Cramming in Anki | How to Use Custom Study in Anki

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in this video i'm going to give you a basic understanding of how to use the custom study feature in anki so firstly you need to click on a deck and at the bottom you will see this custom study button appearing and you can see that the shortcut key is c so if i click this this entire box comes up now i feel like most of these are quite self-explanatory for example if you select increase today's new card limit then that will increase the number of new cards that you will do today and you can select okay i want to increase today's card limit by five generally speaking though i would never really use any of these other than the study by card state or tag so selecting that option and i'll explain why i would prefer this one you end up with this next set of options that you can choose from here i would suggest that you use the all cards in a random order don't reschedule but there are some times where you may want to use this or cards in a random order and that's where you want to learn a topic and you want however well you do in that topic you want to save it in enki if you are cramming for an exam then i would suggest you do this don't schedule this option here would select a number of cards from a deck so if you want to study an extra 50 cards or so today then you can do this now the reason i suggest this is because you can study via a specific tag so if i click choose tags then you get this option here first thing you want to do is expand this to the side so you can actually see all of the names here so now that i've expanded this to the entire screen you can see a bit more clearly what's going on so this first box all of these are grayed out but actually this is the one that you want so tick this box and now you can click any of these tags and what this does is it tells anki if i click this one here that i want to specifically study any card which has this tag of enzymes and is in this particular ranking step 1 version 8 tag so any cards which have this tag i will be able to study them and if i just continue clicking then i can now i can study all of these basic farm cards so let's have a basic pharmacology exam coming up then this would be an excellent way of studying random 50 cards i wouldn't really use this that much but this allows you to exclude certain cards so for example let's say you want to learn basic farm cards but you don't care about anything behavioral related so you select all of these behavioral cards so now any card which has both of these tags let's say there's a card which has the enzyme tag here and it has this ethics principles tag which i highly doubt but let's say there was a card which had both of these then you wouldn't see this card this card wouldn't appear and so this could potentially be quite useful depending on what you're trying to achieve so if i select okay then apparently no no cards have met my criteria so let's try again okay so the reason that no cards were coming up is because all of my cards are actually suspended so if i go into my browse and you can see all of my tags on the left hand side if i go into this basic farm thing then all of the cards are suspended so i have to click command a and then unsuspend all of them go back do exactly the same thing and then now when i choose these basic farm cards i get all of the cards coming up and so when i study now then i can study those cards so i could just go through these and i can cram for any exam that i want and that is coming up now if i go back you can see only 74 cards are left in this deck so what do i do if i want to restudy it the next day so all i do is i click rebuild and now you can see that 80 have now come back and if i just want to return all of these cards back to their original spot i can either click empty and now all of those cards are back in the original spot or i can delete this whole thing and they'll automatically go back the reason for deleting this is if you don't want this deck here anymore so if i have finished cramming for my exam then i can just delete it the reason for using this empty is if tomorrow or the day after i do want to cram again but for now temporarily i just want to return those cards back into their original spot so those are the benefits of doing either of those methods if you click options then there's a bunch of stuff here which you don't need to worry about but you can kind of change some of the settings and if you want to know how to do that you can click help and it will send you to the anki manual and you can learn about filtered decks and cramming i hope you enjoyed the video if you did then make sure you give a like and why not subscribe to my newsletter i'll be having a brand new anki course coming out soon and you will be the first to know about it if you subscribe to my newsletter i share study tips productivity advice a bunch of stuff there if you want to see what it looks like then go into revising rubies and you can see some of my previous newsletters that i 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Channel: Revising Rubies
Views: 43,539
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Id: F2Vec0SPkGY
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Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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