Anime HATERS Watch Naruto for 12 Hours Straight | Reaction/Review

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I'm buying this that's not even mine I don't know who the name are that's mine but you can have it oh that's not mine this is mine in that case you guys if you can't tell we're geared up it's 5:00 p.m. uh we ain't stopping until 5:00 a.m. this is going to be our biggest video of all time it's not even close it's not longest this has been like on the this is like the one time this has been on the docket for like over a week now oh it's been a long time this has been an idea for a long time oh a long time originally it was going to be one piece but we did the vote and it was Naruto so why don't I feel like we should be like finishing the show I feel like like we're going to be here so long the show should be over we 30 I can't believe strapping in for 12 hours if uh if you've been around you kind of know what's going on and if you're new we'll explain this is like the this is the very very end we've always said that um in order to get rid of the anime haters title we need to watch one of the big three and so we've we've known this day was going to come I really thought it was going to be one piece but the Naruto fans just were a little louder so we like gave the one piece fans every chance they could get yeah we you guys were trying to you guys were trying to rig it I'm disappointed okay Nar one like no we're going to throw this one on we want to we want to start off our watch through with a bang and we're strapping in 12 hours straight of Naruto this is more no this isn't even a bang this is but hey it's their goat so this should be good you know oh yeah this this is exciting this is exciting it is it is just like it's a long anime so I'm I'm excited to hear your thoughts off the first 40 episodes brick came well and prepared Today show them your show them your uh well I'm already cooked I finished my ly tofe I got some Pringle um I had a beef jerky stick I just ate this and then I got a bang in the fridge and a Cod red and my water that is the biggest smart water I've ever seen in my life I know I'm already I'm must starving I'm already like halfway done with this oh um by the way obviously with YouTube and copyright and stuff with such a long video um we're only going to take the very best parts um of the watch through and put them here just because we can't like obviously put that much stuff into one video but um we will be consistently uploading on our patreon the uncut versions of all of this but um yeah so all the the each individual episode will be uploaded on our patreon uncut um but we're going to do big like dumps I think on YouTube for now um just cuz Arc by Arc yeah just I don't know something like that so we don't really know how it's going to go from here on out but it will be consist maybe let us know a good format if you've seen one before yeah like arcs or like we will be skipping filler toks yeah and if you missed our uh episode one it's on our big three reaction video so we're starting with episode two what are you guys thoughts on jalapeno Cheetos best chip it is the best chip my favorite I don't know about the best chip it is my favorite chip top top chips are doing something right now they're really hot my name is Kono hamaru Dean got like those chip oh we're intros outros we're just like talking watch yeah this is uh since we're going for so long we'll we'll do commentary in between and then we'll do some at the end as well but um for this first initial watch through yeah we're just going to we're just going to go and we'll just uh we're just going to go non-stop so start it oh my give me some Nar baby the things are going to pick up on the rewatch is 5:30 um real quick a message from the future we never want we never planned on like doing all night watches cuz obviously near the end you know people started getting tired because it's a challenge you know we literally stayed up till 5: in the morning so you know like and so just know like from here on out we're not going to be doing that we never were going to be doing that so it was just a fun way to like fun challenge to get into the series [Music] yeah oh yeah it's Mount Rush this is awesome Naruto's your goat and he's not even on there Mount Rushmore cuz he's a little kid come on man all the [Music] h oh what the freak why is he wear those goggles dude oh my God that's actually crazy how do kids watch this oh so that's a h right [Music] there looks so fair not this kid wait can anybody just challenge the h I want to know why Naruto where he like welders goggles I'm just wondering what the difference between this and shapin is like not like not like the actual literal difference but like in the story like what what is the why are there two completely different I don't think you need thinking about that for a long time that's just [Music] their town is so like interesting it's like so weird like a mix of like just metal and I feel like Naruto is like so bad but then like why would this kid pick him [Music] oh oh big mama oh I mean you did a decent job you can just trans yeah that's crazy and like naked versions of them I was not expecting episode two to be about sexiness it's just like of course he's passion oh need some work bro why does he why does he transform to the same thing every time like just with a different body is this musicing I love the music's really hit or miss for me right now kind of like kind of pun the guitar I goes so hard for like two seconds it's is this the same guy that ate that gigantic chk the back last time I still never understand that that's him by the way he just when he's young the H mhm wow I wonder if there are other uh things that are sealed inside other people oh oh [Music] oh I missed these I missed these call outs not anyone can do [Music] that oh my gosh oh my gosh this is baral no he can with stand the double no bed is that is and he's just watching it all it's actually [Music] [Music] Fair [Music] can't believe watch this for give me some Bluebird please oh that's a good dude that outro is so good where does he live who does he live with I think he just lives in some random apartment I'm so gives him an allowance like a monthly allowance so he like pays for on rent so 12 he's so sus it's Ramen for breakfast I'm pretty sure he like he's like every freaking we got Rivals all over town huh what is this Village set around is like the entire like structure set around ninjas or is that just a facet of the village you know what I'm asking like not really like is is like the are the rules and everything made around ninjas yes well it sounds like Naruto was almost not even a ninja [Music] oh SAS SAS his hair looks epic his hair is so sick Carter should I cut your hair like that D Carter can that looks so sick W so everybody loves s even I know that guy's name Kakashi Go Jack you're a front runner a frog Jack look so cool yeah we get it Jack we get knows every character it's the craziest he looks so cool I do know [Music] character show dude if some kid got in my face like that in school push why does Naruto have by far the worst drip in this town by a mile is pretty everybody's drip is sick except his wearing like some Antarctica like snow oh oh he's a little too outward [Music] month nice okay low key though I'm not going to lie I would I would ha yeah I would hate him too you guys don't understand what the little bo yeah I'm kind of obviously they're they're really rude to him but like why would you be rude to n he's he's he actually is annoy he's a Flight Risk man no way it came true what that was like so accurate there's got to be something more not at all what a simp no way this is real no way let's go that's sick this is crazy it's such a good [Music] time [Music] oh my goodness is this thing like that op this move it's pretty Advanced pretty crazy and he just learned it by reading the scroll like it took like no practice well he did it for like the whole night like it's like an incred it's like really Advanced to create one of those that's like real how yeah how can you do so many probably has something to do with that n but I guess that's his teacher right yeah oh I think even sitting out on the [Music] table bro sham what the heck is going on let it cook let it cook just a little bit just for a sec oh my God [ __ ] like [Music] that go he gives me big time except I feel like he's like the opposite he's like similar but like Gojo is always like I love you guys like goo he was like super [Music] serious right we should get some tapa from Maverick [Music] busting it's just all the passive [Music] crushes jeez freaking his entire his entire Clan got yeah he's the last yeah how' he get here the clan is in their Village but it's like they're [Music] on [Music] what are they right now G why is he P like nothing 66% fail look so [Music] depressed [Music] arod what [Music] what out [Music] of oh so it's a group effort yeah oh why I thought I do that's why I said at very least one of them will go back and most all three of them his list like goed or something he has like a 100% is a che Your Shadow PL for [Music] what the ultimate technique of Doom oh [Music] no [Music] oh okay years of what the freak what oh nobody's [Applause] passed dang they hit out of the water oh my [Music] God [Music] it's like aund [Applause] [Music] sh dude Naruto's carrying right now oh himself I spoke way too soon oh he switched places with him or something [Music] bro got beat up by himself oh come on he's doing more than that they're just sitting there no it's a trap has to be oh [Music] no it's weird I found kid Naruto annoying when my first watch but rewatch I like I like oh she's killing him there's no way I got to pee I got to pee I got to pee got what he's just killing him there's no [Music] way how did they change yeah look did you see that he started moving before the thing was hidden oh it's a tree oh wow way to give yourself [Music] away hey that was pretty [Music] fake yeah got to [Music] be I want to see what he can like actually [Music] do how many does he have close yeah he actually got prettying [Music] him I think the second trap was a lot higher so what dang that's wild that's nutu CaRu with your hand genjutsu is your brain oh he's the worm man Sakura's done the least by far no Jutsu require how do you get out there's like next level s you annoy [Music] me I'm an adventure why is it so cryptic a certain man a certain man this one guy going to be like his brother or his dad or something w at least she's [Music] self for dang full circle to [Music] Naruto [Music] for Fore spee foree fore [Music] spe what kind of missions are they even [Music] going probably fighting the nins dude it's so dumb that Naruto get any in SOC does what I wonder if that's like the real test or something it's like even though he told him not to like they still like give him some as the team it'll be trouble for me if he becomes hindrance so he going to feat [Music] him alls [Music] Zeus this is all an act it's got to be this is all some [Music] cap yo why would he wear his headband covering one of his eyes cuz it's drippy stop Jack [Music] mind need to use the basic Escape Dudu I need to remember this is a marath not aace challenge they have like walkie talkies or something I kind of like those subtitles too why are you randomly just include believe it in there that's so sick they actually do have technology always so oh they get actual requests from people not their mission yeah it's kind of sick and since they're scrubs they just get like the lowest like find my cat I he's like the only kid that gets away with like talking disrespectful H yeah [Music] jeez it's like Dungeons man in solo level what is this [Music] Shinobi [Music] sound like this visitor better be pretty Epic from this entrance maybe [Music] got [Music] just oh yeah f oh who the heck wants to kill this guy yeah I really I would love to see the world Beyond The Village you know like expand a little bit sound effects show they have the why is he so emotional he's so uncontrollable dude take one and pass it down [Music] wow so they're right in the middle see [Music] [Music] organized unless those guys aren't ninjas what if they're just assassins old old G knows something he's sweating up he knew something what the heck yeah see not this time holy crap oh wow I I was not expecting that I bet you just let them do [Music] that D that was sick dude there's no way they can't pull that knife out the [Music] Tre he's so fast okay see what the heck got torn to shreds earlier this a clone probably he doesn't even look like he's [Music] F how does that work I don't even get it like he switches locations with an inate object [Music] oh did you guys notice that those guys have different headbands on yeah like three lines so they're from a yeah they're from a different yeah like what are they doing there why are they even there [Music] [Music] oh ah a jeez you don't need to stab it just cut it [Music] was he talking out [Music] loud how would Naruto bleed to death and that guy got impaled by the biggest sh of all time yeah first episode such a i oh the fox that's oh my god oh it's so much longer than I think looks like 's that [Music] guyes is sick the hidden Miss are some bums freaking dude he has the sideways uh headband like like uh Kashi Kakashi but it's not as far down yeah no uh the show is uh the show's good so far it's good I mean obviously I know it's just like I don't know like I feel like it's just you know way more the second time the first time if you don't if you don't hate it now like I think it's like episode two was was rough it's not like great it's not like bad it's like just kind of it's just good but like I'm sure like it's you know it's the moments it's going to build towards and these are some of the lowest rated episodes obviously I think that this is yeah it's very it's very childish and it's very like kid centered but like I just I in my brain I feel like this Naruto before shapin is going to like establish like the world and the everything and then I feel like shapin is where it'll probably kick it into another gear yeah but like and it's just a legendary time skip as well Shin is like it's a Time Skip and no dude it I I'm like the stuff I'm seeing now like it it matters a lot in the end too which is which is sick it's kind of tough It's it's like 200 episodes of like this but like that's okay cuz like it's not it's like you know for I don't know if like I love shudam so much cuz like it has my favorite villain group in any show and it's not even close for me who this one group phant so like I like I guess maybe I'm biased but like we get like like they're like the entire part of like shapin like the plot obviously like the villains but like it's you get to see him so much for me it's so juicy like it's just it's like stop Jack it's just so sick Nar they're all a sudden on a boat I just my hot take is I just don't like Naruto but I just I don't know we're only seven EP I don't think that's a hot T I don't like soccer either honestly none of them are that is the SI Kakashi sick I love Kashi is epic but like Sakura is definitely my least favorite I like when they're in like Shadows how their stuff is actually black and then when they're in the sunlight it's like a bluish black Oh I thought they literally got new drip no it's just like when they're not like in sunlight it looks it's like a dark black he's been mad quiet why not just tell him cuz going to be safer the vill yeah why is he being he's being Oh [Music] weird ghetto the so would Kashi do a rank things Yeah by himself or with other people [Music] building a bridge so like I don't like how they use like Shinobi and ninja interchangeable I wish they just pick one it's kind ofus kind of smart though you know it Jon will be with well yeah they're not going to yeah just like how are Naruto and soccer going to like keep up n I'd win everything's covered except their toes like see you around I just go his bra is he actually safe when he's home cuz if he's not home not safe on his own okay what just kill a civilian look at Kakashi surprised like he's not dude is just clinging him with no remorse he get hit in the head so much [Music] yeah I wonder if his like instincts are like better because of the fox or [Music] [Applause] anything you going to turn [Music] around sick what does that me that's sick that bridge guy could have just been chopped up that is sick though he's just standing on his [Music] sword when's the first time sexy JSU in a bad I wish I could give context so bad this will be interesting to like give me or us a good level of Kakashi ain't no way he's pulling a go [Music] yeah why is Naruto now how does [Music] SAS all I know is what can you [Music] see why is his eye like scarred though cut somebody probably tried to cut it [Music] out there we go G I heard it GG first time oh finally they're so useless like why like what they're just pretty much meat Shields like literally what can they do [Music] like or only die [Music] he only said that SAS oh huh dude that would be shocking if you just that was sick beheaded them all oh SI BR just Flex cop yeah I feel like I'll never know what's real in this show especially like the more we get on imag fight where like somebody's going to die like a thousand times imagine Kashi was just actually dead and we're just like oh you know he's he's fine we got to see through the deception now my question question is why doesn't everybody get these eyes I mean he oh that's probably what the scars from maybe the scars like get to like replace your eyeball or something well he said he hasn't even mastered it so you have to earn or something they just sell him at like Walmart got [Music] you my God it's not over [Music] okay why is he like [Music] telling like unreal this gu's [Music] [Music] fast he's Rusty these guys are just watch the shadow [Music] you [Music] they don't stand a chance bro there's literally no [Music] [Music] way how did he not bleed out yeah why didn't SP Sakura's just not done anything I know she's already done zero yeah that's all you [Music] wanted always [Music] say nothing he's still unreliable oh [Music] stop [Music] [Music] for games is that what they always do every year dang dude they're [Music] the right now that's just that's just freaking cor Kakashi going to do dude he just going to sit in that bubble like he's got to break out somehow [Music] finally [Music] oh oh huge thing is where did he just get this thing from was that from the dudes earlier is pretty good for a guy that just got absolutely [Music] wrecked they always make these things look like they're going so slow like he's got so much time to like Dodge [Music] it one oh oh it was him what that's [Music] crazy I can't believe he was the let's go what if that wasn't actually the chch in the shadow and then there's another one in front of him and then it turns dud seriously the options are the options are Limitless I don't think it's going to work it's obviously not going to work oh be to take his hand off now Kakashi's out now it's brilliant oh wow got him yeah our little man's going to get no K is going to grab his arm let's go baby dang he's got his little metal plate got scar dude Sakura is a worthless piece of garbage like sorry bro she is I'm pretty sure that's like a very Kakashi maybe jjk like improved because like in jjk explaining your techniqu makes it makes it stronger so when they show it at least like this I like this but I don't like when they like when it's just talking yeah they like they execute they executed that plan three genon or whatever come on are animal names or whatever is this where gangs got it from where do the giant frogs come into play the first weird weird part oh my gosh look how many wish see who more powerful I think Kakashi just started copying Kash Kakashi copying him wow that so dude that'd be so fun to be right now my right now this ultimate water [Music] slide oh I don't know what do you think I can crap on her until she freaking does something I'll give her flowers when she does something well to be fair they weren't supposed to be here even though they weren't supposed to be here Sasuke and Naruto are actually Shing stuff we haven't seen her do a single we don't even know like technique is you guys notice anything strange about what they're doing are they just insane they're marrying each other's movements walking on water yeah somehow did Kakashi likea stuff I know are they true power shutting I just I just meant that they're walking on water you got a swirly thought your whole thing was water style he did it before he did it holy water Jee you pin him up ah oh my gosh sounds like no no diff you just need a little break in that water prison that was sick oh someone else did the job for you a clone a clone the whole time she has the same markings though yeah is he noticing that right now what maybe she's a good [Music] from what's his de yeah why is he so [Music] mad I mean she just he just finished them off he was cooked by Kakashi Zab Z she just picking that guy up why is the main character never the best I feel like Naruto will be the best at the end oh what's going on was he poisoned yeah was it from using his Shing gun so much or whatever imagine some even more menacing guy shows up he goes so you took down my sweet sweet little brother Zab so you took down my clone he's like I must admit that fight was a little bit too long it was long that one that one's like definitely drag so can you guys believe the only episode is that I've seen is like the one with the bridge when did you watch that last year in Palm Springs kale was watching it so I sat down and watched it oh yeah but that was in dub believe it I'll leave it all right what the freak happened to this guy just overused was no he said it will be hard to move for that's [Music] crazy he was a Tracker so they kind of they've kind of um introduced a different level you know there's like Jon and tun there's the U black it's like they're like Navy SE like they're like joning but they're like the the most Elite and they become like they're like a separate Squad oh [Music] what what so she's a there FR they so that it wouldn't kill him so is a [Music] she that's what you [Music] think num oh my gosh she's down bad for him we we know we're going to get a Kakashi Zaba [Music] [Applause] [Music] rematch [Music] give him his flowers huh didn't do anything she by far did the most why was she blushing for him that made me [Music] piss who's this bratty little kids in anime are remind oh wow Aon this kid has the most depressing life why is he such an adult little kid staring at the sea that guy looks EP [Music] it's also a commonality amongst a lot of anime main characters is they're just not stupid every time [Music] bro except for light you G oh Bo just chill life oh they going to have to walk up the tree somehow what turn gravity off I tell you can walk on water but Naruto couldn't why Naruto's swimming skin is so thick that's what Naruto [Music] said SAS going to be the best 100% yep dang okay oh yeah what Sakura is the [Music] best he's just trying to Li fire under him okay Luffy I got like a secret wow I mean being smart he doesn't know what he's doing how does he know it's his it's like his Le potential basically yeah how can you see it how can you tell that's crazy maybe he can those goose eggs on his head bro I can't believe we had eight more hours I can't that guy knows more about concrete than ever so weird they just have like he's is this actually how they build Bridges do they build Bridges like this depends on the bridge dude you guys hear that she's how high [Music] they it's so funny that they're struggling so bad [Music] especially I think it's harder for them cuz they have way more chak they can overdo it like the balance of it cuz if you put whereas where so little it's [Music] justy yeah Jack that's why they're not doing a fairing service you imagine being a kid and being like profitable SAS and just Nar you get it she doesn't respect Nar yeah but she still blush for isi still [Music] watching he's such a rager say WR thing dang I kind of wish that Naruto would have told like that was uh Sasuke's first sign of some form of humility they've been training hard man they're growing kids happen vomit on the floor right now Jack don't walk away and stare at the sea Jack throw rappers at you this is deeper than iro and zuk if somebody said that and meant it i' ban oh no okay what is wrong with that cat it's like like foral SC that's a dog that's actually so messed up stole the kid dude this is so messed up hey but that thing's ugly as freak oh dude dive in for the dog maybe that's why he stares at the sea [Music] bro D this kid is messed oh just murder darn it I don't hear the dog anymore darn it P he learned how to swim right there poor kid yeah this is actually insane oh I think this is telling how this fake Dad [Music] yeah this guy's pretty sick dude this guy's unreal okay why is this picture ripped out I'm so [Music] concerned oh no did he sell out to [Music] got oh my God I bet they broke his arm oh oh my gosh broke both his arms this is so insanee yeah they're probably all crushed holy crap all his bones in his arms that would mess a kid up so bad like so bad what theck like when you're little you promise it's like like everyone's invincible makes a promise like bro what the heck that guy that was insane go needs to die dude that's so sad that was like I thought he did something bad but no really sad back story that was so like so dark I had it right look at this we're locked and loaded if I paid you 50 bucks would you beat the Hal campaign no the Halo Reach campaign on legendary I'm still not over how sad that last episode was oh Ain't No Way whoi Naruto is just sitting there is this the mom no dude this is the this is the hidden Miss girl this a freaking guy or girl I'm so confused n was training so hard he couldn't make it home he just passed out the ground I love those shoes that they wear that's a real Shinobi we Blue [Music] Hawaii good to that looks dreamy out there in that Forest sis dude she's low keyia spy seems like a dream so he never says believe it in sub [Music] she true she's I say Naruto backstory is got is solid it's really solid I got this music sounds like uh oh I know what you're thinking of can I not think oh oh oh it's Scarface Scarface so funny I mean that was like the saddest episode [Music] ever oh so actually I thought it was just doing that weird thing with the subtitles like actually no she's lying such a mischievous little kid he passes spot on the tree maybe his night time grind s was worth [Music] it that's actually insane wow he's just showing off now he's [Music] St sound understandable poor guy I thought you were going to say like grow a pair something dude the hidden leaves the hidden leaves has a coolest logo by far you seen training Grandpa dude Sasuke can't make fun of Naruto anymore that guy is the dop Naruto reminds him of his dad [Music] [Music] D Nar s nar's like I know plenty about dude right if he disagrees even a little it's always stand on [Music] business I feel like Naruto is his favorite for [Music] sure dude Kakashi is so perceptive of like not only like battle but like just people and their emotions and he's just a very wise man yeah and immediately he was just like SAU defend you my life he got rid of his cow arms why does he look way less jacked now seriously bed rest not the construction work of the Union why they about the bridge their workers comat go [Music] crazy [Music] believe it why are they even CU they're Goos they wa for G I mean very heroic about that [Music] gross oh he's the one that sliced up that board here comes the craziest [Music] power yeah this little kid have having quite the art weirdo bro there's no is he actually going to do something no if that kid [Music] died Frick Carter never seen it yeah that's crazy oh what [Applause] the really got us with a fake there in the Hat made that look so easy they were [Music] Clon they were Clon that that's so op dude you can just change into anything wow he's actually happy what the heck oh okay the mo just knocked out on the floor stop like shut up stabing [Music] bro dude I hate her little demon so bad back shove him into the water again going to hit him [Music] get all that rope to tie up it's probably shadow clones of himself what the freck like jjk got a lot from Naruto and and now we copy yeah he's insane if you can just copy all these not this one it's like Naruto's Shadow clones Oh Oh that's oh my God this rock music always goes so hard the fire M the ice they new i crystal dude the sub is so much better than when it's than the [Music] dub ohar oh what wow dang [ __ ] dude Naruto's really leveled up the last couple episodes a one what is that sound he's finally here was he the little gosh I love this show man I'm start I'm start crying car it's not me give me some of these treats what s was happy to see Sakura can stick a sock in it [Music] bro oh wow that's his new Target the show could have just ended right there wasn't for the bad guy saving he already got mad at Kakashi for trying to interfere these battles are always so interesting like both sides kind of like Let each other sit around why do they even care like oh that's right his Target would be vulnerable if I maybe you should leave the mirror prison Sasuke said oh gosh I'm back in the G like can you not just break a d near he could have just he could have left [Music] [Music] I mean get in and out just freaking leave [Music] does nothing no there was like this little crape foree [Music] all happens in an instant been saying it all this [Music] time KY is insanely rare for it like in this universe dang what is your like plan why didn't she kill what is she doing like yeah she's just like not doing anything she should have killed him by now for sure I mean she saved Naruto for some reason but it's like so tough I guess that kind of answered your question right she doesn't want to kill him I guess he sa are just watching yeah they're just chilling out there like they're just he just has Kakashi in a Checkmate like if you move that guy dies if you don't your boys are going to die what if they both use their their feet chakra bounce and go in separate directions go into the while while throwing while throwing you getting tired no it's too much Yapp in that episode it's way too much Yapp man it's just too much ya man like let's like get going it actually is no they literally gole literally said I'm a guy no I I know but she's lying what yeah did Kakashi fight the Ninetails 12 years ago surely I only remember one thing about what's going to happen lot of hand wounds lately can Sakura do something I mean I don't can't anything I what she supposed to do go there and [Music] [Music] die TRS yeah how does Sasuke keep getting in the air great question he's like standing still watching and next thing you know he's he knew all along thatu was is with why can't you go into that trance and like cop and like see the future it won't work [Music] twice for being my hey she's a hero I'm trying I'm really trusting the process with her I'm really trying like I don't want to jump on the on the wagon someone to hate a he's too late no way actually well better than nothing the only way for this to end is just for the ark to end I I'm just still confused at what she's doing while Nar while Nar I thought he said I'm going to kill you guys no yeah he was like I'm gonna you you guys have the memory of a goldish yeah Kakashi all of a sudden like took a dumb pill like he's underrating the shoing yeah I'm trying to like I'm trying to decide if like he P I'm believing or not he just P [Music] it he get stabbed in the shoulders like that was good that was good how how would it work oh for sure he's taking yeah he's taking a beating right now oh my go he's taking a super freaking dude that stream was crazy actually I believe that scream just all right shro what can you what's your got like his hand I don't know why I don't know why soccer is add's favorite she's dead I need my I need my episod are these are cooking so fast these are cooking so fast but how how how long is this bridge fight going to take yeah how did I freck Naruto and Sasuke been in that a been at that Igloo for like an hour now you guys think You' seen Peak I'm just no I don't I'm just I'm ready to move on from the bridge hey man come on man we're get sorry I'm I'm ready to get I'm ready to move on D people love this art why dude I'm not talking about like they like it they love this art I don't get it you'll see like people will talk about this art this is the slowest art by far whole show I'm pretty sure like in terms of the pacing Naruto is pretty slow like just in general if fight pacing but like I feel this one eat like extra no dude yeah the amount of the amount of yapping in this in these fights is like actually mind it's actually blowing my mind well it's just a different style the amount of a little bit too used to it but get used to it or just like tolerate it just get used to the way fight happen yeah I yeah I I don't know we'll have to see what happens like the fact Carter thought Hunter Hunter had yappen come on I feel like this will give me a new appreciation for the hunter hunter y I could kill the amount of wait no go back go back I want to hear Naruto stre if he says Shadow CL Jutsu one more time [Music] oh oh what's he doing bro why is do his shout out on and they all just book it every one of them yeah thank you yeah oh [Music] oh I know this might be a stupid question but how does she have so many of these needles that is a great where is she getting them from bro he has some in his back if he falls flat flat on his back wouldn't it just go deeper yeah I really have no idea how they're going to make it out of this imagine if these are poisonous oh he's dead okay so Sasuke has sh come on what the freak actually freaking go baby I was wait [Music] what they can just appear like I mean they can change no I think it's his lineage well cuz she kept saying oh he sof and everything I was like oh there you go that's why like he like slow kept proving like Vision being awen I feel like this guy could kill Kakashi right now very dude Naruto needs to level up if SASE is getting if what this and then Sak said hold my beer dude she is literally killing me please tell me she gets better I didn't know like how did he not see the back of his shirt question so are they related then Kashi and we didn't even get to the uh the change in the dynamic between the two of them over the last few episodes has been pretty while on the needles on the needles like [Music] that's so sick this song is really good really good I can't believe he like saved him like that like I don't know it's just that they've they've grown a lot in this last bit bro what is the box coming out oh going barel oh my gosh he going barel if he told me Sasuke in the beginning would have been the reason why this happened to Naruto I would have never believed you oh he's literally turning into a demon worried about the W i' be worried about the I guess that answered your question was oh you're right the knuckle the knuckle the same guy that came in charging was like Shadow clone ju Tru is the most unpredictable thing know the man see that seems a lot more than nine bro tell me I'm wrong it's funny cuz I I mean hey any power up Let Let me let me grab my water maybe y' the yapping was worth it do you hate was a lot of yapping but we made it hey which one you guys want you freaking I want my god get that trash item [Music] my oh I think the animation you know they save some budget right here that's crazy dude I bet when this came out it was [Music] insane Jun send him to the next Dimension Jun come on oh my God four different angles that's pretty dud that was insane actually it really saved the but yeah is that the strongest mask in the history of dude no wonder they had to talk so much has to be tripping right now he said that she's he's stronger than him and he's just getting tossed around if only s was dude that shot was sick oh okay why did they make space like that demon mode don't tell me he takes Mercy right now told you okay come on told you I was just going to go against the Green Bute what is going to happen to Sasuke like I don't [Music] know know that better than anyone yeah fact I love the scar based music why do I feel like he's going to kill himself oh that's the end of the show [Music] folks oh so it skips Generations yeah I guess that's why Sasuke said like the shangan is rare even amongst his clan like when Kakashi first showed his she had the kick Kenai how did the husband kill her how could you just kill your freaking wife I I think it's just yeah like they'll get fricked if anybody sees makes it wor that he's like sad about it but he still does it this show loves to do the pump fakes with the blood it'll always show a spur of blood you don't know who dies people holy jeez sh so it's like it's control over like [Music] water [Music] oh that's what he meant he meant like kids of that Clan right I thought he meant homeless kids how would he just known by looking [Music] at [Music] it's messed up fore fore [Music] oh my gosh how did he just summon these dogs scroll Good Hunter the D Bridge man so smart oh he had to use it on the scroll yeah you have to use your blood to summon my what that's [Music] crazy yeah this is no copy this is his own he all right you about to summon the master bolt right now don't hesitate you know me though I if it's not someone I like really like I hate back do like the excessive backstory for someone like I a whole lot of y g up yeah SAS is gas someone just dude this has been like a seven episode stretch on this sprd which is pretty nuz I'm going to forget that [Music] ever like happy ticket no [Music] way like wait I thought I got a free kill going to die bro got baited so hard wait yeah what she doing her mirrors again I think it's cuz he realized his zom about to die I know dude that fighting is is crazy Haku had to jumped right some if Haku did that's a much better way to go put the blade away this go that's a much better way to go out than just kind of letting your get killed Twisted IDE [Music] oh my gosh is crazy see I did not see this this is crazy [Music] care come on man he's got a bowl for a helmet improvised helmet yeah get your razor it's time to give him a b no wor his mom's actually just going to let let him go he's freaking like five oh yeah pitch he rallied the troops oh my gosh h a bystander would think this is the most confusing catchup oh that's morbid what just stand here [Music] yeah I get iTab I'll be your tool I'll be your weapon what that was smart just took the body with him I mean she still killed Sasuke like take down this rat dude she is oh my [Applause] [Music] gosh oh oh name okay away she have some sort of heal Jutsu so a true love's kiss I wonder how all the other kids in their trios are doing cuz this is pretty crazy one of the most like does they went on for they went out for a little [Music] SE darn yeah was he like was he holding back or [Music] something I he just after he heard that SASE without the [Music] fing because because one of them's like he has two like Powers within one of them's like hypnotism it's a complete visual he can't do it with like the dang take by the power smash the ground oh shoot a way did he get it [Music] oh oh my God Army of rats seriously the demon in the snow the demon of the Mist the demon of the snow the demon of the s [Music] how the heck did they [Music] [Music] show yeah we oh what a rat bro bro is beautiful know [Music] fore [Music] for foreign speech [Music] foreign [Music] Naruto is really making his presence felt [Music] everywhere oh dude if he had his arms this would be over oh yeah like five swords in okay zom going kind of crazy in the end here yummy was crazy is he one of the one of the few goats that dies standing up crazy I'm trying for I'm going to the fields heck no I'm trying more fre like swords in his back good guys come on he did this to Z was like 12 episodes the character development after this little bridge is going to be crazy like they're really going to be bomed S going to be so shook he's like what my [Music] what was that like it's so it's so crazy how they're becoming [Music] friends need the to [Music] show oh wow that I was not expecting that oh even with my limited chakra makes like a million dude yeah this just there's too much dialogue in the fighting I'm glad Zabo got a good send off yeah [Music] way for Zab and Haku maybe it's Haku do it [Music] that hurts so bad on all those holes he was just trying to convince himself like this whole time that like he's a machine I'm glad he took off his mask like his son in a [Music] way whoa that's another fight Sakura did literally Jack sh so interesting it's epic but I'm still taking that swords Long AR but the character of was awesome hey did they finish the bridge n went from intolerable to to Epic [Music] entrance oh my God that so good soccer Bridge what about H this man believes what I'm saying man what episode are we on that nice like I thought that bridge was way longer what episode are we on Brethren go down dang what the heck's going to happen next that was like I mean how many that probably wasn't even that many episodes I know that that art kind of snuck snuck in it was like kind of like just like training training training bam all of a sudden like Mission crazy like the end I'm glad it was really good what if we had this most ultimate setup where like it was just this giant like Bean bag and we just kind of all loued and what what if I had a drip IV and I just pour monster in well guys let's cook well guys the development has been good the bridge Arc was good it was a little it was a little long and a little yappy but it was good uh it's 1:20 in the morning it's 1:20 in the morning right now we started at 5:00 p.m on the do all right newk maybe it's my turn time for is it time for an Ali Carter be way was like cuz like obviously that was good but it's not like forgot about the it's not it's not the best Naruto has at all it's not close a new arc begins not the expired milk e it's butter I think he learned his lesson why is this place just a mess cuz he's a 12-year-old living no so much better before my house would be feral it's probably so exhausted from that trip dude ni go this is what gotar they already ready to now dude are they going to take two steps forward one step backward right now in their development yeah they have no reason to not just be best friends what CU they're Rivals they were literally crying over each other why are they be God be my least favorite part of the show so far is her little demon wow he's indeed to him ow ow bro how cuz Nar nar's pissed cuz he feels like he he want like yeah Sasuke like protected him but Naruto broke the ice mirrors Naruto beat Haku yeah you could have killed him [Music] yeah PR that's so true do anything I wonder do you think she's ever going to get over Sasuke or do you think she's going to be like yeah I bet she ends up with you already saw a little seed bro where she blushed over is that a little r trying to work on his what is [Music] that hey let's freaking go why is Jack over there saying seen are we ever going to see Kakashi's like face he ever not is he ever going to not have his mask on oh look it's the first time we seeing a different Trio that's true wait she has a shing gun [Music] relax a [Music] one-handed [Music] dang this guy looks weird I've seen this guy on day he looks [Music] crazy exam ionic shooting exam I heard opportun exam since started this channel I'll guess what the right so this guy's powerful this is power I forgot about his he actually does he's he literally looks like a demon from I guess a demon looks like we both H that mutual [Music] [Music] respect I don't [Music] know fore fore [Music] speee [Music] Nar self affirmations are [Music] crazy done that just kidnaps her oh okay wait [Music] what like a dream are they are they trying to train her is this real yeah are they like trying to train her [Music] I'm sick of these fake s [Music] deaths that's funny cuz that is like that very much not like s to do that I mean yeah it's all the same guy so I would [Music] assume one of the only guys I've ever seen in narut doesn't he have like a little brother uh this this the guy with the giant eyebrows the weird [Music] [Music] eyes always so fast [Music] f Ro what a name [Music] Ro why is his hair so shiny change so fad so crazy I'm so shocked that you could just like kind of almost he's so scary Carl looks so scary the different types of eyes in this show are interesting look they're like look like it looks like he's BL okay 120% why does he want to fight so bad his stance is FOH pretty much saying I'm going to go far on he looks so [Music] creepy wow she's doing something believe it did you say believe it yeah no way dude he's so fast dude how is he so [Music] fast how they like never met Naruto is definitely not passing CU he's not a rook he's not a first [Music] year dud I don't know why I'm always like very confident in Sasuke's abilities but that is it going to be nothing it's going to be nothing H it's like there's nothing for why is he like telling you this he's kind of just flexing on him like he can tell SAS is confused and he knows he's way stronger than what what the heck wow what the freck what's this why is it prohibited o the first o what the lit like twins said he looks way better Oho he looks like a he-man or something I don't know like what it is lifeless eyes [Music] is his dad like older brother or something idiz him so much he like the same looks Eternal dang no way so that guy's on pic's level what's his [Music] name acting like he wasn't knocked out AR didn't get one second in that fight not can't believe his sh and gone eyes did [Music] nothing nice Squad I would immediately ask hey is that guy stronger than you are you 50 are you 49 and 50 Eternal rivs such a bum I know I'm going to get flamed dude I know be like but I'm just going to be honest with how much she's bugging me be honest like she's bugging me bro get this chit down oh why they look like thugs turn around dude if I was Naruto I'd be sick of it too I kind of like him Naruto has random oh she's nice she's a weird person I kind of like that guy too black Nar I Naruto be the narrator oh it's this guy Oh I thought it was the guy from episode one hea you guys want to [Music] drink I mean yeah the other Villages logos are pretty bad if you never mind I can't say and Rockley got straight tautu one of those [Music] like like how did I lose like I already knew that got a don't even know dang he's on a b rank I mean they be right what is this guy not who I wonder what their mission would like would be considered if it was like if it was evaluated correctly probably [Music] a look at that guy's nose dude gar is so unsettling that's so dirty it looks like it's like oh that [Music] was you got shook I need to see some sexy juic here guys look at this look at this cool edit of of um Harvey [Music] D so funny cuz I feel like everybody in that room has like a similar design and like color palette except for like our crew that's just so colorful got like every color of the rainbow and our little s oh really [Music] yeah Sakura is gonna do great she happy about it's so weird oh she has no some crazy scar [Music] he knows an hour for 10 questions is crazy is he going to get like one [Music] point like for every answer unless it's not multiple chice I gu guess no not why you looking like that dude block twist Naruto gets the best score of all of them somehow yes cheat without being found out but if everybody cheats then nobody has anybody to cheat off of I guess -2 isn't zero though right you said only if you get [Music] zero believe it this is bad believe it oh say it out loud I got him in the do tell what he's riding based on noise P holy crap guys how does nobody see that a bunch of mirrors on the ceiling [Music] so that's got to be so tough for the partners how could they tell this but they can't hear Naruto [Music] he cop just one what you can see through that [Music] guy no way dis memorize D dude that's crazy you just take over someone's [Music] body no noticing you just doing a freaking like what the heck about this is a no way this is the whole episode it's just a 10th question does that even mean look at they guy the [Music] [Music] mustache your eyes are weird Carter I can't see it now I hate you sorry do [Music] you holy crap I feel like Tomo the hash that never becomes hash so if you choose not to you just fail this one but if you take it and get it wrong you fail it and you can never do it again start of the movement all these all these all these extras all these B he's risking it all [Music] dude believe it no way she's B to Forfeit bro achievable dreams he's about to say something she's like quit no way I'm going to quit I'm Naruto I'm going to be the fourth four how did you know can I knew it was Canon why is announcing it to the world I knew it bro [Music] for that was the 10th question wow I'd be so sick if I bro didn't answer a single question give him [Music] point what oh bro's been tortured bro he said they passed what is their deal with like trying to figure it out they're trying to Yap so so we fall asleep how is this guy still yapping how how's he still ya yes bro the dialogue is crazy like they just W giv us a lesson pass through the gates like you pass through the gates and they're like why that was kind of Epic Kashi Kakashi come listen no yeah obviously it's like dude how has this test been three episodes this is so funny is this how one [Music] [Applause] pieces she seems like she's down to business oh oh this girl looks like uh was that his name up there that boy he's pissed yeah why you scrun he's so serious the whole time he's like a funny guy yeah you got freaking exploit ity tree trunk born [Music] Forest like they a dangerous forest in every anime The Forest of death oh my gosh he's an interrogator literally is to get talk by himself the forest it's actually it's actually dude the torture that he does is just y the I love wait what what the heck it is the wrong time a night for this what what how does she have a a frog tongue oh this this new Season's really start oh see that guy back there some Squidward in the back Heaven troll dude that sounds crazy she's only accepting three five [Music] days I just forgot like how much dialog was in this D down we've doubled down on the yapping reading yapping is theer look even she's tired of that's good that's good whoever whoever uh directed this or wrote this was get get paid by the [Music] hour oh no bro that's so that's so tough man my heart hurs you know you guys don't have to specify but how many of these characters do you see for like the Long Haul like a good do you see a good amount of these characters [Music] like even dude I have beef with whoever wears their their bandana on their freaking waist automatic beef I mean he's got bad hair it would cover it so dude I don't give a freak automatic beef the chip is GNA bite him Chip Kelly forgot the k on the table here oh killing is yeah yeah holy said anything [Music] goes what does he just heal fast from the freaking good freaking do they not know that he heals like really [Music] fast to do something I I'm not going to lie I feel great I I don't understand I like two hours ago I was on I was on the brink but like I don't ever since then I've feel better dude I I had that second monster and I Lally had so much strength nothing was weirder than the 8 minute long recap bar for bar recap yeah this actually is a different [Music] perspective dang he noticed and she didn't and I thought she's supposed to be the pro is completely different whoa that was sick okay come on do something never mind oh that's sick oh [ __ ] oh what is happen that guy reminds me of bomb Voyage yeah give it to him oh he built different okay he can rearrange his gut trying to take a piss man go to sleep he would VMA oh my gosh that's the answer oh my gosh holy yeah oh no there's someone listening oh maybe that's his plan maybe he knows that somebody's listening and if they're Naruto they'll repeat the password but he would be like oh Naruto would never remember the password he's like can I stop happening he's like can I stop getting hit first in the face like a tiny scratch fore they're going to know it's the f i Lally called that did he get blast bro took the blunt bro is [Music] sizzling holy crap oh wait what hell he only got swallowed so like he can get out Bro e these girls are disgusting oh that like a prediction of their future what the freak is this bro they need the heaven scroll open it up come on shut up right now that's disgusting oh pulled that no no do not eat it e yummy these are G sham dude that would oh oh wow so fast bro oh oh how you do that that's so my God sled it that's dude he loves saying he's going to be Fireballs fireballs soccer is something she warned him true wow dude she had to have like put something in him or something I don't know in SAS I don't know like some sort of like fear toxin or something no what the yummy yummy what the fre Jake this oh that was way too long oh oh what the [Music] oh what [Music] the only happy to see him he's that was awesome that's funny shut up shut up sh you shut your M what time is it 4:45 I just am so confused at what what this lady is like what even is she their feet what the fre oh stupid coward this is getting crazy dude why do I not remember this girl from like the uh test or anything on the outside the gate H I said that's why there's three dead corpses 3us three so they're fakes good one man good one I can't believe they just leave their bodies here yes like leave them out here to be found of course Naruto's group is the one fighting them they have no faces what the freak very stupid it very obvious she knows who this is yeah right next that [Music] sketch a neck why are they so that guy that guy oh it's come [Music] out know what explain like bring that out so subtly dude what is these people's agenda like what are they doing why are they here yeah why are they going after these [Music] random oh dude that's sick wait you stopped that that's so sick it's cuz Sasuke is being a freaking wimp right now I think he's just I thought that was literally fake Sasuke because D they look so much young can't believe that happen 6 hours yeah it happened Frick cut tongue do something e oh no this is sketch wait is is she unsealing him or sealing him I think sealing even more probably so he can't do anything do she just whatever just steal it more so disrespectful hey Sakura how about you grab him wow wow wow what Applause for wow she did something so cryptic this is so sick this this episod going off in just random ways oh is that the end a pretty we did it w boys C wow I I didn't finish strong I was so I was L like like I looked around like dude that was a good episode to end on it gets real juicy some mystery who is this mystery person all I don't know shut Canon know dude I don't know if it's aoi Mario I literally read it right there cuz he's the only one that nobody said you guys are all naming characters so I wanted to be part of the group so I looked and I was like oh o Maru looks sick backward I'm just giving you a hard time man 5:02 [Music] a.m. for the proof it's 5 a.m. and I'm drunk right now 12 hours straight it was good take car and get out of here you know I didn't think I was this is my couch for the night by the way by the way we had um we had a technical difficulty and then oh multiple or yeah like technical difficulties we had the and then we had and then we had a and then we had some grub so it was slightly I mean the whole film session was 12 hours it was like how many episodes was that like almost 30 28 28 there's 29 well we're on 29 right yeah I don't know close to 30 we're on 30 so oh but we had a filler so 2 almost 30 in a night is pretty yeah it was pretty wild that was great though I mean that's more than that's like two and a half weeks of normal almost three weeks yeah but I'm actually feeling not to we ended on a strong like we ended on no yeah that was definitely I can't wait to see the video and like how we progressed as we just get last like ever since 3:30 I've been oh yeah no we all hit a wall at like 1 and then we kind of come back I rebounded no we all kind of did and then like 3 like yeah 3:00 was when it started getting just rough I don't remember anything for the past hour and dude the worst was like 4 my eyes were literally you'll see they're just crosseyed and crosseyed and I'm just like you know when you're like when you get in deep thought when you stare at something but you're like yeah that was me I was staring at the TV and I didn't know how much time passed like oh my go I've been thinking about anything but Naruto right now no yeah the uh the beginning for me personally of this was was interesting but kind of tough like for I don't know it's kind of like I don't know it was kind of hit and miss you know and it kind of stayed that way but as it progresses it is continued to slowly build and it's starting to like get pretty interesting oh I like Naruto a lot more than I thought I was going to like I still yeah I would take the first like 30 episodes this show i' take the first 30 episodes of Hunter Hunter easily but I think it's fair dude sit down think about this you sit down to watch a two-hour movie and you think like oh if we if I were to watch three movies in a row that's like a lot and we just watch six movies in a row yeah six 2our movies for like 12 hours like like think about how many movies that's six like Marvel they went by pretty quick though it wasn't like a drag the last hour and a half was like hard to stay awake but like the the overall experience was not no yeah like this I'm not going to lie this night came and it went no it felt longer from like 5 to like eight felt longer than like 9 to 5 yeah kind of once once you kind of got in like once I A.M right now 9 to 5 when you work at 9: to 5 but it's 900 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. don't ever don't ever say we didn't do it anything oh wow okay wow Jack wow well um oh yeah so just one more time we're going to be posting these in arcs or like big chunks on YouTube but we'll be uploading each episode individually on patreon so with that I'm going to bed I thought it was good I thought there was some yapping there was definitely something Happ maybe it's because of how we're watching it for 12 hours straight maybe that's why there's it feels like that could definitely add that could definitely I I just think the beginning like the beginning of of the series is just I don't know I don't remember I don't remember it being that yeah that much dialogue and that YY for the whole show I just like how we're like it definitely got a little tough like at at some parts I was like bro like let's move on please I I think I think the test was the worst the written test test wor stor on the bridge I swear we were in Back stories for like three straight episodes It's actually true if I think about the night I think most of the night was a bridge I was died at the end of the bridge though but the like the bridge is great but like just for some parts it's like dude like oh my goodness I've seen you tell Haku yours that like he's your tool like 30 times we have to teach you this lesson dude I thought the uh yeah they could definitely they could definitely pick up the pace a little bit with like some of their stuff like they could just make it go like they don't need to explain things or like do how they do like to that degree like it's never notic like how many repeats there are like there's so so many repeats I was so confused like the B like every episode is like really 17 minutes off yeah no I always skip to like the like when it shows the title cuz it's literally just dude they even got to the point where just barely it was a recap and then it even shows the title and then it's still a recap after I was like bro what is happening oh the one from the other perspective yeah where it was SAS I was from a different perspective and it went way quicker I I yeah I think I can see myself enjoying the show down the you're holding like couple hundred in cards I don't know oh that one's mine isn't that crazy you guys have met so many characters and you haven't met like four of my favorite charact like five of my favorite characters in the whole show and you won't meet him this R dude I I literally hate this guy top yeah no no you guys probably haven't met eight of my favorite characters I mean that's reassuring i i i dude I just think if Naruto just yeah if they nailed their pacing man it would be so much better it would be so much better I think I know a lot about the show but I don't know any I think pacing was the last thing like I know like some I Know Who characters are I yeah it seems like kind of like a show that's like designed to like string the audience along like for a long long long time you know more like a it's not Str to be like effic like you can tell this was like a TV show you know what I mean cuz like it doesn't seem like the way that it's structured makes it a little tough to b sometimes it's like pretty drawn out in certain like aspects but like if it was like a weekly thing it wouldn't be like like the backstories wouldn't seem as long like if you're watching on like a TV yeah TV just had to have been different back then man like like yeah the way things were the way like yeah you can just old this is old TV you had to be dialed I don't know they like this show really really picks up man especially like like this these next few episodes where we're at like it's really good like the T exam is sick like it's super sick no there were some like the the written test is like buns and that was a Yap Fest but like from here on out like the T exam super sick from here to like episode 50 I think like around there like it's it's real juicy I did not think we would say the word Yap that many times I thought it just I it got so funny where I was talking about something completely random like to McKay and BR and I was like cars like how is this guy still yapping because like even D I was like talking I was talking about something completely different car got fed off cuz I was like trying to pay attention I was like bro like cuz you guys are like like zoned out respectfully you know like it made sense and I was just I was and I was like bro okay I give up like I I was literally I literally gave up but okay yeah anyways that was fun Soul leveling in in six hours so that was a good time yep so leveling six hours I do it again
Channel: Studio Gek
Views: 175,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8uVoNFBHD8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 54sec (9234 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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