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[Music] hey guys welcome back to love and junk i'm laura i'm john and today we have another exciting uh subscription box open for you yeah this is one of our favorite things to open every month for sure british candy box yes yes another one i feel like this is our third box we've received i think we have three regular ones and then a holiday okay so this is number four from this company yeah i think um we're loving it we're learning a ton we're trying all kinds of new things and you always are saying things in the comments like i'm surprised you haven't had this yet or that yet or whatever we'd love it maybe we will in this box and um so i think we're gonna open it up we love hearing from you guys what we got and while john is doing the honors there i want to say hello and welcome if you're new or welcome back if you're not make sure you go ahead and subscribe to our channel while we're here or while you're here we're going to be here no matter what uh and hit the little bell so you can be notified when our new videos do go up which is every day we just never know what time so this is packaged a little bit differently can you pull the whole thing out uh yeah so we'll open it right along with you so let's show this is kate and alex this with them on youtube if you've never checked them out before and we love their channel they're also on instagram and twitter and a million other places but we started watching them and they are part of the inspiration for our channel they are brother and sister and they try food a lot of americans i think it's mostly americans that send them things but sometimes from other countries as well yeah and they just try the food and review it and say what they think and whatever and so um now we're doing the same with their box which is super exciting for us let's see what we got i know i don't know usually it is a variety of savory and sweet and this has been no exception some of our favorite things in the world are the crunchy bits that we get and um crisps or chips i wonder i want to know in the uk so we always get comments about it's crisp here we we understand we're old we've been calling them ships our whole life so just please forgive us if we say chip but my question for you is if you have something that's not a potato chip like another crunchy thing like for us fritos most commonly we say the brand name even if it's interesting if it's a generic corn chip we say fritos but i'm wondering is crisp a generic term for all the crunchy savory kind of snacks that are similar right i'm just curious yeah anyway so we'll pull all this stuff out and then we'll eat oh oh oh yes too sweet some of our favorite things have come in these boxes we know that we love love prawn cocktail chips yeah love so let's see or crisps we'll see if there's a new favorite in here so this is what do you have i got some watsons okay but what you have i just want you to put on here where is this oh that's candy right candy okay so we have frazzles that are crispy bacon and we say um these are from jacob's and they say baked crinklies cheese and onion flavor yup what's it which we've had before and i know that i love what flavor are they they're regular regular and then real hand cooked sea salt and malt vinegar chips or crisps all right so what do you want to start with i'll let you choose uh i don't know let's just do the watson okay we know what they we know what they're like they're good yeah they like them a lot shake out a few whoops there we go we're also always mindful that you might be in the uk and watching this video but in case you're not we feel the need to describe it a little bit and we can only liken it to things that we've had or things that are american some people get offended by that it's not meant to be no it's not meant to be that way so this is like kind of a puffy cheetos yeah what we have here cheers i saw you yeah i love them i love them i always find that i love cheetos don't get me wrong i love my country too don't get me wrong but i always find that the flavors from these boxes seem way less processed and artificial in all of that yeah the flavors are really good i like the cheese flavor in the waters yeah yummy all right that's the winner so cheese and onion bacon or salt and vinegar um let's go salt and vinegar so we can we might need a our palette a little bit yeah cleanse our palette with like very good bacon yeah isn't that how everybody cleanses their pot definitely smells vinegary so that was a good example sorry is this a crisp right or like here we say we would call this we wouldn't call this a cheddar we would say a cheese puff yeah or chicken so i'm just wondering if you're watching from the uk so so so curious okay what's up did i get chips crisps oh yeah i love how they smell what else crunchy crunchy those are good i'm not really a fan of salt vinegar chips but those are like subtle i like them they're not as like punch in the lips with it um they're not petal cooked or are they they feel like kettle cook but it doesn't say that they are they're super crunchy crunchier than a normal crisp i would say i really like those yum cheese okay now what uh cheese and onion okay let's do these grab bag baked crinklies i love that name so so i assume a wavy like a ruffles but small really oh wow there's little baby ones yeah interesting they are like a wavy cracker weird we don't have anything like this i don't think it smells good um these are crunchy too oops i got them all on the floor fine you can't have any those are amazing yeah these are good i need to hide these right away i'll sniff them out i'll find them the flavor is nice it's not crazy overbearing but i but the and i like it the texture is what i really really really like i love it i'm a sucker for good crackers crackers i love crackers in fact i think i probably choose crackers at the store more often than i do a chip for a crisp or whatever that's like a favorite of mine that's yummy crispy bacon 39p this is like really pooped up hard to open it's not fast yeah i love whoa they're kind of puffy oh wow yeah puffy they kind of look like bacon they get a little bit of stripe in there sometimes artificial bacon we've tried and we've really liked it and sometimes it comes across not so good some things that you smell like we have these uh beggin strips here for dogs and it smells like that how did you know bacon this bacon no some some do it's like is that a dog treat yeah yeah these smell these are good they yeah they don't smell like that no yeah sure i think we missed but you know the point it's bacon whoa that is good wow that tastes like you just ate a piece of bacon what in the world wow that's good um that is good without having i mean i know we got a long ways to go but everything else we have to try is going to have to knock this off as being our favorite we're going to rank these when we're done that's brilliant that's brilliant i love this okay so i love the texture and i love the flavor and i always ask a million questions i'm sorry but i want to know does this company make the same thing in other flavors i'm so curious or is their thing this crispy bacon crisp that's yeah whoa that's awesome yeah frazzles are there more flavors of freshers or is this it but man that's really good that is super super good next what do we have up um look i'm keeping my eyes on those is seriously good yeah we better here's what has to happen those have to be gone before we go to bed or somebody's gonna be up for a midnight snack with those greasy fingers let's do fruity help me find all right oh we had a curtain rarely curly whirly so cute um help me find things that are not i don't know drumstick friend oh my gosh oh my gosh what never have i ever yeah had rhubarb and custard whoa sweets or candy that's a drumstick okay so we want to end on chocolate this is fruity that's fruity this is pretty fruity is the rest of it chocolate i don't know about this guy that's chocolate chocolate chocolate okay the curly whirly we had oh no no yeah there's chocolate i remember it was like in that shade oh we can find out about squashies have you tried and it has a couple different ones on the back you want to do squashies first sure we love oh also by the same drumstick yeah company these are sour squashies yeah sour cherry and sour apple we love a good gummy yeah and we don't mind sour almost a lot of times we'll get a little fruity candy you know like skittles or something we'll put them between us when we're watching tv and just kind of have a few hair in there and here's the other thing there's nothing wrong with the other kind of gummy that are more translucent but every time i have some that are like these that are kind of marshmallowy i always appreciate them so much and sometimes they take this kind of texture and mix them with the other kind of gummy and i really love that too yeah i think i just really love gummy candy mm-hmm i squashy have you tried that refreshers and dress that's what this is oh this is the same company i mean i can't tell the flavors on those though these are good though i like them oh i like how soft these refreshers so these look just like a starburst that we have here i think you have them if you're watching in the uk well i feel like no matter even if you're watching from the moon or wherever i feel like starbursts are kind of like everywhere these feel like that they do feel softer and what did it what did i want to tell you strawberry i like how soft they are mm-hmm i do too that's good [Music] love it it's good rhubarb and custard what will they think of next my mind is blown by this yeah i don't know if i like rhubarb the only time we have like rhubarb things in the states is if it's like homemade usually we don't get a lot of like uh candies or i've never seen that and when we do it's like rhubarb pie yeah we were both picky eaters i know my mom made it when i was little and i was like pass i remember my mom and my grandma saying something about rhubarb and yeah it was the same thing i was like what is that it's green growing out of the ground it looks like celery yeah it looks funny and uh yeah no uh hard pass yeah me too there you go sorry i mean look i made you a unicorn horn unicorn horn all right here we go i'm so interested in what this is going to be like ready yeah stick so i'm interested to know i'm sure they have other flavors but they included this one because it's such a unique flavor i don't hate it it's really different i don't know if it's my new favorite flavor i'm trying to get used to it because i've never had rhubarb candy before yeah you can really tell the rhubarb though it's different very i like it earthy kind of flavor it almost um there's almost like a clove or like some sort of seasoning or spice or something or herb or i don't know it almost gives me a hint of that stuck to the roof of my mouth that's good yeah i mean i don't like it better than like maple or blueberry but i like it and we'll eat that yeah and i would buy that again and let us know if like rhubarb is something that is popular over in the uk and yeah you know do you have other candies that have rhubarb well like they tell us that um they don't see grape very often like we do here so they use black currant we've grown to really enjoy that and i don't think before these boxes i had ever had blackcurrant anything right then i know we just don't see it here yup we sure don't on to chocolates chocolate yeah choose your weapon this has nuts in it so set that aside let's let's do a nut check real quick can you do a nut check i'm gonna open this thing up teasers we know what these are we can get these here we love them we can also get whoppers here and they are not at all the same but we know we like this so let's just eat one while you're looking okay raisin and biscuit what was the thing by the way some of my new favorite candies i dream about in the uk there was one that had all sorts of bits and bobbles in it and it didn't have nuts but it had like candy and cookie pieces and was that a medley bar oh yeah i think i loved that so this kind of looks like that to me wasn't it cadbury i think we've had one of these fruit and nut bars though i think i'm pretty sure let me just bust that open and get that out of the way you go ahead and i'll eat them all together all right oh my goodness from that uh rhubarb drumstick thing my fingers are sticky mine aren't did you check all the rest of these yeah was there something else i didn't see anything else this is for you yeah i love wafers but also timeout gonna put me in timeout yeah uh dairy milk fruit and nut chocolate i'm so curious i wanna know i'm trying not to touch it yeah what i want to know here you look is it a single fruit or is it multiple and what's the fruit that's what i don't know i want to know is it raspberries ingredients raisins um it's milk chocolate with dried grapes and chopped almonds is it dried different than a raisin i think get dried grape is a raisin yeah okay uh can i have one of those napkins over there please you mean my only napkin no i gave you two oh yeah thank you oh sticky sticky sticky so what kind of nuts uh almonds oh and what did you think good that's good i don't know my favorite i'm trying to think what i've had what chocolate i've had that had raisins in it i know i've had something but i yeah we'll have crazy raisins but not a lot of chocolate well i really like raisin nets which are just single covered raisins but i'm trying to think if we in the state somebody tell me or i'll look when we're done what i feel like there is a candy bar that has raisins in it but i can't think of what it is besides raisin nuts not that it's important i'm just curious all right now you want to do this one yeah let's do the wafer this is a timeout bad boy john wafer going to timeout john loves all things wafery all things wafery don't you oh sure he loves a good wafer treat yeah a lot of these wafers have hazelnut in it i looked and i didn't see anything on this but wafer with cocoa filling covered milk chocolate okay we're good there we go i'll take my piece yeah i was holding it like this in case there was any flaky bits and john's like whoosh i like that timeout that's good sometimes the wafer is really crunchy and sometimes there's more wafer than chocolate or vice versa that is a perfect ratio for me oh that's really good i love it all right let's see maybe the boost okay 63 on the boost caramel nibble [Music] did you check the table yes there you go thank you there we go look at that caramel obviously i mean this looks good i mean anytime you get that kind of thing going on yeah nice cheese pull on your head yeah yeah you know it's gonna be good yummy i don't know what the crunchy stuff is in there hopefully not nuts just kidding just kidding looks like crunchy little oh i love that that because i can't have nuts that reminds me of um it's not the same at all as snickers but where you have chocolate and caramel and crunchy bits in it that's yeah yeah it kind of reminds me a little bit of a twix like different though because it's got the cookie yeah different but it's get boosted with milk chocolate caramel and biscuit energy oh this tastes good energy that's good that's really good it's not it's not really similar to either twix or snickers but i miss having you know of course i can eat like a mars bar or a milky way or through musketeers or something like that but i miss eating a candy bar with the crunchies in it and the uk does a lot more of that than we do yeah galaxy's ripple is up next ripple 60p for this one too uh oh it seems a little flaky yay oh but look it's like covered it's like airy and flaky like a flake sort of but it's covered with chocolate give it to me [Music] i'm gonna try not to make a huge mess with it i fell in love with flake bars well you guys have helped me learn so much about the little um like marketing on them and what this feels very what's not i can't move my hands why don't we have stuff like that here um and i wonder if they do the same thing with this as like the flag bar with like ice cream mm-hmm i don't know but we need to do that with ice cream i mean yeah we do i love that the airy and the crinkly what do you want to call it it like falls apart if it falls apart like that when you're trying to break it up it definitely does that in your mouth oh yeah amazing i have to pick a favorite from this box oh my gosh it's gonna be ridiculous all right let's try the yorkie raisin and biscuit oh well if i'd never thought i had had a raisin candy bar before i'm about that's what there you go i'm gonna break off a square or a q whatever that is cheers cheers hmm i think we had a chunky bar like this in the states not not very popular now but i think when we were kids they were more popular mm-hmm that's good all right i don't think we're going to try the curly wurly because we've already tried this video i don't remember it i have um overruled it wait i don't remember it oh i remember it it's like it looks like swiss cheese kind of and it's caramel right it's like pulley i'm gonna now that i opened it i'm gonna try it thanks mm-hmm i like that too yeah it's good i love caramel um that's the chewy kind you know you get the two different kinds some that are just like liquid almost and then some that you kind of chew on i appreciate them both yeah me too and cadbury dairy milk caramel nibble wolves it reminds me of those like galaxy ones a little i don't remember what they're called what is there caramel in these yeah oh i love those i like it that's good that's the kind of stuff though that's dangerous they're all open yeah that could easily be gone you know in an episode of whatever you're watching like love and junk it could easily be gone wow this is a good box they've all been good we really really enjoy these uh you know we're not sponsored by them we just appreciate them and love their channel love their boxes love all of the feedback that we get from you even when we're dumb even when we ask dumb questions nothing has knocked off these um those were fans ready to rake oh i'm ready let's go okay so number one overall i mean i so here's the thing we kind of talk about loving things or junking things loving means hurry run buy more it's limited edition we need more for us we need more for everybody in our life we need everybody to try it i'm going to send out for these these um then the middle category is we're going to finish this but we would probably never buy it again and then we have this is probably gonna get passed off on somebody go out for squirrels whatever yeah our by the way unrelated oh we have some of the happiest squirrels in the world usually they're this is our um slider right here and or what do you call this patio door yeah yeah and so usually there's um our cat likes to sit there and that's where we throw out popcorn and crisps and stuff that we're not eating and they come right there and the cat sits and watches them yeah unrelated to anything that we're talking about but anyway uh so we throw stuff out to them those are the three kind of categories there is nothing here nothing hey nothing in any of the british boxes that we've ever got that we've said oh we're never eating that again oh we haven't eaten every single thing we've liked things better than others of course you know personal preference but we've never thrown anything out from a brush we can't say that snack crate and some other things that we bought for ourselves we can't say that about that yeah but british products never usually it's like our old bread that you know we're not going to eat anymore popcorn popcorn because i can never get the amount right when i make it there's always more so yeah usually that's about it but but nothing from these boxes ever anyway absolutely let's i literally have little bits of choc chocolate like oh oh yeah okay great do you want me to go or do you want to go how about you go all right you never go first number one overall i think i already said that here's what i have to say that would be hard-pressed you know what we should do we should go back and look at all of our british boxes we have one little itty-bitty snack crate that we did when we were brand spanking new before we knew anything about youtube our very first snack crate trial box was from the uk and then we've had four from this company yeah we should go back and look at everything we've tried from the uk and like rank our favorite things i can tell you this would be in my top ten for sure oh possibly top five yeah then i would rank these crackers baked crinkley's whatsits and then salt and vinegar chips those were very good i love the crunch i love the texture of it as far as salt and vinegar chips those would be on my list they're very good but we can get salt and vinegar chips here yeah i would rank them exactly the same we cannot get anything like this we can not get anything like this we can get something similar to this but it tastes different and we can get good salt and vinegar chips so for that reason i would drink them the same yep loved them all but loved loved those next step uh pretty pretty pretty pretty okay pretty good these is that it yep i think that's it um what do you think that would be my order mine too so i love these squashies or whatever they're called everybody has a personal preference you might prefer chocolates over gummies or you know whatever we love gummy candy and we can get them here but not really so much with that kind of texture and i love the two the two flavors in one i really like those those were amazing the flavor was really good and we're not the biggest like strawberry fans but as far as artificial strawberry flavor these were good but we can get something like this so that that's why this is at the end for me rhubarb this was so different and interesting yeah i you know what though what i'm gonna tell you uh competing with this for my favorite thing in british boxes ever the stinger that i had i loved it and so everything like this makes me compare it makes me wish it was a stinger um but i love that we can't get this flavor here that's so unique and different and i really loved it that's my order it's my order too okay good all right chocolates are a little bit more difficult i need to bring here yeah let's see do you is that all of them uh nope right here got these here i for me i love this timeout waiver i think half of it just a little bit of it dude i love the boost bar after that um you can't oh no i know oh teasers everywhere just that's why they were folded over uh so i'll throw those up there so wafers boost small teasers um yorkie this curly whirly caramel bars and i'm going to say the fruit not last i'm not really a big fan of fruit so that that's good that's that's what i would do um all right so i really did like the wafer bar but it wasn't my favorite thing i think what was this one that's the raisin of biscuits okay my favorite was this the boost it was my favorite this was second for me i just love it's just a little bit and sometimes that i just want a little something um i'm gonna say that curly wurly probably after that no no sorry ripple this is going here i don't like it as much as i like flake but i like it very very very much so it's going near the top good um curly wurly then this this i couldn't try because it has nuts so we'll leave that off to the side this i liked um but i mean everything has to i didn't like it as much as i liked these things down here yeah a lot teasers i'm going to put here i really really really love them but we can get them here indeed so let us know of if you've tried all of these things what you would rank as your favorite or your least favorite down in the comments we really appreciate all the chit chat we've been doing with you guys and if you weren't aware if you didn't see the video we are putting our post office box down in the description we've had some of you contact us and ask if you can send us a box and the answer is yes we would love it will we do a video absolutely 100 yes we will open your um treats just just like this um in a video so we look forward to that never feel like you have to we appreciate all the love support watches comments yeah you certainly don't have to send us any anything at all and you don't have to be from the uk to send to something either if you're in the states and you want to see have you ever tried this definitely you can send it to us but yeah absolutely we read every single comment absolutely and sometimes we take your notes um you know and sometimes there are things that we've talked about before and in some of the comments like the chis chips and crisp thing we really do try to make a conscious effort but like i said we're old we've been saying chips our whole life it's it's difficult but we're trying so just be patient with us we're also americans that's what we say we say chips and we say french fries yeah that's right we say we say french fries a lot oh yeah i love our french fries anyway so we appreciate you hanging out and watching another box with us we can't wait to see what's in the next one uh don't forget to follow us on all the social media platforms please we're there you know what they are we are love and junk just like we are here on pinterest you can see what we're going to be doing are like our inspiration for our house remodel renovation redecorating on instagram you sometimes get a preview of things we're not going to do or maybe we're going to do for a video but it's not going up yet or what we had for dinner or pictures of our kid to catch yeah you know stuff whatever we do different things on the different platforms is what i'm saying if you're on twitter we post our videos on twitter and anyway so find us on all of those platforms and now if you are a fan of british food which yeah i don't i'm really nervous about the airplane ride because i'm not a i'm not that good of a flyer yeah floor gets nervous ah lord gets very nervous but i really really really as soon as the world is safe want to visit that is in my time there's a couple of places that i'd really like to see as far as our country i really want to see alaska um but john just asked me what would be a a dream trip and this that's the first place i said yeah it'd be great so we would love to do that in the future so you know that would be really interesting maybe we can meet up with some of you we have friends awesome we have friends uh that are there so uh anyway we'll see we'll see first the world has to get fixed then we'll see where we're at but anyway if you like any of that stuff or us through the video then or alex and kate yeah and this is them or kate and alex what did i say alex and cake too alex always goes they say that yes yeah yeah i wonder if people say john and laura or lauren john probably just love and jump personal preference anyway if you like any of that stuff or us or the video then give this video a big thumbs up it really helps our channel yeah that's all we have for today that's it guys see you tomorrow thanks for watching bye
Channel: Love and Junk Food
Views: 53,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british snack box, british snack box review, love and junk, americans try british snacks, uk snacks, trying british snacks, british subscription box, Americans try, americans try snacks from the uk, Trying snacks from the uk, british candy box, british candy box this with them, british candy box review, british food taste test, this with them, this with them subscription box, food review channel, uk snack review, This with them box, americans try uk snacks
Id: PibWOK36Kjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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