Annamalai exclusive interview | Katchatheevu issue and Coimbatore | Lok Sabha elections 2024

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hello everyone this is SAA prta Deputy Chief of Bureau of the Hindu katur Mr Ana Malay the BJP Tamil Nadu president and also the Party's candidate for the loks SAA elections from katur is just back from his campaign let's catch up with him to get his views on some of the recent developments some of the demands of the bjp's Allies in the state and also about his plans for K let's listen to him thank you sir for joining us M uh so we'll start off with k because uh you had brought that issue to you know Limelight to highlight that in 1974 the then tamad government headed by Mr Kari was fully informed by the central government about the uh agreement bilateral agreement between India and Sri Lanka so what do you think uh this what will be the impact of this on the Lo SAA elections uh madam I look at it in two ways one the reason we brought it out is uh because DMK was trying to make it a poll issue uh because the honorable chief minister the MK Stalin G in his last visit to rahad Bam District uh I think just before 15 days before the model code of conduct came he was speaking that K was given and this that and everything we were not informed a lot of things he was speaking so after that I applied for n and got this document mam so first is to tell the people of Nadu look this is what has happened uh whatever Mr MK stmg is saying in the stage it is all a drama because 50 years back they were fully informed and probably they soft pedal the issue also then this is issue number one Madam and of course I believe uh the the fishermen brothers and sisters especially in the coastal belt it will resonate with them because since the boundary got Strunk artificially 50 years back all the problems we see is a direct manifestation of that now issue number two what is our stand one is releasing in the document is part one part two is what is BJP Tamil Nadu want it and we have been very categorical over the last two years very categorically in fact um you to understand the the the delicate po the party is in man we have a central government in Delhi and the BJP Tamil Nadu a year back we put a committee under pun radakrishnan G we went and met all the fishermen in the coastal parts of tamilnad then we prepared a report we went and submitted to the external affairs minister where in we clearly mentioned the party's Viewpoint that KTIV has to be retrieved back uh you also have to appreciate and understand Madam I I've made three visits to Sri Lanka in the last one and a half years and had the opportunity to to meet all the leaders the the Tamil leaders uh including doulas devanand G who continuously the fishing Minister and different regimes then the regime change the Tamil political parties their Viewpoint also now we don't want to make it a friction between two countries Madam it is not that BJP Tamil Nadu Rises something we are fully Conant of the fact we are and power and anything we say and act uh it should not be detrimental to India's foreign policies interest also because you know Sri Lanka the sensitivity of a neighbor that is very close to our border after talking uh to the Tamil political leaders we have come to an understanding there is no way you can solve the Indian fishermen issue specifically the Tamil fishermen issue in the high SE getting captured every time uh getting arrested jafna jail 14 days getting them back and each vat when it is impounded 2018 the s Lanka got a new law where the import and boat boats are becoming nationalized now we have stopped it now we are not making making the boats to get auction the new law in Sri Lanka says the imported boots will get nationalized then it will get auctioned so we are not allowing them to auction because the Tamil political parties in Sri Lanka unanimously they're supporting this unanimously every single party every single MP they're unanimously supporting this particular actor so it's a very complicated issue now now AR article 6 of K when we gave kach 174 article 6 gave the rights to Tamil fishermen to go put our fishing nets and come back or maybe stay but not stay overnight that is also a problem now because article 6 is gone now so our interest is not create any friction our interest is in the interest of Justice if the Tamil fisherman issue should not flare up anymore again again when we did multiple sittings with the Tamil fisherman and radam and they took us in the boat also I had the privilege of going with the fisherman boat they took it they said look from the shore this much nautical mile you have high rocks you just cannot fish then you have lot of controls after that slightly if you go more into it after the High Rock area that is where the fishing starts immediately K comes age old time they were going up to n which is an island after K now now we have to understand their situation also they simply don't have a fishing zone between radam and K because there is a Rock immediately after they leave they they they just don't want to fish because the boats don't want to get damaged so after looking at all options not to make it sensitive not to make it an emotional issue uh not to do jingoism of over this with with very very very mild mannered way we have we have been consciously talking to the central government authorities to the to the ministers to all the powers that be that this is the only way to solve and to do it you have to reinstate article six back because it is foreign secretary foreign secretary is the first one was in Parliament um even that was just bulldozed into the parliament but the second one was foreign secretary foreign secretary removal and that we believe is blatantly illegal because two foreign secretaries cannot sit and remove an article 6 which was passed in Parliament in 1974 June so sorry for the long answer Madam but just to get the context right the first one is more to tell the people of ranad buram specifically and the fisherman population of Tamil Nadu don't believe in cm's lies because that is what is telling you right before the the election second one is slightly a long-term one and J Shankar G is also we appreciate his answer to a very pointed question to the press conference the day after the document got released to a very pointed question that will the government of India be interested to retrieve kacho back he gave a straight answer that all options on the table so we very hopeful and the election time we shouldn't make any issue very sensitive per se from the government of India side from from the party said we're very clear Madam that you want retrieval of K yes do you have any time frame in mind Madam now now now okay uh as part of India's boundary settlement with various Powers uh especially with Bangladesh uh at different points of time it was always a give and take policy with Bangladesh certain enclaves were there certain things were within us so we we did a reciprocal Arrangement neui time uh recently our Modi government so it was a very smooth Affair where there was a peculiar situation where you to cross Indian Territory to go to Bangladesh or Bangladesh territory to come to Indian Territory but k was a very unique thing after 1947 nothing was given to India only K was given so everywhere else there was a balance everywhere there was a balance but K there's no balance we give but nobody knows why we gave there's nothing that came you should have you should have said the fishing RS will happen till there the fishing RS will go up to there up to Manar you can go fish and come back thousand boats can go daily and the government of s Lanka will renew the fishing license some sort of arrangement zero Arrangement article 6 was there because because they said that point of time no Tamil Nadu people should protest so article 6 was brought into bance sorry to interrupt but I think uh that document which the external Affairs Ministry gave for your RTI see application I think it also says that the central government had told the chief minister you know that uh security concerns were there and there was a possibility of Sri Lanka you know looking at China but but I believe it's a lie Madam it's a total lie because you look at the document two they have said one Chinese thing in 1974 1974 where was China Mam and which was China's geopolitical and economic interest when did China enter Sri Lanka late late 2000 and the second one they said I think is a blatant like they said oil shes are being discovered and we don't want anybody to find out so why nobody spoke about oil in the last 50 years Madam it is a foreign secretary coming and saying something and the chief minister not even not even registering and saying you can give but over my prot but at that point of time what do you think the chief minister could have done simply said no I'm not going to agree Tamil Nadu will not agree when they site the security issue yes of of course Madam of course tamad should say we will not agree what Madam 1974 let has be conscious of the fact China what was China's standing in the world in 1974 even in United Nations Taiwan was was was was was a very powerful powerful voice in the United Nations then right now if you say China that is why I'm saying more balance now so the reason the foreign secretary gave in a one to one a chief minister that to a person like Kang with such a political knowledge can easily cross question can easily cross question and even that the chief secretary also mildly pushed it the line can be drawn in the center of isand a line can be drawn here I'm sure you must have gone through the whole document Madam I find it absolutely unconvincing a chief minister had barely surrendered that to a St of kinger K a person who understand politics in and out and the response that they recorded but he did try you know saying that it could be postponed for 2 years okay Madam even if it is postponed after 2 years why Madam because Kang had a election to manage so his whole idea was to balance that short-term Assembly Election because mgrg just came in started a new party so the the the point of the matter is his mind was to give it away but the question is can two years because they wanted to pass one one Assembly Election before they give it away but he could have simply said that I'm not going to give again Madam sidar Shankar bang Bangladesh when The Enclave was happening he protested he said Over My Dead Body the same thing West Bengal chief minister he said I am not going to do it even for the Enclave change between two things same IND gandi same Congress powerful chief minister powerful prime minister but he said do it Over My Dead Body I'm not going to give I'm just giving you two context to say here Kanger Kari could have acted in a much better more aggressive I don't think indraa Gandhi g would have given by antagonizing a border state like Tamil Nadu uh this pre 1984 pre- lot of things that has happened I'm sure of the honorable chief minister that point of time has put his foot down and set a firm no I'm sure not have happened okay now uh is there any time frame that you're anticipating for this since I'm not part of the government and their official thinking process as a party Kaka uh we are doing everything possible from our side Madam we are we are we are creating an issue we are taking it to the public and and uh we are making friendly approach to Sri Lankan political parties we trying we do a lot of things uh we also tell them forget this let us solve the fisherman issue how how to solve it can we solve it now because you can't have a situation Madam where this cannot be a problem every week Madam every week 13 people ared 15 people ared true but Sri Lanka has said that this issue was naturally Sri Lanka will say naturally any country for which it got what it want in 1974 why would s Sri Lanka want to for Sanka it's everything to lose if you look at Sri Lanka's point of view you are shrinking their border and you are because n as we speak now they want to put up some solar projects and all in the in the slightly the top Islands the Chinese wanted to come in uh especially after n the islands after n to the Sri Lankan border and S Lanka has got everything to lose because overnight you are expanding the even the torial boundary of the country mam so naturally Sri Lanka will say but the question is how to make Sri Lanka to agree at the same time get the solution for Tamil NAD fisherman and for which the ruling political party of India Tamil Nadu BJP we have to make a firm stand we have made our stand very firm so you will be pursuing this with the next government with our government again Modi G okay uh sir the next thing next issue that I wanted to ask you about is uh pmk has uh asked for a cast census which even Congress has said in its Manifesto what is your views on that mam our Viewpoint is um okay let us just revisit the consensus Madam whatever words were spoken said uh in the last many many years the same Congress tall leaders they said opening mle commission uh report is like a can of WS who said Rajiv Gandhi g said so 2011 a so-called CA sensus was commit was was was brought in along with the 2011 census some form of C sensus was ready by 14 January before the election then they said no concurrence among our ministers so you don't want to do it we dropped it who said it Madame Sonia Gandhi at one point of time Malik one point of time Tamil Nadu we had some sort of a census Kar and committee report again DMK refused to give an extension so I am saying since Tamil Nadu something we started why did Mr MK Stalin not give an extension to the Karan committee when it was fully aware that something was happening they only wanted some extra time to submit that report back so this is the context my answer is based on this context mam of course in our political party uh in our alliance across India people have their own Viewpoint we are not debating And discussing about it and everybody believe what is right and they do it because each party it operates in a different Zone and uh with a different ideology and BJP we have to of course accommodate all the voices all the differing ideologies also at time so our Viewpoint at this point of time five elections Congress ran on cast census they ran the cast census in Rajasthan they lost madha Pradesh they lost chesar they lost this are the major states which ran on cast senses now I don't think it is a matter of 20124 loab Elections now because Congress ran it in five elections they lost it but the modality is how to do it when the next censes come already collected data Karnataka the similar problem they say the report is lost again they are not willing to release it so wherever it has gone everywhere it's a problem now of course there is a pro of course there is a con so we believe any government services that is going to give mod is very clear it has to be the poor should get the first right and mod also in a different context he said the minority should also have the first right so he has made it clear at different points of time in different uh circumstances now when you come Bihar is C sensus an issue after the data got released in 2024 I don't think so because after the C sensus got released every single party is only defending debating discussing no this has got slightly higher this has got slightly lower no this number is not properly represented and the Pol some one political party said we will redo a cost sensus after we come back in the be legislative assembly so in this context when you got so many issues to discuss we would like to pop focus on highlight all those issues but we leave it to our party and our party is fully uh capable enough because they have to take an all India respect on all those things so let them take a call we are waiting for our party's call okay and the pmk's the other demand is that you know a reservation for one years in the MBC CA mam as an all India party uh I represent uh I'm a Kat of the all India party and uh my view is very clear with respect to all India Viewpoint okay and we are for reservations no doubt about that and Modi G has supported internal reservation for madigas also in the state of Telangana so we are for internal reservation wherever there is a need at the same time we are also very conscious of the fact in a state like Tamil Nadu and such a polarizing State when you have 69% reservation too many caps and everybody demanding giving reservation one side is going to antagonize the other side everything has to be very measured careful steps so let us all come to a conclusion so right now Lo SAA 2024 let us focus on who has to come to power broad Contours of why they have to come to power with respect to the other issues tamad government formation 69% whether it has to go up it has to uh internal reservation has to realign everything I don't think is a topic for today mam okay you don't want to discuss that not a topic for today maybe I would like to have a very honest conversation about it before 2026 before the Tamil Nadu Centric elections are there m so this region this city is not new to you you're familiar with it uh last 10 years uh how do you think uh you know this constancy has changed both in terms of development and also in terms of its requirement uh Madam it's uh since I'm also campaigning going to the rural areas I see a bit of small strain in the community within Community there is a strain in the rural area M uh one lot of people are coming into katur katur is a region that is attracting people coming in you mean even in the rural from rural yes Madam Urban is also higher if you go to population centers like s people might say Palam there is solur you go to S you go to ur yesterday I was in arasur people said no they giving drinking water in 2001 census from Pure Dam and population has gone so much because industrial zones have come so even for me a katur Centric approach when they start going outside uh to all the smaller towns also they are also facing problems where populations are more concentrated along the smaller towns they getting bigger okay so somewhow I felt the mindset of katu's development is not based on this mindset that city is growing even the smaller cities outside are growing so naturally it is creating a lot of problems second Madam katur is a very unique Place among all cities in the world because this is a city with the highest number of organic clusters on their own if you go there is a weaving if you go somewhere there is a power loom it's just an organic cluster one area is fully there again you shift somewhere there is a uh uh uh motor if you go Automotive ancillary then heavy machinery then Foundry so I don't think any city in the world I'm just being very careful with the words any city in the world we not have this much organic clusters that is around in one city I felt somehow development of this region it is not in conson with the thinking there are so many organic clusters within us can we do something for it for example M Foundry let us take if there is a strain and Foundry every single industry in kyat will suffer right now Foundry I was told by The Foundry Association when we had a long meeting with them we manufacture about roughly we do about uh uh 35% of India's Foundry output but since the foundaries of katur this area doesn't have a single Technical Center China has got I was told 60 60 technical centers they say sir we are just not able to reach to the next level we are just struck we are there but we want to go to the next level but because of the the technical center Center of Excellence not being there and we are just not able to graduate to the next level that is an issue you have to sort it out this is one example I'm giving you maam automobile but there is no automobile clusters per se uh you are not having an industrial Zone with a special focus on automobiles tax incentives you want attract defense cardor mod can only give defense C I just want Madam to do a harest assessment between the difference C of up and the difference C ofur we have five noal points you start from go all the way to Sal and and we can only leave it to a state government Madam and the state government has to do a road show has to promote it has to aggressively take ownership of it they have called for expression of interest for klur and correct but they are not taking ownership of it oh central government project whatever happens the credit will go to Modi G they are just not taking ownership the the chief minister of the state has to be fully aware the next 10 years the biggest group gr is going to be the defense sector biggest growth and when there when you have an investors conference I just want you to analyze whatever they have spoken how many times they spoken about the difference cor that we already have fully there and the CEO of this was also put one year later where are the up government wants it makes it an attractive saying we are having please come invest invest invest so this are the areas of concern for me the positive things Madam of course we have the largest concentration of educational clusters colleges but the problem we don't have a global capability Center gcc's gccs have to be here so that a person studed from PFG CIT all the colleges GCT ra Krishna Ram Krishna let me take all the names M all the every single institution is great here and they study here they go outside to Bangalore take the case of person like me come from karur study in katur in 2002 again go outside for a job this is the case for 9% of students here so this is also a peculiar case you not able to bring Amazon here or flip carts or gcc's here and create at least 80,000 employment inside the katur area per se this second area of concern so Kat's resources are not being fully utilized for the city's growth the third area of concern for me ma'am the city I felt is automatically growing there is a company some CSA they're investing they want to put something but I felt the SW ranking where are we now Madam we have dropped multiple hundreds where we were we have just dropped multiple hundreds just because I just out of curiosity I went through the whole report I was trying to study why Chennai and kyat drop much it is only in solid BTE management Solid Waste Management we're doing extremely poor you cannot have a city where 20% of waste management is segregated waste is segregated and that is being taken care drinking water is a problem Madam why now right now people are doing small protest here and there they are saying 15 days once why because we haven't we are not investing proper money it's a state level problem into agriculture especially Into Water Resources because you're not cing to us it is growing neat why zp cot is more interested to go why do we why do we prot do protest against zp cot when they want to come near katur Madam we are saying sipcot should go to the dry areas the moment you come to the only water available areas you suck lacks of gallons of water every day and the population will suffer our only l is bring Industries to katur in CP cot which doesn't deserve require water or you go to drier areas and put SHP cart there because it is all connected problem because the government doesn't have a vision what industries to bring what to do so this is a whole host of problems going up for that I believe there is a there is there is hope because katur has to be put on the center of table in discussion when you have so much capacity so much capability so much educational infra so much knowledge base somebody has to keep pushing katur into the center of discussion of course mod is religion neutral mod forum all states are equal all cities are equal is religious agnostic religion Regional agnostic Regional agnostic Regional agnostic you cannot have Modi to say uh mod can you give everything to Tamil Nadu naturally you will not do you will make sure that which which state is better you push it this is better you push it but there has to be a voice here which has to keep shouting there please go to katur katur we have everything somebody has to sell katur advertise katur there so that you think that should be my main role Madam because I'm not going to create anything here everything is here and there are thousands of people far better than me in knowledge competence and capability be your three major areas of priorities ma'am rebuild Urban infra because infra is creaking you have to rebuild it okay and it has to be 2 Century standard the second make sure katur generates internal employment not necessarily a company established company will have employment somebody will retire new guy will come I'm not saying that as employment M bring Global capacity centers here which will keep generating employment so that the Manpower is directly connected the third one I'm giving lot of focus on envronment Madam because you're living in a very sensitive Zone lakes rivers polluted Lakes doesn't have water water table going down so three things rebuild Urban infra Urban infra means from airports to raway stations to roads to Bridges and everything the second create tangible employment numbers new companies coming in new companies attracting startups will come in New Generation companies will come in the third give a lot of importance to Greening urban urban in with a lot of Greening okay let me start off with your second Point uh the industries in katur I think they are facing one of the worst phases in the last 20 years or so right and you are government had been the center for 10 years uh what do you think you can do to revive the traditional industries of K as I said that is why I specifically used the word called Foundry mother of all industry now for foundaries to survive I go to the next level okay Madam now Foundry 50% of laborers especially in the melting Bing sand blasting uh green uh uh the traditional ones where you actually do the B not in the quality control not in the testing phase right 50 to 60% are North indan laborers once they leave the industry is Dead in 5 years when up picks up in manufacturing they will leave robotics have to come in so the problems are plenty and you have to bring Vision to the table how do you do it at least for Foundry that is one or automobile lary for disclosed in Chennai maral nagar you'll have a direct impact here because thousands of people Supply there and you have to again rethink the whole thing into making it a proper cluster and do it defense coridor again and again I'm emphasizing on defense coridor because Madam that is going to change the face of K you are defense Innovation Hub which codia partnered and did it yeah and you got to build bring big companies the offset classes the companies that comes in that is going to aabad that is going to Pune that is going to Bangalore outskirts that is going to different parts you got to bring it here moment you bring big defense companies all the industries get connected the foundies get connected the the what you said the mother Industries get connected of course the software Services have to kick in because you manufacturing is one but a city cannot be depend on manufacturing for a long time manufacturing has to be the growth engine because it generates real real employment you got to bring Global capability centers focused on the software and services part and whereby Madam you have a knowledge base you have lacks of korans just in Bangalore why people are demanding oh we want overnight trains from katur to bang a long standing demand correct Madam yes and they want a second one bat also why because our people are there and they have to come back here so this I would say it has to be a cross ministri thinking just to solve the Yan problem which has become more International now industry ministers Finance Minister textile Minister everything is becoming cross Minal nothing can be solved with a single thing so what I bring to the table is the ability to deliver by talking and bringing this cross ministri coordination second a vision for katur this is the problem I'm not giving a just a comment in my mouth saying that I'm going to solve this but this requires a very deeper analysis because katur is more connected to the world something happens in Europe a stagnation is directly affecting us we have to solve it can we go to the next level Foundry is a classic issue problem is not in your hand and my hand the moment Up Kicks in in in urban manufacturing this people will go found you have a new set of problem again if you go to somor and padam and those kind of areas looms a combination of electricity hike a combination of Labor shortage combination of yarn price rise a combination of not having a proper export Market a combination of job order again records a different sets of analysis so what we bring to the table is a very deep connected vision this is the problem let us solve one by one okay one by one let us solve sir you have said that you are confident of getting more than 60% or 60% V ship what gives you that confidence because this is a three- prompt contest yeah Madam I understand I'm fully aware it's a three-prong contest Madam I'm not denying it and with the due respect to all the political parties here Madam now we have to understand this election is unlike any previous election and if it's a state election I would be talking to you very differently national election and people of katur know Modi is going to come back and people of katur believe inad of giving to anybody else who might not even have a representation because 10 years theyve tried that model 2014 you have party here 2019 they gave it to some political party and 2024 they don't want to try that model because that model is tried and tested and they know what people spoken Co in Parliament what questions they raised in the open Society everybody knows everything so I am saying people of Kat this time they're thinking very differently let us solve our problem I'm going to vote Beyond party lines so across Tamil NAD I'm saying Madam this time the vot that NDA is going to get Modi is going to get is going to be Beyond party lines Beyond partes if if you asking me the next question is it going to be the real strength of BJP of course BJP has got a strength but this time the vote is going to be Beyond party lines because people want their problems to get solved that is the for a common man I'm saying like you know for a common man problems like you know fuel price High these are major issues for them the cost of living has gone up so how do you think you can address that correct Madam which which we are addressing every day a common man also understands Modi has reduced the fuel hike three times 10 rupes 7 rupes one time in deali every possible opportunity is reducing the oil marketing companies are not allowed to make a profit and every margins are tightly controlled if you look at neighboring countries fuel price rise everybody the social media AG they know what is there in Pakistan what is there in Bangladesh the hike in the last 10 years multiple likes countries collapsing just because of your price rise India it is almost insulated now but they also know this is a commodity which India doesn't manufacture we don't own it is coming from outside so much disruption in the geopolitical scene a common man is conscious of the fact mod we know that you're taking extra effort to Shield us from the price rise you're reducing it you're doing everything possible within limit we are not making the oil marketing companies to just like the make profits mam we know the refining margins are controlled because that is the best The Government Can Do under the circumstances when the European union says don't buy R oil from Russia we are buying oil from Russia we are doing everything possible we are scouting for new locations we are had sing pu in multiple interviews tomorrow I think he's in town he's in town maybe you can have a chat with him ALS but he's scouting multiple location just to find that cheap oil we are going against the global Norms just to say that country's interest take Paramount over your diplomacy now people are that to a city like katur extremely aware now they they are also aware that our beneficiary schemes we have touched a lot of people Kat have touched everybody everybody in mudra 2 lakh CR Tamil Nadu K is number one city in mudra things the the emergency credit loan guarantee K is again number one and during the corona time so the industries know the people know so such a severe man you understand Madam in a in a Corona like situation if one city has to collapse it is katur because you're so IND still driven when when the shutdown happened the GDP dropped down by 23% quar and this city has to coll but still we saved it every single company when we meet during the canvasing they are beneficiary of the emergency credit line guarantee that point of time what it happened so we have to understand a complex world where we are doing everything possible to Shield people from there right now they know our conscience is intact and and they believe we have a vision of course there is a problem in every city in the world there is a problem and no city in the world can say I'm safe from problem but the key question is who will keep addressing that problem are we in a better position to address the problem than the other party that is the question front of I'm not saying everything is Rosy everything is great it cannot be great M because you are a growing country now you're connected to the world and Europe nces you will catch cold problem in China we will have a problem so people are aware Madam it is not the 1960 or 7s India where we were alone our problem is only our Global problem is also our problem the world's problem is our problem sir to take off from the previous answer that you give last 20 years uh every election parliamentary election a BJP candidate has contested in K and they have not won okay so why do you think now a voter should make a BJP candidate win mam the voters you I will I'm taking from the previous question that you asked me since you taking from the previous answer you said that last 20 years we have problems so since last 20 years no BJP candidate was here was winning so it was not adequately represented so people have given opportunity to different political parties they have seen the performance in Parliament from 2014 theyve seen this guy 2019 theyve seen that guy so right now that is why I mentioned my answer very clearly people are going to vote Beyond party lines people of what is the primary interest let me solve my problem let me solve water problem let me solve noil problem let me solve my Lake problem let me solve the urban expansion problem let me solve the airport problem so the people of Kat this time are very clear who will solve that problem can I get some other MP who will again go to the Parliament and 5 years speak something ideology and come back or can I have a problem solver here so I am saying I am a problem solver all my life I'm a Problem Solver so that way you'll be different from the other two candidates mam I am different from the other two candidates promising development I'm I'm I'm I'm different from the other candidates in multiple ways one this point of time you have to understand Madam who has got a very serious chance of coming back to Parliament coming back to Power number one the voter has to make his mind mod is going to come back this is margin with an increased margin number two among everybody who's going to come back is it better if the ruling party's representative is winning here who can solve issues with a phone call meeting cajoling fighting argumentation and because democracy multiple means at multiple levels because the water is so smart they will think this also number three who has got a track record of solving problems out has to see everything who has got a track record one at the individual level also one at the party level one at the organization level so all those three things that is why with all humility and uh uh trusting the people of katur for the way they think with all humility I believe we will have a historic mandate this time one last question sir it said that Mr anamal has caught the imagination of the youngsters so how do you think you you can meet their aspirations tough question Madam uh because the aspirations of youngsters are so high and uh they want Immediate Solutions and uh and they're not willing to wait which is a good thing I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all and why should they wait we waited for 40 years for something I remember uh the first gas connection uh I remember we waited at least 9 years telephone exchange my father gave it in writing 11 years back we got our telephone connection and that day was a day in my home because we got a telephone connection because I waited why should this generation waited wait so I'm saying Madam it's a tall order uh you got to be really connected to them because they The Hope also gets built faster the Hope also goes faster the only thing I can I can be I can be myself I can be true to their aspirations keep representing uh with their interest at heart and be open to them and just keep sharing a very shared Vision with them over the next 5 years 10 years 15 years and keep GR with them that is the only thing I can promise Madam which I should I should deliver okay fine sir thank you so much
Channel: The Hindu
Views: 88,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Caste census, DMK, India-Sri Lanka, Katchatheevu, Lok Sabha elections 2024, Tamil Nadu, annamalai, bjp, coimbatore, fishermen, karunanidhi, lok sabha polls 2024, sri lanka
Id: ZWw5Y5deVag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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