podcast last week I said that on June 30th there was a deadline between sag and Hollywood and that if the strike was not over by June 30th that not just the writers but the actors would also be going on strike and that would effectively shut down all Hollywood Productions well it seems that the June 30th deadline between sag and Hollywood has been extended now to July 12th the two parties announced that they they would delay the expiration of the Union's current TV and Theatrical contracts package on Monday mere hours before these agreements were set to expire at midnight this move will allow for more time for negotiations and for more ongoing projects to continue operating under the SAG agreements until the new expiration date that's a big thing right there because now with this extension Productions don't need to shut down right now and we get two more weeks of filming so not only do they get two more weeks of negotiations but projects that were close to being done can now hopefully finish and go to the next stage of post-production before this strike takes effect earlier last week both sides made comments that negotiations were going well this update appeared to spark concerns from some high profile members that negotiators might be settling too early on Tuesday of last week hundreds of high-profile sag members told union leaders in a letter that they were prepared to strike in order to reach a transformative deal the union and Alliance of picture and television producers to basically Hollywood have been engaged in negotiations since June 7th over a new package of three-year contracts concerning around 160 000 performers with this latest negotiation the union is looking to Institute strong protections for members around artificial intelligence raise wage floors amplify streaming residuals further regulate self-tape auditions and protect the Union's health retirement and pension plans Studios and streamers meanwhile are facing economic headwinds after Wall Street turned on unprofitable streamers and will be looking to rein in spending so this is kind of what I was talking about about how streamers are like combining like Paramount plus did with showtime and there's going to be less and less streaming services over the years so this is a big update what this means is that first of all the SAG Union and the Hollywood negotiations are going well enough that they agreed to do a two-week extension if there are going really bad they would just said eff it and said we're going on strike right now and you guys can you know and you guys can eat it but it does look like things are going well and it is a big possibility that this strike could be solved in these next two weeks now if it isn't solved in these next two weeks I think it's going to be really bad I think that it won't be like another two week extension I think that we'll be waiting until the end of the summer and that Hollywood Productions will be shut down for the next three months there have already been quite a few that have been shut down and delayed and it looks like if the strike persists for many more weeks and months we will continue to see more and more shows delayed and even cancel so I want this strike to be over I mean but I definitely want the writers and the actors to get what they feel they they deserve and like I've said before we're not talking about the top one percent or even the top 10 we're talking about the day players the people that are you know just trying to make cost of living and if you follow what's going on in California it's very very very hard to find a place to live in California so that has something to do with this strike and has built this you know culture up and here we are at this point so I hope that everything goes well I don't want to see anything else canceled or you know delayed there are a lot of things that I want to see there in the hopper like the Star Trek section 31 film that's something that I want to hear updates on and I just talked about this Tron movie and the Spawn movie that I'm very excited about so I want these things to move forward and I don't want anything preventing them from being released but I also don't want these over 160 000 workers to get shafted by rich people sitting in you know in their High Towers so I think that this is a very positive sign I think that it is very likely that we will see an agreement within the next two weeks if you're wondering what happens to the writers if the actors come to an agreement with Hollywood the writers and actors are unified in their goals so once the actors make an agreement with Hollywood the agreement will be very similar to the ones that the writers are trying to get so all signs point to you both being rectified at literally the same time once an agreement is made so once the actors prevent a strike the writers in a sense will go off strike and Hollywood will come back to normal but let me know what do you think of this news do you think that we are close to seeing an end to the strike or do you think that this is just going to last for months and we should prepare for missing a lot of good TV and movies in the near future let me know in the comments below well that's all I have this time thank you very much for joining me folks again the best way to support me is to smash that like button right now and to be subscribed so you know when my new videos come out it would be awesome to hit that 40 000 subscriber Mark and I hope that you can help me do it I also want to remind you to look out for a new video this week on the channel about the history of Khan nooney and sing which will cover everything from his birth to his demise thank you again for watching and I'll see you next time on what did I miss thank you
Channel: What Did I Miss? [WDIM]
Views: 5,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star trek update, star trek, star trek news, star trek leaks, star trek strange new worlds, star trek updates news, strange new worlds, star trek strange new worlds season 2 episode 3, star trek podcast, sci fi podcast, star trek strange new worlds time travel, star trek best time travel, star trek city on the edge of forever, star trek department of temporal investigations, star trek khan, star trek young khan, star trek new khan, strange new worlds khan, who is khan
Id: tCCxbQzxFKU
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Length: 54min 52sec (3292 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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