Anki: How to Use Custom Filtered Decks

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in this video with the on King I'm going to show you how to use the custom filtered decks you can use these for multiple different purposes like cramming or simply organizing your cards ok filtered decks are super handy if you want to cram you want to learn ahead whatever I actually wouldn't recommend the learning ahead but the cramming is great and you can also separate your decks out like if you want one deck on mature cards and one deck that is you're not mature cards things like that's really handy so what you do is you have tools create filtered deck and it's gonna pull up a search term here as you can see it pull it up from the zonkey step decks and they added is due this is important to notice because it's always gonna add this is due thing and you may not want that you may want it to include cards that are not due today so keep an eye on that and notice it pulled up zonkey step decks here if you actually go in and click on a different deck and then do it it will pull up that deck so here's the elbow I'm not a cop and now it pulls up that and you can choose how many cards you want to be in that deck and then how you want them to be selected and I'm gonna show you exactly what these mean here but one thing I first want to mention is that that on 2.1 is significantly are the v-2 scheduler sorry in 2.1 is significantly better with the filtered decks because the filter decks if you don't have the v-2 scheduler will kick cards out of learning when you have this on if you're not checking this you're just cramming then it's totally fine if you are checking this I would suggest watching our video on the V to experimental scheduler I've linked that in the description so you can go watch that and better understand why that is but that's something to learn the second thing is in the manual here this part shows you what those things mean is right here what all of these mean how you want them to be selected and for example this relative over Dunas is a search term that we use in our video here on how to miss a day and we talk about custom filtered decks in that the other thing is I'm gonna search here from do just bounce around there we go there's a lot of search terms here in the manual that will kind of help you and guide you as to how you can you'll want to learn all of these and then you put them in here to find the exact cards that you want so understanding that you can do like is loan if you want learning cards or review cards or if you want cards that were due whenever or this one here is one I use the interval greater than 21 means cards mature so these things are good and handy to use I don't have a memorize I just come to the manual whenever I want to do it but those are important now if you're one like I said if you're wanting to just cram you just create it without checking this box and it will just and then you can create your custom steps and how you want it to do it if you have the v2 experimental scheduler and you won't actually be able to create custom steps but you get the idea so that's kind of how you make the custom filtered deck now if we make this we'll make 10 cards and build it it's gonna say no because I don't have any better do oops and that's why I said it's a big problem that people have so if we go and go to options here you can delete this is do portion and you want 10 cards it's gonna manda it's gonna pull 10 cards out of these decks into this deck now if we empty it it's gonna put those cards back where they belong and that's kind of how this works now let's say we want to pull it back out we rebuild it so that's that's the basics of it here now I want to show you how you can search for different things as you're trying to find them the first thing actually I'm gonna go out here is to get this add-on this add-on super good filtered create filtered deck from the browser this add-on makes it really easy so if we go into the browser let's say you want to learn about cardio you just right click filtered deck and it's gonna pull up everything right there on cardio and like I said it's gonna pull up this is due again so let's delete that and let's say you just wanted to cram so we're just gonna do that and custom steps we want 10 cards boom build it and we have this whole deck on cardio that we can go study so that's the basics of it there are other things that are important to learn and that is notice that it has things under the parentheses here and then it also has this portion here which means that all of the tags underneath that but let's say we only wanted cards in a certain deck we can add deck sorry I need the coal in there Prentice he's on King lol not a cop space now this is one thing that has confused many people if you want certain tags within a deck you need to format it like this dead and then in parentheses tags or tag if you put and it would be all cards that have this tag and this tag so or if you did an or here it's gonna do everything that is in this deck or in this deck so that's going to increase your search terms so understanding those things better will help you limit exactly what you want to do but this part here I wanted to highlight specifically because a lot of people are trying to do that and that trying to add the tags from the specific deck the other thing you can do is if you want something else like if you want all cards that are not suspended you would do a negative is suspended like I said you can go to the manual and kind of learn these things but now it's going to pull only cards that you've seen as opposed to all cards because you've unsuspended them alternatively you can do things like is new or is learn so understanding these different things from the manual will help you and then you can choose the filtered deck exactly what you want it to be and tweak it last but not least I'm going to just update here to the v2 scheduler like I said you should you should probably and it is going to kick everything out you should go watch our video on that just so you understand it a little better I'm gonna rebuild it and we'll go to the options of that deck and you can see it's a slightly different there you go it'll actually let you add this second filter so it allows you to do cards that are review cards here as well as new cards so if you wanted to learn cards that are in this deck that are you've already done and some new cards you couldn't do that without the v2 scheduler and now you can and like I said if you don't check this box it doesn't let you do custom steps it just makes it so that you have a wrong button and then a good button which kicks it out so that's just a good way to cram those are the basics of the filtered decks you can actually rename them if you want so one thing that I like to do is to have a mature deck and you actually need to change this and I do prop interval greater than 21 is due and look at that to $9.99 and it will pull all of your mature cards and although I don't have any but it would pull all of your mature cards into that deck so that you can see which ones are mature the the ones that aren't mature would stay in this deck so it's just kind of a handy way instead of actually moving your cards around you can just use the custom filter Dex does it luck with your studies I hope this was helpful thanks for learning with the on King be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel here as well as follow us on Facebook Instagram or patreon that is at UNK eMED also feel free to reach out via email or check out our website on game medCom for more tips and tricks
Channel: The AnKing
Views: 115,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anki, anking, how to, custom filtered deck, cram, filter, custom, med, school, medical, student, premed, zanki, lolnotacop, banking, ranking, add-on
Id: l1v1TqRTUUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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