Another Big Book Haul + June TBR!

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hey youtube welcome back my channel taylor talks tales today i have a video for you it is a combo video of my june tbr and a giant book haul so i typically don't buy these many books all around the same time but because my library is still closed and i'm getting low on reading material i just went ahead and like you know what i'm gonna treat myself and i have been saving a lot of money not really driving anywhere so i kind of use money i would normally use for gas and other stuff and then put it towards books because books are my favorite thing to buy anyway so i have a ton of books to show you let's get into it all these books i purchased except for two i already had on hand and i'll point those out to you and i tried my best to support independent booksellers use bookstores you know trying to help people out as much as i can fellow book people you name it a couple of them did come from amazon just because they were either the cheapest or easiest option but for most part i tried my best to support the people where i could so let's get into it um i would say the vast majority of the books on this list are going to be horror thrillers with a couple fantasy books in here so if you're one of my fans of horror there are a lot of fun treats for you guys to check out so let's get into it before this video gets way too long okay so to start off with i'm gonna show you the three novellas i have for this month so we have out behind the barn by john bowden and chad lutzky we have the pale white by chad lutzky and we have to be devoured by sarah titlinger so these two i have already read um just because we're a few days into june at this point this one i'm gonna read the back to you because i don't want you guys to get spoiled if i start talking about it because i think going into this book as blind as you can go is awesome so back says the boys crept to the window and watched as miss maggie carried the long bundle into the barn the weight of it stooping her aging back rafter lights spilled from the barn doors and davey saw an arm fall from the canvas wrapped parcel he smiled she got someone both children grinned and settled into their beds eyes fixed the ceiling this was family growth yeah so this one was very cool i will go more in details in my wrap-up at the end of the month but this was a very enjoyable one and then this one is about three girls they are living in a house together they unfortunately are being trafficked for sex and they're all underage and they're all they all have their quirks and they're very compelling characters and they start planning their escape by killing the man who has them basically trapped in the house and it's very enjoyable i will say trigger warnings galore though because of the subject matter all three of these kids they're 17 and younger one of them is nine so uh it's a dark story but the ending was so beautiful and i definitely think you guys should check this one out really enjoyed it and then this is the one novella i haven't read yet but it sounds awesome this is the next book i'm going to be starting as soon as i finish the one i'm currently reading this one is about a woman named andy who becomes obsessed with wanting to eat carrie and she becomes obsessed with vultures and just wanting to feast on dead flesh she's just obsessed she goes to a therapist and tries to work with a therapist but the therapy doesn't really go anywhere and things start to escalate from there and everybody starts getting concerned for her but what's gonna happen is she going to start killing people i'm not sure i haven't read this one yet but i've heard it's really dark and messed up like some people i follow who are really into like dark horror and pretty extreme stuff we're talking about how much they love this so i have high hopes for i'm very excited and can't wait to get into it all right next one is also a book i have already read and that is ferocious by jeff strand which we've got a fun zombie bear on there and i also do want to point out because little zombie squirrel in the back this story was a very fun story about a man and his niece they live pretty much in the middle of nowhere in the mountains surrounded by forest they're about 15 miles from the nearest little town and they kind of keep to themselves they are super into woodworking and one day there's a weird squirrel and they realize the squirrel is trying to attack them by the outhouse and something's not right with this squirrel and it things escalate from there and turns out that the whole forest is just chock full of zombie animals so it's their fight for survival as they try to escape and get to their truck and try to get some help there are a ton of zombie critters and this this book is chock full of action and it's very enjoyable and there are some very funny little lines in here and funny scenes so definitely can't wait to do review on that but it's ferocious by jeff strand next book i got white pines by gemma amore if you saw my video i uploaded a couple days ago about what i read in may i read her book her novella dear laura and really enjoyed it this is her first full-length novel i believe because she's published novellas and like a short story collection but i think this is her full length novel the first one she's done and i can't wait for it i am going to read the back because there's a line that you guys just spoke to me all right so yeah a woman returning to her roots a town built on sacred land a secret cloaked in tradition and lore welcome to white pines don't get too comfortable this is the new cosmic folk celtic cult fantasy horror novel from gemma amore the brahms stoker award nominated author of dear laura and cruel works of nature so right there cosmic folk celtic cult fantasy horror just this book was made for me because i like all those things and it's all combined into one so i ended up reading this and i enjoyed it i will be doing a full review of it at some point i also do want to point out that this cover was designed by kailyn patrick burke the man is everywhere in horror and i love him for that i enjoy his work and his covers are really well done so this one is an awesome one next one we're getting through the books i've already read and then we'll be getting into the books i haven't read yet but this is slowly we wrought by brian smith which this is such a cool cover and just like one of those like buttery soft books this one it even says on the back a novel about the zombie apocalypse that's not about the zombies and it's very true so this book it takes place about seven years or so after the zombie apocalypse happened we're following a gentleman named noah he's in i'm guessing he's probably mid to late 20s so he's probably close to my age and he has been alone in the smoky mountains in tennessee for like five or six years at this point his mother had succumbed to the infection early on and his father and sister ended up they got off the mountain because his sister was like coughing up blood and they just never came home so he has no idea what happened and so he's just been living in this cabin by himself and he has things pretty squared away he's a bit suicidal at times and he gets a little sad but for most part he just kind of chugs along and he has food he has water he has shelter and the zombies the way they work in the story is they like slowly deteriorate over time so at this point's not a threat and then he discovers his sister's alive and she is very angry because she blames him she thinks she uh he should have gone and saved her because she ended up trapped in this guy's basement for many years and was being tortured and assaulted and all that so he ends up after a fight she basically kicks him out of their property and he he's very conflicted about the whole thing and he decides to go track down this girl he loved in college she lives all the way in california so he ends up going on this journey and it goes from there and this book i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it was very solid and it really is there's a lot of action and there's a lot of stuff going on and i think it's going to be a really good book to talk about but it definitely you know zombies are in it but the focus is really on the characters especially noah and his descent into addiction and his demons so this one was a very enjoyable one all right next one i picked up we have the sundown motel by simone saint james this is a thriller and mystery story with some supernatural elements to it it's told in a dual timeline so we have 1982 where we have a woman named viv delaney she leaps home she's 20 years old she's just kind of done living with her family because her she doesn't get along with her mom and she ends up working in this town called fell it's in like upstate new york and she works the sundown motel and weird stuff happens and then there's some unsolved murders and she decides she wants to solve the murders fast forward to 2017 and you have her niece carly who her carly's mother had just recently died and her mother was grieving for her lost sister because viv ended up disappearing 35 years before and nobody ever knew what happened so carly decides that she's gonna go and try to solve the mystery of what happened to her aunt so she goes gets a job at the sundown motel and then things go from there and there's murder there are ghosts there's all kinds of fun stuff and overall enjoyable but if you are somebody who doesn't like supernatural stuff and thrillers i will say it does play a role in this so just so you know all right this is the one i'm currently on which is scavenger hunt by michael brent collins this one if you like saw this song this book is basically kind of like soft but with a scavenger hunt these five strangers wake up in this all-white room and they have collars on their necks and they have like these weird apple watches on their wrist and there's this guy named mr do good who has like a smiley face covered in blood who's giving them instructions to this ipad on the wall and basically he gave some instructions on what to do in a scavenger hunt everybody has to stick together they have to do these things and then the stakes keep getting raised higher higher higher and if they don't do what he says he's going to blow up the collar and it's going to blow up their head and it's pretty much doing the scavenger hunt but also kind of getting a background on the characters and finding out how they may be connected and also if there's a way to beat mr do good and why is he doing what he's doing so i enjoyed terminal i read it last month even though it was three out of five star it was still a very enjoyable really cool concept book and so far this one has been also a very cool concept uh very interesting story all right now into the books i haven't started yet we have the siberian incident by greg beck so just look at this cover right here what does that make you think of for me right away it was the thing the thing is one of my all-time favorite movies i love that movie i've seen it just probably well over 100 times at this point because i obsessively watch movies this one sounds really cool basically there's this lake in siberia that a hundred thousand years ago something had fallen in the lake and there's a lot of folklore surrounding it there's just mutated animals disappearances a lot of weird stuff going on and this guy ends up deciding oh i want to have i think it's a fisher yeah it's a sturgeon fish farm on this lake and he's like oh this will be great i'm gonna have my fish farm and he doesn't listen to all the locals saying uh no there's something very wrong with this place and it takes mutated animals and a bunch of other weird crud going on to also make him start thinking wait a minute what what's going on and people go missing and yeah i'm excited for this alien horror it even says on the back a tale of alien horror so if as anything to do with the thing or just reminds me of the thing i'm i'm down for it so i think this will be a lot of fun and i've been waiting and wanting a good alien horror story so this one hopefully will scratch that itch of course if that one doesn't i have another alien themed horror book and that is bent heavens by daniel krauss so if you watched my coming of age horror book recommendations video daniel krauss wrote rogers which i really enjoyed that story i really thought it was just impressive how he wrote that and kind of challenged certain uh boundaries in y a i would say because it's a very dark and gruesome book at times and this is a alien book he i don't know if he's written other stuff i think there's like two other books of his i've been interested in reading but um this one just just caught my eye not only because of the cover but it just sounds really neat essentially we're following a girl her father disappeared two years ago and her father was obsessed with aliens and was convinced he could catch an alien and so she's dealing with his disappearance and she has been checking her father's traps because he used to set these traps in the forest trying to catch an alien and so she and her friend one of the last times they're gonna go because she's a senior in high school now and she thinks well you know what this is kind of silly i'm gonna stop doing this i need to you know heal and get past my grief all that stuff and then they discovered there's an alien in the trap and it goes from there and they have to decide what they're going to do are they going to turn the alien in are they going to try to get information from the alien are they gonna take care of the alien there's there's a lot going on and i haven't heard too much about this book because it just recently came out but i think it should be pretty fun and if it's anything um like the style of rogers was i think i'm in for a good treat so hopefully this will be a fun one next up we have dead girl blues by david sodergren so david sodgren wrote the forgotten island and night shoot two books i've read in the last couple months really enjoyed both of them especially forgotten island was fantastic and this one sounds awesome as well essentially there's this woman who there's another woman who dies in her arms and after that event happens she's thrust into the world of snuff films so she's trying to solve the murder mystery and also try to protect herself and just puzzle through what's happening and even on the back of this it says part noir mystery part violent slasher and it involves lots of dead people and snuff films and i think that's going to be very cool and david sodergren he's a self-proclaimed horror fan and i feel like it really comes through in his books and he writes horror books for horror fans so i'm really looking forward to this this is his newest release speaking of other books that have to do with movies and horror movies i picked up flickr by theodore rosbach which my crappy's a little beat up because i bought a used copy but this has been on my tbr forever and i finally got a copy of this book this one also has to do with movies this one's a little bit different though this kind of sounds a little bit like night film and night film is one of my favorite thrillers of all time i just love that book i could read it over and over again and this one focuses more on um a guy trying to solve this mystery of this director that disappears this director was working on this really dark and disturbing noir film was supposed to be one of the most disturbing films ever and he disappears and he leaves clues behind in the movie and it just goes from there but i've heard that film buffs will like this book and even though i don't really talk about movies on my channel too much i do love movies a lot as well i just happen to read a little bit more than i watch movies but i love movies too and especially books that have movies in them and they talk about film and of course especially like dark films horror films are my number one thing i just love them so much so i'm looking forward to this and hopefully it's kind of like um night film but different enough too and i think it will be because this one actually came out before i filmed it next up we have the montauk monster by hunter shay i read creature a few months ago really enjoyed it and i've been itching to read another hunter shade book since then and this is gonna be a creature feature and that's what he's known for and this one deals with this town of montauk and uh disappearances monster hap uh you know showing up i think just on the beach yeah on the beach and there's also a virus and cdc has to come in and all hell breaks loose i don't want to know too much more about it it's just going to be a fun creature feature and since it's approaching summertime i think this will be a fun summer read next one is the changeling by victor lavalley so victor lavallee wrote the ballot of black tom i read that back in january really liked it it's a novella and it's very lovecraftian and this book it's it's kind of a horror film or horror book but it also has other elements to it i've heard it compared to almost like a dark fairy tale and this is essentially a man whose father had disappeared and years later he gets married and has a child with this woman and all of a sudden this woman starts to go kind of bonkers and he's suspecting maybe postpartum depression but then she commits an act of violence and then all of a sudden she's gone and she takes baby with her and now the man his name is apollo he has to track down his wife and child and just figure out what is going on so i've heard really good things about this and a dark fairy tale sounds awesome i enjoyed that in like dark fantasy elements and of course horror and i think i remember correctly the one review i read about this said it also has to do with social media and it's sort of a social commentary book as well so looking forward to this and i also think the cover's very pretty next one we have gateways to abomination by matthew m bartlett so this one is a short story collection but all the short stories have to tie into this sort of bizarre possibly haunted radio station in the small town of leeds massachusetts i really like when short stories are kind of their own story but then they tie into one bigger story and most of my favorite short story collections are by the same author so like when an author releases a short story collection that's all their stories i tend to really like that and i just think this is awesome because radio stations just oh it sounds so cool so i don't know too much about it and you know what i'm just gonna kind of go into it not knowing much more about it i don't think i need to really know much more just that i think some of the stories are like folk horror some are demonic some are ghost stories but it's just gonna be kind of a mix but i've just heard some pretty good things about this next up we have remains by andrew cole so this one i really enjoy when horror takes subjects like grief and explores them i really enjoyed the fishermen and pet cemetery those are two examples of just books that really explore that aspect and this one i think it's going to try to do that as well so this one is following a woman she lost her son and she ends up spending time in an institution she's just ravaged with grief and then at some point she gets out and she goes to this house where her son had died in and there's actually a potential opportunity for her to see her son again and that's pretty much all the back says and i'm looking forward to it i've heard this one is a hard-hitting story i've heard that it can be pretty emotional and maybe even pretty sad so we'll see how it is but i'm always up for a good haunted house story and i'm looking forward to this and i've also haven't read anything by this author before so i'm looking forward to it all right next one is this book called coyote songs by gabino iglesias which look at this awesome cover so this takes place like on the border the u.s mexican border and i from what i've gathered it has to do with like drug trafficking and there's just a lot going on in this story in fact i'll just read the back it'll sum it up better than i will i think in gabino iglesia's second novel ghosts and old gods guide the hands of those caught up in a violent struggle to save the soul of the american southwest a man tasked with shuttling children over the border believes the virgin mary is guiding him towards final justice a woman offers colonizer blood to the mother of chaos a boy joins corpse destroyers to seek vengeance for the death of his father these stories intertwined with those of a vengeful spirit and a hungry creature to paint a timely compelling pulpy portrait of revenge family and hope so i am looking forward to this i haven't heard too much about it but it just sounds really intriguing so i can't wait to get to this one next up we have in the valley of the sun by andy davidson so even though i didn't necessarily carry uh care for the boatman's daughter that much i read it last month it wasn't bad but i just there was this disconnect with the characters and myself that i don't know why it was just hard to explain but i liked the writing like i loved the writing it was beautiful and the descriptions and the setting were awesome so i want to give the author another shot and this one takes place also in like a i think it's in the southwest slash a western town and it has to do with vampires so i think what's happening is that actually it's in texas sorry in west texas and there is basically a vampire and i think a texas ranger who's going to be going after him but it's a lot more complicated than that and i don't know i you know i'm not gonna read too much into it i just kind of want to go into it not knowing a whole lot but i i really like vampires um as long as they're monstrous vampires and that's what this book looks like it's going to be about so as long as it's not like romantic vampires or twilight vampires and i do think vampires are really really fun and especially vampires in texas i think it'll be cool all right next one you have things in jars by just kid so this one's a little bit different than some of the other books on this list because it's not a horror but it is a mystery with some supernatural paranormal and fantastical elements i think it's been described as a magical realism story we are following a detective in this book a female detective in victorian england and she is trying to solve the mystery i believe of a a missing child yes the secret daughter of sir edmund ethelston berwick peculiar child whose reputed powers have captured the unwanted attention of collectors in this age of discovery so there's a lot of fun different characters you have a tattooed covered ghost and funky lurk apothecary a seven foot tall house made anyway so there's there's a lot going on in this story and i as much as i love horror and thriller sometimes it's nice to have like a fun little magical realism book and i think this has to also do with mermaids somehow that's what i saw somebody shelve it on goodreads under mermaids um which makes sense there is a rare band on the back so i don't know too much about this but i've heard some pretty good things about it and i kind of wanted to have something a little bit different and this is also historical fiction and i'm i'm looking forward to it all right next one is the delicate dependency by michael talbot this one is a reprint of a book that came out in 1982. thank goodness valancourt press or sorry just balance books they have been reprinting all kinds of awesome horror books that otherwise would have fallen into obscurity and i'm really happy because for a while i've wanted to read this book for many years and it's just really difficult for me to get a copy of i just couldn't track one down and this one is also another vampire novel this is following a doctor who ends up almost hitting this boy and this boy can't go in the sunlight and he's a very peculiar person this boy ends up abducting the doctor's child and so the doctor has to go track down his child and he brings along like his sister and some other people for the ride while also trying to figure out vampirism and also solve this mystery of why there's this deadly disease going on is it related to vampires what's up and i've heard it's supposed to be a really solid well done vampire novel and it's one that i've had on my tbr for many years so i'm finally excited to be getting to it and also you see that it's a bat but it could also be something else i don't it's kind of a funny shape but anyway looking forward to this next up we have the pilo family circus by will elliott this one i've heard so many things about a lot of people on booktube who are in the horror community at least at least a couple of the people i follow love this book and on goodreads a lot of people have been giving it high reviews and this has also been on my tbr for quite some time i just haven't picked it up i think because i have to be in the mood for a killer clown story with the exception of it but that's just because it is stephen king's magic one of his masterpieces but um i was like putting off reading this for a little bit and then also i'm like oh i actually really really want to read it so pick this up i think this may end up being a series or there may be a companion novel to it but for now i'm just going to check out the first book and i'm just going to read the back of it because i think it'll summarize a little bit better than i would you have two days to pass your audition you better pass it feller you're joining the circus ain't that the best news you ever got delivered by a trio of psychotic clowns this ultimatum plunges jaime into the horrific alternate universe of the pilot family circus a borderline world between hell and earth from which humankind's greatest tragedies have been perpetuated yet in this place people by the gruesome grotesque and monstrous where violence and savagery are the norm jaime finds that his worst enemy is himself when he applies the white face paint he is transformed into jj the most vicious clown of all and jj wants jamie dead wow i think it's going to be fun heard great things about it so i hoping to get to it soon all right next book this is one of the books i did not buy i've had this in my library stack and i kind of forgot about it i need to get back into it and that's the deep by nick cutter so i love the troop i was very impressed with the troop it was one of my favorite books of 2019 and the other book of lost heaven was also pretty good by nick hunter but troupe was fantastic and this one i've heard is supposed to be especially creepy and it takes place at the bottom of the ocean and there's some weird things going on there may be slightly apocalyptic elements to this and yeah basically there's a plague going on so that'll be interesting to read right now um and yeah they're all the way down the mariana trench trying to solve this mystery of this plague with this stuff that they find at the bottom but when you play with unknown potentially alien life bad things happen so i'm looking forward to this i think it should be a pretty enjoyable one and yeah i i've been pretty impressed with nick cutter so far so looking forward to it all right next book we have is ice massacre by tiana warner so this one has to do with killer mermaids i haven't read a killer mermaid book in a while the last one i read was into the drowning deep by meyer grant i really enjoyed that a lot i know some people had some issues with it but for me i thought it was really enjoyable and i didn't realize but i've been craving for another killer mermaid book because i read um into the drowning deep like many some but i think like two or three summers ago at this point like the summer it came out i read it and this one has to do with this fictional country that's supposed to be kind of off the coast of the united states and canada and it's called ariana koi and this country they can't really do a lot of trade or escape from this country because they are surrounded by killer mermaids and for many years they've been sending out boys and men to try to battle these mermaids and kill them because these mermaids are killers and just do mass slaughter and they won't let ships go past so far they haven't had any success so this year they decide why don't we send women they hopefully will be able to resist the charms of these killer monstrous demonic mermaids so they have these girls that have been they've been training them since they were 13 years old they're 18 now and it's off on their mission to go kill these mermaids then they go off and sounds really fun and i don't know if this is a young adult book or not i don't think it matters either way i think it's going to be a lot of fun i know this is part of a series so i'm interested to see how this goes i haven't heard anything about the other books but i have heard that this is a really solid start to the book and i'm hoping that there's definitely a lot of action and monstrous mermaids so looking forward to this all right only a few books left another book i picked up grind your bones to dust by nicholas day which by the way look at that fantastic cover it kind of reminds me a little bit of the rust maidens like the the style and the color i i just think it's really neat so this one i'm just gonna read the back because i think it's summarized a little bit better um but it's a it's a novel it's not a short story collection when i first picked it up for some reason i thought it was a short story collection but it's actually a novel let's see in his first novel this is horror and wonderland award-nominated author nicholas day invites you to take a journey into a hell that is at once uncomfortably familiar yet unlike anything you've ever encountered before a surveyor finds himself pursued by flesh-eating donkeys in the furthest reaches of oregon's desert a mass murderer leaves the sanctity of his mountain home to pursue a long-lost love his guide an otherworldly raven possessed by 19th century american humorist in nearby klamath falls two strange childhood friends set off to find a missing father with the help of two aging cowboys and a prisoner in her own home sees a vision of death and knows there is no escape pain is prophesied proselytizing death is the one true faith and everyone worships in their due time sounds awesome and i like that set in oregon because i live in washington and oregon is like my sister's state and one other thing i want to point out is the fact that there is a dedication all right i'm gonna show you this dedication i hope you can see that the dedication says this book is dedicated to those who would reduce this world to a massive grave and create a hell for the living i hate you i've never seen a dedication before that was like a screw you basically so i thought that was that was very interesting and can't wait to read this and this is my first uh nicholas day story so looking forward to it all right this one i'm like slightly almost ashamed to show this because i have no excuse for not having read this i i don't and it's doom a key by stephen king i have not gotten to this book and i've owned this copy for many years so this is the other book that i haven't purchased and i want to read it so badly it sounds really awesome and i have read the vast majority of stephen king's work but this one just for whatever reason kept slipping through the cracks and i'm finally gonna get to it this one it really sounds super cool it has to do with this gentleman who after he goes through his horrific accident and then goes through a divorce he ends up living on a beach um taking some time to heal and he starts drawing and from there um i believe yeah he he ends up on duma key and i think there's maybe something has to do with his drawings i actually don't know too much about democracy it's one of the few stephen king books that has just kind of slipped through my fingers but um i think that concept sounds really neat and the fact that takes place on a beach and has to do with a character healing and connecting with somebody else i think sounds really cool and i am looking forward to it and i can finally be like yes i've read do a key so this is definitely one i am for sure going to be reading this month making myself well i mean i am interested in it so it's not like i'm not interested in it i'm just gonna just sit down though and be like do it no excuse i've had this book for many years and it's been on my tbr for like 10 years so i'm doing it all right only a couple more uh more books left this is a fantasy novel it's a children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi this one i haven't i mean i know it's really popular and a lot of people really talked about it um and i just kind of stumbled upon it i'm like oh you know i'll give a chance because i think there's a series that's going to come out and i felt like i want to read it because a lot of people really like it i've heard mixed things about the second book though so i'm like a little nervous to start a potentially series that goes downhill but anyway this one has to do with uh i'm actually just gonna read the inside flap for you guys zli adebola remembers when the soil feresha hummed with magic burners ignited flames tigers beckoned waves and zelia's reaper mother summoned four souls but everything changed once magic disappeared i almost want to say everything changed when the fire nation attacked under the orders of a ruthless king the magi were targeted and killed leaving zelly without a mother and her people without hope now zelly has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy with the help of a rogue princess zelie must outwit and outrun the crown prince who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good danger lurks narutia where snow leopares prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters yet the greatest threat may be zelly herself as she struggles to control her powers and her growing feelings for an enemy so looking forward to this i think it should be fun and it also has a west african culture theme to it so i haven't really read a book like that and i'm always looking for fresh fantasy so i think that'll be really fun and a cool treat all right last but not least i want to talk about the three books that i ended up getting by the same author which is gingy ito so i ended up picking up shiver smashed and fragments of horror so jinji ido i really really enjoy his work a lot uzumaki was just very downright creepy and trippy and it's my favorite of his but i've read the the bulk of his novels or you know the not his short story collections but the the actual books and really liked him umaki was my favorite and then the um uh i think it was the the enigma at umikahara fault that short story was so creepy stuck with me to this very day every time i think about it just i don't know what it is but just the concept of that just really creeped me out and of course his drawings his artwork is just what really makes the stories they're downright creepy and this is my first time really getting into a short story collection so i just kind of want to binge all these and see which one is my favorite and i think this one um shiver i was told that if you have triple phobia so that like weird reaction to things with lots of tiny little holes in it there's a story in this that's really going to bother people with triple phobia i used to have that i tried to desensitize myself to it a long time ago but we'll see if i still am sensitive to it when i read the story so i'm just looking forward to all these and you know cool cool covers and awesome artwork i know either way i'm gonna enjoy myself when i read them so i'm really happy that i purchased these books and they can go and join my jinji ido collection so anyway those are all the books that i purchased for the month of june and the books that i plan on reading in june i might not get to every single one of them so anything that i don't get to in june is just gonna come you know carry over into july but thank you so much for watching this video sorry it took a little bit of time but hopefully you enjoyed it i always like watching book hauls and tbr videos and and all that so i hope you guys like it as well and let me know if any of these books you're interested in and if there are any books that you want me to do a review on i'll try to go ahead and do that and especially since school my job is almost wrapped up for the summer i'll have a little bit more time to make some more videos so stay tuned for that and i will talk to you guys later have a great night and happy reading bye
Channel: Taylor Talks Tales
Views: 766
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, huge book haul, giant book haul, june book haul, horror books, thriller books, mystery books, taylor talks tales, junji ito, jeff strand, indie horror, horror gems, david sodergren, bent heavens, daniel kraus, stephen king, duma key, june tbr, to be read, june 2020, june reads, summer book haul, big books, booktube june 2020, what i'm reading in june, june to be read, summer tbr, horror reviews, horror fiction, horror booktube, horror book haul, horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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