Another clutch job pt2

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okay some bonehead uploaded the last video for this tractor at the house and then got up this morning and the upload fail because it must have dropped the internet connection in the middle of the night or something so we're using the phone anyway it is what it is the show must go on so I've got the I came in this morning and the only thing I really had left to do as far as I know is pull the bell housing bolts here to work splits you'll notice that I don't have this bolted to the side frame I wanted to roll the back half away from the front half but the smaller tractor my splitting stand won't fit underneath it so I got a block of wood and see that ledge there there's no way it can come off of that so it's not very heavy I'm not that worried about it I've done that numerous time we used to do them with floor jacks for years I mean that's what we used to do that's all we had so anyway that's what we're doing let's get a bar let's see the mingle on the other side here I'm just gonna figure out what I'm gonna set this camera cuz I need two hands but if I put it over here on this side and it's gonna be glaring and that light how am I gonna prop this phone up to make this work let's see I'd rather have it over here where the other side of the light officer grabbed some way to prop this up alright in part slide the out of there a little heat here now caster wheels turned crooked [Music] pressure line coming off the pump going to the spearing I'll show you right here I gotta pull it off of there this one here he's hanging up so let's gotta come off got that line on a hug they go through a bulkhead in the angle down because the brake lines are in the way well I think we got all our goofy Pumped lines and steering lines out of the way finally guess what Jeff here okay let's try this again that's the problem you run into though when everything's hard line why is it's kind of a goofy setup ain't it no adjustment that I can see looks like you just pull these bolts right here let's pull the clutch out of it I got it for Jack just under the front end on it just in case I don't think it's balanced like that I just you never know you pull that big heavy clutch and flywheel and he might go boom right on her nose so it doesn't hurt thank you hit a little bit maybe save yourself a lot of grief a swimming in a different direction baby huh see see ten point nine on them now but the half-inch socket this one better why is it slipping so bad on the bench just in here huh white what we got going on I need my light look how this thing is not on the pressure plate right here you can see it's only grabbing on half of that that's all it's grabbing is right there the whole rest of that disk isn't even grabbing anything on there no wonder it won't move hardly that's really odd you know why is it doing that why is it learn and not sitting on there as a disc is this disc warped and towed in not on the edges or something it is really strange you know what that doesn't sit on there huh you better it's just worn enough that it's well sure is odd in it there's that it that's it ain't it that's it for the clutch sure looks like there's another disc in there and that you where's that what is that in there their hobby damn I don't know that's a goofy son of a gun right there that is a goofy clutch setup you know what it's just a single disc clutch but they got some kind of spacers that's what I'm seeing they're actually you know I see it it almost looks like a disc over here on this side of it it sure does then yeah that's another disc over there it is like a dual disc setup but we know it's slipping let me look at that it's not even contact in half of the pressure plate it's only a word on one part of the one part of that I wonder if you wonder if the I mean the springs aren't broke or anything I guess a guy could take these nuts off right here and then pull this this pressure plate off of there and then look at the other part of it maybe I bet you this all this crap gets built up in here and I bet you that what's what makes it all go to hell on it I bet it gets all bound up and then this pressure plate doesn't put full pressure on the clutch disc right cuz all this gets built up in there and part of the problem is that they've got that sealed up to where there's no no hole or nothing like a clutch on a truck you know if they'd make a damn hole in the bottom of that or an inspection plate to where a guy could get under there every now and then and just kind of blow it out and clean climb of that clutch dust and all that out of there sure would be a hell of a lot better than what they got going on here here I go complaining about some of these engineers that we got again and how do you get down to that one to pull that one out it's got pressure against these tabs here and those tabs or they just slide in there and what's the deal there I don't know Hey so some kind of spring force on that hey let me see him figure out how to get this thing apart okay I had just had to find more evidence of cliffs lipids ooh I think myself feel better to know I was on the right path and I did so there's a look at that I mean it's still rough it's junk this one's down to the rivets as you can see down to the rivets on both sides it's just worn out oh that goes in the scrap pile we'll have to pull this flywheel pull it off there everything's SAE bolts in it you know what yeah let's pull the flywheel off of it now keep that overnight car get in there now I see it [Music] hail he can't hit nothing from there he's just wasting these bullets maybe the old man like him me just better target stay there mr. flywheel till I get ready stay there you okay well tractors only got 1500 hours on it makes you wonder should I put a rear seal on this or not well he has 1500 hours on the engine Kelly I better put a rear seal on it or I'll regret it I know I'll hell it's only got 1500 hours and then he'll call me in two months well it's slipping again and you'll pull the bell housing bolts apart and it'll be oil dripping out on the ground and the clutch will be oil soaked and I'll be going well I guess I get to do this one for free because I didn't do it right the first time so on these seals guys just take some sheet metal screws drill you a little-bitty pilot hole in here just to try to stay off the crank and then just kind of work your way around there and anyway get you some sheet metal screws here and work that seal off the crankshaft there and pull it out of there so anyway all right well I'm going to go work on my hay squeeze and these guys stereo aren't even open or I can order the clutch through this
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 62,660
Rating: 4.9405351 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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