ANIME COLOUR DEMON 😈 Custom Figure Doll Repaint | etellan

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to etilan [Music] as the year grows closer to an end i wanted to work on practicing different aspects of my skill sets in this video in particular i wanted to expand my skill sets in relation to color theory in reference to my doll making to me there's nothing better in life than colorful animation i've always wanted to make something colorful and dreamy something you'd see in a slice of life anime so for this video i'm going to try my hand at doing just that so let's get started to start off this custom i'm going to be using a draculaura doll from the monster high range as a base this doll however is just an example of what the base looks like before being stripped this is a first wave draculaura doll that i plan on restoring in the future you're off the hook today little doll but not forever as you can see i've already got a stripped and modified head this is because i had worked on this doll head months ago but ended up putting it back in the stop box and working on something else i have pretty bad perfectionism so i tend to shelve a lot of projects and videos when i feel as if they aren't good enough to publish funnily enough i can't even remember why i shelved this head which in a way speaks to the nature of perfectionism in the first place i'm definitely trying to work on it when i was cleaning out my supply area that's where i noticed this modified head and thought it best to actually finish the stone instead of leaving her bare and unused the modifications that were done on her face were done by using milliput as the mealy part is long set i use fine sandpaper to blend the horns and ears into the skin i decided on modifying the skin for this doll i'll be using vallejo pink and white mixtures to give her a flamingo color to her skin for a color palette i decided on using color boards on pinterest to help me in finding shades and colors i found doing this helps because it gives me a better understanding of what colors work together and what don't for this colour palette i chose pastel vaporwave vaporwave being an aesthetic influenced by 80s and 90s anime and vintage computer hardware it's kind of hard to define but it has an absolutely gorgeous color palette and i think that if you are doing warhammer or if you're doing any kind of sci-fi like modifications or sci-fi-like paintings vaporwave has such a gorgeous color palette and i would highly recommend checking it out if you've seen any of my previous work i don't tend to explore color very often in my own designs i typically like to stay in a very dark monochrome color palette if i use white i use varying different shades of whites or if i use black i use varying different shades of black [Music] it was surprisingly hard for me to find colors that match i think doing this project has very much given me a heightened sense of respect for people who use this in their artworks or even just in their clothing choices i found it so hard to match colors and match things that make it look nice and harmonious so 100 kudos to people who do that [Music] someone in my opinion who excels at color theory and dull customization and is actually themselves working on a little pink demon is april rose o-o-a-k on instagram their work is absolutely beautiful and so colorful their details are fantastic i'd highly recommend checking out their work and giving them a follow i'll leave a link to their page in the description but 100 recommend checking them out and giving them support they definitely deserve it [Music] so [Music] i will also be painting her body in the same pink color that i did for the face [Music] i forgot to get it on camera however but i did blush the face and body with huda beauty ruby obsessions palette the colors themselves are way too vibrant for my skin unfortunately so i like to use these in my dolls i'll be focusing on the joints head and ears i'll also be going over this blushing later on to deepen the contour but i wanted to have the contour before i started the face up once i was happy with how it looked i gave her a spray of mr hobby premium top coat once that was dry i gave her another spray of mr super clear matte varnish [Music] the reason i use a top coat along with the varnish is because i wanted to strengthen the paint layer as it will stop chipping and deterioration over time top coat being in acrylic and acts as a protective layer and the varnish from mr super clear allows me to paint and draw on top of that to start her face up i'll be using albert dura faber castell watercolor pencils if you yourself are looking at trying to do customization i would highly recommend having a lighter color i'm building up the opacity over time i know i don't do this because i generally have this thing of just jumping in head first when it comes to face ups one of my favorite comments that i've ever gotten a couple of months back was basically me being that and just saying line goes here which is honestly very much on brand for me if i find it i'll i'll put it up on the screen the general idea that i had for this face was to give her quiet angular eyes with a slightly hooded eyelid hooded eyelids are and are an eye shape where the eyelid has extra skin so we'll droop over the crease area creating a look of a smaller eyelid to have this effect i'll mainly focus the highlighting on the on the crease to the eyebrow area and shadow the eyelid in the corners basically this will give the effect of light catching the crease as opposed to the eyelid in a way it's kind of like an opposite cut crease like they do in makeup but i think it looks really really cute if i do say so myself [Music] this is actually a color palette i wanted to use for a halloween doll i had a demon girl figure that i was working on back in september ready for halloween but sadly she just didn't work out honestly now she's just sitting in a drawer and i'll come back to her but i felt as if i just needed time away from it but for now i want to transfer the colours and the colour palette that i had had for her and put her into a different [Music] doll [Music] for this doll i wanted to create a moe character maui being the slang term used in anime manga and video games a term used to describe a cute and precious character basically designed for the audience to go characters who are moe in my opinion are the girls from keon mirai from beyond the boundary nagisa from free and cole from dragon age inquisition and asunder yes i think cole is mowing because he's a baby boy and he must be protected for her eyebrows i sketched out with white basically to see what kind of eyebrow shape she would look good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so for her eyes i went with a mixture of vallejo sky blue and white i wanted the color scheme of the doll to be blue and pink so i decided on matching her eyes to her hair with a small detail brush i'll just be doing little brush strokes to create the iris design [Music] during filming um it was raining so fergus my bird decided to join me on my desk for the day he's not a fan of my dolls however so he does try and destroy them i think he kind of sees them as competition for my affection i also kind of refer to him as the kleptomaniac on instagram because he very much likes to steal a lot of my art supplies he'll steal pencils he'll try and destroy brushes but yeah he's he stole um a rubber like an eraser for the longest time and i found it under a cupboard uh so i wasn't too happy about that because i really needed it but you know he's just he's trying he's having fun he's a bird [Music] [Music] once i was happy with the face i gave her a final spray of mr super clear matte varnish and moved on to the hair i went with 100 acrylic turquoise yarn hair by wrapping it around a chopstick and getting a dog brush i'm able to brush out the fibers to make hair like strands fergus was very curious as to what i was doing i'm not really sure why i think it's probably the sound [Music] once i was happy with the amount of fibers that i had i popped fergus out of the room and straightened the fibers because the yarn is made of acrylic it's able to be manipulated to create hair-like fibers once they are straightened i'll cut the fiber and glue the ends to make wefts once the glue is dry they're ready for [Music] application [Music] [Music] as this doll has been given facial modifications and has been painted her hairline can be quite hard to spot in order to rectify this i just pencil in where i believe the hairline should be and that will act as a guide in helping me in the application process of the wefts i decided on doing turquoise blue hair purely because i recently got a yotsugi ononoki figure from the anime monogatari i'm absolutely obsessed with it i've wanted it for such a long time and yes you can call me a poser because i've never actually seen the anime monogatari but i'm obsessed with the character design of ononki her character design is so colorful and gorgeous i just i love it the first time the character even got on my radar was when i was watching an unboxing video from the animated man's channel he unboxed two monogatari figures and i was just i was like wow i need that figure so now that i've got the figure i just think that turquoise blue hair is so gorgeous and i had to incorporate it in this doll starting on the sideburns and the nape of the neck i'll be gluing the wefts with quick dry pva glue you can use hot glue for this but for me it's kind of hard to use hot glue i feel as if it creates like a layer between the vinyl and the hair which can make styling a little bit hard as it won't sit flat though that's just my experience i'd recommend trying out every experience in terms of skill sets because you never know what works for you something that doesn't work for me might work for you i've seen it work wonders for other artists so it's always good to just give every technique a crack speaking of giving every technique a crack something that i get a lot in the comments of my videos especially when i first started out is to why i don't re-root hair i'm not too sure why i get that as such a common question but i thought it's best to just address it rerooting is basically a hair technique for doll customization where you have a particular kind of re-rooting tool which is a kind of needle thing you put hair in it and you just stab it into the vinyl basically when you do that the hair is bonded into the vinyl similar to how factory-made dolls are the answer to this is basically because i live in australia i don't have access to the supply chains that others do like you see with various other creators who live in americorps europe living in australia those supply chains can cost me up to 35 to 50 australian dollars just for shipping of the item which doesn't include um the long long waits for the item to actually arrive typically it can take around a month maybe um just with standard shipping you know three weeks for express but i've noticed as well that rerouting tools can be subject alone to breaking quite often so if i was to do re-routing and the tool broke and i wouldn't be able to replace it easily i feel as if it would stall the customization process and it would take such a long time to get a replacement and then unfortunately it just it's just not a viable technique that i can do with the supply chains that i have for me you know but i'm i'm quite lucky in the sense that in australia we do have really good yarn supplies um and i can just get that at spotlight for australia um the only thing that i would be interested in doing in terms of rerooting is definitely doing uh rereading in terms of doing protective styles um which are things like cornrows or bantu knots stuff like that i feel as if it would look really dreamy to be actually you could see the skin um you could see the vinyl through the braids i think that would look really lovely but um if you have any recommendations on when you where you can find a rerooting tool or just something that isn't going to take like a month or so to arrive or be really expensive um i'd be really interested in knowing [Music] once i was happy with how the hair looks i start on the styling process i went over the hair again with my dog brush and then with a toothbrush with water on it to lay the hair flat a sharp razor i'll be razoring the hair to thin it you can use an eyebrow razor but this is just what i had on hand the plan for this hairstyle is to do a short hair with a mini fringe one that's above the eyebrows [Music] if you're cutting doll hair i would highly recommend snipping away at tiny little bits working the way up to where you want the hand to be doll hair doesn't grow back so once you cut it it's permanent unless you remove it in the same way i do faces i just cut the hair like a madman if you want a fringe you've got it before you even know it once i give the hair a trim i'll be going over the razoring once again just to thin the ends [Music] if you thin the ends of the fringe like i do please be super careful as you can so easily cut the paint or the varnish layer and damage the face up so try and be really gentle [Music] [Music] so [Music] once i was happy with how it looks i will give her a hairspray just to lay down any flyaways [Music] [Music] to add a little bit of color to her hair i glued polymer clay charms to the ends of hairpins with pliers i apply them into the vinyl by just shoving them in i decided on doing it only on the tucked away side um just i thought it would be too much with it all over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] for her clothes i wanted to use these roller skates from an operetta doll from my stock box while i wanted her to have a casual mower style i just had to use these shoes they're the cutest things i've ever seen and they actually roll which is just oh it's just so cute [Music] i did however give them a new coat of paint they are quite old so they've just been discolored over time giving them a new coat of paint will just bring them back to their vibrancy i did however decide on doing a turquoise color palette just to match with the hair i noticed in the end it actually had the same color palette as fergus which i think is kind of cute [Music] [Music] for her clothes i went with a color block aesthetic inspired by iloclin's fashion label teddy fresh i love the use of colors in her design so i wanted to replicate this in a sort of fan art kind of way cutting out the pieces i fold the ends of the pattern pieces back on itself so it stops the fabric from fraying for the sleeves i made the pattern quite large and long i want them to be very oversized and it covers the doll's hands i will also be using a pink fabric for the wrist area teddy fresh typically comes out with just hoodies so i decide instead on making a bomber jacket to make the bomber jacket style i'll be painting the edges of the front and back panels with a blue design painting the blue directly onto the fabric won't give the lovely pastel color that i'm looking for so i'll have to paint a white base and then later go over that base with the vibrant blue [Music] to give the teddy fresh aesthetic i decided on adding a bear to the back panel but not just any bears stitches from animal crossing they're so cute and they're so colorful and i just had to add them to the design it just works so well with the color block design effect that i'm going for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] so [Music] once the paint is dry i'll start the sewing process i get asked a lot to show the making process of doll clothes which is something that i'm always very apprehensive about because it's not something i'm particularly proficient in but as well i don't use pattern pieces or measurements i kind of just eyeball the whole thing but i'll definitely try and explain it in this video but i apologize in advance if it doesn't really make sense basically to start off i get the outside patterns to touch i'll be doing the first sewing layer along the shoulder and neck area pointed out here [Music] once that's sewn i'll open the jacket up and grab the arm piece i want the arm pieces and the shoulder pieces to be sewn half circle to half circle it's a little tricky especially on something so small but you will get the hang of it in the end [Music] once that's sewn i'll flip the item inside out and sew the arm and chest together once that's done i'll flip it right side out and there's your jacket for the skirt i grab a long piece of cotton fabric i'll be gluing the sides down to stop fraying the same as i did for the panels before once the glue is set i'll make the pleats once again i don't use measurements but for this what i'm doing is creating pleats by folding the fabric onto itself and pinning it until i have the wrap around length of the belly i once again i just eyeball it basically [Music] once i'm happy with the length i sew along the top of the skirt to keep the pleats together then i'll sew a belting on the top to hide the pleats and then sew the the last bits of the skirt together to actually make it a skirt i also made a shirt but i forgot to film that unfortunately sorry but here's the jacket [Music] i decided on adding these glittery tights that i found on an abbey doll in my stock box i love the long sleeves of the jacket they make her look so cute once i add her clothes together i'll take her photos [Music] thank you so much for watching let me know what you think of her in the comments below and if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see me make next don't forget to subscribe to my channel and follow me on instagram if you'd like to support me further hop over to my patreon link in the description below see you in the next video
Channel: etellan
Views: 399,542
Rating: 4.9685864 out of 5
Keywords: Halloween, doll, bjd, face up, faceup, art, relaxing, asmr, music, doll repaint, make up, figure, custom figure, statue, monster high, ever after high, monster high repaint, toy repaint, painting, water colour, watercolor, acrylic painting, custom, handmade, DIY, diy, anime girl, halloween doll, mini painting, warhammer, vallejo, clay, custom ooak, relaxing music, doll painting, soft spoken, soft voice, kawaii, vaperwave, anime, color, colour, pastel, harajuku, devil, demon, mods, cute, teddyfresh, H3H3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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