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then she walked out on the stage she had what psychics bought a force field around her that was so powerful that it would reach the back of that house I remember that dr. blank I guess he's gone on now and dr. blank heaven wherever he is but I could have taken a pot and hit him in the head because I remember that he was every time Judy wanted to pill by golly he was there to give it to her anything to help the studio get her out on that set get her working Judy was always late on the set I mean she knew what she was doing when she walked out there so she saved time by not having to do it over and over to get it right she was just great she was a real pro but getting her on the stage in her body makeup in her costume with her hair and all that it took time and she was always a bit late and that is that what against her but the producers I guess Mickey was a little bit before me but I was there and I knew Judy I regime became Ginny and Milo there was a good friend of Judy's mom mrs. Goong and I was actually very lonely you don't even know this story I was actually there what lb Mayer Ida Coleman was the head of a department therefore mr. Mayer to discover talent and this was a benefit held in the afternoon and I was just a little girl and mother took me there and Judy got up and sang at this benefit and Ida had mr. Mayer sitting in the front row and he thought she was great also there was Deanna Durbin there that day and Joe Pasternak was in the audience and he thought Deanna was great so it worked out beautifully Judy got into contract to MGM which was perfect and deanna durbin went to Universal and did 100 men and a girl I worked with her in Easter Parade and the first thing I knew Lorna was she would be late on his set but then when she was late she always came in with a marvelous joke and got everybody laughing and so forth and the director was not pleased but Judy just couldn't up but she was late sometimes what are you gonna remember the most about her in her great talent and her love of the business and even though she was ill toward the end of her life she still went out and busted her butt and did a great job on the stage maybe I'll never be another one it was a woman's voice and a little girl's body and it was powerful and you know I didn't see many girls around the could sing like that she has a force field in her body an electrical force field that when she turns this on it would reach to the back of the theater because it was a high-strung individual she was like a violin really and then she couldn't sleep worrying about whether or not she's going to do good the next day then the mother would give her a sleeping pill then they'd have to get her up real early and she was groggy and they'd have to give her something to get her going when you finish a day's shooting he went home at 6:00 but the time you drove home is another hour to get home but a tiny HR dinner then you had to take your bath then you had to read your script learn your lines power wise it was hard but you can imagine if somebody's on drugs like Judy was that must have been a living hell for her ciminelli is one of the most charming men you could possibly meet and greatly talented they both had a lot in common they were both in show business they could talk about scripts when they couldn't home at night they could talk about their friends she was surrounded by a very intricate spiderweb of people that were yes people people that were supposed to be your friends but I think underneath it all were they her friends because they gave her the what she wanted it which destroyed him there was dr. feelgood on the lot who would kind of come in and and give her things when she needed them she didn't have anybody that she could really cling to I think she was a person that had to be guided and that there was nobody there to guide her she was literally like almost paralyzed she just couldn't get on stage on time she couldn't remember her lines and she would have all these fights with people around her and I think I think she was a living hell judi it has always been an emotional girl and I think a lot of it probably was feeling sorry for herself just feeling sorry for herself and not being able to do anything about it she was like somebody drowning I was shocked that there was a beautiful light that's been turned out but I guess I wasn't really shocked because I knew that she had this drug problem and I knew that it had to come to an end so maybe God get you know did her a favor you got to meet Judy and know Judy Garland her oh yes I didn't know jr. there's never going to be another one like her she was pregnant she was a star from head to toe and what talent she had and how unhappy she was and I knew that she was going to have an early death and I knew that I felt that her daughter Liza at door she's a huge success right now she married a friend of mine David guest who is a very strange fellow he's really kind of a Bengali but he's got the weight off of her he's got his singing I guess any questions her body is like spring eyes are getting bigger and bigger in the wedding I couldn't go because I spent so that Institute was honoring me you now help me up on it [Applause] Judy Garland and Lois Beamer for a moment so many people because I talk about these years they say that Louie B Mara got Judy on drugs and it's all their fault in him at the studio system that she what was your response to that well that's Philip lucky Alby Mayer never got her on drugs she had her mother when she was very young she would give her a sleeping alone at night and then in the daytime she was kinda like and she would give her something like speed but it wasn't speed but something that drug to keep her going and that's what started that whole thing but the petitioner is like mayor and and all of it over there they didn't know they were pleased she was on the set but somebody's spoiled they had a doctor dr. feelgood we called it anything that help you get your butt on the stage so the producers can be on time but I really think that it all started with their mother who was a lovely lovely lady if she was trying to get her on her feet and a disaster she should never ever have died at that early age and Liza was just like a little mini mouth she followed her mother's tracks and wound up being a drug addict drinking booze and but she has that same marvelous marvelous talent the energy the energy they both had tend to see Liza today I was invited to go back to the Beacon Theater thing and do shaking the blues away with her God David this and we're gonna say that for a later time but I really did would they throw an honor to have done it with Liza because she's one of my favorite people would you go to other sets at MGM and watch people and say oh that's genius well I went before I did Easter Parade but maybe it was afterward take me out to the ballgame I went down and watched Judy sing that marvelous saw what the heck wasn't a mother different the one where she wore the straw hat and carrying the cake and so much and Eliza was running around she was about five years old and they were having trouble making her be quite I said come over here honey sit in my lap you know so I held her in my lap while her mama did this number you know and she was so great and get happy I think that's my favorite number that you did and a lot of people you know try to tell me that that that didn't happen it most certainly did him I have that baby in my arms maybe that's why I feel so close to her today because I developed a kind of a love for Liza and that baby you
Channel: Cliporama
Views: 99,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ann miller, judy garland, ann miller judy garland, judy garland ann miller, judy garland mgm, ann miller mgm, ann miller interview, diva, diva on diva, divas, judy garland diva, judy garland diva on diva, judy garland memories, judy garland (icon), judy garland drugs
Id: YrbHTd0rygA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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