Animal Adaptations

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[Music] welcome to Mr fayton [Music] classroom hey there third graders in this science lesson we're going to be taking a look at adaptations now adaptations are anything that a plant or animal any feature of a plant or animal that helps them to survive in a given environment and so these adaptations are are ways they are adapted to living where they live so we are going to be taking a look at many different animals um we're going to just kind of generally talk about adaptations today and then tomorrow on Friday we're going to really focus and hone in on physical adaptations the adaptations that we see I want you to know that adaptations are more than what we see adaptations can be uh internal things and behavioral things as well so we're going to examine adaptation and all adaptations are are the things that uh animals uh characteristics of animals that allow them to adapt and live in a given environment and this is important to understand because it helps us to make sense of why particular plants and animals are in particular places and not all over the world so animal adaptations they might be behavioral the way an animal behaves or acts such as migrating when they travel South for the winter like birds and then North for the summer hibernating like Bears when they're sleeping during the time of year where it would be most challenging to get food uh web spinning is a great behavior that helps a spider capture food it's not out hunting if it has a web it can just wait and conserve its energy and nest building which is a great way to keep the Next Generation the eggs that are helpless safe then we also have structural or physical adaptations um those are things like thorns and quills feet and Claws teeth and beaks and Tails those things that we can see so here are some uh funny pictures to go with adaptation a bird's beak will help it eat certain things this beak might be uh better for eating leaves this one's better for eating fruit this one's great for seeds this one's great for insects and then this is a funny one this wouldn't be a real beak but it had it's like a multi-purpose tool and so that's a funny one what is an adaptation an adaptation is any way an animal is adapted to live in a particular place so for instance these polar bears have a very thick uh coat of fur they're uh fur is actually Hollow that means it's empty on the inside which helps to uh keep them warm and their fur being white helps them to be camouflaged which helps them to be better Hunters up in the gra great North here's some great bird beak adaptations and we can see there's some different beaks that might help these birds survive in certain areas like the Pelican who's going to try to capture fish it's big beak lets it get in a huge swallow of water making it easier to catch fish Ducks might muck around in the mud and so their bills are are structured in a way that helps them to look around in the mud flamingos eat little curly like shrimp creatures and their uh beak is going to help them with eating those particular U little krly shrimp creatures and a kiwi uh might be very tuned to eating insects with its very thin beak so here we can see some adaptations these would all be examples of physical adaptations because we can see them so for instance we see uh an owl here it's very camouflaged um we can see some physical adaptations with these camels they are having those humps on their backs that help to store fat which helps them to uh survive in that hot desert camouflage on the camels well as its long neck some camouflage uh camouflage with the peacock but more so um this is a feathery display to help attract the opposite gender cactuses have these physical adaptations here those needles and polar bears we can see they are going to be white which help them to be camouflage many adaptations listed here for this camel long eye lashes keep the sand out long legs keep them off the hot sand padded feet um a leathery mouth so they can eat lots of different things stretchy nostrils to keep that sand out so what do animals do to survive in their habitats we've seen a lot of structural adaptations but there's also behavioral adaptations that's the way they're acting like hibernating migrating or web spinning a behavior a camel might demonstrate is they drink a ton of water to survive in their dry climate it is how they act so animals might be more active at night or during the day that's a behavioral adaptation or Dawn or dusk um their behavior might indicate where they live like under a rock in a tree or uh in a bush Behavior would be what they eat they're adapted to eat certain plants they're adapted to eat other animals or they might eat dead stuff um and then we can see down here where are they going to live a wet or dry place a hot or cold place another behavior is how they can make uh friends cows have a bunch um cows and termites have a bunch of different bacteria that live in their gut that helps them to digest food uh flowers offer pollen to bumblebees and the Bumblebees um spread the pollen to help produce more plants and then we can see down here prey it's actually benefiting prey to get eaten by Predators it benefits them um because a lot of the times the weaker members or the sick members of their group might be the ones being eaten and it allows them to be stronger then more animal adaptations how they act like hiding in the sand how they Scoot and get around now this is a physical one down here how they eat their food and then another adaptation would be do they have a ton of babies or just a few so what adaptations animals have to help them survive we can see a lot of different adaptations the camel the elephant and the owl elephants using their trunk to get clean um shower themselves to cool off they can also use it to spray mud on themselves to help stay cool well here we can see an animal that is not very adapted for its particular uh environment at this point in time this fox is uh having its white fur and uh it is not necessarily intended for um having white fur when the snow has yet to fall but the fox doesn't necessarily get to control that that's something that's going to be a chemical change that happens within its body and it's not able to control that it's its body is going to release that time when it anticipates snowfall and winter and if winter doesn't come then that makes the the life of the fox more challenging here's uh we're going to see some funny pictures here of um different ways students have combined some animals uh so that if we had these kind of chimera animals their adaptations would be very wild where might a crocodile lion be successful think about that in your head what environment maybe would they be suited to live in the fire cat where in the world would a cat that breathes fire be very successful if it was living somewhere what is an adaptation it's all it is is the process that enables organisms to adjust to their environment in order to ensure survival adaptations are are um going to help the species they help them to reproduce they're the characteristics within plants and animals that help them to survive o here we have a poine a mix between a polar bear and a lion where might that animal be successful structural adaptations apply to their physical appearance behavioral is how they act and physiological is going to be based off their chemistry that's going to be things like making a a poison or a toxin or something like that what animal might be adapted to live here very well um thumbs up if you agree with me we'd probably have to have wings if we wanted to be really successful here because you want to be able to go from up top to down below and if you were too close to that Ed you wouldn't want to Tumble down all right we're going to go ahead and go through and answer some questions onl now and so we'll be taking a look at adaptations inl spotted deer are herbivores or Plante eaters they eat grass and they eat leaves the deer's mouth is adapted to grind up and eat plant matter which animals mouth is also adapted to eat plant matter well it's got to be the zebra here it's adapted to eat plants cuz it needs to be able to grind all right I had to pause it and reload it marmots eat plant matter such just leaves stems and seeds they by buy off small pieces at a time and nying which animal's mouth is also adapted to nying well this is adapted for piercing this would be a Nar that mole rat great egrets live near wetlands and lakes they eat mostly fish the Great egret's Neck helps it grab fish while keeping the rest of its body still if the uret had to move its body it might scare the fish away which animals necks also adapted for hunting prey will keep the rest of its body still that blackheaded herin with its long neck as well the body stays still but it can still move agile sand tiger sharks eat turtles dolphins and other fish the mouth of the tiger shark is adapted to tear through meat which mouth is adapted to tear through meat definitely the tiger Mo those sharp teeth would help it tear through meat all right third graders thank you for taking the time to view this lesson all about adaptations we will build upon this lesson again tomorrow by focusing completely on physical and structural adaptations remember adaptations are any characteristics that allow an animal to be better adapted to survive and thrive in its environment thank you for taking the time to view this lesson please take the time to practice the skill andl and as always remember to have fun learning today
Channel: Mr. Flaten's Classroom
Views: 14
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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