Anne Bancroft Interview | Charlie Rose (2000)

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and bancroft is here in a career that has spanned five decades she is one of the rare few to have won acting's triple crown an oscar a tony and an emmy she has played some of the stage in screen's most memorable roles helen keller's teacher and the miracle worker an aging ballerina in turning point and most famously as a seductive ms robinson and mike nichols the graduate she is today busier than ever and can currently be seen in two new films keeping the faith in the upcoming up at the villa co-starring kristen scott thomas and sean penn i am really really really pleased to have her here so much so that i'm sitting in a different place just trying to see if this is my better side you may like it i may like it better that's right never can tell so what um welcome first of all thank you so much you um you don't do this much and so i'm especially flattered that you would come here to this well i'm very flattered that you have me all right great so we can move on now yeah please you are busy busy busy is is there some reason that all of a sudden well i think once you know the child got out of the house and abandoned his mother and went off to have his own life yes college and elsewhere yes right uh that was quite a shock and i thought well what am i going to do with myself i think i better try a couple of things so i did i tried a couple so what do you do do you certainly let people know that you are now available yeah i only met let one person know my agent yeah i just said i am now available and then she said what would you like to do says i don't know let's let's see television let's try that so i went to england and i did a um a little series there for because in england you only have to do it for six times and so i made up my mind at the end that was not for me then i went on the stage and i did something for six weeks on the stage emmanuel wiig play uh and um that was not for me i said what the hell am i gonna do with myself now you know that the child didn't need me anymore yes so i started with small roles back in in the business you know a little one in i can't even remember the name of the movie but anyway i started little tiny roles and i thought well okay this is good this doesn't take up too much of my time and while i was doing that trying to you know build back the career i um i started to write so i uh optioned an anne royfie book called lovingkindness and i've been writing that for about three years writing the screenplay writing the screenplay yeah for it yeah there's a role for you you bet because i am slowly outgrowing it though and we'll fix that yes i did i put in the line i mixed it so anyway that that's about to happen so i'm very happy about that and then keeping the faith keeping the faith yes right and then this one and up at the top of the villa yeah tell me about this role and this character and why you said this is for me up the villa yeah uh uh well up at the villa is you see everybody asked me what the story is about and i always tell it from the princhy pess's point of view all right because it's not well you tell it it's better well it's it's about an enclave of expatriates living in florence at the time of um that mussolini was rising in power about 1938-39 and um you know they they're they this enclave completely deny what is happening in the society they really think they can go on and have their parties you know and uh and they start and they just while the world is cl their world is collapsing a young woman comes into that their society and of course the pritchett who is the real you're a character my character yes i'm princess finally they realized yes and uh yes so um so she this young woman kristen scott thomas comes into uh our little group and of course i welcome her with open arms and do everything to invite her in make it so inviting for her because she is going to marry a man who will be the viceroy of india one day of course that's we must have we must have heard the governor bengal that's right the governor of bengal thank you so much and um so she um so she you know does everything she can to invite this woman this woman into the um into the group i never quite understood i mean i get it from you because she just wants to have this rich guy well yeah sir you see the lie it's the lie the lies that all of these people are telling themselves he would help support these lies we're still rich we're still famous we're still powerful we still matter like we still matter you know even though the world is collapsing around us you know we still matter and it that's very important to keep feeding that image and this man will feed the image because there are there are elements of the beginning to see the rise of fascism and then they've got refugees coming over from austria and and sort of beginning to create problems because of these refugees that that the young woman gets embroiled in a terrible terrible scandal you know just not permitted by the principal and the principal just dismisses her and anyone else that's involved in it out of the group you're out of the group because they cannot help support the lie you know the lie that they're all telling themselves so how is it now i mean here we see you in this particular role i love that movie you love them where'd you keep playing it yes more i do i love the movie i think it's because well because i think it's about something it's entertaining yeah it's a wonderful wonderful story unexpected things happen you know throughout it and you know the language is beautiful i love it how were you able to stay away from acting these years yeah i mean i realize you had responsibilities that you thought were more important given that that's how that's exactly how i see you answered the question for me thank you so much because truly that mandate that a mother is given when that baby is born and put into your arms ah what do i do now and it takes a lifetime you know to because you're so completely unprepared because i had him very late in life you know the last possible second we almost called him nick for nick right yes so so it it i really was um devoured by that job completely but not a moment that you long to be in another role you just love the role and were devoured by it i didn't say i loved the role i said i was devoured by it i didn't say i loved it i stand corrected this is bankrupt no i i've felt many ways it does not correct me too much in one hour please okay what i did was i felt a lot of different ways about it you know as i often do the whole spectrum i feel that way about everything though you know a lot of different ways i'm almost always in conflict yes mel he must be high maintenance he is yes he keeps me in conflict too all the time you know he's a guy you can love and hate in the same moment yeah you've been there been there been there yeah yes now that you've brushed out done all these things how are you going to find the equilibrium that all of us well here's what i was going to say you see along the way i learned a lot about who i am and what i need to make me happy you know when you step back from yourself a little bit you step back from the drive you know the drive to do to win to beat we step back from that a little bit you know you say oh look i'm very happy just sitting in my garden you know or i'm very happy fishing this is terrific so you find a lot of things like that that and you begin to love life all of the simple things that that oh god i sound so corny i did don't you say that again and i i i liked all those things i liked fishing yeah fishing being with my husband and just having a dinner together looking at the the ocean so you had no need to see your little self on screen or read about yourself well i didn't say that you said you keep saying all these things i did have a need for that yeah but you know they'll all be satisfied that's what i wanted to do what did you really find out about yourself other than what you've already told me that you could be happy you could really be happy in the garden or you could be happy well i didn't say anything i didn't say i could be happy did i say i couldn't i misunderstood what did you say i just said that i found well maybe i did say i could be happy but i didn't mean i could be happy because being happy is a very complex thing and truly happiness is not what i'm looking for i'm i think what i'm looking for you see that's what i found i found what i think i'm looking for what i think i'm looking for is a state of mind of peace just peace i don't even have to be happy i don't even ask for that just want some to be not conflicted anymore to feel simple about things but what were you conflicted about everything really everything yeah from the time i think i was born i was always conflicted yeah i wanted this but i wanted that one it was so hard to make a decision because if you made the decision then you'd have to give up this oh my gosh so you kept both the choices were conflicting yeah right exactly so so that's the way i that's the way i was it's the way i am and i have to but at what moment did you find i mean what when did you find the piece that you just talked about i didn't find it no no i'm on the path you keep putting words no no i'm just on my ears i keep hearing that you felt i don't think we're supposed to be having such a good time this is working with it it's my show okay okay um so so you what i found out i found out that you are on the road to peace yeah that's what i want i think that's what i think anyway so now i i now i'm seeking the road to it okay but i mean are you is all the angst and all the conflict and all of that pretty much over you know a lot of it is yeah a lot of it is this just age it could be but it also is a devotion to the search to the search for an answer you know and a devotion to the truth and and willingness to confront it fight it look at it i mean really and really look at it yeah are you an introspective person i mean you're constantly looking inside saying what am i doing and why am i doing this and you know i i wasn't for years and years and years and years i just sort of did what i want acted like you know just a mindless sort of spontaneous person which i don't like to lose that you know the spontaneity but the mindlessness i would like to lose i would like to bring my mind into play because i find i have a rather good mind i can imagine yeah yeah and you want to why didn't you bring it into play and why would you in other words you were not using it i wasn't because i would rather have been taken care of i would rather use other people's minds here's a need exactly exactly oh you you would rather have early on have been taken care of always yes always and i might still have quite a bit of some of that stuff that's still in me yeah the last scene there shows uh sean penn yes you love him i do he's a wonderful man and a great actor yeah he really is did you see him sweet and low down my god what a performance yeah and here he's wonderful in this he's he's almost like you know a 1930s uh matinee idol i know he's but he does he's not i don't understand and he thought he talked about that at this table this he has ambivalence about acting yeah yeah well i think a lot of men do you know because what it's unmanly well well in a way you know it's rather passive people tell you what to say they tell you where to move yeah a lack of control i think is sort of what bothers me while women on the other hand just give it up you know that's compelling control me yes right exactly so so they do have a lot more of a struggle than women do yeah did you get to know him on the set did you get the time we did you know we had the most wonderful way of living there we all lived in the same hotel where was this film this was in florence it was yes it was filmed in florence italy and um not a bad place to go make a move if you like art especially not bad at all it really was superb um and so we had this dining room in the garden where we would all meet you know and of course he was studying his guitar at that time for a sweet lowdown and he was always working away in his trailer so at night you know we'd all sort of relax in this beautiful garden of the hotel and everyone was there derek jack b and james fox and and kristen and we'd have dinner down in the garden how long did this last three months yeah yeah about three months yeah see that's great i mean that's a great thing about making moves you go to these exotic locations you put together in a rather close-knit way with a group of people of talent or they wouldn't be in the movie we hope and or if the people are also willing to do this too you know we're willing to sit and talk and expose themselves and that then it makes for a very nice and you didn't have any prima donnas in this thing either did you no i didn't that's good i mean you had none of these people who were so no it was it was good and they had always have to have six or seven people around them taking care of them and all that stuff yeah no no we had nobody like that we were all you know very exposed to each other yeah how about christian scott thomas no she was wonderful she was oh she was oh what are you doing i mean she was she was easy to work with she was good oh yeah she she was tired though a lot of the time you know because she worked every single day and she's almost in everything she's never every single scene and she also had a family that was coming at certain times you had two children young children she lives in paris yeah so they were very close to florence and they would come on weekends and and so she was really yeah um so you're working with how was norton as a director well it was really a new experience for me because i'm used to you know the stage and i'm used to learning my lines and coming in and knowing what i would like ready to do anything for it's what we call professional yeah right exactly but but there's there's something else there's a whole new school out there that you come in and you just sort of ad lib yeah and and but you know why because a lot of these actors still are being one of them well i'm not sure he's one but he comes from a comic tradition his family a hot yes yes i'll bet you mel brooks directs that way i bet everything he does is not tightly scripted or anything i don't know i never saw him do you know what i'm on set no it's true uh he he does like people too ad-lib yeah he does those people who come from a comic and especially him i mean he comes from an ad-lib tradition right big-time yes yes yes right so i loved it i mean i really loved learning this doing this you know i'd never really done that before but you're funny off the cuff too yes you are i mean this is not scripted news new and news so but so norton is okay we can think he's got a future as a director or not if he wants to if he wants i don't know if he wants to anymore you know a lot of actors they think they want to direct and then they get out there and they really don't they have to worry about well that's what happened while you guys go out to have dinner there and worrying about the next day shoot it isn't only that but you know when i i directed fat so i wrote this movie fatso and i directed it and i will never ever direct again as long as i live why not well because i told you i want to be taken care of and the director takes care of everybody yeah you you you didn't want to be a caregiver if you want to be given care what is this you know i realize at the end of the movie i'll never do this again so i never will all right so but directors that you have worked with mike nichols said nepal mm-hmm who else that's we should take notes arthur penn jack clayton jack clayton sydney lumet sydney alumni yeah that's my brain but have they made a difference for you i mean are you you know what i learned from them do you get i think uh of course arthur was the biggest yeah well because i was so young at the time i was only this was the american worker no this was um who directed america he did no he did this i had worked with him before that too for the seesaw on the stage and then before that we had done a tv thing together and it was on that tv show that thing that that uh that that that i finally saw the light because of him what light well the light the light was remember i told you a little while ago if you remember that i was this mindless sort of spontaneous person i was working on sheer talent and sheer energy yeah you know and arthur taught me how to bring all the other parts of my my brain into it into play yeah into play and it's a good thing that happened when you were young yes yes good thing because since then you know it has enriched the whole process for me do you wish you'd had i'm i'm skipping around here that's okay do you wish you'd had a lot more children oh do i ever i i think it's the one thing i regret in life you know is not having more but i had this this boy at um 41 yeah which is great a lot of people do that now but that point at that time yeah i had to spend three months in bed because i had had these strange labor pains at seven months and we all thought i was going to lose that baby so i went to bed for three months and i didn't lose it i actually had a cesarean but i actually was able to give birth but the joy that what is it about it that you wish you'd done it's a one regret well because you know they they grow up and uh and they leave you when they go off to their own lives and if i'd had somebody after him i might still have somebody i could you know i could take care of you know that's that's the only one person in the world but that's interesting i mean it is the joy of taking care of someone yeah and watching them grow and giving them values and giving them taste and giving more complex too in a sense that you also live your own your own youthful time as you watch them grow do you know when you talk to that baby you are really talking to the baby and you as well it is sad and you can correct me if this is a wrong assumption i will that you and mr brooks have one of the great relationships oh i can't wait to get home and tell them i don't know where you heard that have you heard because you well i mean yes oh well is it not true then listen i've never had a relationship with i mean i've never had anything certainly come on that's not what we heard well i mean i have what they want all right i know exactly no but i mean it seems to me my impression is that this is just great i thought i've heard that too that the two of you it's magical nobody's ever mentioned this to you that there was this assumption let me tell you something all right you know what magic is what hard work it is that's what magic is yeah it's hard work so we work very hard at keeping aware of tell me this story i once heard this story about okay i think he told us about you is that you come home one day he tells us so you know what's coming you come on one day and you're just exhausted you've been acting and you say to him god i am so tired i can't tell you i mean it is i'm just you don't know what it's like to be this time acting is hard yes and he says he took a blank piece of paper put it in front of me with a pencil and he said that's how hard writing is yes this is hard let's make a sentence here young lady and they'll show you what hard well i looked at that blank piece paper for a long time and i realized nothing to say i went to my job the next day to act you know full of pep yes you had a renewed spirit and a little more appreciation for the boy back home that's right you bet yes it's true that story is true yeah but i mean if it let's assume it works really well i mean what what is it i mean what is your hard work just what does hard work mean well hard work means that you have to be aware and you have to want to say how are you and really want to listen to what he's got to say you can't just say how are you don't go off and do something else while he's telling you yeah right you really have to care and you have to be interested and i think i am i'm very interested in him and he's i hope very interested in me i think you'd know by now yes i think it would be reasonably apparent but when he came to you you're very funny i can't help it i'm so sorry oh my god we're having too much fun charlie stop this oh should i be serious you expected me to be serious i did you did i thought i was gonna get this very serious man and you're making me laugh oh my gosh i'll try but not bad it's not that but before that did you when he came into your life was he one that wanted to take care of you and protect you and and put his arms around was that are you kidding me i mean he wanted to swallow me up i said you yeah yeah i got him absolutely right and for the first few years that's what it was and little by little you know i realized this was dangerous dangerous well it was dangerous because i was beginning to truly lose myself and i and i i've been fighting back ever since really yeah fighting back from my own you know my own identity i think they call it did you love the graduate what do you mean did i look the whole attention to this mike directing you what it became the seductiveness i love it i mean i love it now oh now i'm capable of loving it when we were doing it i found um so many problems along i found that i was so conflicted remember that you know first of all i read the script i loved the script i thought it was absolutely one i couldn't wait to do it everybody was telling me it was you know it was beneath me and that i shouldn't do it and i said i'm going to do it so enough yes right get out of my ears and and i went and i did this and i did this part now i thought it would be very easy to take off my clothes and be naked when i got to the day i had to do it yeah i couldn't do it i just couldn't do it and of course that sort of left mike up a creek and not only couldn't do it but i got pneumonia so i really couldn't do it so they sent me home and um and they got someone else to come in and play this naked woman because i just simply couldn't do it but i didn't know i couldn't do it until i got there what was the problem take off your clothes just think about it just think about getting naked here yeah but come on i'm in you're a gorgeous woman uh yeah but i don't live on the outside of me looking at me and saying geo gorgeous i live on the inside my nose you know yeah so it's it it just was something that i couldn't do i to this day i still don't understand it but i don't think i could do it now even now even though i mean you look with all the maturity if you were then when you were making that movie you could i would whatever you've learned would not have changed your mind if you had that wisdom then yeah i i no no i would ha have to well i don't know what the conditions would have to be but i just never could do it what did mike say was mike upset yes mike was upset but mike's upset yeah i i didn't care that he was upset i was going to you know abide by my instincts uh or whatever it was in me and i i left really terribly sick i think that's probably why i got sick was because um was it too late for him to replace you no oh yes you mean as mrs robinson besides there was nobody else could play that part like i did anyway so yeah well it wasn't that so much is that this was only one little scene that i couldn't do i could do everything else but i couldn't do it you're right only you could play that role well that that's not a difficult scene but it's so brilliantly directed isn't it it's really he is amazing he did a wonderful job yeah you have said that she was misunderstood mrs robinson yes she was not understood by herself and she was also not understood by the society around her you know and but did you mean in a sense that that it was because of all this rages the reason she was so well i think i think she had dreams seduction with this guy she had dreams and the dreams could not be fulfilled and because of things that had happened and and so she spent a very conventional life with this conventional man in the conventional house you know even though it was in beverly hills it was still a very conventional life and meantime man into plastics or whatever yes exactly exactly and meantime all the dreams that she had had for herself you know and the town she probably was a gifted artist you know i thought that she was and none of that could happen and when you mean you understood all this at the time you were performing this part yes and that's how that's why you could do what you did yeah this is a movie i remember as much as almost any movie really you know yeah most men do most men yes we're just so predictable aren't we so obvious aren't we about that when it comes to that yes predictable obvious yes not very bright not very subtle don't worry and by the way what are you doing to that you know what i'm doing i'm taking off the lipstick i don't like looking at the lipstick mark that you make every time you take a sip you don't make one but i do no well done see you here do you know um after that what did it do for you this performance this role well you know i was exhausted after the graduate and then we went right into little foxes with mike directing little foxes at lincoln center so um so i never was around i mean i wasn't out there i was i was still in an exhausted state getting up every day to go to rehearsals for little foxes i i i had no idea what was happening to the film mike used to tell me but you know you'd say oh we're a great surgeon and it didn't seem to matter because i was involved in what i was doing and and also i was just very tired at that time and so as i didn't get to really appreciate you working so hard because your life was so busy no no because i was working so hard we'd finished um the graduate and we went right into little foxes right after that i don't think i had a week off and we were into rehearsals for little foxes which was another enormous job for me so um so i never really appreciated the fame the success all that sort of stuff i did find out of the corner of my eye a lot of guys looking at me in a very strange way you could see that oh yeah i even know when it's played on television because the next day there's a lot of guys [Music] did it make you a big star i mean no matter how tired you were no matter what little foxes was did they do i mean i realized because of the miracle worker you were pretty damn good and you were recognized for your talent but all of a sudden there's one thing to have done a performance that is acclaimed it's another thing to have done a performance that everybody's talking about charlie you're very naive oh i'm sorry here is the thing it made a lot of money yeah and it was because of that that i became popular because it made a lot of money that's the rule you know i mean i was wondering yeah exactly and so all over the world i got offers from all over the world and i was insulted by many of them because i thought oh now that i'm that i'm box office in a way you know i even received an award you know as head box office star of the year something like that yeah it hello wake up yeah well i was as naive as you are now let me just make my case i wasn't i was basically saying it it i was all i was saying is that no matter how good you were in america work as an actress no matter how acclaimed you were for your artistry artistry yes here you became a star and a star is someone who brings the little people into the theater you're absolutely right i mean certainly the job in miracle worker you know was i mean it was the whole movie it's just artistry yeah exactly and what and i don't think i've ever even been paid for that movie because it was all deferred money and i don't think that movie is made anything right but yeah although maybe now it has i must look at my receipts and um but it did nothing for me the academy award did nothing i mean in comparison to what the graduate did because it made money when did you mention that you were direct that you wanted to react and you made that so did you make a film called august or something what oh that that was over at um at afi oh at afi i was in the direct the women's directors group and i made two little short films one was called the august and the other was called fat so how do you know about this louise heard about you wow yeah and and what did that not did did why did you want to direct i didn't they asked me to do this was just because of your name and because you added something to them what happened was or maybe it's your brain will you stop putting words in my mouth all right go okay you tell me i thought they'd tell you this very interesting they had asked me to be in the women's directors group the first year that they started i said no no i don't want a director you know i i want to be taken care of that sort of thing sorry see your biography your memoirs should be entitled yes whatever yes i want to be taken care of yeah right except i'm not going to write that so so then in the second year and also my son was growing up at this point you know when he started school and so i had some empty hours and i said well okay let's try this thing and i was really more interested in writing something than i was in directing something so i did i wrote these two pieces the august and i wrote fatso as little tiny pieces and fatso then i expanded and made into a feature and one day i will take the august and do that too you will when i know what i want to say i'm not quite sure i know what i want to say about now you mentioned writing scripts you also want to write other kinds of things oh i'd love to if i could but i'm not that talented as a writer i'm really not a writer at all there's another writer in the house yeah i have some you know desire to but i'm not really do you want to work with mel again yeah you know we did work um yes i would love to work with him is that hard because no that was the greatest fun it was the easiest movie i ever did to be a not to be because we were in constant contact with each other all the time i loved it i loved it i don't think he liked it as much as i liked it but oh come on i can't believe he doesn't well you must ask him i will um but have you tried to find a project have you no no we haven't tried i mean it wasn't obviously it wasn't so much thrilling for him because he hasn't tried to do it again obviously well you know why it didn't make money oh i think he would say that's always the thing of course now it's beginning to get make money because now that i think anything you do in a film makes money eventually today because there's so many outlets right there's so many outlets and people can rent things and they keep renting it so that's very nice i even find that they now want to watch old interviews i've done i mean it's just constant the notion that if it's on cellular or on tape there's somebody who hasn't seen it and wants to see it yeah isn't it good yeah good news yeah uh what's his best film um i think his first film the producers of course that was dear that was zero was unbelievable yeah and so was gene jesus marvelous uh he's making a musical out of it see that's extraordinary your first film is your best film yeah well i mean some paintings are like that too and books are like that but it is i mean i've talked about this phenomenon before with writers at some often people's early work is the best that they do yeah yeah i mean probably not as much with musicians perhaps as others well i don't know that much about music too no no you don't i don't not interested don't care no just have been too busy to really get into it the way i'd like i like to be obsessed by something it i deal with it also you do i do yes what are you obsessed with i mean if if i'm going to go into something you got to be obsessed it's got to be whole heart and soul in other words when you're making a movie it has your undivided attention you know and you only do it if you feel strongly about it exactly only if it's something i can pour myself into yeah what was it you did in london on on we did we did a series called freddie and max is that what you're asking yeah but that wasn't as satisfying as it might have been for you no no it was not for you know why yeah it wasn't really something i could pour myself into you know it was something you could do off the top of your head and i was like it wasn't demanding yeah i'm not interested in that you know a lot of people it's like when i when i garden you know i had god and i go out there you know at the sunset and i grab all the really all the bugs yes and i do all that stuff and i yeah what what kinds of flowers do you have i don't have flowers i have vegetables oh just vegetables yes and they're all organic why is that why not flowers because you have a little gardener that does that well because at the time i did my gardening there wasn't access to organically grown vegetables now there is you know now you've got whole foods and you've got all these different places where you can buy organic vegetables but then you couldn't so i grew it was an organic garden that's why i had to go out and pull off all of the you know all of the snails and the bugs let me see that again how would you pull them off pull them off like that if the producers is male's best work yeah i like it because it's dear to me we went through hell with that movie you know he made this movie for spit and um and then he went to philadelphia for the opening and there were three people in the audience and he came home i mean just tears really he was dismayed like three people in the office three people in the u.s and he was one of them so it was a very sad beginning and we would move it it was yeah and then eventually of course it was found but in the beginning do you want to come back to the stage oh i would love to yes i would love to i i would like to find the energy and stamina you've got that you know well i mean to um to lock myself up in the prison of every single night not seeing my child not seeing my husband that's what happened in when i tried the stage in that six weeks when i did the manual weed play um i just realized i wanted more of life i did not want to be on the stage when other people were going to the theater meryl streep said the same thing yeah she did not want to be away every night yeah there's just too much life has to offer that i want a part of i want a piece of it aren't you thrilled that you aren't you really pleased that that early on what you wanted to do you have done you wanted to be yeah what i'm more pleased about yeah you want to be on stage right what i am more pleased about you could get just like what i'm more pleased about is that the drive you know this this person behind me who has been like that yeah he's beginning to calm down doing this so hard not whipping me so hard that's what i'm happy about you see there's a guy i don't know if it's a guy or maybe a woman might be a woman but it's obviously your parents obviously yes only a smart guy like you would know that oh charlie this is hysterical you know people are going to think we've been drinking well what do you think oh um yeah sober up well get get my act together up at the villa um also keeping the faith you are magnificent oh thank you sorry i knew i'd get you to say that [Laughter] i am mad for you thank you for you i want to take care of you i love you oh wow oh you said the right words okay and bancroft for the hour thank you anne bancroft as she lived with such grace and humor dead at age 73 we remember this evening her husband mel brooks and her family thank you and good night you
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Id: iZcu7gcVsdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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