Angels of Death - Don't Mind Me Cutting In (RPG Maker Horror) Manly Let's Play [ 1 ]

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hey everyone this is manly badass hero and welcome to angels of death Angels of Death is an RPG Baker horror game that follows a journey of a girl who wants to be killed and her serial killer companion [Music] you a blue full moon is at night where am I I was at a hospital oh that's right I'm pretty sure I was in a medical examination room at any rate I gotta hurry and find mom and dad so Rachel Gardner ray directed by Hideo Kojima [Music] this isn't this impossible as before so Angels of Death is the game trade by the creator of forces drizzling rain I don't think it's a sequel or anything I mean it could be wrong but obviously you can tell as a similar vibe already something to read on the wall who art foul to no avail must find for five self Taoist as a divine true self or fine desire self powers and angel a sacrifice no fly itself in the gate shall open can I say penny Tom yes the vagal RPG maker was a machine of a card inserted in it appears a car cannot be taken out does he appear that's turned off there's me myriad reflection absent so one of these I think it's real reflection is cast in the mirror just my usual self that turn on a switch will open up the gate [Music] navel screen is open that the data who's got the following Rachel Gardner age 14 what are you doing here I'm pretty sure I was at the hospital when I came to I was here why why why why why why the hospital I saw someone I saw someone died any of our parents there happened right in front of me so I was brought here for counseling what will you do now leave this place I want to see my mom and dad after complete this turning place start key card they're gonna make us climb a tower of Babel aren't you a cure just stick out from the inside quite a card can I get out of this place if I use this still I wonder when it means my place start [Music] their manual use I use oh boy [Music] say just in case [Music] this elevator and who isn't up on it that's odd I know de Mer being here in this basement yep apartment our battle the girl on the bottom floor is hereby sacrifice of Flores please make preparations beyond here lies the play area you keep on that hole announcement just now what did it mean there's be an elevator goes to an upper floor the older only is it up on four b6 sorted by Yoko Chiba nee lover is stopped am i inside the building something's not right here and have where's the way out so supposedly this has built a linear game I don't think as multiple endings or anything got a hurry I don't recognize this place at all why well how am I here there's newspaper we'll hit some line in this place a reckless murder on date rejected the body of a male was found in super debt in the state redirected the body was keeping wound inflicted by sharp blade a 40s was treating as a murderer foul list because last month a string of similar murders have taken place in the state redacted no association and similarities been drawn with the victim so near my residents are asked to exercise caution in a heart gulp on a murder don't go down the back alley through the murder is I did try it though but this is because you know I'm reckless that can't be this is the building's basement it's a very big building no keyhole be found emergency exit mark Nexus says elevator passage I say Oliver in there but it won't open does that even a keyhole how am I supposed to open it I got if I want to open this door I guess I'll take a look around place as I've yet to explore he lives in the garbage no it's too obvious this door is locked [Music] shovel the large soul looks touch heavy to carry [Music] is that I said what I think it is about the alleys inside lockers empty the oldest garden mattress it's a glass bottle of consonant drug tell a straw [Music] what's that doc dangling there yum yeah no it's a bird chipping a hole in the roof what are you doing that place like this come here no are you weak how can I get down here I wonder if it's hungry when you get food for the bird is that a puzzle kind of random locked door you got this alley a back alley murder on tape redacted yet never body was found out street producted instantly retracted and nearby resident was found on town's back alley it's a way to be a teenage boy but his identity is unknown the body sustained severe lacerations and Anson has been Trias went to several serial murders serial murders the traces of res bronze splatter some source it reeks of blood something's inside the hole II what are the door does this key open back left or doesn't have a key holes must be made for an inner door on him right so noon befitting awaits you on each of the floors here each are bound by rule to never leave their floor if you value your life you've no choice but they send the floors so sayeth vows me redacted it's not that one this one probably oh yeah I have to use the keys manually that's plus it's normal a serial killer redacted redacted James John smithy which basically means you know they all know who he is based on the wounds is believed to be the work of the seal killer is shaking up his town the factory worker John smithy was a hard-working earnest upstanding young man instead occurred on the same day headaches suddenly told co-workers that he was getting a new car this random murder spree has plunged the town into fear I'm inside a building aren't I yes you look like you're in a building there's some sort of drug let's check the room to left silence he's Chinese here but do see shining here the only thing left in large box is a single bag of snacks what a waste for a box this big to be empty heck looks like I put myself into it with room to spare are dragging the Bourbon snacks [Music] in case we have to hide let's remember that box okay your bird cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap will it eat this open the bag of snacks yes the bird likes Doritos is it hurt one of his wings is covered in blood hey are you hungry good you hear all up now you're so precious fighting hunger won't help its fly I can make you all better it's alright hold still now you should be fine but I worry so you're coming with me plot the Vice burn let's go plot device bird noise it's coming from the passage in the other side what's a sound it's scaring the bird [Music] that was random the passage bird no I pack you out of here bird we going it's all right don't be scared you don't have to fear for me I'm not crazy I think wait no gun it's reimbursed with the board's don't be scared let's leave this place to give her a plot device bird redacted okay well come here [ __ ] damn you Sonic [ __ ] I mean Shadow the Hedgehog yeah oh yeah yep my bet stupid smug look off your face and surrender to this sphere I'll give you a free second head start how far can you run now pretty far a cry and scream and pay for your life show me the span your face yes more for b6 Zack who will glory so fast I gotta hide somewhere damn Zack you did a lot of cardio uh-huh well the hell did that [ __ ] go miss Roma are you guys start sniffing for me [ __ ] it's a lot guess I'll unlock it convene for me it's good god I hope it doesn't come back I gotta escape this place before it finds me if it catches me the bird did it unlock it what is this place it's junk I worry about the bird that Berta's sliced in half the bird it's ripping too - at least let me give it a proper burl now's not the time come here I'll take you there is there anywhere around here that I'll make a decent grave what about some tools there's a shovel place over there I should be a bury the poor little guy here with this Chimel no you're not my little birdie not like this not like this you shouldn't look like this this is just Whoville those quick I think I gotta fix you a little birdie there your Hall bear now I'll make my birdie Hall bitter I feel like we're a little bit quirky look good as new all that's left is the barriers killer comes around the corner I've been touched by your feelings for this random burner I won't kill you down like that something's on that girl come to think of it I had a feeling that something fell off its stomach earlier wow that's random damn you plot device Burt you're up lots of it's crazy that you swallowed something like this I said we've laughing in there before inghean threatened but still what was left I was locked this door as keys not meant to be used here Oliver passed control room what is still locked that we have not seen narrow passageway continues down below I'm thinking the killer Zack went down here what's this place no no no where did he go let's open the back left door sure I hope this means I can get the heck off this place now [Music] oh god oh god oh god I got a hurry he's in the vents oh no help no he's just spider-man say it's like oh yeah you can die here no it's a good thing it's there but you know it's funny yeah we went run dark spirit encountered peekaboo found jet blast well I locked the door I should have done that before no head start B this time I got xscape he's not as fast hold it no lore b5 thank God I didn't get caught what is that thing - dude due to the safe shadow that that cog the quicker amount of here the better the elevator stopped I also got to find a way out where am I there's a people Bart hello you're probably a killer aren't you wait Rachel it's me huh do not recognise me how was the one who examine you Oh your Otacon right Otacon can you can you try to remember I'm I'm the doctor gave you counseling it doctor who examined me but you're a serial killer - Rachel what's wrong look it's me doctor Danny doctor TV Danny Daniel Dickens ddd tracked about Hideo Kojima could it be doctor mr. Danny my therapist my eyes weren't dead there that's bad you're Khalil confused huh I don't blame you it's placed a horrific the rest assured his eye your therapist right ah that's right Yes Doctor good besides all that you're safe doctor one of our visits place also something was chasing me what is that thing I'm nan Talley sure myself but the thing chasing is probably the psycho killer the psycho killer this place it's like a site for some game an RPG maker game being owned by a psycho killer and good at said if you can't disobey chases its victims oh he died heard doctor I was here when I came to looks like there's no other staff here but me I'm the villain doctor I've have some bleep rectified Rachel it's perfectly natural to be scared at any rate let's get going I don't like your eyes if possible I like to get through this whole ordeal alive with Yusuf another young leaner Yes Doctor the talk [ __ ] to him and then electrodes like he's perfectly fine guy you like sacrificing himself the greater good or something and like do you ratchet okay guy after all huh a Goodman's ears old so the good to keep your hands off of it you don't want your eyes getting hurt [Music] bacala chart I related ailments hmm and we some thing oh it's lot I'm pretty sure it was a key in the examination room now he told me that doctor there you picked it up in the way out the old chair what a key nice job Rachel I'm pretty sure I was sitting there you didn't try to escape while I was worried about you I'm gonna marry you later besides you've got a good head on your shoulders remove it I need to make it this far and you know I'm a good Hema show us perhaps our way out is forever towards the back let's proceed with caution I'm the proscenium of cosh in my entire life except for you know like every other moment looks like there are multiple rooms I think the one in the back is the way out so shall we look there first it's a little suspicious doctor this waistlock to see look elsewhere we'll be fine if we stay together and take our time maybe I'll lead something good something good for the both of us a little quirky dialogue their doctor for glassed-in as fate would have it it proves you and I are trapped huh this must be a private room it murder you for patients yeah a special one emergency call button already pressed unusable do you know when your heart wishes for is a desire that is your impulse in there's no point to resist for being here you possess no such essence however every wish has its price just don't break the rules rules there must be rules for this place for instance I got chasing you hasn't fold you all the way here does there'll be some set of rules as play swallows what do we wish for what does that mean well different strokes for different folks I guess for me he'd be a set of beautiful peepers I got a bad I don't give her its colour Ivor Rachel I had peepers like yours happy Oh who's so lovely there was a guy called Danny Daniel Dickens dr. Danny Daniel Dickens this is a patient's room don't be scared Rachel it's just a bunch of beds no I'm plenty of scared there's nothing around the wall what's covering dustin lunchable if i could rip that dust I wouldn't do that if I were you you guys something in your eyes and I want them that's surely just some sort of patients frivolous whimper just a regular Joe psychological gripe that's all can you make it out nah I got bad eye so wouldn't do much to read it but the dust stop right there you don't want to get anything in your eyes take care of those beautiful peepers those beautiful peepers of yours jeepers creepers witch get those peepers sewed or a scratch marks on the window Rachel do you know what these markings are hmm here's a hint Patriots made those scratches so what's the significance beats me that's okay Marky's made by patients are of no consequence to you oh yeah come to think of it I had the key that leads to the back feel like they can look there pretty soon of course it's been a pleasure being with you though I'm not sure if I trust you Danny Daniel Dickerson I'm not sure my trust you Danny Daniel Dickinson you said you got a key to the back it's not the back what do you mean it's over here oh this one okay I'll open it then whatever you're the serial killer this floor I mean like both floors and the that guy's just he's a temporary C okay look if you caught me you would have killed me but he's never killed anyone else before it's if that bird it's dark so be careful I'll be careful of you Danny Daniel Dickinson an operating room yes Rachel I'm a little scared don't be scared I'm just gonna move your eyes scared why hey Rachel your peepers can admire them forever oh god here we go huh Oh Rachel here Bieber's are so beautiful but her stricken with fear reduces such dullness it saddens me show me the true beauty of your eyes awaken from this nightmare restore the beautiful tranquil fever blue moon and your peepers Rachel I go home to live besides those beepers Oh gun doctor let's take a mental look around here maybe I'll find something unless something important around here I gotta find it maybe you'll find some peace of mind - Rachel we're not running away from home for for what reason Danny Daniel Dickinson darn [ __ ] piece of work - oh boy Rachel are you going forever it's dark in that hallway so be careful if you find I'm looking forward their plan please bring it to me what are you looking for doctor did you forget look at me with those beautiful peepers I know you'll remember here's a clue my eyes Alexandra a glass eye what is this place is what you're looking for around here doctor labeled green numerous eyeballs but Donna and participe keys contain culture fluid these are eyes they're all blue like mine sand right color which one should I take [Music] maybe be blue Alexandra it's not really one color though hmm we'll see if this is the one your doctor ha ha ha Rachel is this for me you know I do adore blue eyes what's like yours I don't need the blue one the air peepers as pales in comparison for peepers of blue all I need is you so red have you followed your doctor Rachel put a lovely red glass eye I fancied this color is that why you chose this color were you thinking of me still you're a close close but no cigar I'll keep it though okay if it's none of them we just bring each one [Music] your daughter green I see did you pick this out for me Rachel can I have slipped into your subconscious but you're getting warmer point your beautiful gaze at me it's just me dr. Danny Oh Rachel I was so clear 'less my glass eyes in a place that's locked the key was in my pocket all along here huh if it's all right with you I'd like to find my eye what'd you do that for me Rachel see how it was none of them what the negates all of them but still here the glass eyes inside this glass eye there's two eyeballs gem inside of it now that makes sense Rachel doctor oh you found us this is what I was looking for with this glass eye yours it sure is it's not make you feel anything remember anything you must be dreaming still mind if I borrow that I'm just not myself unless it's in I must have it for the both of us not weird Rachel yes thank you Rachel I'm gonna put this in now could you go away in the room outside for a bit you mustn't run now that's funny he's acting strange oh now you recall you think he's acting strange I'm scared there's a safest stay away from here no it's locked doctor did you you this I got get away from him I mean if I somebody open this I would have something around where the doctor was earlier Oh bar all right let's Gordon Freeman a store was on to take care of that door I'll just pop us into the gap it's rigid but just a bit more there it opened [ __ ] Rachel where are you going uh um did I tell you that runnings a bad idea this is my floor too doctor if you run off to another floor that I can't treat you how can I don't doctor my wish which is the gaze into your living peepers but no this won't do you're living blue peepers are exactly what the doctor ordered that's why I gotta ask you Rachel can I have your peepers oh my god yeah glass eye for p5 Danny let go of me save me Zach never doctor hole Rachel your face stop it let me go I see what you're up to now the exuberance I love there's no Hawker in your peepers it saddens me so Rachel can't you remember why it is you're here why does this happen to you if you could then you'd redeem yourself let your peepers regain their luster and come live with me Rachel No please doctor please let me out of here Rachel still your beepers are more breathtaking any other persons by far let me go when it's my mom and dad the prom look dead Rachel there there you'll see your mom and dad in good time they're waiting for you in hell you start typical bastard oh okay Rachel give me your papers Rachel Rachel Rachel oh my your peepers are so beautiful it never ceases to amaze me here how release you from this right now all right let's go Rachel your afternoon with me oh I'm as happy as a lark you as if he'll be Jeff the killer well he he he eat me hey Danny what are you so happy about I couldn't take any more sighs last you hey little Missy going after you got me a hell of a mess do you want to live if you do then run run at square cling to your hope time to get slashed I don't care anymore just slash me your actors old [ __ ] ah what a dull reaction evil the tip of my blade pressed against you don't you have the will to live I'm respect don't so I'm not as shredding in most of the styles where that noise betrayer alert the sixth Lord master has attacked a fit Lord master it's a violation of the rules along with Rachel betrayer also is now hereby a sacrifice we're stuck in a cabin the wood scenario ah no [ __ ] way [ __ ] bear run for it we come back I'm soulless but come back for me oh yeah I'm not meant to live without his eyes the shut and I can't see them I guess you never saw that coming [Music] Thank You Zack glass wall shattered [ __ ] you know bunch not even if I beat on it what the hell am I gonna do who the hell are you what are you doing get up here like you own the damn place huh [Music] I got a favor to ask huh please kill me blah don't ask me to creepy [ __ ] like that ain't got no time for crazy [ __ ] like you I'm an edgy standards look at my shoes and my sneakers i'ma image have a sight for God's sakes standards you're just gonna spew out could be [ __ ] like that hell again this door opener you got it elver doors shut help help scared scared first there are three but now I'm alone they're coming they're coming of us all three only I'll be killed I'll kill me like that's an actual fake who let them free help help God God God would forgive someone was killed right that's why y'all want commit suicide [Music] okay hope the doctor still alive [Music] totally croaky for the switch because like guys like know will love now the smile and optimism gone [Music] hey are you the one open this elevator yep that's right those yuh-huh hey did you see earlier that you wanted me to kill yeah sure Dana I'm such an idiot so yeah let's work together get the hell out of this place then once your flock outside with a god damn stupid grin I'll kill you really small optimism restored well that is if you behave okay all right now let's get the hell out of this place Zack AIESEC foster triggered by Hideo Kojima hey I got two rules no [ __ ] around and no prancing around all marry like I got that big from the [ __ ] who look so happy but didn't I see him I can't help but kill him whatever you say well that dead look in your eyes I'd probably ain't gonna worry or before it's chilly here [ __ ] it's only on before let's get out of here already move it Zack and ray-ray Zack you look kind of like that one villain for ruining Kenshin you got the little hair strands coming out and like the crazy eyes you you [Music]
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 710,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angels of Death, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Forest of Drizzling Rang, RPg Maker, Episode 1, Satsuriku no Tenshi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2017
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