Animal Kingdom | Part-4 | NEET 2024 | EAPCET 2024 | Varadhi Batch | Ajay Sir | Vedantu Telugu

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hello Champions welcome to masterer okay okay let us start session without any delay good evening good [Music] evening is my clear and AUD okay P let us start okay now right okay number one okay first that is cyat that is cycl stomata Cy okay so they are jawless vertebrates veres okay so first okay all all of them are all of them are ectoparasites ectoparasites ectoparasites and bodyes on fishes okay okay body it is elongated okay the body is elongated with 6 to 15 pairs six to 15 pairs of gits G to 15s so the respiration is happening through GS okay okay okay theth is sucking type of mouth sucking type okay they have a sucking type sucking and circular mouth mouth second okay it is circular mouth circular mouth okay okay right okay okay clear okay next Point next the body does not have scales body does not have scales scales body joil so the amount of flexibility will be more compared to the Bony cartil bony if we talk about the last point okay so the Circ C system is of closed Tye Ty of Circ system Circ system is closed type of Circ system they live in okay they live in so they will go with go to fresh water for spawning okay spawning reproduction so reprodu so for reproduction they will go to fresh water reproduction okay okay the adults will die adults will die adults will die after spawning adults will actually will come back to the Marine water again once again metamorphosis they will become actually adults so there is a in thetive ccle okay important that is metamorphosis metamorphosis important okay clear okay P pon l l mixish mix or ha fish okay okay clear Cy stata done [Music] start okay just a minute yes okay no problem class two okay Aus okay ostas otic ticus Bon okay so we call them as bony fishes so okay okay first us first discuss sorry contus contre Theus condus okay contre cartilagenous fishes so cartil they have aous endoskeleton okay first point they have a cartilaginous cartil endoskeleton Ely they are exclusively and the body is streamlined okay s streamline body streamline this body is useful for swimming swimming what's the third Point okay so MTH will be ventral mam GL okay next okay okay it is persistent throughout the life persistent throughout the life okay most of the body it will be streamlined and cartilage so notot is persistent okay through the life okay next question that is okay okay so the are separate and they do not have they don't have they don't have opum 'll be discussing separately now because they have will okay so first first class first class vertebrate class to have t Okay first vertebrate class to have jaw or okay it's the first geology exam the all the best okay absence of they are backwardly directed okay they are backwardly so they are backwardly directed okay property number one backwardly directed okay they are very powerful okay Jaws are very powerful okay SC now next animals because the Jaws are very powerful predatory animals okay so they are pred prous okay electric string okay next next okay without they have they don't have anad okay sing okay have to constantly constantly keep swimming so they have to constantly keep swimming okay now understood clear okay now to next is two chamber okay so two chambered heart of circul single type of circulation okay single Ty okay so respiration oxygenated BL there is one orle there is one orle or or iot and one ventricle okay same okay fine clear okay no problem okay that is with respect to what kind of organs they have okay electric or electric high voltage electricity prod okay high voltage has become so much dangerous acting as electrodes okay tissues are acting as electrod okay signal they also use it forting okay El of they have poison stings poon it can be really poisonous and dangerous okay are they pooms or type of organisms cold blooded or warm blooded they are cold blooded animals blood can't maintain constant body temperature can't maintain constant body temperature okay they are poils they are poils okay okay they are dious okay okay pelvic fin okay okay okay so M female separ they have okay okay actually directly give birth to young child directly give birth ex give birth to Young offsprings man okay we are also VI Baris okay M okay okay they are animals with streamlined body and have cartil endos is important just a minute okay just a minute down the examp scon scon scon scon function this is first example second example PR okay sish okay carodon carodon Caron great white shark great white shark okay okay tped Electric so last three yes tic this okay OST okay now one minute one minute okay they have first of all they have bony endet bony fish okay bony end skeleton okay they can be marine and fresh water both so they have a streamlined body stream okay okay so that is the difference okay next next nexts of okay so they have four pairs of guills okay fourum is present it is present okay important four pairs of G okay right question next next okay covered by cycloid cycloid or pooid scales pooid scales okay cycloids or okay PC and PID C and cous fishes okay P Andoid okay okay basic so this you have to remember okay aad so air bladder is present okay air bladder is present okay air bladder is present okay so heart Circ system okay Circ system Circ system is actually closed okay Circ system is closed number one cold blooded animals so they are poods poo thms or cold blooded these are all same as okay okay okay so the fertilization is external fation is internal okay fertilization external okay now okay cont okay so here you can remember it as okay we can remember it as okay fin fin okay important is it clear okay F okay okay right okay we see are okay and direct development differ direct development contri a differences okay yes or no okay okay I of any okay one by one starts now okay first opum opum absent okay they have have cartilaginous endoskeleton okay the endoskeleton is bony they have bony endoskeleton SC scales ID cycloid scales [Music] what is the fourth Point air bladder absent air bladder present okay fifth Point what is the fifth point what is the fifth Point fertilization external internal okay sorry sorry external okay just a minute external okay V pis OAS development indirect mouth ventral mouth terminal okay terminal okay now so these are the basic differences between and so what are the examples in this okay so exoc okay minute okay so HX okay just a minute hpmx hippus hip okay hippus ex okay okay seah okayi okay so at least ABP News News ABP News okay a news c s l okay LC Square okay LC Square okay fresh waterc so fresh water fres waterc CL okay clar amphib amphibia amphibia reptilia amphibia reptilia as Mia let us start with amphibia okay start okay so okay name as the name indicates okay they are amphibians amphibian they they have two habitats okay habit okay terrestrial and Aquatic okay terrestrial and Aquatic they both terrestrial and aqua okay first they have two pairs ofs the first first class of tetra so Tetra what do you mean by tetra and they have there are two pairs of Limbs okay there are two pairs of Limbs okay one pair of four limb one pair of four limbs okay M and another one pair of H limbs okay okay so okay may okay tail unu present in some some organisms so some organisms will have okay so the body is divisible into head and trunk one skin does not have scales doesn't have scales it is moist okay because they have to do cutaneous respiration cutaneous diffusus gas okay they will have okay is represented by of system or systems what are the different types of organ systems that they will have organ systems what are the different types of organ systems they will have okay circulatory system digestive system respiratory system okay so Elementary can Elementary can okay Elementary can so okay dig syur urinary can that is what is it EXC system proper systems conven Sy okay reproductive system respiratory system circulatory system heart okay so they have a three chambered heart they have a three chamber Okay so okay okay what kind of circul we see incomplete double circul incomplete double circulation okay important reprodu repr reproductive track they open through CLA okay they open through CLA to the exterior okay okay soir gills lungs skin wheni typ of organms OT amot typ of organms Sy respiration system respiratory systemi of system there are UIC UIC UIC U they are UIC H yes okay they are ureotelic and okay reprod system okay mation external fertilization external fer external fertilization okay frog just a minute okay everyone is getting some doubts okay just a minute frog U frog is UIC okay it it's not ureotelic amphibian important okay indirect development examp here salamandra salamand Lim salamandra okay okay class teacher uo okay okay right next next repia class repia class repia rep creeping crawling crawling important which we need to remember okay most of the organisms which we will see from now so reptilian in first organism to be completely terrestrial first organism completely terrestrial and so first class first vertebrate class to be completely terrestrial first vertebrate class to be completely terrestrial okay completely terrestrial body is covered by covered by dry epidermal epidermal dry epidermal okay just a minute covered by scales or scutes epidermal scales okay okay two pairs of Li two pairs of Limbs okay is represented by okay heart is heart is actually of okay only we have four chambered heart otherwise other all other reptiles all other reptiles three chamber okay just a minute okay so ooded cold blooded okaying shedding of shedding of okay scales as Skin cast Okay skin cast important okay okay they okay is internal fin internal development direct development direct development okay so let us see some examples testudo tortoise chameleon Tree Lizard rang okay kotus Garden lizard rodil crocod alligator alligator hus Ward poisonous na Cobra bang Viper so these are the these are the examples okay chelon Testo chameleon kotus kotus Garden okay so these are the examples of repia rep examp okay already okay alligator next we have to discuss about sood let us discuss about AES okay which is the sixth class AES AES birds birds all birds come under as and M okay flying birds flying birds okay flightless birds that is the best example for flightless wordss features the has a okay okay four Li four limbs are modified into Wings important they are modified into they modified into rings modify okay okay Li it let us write it like this lib okay four limbs Li limbs are actually modified into Wings H du okay okay okay so is okay without important money skin is it is dry without any glands okay it is dry okay glands except oil glands okay okay at thease of the okay very much important okay so we have to discuss about endoskeleton so endo skeleton it is a bony endoskeleton they have a bony endoskeleton okay okay neumatic an pneumatic bones an in neumatic Bones function actually helping in flight they don't hold much weight bones neumatic bones okay they are Hollow they lightweight they light in weight because they are light in weight they help in light okay okay long they are actually Hollow in nature okay I Bosa okay okay compar to them body is a little bit bigger okay next diges okay dig add diges it will have additional additional Chambers normal normal addition Chambers okay okay heart is four chamber okay so hard four chamber clear that they will have double circulation they will have complete double circulation they will have two oracles and two ventricles okay I next they are warm blooded okay so they are warm blooded they are warmed are first homeotherm class homeo class okay con body okay next respiration is through Lums L okay are very much useful for respiration system reproductive system reproductive system and type of so they are Das male and female Sexes are separate internal fertilization internal fertilization they are OAS important to they are so they are so OAS okay last that is development is direct okay bird cor Cola pacula pario ostrich okay paraca okay okay is a bird okay differ okay next okay we have okay so let us complete with Mia okay so CL Mia I chap we are done with this chapter okay okay they all have mamory glands mamory glands mamory glands secrete secrete milk okay so they okay for nourishment habitats they have various habitats okay different types of habitats Okay so typ ofit we are also we are also mammals Forest grasslands so they can adapt to various types of ecosystems and biomes live in water okay they can also fly okay they can also fly EX aqu okay so different different types ofits so they can so terrestrial or aquatic okay now important okay two pairs of Limbs two pairs okay two pairs Li okay four limbs okay fours actually grasping okay in some in some four Lings PMS modify for grasping okay what the function of the limb function walking okay swimming okay okay the skin is unique is okay skin me so this is a very unique feature only to only to mammals mammals extern intern okay it is okay different types of types of teeth Cho what are the different types of teeth which we see in scissors canines premolars in molars incisors okay done next the heart okay heart it is four chambered four chambered okay VRI okay clear respiratory system the respiration is running through lungs all of them are dious okay fertilization internal okay mams two types okay in v so okay that is okay okay anus examp okay Ry okay just a minute okay okay so finally okay macropus kangaro tus flying fox okay Camas camel makaka and monkey elas elephant hor delphinus common dolphin okay almost okay so these are the these are the okay so this is the table okay you have to learn this table okay okay fine so so that's about it Champions thank you very much s okay byebye take Animal Kingdom complete okay bye-bye take care have a nice day thank you for attending the session and good night good night Champions bye-bye okay now fine
Channel: Vedantu Telugu
Views: 4,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 4sec (5044 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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