anonymous makeup storytimes | shiannn

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what if i told you that i knew someone that liked to do the dirty with dead people yes a corpse and he's in jail right now and i thought this was the perfect time to tell my story it's not really my story but since i know him i'll take it as mine well i went to high school with this guy and he was very very quiet like he was the nerd of the class good thing that i grew up in a time where we wouldn't bully let's call him gus well he always said he wanted to work at the morgue and we all thought it was a little weird but weird in a nerdy way not weird in a creepy sexual way well two years ago i bumped into him after not seeing him for probably a good 10 years and where was he working at the morgue but let me tell you he was looking good i'm running out of time go to part two follow my instagram so he was working at the morgue and again this guy was looking good here comes the part where i throw up he asked me out on a date and like i said he was looking good so i said yes i was recently divorced well we went out on a couple dates yes we did the dirty that's the most disgusting part but the weird part out of all of this is that he always told me to act dead he didn't want me to move at all again i was not creeped out until i found out why he wanted me to do it well i didn't hear from gus for about a week and i was very concerned well one day on my way to work i hear on the radio that they're looking for gus obviously they say his last name when i tell you i was in shock i had to go to the cops let them know that i was in a relationship with him there was a whole investigation and they told me that he was sleeping with a corpse apparently one of his co-workers walked in on him yikes if you're ever driving late at night don't do what they did one night a boy and his friend were on their way to a school dance when they saw a girl on the side of the road looking lost they stopped the car and asked if she needed a ride and she asked them to take her home they said that they were going to a school dance and asked if she wanted to come too she agreed but these boys wouldn't know yet that this girl was not an average hitchhiker so they all got in the car and the girl sat in the back seat after a while the girl would constantly say that she was cold so one of the boys gave her his jacket they got to the dance and things were pretty normal but what happened after would make the boys question reality when the night was almost over it was finally time to take the girl home when they almost arrived the girl told them where she lived but told them to drop her off close by so she can walk the rest of the way so that's what they did but after the girl walked away the boy who let her borrow his jacket realized that he never asked for his jacket back his friend said that they could just come back tomorrow for it the next morning they came back expecting to get the jacket and leave but things were not so simple they came up to the girl's house and knocked on the door but they were shocked at what they discovered as soon as the door opened follow for part two if you're ever driving late at night don't do what they did two boys picked up a girl on the side of the road while they were on their way to a school dance in the car she kept saying that she was cold so one of the boys gave her his jacket but when the night ended and they were about to drop her off the girl accidentally left with the jacket so the boy said that they would just come back the next day to get it but when they came back and knocked on her door they discovered something that would make them question what is real and what isn't an old woman opened the door and asked them who they were looking for after talking to her for a while it was revealed that the girl they found on the side of the road was her daughter but the thing is she had been dead for 12 years she was killed in a car accident at the same street corner they first saw her the old woman pointed to a cemetery down the road and said that's where we buried her the boys didn't believe her at first they'd spent the whole night with this girl so they knew that she had to be real but they went to the cemetery and saw the boy's jacket draped over a gravestone and on the gravestone was the girl's name and the date of her death exactly 12 years ago to the day i got put out of my house for being pregnant story time i was only at the time but i liked mine aged as long as wine if you know what i mean so my mom noticed i was having morning sickness every morning and kind of the same symptoms that she used to have when you know she had me so she insisted that i go to a doctor and get checked up after all the lying and telling her this and that i was like okay fine i'll take the test i took the test and yeah you guessed it it was positive so she insisted on me telling her who it was and i did not tell her but then she asked my dad and he was like i don't know but maybe not be so hard on her she's definitely going to keep the baby blah blah blah she didn't like the fact that he was 100 on my side but it'll make sense a little later so my mom told me if i got rid of it i could stay home but if i kept it then i would have to leave shortly after labor i kept it and i left shortly after leaving he left too because it was kind of hiss he was in jail shortly after that though story time on why i tried to run over my science teacher because he was a pervert so back in 2015 i went to a university which i'm not gonna say the name of because i don't want them to know that i'm talking about them and i majored in nursing and usually when you major in that type of field you usually get a lot of like science classes so my first year i took chemistry which all the students have to do for their first year it was a requirement and my science teacher we're going to call him mr jackson mr jackson was like like in his 40s middle age he had a wife and two sons i know this because he plastered them all over the damn desk his class was hard but he was a really nice teacher and whenever i needed any help i could email him i could come to his classroom after school hours this went on for the whole year so one day i leave his class really late he offers me a ride back home to my apartment and of course i said yes this is when it gets come back for part two this is part two of why i tried to run over my science teacher because he was a pervert so like i said earlier i left his class late it was really dark and he asked if i needed a ride home to my apartment and you know of course i said yes because i thought it might be safer for me to get a ride from him than for me to be walking late in the dark at night so i give him directions on where to go he'd ask me questions about things outside of school and i thought it was nice because it seemed like he genuinely cared halfway there he tells me that he's hungry and if i mind it if he parked to the side so he could order food for his house he ordered his food and then just sat there and i was like so are we going to go then literally i don't know where this man starts bawling i felt awkward but i accidentally was wrong he starts talking about his family and his wife and divorce thought it was weird but you know i tried to console him then he looks at me starts rubbing my knees and says this is why i adore you it gets crazier i'm running out of time this is part three of why i tried to run over my science teacher because he was a pervert if you didn't watch part one and part two go ahead and watch it because i'm about to just go straight in so he grabs my face and literally literally tries to kiss me i was like what the heck are you doing he was like come on now i know why you came in my head i'm like and he's like look just do me just one favor and i give you an a in my class and i was like nope i'm leaving i'm leaving and he yanks me back closer to him and guys i don't know what it is but i got this like body trigger like the moment someone touches me i'm throwing hands and i'm messing up mr jackson so bad that he had to hop out of his car and at that moment i just saw red when he got out i closed and locked his doors he was yelling at me to get out by the way guys i cannot drive but that day i just decided to drive and i swerve almost crashing the car trying to run over him he runs off and runs into the bushes somewhere from there i hopped out and ran this is the time my mom faked her death so she didn't have to take care of me and my siblings yes this girl really faked her death so at the time i was five and my little brother was three it started off with my mom saying that she didn't feel well and she couldn't pick me up from school so the bus would have to take me home well a few months after she started getting picked up from our house by this black car she said that car was picking her up because of her so-called doctor's appointments and she wasn't able to drive herself because she was too sick well one day when this car came to pick her up she never came home me and my little brother were sitting around for a couple days waiting for her to come home but she never came home and we were young so we didn't do anything eventually my aunt came over to our house and told my little brother and i that our mom had passed away and that she was cremated and they kept the ashes so our aunt started taking care of us until one day i saw my aunt getting picked up by that same black car that's when i started to get suspicious of everything and i decided to check these ashes when i checked it was flower like for part two this is part two of the time my mom faked her death so she didn't have to take care of me and my siblings like i said my aunt told me that my mom had died and they cremated her and they let her keep the ashes and that she was going to start taking care of us me not knowing how long the cremating process actually took at the time since i was so young i believed her until one day i saw my aunt getting picked up by the same black car that my mom used to get picked up by before she died that's when i decided to check these supposed ashes and it was actually flower so one day when my aunt got picked up by this black car i decided to follow her i didn't have a car i was five years old so i had to follow them by walking and hiding behind bushes i was able to follow them up the street and once they turned the corner and there i saw my mom standing on the side of the street that's when i see the car stop and i see my aunt get out and approach my mother she tells my mom to give her her money for covering for her and taking care of me and my little brother mom said she faked her death because my dad wasn't in our lives and she didn't want to take care of us anymore i'm older now and i cut her off completely and have full custody of my little brother i have feelings for my co-worker but i'm engaged i work in the medical field in a busy hospital it feels like we've been short staffed forever and it never seems to improve this leads to us having to work double shifts almost daily the money is great but i'm rightly ever home sometimes we even sleep at the hospital and don't go home for days at a time the people i work with are amazing and almost like family at the moment i see them more than my actual family we all look out for each other and we're super close but some of us might be a little too close there's this guy i work with named jason that i've developed feelings for when you're with someone almost 16 hours a day i guess it's bound to happen the problem is that i'm already engaged to my fiance at home it started out innocent at first casual light flirting here and there so subtle at times i didn't even think anything of it one of those situations where you start out as friends but things keep progressing i knew my relationship was in jeopardy when jason and i started texting when we weren't working i knew it was wrong but i didn't stop the conversations if i'm being honest at times i would be the one to text first and take the conversation away from the friend zone i haven't talked to my fiance about it and i'm scared to death too i still love him and feel terrible that i have feelings for someone else and i haven't even gotten to the worst part of it all part two i have feelings for my co-worker but i'm engaged i didn't tell my fiance about jason because i felt like this was only happening because i was never home i felt like hardly seeing him had to be the root cause of this mess i talked to him about making more of an effort to see each other despite my crazy schedule this worked for a little while but i still had feelings i couldn't deny for jason despite trying to suppress them i even told jason that we had to keep things strictly professional from now on to which he agreed however this agreement didn't last long jason and i were assigned to work in the same area for the next month one night when we were on break together he started telling me how much he missed talking to me like we used to one thing led to another and we ended up making out in the break room this was the first time it actually got physical between us but sadly it wasn't the last i'm ashamed to say it happened a few more times at this point i knew this couldn't keep going on so i made the decision to break up with my fiance i quickly found out that this was the wrong choice shortly after i found out that jason was sleeping with another girl at work i was crushed and completely cut him off i realized i made a mistake and tried to reach out to my fiance but it was too late i got distracted by what could have been and lost track of something great that i already had i still regret it to this day
Channel: SHIANNN
Views: 42,825
Rating: 4.9409394 out of 5
Id: jBktzm9k3Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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