Annoying Orange - THE SLIME! #Shocktober

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(eerie music playing) (a character laughing evilly in the background) (slime monster growls) (character laughing evilly in the background) (eerie music playing) - Hey Orange, heres that ice water you wanted. Whatcha doin'? - Just making slime and making rhymes. (Orange laughing) - Slime? That's awesome. - Yeah, I didn't have any baking soda though, so I just used some of this spare uranium. Seems to be working fine. - Um, is it just me or did the slime just move a little? - I didn't notice anything. But then again, you're the expert when it comes to 'little'. (Orange laughing) - There it is again. There. - Whoa. Hey everybody, get in here. Look at this slime goo. (Orange laughing) - Ooh. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slime that moves? Now that's crazy. - I say we poke it with a toothpick. Who's with me? (Foods agree cheerfully) - Do it. (slime makes monster noises) - I think the slime ate it? - Well we gotta try a bigger stick, obviously. - Yay. - Okay, here goes. Oh man. - Be careful, little Apple. - Oh man, oh man, oh man. (Foods scream in shock) - What the? - Wow. - What the heck? - Am I seeing things or did the slime just grow bigger? - Yeah, but only a little. (Orange laughing) - Orange, that slime just ate our friend. (Foods scream in fear) - That's not good. (Salt shaker screaming) - Look, it found more food. Yay. - Aw man, that's my boot. Been looking for that thing. - Everyone, listen up. We gotta stop that thing, quick. Sure it's cute right now, 'cause it's only eating small things, but soon it's gonna get big enough to start eating big things. (slime growls) (yellow fruit screams) (Foods scream in fear) - It's too late. Everybody, run away from the slime. - Where is the slime? - Oh. Yeah. Well, that's weird. It was here just a moment ago. - Things are looking up. - Yeah. I'm glad to be rid of that murderous slime. - Um, that's not what I meant. (Carrot screaming) (Foods scream) - Orange, you've made the slime. Think of something. Think of a way to stop it. - Oh, I got it. I'll make some more slime. And then the two slimes will eat each other. - Um. (slime makes monster voices) Yeah, either that or they'll join forces to make an even bigger slime blob. - Come on orange, think. - Okay. I have another idea. I'll make an even bigger blob of slime that can easily devour the other slime. - Dude, I don't think that's going to work. (slimes making monster voices) - And you'd be right (Orange laughing) Ah, he spilled my ice water. - Grr. We need a good idea, Orange. - Okay, I've got it-- - No more making slime. - Okay, okay, I guess I'll keep thinking. (Orange laughs) - We're out of time. That slime has devoured everything in the kitchen. - Well, except those ice cubes. - Wait, what did you say? - I said it's devoured everything except that spilled glass of ice water over there. - That's cold. (Orange laughs) - You're right. It is cold. - Yeah, I know. I think it was funnier when I said it though. - No, dude. Don't you see? The slime doesn't like cold things. See, it avoided your ice cubes. It avoided frozen yogurt. And it avoided that bowl of chili. - That's a common misconception. Although my name might suggest that I'm 'chilly', as in cold, I'm actually super hot. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that. (Chili screams) - Guys, the freezer. That's our chance. We just have to lure it up there with something warm. - I've been told I have a very warm smile, might that be helpful? (Marshmallow giggles) - You'd really sacrifice yourself? Just to save the rest of us? - Of course I would. Because I love all of you. Whee. - Let's hope this works. - I am bait, yay. - Here it comes, Marshie. Get ready. - Hi, potential friend. How about a hug? (slime growls) - It worked. - Yeah, go Marshie. (Marshmallow giggles) All right. - Well? - The slime isn't dead, but at least it's been stopped. - Yeah, as long as the freezer stays cold. (eerie sounds playing) (Foods screaming in the background) (upbeat music playing)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 4,615,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange - THE SLIME, the slime, horror, shocktober, comedy, cartoon, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, the blob, slime, silly, horror comedy, horror cartoon, scary
Id: 6yrBuOXW3PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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