Another Day Another Field..

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[Music] good morning everybody today is a fine friday morning we're just getting ready to start filling our double site we're looking to be getting about 380 to 400 pigs this morning there's not a whole lot for us to do in here my dad's been working up here fixing some things here and there and we already got all the mats where they need to be we already got the nipple bars where they need to be we got the feeders full of feed everything is locked and ready all we got to do now is wait for the little bacon seeds to show up and we'll count them out sort them out pin them up and we won't get pigs till the following week so i don't know how many days we're gonna wean probably two to three maybe we get them every day and i hope so because i like just the more pigs you get each week the faster you're close to being full what do you know chief it's a great day in the morning glad to have a fresh batch because i was just i was getting bored not enough stuff to do nope not a chance idle hands are the devil's play things so i feel relieved how many pigs do pen 52 52. we're going to load for 8 thousand how many pigs we getting today eight thousand [Music] we're getting eight thousand pigs today eight thousand oh today oh no today we're only getting like 280 today because we're getting a split with somebody else how many days they gonna wean i think they wean four days a week down oh okay so we should get about 550 today so it'll be a pretty quick fill well it'll still take two weeks but i'm good with it duke's waiting like the rest of us he's just chomping at the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so today is the day that i get my bragging rights for the year because cash corn delivered to the feed mill in my area is right at six dollars a bushel so i'm gonna sell the last that i have then i can tell everybody that i sold all my corn for six dollars so you know how that works anyway i figured it would be a good idea before the truck came to make sure that i can actually unload something because we haven't taken any corn out of this bin in i don't know probably three months so okay well that's not good let's see if we can baby it a little bit maybe it'll go i doubt it that's what happens when your contactor sticks because they aren't used to being tripped on and off so i'd flip the breaker off i'm going to get a few things like a big pipe wrench and a 9 16 wrench and we'll open this up and see if we can get it going where are these knuckleheads can i help you ready to jingle your bells your corn bells you gonna make some money or what look at that yahoo that kid looks barely old enough i wonder if he's sitting on some books or something he might i don't know i didn't check his license so so it started and we didn't even break anything but we might be all right [Music] it's a bad day to be a mouse dad magic yeah it's dude last fall when he got in here he was like oh it's paradise and then this morning he's like wait what what's going on what's that noise and now he's thinking oh i should have left in the spring i should have left in the spring just finished up our first load there's about a half load here left brant will come back load us up and we'll have this been completely empty and ready to put some more uh corn here this coming fall are you ready to give her hell again or what sawyer's broom torx [Music] [Music] and just like that she's all well you know duke what do you know get him good morning everybody today we're gonna finish up planting some corn this is the last seed cooling that we got so i think one more fill and he'll he'll plant it and he'll be done for the day day two going again going pretty well hopefully things go good to finish out we're doing torx corn on corn right now got 47 acres done in this field we got roughly 43 acres to go but i think most of the bugs are worked out yesterday it was a little tough here and there um yeah i told torque and slimer that i uh made all my mistakes here so when i get back to my stuff everything's gonna run just fine but things are going good we got full sunshine today the ground's heating up uh the seeds should like it probably but we plant today we'll probably enjoy this weather a little better than what we planted yesterday before we get out in the fields we're going to give her one last walk through make sure everything's tightened up the way it needs to be so that we can just absolutely annihilate these corn stalks okay so we got everything tightened up we're ready to rock so i'm gonna fold my bessler up so i don't hit anybody on the side of the road that would not be ideal and we'll get her going here in a bit so david's planting dad smoothed everything out the field cultivator and here i am going to chop some stocks hopefully the rain doesn't start pouring on us and we can get a lot done [Music] so [Music] these new blades on this vessel are doing pretty damn well compared to our old ones our old ones they did they got the job done but they definitely were a little bit dull i think and these new ones you know they're fresh they're sharpened and you can definitely tell the difference in the ground and how the stocks are getting chopped i just got to thinking i'm still chugging along y'all are in the tractor if you're in a truck a semi you're on your way to work dad and i just dropped a new podcast dedicated to farmers agricultural people blue-collar workers country folks you name it we're going to talk about all the good subjects from agriculture to business to cryptocurrency to investing to who we are as people outside the tractor and hog park that interests you guys i'm gonna have something pop up somewhere on this video you go ahead and click that i'll take you to our podcast give her a listen for us subscribe leave us a good review and be sure to like the video 33 battery [Music] this guy one day finds a puddle of something leaking underneath his car he takes it to the mechanic he's going to win while the mechanic figures out what's wrong with it they're in the lobby he looks across the street there's an ice cream shop so he goes over there gets an ice cream cone comes back it's a hot day this ice cream cone just doesn't stand a chance it's melting everywhere so he's sitting in the lobby eating it mechanic comes back in says hey looks like you blew a seal it says no it's just ice cream ham and swiss on rye now see if we were farming this field this way i'd have enough time to get out my sandwich open it and start eating it but i'm going to be turning around here 800 feet compelling television i'm sure yeah you don't need to see this i only got three bites and i gotta turn around on it i apologize for the wind noise that's why i'm down behind the the classy chassis but um you can see this there's a heck of a lot of trash when you're trying to plant into what was last year's corn crop the residue can be an issue and what we do is we don't try to no-till right into the standing stocks we use a we use a rolling stock chopper the brand name is a bessler it really chews up the residue that's left it kind of sizes the trash i guess you'd say so that it flows through the planter better with the trash wheels on the planter this residue is a lot more manageable at least in our system hi dukas any thoughts how's the job hunt coming any luck that's what i thought here you can see there is no no not near as much track maybe you can see these lines that you see in the dirt that's from where we applied our manure last fall so we've got these trenches cutting across but here's where we planted and you can see we've just moved a little bit of the trash out of the way but these these old this old bean stubble doesn't amount to much as far as being able to plant it's really a different world if you're trying to no-till into bean ground versus no-till into standing stocks and i'd say our comfort level with no tilling into bean stubble is very high we don't have any trouble with it but doing corn on corn can be challenging that's why we still kind of rely on busting that trash up a little bit we still leave all that residue on top which helps as far as stop and run off and keeping the soil intact but we just can't it's just hard to do corn on corn and no-till at least in our our operation so that's kind of the differences but we should have all the corn in the ground by the end of the day today [Music] so if you've ever wondered why farmers just can't seem to be happy with the weather so in the spring we don't need rain at all rain is a bad thing you don't need cold weather it's got to be nice and warm and dry but when we go out to start working the soil and planting you can still notice it's a little dry maybe we could have had a little bit more rain there in the last couple weeks and then in the middle of the summer well actually especially right after right after you've planted the crop you could ask 10 farmers if they need rain or not and you'll get 10 different answers one guy will say well i could use a little rain it helped the crop come up nice another farmer would say boy i don't need any rain at all right now i'm afraid that it'll crust over and i'll have to get the rotary hoe out so i don't want any rain at all other farmers will say well yeah i want some rain but i want it to come down nice and light i don't want it to pound on me because that'll make it crossed over that won't be good either or you got the farmers it's still got something to do i don't want any rain at all because i gotta go out and side dress everything we're a fickle bunch and we're never happy well we're happy but we just don't want to let you know that put all the time and effort into preparation hours and hours and hours upon time money into preparation for these days when we're out here planting and for the time you spend putting into it getting it all ready it's just a fraction of that when you're actually out here planting the goal is to get it in the ground as fast as you can as accurate as you can so you know i spent over a month getting ready this year to plan in here it'll be hopefully tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i'll have all of my corn planting done so the 30 days i spent preparing i'll only have about four days in the seed to put the seed in the ground well i'm not done with corn yet but i will be and the batteries dying on that this has been corn planting i'm sure i left a lot of things out we'll see when we come back [Music] you
Channel: This'll Do Farm
Views: 11,469
Rating: 4.9895835 out of 5
Keywords: another day another field, another day another farm, another day another dollar, farming, family farm, farm, farms, farmer, farming with family, day in life on a family farm, family, farm life, farm work, field work, john deere, planting corn, corn planting, planting corn 2021, corn planting 2021, thisll do farm, thatll do farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, farm videos, farming videos, spring field work, field work time, corn, farming in america
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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