Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

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- I'm stuck in the north. Help me out, bro. Step bro. - Step bro. - Step bro. - Step bro I'm stuck. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. Oh yeah. (upbeat music) - Hello you terrific, thoughtful tremendously talented teens and welcome to the Trash Taste episode. - Teens. - So I just wanted to beat Joey's alliteration. - Now I know how stupid it sounds. (laughing) - Wait, did you think it sounded not stupid? No. - How did you think it sounded? - I didn't think it sounded that stupid. - Joey did it. He's that was a good one. - In my head, I was like damn got bars. How come I didn't do that. - Bars. - So yeah welcome to the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm your host for today? Garnt and with me again, are the boys, Joey and Connor. - That's me, that's awesome. - How's your week been guys? - It's been all right. I mean, we should be asking you that question. - Yeah. - Cause you've had a... - Are we here on a Thursday? - Yeah we are here on a Thursday. - So I know if you couldn't tell. - So I know I've not been putting Trash Taste on the best of records recently. We've put the streams, we've delayed the streams two weeks because I unfortunately got COVID and now we've had to delay the stream for two days now because I got stuck in a snowstorm because I was up in Hakaido. - Man I can't get a dog. (laughing) - I am playing Gaon life and I am losing on every role I swear to God. Well, no, that's exactly how it felt because I was up in Nokado just on a trip with me and Sydney for a good four five days. - Yeah. - And we were scheduled to come back on the Monday. And if anything happened on the Monday, I could have come back Tuesday morning to record Trash Tastes because my entire life is planned around Trash Tastes, recordings. I'm sure your guys are lives days now as well. - Pretty much yeah. - And unfortunately on Monday I woke up, checked my flight. My flight was canceled. I was all right, whatever. It's okay we can expect that to happen. Sometimes I look on the site to rebook my flight and every single flight for the entire day is just canceled was canceled, canceled. So, - How bad was the storm? - It was really, really bad. It was, I've obviously not had much experience in cold weather and snow. So this was the first time (laughing) I never, this was the first time I'd ever been, I guess caught in a snowstorm. And I remember when during the snow storm, we had to take a taxi to the airport. Cause all of the trains had stopped running. So it wasn't just planes. We were looking at, oh, can we take, the Shinhan or the train back from Hakaido to Tokyo? Nope everything was gone. - Which says a lot with Hokkaido. Right? Because Hokkaido is one of those places where it snows so often that even just a little bit of snow or a substantial amount of snow, it's still yeah. We'll just power through it. Un Tokyo where it's 10 centimeters of snow, stop the trains, stop everything. - Rather UK can't imagine man, the UK can't imagine. I remember we constantly go through grit, shortages in the UK because we're just so ill prepared for just the tiniest bit of snow. - They always do the exact same speech. Every time the snow, they were why aren't the buses running? The buses were running during world war II and now they stop cause of a bit of snow. What is this? They do this every single time. They say, how dare the buses stop. - The absolute state. It's what is another country attack? Or because nature attacks, which all do you think is scarier nature for sure. - Nature definitely. - So I remember I remember during the snowstorm, I had to go outside for just a few seconds to go from my hotel front door, to the taxi in the road in front of me, simple one to two minute walk, And we've all done it. And I remember thinking it's just a bit of snow. It's just a bit of wind. I've handled that before. I go out and then I've never feltnature is just beating the outta me just as soon as I stepped out the door. Because this snow I'm I felt snow before. It's I felt snow before. - It's soft, it's fluffy. - It's soft it's fluffy. No, this snow was ice man. The wind had turned this soft, fluffy snow into into a WMD or something that. my face literally, I felt my face was getting cut from the brief moment that I didn't have my hood up. - Look the weekend album. - Yeah. And seeing her caught in a Pokemon attack. Yeah basically it this was literally just blizzard. (laughing) I could feel the hail, just beating the outta my face. - That one 20 PowerPoint. - Oh and it was even worse for Sydney as well. Cause for some reason, Sydney decided that she shouldn't bring any footwear to her Hakiddo other than heels. So it was boots. But it was boots with heels on them. - Yeah. - That yeah, I know. - What! - What was she expecting up in Hokkaido? - I think it's just been so long since she's seen snow. That she has forgotten what, other environment just (crosstalk) - Wisconsin right? Doesn't it snow up in Wisconsin. - Yeah, it does. Cause I was just , I remember asking her, oh, I remember telling her, oh, I've never seen snow this in my life. And she was oh, it's it's been a long time. And I was so it's been a long time for you. And yet you are still so ill prepared. - You less prepared. - You are so ill prepared for this weather. But yeah we just weren't obviously we weren't expecting it to be that harsh weather conditions to be that harsh so hard. And yeah we had to stay in Hakaido basically we were living out of an airport hotel for two days. Cause we woke up the next day. I remember cause I messaged these guys. Guys were gonna have to possibly delay the recording by an hour or two maybe I'm gonna get an early flight. It's all gonna be good. It's only the weather forecast. It's only scheduled for the snow to be really bad on this day. I wake up, I look out my window, the Blizzard's still going and I'm guys, so guys, okay. I can make it back. I swear to God. I can make it back. The flights aren't council yet. - Yeah. - And I remember trying to reorganize with these guys to be okay, I'm gonna make it back on this hour. I can make back to the studio at this hour. We can record. We can still stream. It's all good. It's fixed guys. We can still do Trash Taste. And hour passes and then every flight is canceled again. And in the defeated manner I text these boys going sorry, boys I let you down. - Wasn't so much you that let us down. It was the weather. It wasn't your fault. - (laughing) Yeah. - Just fight through it. Don't just walk back. It's walkable. - Cause we've been through Hakaido few times before and I swear to God, every time you go to Hakaido, you're playing Gacha with the planes then. (laughing) Cause a lot of planes get canceled very frequently. Obviously not in this kind of state where literally the entire airport was shut down, but you're normally playing Gacha when you go to Hera because one or two planes will normally get canceled or scheduled all heavily, heavily delayed. - But then that's when you discovered why airport, which is the airport in Hokkaido is so well equipped. - Right. Yeah. Yeah. It is actually should I say Airports is one of the best airports I've been to in the world. I think really just, just, I mean just with how many restaurants and how many resources are there. - It's basically a shopping mall inside the airport. - Yeah basically. Cause the airports that stick out to me are airports Singapore airport which is just that's an amazing airport. The Hakaido airport is mall with an airport attached to it. - Yeah. - Where most of the stuff you see is before you go into the departure zone, whereas most airports it's the departure zone, which really has all of the restaurants, all of the shops and all the everything, but yeah. In Jato, I mean there's even a cinema there as well. - Which there was. - Yeah. - I did you watch something? - I didn't, the only film were playing was the Kyon movie. - Do this, just go watch it. Just go watch. - I am actually gonna go watch it this weekend, which is the only reason why I didn't watch it when I was in Hakaido. - I see. - But yeah it wasn't, too bad because of the airport. Then luckily I was able to get a hotel at the airport. It was just more annoying because obviously I wanted to be back. I wanted to be working, but yeah. I mean there's not really much to say about it. I mean I'm sure this is every other day for a Canadian, I remember there's. - Gonna be a million people in the comments being whoa. Imagine living with sort of that every day of the week. - Yeah, because I remember bring. - Your own slate dogs. How responsible you had gone. - Yeah. It was just weird. Just because I'm just used to, no matter what happens, there's always kind of a plan B that you can fall back on a possible plan B, but it was just, the roads were closed. Airports were closed. Trains were closed. So I was literally stranded. - You basically experienced quarantine. - Yeah basically I was basically stranded at the airport and there was no plan B. There was no services I could call to get myself out of there to a place where I could get some public transport to. - Did you go around getting the shopping carts to get some money together so you could buy a burger. - Collecting plastic cans. - Yeah. So yeah. I basically just lived the terminal except sorry. Unfortunately I wasn't Tom hack. - Cause I think one of the craziest weather phenomena I've been caught up in was when I was in Vegas and they have dust storms there. - Dust storms. - Yeah. So basically just think of a sandstorm, but instead of the sand coming in from a. - I've never even been in the sandstorm. - Well, I haven't been in a sandstorm, but I've been in a dust storm and it happens pretty frequently in Vegas. - It's the difference between sand dust? - I thought it was a sandal at first. But then everyone, all my friends were oh, it's a dust storm coming. - It's a different vernacular. - Maybe or it's maybe it's not just sand. Maybe it's sand, another crap, mixed into it. But basically I was driving around in Vegas, just with a bunch of friends and then on the radio, cause he had the radio on it just suddenly switches on and it is oh there's a dust storming coming. So please evacuate kind of thing. And I was my pants. I was what the is a dust storm? And then, but everyone else there, the locals just oh yeah, it happens pretty frequently. Let's just go to a restaurant gets on to eat. Oh wow. So we go into this and then the dust storm hits. Right. And it's just, yeah, just think of a typhoon. Right. So it's just really insane winds, but you can't see outside. - The whole windows are. - Nothing. It's just all sand. It's just it's a blizzard, but instead of white, it's just grayish brown. - It's a survival game. Yeah. - But what's more terrifying in my opinion than a blizzard is the fact that in a dust storm it can cause static electricity. So basically you have thunder strikes at ground level because of all the particles rubbing together. Right. So every now and then it'll just be blowing and then you'll just hear this boom sound from outside. And I'm the is happening. It's oh that's just the electricity. I was why are you saying it? oh yeah, yeah. That's my friend. so saying it so casually. Yeah. So - That's really interesting. - So that entire time I was my pants while, we were in this ramen shop. Of course they were oh Joe's Japanese. Let's just go to a restaurant. I'm yeah, yeah. I'm here all the way in Vegas to go eat some subpar Japanese food I bet. So we were so basically I was stuck inside a Roman shop called Narato. - Are you serious? - I'm not even fronting it's it was called Narato. I mean they did their best, oh yeah. The walls had Narato, did they? - And some of you could have been named after the location. - No. It was and the ramen, it was very obvious. They tried to replicate the Narato amen as best as they could, right. - To not that great levels immediately, I think it was the most three outta 10 RO I've ever had. So I was great. I'm stuck inside this restaurant called Narrato eating us. - All this poor restaurant getting destroyed. - I don't think it exists anymore. Isn't the thing. So I'm and if it does exist, sorry, you're that. - Is the most perfect moment of LO's going this guy's Japanese, you side me. - The perfect place that the episode Simpsons. And they go to America town in Japan. - Yeah basically. - Dude I mean the first thing, the first thing I ate when I went to America for the first time, which was the first ex I ever went to, my friends took me a little Tokyo. And I was bro. - Every yeah, every time you I've got ax, everyone to get a little Tokyo. - I just came from big Tokyo. (laughing) - I didn't need to go. - A smaller variant of it. And then I had, again, some subpar Ram in little Tokyo, I was yeah, great. The fan, this is the LA experience I wanted. - The only time I've ever seen a natural phenomenon of is I saw sun in the UK One time. - You were oh I. - Holy shit. - I've seen fire tornado in Australia. - What the is a fire tornado. - We have breezes in the UK gust of wind. - So you have tornadoes. And you have Bush fires. So what happens when a tornado enters a Bush fire, You basically get this spiraling, pillar of fire. - That's terrifying. - It's awesome to look at from a distance. - These, settlers must have been so confused when all this was happening. They're what the is happening? - British that's what the British saw the. first time in Australia. They're what the fuck is that? - The first time they found the swamp in Florida, they're what? - Bit humid in here. - Australia is just a real life island in one piece, - A fire in Ireland. - It's an island on the grand line at this point. Because the survival instincts you need in this island, that that's taken out most the pirates in one piece at this point. - Imagine being the Geris to write the guide. They Chan back to people who are gonna come again. So by the way, you're not gonna believe this, right. how it suns sometimes, right? that all the time. - All the time. - And sometimes I don't know how this happened. There was just fire tornado. I don't even know what a tornado is. We never even seen one of them. There's a tornado. - It says, but it's such a weird thing as well, because it's not I kind of described it, there's a Bush fire and then a tornado comes long and eats up the fire. It's also the fire is so strong that it basically creates an up current that starts to spin. And then it just creates this pillar of fire that just crashes through just, just sounds. It's really cool to see. - It just sounds a anime attack at this point. Where, - I was like is there a Pokemon battle happening over there? And someone did fire spin. I don't know. - There's two jujitsu being combined together in Narato. - This stomach after having that narrower Ram. Yeah. - It's cut on. - Yeah, I did it. I did see actually there recently, the UK or at least London went through a pretty bad storm. - Bad storm, yeah. - Which I dunno how bad it was. 'cause when I see, when I see UK. - It looked really bad. It looked really. - Bad cause when I see, but when you see UK headlines yeah. And you see oh UK go through a bad storm and the strongest wind scene. And I'm just is it obviously it's going to be bad for the UK, but how bad is it on a global scale? - There, is videos about picking up people and throwing them. - Seriously. Oh. - Hell yeah. - Yeah. Cause when I saw the headline, I thought it was just the British over exaggerating as no dude, as you guys, usually there's my friend's too pay fell off. It's an absolute travesty. - It's so strong. - I saw severe people get thrown around. I was oh my God. rip, if you're trying to open that car door, man, you're trying to get that close. - Never have. Yeah. Cause this. So this just shows how unused we are to these kind of weather systems and whether phenomena. Cause we're me and Connor are ina group chat of the our friends in the UK. And sometimes, they're still meeting up and they're still planning, meetups and everything that. And I saw in this group chat that, that they had planned a meetup or to hang out on this day. And I remember right up to the last moment people were just oh yeah, I'll see you guys in an hour. I'll see you guys an hour. We're still meeting in an hour and people I'll see you in an hour. I, and then you just see you just see this, the replies going, yeah. Let's maybe not meet up today. Maybe that's not the best idea. But the thing is, if this was one of the worst storms that UK has gone has gone through, I am also really used to the idea that no matter what, you can still go out and have a pipe, you can still go out and have a pipe. No matter. - The pub has been canceled. - So that's how I knew that this storm was the real deal. If my mates were not going to the pub to meet up because of this storm, gone down. - The pub isn't closed, then that means I can still go. - Right. No matter what. - It is basically that, Oh God. That is another third of UK people severely unprepared for, weather systems. - Yeah. Because I remember, when I first met my first British person, from the UK who exist. They exist I was oh my God, you guys exist. But second of all, they're always oh yeah, we have nothing going on in the UK. No bad weather, no dangerous animals. Know nothing I'm Don really real. I found that hard to believe as someone who came from the polar opposite of that. Just call it. I came from doom. I came from hell basically the under one. Because it's do you guys really not? what is the most dangerous thing that floods flood. Okay. I was about to say floods. - We got a lot of rivers. So obviously when it rains a lot, it can flood back. Yeah. Depending on where you are in the UK there aren't floods. - Yeah. what if you're nowhere near the rivers. - Yeah. Then you don't get anything. Occasionally you. - Guys get a lucky. - Yeah. We've had hurricane scares before, at least in my lifetime, but nothing that actually manifests anything felt - A hurricane. Right? - It was just a bit of strong wind. - Yeah. Yeah. Gust. - Yeah. That's that was pretty much it. Yeah. I mean, we don't have a lot to fear in the UK, which is why whenever I travel abroad, whenever I, well, sorry, I lost my train of thought. Whenever I travel a abroad, bored. - A abroad. - Whenever I travel abroad, I got it. I got it this line, there you go. Sometimes it just surprises me about some of the things you have to be careful of just because in the UK, we don't have to be careful of anything with camping, you have to be careful about bears or, starting a forest fire, which to me starting a forest fire was so outside a perception of what, of disasters that could happen from just one person. But if you think about it yeah. Of course it makes sense. you see, you look at Australia being on fire California, half the year being on. - Fire. Yeah. Our country was on fire for nine months straight because of one guy starting a fire. - Yeah, Yeah. To me that's just so outside of my perception of what could possibly go wrong. Of one stupid person doing a stupid thing, - Yeah. - So. - Yeah. I mean, all the trees are wet in the UK. It was very hard to get. Even I remember when we were camping, it was even hard to get trees that weren't too D really to burn. - Jeez. Yeah. I mean, you could come in with a flame thrower and it would probably be put out by the day. - The flame will run out gas. - It's very rough. I don't think we've ever seen anywhere, in nature, on fire in the UK. - Really? I don't think so. - No, fire's just not - It's hard to get it started. Yeah. It's very. - Hard to get nature fires. Aren't a thing that we have to be careful about in the UK. - And yet one of the biggest UK hits was fire starter. So, that's bit ironic. - It's cause they, had so much time while they were making the fire starter. - They, part, I make a song about it. - Oh God, you do the fire. I'll make I'm. - That's why it's an achievement. Cause it's easy to be a fire starter anywhere else in the world, in the UK. It's a medal. - I'm a Fire starter it's You manage that. - On some forest fires natural, there's that needs to happen sometimes to clear a lot of the dead trees and stuff. And then see a lot of them recently are not. - Yeah. So we have controlled Bush fires in Australia that happens pretty frequently because we also have, I don't know the details about it, but we have this specific is it breed I don't know. what the word for it is of tree or sapling where breed it's a type of eucalyptus. I think where the, seeds from the tree, right. Need to be put into a fire in. - Order for. - It to open up. - So to keep the forest alive, they actually have to burn these seeds and basically start a Bush fire for that area of the bushland to grow in, which is the most backwards thinking that nature has ever done. - I imagine if the dead trees pile up and then it's as hot as it is in Australia. It'll naturally catch. - On. Oh, fire. We get natural bush fires all the time. Just cause of how hot and powerful the sun. - Australia literally is the last dungeon area. even nature is high level in Australia what the. - Randomly just start up. - It's literally the desert level. Andres of the rather the breath of the wild. - Breath of time. - It's literally the desert level and breath of the wild where if you don't have the right equipment, you are forever just gaining damage from. - Song. Yeah. I think in Israel, I think as well, I can't remember. I might have been on one of those generic videos where you learn about. You didn't know, you wanted to learn about, and then you learn about it and you're eh, okay. I YouTube you mean every YouTube? Mainly videos if always that. So I think it was because the US for so long was actively stopping all the fires. It turned out that a lot of the branches needed to just be set ABL so that they could get rid of them. And then it could go back in the system, it turns into Ash. So they had a buildup of a lot of dead trees and stuff that. So when the fire, I did start, it went crazy and it should be nearly as big as it was. - I mean yeah, we. - I think I could be. - Wrong on that. Yeah. we have so many controlled Bush fires just because we do have just at least in my area, we have a lot of wildlife and nature reserves and stuff like that. But sometimes, unfortunately they're not, some of those fires aren't controlled 100% of the way and that's what causes Bush fire scares and right. You're up bush fires sometimes. So I think that's why we have a lot of that just because we're trying to maintain the nature. And then sometimes nature's what? I'm a go ham a little bit. And then they go ham. - And controlled fire in the UK is from trying to boil your water. (laughing) - It's oh God. - As an Australian, what is your guess fear over there in terms of nature wise, what'd, you have to be careful about the most emotion. - Yeah. - Honestly, the people scam me the most. - That's such a video game, movie thing. - It's not the emotion. - Worry about kid. It's the people, humans are the scariest of them. All the humans were the monsters all along. - You can predict a black widow can't predict. - A human guns don't kill people. People kill people. - In terms of wildlife. I'm usually pretty okay with insects and snakes and spiders. If I know it's not going to kill me. - Have you ever had a big scare yourself of you've encountered something you're oh, this could actually. - Oh yeah many times. I've the health bar comes on the bottom of the screen. - Many times I remember I was actually this close to basically dying at one point because I was this close to being by bitten by one of the most venomous ants in the world, venomous ants. So we not only so Australia, so people outside of Australia think that Australia's just venomous spiders and snakes that's but we have fair. We have a lot of venomous insects and we have this one ant species called the bulldog ant and it is supposedly the most venomous ant in the world. And I almost got bitten by one when I was 10 years old. - I think dark dark horse is way more balanced than Australia. At least it has a hip box. You can see. - So basically I was camping, that's where most of the accidents happen. So you got. - The campfire, right? - That makes sense. Yeah. No, I was camping the bonfire and I was sitting on. - I lit the bonfire. - I thought I was in the safe zone and I wasn't, - The one enemy before I could teleport. Yeah. So I was kind of sitting around the fire with, my family and my mates. And I was maybe 10, 11 years old. And we were ina really, really deep rainforest area. Right? Yeah. So it was basically we just found a flat, it wasn't even a registered campsite basically. It was just oh, we found a flat piece of ground. Let's just, start a fire here, as long as it's control, it's what. - The way he just said, you. - Didn't say let's make this all campsite. - Let's not a fire. - I mean a responsible firefighter. - Yeah. A small fire. Let's start a fire here. - Let's hunker down here for the night, right? Let's so we set up the camp there and my dad started of the fire and we were getting all cozy up. And I was sitting on the it's giant slab of rock. Right. Okay. Right. It was very smooth. And asa 10 year old, you just wanna climb. Right. It's so it's, I found lots of little rocks to and big rocks to kind of climb around. And I was sitting and I was kind of sitting with my mate as well. And my hand was rested back this. Right. Okay. And I kind of legs out. Kind of thing. And I was just chilling and every and then I felt something crawl onto my hand. Right. And I looked down and it was an ant, but I was oh, that's a big ant. - But how big are we talking that. - That's quite big. - That's pretty funny. I mean, that's still an ant. Yeah still an ant's. It's just this. - This pitch black T just kind of rolling onto my finger. And then yeah. And then I kind of put my hand up and was looking at it. And then my friend who was next to me just gased and then immediately swatted my hand away and swatted this ant off me. And I was what the? I was looking at this cool ant. - Oh, why. - Why would you do that? And he was dude, would've died. you do know what that thing is. And then he told me and he showed me what it was. And I was well, thank you for slapping my hand. Glad I didn't die young. - Does it, does it definitely kill you? Or is it - I mean it can kill. They say the venom is powerful enough to kill an adult in 15 minutes. So as a 10 year old, probably would've been instant kill. - Yes what's the coyote Peterson video of him. - Sting test. (crosstalk) - Kill me. - The next level of. - It's in the OG YouTube days, it's will it blend 20, 30 YouTube? Will I die? Will I die? Let's find out. - I'm for this I'm about to enter the death zone with the dudu guys. - Yeah. So yeah. So my friend saved my life and now I know that we have these ants. Cause when you're a kid in Australia, you are always, told be careful of the snakes, be careful of the spiders because we do have a lot of non venomous kinds. But that's not the ones you have to walk out for obviously I've been bitten by a snake once, but it wasn't venous. It just really hurt. So that, I mean, that's fine. It was just a little nip on the finger. So it's whatever, what, doesn't kill you. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right. - They must have sent the craziest from the UK. If I was there, one of the first people in Australia and all my friends just it's bitten by an end and we're laughing jovial. And then he just dies. I'm like we're leaving, this place. Get back on the boat. We're leaving. - Oh little cute little lamp Boom. - It's just I get back, pack the back up, pack it up. - That's why they send the prisoners that. - That's it's literally the dark continents in hunt. (laughing) - That's when you play the ground is LA it's everybody off the ground. - History is the UK. I don't think I'd have the courage to do anything in Australia cause they're no, the more I read the more I'm just I just, I guess I just won't go outside cause it's great. The beaches sound great. Why I read about stone fish. Right? And then I'm just oh, - A stone fish. - Just don't step on the way. - So a stone fish is a fish that looks exactly a stone. It's very ugly fish. - It's a very a bottom dweller fish. - But it's fins have razor sharp needles that if you step on it, it's apparently one of the most painful experiences, you. - Can have your from an animal. - Any of your friends stepped on one. - I've had a friend step on one] and he, I mean he obviously went to the hospital for it. He didn't die, but. - Well that's the plus, but I mean. - Didn't die. - Is it venomous or is it painful? - It's just extremely voice. I mean, if you, it could cause anaphylactic shock and kill you if you're unlucky. - It's the most venous fish known. Yeah. It's the most venous fish known on earth. And so even if I don't, even if you don't die, you're going to have a very, very bad time. - You're just gonna experience a lot of pain. - If you're experiencing enough. - Pain cause of the pain. Is it sharp or is it got some poison? - It's Probably got some toxins in it or something, right? - Yeah. It can kill you by the way. - It can kill you if you're. Just pull up the Glock shoot your own foot. Just stop it from going through the cut it off. - Off John Wicked - I mean I think, but things stone fish and all that are. - Are they super common or is it super rare? - No, it's very, very rare. This video is sponsored by Harry's. - As you guys know, I am a Sigma male and the only thing I will allow to touch my Sigma mail beard is Harry's. I actually only use Harry's I'm not kidding. I've said it every single Harry's ad Reed. I bought a bunch in the UK when I came here and I still use Harry to of this day. - Well then you'll be happy to know Connor and everyone watching this video that new customers can redeem a Harry's trial set. Forget this $3 dollars, $3. When you go to Harry's dot com slash Trash Taste. - Harry's believes you shouldn't have to choose between a close, comfortable shave and a fair price. So they give you both. In fact, Harry's blades are designed to stay sharper for longer in a recent study. 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I've never heard of anyone getting stung by that, but that's the one that can kill you. And people have. - Yeah. Where it puts you in so much pain that you drown. Cause you have zero control over your. - Yeah. It basically paralyzes you immediately. - Have people survived. - People have survived. But I mean it's a very uncommon way. Sorry it's a very rare way for anyone to die. I think only maybe two or three people die a year from it or something. So it's very rare considering the amount of people who go into the ocean in Australia, it's you gotta be really unlucky. - Jellyfish just scare me. - But I mean I've been stung by a, the other kind of jellyfish that's way more common is they call blue bottle jellyfish. And they're not toxic or anything. they won't kill you, but it hurts a lot when you get stung by. - My friend got stung by one where we were swimming in some ocean. In the UK. - And the trick in the Australia is if you have a mate, who's been stung by a blue bottle. You pee on it. - The, I think this is one of those rumors though. Isn't it? This is just right by Jojo fans. I don't think it actually does. - I think the actual way to do it is you gotta pull vinegar or something on it, but may some having your mate on you feels relieving. - Yeah. It's some kinda alkaline that you actually have to put it on. - When you say it out loud, it does feel like a scene from Jojo. Doesn't it. - You've been stung by a stand. The only thing Go. - To the fact the treatment is hot water apparently. - Oh, that makes sense. P just hot water from. - The body scold my leg, poor. - Boiling that's 36 degrees right there. Dark like that. That's warm as fuck. - This is why this isn't a problem in the UK. Everyone's always got a hot firmness ready for the teeth. They voting to just - Get the teeth firm. - Put on could make it worse. - Actually. Oh really? Depending on how I see Wells of sorry for peeing on your leg. That one time. - Well, I remember we were swimming and a bunch of the jellyfishes washed up. - That's normal. Oh yeah. I've seen that in the UK as well. - Clashed them bunch of them washed up and this little 10 year old didn't know what they were. I think I was 12 dived. - Into it. Yeah. Just picked one up and well you can pick them up by the head. Yeah. No. - He picked it up by. - The 10. Yeah. That's probably immediately started crying and screaming and. Oh. Yeah. - There was, I remember there was loads of them. I remember I got really freaked out. Cause I was what the is that? This is not how they were in finding Nemo. That's why I remember. I didn't think there was any fish fighting. The weird fish. - There was, yeah, that was jellyfish and find what's weird. - Fish? What fish. - Freaked me out so much more than animals do - Is fish, not animals. - No fish, fish or fish right? Animals are animals. - Jelly, fish isn't an animal. I know it's an animal, but what. - Off? what? The is going on with fish? - I mean it, another brain and doesn't. - Have jellyfish is just God's spunk. That's just what it, they are it. - Fights back. - I mean that's the closest way. I, the ocean sperm cell. - It is the ocean sperm cell. - You look at that Mr. Incredible meme where he is smiling and GRE you getting more sad. It's you look at dogs. You're yes. And then you get outta horses. You're yes. Yeah. Then you get so rats. You're okay. And then you start getting these weird fish. Then you're what the geeky fish. Then you start getting to the real weird fish ones are all no eyes and just all teeth. And you what the is I putting down there? It's like some creature. - It is legit. The what's going on with fish. - What's going on? - What, who's what is an episode of Feld? Who's in charge. What is that with fish? - Who's in charge the evolution down there. It's out of control. - You guys heard about the immortal jellyfish. - No, I listening. So there is a species of jelly fish that scientists believe are immortal they cannot be killed by time by old age. So obviously they can still be cured by external forces, meat and whatever. - But that's brilliant. But it's believed by scientists that they are in a sense. Immortal okay and that scares the outta me. That's just because nothing should be immortal nothing alive should be immortal that's just a survivor stand from past season. - Oh they just have no age. That is literally just the stand. Can't die. - Apparently they reckon that aging is process it cells and stuff. It's on purpose. - I'm not bullshitting right, Ashley? There isn't something called immortal jellyfish. - Apparently it just regresses into a pollen form and then it go comes back against. - Oh yeah. So it's literally just a single cell, organism kind of deal where it's just forever just recreating itself basically. - So a car accident. Just turn back into a baby and group back old. - Again, that's a Benjamin button. - Stadium that is actually just a superpower. That's pretty. That's cool dude. But could you imagine though, if humans were able to somehow study that enough. And be we're. - Trying, I think. - And being all right, this might actually be the key to immortality. - What's the point of being immortal if you get to 60 and you're useless at 60 and you're what are you gonna do for another 100 years? - Well, that's why they come progress in age as well. Cause they just Get to a point where they're I can't do sports anymore. Time to go back. - Let's just say we can keep you alive. Till 200 but after 50 you start you start degrading and then 70 you're kind of useless, Well I'm saying, I'm not saying all people are useless by the way, but you personally can't do what you want. - Right. Is the point of you being another 130 years now the 100 years? what's are you gonna do? Just catch up with the rest of Game of Thrones. - That's why I remember, in future drama episodes. when they have all those old celebrities from centuries that go just as heads in Europe. And I remember one of my friends was oh man, it wouldn't it be cool if we humanity got to that, that point in technology. I'm no, what do you want? That would be horrible. You'd just be sitting on a shelf for the rest of human. the rest of yeah. Time, rest of time. Rest of time, just doing what? How do you have fun? How'd just, yeah. You just head in a jar, I guess. I'll don't know. Perfect. Beatboxing or something that's that's all you can do as a head. - Just there's that trick right? With the cherry stem where you can tie up, what else you gonna do? - Wow this perfect a Jojo. - Learn languages, I guess. - For the rest of time, learn every language in the world. Yeah. Probably or just, or just watch out, think about it. There is a few things you can do or just watch Pokemon in your mind. - Yeah, exactly. The ultimate life back. Oh, what are you doing? I'm just watching the 6,003 run of Pokemon. I guess it's a really philosophical question of if you could be immortal would you want to be immortal and I'm just I wouldn't want to be maybe I wouldn't want to die at say 80 or 90 or whatever, but there's a point where I would my body to keep up. - With what I want to do. Right. Okay. Well on. - Well then different question. How old, if you could choose, how old would you want to be when you die? - I, to me, it depends on how functional I am. Yeah. Cause I, yeah. I've met 90 years old, 90 year olds who are still in tip top shape. And I've also met, 60 year olds who have trouble doing things that I would want to do do as well. - My fifties Man. - Yeah it depends on how lucky you get rid. - Yeah, some of my friends, they're some of their dads 55 already getting dementia and stuff. It's scary. I would hate to get there, especially if my kids are young, I don't want them to feel yeah, they gotta help me out. - I think the cool dancer was my granddad, apparently in his twenties, , from his twenties, he was like I'm gonna die at age 80. Just no cap. I'm gonna die at age 80. And for the longest time I was why would you say that from a young age? And he's because it gives me a time limit to do all the things I want to do before I die. And so it's self the motivating. Yeah. And this is how much of a Chad, my granddad was. He died exactly at a 80. And he was literally I'm, I'm good, man. - I'm good to go. I allowed ask how. - Oh, you died from lung cancer but. - I was gonna say that this man, well, how did it go there? - I mean, the thing is though, I think. - It sounds did everything in one of the, yeah. - He was literally on his 80th birthday, he was I can go now with no regrets. - Just waiting for the clock to. - Ready to pull, ready to pull the plug. - So but I thought that was so cool. Because there's that very common philosophy of if you became immortal you would do nothing because you'd have no rush. - You'd have no drive to. - You have no drive to do the things you wanna do. Because you can do it whenever you want. So I, yeah. that's my reasoning for why I wouldn't wanna be. Immortal also I don't know. I don't wanna see everyone around me die. That should be so funny. Well, if you live in a society where everyone can choose how, when they. - So if we were living in an immortal society, is that what. - You're saying in society? We if we lived in a society. - Then I think we just regress to the stone age at that point. Cause no one would wanna do anything. - Yeah. I mean for me, personally, I find the badass people are the people who live till the late, their late ages and they they seem fit. They seem able, and then one day they just decide to their body just decides all right, peace out. Yeah. that's the way I would want to go. I don't want the 10. - I don't think everyone wants to go that. But life is brutal. - It is I think it's the teal Osama, the guy who basically popularized manga, he died while drawing manga in the hospital then. And I'm that's so badass. The fact that this man, literally till the moment he died was doing what he wanted to do. - God's gonna be doing that final 10 pole. - I need one more. Just he gets 10 SRSS and he's Connor's. - Gonna be on jump king 20. - On the final jump. - It gets to the top credits. - No, but yeah. 'cause my grandma right now is still alive. And she's in her late nineties right now. And I remember when I introduced her to Sydney for the first time and I remember I was telling Sydney, oh, she's in the nineties. - I think you've definitely told this story. - If I told this Trash Taste, I think you have okay. Maybe I don't know, have I. - I don't unfortunate Do a cliff notes. - Okay. So yeah. My grandma squeezed took Sydney's hand and squeezed it. She squeezed it so hard that Sydney was rith in pain for a good hour. Cause of how hard she squeezed it Jesus. And yeah that was a cliff notes with the story. Cause I think maybe I have told this on Trash Taste. - So basically your grandma's a gig get shot. - Have you not heard the story? I think so. - Seem familiar, I can't see. Sometimes you can't tell if I've told you this at a bar or something, I've on the podcast. Unfortunately we talk a lot. Unfortunately we do talk a lot. - I saw a recent comment on one of the Trash Taste episodes being it's so impressive. How the boys still to find topics that they've never talked. I don't. - Even know I'm yeah. I don't even know. - I just talk. And sometimes we get caught out for it. Sometimes I don't know. - It's whatever. - Definitely been talking about up fish in the ocean. I know that. Have we? No, we haven't. - Oh we haven't. No haven't. - There's so many up little fishes. - What's the animal that scares you the most. - Man. No, Jerry mars. - I think, those tea lists of animals that I could take in a fight. - Yeah. - I don't know why. I just think a deer would just me up. - I mean they could. - Yeah. I think I'd have more chance of being able to outwit a bear or something or being able to. - Know about that. - I would rather take on the deer than the bear much. What's not deer's the one with the ma. - Barky has taught me anything don't fuck with bears. - Which are the ones with the massives there, the deers they all deers. - Deer moose I don't know. - I know, maybe moose, but there's some of them caribou I've seen some of them that are insane. They well, I mean, moose are insane. how big, people imagine moose and they're oh yeah that's just a big deal. Right, I'm no, they're. They're huge Insanely huge it's scary. - I even though I think I there's a 0.1% chance that I could live with a bad encounter. I at least think that Ia idea. I'd have zero if it wanted to kill me, I feel it would just. - Chase what. - What logic are. - You this? - The way it looks. Are you the way it looks at me? I don't know why. - I'll be talking. - You're talking about the deer from princess Mo. - Okay they gotta look in their eyes dears. They gotta look in their eye that says I'm out for blood and I'm not gonna be happy. - What you talking about? Deer's the cutest. All the times. Have you never been in a, You can feed the deers. - They're no, Those are wimp, deers. Chad. Chad deers. Have you seen those deer? Is when they're wrestling each other formating purposes. - Yeah. Do they let's just say if one of these deers thought I was gonna steal its GF, I'm done. it's I'm dead. - Think you can say that about most animals though. if you were if you tried to steal a,(laughing) If you wanna go to a frat party, I'm sure you'd feel the same way this guy's gonna me up. - I remember there's there's stories. - What logic are you? This there's absolutly zero logic. Just the way it looks. - So are you saying that you can't take on a male deer, but you could take on say a male elephant Or a male giraffe. - What would we say? Take on an elephant. Are you saying beating it? - Well, I mean, you were saying tear a list of animals. I could beat in a fight, right? - Let in the fight or survive. I reckon I could get away maybe. - For a bear. And let's say you're a cave man. And you need to take on one of these animals, survive. - I'm trying to kill it. Am I trying to run away? - You're trying to survive. - I, yeah. Okay. I think, I don't know why. I just fell a deer could chase me to the end. The, I fell a bear might get most. - Animals. No, a bear will get bored after a while, it'll get bored. I feel a deer clearly. - Never encountered a bear in his life. - Let's say I climb a 20 foot tree. I know bears and climb trees, but I reckon the deer somehow would just jump up. me up Naruto style something. I don't know why. I'm just scared of these deers, man. These big deers that are tigers liars. Do you have a. - I don't even I'll take a tiger wrong. - Did you have a childhood trauma grab deer or. - Is this just the British in you talking? - Do we even have deers? - Of course we have deers in England. - Are you sure about that? Don't look at me. - Do we have deer? No the big deers with the analysts. - What's the difference. - What are the, ones with the horns that are not, they're all kind of spiky. - Are you talking about caribou? - I don't know what they're called. Regular. - Deal of spike handle. I know. - Spike handles the ones with weird shape. I'm talking about Bambi, right? - No. The ones with no horns aren't scary. Why would they be scary? They have no horns gone. Horns are scary. - But they also do. - I'm not scared of rhinos. - I'd be terrified of a rhino. Are you kidding me? - Just ride it. Don't on country. It I get on the back of a rhino, right? What's it gonna do fall the gram. I'll just jump off it in it. - What about a Ram? - A Ram I've been with a Ram. I befriended the Rams. We will. - So you don't find Rams scary? - No they just kinda little Ram. They just kinda drama Queens. You can talk to them. - You can talk. You can't, you can't really can't. - Can't with the deer these one? - This just regular whitetail gear. It's just a deer, right? - Those would you up. It's just a male. - Obviously you pale bro. You'll be in the tree that. - I'm not get up the not saying they won't you up, but I'd rather take on that than a bear. - Why as well, because when you see you think it's cute, right? You think, oh, it's cute. And then it stabs you. Right? A bear you're not getting anywhere near that. You're cautious, right? It's about the perception. - No, I'm not going anywhere near a thing that has horns that. - Well, they taste good though. So I'd understand why you might. - Go near it. So if bears tasted good, would you. - Maybe we'd have to. I fell a, okay. This is, why is a sense of danger? Dictate how good the animal tastes? - Listen, this is one of those things where it's just it's gonna make me look stupid, this argument, but it's just pure, gut. this is no logic whatsoever. This is just my gut for. - So wait is dear, T for you STI scary. - STI will you up and you didn't expect it. Bear is at, cause I know, I know it's gonna me up, but also it might not. It might get bored. It might just leave me alone. - What but way are you getting this idea? That deers are so aggressive? - I've seen videos, man. - Yeah. Videos of bears being aggressive probably. - Because some dumb is provoking a deer, right? yeah, of course gonna get off. - I don't know. I just think that bears are, friendly. - Cause my experience with most deers, even ones that is that you goin a 50 again in a 50 meter radius. - Immediately not I am not trying to make any sense. This is all just gut. - You're not, you're. - Not making sense. I know it doesn't I know this doesn't make any sense. - Why we're trying to glean some senses out of it, but time guess is scary. But also the tiger king seemed he had a good hand of it. So maybe. - I mean it is he slapped them with his stick and theyover him. So maybe if I just give him a little, get off, stop that. - Stop that was the problem with all the pre that you said weren't they weren't oh, I'll use the. - Slap message. You didn't have a big enough stick. obviously everyone most dangerous bear. Is it the red one? The red bear is that. - Black grizzly bear. Isn't it? The black one. - Black one. - Polar bears. - Oh yeah. Polar bear. - There was story from that. I think Brian blessed, Don Brian blessed. There's a very famous British guy. He's this really famous British guy who has yes. It's the most booming voice this, right? Yes and apparently he was in the Arctic filming something and a polar bear came up and I think that he either punched the polar bear in the face or he screamed at the polar bear and it ran away skit this story. So I'd to think that I could, if it is true that you could scare a polar bear from shouting at it. I think I'll be. - All right Well, I mean, Bucky has 50. - Bucky has taught me that the best way to beat a bear is to punch it in the nose. - I heard that you could punch it in Theon, the grizzly bear point. - Yeah. Well, if you're fast enough, right? - I mean, not fast enough. - I mean, at that point. - You, like it. - You could just, at that point, you're kind of playing GA with your life. - It's the same thing with sharks, right? If you punch a shark in the nose, then it'll just be is that. - Is that true? - I don't know. I would try. - I'm not gonna try it, but nature's the wall. - Slows punch the water. - Punch literally giving them a weak point. I punch the shark for massive punch it. - Where are you gonna punch a deer? Huh? You can't punch it anyway. It's got big spikey things. - I feel you could Dodge at the last moment. - You can devil back that. - No, the bear is too big. The bear is too slow. You can Dodge the bear. - Well, you talking about bears are fastest. What have you. - Seen the bear? Huh? This is the most dumb conversation we've ever had back. I'm at the corner. You're so if you see your bear, a grizzly bear, you are not running away from that. - You can't outrun a bear. - But the best tactic is that you can now run your mates. - Maybe I can shout at it. Ask it kindly to talk it's nah. - Okay. Let's have, why don't we ask survivors of bears, right? What they did to survive the bear. - I'd like to ask how many bears survivors do There's gotta be a few out there. - I'm pretty sure there. - Survivor dear survivors. There are zero. - Yeah, because no one talks about it. Cause everyone becomes dear. Cause they know if they talk, The deer's gonna come back for some. - The deer comes back with his family. - You'd Beni, you'd be snitching. - Talking up it's how many horror movies are there with deers as the main monster. - People are too scared to talk about deers open the next, when's the next deer coming out in the Godzilla trilogy or whatever, man. - DI's also dear king Kong converse, king Kong and Godzilla versus deer. They need to tag team the ultimate monster deer, man. It can go run super fast launch itself in with those hooks. you're done Gigi. - So would you say the deer is the most powerful animal? - It is the most powerful animal. - Spiritually. - If we were to animal battle Royal, would you pick deer? - No. - Who would you pick for an animal battle? Royal animal kingdom. Battle royal. I'm definitely polar bear for. - Sure. I feel you are going for low hanging crew. I feel there's probably something stronger. - Well, yeah. Cause I'm trying to win. - I feel there's probably better animals. I maybe if you asked TSSU guy I'm Boris. I don't think so. - Okay, the only reason I say this is because I literally saw a video where a polar bear tried was starving. Had to eaten for a while. So he was trying to hunt and he comes across these, this group of wares. I dunno what the proper word is. The a herd Ori Sai. And he literally tried totried to take a bite out of any wars. And the hides were so thick that he, that he couldn't grab on. And the wars just shook him off. And he tried with several war wars and he just failed. So maybe it's wars that are at the top of the figure chain. And we just never thought about. - The honey badger. That one's a scary one that one's like a, I think the polar bear would destroy the honey badger. - I don't know, man, honey. - I mean human versus honey badger. The honey badger is probably gonna win. - But cause I don't wanna with a honey badger. - What is a honey badger? - It's a Badger that eats honey. - No. - No it's. - Yes it is primarily honey. I thought it it yeah. - Because isn't the whole, that crazy. Isn't the whole thing of it with a honey badger. Is that its height is so thick that a beasting literally can't penetrate it. - I dunno. That's why they're so that crazy. - I remember I read something. - About man shrimp, Manti shrimp. - I know Manti. - About it. - Yeah. My God that. That's what nature's cool. - See fish, it's always fish. what's going on? - Man, shrimp is the bulky of the sea. - Why does this fish have a cannon for an arm? what's going on with that? - So it's not big. I'm just gonna throw a fist and create a Sonic. Boom. - What happened with evolution? What's go I'm telling you man evolution in the sea is. I don't know what's going on. When is the next stage above that? It's oh I throw a punch and a nuclear fusion happen With my fist. - Yeah. I mean, if you sliced up a Manti strip, I think it could possibly create a vacuum. That Sucks. The air and sucks his opponents in. - That's what Bucky should have done instead of imagining a human size praying Manti. He should imagined a human size Manti shrimp. We had a real challenge. - Human size Manti shirt. Bear's dead one shot oh yeah, of course. It's gonna be the one punch man. Yeah, of course. Why we talk to you about this again? - One punch man of the sea. - What? One thing that I always there's I think this is YouTube videos where people kind of go to nature and they're save the animals that are being hunted or something. I other animals. Right. And then they ask David borough questions. do you ever feel you should help the animal that's being hunted and stuff? And he's no, it's literally nature. Why would I interfere? Don't understand why people always make these videos being today we're gonna save the fish from being eaten. It's that's literally the point fish. - It's literally called a food chain. - We're just sympathetic cause we're at the top. - Exactly, if we're in the middle of that, see you dude. - I'm trying to save my own life now. - I don't think caveman really worried about what nature was doing. Cause we were trying our best to survive. - As well. That's a Seagul being what I'm gonna save these fish today. Cause I feel bad. It's no, they don't give a. They're gonna eat. This episode is brought to you by call of an a beautiful and well-crafted casual gaming experience. - Call of anti is the perfect stress relieving game with fun and laid back match three RPG gameplay. 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Oh, all of that to kick. Start your profile off in style. Thanks again callant for sponsoring this episode back to the show. - I guess I'll bring it up now. I just Googled the most dangerous animals in the world. And obviously you got you got your normal ones, stone fishes on there. Box jellyfishes on there. black member, all Australian, all the Australian ones. Then you get the number to number two mosquito. Of course that. Oh yeah. That does make sense. Got a, big kid. - You're not number one humans. - We are we've killed everything. We're awful trust. Not even yourself. - What's the strongest animal you genuinely wholeheartedly think you could, beat in a fight. - What define beat in a fight. - Face to fish. Because the animal are gonna be oh there's no. - Yeah bring into submission kind of thing. what are we talking about? I don't know, - Or run away, the animal runs away. - Or it, or knock it. - Out's a fight of fight to the death. - Fight for some reason you're. - In a ring. Are we allow tools? - No, just your bare. - Just your bare fist. And whatever's laying around on. - The ground. All right. I got it. Realistically dog human. Why are you. - Fighting a dog chair? - Human or human? - So's dog leader STRs. - Not that I would. - No a big if we're not counting humans, a big dog is probably the max I can go. Cause even then it's scary. - A big dog would beat you up. - Actually I mean a big dog. - Really big dog. - Yeah. It could really hurt me. - Stick on a Wolf. I mean, it'll be hard, but I feel if you are fighting to. - The movie, for sure. Yeah, I feel you could take on a Wolf. Not it's not a guaranteed win. But that's on the edge of what I imagine if I was fighting for my life is. - Is 100% success rate. No, but could I possibly get a WARF into a choke hold or something go UFC on his then maybe if I had the right techniques, all I'm saying human war versus war in the Oxycon I'm just learn some BJJ, learn some B Jay, maybe you might have a more fighting chance. - I think your dad got. - Yeah. I think your dead. - Cause how small do you think a Wolf is? It's pretty big. - You could take on a sheep. Maybe you're gonna beat up a sheep. - Beat up a sheep. Not that I would want to. - I don't think the sheep would even fight. No I think she would just be just take me, Just take me away right now. - What about you con what about you? - What is the absolute max that you would think okay, I could survive this. - Catfish could take a catfish. - A cat up. - I mean, No. - The actually big one. I've seen videos, people getting knocked out by catfish. They jump out of the boat. I don't even know. I don't even know. I never really think at it. I don't think about this either. - Maybe a very, there's some tiny monkeys, very small monkey. Very small monkey. Maybe they probably gimme a good fight. - Oh yeah. Definitely. It'd be three rounds at least of. - Course con says monkey. - It'd be monkey versus monkey. - Wouldn't it? - Of course some of the weaker gene of monkeys. - On the weaker ones, - Species of monkeys. - Could you take on a Chimp? - Nerve chimps, chip. Well chip or murdery. - Okay. Why are birds so sassy? - What do you mean by sassy? - They just have attitude. What so many I've seen, they. - Fly I mean, come on. - I would be SASY to, if I would. - Be an, if. - It's literally looking down at you. Yeah. It's, but it's you the birds are prey. Aren't the sassy ones. It's the domesticated, the small, the small, the bird. - The parrots, right? - The parrots it's powers are sass as my God. Well, so they freak me the cow. Cause their voices. How do they do such an accurate representation of pretty much every sound. - Our family used to own a couple of different species of a cockatiel anda Laura KES and stuff that. And yeah. Sorry. Something Keer recommended yesterday. That was par was key. Witness it murder trial as woman is convicted of killing husband. - There's 11 Million views. - Well, what is the Paris? Just she did it. - Talking to par helped finger a killer. - You heard right. - Over five year old. Mark Durham. - Was found shot to death at his home. - That's crazy. His wife was also found. - Shirt with a gunshot with this. Par was they were both victims. I mean, that's pretty cool. I mean yeah cuzmy, my parrot used to replicate sounds that we would teach him. But he would also just pick up sounds through osmosis. I've told this story how smash? - No, you haven't told this. - Okay. So we used to own this te, which is do what a Cockatiel is? So it's sassy as. - Well, sassy mother. But yeah, cause they're parrots. Sothey replicate a lot of things. Sowe taught it to whistle the Adams family theme song. So every, we'd wake up in the morning and it'd just be, whistling the Adams fan and everyone was oh that's so cute. But then other times the sassiness would pull through on this and he would replicate Sam on that. Confused the out of us. So he perfected the sound of the microwave. Not just he would replicate the buttons, presses perfectly. So he'd be beep beep - Beep but then when it's finished and it goes beep. - Beep it would replicate that perfectly. So many times. I'd be in the living room and I would hear that and I would walk into the living into the kitchen thinking that someone was there. No one's there. I'm oh my God, it's a ghost. And then I realized it's my it's my sassy bird. And also it would replicate the phone ringing and show that. - They're really smart. And it would also replicate my mom saying good morning. So it'd be it'd just be - I'd love it to go. Yeah. Can. - Oh, that's what I should have taught it. If I ever get another Laura kid, I'm gonna, I'm gonna teach it to go. Just to see how well it could replicate that. - Oh my God. - I remember there's some YouTube video where people mix it badly and they put beeps in it for some reason. And when I'm in the other room and It he videos playing and I hear a beep, I'm what's happening in my kitchen. What's I hate people who do use beeps really loud beeps in their YouTube video. Just shouldn't do it. - I dunno I was gonna, I thought you were gonna go a different direction with that conversation cause I was gonna talk about base boosted, monster zinc memes. - How are you going to transition to that? - I wanna hear how this. - Happened because you were talking about people putting sounds in YouTube videos and stuff that. And I'm just yeah, I get it. Ion a tangent. I still think the funniest thing, one of the funniest videos is just people who take the bass boosted monster zinc theme. - You love. - It and throw it into someone sleeping or something to me that is just peak comedy. I dunno. I just wanted to bring back the monster zinc bass boosted memes thats all I literally. - Had nothing to do with the conversation. And I was playing. - Your mind is just here about bass music, monster thing. - I was playing fived chess, trying tolerate these two things. - You were playing fived chess. We were playing checkers over here. So not even the same game. - Anyway enough about animals. What have you guys been up to in the past week? - I built a PC and it didn't work. - Oh yeah I saw you a Twitter thread on that. That was pretty sad. - So what happened with that? - So I was building it live, which was more stressful than less time, I think less time because we, did it three times rip Gar he went first. Joey went first. - I went first. So doing it live was really annoying cause I was actually reading chat when I just shouldn't have read chat. Because chat kept saying yes or no. I'd be is this the right thing to do? Half says yes. Half says no. - Well shouldn't you already know you've built. - It used to be the PC master, right? - Yeah you've already built a PC live one camera. - Yeah I pretty just done it, but I just kept getting confused and then when I get confused, I get nervous. Cause I'm live and I'm what if I do something wrong? And then everyone sees that I did wrong. Cause people are laughing. So I wasn't. - That the whole point. - On, but I wasn't really worried when it was my turn doing it live cause I'd already seen two people build it. So it was really easy. Right. - Last she'd been more stress. There was a speed run as well. - Yeah. And but it was okay. It was okay. I still some things up. I had the MDOT two. I had trouble with a guy. - That MDOT two man. - You flock with that. I built this whole thing. I spent five hours doing it cause I, yeah. I up and was wasting a lot of time and doing much of other stuff and I was preoccupied. So I finally built it to five hours. Eh, turn on. - Did you find out why or why? So it's working now. I have it. So the next day I gave up, it was1:00 AM and I tried to boot it and it wasn't working. And I was all right, fine. I'll give it a go tomorrow. I'll have a clear head. I'll try all the problems. I basically took it all apart and rebuilt it all again, going very carefully through it all. And the same era kept happening. And I was what? I even took the CPU out, put it all back in, made sure I did all that. Right, I just could not figure out what was happening. Cause it wouldn't go to the boot screen. It was just black screen. But everything, everything was whizzing and glowing and all that. And I was oh. So then I'm talking to gigabyte and I'm Hey, what's happening? Why isn't it working? Everything is working. Why is happening? - And so essentially, because I got a new specification, it was a motherboard that is a DDR five Ram motherboard right now to those who don't know anything about PCs, basically every now and then they upgrade it and they're Hey, why don't we just change the connectivity to with everyone? And it does make it faster as well, but they change the specifications. You have to buy specific things. Now this Ram slot that was called DDR five. I was oh, okay. I'll go on Amazon and buy DDR five Ram. Well, apparently that's not what you're allowed to do with DDR five because it's new. Oh, motherboards have a set list of specific DDR, five Ram that works with it. So not all Ram. So previously I think DDR four, all Ram basically worked with all DDR four, I think kind of. I've never mostly, nearly all of it. It was ubiquitous you'd have to try real hard not to do it. So then I was oh, okay. Is that the issue? It must be. So I ordered this new Ram plugged it in, worked perfectly. So I wasted two days. I was a hold extra day trying to fix this thing for no reason. - That's the thing about building PCs sucks to me. - I'm never building. - Another one. To me I feel to me, the hardest to me, the hardest part is actually selecting the parts. Right. Because building a PC, we said, it's frustrating, but you can it's, you can get through it. It's Lego. - PC picker as well. - Did you actually to. - Check for compatibility issues? And it also wasn't compatible. It was yeah. It's all good. So it's all good. Go ahead. - Go ahead. You got your, I. - I mean, it's things that. That scare me cause I remember the first PC I built, the biggest thing that went wrong was that I had bought a motherboard that was not compatible with the CPU because I bought a, I bought an Intel CPU. So I was just okay, this me being a PC building Virgin. I was, I got, I bought the motherboard. I saw it was Intel compatible. Not knowing at the time that there are different types of CPUs and different types of chips. - That happened to me as well. I had the motherboard as well. The cooler doesn't fit, but I just kind of shoved it in place and it now it's working. - That's that's scary. - It's working. - Was, this the first PC you built in Japan or just the first one ever. - Third in Japan. - Yeah I built four PCs in my life. - How did 20 mine? - Oh, five. - And you still somehow found a way to it up. - Again I went to PC park picker and it said it was okay. So I had faith in PC park picker cause in the previous four times I've never had an issue. But what happened was is that the cooler they sent me was one that was a bit older. So it didn't include the adapter bracket to Mount the CPU. But this thing had sliders. So I kind of slid them in the middle, which they were, they, you could tell that things didn't wanna be, and then I screwed it on. But it works it all feels good. It all feels secure. Did you call Chris? - I didn't. - Could have done in 15 minutes. - Helped you everyone was call Chris. I'm what? So he can tell me how his McDonald's takes. - Can he talk about his Mac? - Yeah, it's pretty. I sure he did a live stream yesterday and he was just eating McDonald. - I saw that and I was Chris, this is not what I normally eat for breakfast. And I was what live? Sorry, Chris, have you. - Speaking of breakfast? So since okay as you guys, as you guys know, I've been ona little bit of a diet recently, because gained a lot of weight. When I went back to England. - I wouldn't exactly say recently you've been on a diet for a while now. - Cause here's what happens. Right. I go on a diet fora month, have a week holiday either with the boys, with Sydney pig out a bit sounds gain on gain a bit more weight so I'm still I go back to the diet after I'm back. It's this sounds - A healthy lifestyle. I don't think it's a diet. I think you should eating healthy. - That's not a diet. - I am eating healthy, but I am definitely taking in less calories than it would take to maintain weight. So I'm not this isn't a speed run, but it's a slow lose weight gain a little bit back. - It's a slow run. - It's a slow run. And yeah, the reason is when I went back to then literally in September or something, I gained a ton of weight because I ate and I drank every day. And I thin kit was the first time that I could physically feel my body had gained weight so much that I remember, I saw a few comments of the before and after Trash Taste recording after I came back Trash Taste recording. I think you can see that. I definitely, I definitely did. I wouldn't say Overweight or anything close to that, but you could definitely see, I did gain a little bit of weight. So I've been working to, since that won holiday, working to lose that weight. And now that I'm taking in lower calories every day, I'm doing things that I wouldn't normally do, having breakfast because normally I just, normally I, what are. - You off functioning member of society. - Now? I know. Right. I know. Right. I never. - Eat breakfast getting on his high horse. I eat breakfast. - Yeah. So because I'm taking less calories, I've been getting hungry in the mornings. And so I'm oh, okay. Maybe, it's time to start being a normal person. everyone else in society and start having breakfast. people people to talk about. - You been enjoying it? - So yeah, cause. - That doesn't sound you're enjoying it. - I mean, it's not so much I'm enjoying it so much as I'm eating because my body craves something inside my stomach because. - That's usually what hunger is. - That is what hunger is. - I don't get hungry at all when. - I wake out. No I mean, either. - I never used to how I start having salads and low calorie meals every day. And then I started getting hungry in the morning. It's weird. I only feel hungry in the morning when I'm on a trip. But when I'm at home, I don't. - Actually no on a trip, even on a trip. No really? - Except if it's McDonald's breakfast that's the only breakfast I always got time. - No one of them vacation. I'm four meals a day sounds. - About right. Yeah. Let's just eat. Let's should eat. Exactly, why stop? I wake up at7:00 AM in a hotel room. I'm why am I so hungry? That's not normal. - So me and Sydney have been starting to eat cereal. And I remember as I've added cereal to my diet, if you've been following my Twitter, you'd know what I'm about to say. But I remember eating the cereal one day and I'm just oh no, I'm about to have a food take. - And brace yourselves. - I think I'm about to have an opinion guys. And I realize, I think cereal is better without milk. Oh God he said it. Oh, he said it and. - I'm 50 50 on this. He said it. I like it with and without. - And I remember just eating one day and I just said it casually to Sydney. And she looked at me I just murdered someone. She just dropped the spoon. - She dropped the spoon in the milk. - Is that really that bad of a take? - I mean, apparently it is. - weer bits in the UK as a kid. I used to just eat those dry. - I think, because. - I can understand that because when you put that in milk, it just turns into wet cardboard. Yeah. - But I think it's better without milk. I think that that's what angers people's. - It's my mood, some days I want cause it's a challenge having to eat cereal without milk. It is, - It's like you're eating Scooby snacks. - Well your dental workout is insane. - Well I hate it when you pour the milk in. And then the timer starts. - Just pour less than you need. Just pour less milk. I just pour less than I need. - How much milk are you putting in? - No, I'm putting in the normal amount of milk, but it's well clearly or not. - You're not. It's getting wet. Well, it's getting soggy. I hate soggy cereal. - You should put a little bit in and then mix it, force it through the milk technique. - But I also think that waters it down as well. You're having cinnamon crunch or something and then you I want the cinnamon crunch. I want the crunch and the cinnamon together. But you put the milk in. - You wouldn't putting more milk water down. Wouldn't putting more milk water. - Out there no that's what I'm saying. I don't want any milk in there cause It's the taste of cereal as it is. - But if you just put a little bit of milk, we just a we. - Bit it, yeah. It brings out the flavor. - Literally put the bare minimum milk if I do. And then I just keep rinsing it through the milk. Yeah. - That's exactly what I did. So that by the time you finish it, you only have a tiny pool of milk. - Do you think it tastes better with the milk in it though? - I just cause most of the time when it's in no milk, I'm tired by the end of eating. - I mean, not that I, not that I really eat cereal a lot of cereal anymore, but yeah, every time I do fell a cereal, I just it's it's milk. - I just is cereal that good for you? I just feel cereal is you don't need it that much. - Oh it depends on the cereal. - It depends on the cereal. - A bowl of fruit loops. Isn't gonna be - Brand is pretty good. Right? I brand flakes. Yeah. Brand flakes good. But then I bought this brand flakes in Japan and it had fruit in it. And so I was oh, okay, this sounds nice. It's got dried. I like that. And then I look at the back of the package, I'm like a normal serving contains 50 grams of sugar. What are they putting in this. - I think that's why I stopped eating cereal. Not just because I started to not get hungry in the mornings as I got older. It's so bad for you. - A lot of it is depends. - The cereal you, it depends on the cereal that you. - Buy. I mean, yeah. I'm sure, if you're eating a bowl of weetbix, weetbix, right. Then yeah. Obviously that's got a lot of, health benefits, but also I don't wanna start my morning with wet cardboard in my mouth. I just don't wanna start a morning that. - I'm sorry maybe you just hate weebix joking. - I do I hate it. I feel maybe there's just no saving, even with milk or without milk, it just tastes - To you I'm going to be so non Australian. When I say this, I hate weetabix. It's it's and people are yeah, just but you can just add sugar or yogurt or other things into it. I then that kind of takes away from the health benefit. - Just gimme the yogurt. Just I try. Just, yeah. - I'll just eat a top of yogurt. That's fine see, for me, cereal has always been, even now as I see it's always, I've always felt that it feels like a snack. Right? Cause to me people have told me that they can't get full having cereal without milk. And I'm just well, to me, I'm not even that hungry in breakfast, to me cereal's just a quick snack before we get to lunch. That's your chat in. - In my lifetime. I think I've eaten more cereal past 1:00 AM than I actually have in the morning. it is the most perfect midnight snack to. - I really don't like eating cereal in the evenings. - Well what about later night? As a midnight snack? - No I always is actually really good. - At midnight. I wish Id it cause then I feel that opens a lot of possibilities to my midnight snacking options. Unfortunately I. - Dunno well, you snack at midnight then what? What's your go to midnight snack. - I try to avoid it. Obviously it all costs crisps crisp. - But I mean what wrong with that? Which one with. - It's just the most British thing you've ever said. - I love Chris. - I should've seen this one coming up. I was like searching through the recesses of my mind to think I know Connor. What would he say? And I'm of course it would be. - Chris. I can love Chris. - You eat that as a meal though? - No sometimes For. - Now seen, I've seen sweet. I've seen you eat Doritos as a meal. Don't lie to me. There's no other choice doritos. - I dunno, man. There's always a choice that choice. - Doritos I don't feel good about it, but I do it. Why? - They're good but I couldn't, no matter how full I get from eating just a burritos. I can't in my head. I can't process that as this is my meal. I do it and it doesn't feel a meal, but I'm just so full that it's this will last till morning. So I mean I'm sure it will. - And then in a lot of pain, but it's pretty good. - I've been there. Don't worry I've been there. - Yeah I'm not a big cereal guy. I've don't eve neat. - Did you eat it as a kid? Cause I can't remember. Cause I used to eat it a lot as a kid and I don't remember the exact point that I stopped eating cereal. - I swapped to toast when I was a kid halfway through school, I must have decided that I preferred toast. So I'd eat four pieces of toast. - I think I had a very brief period from to toast and then it just very quickly went from toast to nothing. - But I feel like toast and cereal are in the same category of not very good nutritional value, but it's not the worst thing in the world. It's not bad, but it's also not great. - Actually the moment I, I actually know the moment I switched from toast to no breakfast was when I started having coffees in the morning. - No tea for me tea. Just having a piece of toast with a hot drink. You can't beat it. Not even that for me, it was just just replace the toast with a cup of coffee. - Wait what? - I do that now. - I do that now as well. But from I'd say for me, maybe 17, 18, I was just yep. Coffee that's all I need. - I Woody toast in Japan, but the bread sucks. And the other place you get good bread from is bakeries. - And they're stupidly expensive. - It's 50 bucks for a slice of bread. - What irks me about a lot about the normal Japanese bread that they sell supermarkets. It's just how thick it is. - It's insane. It could barely fit my toaster. - That's true I'm not gonna lie. I think this is gonna make me sound privileged as. Yeah, I don't wanna cut the bread. I wanna just Chuck that in the toaster. I've just woken up. Right? I don't wanna have to get the bread board out the bread knife out. Oh, it's too thick. Oh, I've caught it badly. I just want the perfect slide. This is not a privilege thing. This is just a. - Absolutely a privilege thing. - What are you on? - This is why they say the best invention since slice spread. - It's literally a human revolution. Don't you just want to just, do you really? Do you really. - Want what slice spread really? That revolutionary. I want that the, well the yeah. I wanna know why I've never thought about the, actually the history of that saying it. - Literally takes 10 seconds. - To, but it's not, it's not the act of cutting it. It's the cleaning up. I have to clean up a breadboard, a bread knife. Now just for one slice of bread. if I just have the slice bread, I Chuck that in have. - What about if you just buy the loaf of bread, for example, the unco loaf of bread. No, on that day you slice it up preemptively. You put it back in the bag and now you've got sliced. - No you. - Can't do that. That's I did that. - No, that's up. - I can't really relate. - You speed run it going bad. - No, cause I. - Yeah, I don't think I've ever bought breads. That's not been pre sliced now that I about it in my life. See, at least wow. Privilege is showing. They call me privilege for slice of my bread. At least I've done the legwork I've been there. I've been in the trenches slice of my own bread. - I've lived that life. - I've lived a life of I've. - On that now. - it's aside, baguettes or whatever. I've never actually sliced my own wow. Loaf of bread. Call me privilege. - Ed it's upper classes, season writing. - This is the opposite of people from England have never cooked their own rice or something me and Asian. I've never sliced my own bread before. - So there is a bakery near me that I really but the loaf of bread is six bucks I think. - How big half is standard. - Sizes only that. - Yeah. Okay. Half a standard size. I'm sure it's great. I just don't wanna pay six bucks for half, half my life. - I've had. Yeah. Because my, and I have to cut it. - Ron. Oh, me. - For six bucks, I'm not cutting that. That's ridiculous. - For, I mean, I thought that as well, but then at my previous place we lived right next to this really high end bakery anda full loaf, this big was nine bucks or something, which is ode, still. - Still expensive. And I thought it was just a scam being oh, just, this is just Japanese people. - People it's this is just Japanese people. Not knowing good bread. But then and I bought it and I had it and I had to slice it myself. God forbid I had to slice it myself and yeah. I made toast with it and I'm okay, I can see why this is nine bucks. - No. It was amazing. It was very good brand. But it was not no, amount. I wouldn't pay nine bucks for that. Outside of Japan is what I'm saying. - Why would you pay for inside Japan? - Because every other bread in Japan sucks. - It's fair enough. And it's look, don't get me wrong. I'm not buying this every day for me, this loaf of bread. I would this $9 loaf of bread I would buy was maybe once every couple of months. - How good was that? In terms of bread in general, this $9 bread compared to if you. - Were, it was good. it was better than any super get bread. I would buy in Australia or anywhere outside of Japan. So it was oh. - I've had the same bread. Cause I bought it. It was good. It was really, really good. I was okay, this actually tastes here. This is actually some top tier. this is some a. - How does it compare to say the bread in Europe? - I think the bread that I had in France in Germany was better. - Well, yeah - Obviously that's, I'm asking how much better was it than this top tier bread, top tier $9 bread that we have brought. - In the know, marginally, it got to that taste where it was just good. it was very good. But then that the one in Germany or France will cost one Euro 50 or two Euro. - Obviously. Yeah. It's not even, I mean, opposite. So with rice, right? And if you're having rice in Europe, then obviously the one in Japan's gonna taste better just - cause you know, in the UK it was what we're pound for Warton? Was it Warton is the toast bread. I love that toast bread. - It is very good bread. Oh that I would know it. - And even in the UK, right. When you buy. - The animals when you buy the loaf bread at the supermarket, the one that isn't cut, can you cut it for me? - I'll put it in. You can buy uncut bread at the supermarket. - We have bakery. We have bakeries. And where bakeries in the supermarkets. - Gone do what a bakeries? - There's a bakery. Right? And then when you get your pastries, whatever, they all sell loafs of bread. - Ive pastries I've never seen a loaf of bread. - Yeah. They have it. And if you want the loaf of bread, uncut, you can buy. Who does that? Who ask for that? - A lot of people do. Cause a lot of people if they're making their own stuff, then it's not a big deal that they're cutting it. Cause they want it fresh. Cause the moment you cut it, the time is ticking. It's already going bad, right? That's why you don't want to cut the whole bread. Then put it back in. Cause then those slices that might have tasted a bit fresher. Two, three days are gonna be rock solid. Did you never put your bread in the freezer? - What! - No cause that's the way to make bread. Long lasting that's what we used to in Australia. - I'm sure if you cryogenic it last longer as well. - I mean, this is not. - What the did you just say Joey? - That's an American thing. We don't do that in Europe. - It's up. We do it in Australia as well. - That's up. - We do it in, we do it in south. Gets to preserve. - Exactly. It's the 1000 degrees. - It's to make the bread last longer. That's putting ice in beer. You, the you just don't do. - And You gotta understand the loaf for bread in the UK and in Europe it's bought on the day intended to all be used on that day. It's not supposed to be, obviously you can have it a day over. That's not a big deal, but you don't freeze the bread's because because the Australian loves the bread. There's 20 slices. So even a family, can't go through it ina day. How big is this bread this, - But just buy a small. - This a lover bread's - Yeah, no. It's this big or 20 slices in it. So obviously 20. - Slices does it taste as. - Good I want an image of this. I image exactly. I need an image of Australian bread. - But yeah. - What you, I don't believe this. It's the big foot of bread. This can't be real. - So just to make the bread last little bit, little bit longer because you don't wanna have loafs of bread every day. Especially if you're living in my household, which was kind of half rice, half bread. I'm not This I'm not even the bread guy. - Well, that's the size of the UK one. - But they're way thinner. - Oh, they're needier. - Yeah. But anyway, so yeah. To make the bread last longer, we would use the slices we needed to use on the day we buy it. And then we, it would immediately go to the freezer because the last, an extra two, three weeks, and then you just, and if you wanna a slice and if you wanna a slice of bread, you grab it. obviously it's frozen because it's been in the freezer, you throw it into the toaster instantly defrosted taste. - Just, I'm not even the bread guy. And I would never put myself down to such savagery as putting a bread in the freezer. - Well I'm sorry you hire privileged. People could buy bread whenever you wanted. My family was saving money. - Your family had a financial advisor show. What you talking about? - And our financial advisor was freeze your bread. - We gotta change somethings around here. - You want, do you want that? Do you want that new apartment? You better freeze your God bread boy. - Asian mentality. - Put everything in the freezer last longer. Save money, exactly. - No, I think this is. Just your excuses for living like savages. - We're Australian. - If it was something oh, we don't want the spiders to get it. Well that too. No because you get a bread bin. - No, because the bread bin would be annihilated by the ants. What? Yeah. Cause we are in Australia. You can't escape from the wildlife. You leave the door open for one second too long. Your house is. Over rid by ants in summer. - The one thing that makes me not proud to be Thai is one thing that they do. And I just said it, they put ice in their beer disgusting. And it's, I mean, I see the logic because obviously it's 30, 35 degree weather. Beer's gonna get warm. Beer's gonna get warm a lot faster. But even me, I'm just no, no ice. My beer please. No we're not gonna go down. - Is that an option you can get at any restaurant. - They normally or is that a backyard thing? - No. By default in Thailand in a lot of restaurants, especially if it's open air, right? You order a beer. They take a cartel. They give you the beer and they give you a glass and they put ice in it. And then they pour the beer in the glass for the ice. And you have you specifically ask in a lot of places for them not to do that. Right. - It's probably trying to hide the beer. - Is there anything worse than watered down? Thai beer water. - Nightmare I mean, you see, you do that with a charm beer and it's just like this beer was already watered down and you're watering it down even more. - Beer flavored water at that. - Point. Sorry you oven washing this. - German's had a heart attack listening to that. the Fu but I've never, put bread in the freezer. I'll say that we've never put bread in the freezer. - Hey man, you. - I'm not doing that. - I'm not saying you should. I was just saying that's what we did. And I thought it was normal. - Do you have to put eggs in the fridge? I can't remember where I heard it from where if you have to put some things in the fridge or some things are fine being left. - It depends on the country and how it's cleaned. I believe in some places in Europe, they recommend you not to fridge the eggs. Can you Google this? If I'm recall correctly, I think we didn't keep our eggs in the fridge when I was growing up. I don't think we did. - I don't think we did either. - In Japan you're supposed to keep the eggs in the fridge or I don't think it. - Yeah, you have to, or yeah, you have to keep it in the fridge. - European countries say you do not have. - To keep that's right. That's right really that's right. Cause I don't, we had it in a cupboard. - Really? Yeah. Oh, that's weird. And in America I think they put it in the fridge. I think, I dunno about Japan. - I don't know. As someone who's was just born of just kind of, every time I went shopping with my mom and we'd buy eggs. The moment she'd open the front door, she'd be like eggs in the fridge now. - Apparently it's illegal to what eggs in Europe so got stuff. - Illegal so you're putting the fridge actually gonna grow. - Back to your, what? The egg police are gonna rock up to my door, but you're ah. - Police I think it means for that transporting it and stuff. Not that you go home. - Yeah, we don't. We kept them in the cupboard. I remember that. Yeah. - Yeah bread. We've never put in the fridge eggs. We've never put in the fridge potatoes. I don't think we've ever. - No potatoes were in the pantry for. - Because I think if you put in the fridge, it grows sprouts right. - I don't know. Or some thing that. I don't know. I know potatoes. You're not supposed to put in the fridge and onions. I think. Cause I feel rules different with a different country. I go to cause in Thailand, it's just 90% of everything goes in the fridge. Cause it's so much hotter there. - Obviously it's hot. It goes in the fridge. - Yeah hot and humid is not the best in. - Well that's the best, best temperature and conditions for bacteria. So yeah. - Yeah, exactly. - But other things you shouldn't chocolate, you're not supposed to put in the fridge. - I know I putting chocolate in the fridge. Wait, why do you. - Why, I think it's because if you put chocolate in the fridge, then it turns white. And that just means that it's gone bad. - What I've never seen I chocolate in the fridge. This sounds some I love have my chocolate hard into yeah. - White stuff is not that the chocolate done out. It's just some other. - Stuff, what is that? Some other stuff I'm worried. - I don't know. I always heard chocolate. I always heard you shouldn't put chocolate in the fridge for too long or you could, you can't let it in the fridge. I don't know. Maybe that's just me. - It's either sugar or fat, but it's not that the. - Chocolates. Oh, okay. - Yeah I definitely prefer my chocolate in the fridge. There's two states of chocolate that are my favorite one is just in the fridge it's hard. You get a nice, nice crunchy bite of it. And the second stage would where it's a cheaper chocolate. When it's perfectly room temperature, but not melted. - When you put in your mouth, it easily melt. - You put it in your mouth and it doesn't melt, but it just dissolves in your mouth. That's that's my second favorite. I don't of chocolate. - It's not that. It's it gets all over your gums. You're when it's, you don't. - Even need to chew at that point. You put it, melt. - Just disintegrate. - I don't want it to do. - That's a, don't it sit? - I when it's cold, you can chew into it. And its naps apart and breaks into nice chocolate bites. - I that I don't that too much because I've had some instances where I'm what's gonna break first, the chocolate or my teeth. I don't wanna find out. - There are some chocolates that are way too hard. For that there are some, I mean the caramel bars I've never put in the fridge. - Oh my gosh. - If you put hard caramel on the fridge, goodbye teeth, your teeth. - It's just literally jaw break is just eating. - Rocks at that point. - Yeah. What about ice cream? Do you do you like your ice cream? hard or soft serve? Do you like biting into your ice cream? Hard yeah. lollies, do you - That's on ice cream then. - Yeah. - That's I guess. - That's an ice block. Your ice cream hard or soft? - Well, you've had feasts right where it's it's an ice cream on, feast where it's got a chocolate in the middle and it's ice cream around it. - Oh, you mean oh, that's more of a, oh, that's not so much ice cream though. That's more of ice cream bar. I'd say it's more of a cause it's got a layer around it. - Cause I know a lot of people they cannot take. they cannot chew on hold things or really cool things At all. Yeah. Can you not? No, I love it too much. Where if I start chewing ice. - I always hear you're you'll be talking to someone you'll hear you just look at it's ground. I'm not guy it's gone. It's God's not even looking. You just staring off to the distance, doing it crunching. - I love crunching on ice God. - It's the best texture. I love it. I dunno why I just, yeah. It's not good for my teeth at all no. I've been told by my dentist and pretty much everyone around me to not do that, but there will be times where, I literally have to consciously not put ices in my drinks now because I do it so much that everyone's advised me to not do it. - Is that the real reason why you don't put ice in your beer? - I don't wanna ice, man the beer. - Have you been in the social situation or you're drinking your drink and then you're right. I'm gonna, I'm going to take this ice. I'm gonna put it in my mouth. But the cubes a little too big and your mouth's really cold, but it's in your mouth. And it's in there. It's in one of your cheeks and your thing is freezing. And you have that moment where you're if I you're talking to someone, you don't wanna look weirdo. You're if I bite into this, it's gonna look weird. But if I swallow this, I might choke and look weird. So what do I do? I need to reply in 10 seconds and they stop speaking. Do I spit the ice back in the drink and looks like weirdo? Cause if I go, so you were safe. Have you been in that situation? - Yeah, many times. - And I'm like my go-to option is normally just pray that you can swallow this without dying. Just pray. - Really? No, my option is to just start crunching on that. - I mean, that's. - The least weird one. - Yeah. That is. - The least weird one. I've never had an issue because I'm constantly crunching. - Anyway, I can't crunch it. I'm always definitely worried that they're just gonna think I'm a weirdo when I spit it back in, but I can't. Yeah. Cause if you spit it back in, they're what the? - Spitting it back in biggest is the worst. Not, but my teeth can't bite into. - It, but I also don't wanna be that guy. Who's so I've been in situation before. - Keep throwing an ice. - Where I'm all right, boys, here we go. This might be it. I might be dead. - But how many ice cubes have you swallowed in your life? uncountable, uncountable. - Moments, over 10. - That a lot normally I would just try and - Kind of what's your. - We kind of try and move it around to get it to a swallowable size. Right. Or maybe not as. - Fast as you can or maybe just get it so that it doesn't have harsh edges. - You swallowed ice cubes with hard edges. - Where they're full, cute. - No way. No way. - I would be so terrified to. - Normally the technique, but the problem is that this is where the technique fails is that I'm normally doing this after I've drank it. So now I can't use water to assist it flowing when I swallow. So I have to just swallow a dry ice cube. - I was saying that you just take a swig of water or something that will help that would help melt it a bit. - I just swallow it and yeah, one time I think I had a really big scare one time. Cause got stuck, but I remember I had to play it. Cause I was I don't wanna make them do a, he maneuver on me. So I would just kind of keep Keep trying to swallow it before I take a breath and then eventually it went down and oh my God, my esophagus was in so much pain. Yeah. And by the way, never risk your life for a bit of social or witness just, I should have just spatted out. But yeah, it was, it was terrifying. - Just chewing it a. - Real, I could feel it. Cause it was so big. I could feel it going down and then getting stuck a little bit sometimes. And then waiting. And then obviously it was cause obviously my body's really warm. So it would slowly dissolve. - So You just gave you esophagus freeze burn or. - It hurt so much. - Yeah, no. - Don't do that. The lengths that British person will go to not be awkward in the social circumstance, just. - Spit it out at appointment just. - Just spit it out. - What I was playing the most. - I will say if I didn't love chewing on ice so much, I would probably do the same thing. - I don't wanna, I would rather potentially risk having a choking incident as opposed to having 10 seconds of social awkward interaction. That's what I really, yeah. That's the British and me, we just can't we can't do it. - I don't know, man. just yeah. It's it's. - Can't yeah, it's gonna be weird. Speeding your ice back your drink or whatever. But I don't know how many situations can you think of where you've say been to dinner with some other person, right? Or what's the first date. Right? First date with someone. - First day, for example. Right? If you're on a first day with someone, right? How many times have you gone to a restaurant with say another, a lady. Right. And she's gone anyway. Yeah. And then that, at that point, your head's no. - Wait, I, part of me partly would be - When is, when is spitting. - Ice back in your glass? The game changer. - I'm not gonna lie. It's one of probably the least attractive things you can do. It looks very unattractive. Don't you think? So someone should. - I think so. I think something that's less attractive. - You choking on an ice? - You go no on a date. That's good show. No, I wouldn't. I've actually been in the situation four actually. Not and I haven't swallowed it. I've just, I just remembered. - It's on a date you want, they wanna know that you swallow and your wellness. - Show I wanna. - Oh my God are you. - They didn't even notice it. They didn't even know that you just swallowed. - And they probably would've. They can see my Adams, apple and marching times. I'm I do it. My chest is - No, it's the tissue technique. It's the tissue technique. - Because not for a big ice cube. They're gonna see your tissue on the table. No, it's gonna be a. - You don't put it back on the table. You go for the tissue. You pretend you're just wiping your mouth or whatever. You're just you salt. The I'm gonna, - You've gotta be salt because now they're gonna think, oh, this guy just choked out a massive Louie. - In front of me. - This ice cube, this, this ice cube. - Are you talking when you, when you exude an exude, when you take out on ice cube out your mouth, you don't go. - No, no. God, this was, this was maybe a what? - How big of the ice cube were we talking? - This is a four centimeter cubes. A four by four by four by four centimeters. Let's say that's a big. - Ice cube. - Dude.. That's what I'm talking. - Okay. No if it's that size, I never take the risk of putting. - It in my mouth. I'm not putting it in my mouth. - I was dumb. I don't know why I. - Did cause caus eat that point, right at that point you probably would've hardly even drank your drink. - Huh? I'm the speed. It's gone let say it's a bang in cocktail. it's an absolute winner. Yeah. I love the cocktail so much. Or maybe, I wanna order a bunch more. I wanna try for more. So I drink it all and the ice cubes are still fully formed because. - At that point, the ice cube just doesn't feel nice. Three if. - You can feel the edges on the ice cube it doesn't feel nice in your mouth. - I thought when you say, when you swallow ice cubes, I thought you were talking about when you buy a drink at McDonald's or something. - Are you swallowing whiskey rocks? - No. No. It was I can't remember which one it was - You're literally swallowing, whiskey, - Ice cube. It, it was a Fullon formed ice cube. it was a nice ice cube. That's why I wanted to put it in my mouth because I was, I remember, I honestly, I was. - But I can get this down. - I was, yeah. I'd been training for a while. I was I was 19. I was, thinking I was fancy probably. I don't know what I remember the exact scenario. I remember this specific scenario. The reason why I was so committed to potentially dying, to avoid social awkwardness. It was because I was a first date and I was very nervous and she was very attractive. I really wanted this to go well. - And so you were I'm a eat this ice cube. - And so some reason I think the 19 year old, was tapping into the fit 15, 12 year old to me that was that ice cube looks real because sometimes you see an ice cube and you just put it in your mouth. Cause you are of course. Cause you're dumb when you're a kid and you want, of course I, now I have no desire. - It really depends. Okay. It really depends as someone who has eaten a lot of ice cubes in my life, an ice cube. - As the ice cube cone I saw here, so many different factors. Right? Because sometimes, sometimes it's big, but for some reason it's hollow inside. So you can take a good, you can Sometimes its just completely solid. It's just a solid block of solid block of ice. And there is not here is no biting down on that unless it's at least a little bit melted. At all. And at that point it's gonna take at least one or two minutes, regardless of the social, social. - Situ I started doing the grinding technique awful. - Yeah. It's awful for my teeth, but I take one bite and I'm oh okay. This isn't a hollow one. No, all right. Switch to space. Two grinding technique. - I remember it was quite a hefty boy. It was a waity boy. Hence why again? I wanted to put it in my mouth. It looks, it looked. - I want all the Trash Taste saids of this taken outta context. - It looked too good not to allow it to go to waste. So I had to of. - Course, yeah. - For me it's the opposite for me. If it's perfectly, the edges are perfectly rounded. That's peak ice. That's peak ice to put in your mouth that is peak ice to put in your mouth and it cause it all. - Straight away with the giant balls, the whiskey car's. - No joke every time I get recommended a video of one of the waiters, shaving ice. Yeah. It's one it's the most satisfy rooms in my life. - Whole need to say, I don't wanna put it in my mouth cause I don't wanna die. Oh yes I, yeah. I've learned my lesson. I'm not with that. It was all. - Also clear ice, superior ice, superior ice to the frosted ice that you get where it's clear outside and frosted in the middle. There's trashed here, ice. - Isn't that? Get that out. This is just level one bartending. - I mean just I think difference to chew, to chew on well to chew on. Yeah. Sorry I'm just this is my five year old brain. - This is right now my favorite crayons taste level of conversation. It's I like the maroon one. - I like cherry red because it's got the word te. - Ju prefer ju prefer cube dice. Or how do you feel about. - Don't have a. - No, no. Cause I know a lot of people who hate crush dice. - Oh yes. Okay. Actually. Yeah. I do hate crush. - I really crush. - I crushed dice. Yeah. - Why did you it's a slushy. - You get okay so you, everyone knows my soda take right where I, I like it. That's the wrong one. I just, I it where, you take a little bit of the fizz out and to me crushed dice has more of a surface area to, just to just make soda, the perfect texture, the perfect flavor. If you drink it with out a straw, right? - No it is great because if you drink it with, without a straw, then you get a lot of crushed dice and you can chew it. - It's perfect. - You get the best of both worlds. - It's just this is you're yeah. I don't they bring extra, extra colors in the crown package, which can eat. - One of them To draw. This wants to eat. - This is I don't want to taste the ice slush in my mouth. I want to taste the drink being cold. This is why when we go to Denny's in Japan, I hate their Iceman machine. The ice is always the the shaved ice. Yeah. And you drink it and you just get a mouth full of shaved ice. When you gotta do that technique where you're - I won putting it in my mouth. Oh my God. I like it when it's at the bottom of the glass and then you do this and then just, oh my. - But it's the last little bit where you get. - Flavor it's basically just shaved ice it bit more. - The bottom it stay at the top. - I mean you go gotta drink it. You go I mean it depends because have you've hung out with me. So you've seen how much shave. - Hung out with. - You've seen how much shaved dice I put into there. Minimum the minimum amount of shaved ice. I put into a cup. If I have the choice is half the cup. That's the minimum for me. - This is right. When Gar goes to the moody theater, he's wow, look how much value I'm going? I've drank four drinks today. He's no, can't you've drank. - Buy this man buys chips and goes can. - To me the saddest sight I've I ever see in my life. Is when you go to a shaved ice machine and people put a bit in a tiny bit, 5% of the cup. - I do 1% most I put any. - And then you, fill up with the soda, right? I'd rather people put no in, because you fill out with the soda, the saddest sight. It's just seeing one or two bits of ice just floating around in the soda that's doing nothing. It's literally do nothing. Why would you put ice in? If it's all the ice you're gonna put in. - I'm not even in a cap. I've never given a. I've never been seething rage me God damn it. - I have cause you can't even chew on the ice. That's why next. - Why it doesn't matter. Cause it's gonna probably gonna melt. - I'm the point I'm gonna predict God's next take. He thinks that soup should be exclusively eaten with straws. - No, I don't. I don't think. - It's just a drink. - Isn't it? He's a drink. Super a drink quick. So less rusty. - Less rusty Curry is a drink. - I want clown take you to come out with next. - I'm collecting them right now. Just gimme more food to infinity. - Stones of Taste Christ. - Taste can be whatever I want them to be. - I think it's only a Southeast Asian thing. Right? Where you can you buy a soda at a stand or something. I dunno if I've told this story before, but you buy a soda at stand or something and then they will serve it to you in a plastic bag. Is that Southeast? Is that so yes. Yes can they. - So can they not afford plastic containers or is this an artistic choice? - I don't know why it is right. But I remember the first time, like. - That's as weird as a Bag. Then I remember the first time, because I thought this was a normal thing. Because when I was a kid, I'd go to a Thailand every year and one of especially hot day you'd you'd go to a stand you'd order, a soft drink. And what happens is they will have a glass bottle and then they will. That, but that. So what happens is they will have a glass bottle, whatever soda you order, they'll uncap it. And then they'll take a plastic bag out, just put in that ton of vice in the bag and just pour the soda into the bag. I'll give it to you. - Doesn't sound that bad. - Actually. That's actually quite cool. - Give you a Comly large straw. - They just give you a straw. - They give you a TWI straw with. - So what happens? Let's say you're well. this is a lot of soda. how much we talking? Is it a normal can doing 30 mil? - Yeah. - Normal can, right? Let's say you are halfway through the can. You're oh, I wanna just put it down for a second. - Can put it down when you hang up, my drink. - Do have to find a hanger. - How do I put. - It down? Yeah. So a lot of restaurants will have these little, little hangers on the table or something. That's actually. - Kind of cool. - You could. - Just hang below the table. - You could just hang the soda on. - Yeah. So if you wanna be excuse me. - Anyway. - And Laurie drivers in Singapore would have hope. - That's true. I complete for got about, they got the hooks as. - Well. Okay. Question then cause we were talking about chewing on ice. How the do you chew the ice from a plastic back? - Oh, he shovels it with. - His hands you just grab it with your hand because you can't you can't do this. Right. - When you're after you've done drinking, so you take the plastic, you get, you can actually just take one by one and just and or you take the straw and you just so you scoop a little bit up also. - These brand new plastic bags or these reuse from the guys, grocery shopping. - You combine. - You got the Al bag bro. I'm using little bro. - I've never really thought about that until yeah. - I wanna knowhow clean that. - Yeah. I'd be very concerned if he just whips outsome crushed one from somewhere I'm - Found a part of Southeast Asian culture that we don't normally talk about. I realize cause. - It's is a good drink. - It's I surely. - I know this is complete nostalgia talking, but I like the way that. - Oh yeah. - Amount of plastic in a bag is enough to make one cup. No. What do you mean? surely you can make a cup from one bag. - It's thinner. It's thinner, right? - Yeah but plastic bags are. - What I, no, what I wanna know is why do they not just give you the bottle? - Yeah. Why that, because you're on the ice. - Why do they have to, to grab the bottle and empty it into a bow? Why can't they just give you the bottle? - I believe because they just recycle the bottles. - Okay. So they send them back off. I believe that's. That's sorry. - That's you can get a lot of drinks in south Asia. They come a tub. So they scoop it up. - Into, but surely the plastic. The plastic use on all those plastic. You could just convert into one cup. There's a lot of plastic in one plastic bag. As, as the turtles. Well know. - Oh no. I don't I think, I don't think a lot of Southeast Asian countries at the moment have much awareness about plastic and trying to reduce the amount of plastic. I remember I'm just generally curious. How, why it was. - Sized back. I just genuinely think that that's just how it's been. some dude was just one day was just what if we put it. - I dunno, plastic back. - That still be hilarious. It's a spread. I could be show ignorance with that, but I'm just surely there's a better way. - I'm sure there is. But there is obviously we are very wasteful with our cups and stuff. We line Starbucks cups, wax and maybe they just, I dunno, maybe they just don't give a. They're just I just want my drink. I don't care what it's in. - I guess, I would be - Well, maybe they, are thinking in a recycling manner where after they finish the drink, they'll be right after the supermarket. Just what? Fold it inside out. - All right. - Brand new there we go. - All my groceries. So right. So you have a car, right? The just cup holders is useless. You just or is it just - We don't use car. So you just hanging it up on the what's the thing. - Bro God forbid you get a bump in that car. You go is. - Coke all over. You just go over a patchy bit. Your coke is coming out sake. I should have tied it up. - She a double, no, that. - You just ordered your triple latte from Starbucks and you're going up the mountain road. - It's oh, just Christ. Well no, what's the worst is what if you are, just walking along and then you happen to Nick onto something. And then the there's a tear in the bag and you and you. - Are spilling out. Then you're just. - You got a shotgun that has happened before you just. - It's something about a cup. I think we got it right. A few thousand years ago. I think we got it right? - Comfort invented for a reason. - I think the cup is pretty good. I don't wanna sound an. I'm not trying to be your culture. - I'm not saying it's the next best thing after slice bread or anything, but it's pretty good. - Sure the cup came before the wheel. that was we had made it good. Right then man, the cylindrical can, right. That, was the best invention. Right, I've seen that YouTube video. I think everyone I've seen that. - 13 Million views. That guy going that's a pretty neat invention actually. It's the pressure is designed. Okay. We, again. - We get it. You watch. - YouTube. Yes. Speak of YouTube. - Show, British. - Speak of YouTube. I've been YouTube. I've been watching a few more YouTube shorts recently. Even I know every time I go on a YouTube shorts binge it's bad for my health. there's it's to me watching YouTube shorts. So watching Tik Tok is the equivalent of eating McDonald's or eating fast food. I know I shouldn't do, but sometimes, sometimes just lying in bed and you just scroll through and you're you. - Want that quick meal? - And you're 30 minutes have pass. And I've consumed nothing. So I've fallen down to, I fell down into this hole of life advice, YouTube or hack YouTube shots. Oh no, I've been there. Yeah. And it's just remember before where we went through that life hack phase of Buzzfeed videos. Well the hack, isn't actually a hack. So I thought that died out. But apparently that just went to TikTok. Yeah. Right. Cause I remember I saw, I saw a few career hacks of things you can do in to help you increase your chances of getting a job interview. And there was this, I think I saw that. - And there's this to of this is how, this is how it goes. The job interviewer offers you a glass of drop of water. - I saw same thing yesterday ago. Yeah. What is it? The white guy. Little yeah. So the job interviewer offers you a glass of water and then you take the water and that's the hack because the hack is, if you take the glass of water, when it's offered to you, they ask you a difficult question and you just go, Well, you see the thing is, and the hack was because you have a glass of water, it gives you more time to think about the answer. And I was the hack and I was just losing my mind that you could call this career advice or 3000s and I'm who? - This feels the only time I ever see people take a sip of water road for the question is the criminal trials. when mark Zuckerberg was being questioned on the, by the it, yeah. Every single question it'd be asked to go. - He was using live hack, dude. He was thinking about those answers. - But I'm saying you don't wanna look a criminal when ask you a question you don't wanna be going. - I'm just, I feel a more logical thing would be can I just take a bit of time to think about this answer? - No, because you gotta seem confident. - I'd be that is a fantastic question. - Think the way to appropriately. - Answer that no, you, what if you combine it right? You gotta combine it with the water. That's a fantastic, what. - What if the water doesn't give you enough time? Are, you just Downing an entire Jack of water? You're sitting there have 10 minutes just going. - They're gone what's your favorite food is, oh. - Well, what if or what if you are just you get offed the water. Right. And you're just really thirsty. And then you get to that really difficult question. You're just what do I do now? The TikTok never told. - Me, sir, you've gone through three liters of water during this interview. I are you feeling okay? - I would just say 99% of life hacks or some I just immediately forget and never remember and will never, ever practically use. - Yeah absolutely so many of them, especially when it comes to survival, these kinds of hacks or advice you see on TikTok. I dunno if we've ever talked about this on a podcast. I think we've only talked about it in private, but the SHA financial advice, which is an entire genre. My favorite which is an entire, I think an entire genre of video on TikTok and YouTube shorts now where it's justShaq, motivational, life advice and half it is just taking your paycheck and apparently ripping and hard. So Shaq, what's the difference between being rich and being wealthy. It's when you're rich, you do this, but the wealth you do this 1 millions. - Thank you, Shaq. I am no longer poor now. - Shaqs I will. - Poverty Shaq is a very nice, guy's very generous. He I'm sure the financial advice, the problem is with a lot of these financial advices on TikTok and YouTube. And again, I think Shaq is somewhat guilty of this. It assumes you are even making enough money to save. most people don't, aren't able to save money. Exactly cause we're right now. Yeah most people spend all their paycheck. That's how it is. How do you then go to them and you're just not saving enough. You're just not saving enough that rent. Maybe you can get rid of it. - Who's living on minimum wage and being oh, - I didn't are there people who spend irresponsibly? Hell yeah, there are. Is that the reason is why everyone isn't rich. No and no, It was just so weird falling into this hole of just the, you see these TikTok with made up scenarios where the perfect life hack for that scenario will pop up. - It's always the same. It's one guy is in this part of the frame and he's so you want this? And then another guy, the other frame probably with glasses. - Or something. - No, no, no. That's not how you do it. It's literally, always like that. And with the worst acting and the worst script, and then it's 20 million views and I'm quitting my job. - Terrible at my job. And it's just an entire genre that just takes place in the damn universe. it's just the extended Darman universe where, everything just works up and cause of these because I drank water in my job interview, the DCU. - The tar cinematic universe. Oh wait, the one that also just that I've been getting a lot recently off YouTube shorts is the ones where the ones where they take, there's five minute crowd off to life hacks. And then there's always some dude, who's I'm gonna find out if this is actually legitimate or not. And then they do. And then they try themselves and okay, what's legitimate for more. - That's a thing. That's a thing. - Okay. - I've seen. - So many of those, so many times where it's oh, if you get a black marker, you draw it on your hand and then you take a picture of it on flash. Then it apparently zaps you some that. And it's always some guy being no, it's not factor or cap. All right, let's try it. Let's try and figure cap. - My let's try and figure it out. - My new favorite shorts or to category is the tos that need way more explanation as to what's going on. But the person doing the video does not offer any explanation as to why they're doing the thing they're doing. - What? There was one time I watched this TikTok and it was a guy. He was so here's how I made a case to carry my iPad farm. And then he makes the case and me and all the other comments were why do you have an iPad farm? - I think I've seen that. - With the long case. Yeah. And he made this video just explaining how he made a case for his iPad farm. And I was the whole time, why did you have an iPad farm? - No, no, no. He makes this iPad farm to test out. If he could make enough passive income, that's. - It? Yeah. - To justify making an iPad farm and there are so many layers to this TikTok that I just want answers. - To. I'm question. - How are you making this money? - First of all. Yeah. what passive income revenue, - What new are you doing? What is this app you are using? - I know there's some people who run Spotify farms and have tons and tons of phones. And you play the same song on Luke Oh, wow. And then they get revenue from it. Oh. But obviously you've used a lot of electricity, so it's kind of, there's some things that, but yeah. I mean, it's, again, there's so many of these where we are gonna do this thing or that or you felt you just came into the 90th episode of a show and you're what is happening? And the people making the videos don't think that anyone might need context or something. - Just one line, let know. Cause I know exactly what you mean though. Cause they'll always start off the video. We've just last time I made DDO that could fly or something that. And you guys have been asking me to make this, so I'm going to make it. I'm just what missed. - Got so many comments saying that you should make it Harvard. - I'm what have I missed in the law of this? how far back do I go? And the thing is it's impossible to try to triangulate this when you click on their channel or something. Cause it's just it's not always in chronological order either. I don't know. YouTube shorts is there's so many different holes, you can slip down into YouTube shorts and TikTok. - And it's insane as well. Because especially with the YouTube shorts. Cause I don't really use TikTok, but with YouTube shorts, it knows exactly what to recommend you next because it's oh, you spent one extra second on this one shack motivational Tik Tok that must mean you one 20 more. - That's why some to I'm if I watch a video that for too long I'm Now the algorithm thing. Now the algorithm thinks I this video and the next 10 videos will be something to do with that. - I wish there was some way to just tell YouTube. I didn't like the video that they sent me, but unfortunately they removed the dislike. - I know there's a lot of talks of YouTube shorts that watch and I'm I hated this video. I wanna let them know. I hated it without being an, but I can't know. So I just have to, and I've already given them my watch time. So I've for all YouTube notes, that was the best experience in my life. - The one that made me fall down the Arabic hole for YouTube shorts for me is I saw this one, YouTube short of the founder of two Chan, cause live streaming thing. And he he's called hi Yuki. Bu he's very, cause he is the creator of two Chan. He's a bit based in his opinions. Gamer very controversial opinions. - Using based in a negative. - And based in a negative term. And I just watched one because I couldn't believe the answer. And now my YouTube shorts are just this Japanese dude saying a lot of racist and controversial. And I was I don't, I didn't watch this because Id it. I watched it because I was trying to process what the this guy was. - Talking about well, that's been a lot of criticism of YouTube, Facebook and all these platforms. They push you to the more fringes of the content and yeah. I mean that's one of the parts that's not. - Yeah. I think one of the weirdest ones, I've the, one of the weirdest genres I've seen that's popped up recently is we've gotten to the point where YouTube shorts are now commentating on YouTubers. Oh yeah. Where you'll beLu wig just did this last week. You won't believe what he did. And I'm just - I'm this why Sao doesn't take spar. - Yeah. Right I was right, cool. I guess it's Mr. Be just sent chocolate bar to every influencer, it's new slash. - Oh my God. I dunno, it's just so weird. So weird it's just so weird. Seeing all these new genres and new types of content pop up on, I guess a new, for a new type of platform and everything that. But I don't understand it at all. Do you think YouTube shows gonna stick around? Do you think it's gonna get to a point where. - It's going to be stuck around? So yeah. It's gonna stick around it's it's what it is. But at the end of the day, the long form content is still very valuable. Yes and that's what makes the money. Of course yeah. Until TikTok find a way to properly monetize that platform without paying their creators way less than what they deserve than. I think long to long form contents will be king for now. That's us. - That's show's we have zero bias whatsoever. Absolutely zero bias. - Upload ridiculously long video to. - You. We only upload six hours of content a week. - But Hey, that's just a theory. A Trash theory. - You can do the out. - Well look at these patrons. Wow look, all these patrons wonderful. - Patrons wonder they all do this. I'm sure. - Do you do this? Do you drink water? Do you ask for water? You drink water. Do you ask for water? Drink your job? - No, I don't believe in. - It do the thing Joe do. - The right well, Hey, if you to support longer form contenttrashtaste, then consider going to a pet on Also follow us on Twitter. Send us a meeting with the sub red. And if you head our face, listen to us on Spotify. But yeah. What was this episode? I have no clue. - Were if we're ever in the job interview and we are the interviewers, give. - Two liter jog. If they ask water, I'm gonna say no be real. We don't take things easy here at Trash Taste. You real Sigma. - I'm doing job interview hard mode. - All right thanks for watching guys. All right, bye. - See ya. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,901,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: ZWS2nFo7eEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 10sec (7630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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