Anna Olson Makes a Delectable Leek & Cheese Quiche! | Baking Wisdom

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this recipe is brought to you by LG Canada and we'll hear more from them later in the episode welcome to baking wisdom this is my series based on my newest cookbook of the same name in it I share over 150 recipes and loads of baking tips the idea to make you a better Baker now today's recipe is a Savory bake I am making a leek and cheese quiche oh so delectable but it all starts with that buttery pie pastry and I have got that down and I want you to own your pie pastry so it starts with my all-purpose flour I already have measured in the mixer I do add a little bit of sugar the idea of the sugar is not to sweeten the pie pastry but to help shorten the protein that brings the pie pastry together so it helps make it just that little bit more tender I bake with unsalted butter so that way I control the salt in this case you do need a fair bit even if you're making a fruit pie you need a full teaspoon of of salt a good pie pastry recipe can be used for Savory baking and sweet and that's why you won't even taste the sugar in this recipe now I'll give this a little mix here's a little bit of baking wisdom my secret ingredient before I add the butter I coat the flour with three tablespoons of vegetable oil you can use canola grape seeds sunflower I leave that up to you but the idea is that helps coat the flour so when you add the water at the very end you won't over hydrate the flour we're not making bread dough after all we're making pie pastry I'll mix in that oil you won't see any visible difference but just give it about 30 seconds in the mixer I should mention if you don't have a stand mixer you can make this recipe just as easily by hand you just use a pastry cutter or two butter knives to work in all of your ingredients now I'm ready for my water it's 225 grams or a full cup I diced it up and guess what I don't put it in the freezer it doesn't come ice cold from the fridge what I have learned is to just relax when it comes to making pie dough and so I dice up my butter and let it sit out for a few minutes of course you have to take in the ambient temperature into consideration on a hot summer day just let it sit out for 10 minutes if it's a cold wintry day well it can sit out for 20 minutes or longer I find that using slightly softened butter allows the butter to work in more evenly and faster so you're less at risk of over mixing your pie dough [Applause] it is worth mentioning that if you want to make your pie dough in a food processor well that's the one exception where you want to use ice cold butter because the friction of the blade will actually warm up your dough so quickly and soften that butter that you don't need to let it sit out before you make your dough so I'm just letting those pieces of butter work into the flour a little bit you still want to be able to see the pieces of butter but when the flour starts turning a butter yellow color that's when you know you've mixed it in it just takes the time it takes there we go that flower has taken on a butter yellow tone and even though there are still some pieces of butter visible they've got a Shaggy texture to them so once you add the water and lemon juice then you know they're going to break down further and end up being these flat little layers of butter and that will help make your pastry flaky I've already got my quarter cup of cool water measured it doesn't have to be ice cold either because neither is the butter and I have two teaspoons of lemon juice that little bit of lemon juice or you can use white vinegar is key because it's about the acidity the acidity connects with the proteins in the flour and makes those protein strands more elastic so you can roll out your pie pastry easily it'll stay in place and keep those butter layers distinct so you end up with a flaky yet tender pastry I add it all at once and then just mix until the dough comes together [Applause] longer when you're staring at it [Applause] foreign now this is nice and soft easy to handle but not suitable for Rolling at this point you always need to give your glutens the proteins in the flour time to relax what I'll do is divide it into this is a double crust recipe so you have enough to make for a free pie base and top you need to give the dough time to chill now one disc I can pop in the freezer and just thaw it in the fridge to use for another day this disc I'll pop in the fridge and you want to give it about two hours to chill it resets the butter and it also relaxes the proteins in the flour so that way you have an easier time rolling it and your pie shell will hold its shape I'll wrap these up and chill them down yeah I've got my chill dough ready to go and guess what just like the butter that you use to make the pie pastry your pie dough itself you can pull from the fridge a few minutes before you want to roll it you can't knead the dough to soften it you want to go from its shape you don't want to exercise those proteins in the flour too much so from its original disc shape I'm going to start rolling and because it is a thicker piece and cold I start with small motions back and forth and keep rotating your dough as you roll that way you know it's not sticking gentle at first when you're rolling your dough the pressure is always coming from the top and sometimes a crack can develop underneath you don't even see it so give your dough a flip a couple times as you're rolling still rotate that dough as you roll you're looking for the dough to be about a quarter inch or just less than quarter inch so about six millimeters thick you can make your quiche in a pie plate if you wish I've got a fluted tarpan with a removable bottom so I'll sprinkle a little flour on the bottom lift the dough and then really take advantage of the fluted Edge because that will lock the dough in place push it right into that corner and you can just use the top of your thumb to cut off the excess pastry or you can use your rolling pin like so but because that presses down the dough you want to take a moment and just check that the dough is pushed into the fluted Edge good all right before I pop this back in the fridge I'll just dock the pastry with a fork we've got to pre-bake this crust before we put in the quiche filling we don't want that egg mixture to seep into the pastry I dock the pastry because that way when we blind bake it it leaves room for expansion so you don't end up with a big dome or bubble on the bottom of your pastry so guess what now it's time to chill this dough remember anytime you move the dough you're exercising the proteins in the flour we want to reset the butter let the proteins relax so just about 20 minutes in the fridge foreign [Music] [Music] shell is nicely chilled and it's time to Blind bake it so what that means is we have to fake out a filling if I were to just bake this shell like this the sides would shrink right down to the bottom of the shell and you would get bubbles and it would be uneven we basically have to make the tart shell think it has a filling and that means we'll weigh it down so [Music] I put two pieces of foil or you can use parchment Purl it around and you have the option you can use dried rice you can use dried beans if you bake a lot of Pies you can buy pie weights for it I have recently learned that using just regular granulated sugar works absolutely fine it's heavy it doesn't liquefy in the oven and I use it over and over and over again so I keep my blind baking sugar separate and even after enough uses it might caramelize a little bit just adds more flavor to your other baking they give it a little shake so that way it fills in every Gap this is ready for the oven I've preheated it to 375 on probate convection bake the shelf for 20 minutes that leaves us with a little time to hear from our sponsor this recipe is brought to you by LG Canada featuring LG counter depth Max refrigerators check out this clip to see how to max out your spacing Style [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign functionality and innovation in kitchen design thanks to LG now back to the recipe that tart shell should be done now so I'll pull it out of the oven oh yes looking nice and there we go golden brown at the edges lightly browned at the bottom but remember this tart shell is going back in the oven with its filling now here is a great tip if you ever made a tart shell blind baked it put in your filling and only to find that the filling makes the bottom of the crust go soft well if you blind bake your pastry take it hot from the oven brush it with a little egg white the heat from the hot shell Cooks the egg weight on the surface and that creates a nice waterproof barrier that will keep your filling from seeping in too soon while I let this cool it's time to cook the leeks for the quiche filling foreign [Music] I've got three leaks that I've trimmed off the dark green parts and diced it and what I did was I chopped my leeks and then gave them a rinse in a colander that gets any excess sand out of them they're nice and clean drained and ready to saute in a little bit of butter you want to melt the leeks so just like melting butter think of softening them without adding any color so medium heat is best [Music] oh these are cooking down nicely I love the flavor of leeks in a quiche it's elegant and perfumey and milder than just using regular onion it's time to add the seasoning now that my leeks are nicely softened this is optional but you can add about half a cup of white wine oh oh it smells so good if you want to leave the white wine out you just leave it out you don't have to replace it with anything in addition to that I add a little bit of nutmeg and salt and pepper it's about a quarter teaspoon salt about a quarter teaspoon of Pepper or a little extra if you've added the white wine you want to cook it down until the liquid has evaporated it just takes a couple minutes more all right this is looking good here we go my leeks are nicely softened I'm going to take them off the heat I want to cool down the leeks before I put them in the tart shell and here's a great trick to cool anything down quickly First grab a bowl with some ice and cold water there we go I'll grab my leeks and you don't put the leeks in the ice water but you put them into another Bowl foreign that into your bowl of ice water and that cold water is quickly going to cool these leaks so in a matter of seconds I'll be filling that quiche and popping it in the oven while the tart shell and leaks cool let's hear from our sponsor this recipe is brought to you by LG Canada and the LG Institute refrigerators with craft ice and here it is LG's exclusive craft ice maker produces slow melting round craft ice for better taste give your beverages the perfect ice for Next Level entertaining from Craft cocktails and whiskey to soft drinks lemonade and even iced coffee and to get more craft ice activate craft ice Plus in the think queue app to make slow melting ice twice as fast raid 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got a mix of whipping cream and half and half that way it's not overly rich I really like my quiche to be about the filling that's why I have so many leaks and of course a lot of cheese first I'll crack my eggs into a bowl [Music] and it's always a good idea to whisk the eggs first before you add your creams it just makes for easier blending so 10 cream and whipping cream 35 since I added my salt and pepper to the leeks as they were cooking down I don't have to add any additional salt and of course there is the salt from the cheese I don't mix my fillings into the egg mixture and put it into the quiche I put the filling into the tart pan first and then I top it with the cheese I've put my quiche pan onto a baking tray now just because once you add the eggs it gets a little trickier to move around it's easier to put the fillings into the key shell and then pour the egg over top that way you can really distribute both the leeks and the cheese evenly I really like my quiche to be about the filling the egg just holds it together and now for the cheese I'm using gruyere which has a beautiful melting property and an intense flavor you can use other cheeses like Asiago would work well any cheese that melts well but also has a great taste to it oh aren't you just hungry for quiche now now you carefully want to pour the egg cream mixture give it a second to fill in the gaps in between the little leek pieces and the cheese pieces the quiche bakes at 400 degrees for 15 minutes then I turn the oven down to 350 and let it bake for another 20 minutes until the cheese is all melted and golden brown and the eggs are set oh yeah look at that doesn't that look delicious I know it's mostly about the cheese but I do love the leeks in there as well it's hot let's slide it out of its pan carefully [Music] get a side salad ready if you want that combination of that creamy filling the melted cheese all those leeks and then that buttery pastry look at all those leaks of course if you wanted you could put in ham or bacon mushrooms as long as you cook your filling first that way all you're doing now is melting the cheese and setting the eggs but I've got a nice crispy flaky pastry all the way down woohoo I've got that cheesy bit right there oh yeah there's a reason gruyere is the best cheese for quiche with a little bit of baking wisdom making a quiche is not that complicated I want you to enjoy the baking process as much as the end result thank you for joining me for another episode of baking wisdom and I'll see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Oh Yum with Anna Olson
Views: 44,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna olson (chef), bake with anna olson (tv program), anna olson recipes, baking with anna olson, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how to, easy recipe, at home recipe, follow along recipe, baking video, anna olson, bake with anna olson, how to bake, professional baker teaches, quiche recipe, how to make quiche, quiche, cheese quiche, leek quiche, leek recipe
Id: mQQJf2pYU48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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