Animal Crossing New Horizons - 10 SECRETS You STILL Don't Know (ACNH Hidden Details)

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hey gang and welcome to another animal crossing video i'm crossing channel and animal crossing new horizons has been out for over a year now yet we're still discovering so many different secrets and fun details about the game which is something that i really love when it comes to animal crossing new horizons the developers put so much attention to detail into this game there's so many different interactions that you can discover and little easter eggs which are really cool so i wanted to take a look at 10 more secrets within animal crossing new horizons that you might not have known about we'll be visiting many different characters and checking out all kinds of different interactions to see what secrets and little treats we can find within the game so let's get straight into this number one a rude awakening if you're roaming around the beaches of your island sometimes you're likely to run into a certain seagull who is washed up ashore now i love gulliver and i think he's one of the funniest characters in the game but maybe if you have a bit more disdain for him and him not waking up for you when you go to talk for him there is actually another way that you can handle this if you hit gulliver over the head with your net it will trigger the dialogue to get him to talk to you it's not guaranteed to actually wake him up every single time but if for some reason you don't want to talk to gulliver and you want to just smack him over the head with a net it'll work the exact same way and basically get him to eventually wake up it's not the nicest way for gulliver to have to wake up but perhaps if you don't like this character so much this could be the method for you to get him up on his feet number two hidden dream feature this is a really cool and useful feature which was actually introduced in the 1.10 animal crossing update but nintendo didn't really make much fanfare about it at all for some reason this is honestly really cool and what it'll do is when you're visiting a dream island you can hit the minus button to quickly exit this may seem like a simple thing but it makes leaving dream island so much easier as previously you'd have to visit the bed and make your way back to the plaza just to exit which was the same in animal crossing new leaf as well surprisingly enough they've actually updated the dream suite feature with some pretty cool quality of life changes this one as well as allowing players to visit dream islands randomly as well which is pretty great so maybe we'll see even more improvements for this feature in the future number three the great escape if you visit the bug exhibit in the museum you may notice that the ants are actually escaping from their little enclosure which honestly makes my skin crawl i hate the idea of ants getting out and getting literally everywhere and just crawling wherever they want which is exactly what is happening in blabbers museum i honestly doubt that he is too fond of this idea so definitely don't let him know that it's going on because i'm pretty sure he would freak out although speaking of blabbers freakouts number four blabber's bug reaction now this is probably one of the cutest interactions in the game and also one of the most sadistic you'll probably know that blabbers absolutely hates bugs he is petrified of them and despite taking many bug donations in his time he still can't get over his fear of them he is definitely afraid of them and this actually shows when you show off a bug right next to him he will start to have a mini freak out i honestly never ever thought to do this before i didn't even really realize that you could show off the bugs inside of buildings like this so the fact that you can do it and they made it so blabbers will kind of get scared when you put a bug in him is honestly ingenious and i really love this little detail now that i know about it sadly i'm sure after this video i've inspired tons of people to go and scare blabbers so i'm sorry plavis number five chrissy and francine's photos as you may know chrissy and francine are sisters and two bunny characters who are incredibly similar in their style they also have a big adoration for each other and tend to celebrate each other as much as they can and this shows by the fact that both chrissy and francine have pictures of each other in their own homes this is really interesting as i can't think of any other animals in the game that do this i might be wrong though so if you can think of any other animals that have pictures of other animals within their home definitely let me know as i would love to hear i remember in the original animal crossing game some villagers actually had a picture of tom nook in their home as i guess some kind of weird little shrine i just thought i'd mention that because it reminds me of that number six a special invitation if you've got any amiibo content this one is for you if you try and invite a villager who already lives on your island to the campsite you'll get a special interaction with them and some unique dialogue this interaction is honestly super funny as your villagers will want no part in camping on your island when they can simply enjoy the island from the comfort of their own homes i honestly thought bob's reaction to this was really funny and honestly a little bit relatable i'm not gonna lie who has the time to go camping these days so i just really enjoyed this one and it made me think that maybe there's more villager interactions out there that we just haven't discovered or are rarely seen within the game i know the villager dialogue in new horizons isn't the best but stuff like this is really great in my opinion as nintendo could have easily just said this village already lives on your island so you can't invite them but instead they chose to do some special dialogue for it which i think is great number seven overstaying your welcome many of you will know that if you stay past a certain time in nook's cranny the two little twins will actually kick you out which is honestly just incredibly rude of them i guess to be fair it probably is past their bedtime so they literally have to kick you out but the same can't be said for the able sisters who won't kick you out of the building even if you stay past the time that it closes which is truly a testament to how hard these gals really work now with nooks crowning you actually get some special music which honestly sounds amazing when the shop is about to close but this doesn't happen for the abel sisters it's a little bit strange to me that they decided to do this for nooks cranny but not for able sisters as well especially since the shops do operate on limited hours it wouldn't make sense for them to do something like this for the museum but for the shopping areas i think they should all be the same maybe in a future update we could actually see the able sisters kick us out which would be kind of hilarious number eight gift exchange you might have seen the interaction where one villager will want you to deliver a gift to another this is something that is carried on from previous animal crossing games and it's just a cute little gift exchange which will help you get more friendship points with whichever villager you're delivering to not only are you doing that villager a favor but they're entrusting you with an item that clearly they care about a lot since they've taken the time to wrap it up all nice the thing is you actually can open these and if you do open the gift and you try and give it back to someone you will get a unique interaction they will quiz you on why the gift is open and you can choose to be honest with them or you can lie now personally i recommend lying because they won't know that you actually did it if so so that might be the option you want to go for if you're feeling honest though i guess you can tell the truth but they may not always like that number nine a tight squeeze another player actually noticed this one so i wanted to share their tweet with you it was noticed quite a while ago but i actually haven't seen many people talk about this at all i guess because it's such a unique circumstance to trigger this if you build two buildings really close to each other tom nick will actually make a little comment during the ceremony about how incredibly tight-squeezed it is to get in there i thought this was really funny and it's not a piece of dialogue that everyone is gonna see because logically most people aren't going to place their buildings this close together and plenty of people don't even bother to attend the ceremonies so i wanted to point this one out because i thought it was really interesting number 10 re-gifting if for some reason a villager gifts you an item that you really aren't so fond of and you just don't want to keep it you can actually re-gift the items back to them this is something that you may have done before but what you might not have noticed is that villages actually know when you re-gift an item to them and they'll make a little comment about it depending on their personality type they might be a little bit sarcastic they might not mind at all but generally speaking all of their comments are going to be a little bit snarky because you're literally taking something that they gave you and thought you'd really like and just handing it back to them for some friendship points how could you do this so those were 10 secrets in animal crossing new horizons that hopefully you didn't know but drop a comment down in the comment section to let me know how many of these you knew and how many that you discovered for the first time watching this video as i'd love to hear your thoughts also if you made it to the end of the video be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed and comment bob's gang down below so i know you watched all the way through to the end if you want to help support me and my channel click the join button down below the video or the link in the 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Channel: Crossing Channel
Views: 227,852
Rating: 4.9236279 out of 5
Keywords: Animal Crossing New Horizons, Animal Crossing New Horizons Gameplay, Animal, Crossing, New, Horizons, Animal Crossing, New Horizons, Nintendo Switch, Crossing Channel, ACNH, AC, ACNH News, ACNH Update, Animal Crossing News, Animal Crossing Update, New Horizons News, New Horizons Update, Secrets, Top 10, 10 Secrets, Hidden, Features, Details, Museum, Blathers, The Roost, Brewster
Id: QIn3G4wB_fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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