'Another busy week...' | Vlog #3

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[Music] dan what's this is this from you [Music] oh my god it's a little model of me oh my god i love it look at the little spanner oh my god is this your mum oh rose thank you very very much brown boots turn ups so the details are good are they for sale on the website soon action figure of dom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi i'm dom and welcome to my workshop back in the workshop sunday oh my god that roller shutter it's quite windy sorry you'll have to put up with that welcome hey welcome one of the very first signs i made for a photo shoot with rank in the photographer and that was part of a set and i've still got it it's really badly made really crudely cut out of like ndf or something i just did it all by hand and it was all blue glitter i know just for years i kept it and it would just be molting glitter i've got some bad news so i set off all of my paperwork and everything to get the vespa registered photos my proof of id chassis number everything that i thought i needed to the dvla to try and get the registration for the vespa and i just got a letter back this week saying they've rejected the application which i'm absolutely gutted i apparently need to fill in a nova form which is new to me i mean i had to do nova when i brought in the porsche from america it's usually to do with import it's like a import tax thing but that vesper is a british scooter it's been in this country it's whole whole life so i didn't really realize i had to do a nova form but apparently i do so i've sent off the nova form and i need to wait for the get an okay back from them about the nova then i can reapply to dvla and then fingers crossed they'll give me the log book and a number plate then i can use it sitting there looking sad staring at the wall poor thing but progress wise in the workshop it's bad i'm really not doing well the whole front end of the workshop is just full this big thing here with a look it's on wheels big still girders with the blue posts that is like a fixture table almost so the porsche this one i need to take the suspension off of the porsche and then get brackets that bolt to the porsche and then fit onto this table so then the actual body will end up bolted to this table basically a really good way of keeping everything in the right place i can make sure it's perfectly square and i can you know the accident damage it's not twisted and also when i cut metal out of it i'm gonna have to cut so much out there's a chance that things are gonna move and distort and you know move around it's crazy it's so heavy this thing um and there's special brackets that slot in there and then bolt to the porsche unfortunately it's a very expensive way of doing it and i can't afford the brackets look i've got the porsche there then the table there i've still got the table saw that i'm desperate to try and get rid of hopefully that's going today but i've been saying that every weekend and it still hasn't so i just got no space which has just meant the whole workshop is an absolute tip so i've had a few messages from people new eagle-eyed viewers out there that have noticed in the back of my workshop when i'm wandering around here oh is that an old bsa back there what's that motorbike back there what's that one i thought i'll just drag it outside and give you a little walk around [Music] bsa bantam d1 it's a bit of a mismatch of who knows what all sorts of different things my first ever motorbike i had my scooters had my little vespa i really wanted a motorbike i wanted to build a motorbike and do something anyone that is wanting to get into motorbikes or wanting to have a go and build your own one a bantam is an absolutely brilliant brilliant first start i had such a good time doing this and i just love it i absolutely love it basically that's the rear suspension it's got a spring in the top and a spring in the bottom and one spring is slightly stiffer than the other spring so they kind of fight each other or work together originally the front end would have had normal suspension that you'd expect see it would have had normal suspension like that so i got rid of all the original suspension just because it looked a bit crap and i wanted to do something a bit custom so this is what you'd call a girder fork i don't actually know what bike these are from jake robbins did a lot of work for me he's down in hastings he's brilliant guy if you ever want anything done motorbike based he's just absolutely brilliant that's the shock and you can see these arms here so that stays still that moves up and it's got little friction plates in in there the headlight is off of a push bike it's drum brake still very small but the original bantam d1 front drum was a lot smaller than that that front wheel oh goodness where did i get it from i think it's a honda cg125 it's not the cb it was a cg125 so it's quite a modern so 80s i think this little front wheel but i just blew it painted it black roughly badly put it on there got nice uh dunlop tires and it looks the part and it's giving me a huge increase in braking the brakes are still terrible absolutely awful but a lot better than what it would have had originally so when i got this bantam it was a wreck it was an old race bike i don't know which kind of racing they did this is the original tank and then this is obviously from when it was eraser it's got some sort of like numbers scratched in the paint somewhere at the top where i don't know if it was lap times or some references for measurements or something like that but it's got a bit of history but i just think it looks brilliant i cleaned it up as best i could and that has got a matte clear lacquer over the top to protect it i think it looks really nice really good finish it's protected it really nicely that's not just a random number and it's not in 1965 i think the bike is 54 54 55 something like that that's the original racing number it came with it so i don't know what it was racing where it was racing or what they were doing but it was number 65. now again the eagle-eyed motorbike fans out there will notice that that super that is not a d1 engine it's actually a mix of all sorts of different engines the case is a d7 internals are all completely different actually the comrades actually got bearings instead of just the white metal um and it's a larger bore now it is 186 so originally this would have been one two five cc two stroke now it is one eight six it's got all sorts of stuff done inside free speed i think it's three speeds usually you would expect to have rubber mounts between the engine and the frame but this is just solid mounted on front and back literally just a bolt straight through and then i've sort of got this is a push bike seat post with an old brook saddle just the right amount of wear again i've got an led i still taking all the internals out put an led in there the exhaust again has been ratted up a bit i don't know exactly what's happened in there but when they built the engine they sort of modified the exhaust as well so all in all it's a bit of a bits and bobs who knows what bike but i love it when my workshop was in london i had this there and i used to pop around agni with it and you would get some funny looks i used to just leave it chained to like push bike uh like bike locks and stuff like that because you can just nip up the curb and leave it there riding that bonneville is big it's really massive really heavy and big thing that it's like a push bike trust me with these dodgy brakes and a solid mounted engine once you get the revs up it literally the whole thing's shaking and it's all like oh god when you kick start it doesn't quite engage all the time it like misses sometimes that's the only thing that's wrong with it and i wish i could change but to do that i'd have to take the whole engine apart and it's just and start modifying more things in there and i haven't got time i've got other things to be getting on with [Music] i can't get it going it's it's not getting fuel i don't know if the fuel in it is stale or maybe the fuel in the carb that's just gone aw after a while it sits for a while it just goes all that sticky and blocks maybe i've got a blockage in the carb i'm knackered seeing a kickstart in this fingertime i'm very unfit and i need to get back to the repair shop so bantam walk around to be continued ah it's sunday evening i've made it down to chichester for filming the repair shop i'm here for another week pre-covered before lockdown my sunday evenings would quite often be coming to this place we are so lucky that this is literally just down the road from the repair shop oh man as you can see gates are shut i mean basically goodwood is a really old historic racetrack but there's also an airfield here you can go and sit in the little cafe there the aerodrome and we'll just watch the planes taking off once the plane's coming in it's just brilliant it's such a nice calm little place used to be so much fun getting down sunday afternoon sunday evening coming down here sitting and having a quick coffee just watching the planes take off and i can't wait for those gates to open so i can get back in there and sit in there and do it again this week is going to be a bit different to the last week or the last couple of weeks first of all i didn't get everything i was supposed to get finished last week i had big plans to get three or four things finished it didn't happen i didn't get it finished so i'm going to be finishing over a couple more bits this week a great project a bit of painting this week which i'm really looking forward to but the big news really is officially the museum is open to members only and i think there's limited numbers obviously it's an open-air museum so everyone's outdoors anyway how nice is that view it's beautiful we've completely had this place to ourselves but now we're gonna share it with you guys again so if anyone's local if you remember book yourself in come on down you know what actually that also means i think the coffee hut is gonna be open which is our little pilgrimage we do every every lunch time trek up the hill and go get a coffee from the coffee van so i really hope that they're going to be open we'll find out at lunchtime we're getting some coffee there's one oat that's one that's damn damn you got that one have you missed us i've missed everyone i've got four teenagers in the house i don't speak to anyone all day [Music] we're out in the wild i can't get too much closer because i don't want to disturb them but look up there in the woods you could just about make out two bears pink one and a blue one it looks like they're socially distancing which is good [Music] it's so nice to be here when the weather is starting to get a little bit better a little bit warmer oh look who's coming here he comes there he is hello brenton come on give us a wave look i thought i'd quickly show you this is what happens at lunchtime oh i'm not really very sporty i don't know what this is is that rounders or baseball dan what's this it's supposed to be baseball but baseball will clearly can't play it oh my word this is embarrassing not getting involved with that i'm not really very sporty i've got a new machine turned up my pile of bits has got bigger but look at this how cool is that it's a horse-drawn cedar i got this other thing which i think is a mower [Laughter] the catalog pose it's the middle of the week and we've had a good week it's been going go well so far we've had beautiful weather at the start rounders or baseball whatever they were playing i don't know what it was we have got an even better treat today he's just a legend right i don't know if you know actually i've started a youtube channel oh no i heard rumors do you watch do you want to go to youtube you obviously haven't watched my channel i do go on youtube i like youtube i shall check you out i just wanted to introduce jeff he's an absolute legend 10 set no 30 seconds that's all we've got right what do you do hello my name is well jeff but everyone calls me pinball jeff which is not due to an embarrassing medical problem but my love and fascination with pinball machines i used to live with them as a child i had to get rid of my furniture because there's so many pinball machines aged 13. my parents came back from the holidays i'd fill the room they couldn't even get through the front doors climbing into the window and they said jeffrey if there's many pinball machines that you like dear but you have to be in your room so to get rid of all the furniture is it actually true really yes i slept under them in a sleeping bag and i never had a bed until i went to university you've always got a new story gotta say when you got that email saying wear a nice calm neutral color is that that's it slightly colorblind is that a calm shirt it's just a nice concept i love it there's a story behind this shirt okay there's a mental health charity i'm i'm fortunate enough to volunteer we've just got new premises given to us by the national health which we're very grateful brilliant and um my team bought me this lovely shirt it's amazing i was very touched i said i shall try and wear it if i get your ass back to the repair shop right now nice and subtle it's a little bit cold today and it probably isn't the best wear because i've got my jacket yeah but i love that jacket that's so cool i'm sorry i'm so jealous of that i'm talking about a nice team dom is the fabulous man we always stop it brilliant well there you go it wasn't 30 seconds i knew it wouldn't be but that is pinball jeff and look out for the next episode with jeffy he's a star look at the weather it's now friday i'm gonna go and have some lunch now judging by this lovely weather i might make it up to the coffee hut up the top of the hill and you know what i might get some ice cream they've been restoring this building whilst the museum's been closed and i've still come up every lunch time and had a look they're doing such a nice job it's brilliant they've done this beautiful work they've done it's really really nice all the rotten ends of all the beams they're sort of replacing them all with new little sections the museum's busy today [Music] look [Music] oh well it's friday evening uh the sun is still shining how nice is that finish the day and the sun's still shining thank goodness the clocks have gone forwards that is it for another week of repair shop life i still didn't get the free jobs i've been trying to get done all week finished but other bits have come in other bits have left it's been a good week i hope you enjoyed watching this video i always do read the comments so please do leave us a message down there if there's anything you fancy seeing or anything you'd rather do differently thank you so much for watching see you later
Channel: Dominic Chinea
Views: 37,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dominic, chinea, repair, shop, metal, restoration
Id: OM4D9lR55nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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