Animating a Beat'Em-Up Fight Idle in BLENDER w/ Spider-Verse anim on 2s effect!

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[Music] foreign [Applause] are now available for 3ds Max Maya and blender the blocks are simple to use Easy to customize and most importantly super fun to animate visit watch me anime to get the Block's complete 12 character set now yeah what's going on everyone welcome to the channel we are in a blender and we're about to create an old school beat em up a fight Idol animation that's right a little tribute to the old classics that I grew up with like Double Dragon final fight Streets of Rage at the very end we're going to convert this item to two so we're gonna give it that spider verse look that we all love but first things first we need to start with a cool fighting pose [Music] now that we have our bass pose it's time to start animating let the fun begin so I'm gonna be using these Straight Ahead layered approach to bring this beat em up fight idle animation to life to start off I focus in on the calm the center of mass now I prefer to start things off nice and simple with a little translation a little rotation just to feel our character's weight as he goes back and forth let's dive deeper into rotations now remember the key is to exaggerate Jordan's calm and this is going to ensure that when we convert it to twos later on the effect will look good now if you keep the motion too subtle there's a good chance you're not going to feel that Spidey verse look very much so be sure to push the performance on the calm the center of mass far enough to make the two's effect read well [Music] now let's focus on the spine I'm going to stick to the same workflow I've been using which involves duplicating three keys and adjusting the curve while the animation is playing in real time now what I love about animating this way is the creative satisfaction it brings that you know it just allows me to explore and test different possibilities that often lead to some really cool and unexpected results [Music] let's continue with the same methodology but this time we're going to focus in on the arms now we're going to start from the shoulder and we're going to work our way down the arm by the way arms are excellent to help train your eyes to grasp the concepts of slow in and slow out overlapping motion and follow through which are you guessed it part of the 12 principles of animation foreign let's focus in on the head and now when animating the head it's important to keep things simple and avoid over animating it now we don't want to draw too much attention to the head and distract from the rest of the animation so imagine that you're working this animation in 2D where you mainly need to focus on two axes of movements so with that in mind keep the animation simple and make sure it fits well with the performance [Music] let's take it up a notch as we dive into the Polish pass phase and now we've animated the entire body and now we can review it and fine tune it from a fresh perspective so the key is that we want to see how each of the body parts interact with one another it's all about harmonizing the movements making sure that all of the body parts come together seamlessly creating a unified and cohesive performance [Music] moving forward with the second polished pass I'm going to use the tweak controllers on the legs to enhance the silhouette especially since we're viewing the fight idle from the front now to achieve a more aggressive stance I'm going to widen the positioning of the legs which adds a distinct beat-em-up feel lastly I'm going to add more details on the hand incorporating overlapping motion to bring them to life [Music] we've reached the final pass where I'll make the last touch-ups to bring this beat em up fight idle animation to life using blender now believe it or not this is my very first animation created in blender and I must say it's been a lot of fun to work with I'm very excited to continue exploring blender's capabilities and creating fresh new content for you to enjoy so stay tuned for more now on the left we have the final animation with the spider-verse effect on twos that creates a really really cool look on the right you got the original animation untouched curious to know which animation you prefer comment below to let me know what you think and that my friends is how we create an old school beat em up fight Idol in blender to be continued [Music]
Channel: #watchmeanimate
Views: 5,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d animation tutorial, how to animate an idle in blender, animating blender for beginners, best blender animation tutorial, how to animate in blender watch me animate, blender community animation tutorial, b3d animation tutorial for animators, watchmeanimate blender tutorial, watch me animate blender rigs, the blocks body mechanics rigs for blender animators, spider verse 2's animation effect tutorial, blender tutorial, blender tutorial for beginners, blenderanimation, b3d
Id: EKXt80WjlZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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