Animating in PowerPoint Live Master Class

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all right what's up everybody how are we all doing welcome to the live stream happy new year brand new year yeah uh you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome thank you very much for joining i would like to know where you're joining from in the chats just let me know down in the chat where you're joining from i would like to know uh so we're gonna hang out today uh it's an ask me anything session today and also we're gonna be going through how to animate in powerpoint in a little bit but first of all before we get to the tutorial i'd like to see uh how everybody's doing where you're joining in from and just uh seeing what kind of questions you have for me first so we're gonna start with the ask me anything so just tell me what questions you have for me i'm gonna go ahead answer a few questions in the chat and we're gonna go ahead and start with the tutorial uh for today and the class for today uh so i see someone from mumbai thank you thank you for joining thank you for joining thank you for joining uh let's see who else okay somebody's joining from connecticut uh that's great good to have you good to have you here thank you very much florida usa i see you thank you for joining thank you for joining thank you thank you thank you uh see someone from all the way from qatar wow thank you so much for joining thank you for subscribing thank you uh let's see what what has we got in the chat we got somebody from virginia thank you virginia virginia not too far from where i live welcome welcome welcome let's see uh who else do we get on the chat so let's see we got someone from virginia we got someone all the way from nigeria welcome from nigeria you are welcome to the live stream uh let's see if we can get these names up here just give me a second let me put this up there we go we got we got someone from nigeria you're welcome daniel from nigeria we got rocks from virginia you're welcome uh we got panty i don't know if i pronounce that right but uh from qatar welcome welcome welcome welcome we got donna from houston texas and then we got somebody who is called google loves channel well that's a very interesting uh channel name but welcome from india we get somebody from museum week you're welcome i do not know how to pronounce your name but it's right there up on the screen thank you so much for joining you're welcome it's really good to have you guys all here and i'm glad to be hanging out with you today hopefully you're having a great day and if you're not having a great day hopefully by the end of this stream uh your day will be feeling a little bit better because you would have learned something new so hopefully that that happened uh somebody says thank you for this tutorial you're welcome we haven't done it yet but you're welcome in advance uh hopefully we'll be good uh so we got so let's see so that is that is it with the chats uh i'm gonna hold that here we're gonna do a little bit more shout outs uh in between uh the tutorial so welcome welcome welcome if you have any questions for me do let me know down in the in the comment chats and if you're watching this live stream later on i'm gonna break this into chapters uh so you can go and follow along with the tutorial and also follow along with some of the things that we will be doing here today so this is gonna be a class on animating uh creating animations with powerpoint and uh how is the live class gonna be a little bit different from the videos you watch so number one it's gonna be much slower pace uh because when we do these videos for youtube you have to sort of look at retention rate you gotta cut them down shut so that's why some of the videos uh might seem a little bit fast-paced uh it's just because of the youtube algorithm so this one is gonna be a little bit slow-paced it's a live class so i'm gonna take my time you're gonna see me do everything step by step uh the way i would do it when i am building or working on something and then also the best thing with this is that you get to ask me questions on the chat so if there's something you didn't understand you can just let me know down in the chat i'll be going back and forth in the chat every now and then to check the questions and then i'm gonna go on there to answer your questions like i said uh in the description this also and ask me anything so even if you have questions from some of my other videos uh that i've done in the past that you would like me to answer just just let me know down uh in the comments and i'll be going through the comments every now and then i will get to answer those questions and hopefully i can answer some of your questions so today we will be going through um the video that i did so i did a video uh about how i got my new tesla and that was just telling the story of how somebody stole my car my previous car the gas station so it was an animated uh video if you haven't watched that i'm gonna dump a link for that video in the description oh it's actually already in the description of this live stream so click on that you can watch it with not now later on after the live stream you can watch uh watch that uh nice video so you can watch that uh that's what we'll be going through today so a lot of people were asking me how i created that uh video and the tutorial for that so that's what we'll be doing i'll walk you through uh all the steps that i took uh to create that particular video and you see my process so again this this uh this stream is just for one hour so i can go through everything it took me a whole lot more than one hour to create that but hopefully i'm gonna jump through several scenes and it gives you a general idea if there is any like specific scene you would want me to touch on specifically like if you had like a scene that you you liked more let me know in the comments and i'll make sure to jump to that uh but otherwise i'm just gonna start from the top and then we're gonna flow all the way so let me go back to the chat and let's see what's going on in the chat uh so all right so let me just go back to the chat do a little bit of my shout outs so we have somebody says this is starting to i started getting interested oh let me just put this up so everybody sees it so i've started getting interested in animation through your videos thank you you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome uh we got bj from nigeria welcome i don't have a computer but one day you'll get one hopefully one day maybe i'm gonna do a computer giveaway in the channel let's let's reach a hundred thousand right and let's see maybe i do give away a computer i don't know where you're from but let's see so help me reach a hundred thousand subscribers and we'll see what that giveaway is gonna be all right uh all right before i forget if you would like youtube to recommend these videos for others to watch just give it a thumbs up let's give it a like so that other people can join and enjoy uh the tutorial as you are gonna enjoy today so if you're joining the stream today let's give it a like let's give it a like so that youtube can recommend that all right thank you very much so i'm gonna go ahead and we are gonna start right with the tutorial so i don't see any questions uh so i'm gonna go straight to it so let's go all right you should be seeing my screen right now i have powerpoint open on here and my process that i take when i'm doing um these animations is i always start with a script so it's the script is always your boiling pot you want to make sure you have a script and you want to make sure that your script is telling a story in a story way so even when i do this for projects for people and they send me like what they want it to be i normally start by just rewriting the script uh just to make sure it flows uh in a story way and then once i do that i break my scripts into scenes so i'll say and i'm calling the scenes pretty much every scene would be one slide so i want to figure out uh how am i telling this story and how many slides would i need and then i'll typically come um i'll typically come back to powerpoint and create slides so this would be sort of like uh say my i'll call this like my scene one and i would use uh i'll break them down that way and for example in that video that i did uh sin one was the casting so i was telling the story of how uh what happened in beginning the beginning of the day so i wanted this kind of scene that showed me driving in the car i was it was a summer day so i wanted it to be like i have mountains uh bright so it's gonna be like driving in my car so that's gonna be the the first scene there so i'm gonna put it out there so i'll just keep it at that and sometimes when i have the full script like whatever was read as the voiceover i would use my notes section here to just dump that to see okay this is the text that is going uh on the scene and that kind of helps me uh to gauge what direction i want uh that particular scene to go so of course after i've done this i build out all my scenes uh again this could go to infinite like 12 i don't know 20 cents or whatever you have you so now i need to start then getting assets to use uh to build this out i'm again i am always a fan of free pick i've always talked about free pick this is where i get all my assets i am not affiliated with them yet uh but i love this this tool because it's really a great tool even if you can draw you know how to draw you know animate but they already have i mean it's going to take you what maybe a day or so to to to get up to put up these assets but they already have this so like why do that you can always download that and customize uh them for yourself so but before i actually do so that driving scene uh this is i got that from here uh i can put the links to this in the description or in the chats if you guys are interested um before i get to that in my previous video the one that we did uh how to animate with powerpoint where we had ben uh famous ben uh there's one one other way to convert distance to a way that powerpoint can understand that i didn't talk about in that video because sometimes it works a little bit finicky so that's why i didn't put it there but when i started seeing comments of people like struggling with illustrator or struggling with uh inkscape i was like uh i should have put that on there so in this live training i'll show you another way so i showed you inscape to ungroup this i showed you illustrator illustrator is what i use it's what we're going to be using in this tutorial it's it's the easiest for me but there's one more way to do this it's free uh there is a website called cloud uh let me just zoom this in here uh so dispatch that in here so it's called cloud convert right there so cloud convert uh dot com and i'm gonna dump that right here on the chats so also helps you uh sorry i'm just dumping that right here in the chat so cloud combat helps you to to dump uh sorry to ungroup your your files and i'll show you how that works in a second so let's say for example i wanted to use this character right here i'll just refresh this i had this open all right so let's say i wanted to refresh this character that i have right here um sorry i wanted to ungroup that so i'll download this uh and typically from my previous tutorials i told you guys that we would typically open this using um inscape or adobe illustrator actually i'm going to just go ahead and actually do that so that just to give you a refresh in case you've not watched that video how to animate with powerpoint uh i do advise you to check it out uh it's a great starting point to show you uh some of those these tips that we're talking about today so i've opened this on adobe illustrator uh right here and what this does is that it lets me you know i could click on this and it lets me copy this so i could copy this control copy say let's say i wanted just this guy i see he's grouped here so i'm just going to ungroup him uh so i could copy him and uh oops i missed out his coffee there we don't want you to go out without your coffee get all cranky all right so i could copy him and paste him in here and you know i have an individual this character that i could use in powerpoint uh to to mess around and to animate him individually and i can do that for all the other components that we have in this so that was what i showed you in that other video but if you don't have illustrator or you know ins in escape is is not working for you so you could come up to this website and then select the file so this file that we just downloaded here is to be the esp version so you could select it so if i zoom right here you see right here we have this is the file so you're going to just click on convert uh right here and we'll give it a second it's going gonna process and it's gonna convert this to something called a cvg and uh powerpoint would actually open cvg files so that's the great thing so i have uh uh downloaded that on my computer so i'm gonna go back to powerpoint so let's create a new slide right here and uh if i can find where this is give me one second let's go back here cvg file okay there we go so if i drag this and drop it into powerpoint i'll just delete this here uh this is a cvg file it looks like an image but here's what happens the cool thing is if i right click and go to group on group yes so it now lets me actually ungroup these into i gotta do it one more time uh just give me a second sometimes they're grouped into multiple layers so now i now have individual all this individual component have been ungrouped so everything here if i select this guy like slightly carefully here there you go i now have him as a single character and i can right click and regroup him back uh as an individual character so it it gets him all the single layers uh so it can get a little bit messy and confusing so you got to be want to be careful with this this is why i didn't really show this in that very first video because uh sometimes it's not the easiest way to do it but again if you're having issues with inscape illustrator not working for you then definitely this is something you could do so just carefully like select that and then right click and group and there you go so now you have this again as another individual character that you could use oops i guess i did not select all of that so have this as an individual character that you could then take and uh start animating with so that is another way to do this uh apart from uh using illustrator but like i said we will be using uh adobe illustrator for this particular tutorial here so let's go ahead i have my car the cars that i just downloaded so i'm just going to go ahead and and copy them here sorry open them up so i'm gonna open it on adobe illustrator so this is where the cars uh and the very one that i used to illustrate my car didn't look like this by the way i just you know didn't want to like cartoonize the car i didn't even have a picture of it so i just thought i would use this one it worked anyways so what i did in that particular video was i copied the card just ctrl c that's what i'm just doing right now and then uh ctrl v to paste it right here so that gets me this sort of a car scene and before i actually go ahead and scale it again for the background that i used for it i got that again from uh but since i already uh sort of have it here uh i already have it downloaded so i'm just gonna copy it and paste it uh on here uh so we have that so just right click and send that to the back up sorry i move that out so right click send that to the back there we go so this helps me uh with sort of scaling and what i did was uh we'll get to that in a second uh just rearrange it here and then zoom in a little bit uh and to zoom in i'm holding ctrl on my keyboard and then i'm scrolling my mouse wheel so this is what i'm using for the quick zoom of course you can always zoom again in powerpoint uh if you go right here to the bottom there's also this little wheel that you could use to zoom in if you don't know that i mean everybody should know that but if you don't know that uh that's one way to do it but what i'm using right now is my mouse wheel i just hold the control button and i'm using my mouse wheel to scroll back and forth so that is what i'm using to do that so this helps me with scaling so now i can scale this and i see a sort of uh you know a reasonable size to the road i'll probably make it a little bit big yeah i'll walk with this this is fine uh [Music] so let's just adjust this a little bit so the next thing i did was i wanted to make the wheels turnable uh so if you if you watch that video in that initial scene the wheels was spinning so what i did for that was i went back here and i ungrouped this uh and picked just uh do that one more time so now this let me pick just the wheel so that i can copy the wheel and go back to powerpoint i'll scale this right here if you click really on the a little bit on the corner i'll scale this right here and much so i left the original wheel on there just to use as a reference because that way i could scale it too much properly actually i'm going to delete this other one so we have excuse me that we have two wheels uh right now um we get that and then we get this so what i did to make the wheel spin it's a little trick uh and it has to do with using motion emphasis so uh remember we talked about the other different animations that you could do different ways for animating in powerpoint that i talked about in that original video so if you go to the animation tab you have your um you could do the fly-ins the likes of the flyings you could do the fly-ins uh you could do your exit animation to exit it out oops sorry did that go out so let me go to my animation pane here if i play that oh sorry that was a fly out okay uh most people know know these um but additional things that you could do that most people might not use in a lot of animation is this sort of emphasis so when your uh object or let's call it object or image or whatever it is already in the scene you could do some animation emphasis that you know make it do things within the scene so in this case i use the spin so you see that spin sort of like turns it in a 360 cycle and what you could potentially do again is double click on that so uh let me let me just show you that one more time what i did so i double clicked on that right here uh just double click on it that opens uh your option tab or you could also right click and go to effect options and that is going to open this option tab that we have right here and so what i'm doing right here now is that i went to animation timing and then there's a little uh bar here that says repeat i'm just move this to the corner and zoom in so you can see what i'm doing okay there we go so there's a little bar that says repeat and you could say repeat until like the end of the slide so this would constantly i mean if you're using this in in a slide where you're doing a presentation the wheel is gonna constantly keep spinning and then it looks like the car is moving so the next thing i did is just to copy this and paste it and to put it up here in the corner so if i go back to my uh oops sorry i'm gonna redo that again i discovered that my screen wasn't full so i copied this using ctrl c ctrl v and i put it up in the corner right here so now we have two wheels uh scale that properly uh so the next thing i'm gonna do is if i play this bad let's play this back to see what this looks like uh sorry i am gonna go back here and on this one right here uh where you have the option it's saying on click i'm gonna make it start with previous and then now when we go back and play this the bot wheels should be spinning uh relatively alright so that is great so i'm going to go ahead and delete scene 1 here uh oops like that so that's great um in my actual casting i i was in the car uh itself and uh so what i did was i took a picture of me uh holding holding uh the wheel and i use my photoshop pop art effect uh if you haven't seen that yet let me just pull that up real quick so just give me a second uh i'll just put that up here so i'm gonna pull the photoshop pop art effect and that is also in my uh so i have a tutorial where i did talking about how to create cartoonized version of yourself using character animator so if you haven't watched that tutorial yet in that tutorial i do talk about [Music] uh a pop art effect that lets you use photoshop and it's an action and that cartoonize curtainizes yourself so let me just drag that in here uh so this pop artifact is what i'm talking about so i'm gonna grab that and post it also in the chats in case you haven't seen that yet so i'm gonna post that in the chat there we go so that's the link to that uh so i am using this uh effect to cartoonize my picture so of course i went ahead and did uh some pre-processing to that to get it to look like what it looks like so let me just copy that and paste it in and so that is what that does uh of course there was a little bit more pre-processing to sort of fix some of the uh the facial expressions and re-vectorizing that to sort of look uh more cartoonized like it looks the way it looks right now so but yeah so that's what i did you can do that uh to to get a cutting-edge version of your pictures so this is just a picture of myself that i took and i created that so i'm gonna send this uh backwards i'll probably have to do that like three times so i'm just gonna speed that up real quick uh there we go so i'm now behind the wheel uh of course the scale of that is not not right but i left it that way on purpose because i wanted my face to be seen and it's a cartoon anyways cartoons doesn't always have to be realistic depending on what artistic style that you're going with so i left it this way uh so this has a picture of me uh in the car so let's play that back and see what this looks like now so this is me driving uh the next thing we need is for the actual car to move and for that i did a little trick which is i actually didn't move the car itself but rather i moved the background so what i did was i i grabbed i went over here on the top to insert and then i started a triangle uh it's just so there's several ways you can do this i i like to do this because it gives me just a frame so i just uh inside of the triangle uh and i'll just move this aside a little bit so of course they're rulers but when you drag the ruler it will probably just give you uh one border line that you could use to get the borders but i i this is one way to do it and i chose to do it this way so i just put a triangle uh and you'll see why in a second you might be wondering like wait what triangle what is going on here but don't worry in a second you you see what i mean uh so what is uh i'll just not give it a feel oops sorry outline uh no feel and then i'll put an outline right there all right okay so this just gives me a frame of what i'm working with so that's just all it that's all i'm doing i just needed a frame of what i'm working in so this is the scope of where the background is so what then i did the trick i did was uh i'll just zoom out right here uh what i did was i went i copied and pasted this and just sort of put it uh right here so i did that and i think i did this like two or three times but to to save on time i'll copy the actual one that i had from the actual file and replace it here but that's what i did i replicated that like three four five times and that gave me this super long uh image that you can see right here uh i'm gonna delete this this is an extra so i just right click and send this to the back so i have a super long background image so all i'm gonna do is now then just simply uh the simple trick is just to animate this to move backwards and then it looks creates an illusion it's a an illusion that we're doing so it creates that illusion that the the car is moving so and to do that uh i went again to my animation pane and then i just added uh oh sorry this is already on there so i'm going to delete that because i copied it from the actual slide itself so i just went on here and i added a line part so let me zoom in right here if this helps no it still doesn't show it very well but right here on the bottom we have a line part line line animation so you can change the direction so i'm going to do that one more time just in case you missed that so i clicked on the image and i went right here to add animation and i just added a line so it's moving down to the bottom of course that's not what we wanted to do uh so i'm going to go ahead and change the direction and i want it to move from left to right so it's moving backwards and i'm still going to do something else which is i actually want it to move a whole lot more backwards so i'm gonna just zoom in right here again holding ctrl and using the mouse wheel until i get to this little ma oops uh i have to zoom in a little bit more there we go yeah uh you need that to change so i'm gonna drag that and just move it like a whole lot a whole lot so so let's play that back and see what that looks like oops and then i always forget to do this you click on right here and make sure that it starts with the previous all right so never forget that when you do animations like this so let's play that back and that sort of gives that illusion that the car is moving so of course that started uh right from here uh which is why it looks white so there's a little white background so that doesn't look too realistic so why is that it's because our starting point so if you look right here the green is the starting point where this this actual animation starts so you just want to click on that and move it so just move it to within your slide make sure that it's starting from within your slide and depending on how long you actually want this to be uh again as you move this you can see where where it ends so i can make it end just right about the beginning of it right there and then with that i have to then move the red and make it move all the way to the back so something like that oops and i think i just moved everything so i'm going to zoom ctrl zoom out there we go uh let me undo that for a second and just spin that around and drag it right here all right cool so let's play that back okay that kind of fixes that and then of course the speed is not realistic so again we'll have to fix the speed you you go right here to the top corner you can uh increase the duration in my case i made it go for about 8 8.5 seconds right there 8.5 seconds is what i used for my duration and let's play that back so it's kind of started moving and let's let me zoom that in a little bit so that you get a sense of what that then looks like uh sorry all right there we go so when i play that back when it starts moving there you go it's sort of a slow motion um a slow pace moving okay and then you can control the pace so if you wanted that faster of course you reduce the duration and then obviously also uh the spin circle you can also reduce the duration right here on the top to make the wheels spin faster and this sort of gives you a faster uh moving car so this was what i did for that initial uh uh intro scene and if i can get it here i could grab it and play it for you to see what the final scene is so one thing that i didn't mention when i was talking about this is that when i do uh my animation i know in that original tutorial that we did i actually did show you um how to do this uh how to add audio using powerpoint uh just to show you that powerpoint is a full-fledged software that can do pretty much uh everything that you wanted to do you can start your animation from start to finish within powerpoint without having to go out of there but in my case when i do these kinds of uh animations i actually do not add my audio on powerpoint because again when i'm done with this this is the animation software right i have to export it and take it to a video editing software to make it into a full-fledged video and this is not even because we're using powerpoint even if i do animation in any other animation software i wouldn't uh do the final product on that animation software the software just aids you to do animation once you're done with that you want to put your scenes together you want to compile this into a storytelling uh full-fledged video then you have to take it to a video editing software sort of to to make your timing and things like that so when i do my animations i like to add my sound in my editing software and i edit using adobe premiere pro so that's what i typically use for my sound so i would export this i'll take it to adobe premiere pro at the sound there because i also do like some audio processing which um adobe uh premiere pro uh lets you do so let's go ahead and see what that final uh video looks like so i'm gonna go ahead uh and be quiet and just play that right now and you are going to see what that i just come back from church i was cruising in my right rocking my glasses wait actually there were no glasses but these look cool so i'll let them stay i was rocking my glasses cruising in my ride heading home when i discovered that whoa i was out of gas so i decided to stop by a near gas station to get some gas all right so that was how i that was the final product uh from that scene again that was the steps i took to create that uh particular scene to get it up there so i'm gonna pause right here before we move to the next scene and uh we're gonna go back and hang out in the chat uh let's see what kind of questions we have going on in the chat so all right so let's see we have uh all right let's see identity question screen to all right uh okay great tips uh all right somebody joining in from nigeria love from afghanistan all right thank you for joining thank you for joining actually let me pull this back up here all right okay so i'm just pausing right here to just see if anybody has questions and if you have questions just let me know down in the chat and i'm going to go ahead and we're going to take some questions all right so let's see all right someone is just saying great tips thank you for your tutorials just join okay you're welcome how did i get the scene where i was interviewing myself uh hmm what did i have a scene in this way i was interviewing myself i do not remember that scene oh wait a minute did you oh okay okay i see what he's probably talking about you're probably talking about the scene um the video scene where i was uh back and forth interviewing myself uh where i was trying to get a car insurance that was not an animation so that that was just video editing i mean i filmed it twice so i filmed myself on one angle and i feel myself on another angle then in video editing i was cutting so i asked the question and i cut to the scene where i was answering the question uh all right so let's see uh somebody's asking what country am i in so i am in the u.s right now that's that's where i live and based in the u.s all right somebody's saying right here big fan thank you so let me go ahead and oh okay i see i see sorry i wasn't seeing some of these chats so now i see them fully all right so let's go uh all right uh so someone is saying can i show can i show my uh can i show the exported video uh my preferred settings are you talking about in powerpoint or in like the video editing software so that would sort of help me know know what to do so someone says the movie unboxing is that copied and resized yes that is copied and inside and resized yep uh okay so this someone is asking me if i only use powerpoint no i do not only use powerpoint i think i mentioned that um i use powerpoint for the animation then i move that to a software like uh adobe premiere pro to finish the entire edits because i have recorded video that i normally mix with this in this case i had a recorded video that i mixed with that audio processing and and things like that um so that that is what i use to to to do that and then when i'm doing animations depending on the scale of the project of course and what i am trying to achieve uh that determines whether i can i'm gonna do it this in powerpoint or another software to be honest i found that powerpoint is very very easy for doing animations i've actually slowly over time started moving from even my professional animation softwares to powerpoint when i want to do something really quick uh because it's just it's just very i figured out ways around it to do this things pretty quickly so i really like uh using using powerpoint for that but of course i use that to be character animator if i have if i'm creating a full-fledged animation where somebody's gonna be talking hands are moving things like that adobe character animator will be aware go for that uh they also software's like create studio uh which i use for again uh if i wanted more motion so powerpoint is good for like static uh explainer videos as you can see in that video there's no much movement but when i have movement where i want hands to move and expressions maybe a blink in the eyes it's then easier to use the software like uh create studio to do something like that as opposed to powerpoint because it's gonna take a whole lot more time but when i'm doing like simple motion graphics simple animations like what we have here powerpoint uh has always been uh my way to go so let's crawl right here it's a funny question somebody's asking if uh powerpoint is what i'm using to present to show myself now no no i'm using the streaming software uh but again i'm an advocate for powerpoint right it'll be cool if i did that in powerpoint but no not really uh i'm doing this using the screen software but powerpoint actually allows you to do a screen grab or you can do screen recording uh so let me move let's see uh are there any more questions uh somebody's asking me am i gonna create a paid training course that's one of my goals for this year so it's one of my goals for this year hopefully i i i attend it uh i want to create an animation course uh one of them is going to be animating in powerpoint like a full-fledged course whereby it's it's slowed down we have like a whole curriculum where you go through from the basics to like complex how do you create uh how do you create uh animations using powerpoint so hopefully that comes out so watch out for that watch out for that uh hopefully i'm gonna get to to create that but that's one of the goals i have for the year all right so let's let's keep scrolling here uh let's see uh this is an interesting question so there is a software called uh so this person is asking they have problems with their voiceover this this software is ridiculously crazy how realistic it is so uh i i found out about this sometime i was doing a video and i needed to do a text-to-speech and i was just trying to get like realistic uh text-to-speech i think i'm gonna do a video on this software because i think it packs very well with you know your animations so it's called these scripts and i'm dumping that in the chats right now check that software out that software is completely insane at how realistic the voice over uh i i did so i used to do some videos where i did voiceovers and i used to pay a professional voice over artist to do that and i transitioned to this and i asked you know a couple of people who watched that like so i did the video at some point you had the professional voice of artists doing it and then when we got to another scene we had the software and i asked people like uh can you tell me uh which was a real person and which was the software and they couldn't tell the difference it's it's that good and it actually allows you to train your voice when you train your voice uh you can um actually make it speak like you that one is not so good but i guess with more training it's going to come come uh get get out even better but check out these scripts really crazy software really cool try it out uh let's see another question here can you add a uh also let me just put that up here so everybody sees can you add a 10 minutes audio file to play continuously during multiple slides yes you can and uh that's a good question i'm actually go ahead i'm going to go ahead and show that let's just get a few more questions and i'll go ahead and show that uh yes so i i export in powerpoint and export it as an mp4 and i do my post final post production in uh adobe premiere pro and sometimes when when i'm editing this on premiere pro i'll look at some things and tell okay like ah there could have been some effects here and i'll add some some cartoon effects so i'll tell you a good example so let me let me um [Music] let me pull up back this this video that i did right here uh so i'm gonna pull this back up let's go back to the screen here all right so in that so in this scene for example we had so you had all these like little flares uh i'm calling them flares they're like smoke eh sorry let's get this uh so when i did this scene originally and okay i'm just going to play this a little bit from here so when i did a scene originally it didn't have this smoke it was just the car sort of like speeding away so when i started watching the back i was like i would be good to have a little bit of this smoke and spark so i added all of those uh in in in premiere pro and the good thing is that you do not have to um create some of these things from scratch um i use uh sites like um envato so when i'm doing quick edits like this and i thought okay that would be good to have a little smoke on here and i want to add smoke i go to a site like envato elements and envato elements already has these assets i'm going to dump that again in the chats for those who who are interested so envato elements has a lot of this assets where you can download and i think that smoke actually got for investor elements i didn't have to like create it from scratch and animate it so i created that and dumped that in there i'll put a linkedin inverter element in the chat uh you can check that out so let's see uh somebody was asking how's my birthday thank you for asking it was great it was great i had fun it was an interesting year different kind of year for me uh so i really really enjoyed it all right uh somebody said i'm a powerpoint king thank you thank you i don't know if i'm a power company but thank you thank you i just try my best so what i really do is sometimes uh when i do these things like i did the squid game video that just came out um so when i was putting up that video um i didn't actually know how to create that in powerpoint but i saw i watched a tutorial where somebody was creating this in after effect and i looked at i was like it'd be cool if i actually created this using powerpoint so then i get to powerpoint and then i try to try to like figure out okay so how would i make this work and that tutorial itself i think took me about two weeks to build out again not two weeks working on it every day it's just it's a creative process where i go back and forth so i looked at it so i took a stab the first day and there would be points where most of it walks and then their points were like ah okay some of this is not really working and it's it's it's it's like you're getting to i'm getting these issues then i'll put a pause and then i'll go out to my daily business and then while i'm like having free time i'll think about it like how else would i try to achieve this and then i'm like oh okay that makes sense i head back to my computer and i try it out and it works so eventually after like two weeks i think on like the second week there were still some issues where i couldn't really um figure out how to get some parts to work cleanly because i wanted to look very close to the original stuff as possible so some things would work some things would like not work very well again that squid game intro was all about morphing so i could uh technically have done a morph transition from like start to finish just morph it but then there would be like an instance of like the circle that was animating and closing up i you couldn't do that with a muff and powerpoint doesn't allow you to have like a morph transition and other animations so that's when i said okay how do i do this so eventually i got the idea of like exporting some of it as a video and then putting it back in powerpoint and doing it and it works like that so that's how i do most of my uh powerpoint uh sort of like videos and my powerpoints tricks i think like well it'll be cool if i could do this in powerpoint and i start playing around with it so but thank you thank you for thanking our powerpoint king i just i just play around and experiment with it um somebody's asking i want to learn full-time animation uh can i advise them uh from where to start uh again i have some beginner tutorials again youtube is a great place to start if you just want like some tips so i have if you check out my channel already i have some beginner tutorials on where to start i really advise when you're starting an animation uh depending on i don't know what your skill level is if you know how to draw or if you don't know how to draw if you don't know how to draw again just it's so easy these days like if you look at software's like character animator they make things like this super super easy for you to do uh you don't really know how you don't really know how really need to know how to draw and the sites that even allow you to download lots of assets and then it's very easy to customize some of these things with a little skills and it's skills that you can build over time i believe uh learning to draw is something that you can be taught to do even if you do not know how to draw it something you can be taught to do uh when i was in school uh so um i'm a computer science major but in high school i did i did some art class and i was taught how to draw like someone like take a picture of me and draw it to look like me that was something i never i'd never tried i'd never even known how to do that uh before that class but my art teacher showed me some few tricks you know you draw your canvas you divide it into grids and you do some of the scalings and i did that and i started drawing and they you know she started teaching me like shading techniques how to shade with a pencil to add shadows and things like that and i was like oh well this was something i never thought i could do until i went to that class and i got that training so learning to draw something that you can i believe you can be trained to do but even if you do not have that skill uh check out software's like uh character animator it's a really good software again i know it has it has it's it's it's it's price point on it uh but i think it's what it uh sites like skillshare are good their videos uh tutorials on there if you want to go on that but again youtube is still my place to go to find uh tutorials on on animation so i would advise you to stick to uh youtube um so somebody says they need the class very fast i'm trying it's my goal so i'm gonna try really to get to get that course out um what sides do i recommend for free audio clips i would i would i'll have to so i don't have this at the top of my head i haven't used a site that uh for free audio clips in a long time because i use embattled elements for all of my my um assets right now uh but i do have a couple i think in my powerpoint tutorial the very first one i did i put a couple of free sets so i would go on there you can go in there and check it out but i'll try going there and grab it and drop it but uh just to keep focused here i i can do the right way but i'm gonna try to do that so but uh yeah so let's see let's go to the next questions but there are some free sites obviously there's some free sites i prefer to use adobe character i'm sorry i prefer to use advantage elements because i just feel like 17 a month and they give you like um video assets powerpoint templates sound they give you a lot of things so i like to use them for most of my stuff so let's go to the next question here somebody's asking what advice they have for someone who loves learning but feels time is limited i contribute photoshop ai uh and uh id i i don't know what id was that'll be adobe what i don't know what that is in design maybe um but we'll still have to learn other programs and still have to update up so here's yes here's my deal so a lot of so the funny thing is a lot of my friends call me the like let me see like an octopus like so like i got my hands in in many things and how i how i've ended up learning how to do a lot of the things that i know how to do today is simply by curiosity so i do things in in time blocks so i have like time blocks of my life so let's say today i watch like a marvel movie and they have this really cool vfx and i'm really fascinated like whoa i really like to learn how they do this i'll spend maybe like the next two three weeks just dedicated to that just leave everything else dedicate that maybe a few days a week i want to learn how this vfx is done but i give it my all i put my all to it and then within those two weeks i have learned so much that i get reasonably good at it to the point whereby i'm doing a project and it's like oh i need a vfx oh yeah i know how to do this i i i land these skills some time back so that is my approach to it that's how i do it uh is that i just have these chunks of spaces in my life where i i focus on certain things so um that that is one way to do it again just get your accuracy sometimes it's like 30 minutes a day it could be just one tutorial like right so just watch one tutorial 10 minutes just try it out and the way i sort of keep myself interested to motivate myself to do this is that i give my myself a project to do like when i started getting into vfx for the very first time um i really wanted to learn how to completely like use green screen to create a full thing so i challenged myself to do a music video it's actually funny it was uh for my wife back then so i did i think our anniversary or so was coming up so i said i was gonna like create uh a full music video so i wrote a song i did the song and everything and i created the full music video using green screen so just like in in my room it was like a whole six minute it had like maybe 10 different scenes and that was what it was exciting project to work on and that motivated me to learn the vfx and with that i tell her the vfx skill that i have at the back of my pocket where every now and then when i need to do vfx that comes up so give yourself a project that would motivate you that's that's a very good advice that i have for you there so what is the name of the software that makes you a cartoon uh that's if you're talking about the one i just talked about today that was just photoshop so i have a photo it's photoshop and then i have uh a photoshop action uh i'd advise to check out my video um uh how to create a cartoon character of yourself i believe that was the title of that video uh i show you how to use the photoshop action and it's grouped into chapters so you could just jump to the chapter where i talk about the photoshop pop out you don't have to watch uh the entire thing if you're not interested in character animator uh all right so somebody said can i please leave all the links i mentioned in the description yes i will i will do that uh i'm just trying to multitask here read the chat stream talk and and move but i will do that i'll leave it in the description uh after the stream i'll head out to the description you'll find all all the links there uh okay so i think i've run through all the questions that i can see here but keep them coming uh while you send your your oh i jumped your comment somebody said i jumped that comment ah love from then oh you know what i'm gonna highlight you there there you go uh love from nigeria thank you very much thank you very much shout out to you uh somebody's also saying hi from india uh shout out to you from india all right so while you keep your comments coming keep them coming i am gonna show somebody was asking how to play uh an audio clip to play throughout uh [Music] the clip actually okay i'll show you this but i again i show this also in details in my um so i had the video that i did animating with in in powerpoint the very first one i showed you how to do that uh but i'm gonna show you it's very simple actually um so let me go back to share my screen right here so if you go on here to powerpoint so i'm on powerpoint and i've gone to the top left here i've gone to insert and then i am doing uh audio uh oops all this all the way on the other side right here on the corner audio so audio from my pc and i just have this audio of water pouring it's not gonna like play throughout the scene uh but let me zoom this out so i have this audio clip right here audio of water pouring uh let's see if i can zoom in here so ah if you wanted to play across all the slides so if this was a 10 minute audio right here so it's under the playback option so in case you don't see this so if you clicked on this audio oops and you don't see it just click on playback just click on play across slides and it's it's that simple it's going to play across all your slides and then what you want to do is also just make sure you check play in the background so that's going to make sure it plays in the background and it's going to play uh across the slide it's it's that simple it's really not that complicated to do so that's how you would make an audio play across all your slides and this way now if i have several slides and i was going through this the audio is just going to keep playing in the background and it doesn't stop so uh let me go back out here and let's go back to the chats can i can i make animations like in the frozen movie the frozen movie was a 3d animation now i do 3d animation but again my 3d animation it's not that [Music] it's not literally my top strengths so i do some 3d animation i i do know how to model i use some softwares but i don't think that uh probably at that level here that i'll create like a frozen kind of movie using 3d animation of course they're tools that make it uh easy to also do some of these things and then frozen is like at you know a very very very very top level in terms of when you look at the renders like very realistically but yes i can create uh 3d animations uh to answer the question uh [Music] so let's see um can you ask me about create studio yeah of course ask me about create studio ask me any question it doesn't have to be a part about powerpoint if you have a question about any videos that i've created in the past i'm happy to answer them so just just dump them down in the chat thank you uh lakers can i tell you about a software like create studio about free uh i don't know any at the top of my head but that would make for a good video to create for the year so now that i'm planning out my videos for the year i can put that in the list of videos i can do some research and see uh what is out there uh that does that i know there are a couple uh that lets you do like a start for free and then you need to pay to get some more features so i'll look into that but i could make for a good um uh video for the for the year so somebody's asking what is the main difference between using software's like amino maker and powerpoint uh so again really it's it's it's uh [Music] it really boils down to if you ask me just preference and what is your ease of use so uh a software like any maker would have pre-made templates uh that sometimes might box you in maybe you want to do something flexible so one thing i like about powerpoint is that it gives me the freedom to create whatever i want so i start a story uh and i'm not really boxed into this template in case that the template is not really there i know these softwares also allow you to you can import your backgrounds and do that so it's really it really boils down to your preference uh again a software like animaker would make it super easy for you to do uh some of these things so um it already has templates it's easy to start with whereas powerpoint sort of have uh these learning curves that you might have to use to do this but once i do what i've discovered is that once you've figured out how to use uh powerpoint to do some of these things it becomes super super super easy uh to do this animations and i feel like i'm able to create custom animations very quickly uh using powerpoint so that would be probably the difference but again some of these tools like um animaker uh create studio they're designed for these kinds of things so like within a few minutes you're able to do them really really quick but again powerpoint is there as another option it's a software you already have and it's an interesting way whereby if you wanted to do a live presentation with animations then now you have the skills to do that so like what i what i do uh most of the time is a lot of these skills that i've learned using powerpoint to create animations whenever i'm doing my live presentations like a powerpoint slide i add them in so if you attend a training by me where i'm doing powerpoint slide you'll notice a lot of like animations and all of that it almost feels like you're watching a video so that's some of another benefit to doing that um what are the operating system requirements for create studio i am not sure i don't have that at the top of my head but i know they have that in their website so you can check that out uh but it's not it's not really uh it's not that much uh so somebody says i love my background thank you very much uh so i am uh okay i'm trying to read this yet so let's all read this together it says i showed how to go to the playback tab and click on the ribbon to click the live audio can you still put a separate audio on a different slide yes you can and they will play concurrently and the other audio would play only when the second slide starts so again you just the only thing that you just have to make sure that uh they are rhyming with each other right so if i was playing the music in the first letter and spin across i don't want to start playing another music that clashes so as long as they don't clash it it works um so somebody's asking about their voiceover is not clear what can they do about that the very first thing is get a good mic um i do not know where you're from uh what country you're from if you live in a place where like amazon and the ebay likes are available their mics i mean from like as cheap as like 20 dollars you could get a mic and uh the it already boosts boosts the the audio quality of your audio and then there's softwares like audacity and software's like um adobe auditions these help you um process your audio to make them sound better probably one of these days this year i might do a video tutorial on just how to improve your audio uh so because a lot of the times when i when i record my audio like what you hear uh what you finally hear on youtube it's not the same thing the way it was recorded i take it through some pre-processing just to give it some eqs and just to make it sound nicer and a lot of times i've worked on projects where the audio i get is like really really terrible then i have to take it to a software like adobe auditions to like clean it up and then eq it to make it sound a whole lot uh better somebody's asking if i'd mention mentor young people on this yes i do i do mentor young people on this are the ones that are within my reach uh so uh when i mean my reach like you know i know them somehow uh or they've come in contact with me somehow i i do that and i do coach them i do physical sort of like trainings and guidance and things like that yep i do so can i do a tutorial on how i do wait i'm not sure i understand it's something about adobe animate i'm not sure could you repeat your question uh uh somebody said they make videos in uh powerpoints and uh okay let me just put that up they make videos in powerpoint uh and they would like me to uh to look at them the easiest way to do that by the way is uh on instagram uh i'm gonna put my instagram in a few minutes here uh and it's gonna be also in the description on instagram just tag me i've had a lot of people who used my tutorial to do things and they tagged me on instagram and i have watched pretty much all of them i go look at them and i give my comment like yeah great so just tag me on instagram uh let me know hey i created this check it out and i will check it out so some people send me youtube youtube links uh to their videos on instagram and i do check it out so that's the best way to do that uh and i'll put the handles for that in a second uh somebody's asking what is the average amount to charge a client now that depends on a three-minute animated advance that's going to depend on a lot of things right i i don't know that there is a uh a blanket price for for just putting uh you know like a three minute advert it's like what like and just say like i don't know five thousand dollars or a hundred dollars it's gonna depend on a number of things what is the complexity around uh what what they're asking you to do and the best way uh that i would advise you to go about your pricing is value yourself based on hourly rates so look at yourself and say okay based on my skill level based on on all i've learned how much do i want to be paid per hour is it 10 is it fifty dollars a hundred and fifty dollars two hundred dollars whatever it is so give your gauge per hour and then when a client comes to you and say i want even it's a ten seconds animation how many hours is it going to take me to create this 10 seconds animation it could be a 10 second animation but what they're asking is so complicated that it's gonna take me 20 hours to do and then charge them based on that and not really based on the length of of of the animation so uh so that's that's that's really how i go about this pricing thing just give yourself uh you value yourself based on your hourly rate and then a project per project so i have done projects that are like one minutes long that were more expensive than projects that were like five minutes long because again what the client required was not as uh complicated so somebody says my videos are great uh thank you thank you thank you all right uh can i do a tutorial on adobe animate sure i'll put that on the on the list of pipelines i'll check it out and see i mean i'm not promising uh i'm not promising that i would but i will look into it so again like i said i'm planning out the videos for the year i already have some things lined up for the year and uh so i'm gonna try to put that in as one of the things that we do so it's gonna boil down to seeing like what is the value in so if i do a tutorial on adobe animate what is the value in that compared to other softwares that i've done and if i see the value in that definitely i would i would do a tutorial uh in that so uh one one one thing is that this this year i really want to create a whole lot more videos so i'm going to try to create a whole lot more videos this year so that's that's one of the goals for this year so if everything goes as planned if i don't get caught up with other things that i have going on you should expect to see much more videos so keep those tutorial ideas coming and definitely we would we would we would make them and how are you guys liking these live sessions by the way if you guys think this live streams are adding value we could do more of these live sessions this year so give it a thumbs up let me know in the comments that they're great and uh definitely we will do more of these live sessions uh somebody says they love my background video can i tell them how to get uh youtube background videos uh again if you're trying to if you want to spend money on it and vital elements i i don't know i don't know if it's something that has best value for money like envato elements to be honest uh again i promise to put a link to invite elements in the chats let me actually just go ahead and do that uh in terms of value for money if you're looking for free websites um there is a website called pixabay i'm gonna put a link to that also in the description so pixabay is a good website it's sort of my go-to uh before i started using envato element i used to use a lot of pixabay uh there was another one i forgot the name of it i'll put it in the description there was another one too uh but pixabay is my first place they're very good for pictures but they have tons of videos too so that's a free place uh but right here what i have in my backdrop is actually my studio if that's what you're talking about it's actually a physical studio so it's actually not a background so this is my studio in my basement at home uh yeah so somebody said it's the first time joining it's really good uh [Music] thank you so much thank you thank you great training all right thank you and uh we will begin to start wrapping this up uh again thank you so much for joining if you have any more burning questions that you want me to answer just drop them down in the comments uh before we close uh the tutorial and i will make sure to to answer those uh but while you're doing that let me go ahead and pull some of these links uh there we go so this is adobe envato elements coming up in the chats right now uh if there were any other things i promised to put the links just let me know in the chats real quick and i can grab that within this last few minutes of the chat so this is envato elements uh that's your link to that uh check them out i don't know if they have a trial i don't think they have a trial but i mean the value for money to be honest i i don't know i haven't seen i haven't seen seen any better there are things like story blocks and all also that also help you with that but i just think that inventor elements just you know the price point is good uh i forgot what are the links so pixabay uh let me put a link to pixabay i said i was gonna put a link to pixabay uh let's dump that here in the chat pixabay there we go pixabay what else do we got so just let me know yeah yeah so somebody says my studio yeah my studio is my uh so that's my wall so it's it's it's i have a gray wall and i have some led lights at the bottom that that that flashes by and i'm actually gonna try to change it up a little bit uh this year so uh you might have seen it looking a little bit different uh in some of the newer videos that come up uh how can we download these apps you're using because i'm having a big problem in downloading them powerpoint uh i do not know uh not under the soda studio so sorry the the studio is something i yeah i designed it myself uh i mean i i mean the wall was painted i actually did a painting on the wall painted it that gray got some lights uh put some of the frames that you have at the back so when i say i want to redesign uh switch things up a little bit so i want to just switch up some of the looks i'm gonna redo some of the designs that we have there um so somebody's asking without adobe illustrator what other software's can you use for free uh you probably joined this stream a little bit late i talked about inscape inkscape is a free software and then i talked about a site called uh cloud converter so uh so if you do convert i'm gonna just dump that in the chat convert uh eps to cvg or actually just go ahead and watch this stream once the stream is over just watch out like i said i'm gonna break it into chapters uh so just watch the stream the beginning part of it you'd see where i i talked about uh this site right here which i'm dumping right now in the chat uh there you go uh so that helps you it's a website you convert these things for free and then you do everything else in powerpoint uh so let me just scroll through write the chat just make sure somebody says 10 tons up for the live stream all right so we're going to go ahead and and do more of these live streams if there's anything like a different way you would want me to do this live streams let me know i appreciate your feedback just dump them in the chat uh we're gonna try it i'm gonna try to make them a whole lot more fun as we go along in the year so let's go super helpful and would you like the live stream so for example would you like the live streams to be tutorials would you like them to be uh just ask me anything so i'm actually gonna put a poll right here i'm creating a poll real quick uh so there's a poll right now in the chats uh so let me know what what do you prefer do you prefer this to be the ask me anythings you want them to be tutorials or you like them both so definitely definitely uh let me know uh okay so i think i have gone through most of the questions here somebody says super helpful uh thank you so much valuable alright great all right so the polls are coming all right so i'm getting your chat okay so it seems like a lot of people uh so it's kind of like a tie between the the boats ask me anything's in tutorial so we'll keep doing this live tutorials uh that's great so oh so oh there was a question about my powerpoint export settings so i just saw that i forgot to answer that question so i'm gonna jump ahead and answer that real quick and we'll be wrapping up this stream in a few minutes so let me go back to my screen here uh there is not really much that i do when it comes to my powerpoint settings so again i just go to create video um it gives you different formats so i i do 4k because my videos are in 4k um so when it comes to i don't know if this is clear enough yep so when it comes to whether you want to use the recorded narration so depending on if you had your narration recorded so if you're recording your narration in powerpoint you would want to use the timing of that so that's where powerpoint actually times all your slides to uh your your your narration timing if that makes any sense uh so the time on slide so it gives five seconds so again um i do not use i leave this as default because most of the times i use transitions so when i do a transition i give it a duration so that tells it how long it transitions and then powerpoint will typically also follow if you put animation animations on your slide powerpoint will typically follow it to respect whatever um oops sorry let me just full screen this so whatever animation timing you put here it will respect this so if i went ahead and deleted all of this and this was just a still oops i did not delete it so let me just delete this one more time so if i went ahead and deleted all of this and this was a still image so that is where this option here for how long you spend on a slide comes in handy so it will stay four seconds on every slide before it moves to the next slide but because we're already adding animation star slide anyways this doesn't matter so there's not really much of options to do here uh in terms of uh exporting it's it's just that so that's what i use when i do uh my exports so let's jump back here to the chats uh just make sure uh i got everything up so if there was any other question i didn't answer please feel free to bump it up back in the comments and i'll be glad to answer that otherwise this was fun hanging out with you guys happy new year uh if you haven't checked out the final video that i did uh that we did a tutorial on today uh check that out you'd see the full animation it was a full-blown animation and then uh watch out uh for more animations i mean sorry more tutorials from me this year i got a lot of you have been requesting for me to do a tutorial on how to animate using mobile phones so i'm working on that tutorial right now that should be out either end of this month or probably next month a really nice one so i'm going to show you guys i'm going to show you guys how to do that this year so and i got tons of other like fun projects like uh coming up uh also that will be out so thank you guys so much for uh for joining in i would just hang out in the chat for like two or more uh seconds and i will go out and after the stream again i'm gonna be in the chat so if you still have anything else that you wanted me to answer that i didn't just drop a comment on this video and i'll try my best to answer them so uh so let's see some of the final questions so i'm gonna answer three more questions and then we're gonna break this out for today so uh so he said mr creators paid mentorship program uh all right we'll see we'll see about that we'll see about that uh that's a great idea uh we'll see about that i'll see what i can do about that all right uh so somebody's asking yeah it's powerpoint uh powerpoint is they both have a free version and and and under the paid version of course if you create download here is how to create animations these animations using the free powerpoint i have done this using google slides also which is free uh so i'll show you uh some of the tricks it's a limited but i'll show you some of the tricks i use for that so uh watch out for that video again uh lots coming up this year hopefully i'll get enough time to do all of that while i do other things that i have going on otherwise thank you guys for joining in and i'll catch you guys in the next video drop a comment if you still have more questions and i'll catch you guys in the next live session probably next month uh thank you very much and bye bye peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Emmanuel Crown
Views: 29,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerpoint animation, powerpoint animation tutorial, how to, powerpoint presentation, emmanuel crown powerpoint, powerpoint tutorial, powerpoint course online, powerpoint course, power point Master Class, animation tutorial, animation tutorial for beginners, power point, explainer video, cartoon animation, microsoft powerpoint, powerpoint slides animation, powerpoint slide animated, free powerpoint tutorial, advanced powerpoint presentation, powerpoint 2020 tips and tricks
Id: QcafONDk-Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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