Angelina Jolie on divorce, film and Cambodia- BBC News

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I'm not here because I'm a director who wanted to make a movie I'm here because 17 years ago I came to this country and fell in love with its people and learned about its history and in doing so realized how little I actually knew in my early 20s about the world and so this country for me has been a um was my Awakening and my son changed my life becoming a Cambodian family changed my life so there was never a plan to we should make this movie it's just I became a filmmaker and one day I thought what story What story do I feel is really important to tell and I felt that this war that happened 40 years ago and and what happened to these people was not properly understood and and not just for the world but for the people of the country I felt that I wanted them to be able to reflect on it in a way um that that they could absorb so it's Through The Eyes of a child and it's a lot about love do you think though this nation is is ready for that it's it's I hope so um yes I do I I wouldn't have when I when I first started coming here um there's so much has changed you know when many people spoke about this um 15 20 years ago you know since it happened there are many people denying the history or saying it wasn't as bad or trying to um of course um many people want to forget or or it's just uh you know it's the horrors the horrors of war and you just simply uh I mean it's interesting you say that you know this is a country which was is very much part of your own personal Journey do you think that in many ways you've come full circle you know your humanitarian work started here you became a mother here that perhaps this is some sort of Crossroads for you let's come back here yeah yeah I'll always um I'll always be very grateful to this country and uh and I hope I hope I've given back as much as it's given me I don't think I ever could give back as much as this country's given me you wrote a New York Times oped piece a few weeks ago and um you spoke about having a truly International family you said that the refugee policy should be about fact not fear you also said that we shouldn't be departing from our values can you tell me what you meant by that it's funny isn't it some questions seem so obvious don't they you know it's it's this it's these things we talk about and we and we hear them spoken about often now you know what what what are our values I value human life equally every single individual life I don't separate people by race color religion and I and and if I do it's because I celebrate the diversity in the world but we are seeing this rise of populace leaders right around the world do you think it's creating a more intolerant Society this is this is an old an old trick um and we should know better to fall for it and I see it and I see it rising and the only thing I can do is to use my voice and encourage others and raise my children to know right and wrong and to have a broad view of the world and and to embrace their diversity and other people's and and respect others and um I think that's all we can do now is each and every person each each one of your listeners each one we all just have to be the best of ourselves if not if not now more than ever we really have to rise up and find our rational Center our who are we and what do we stand for and we know it we know what's right and wrong if I take it back to your your film your film is about family and loss I understand this is a very sensitive issue we know that an incident occurred which led to your separation we also know you haven't said anything about this but would you like to say something uh only that um I don't want to say very much about that except to say it was a very difficult time and and we are a family and we will always be a family and we will get through this time and and hopefully be a stronger family for it but can I ask how you're coping I I'm I'm many many people find themselves in this situation and and these kind of you my whole my family we're all we we've all been through a difficult time and it's not um my focus is uh my children our children and and it is um and my focus is finding this this this way through and as I said we are we are and forever will be a family and so that is my that is how I'm coping I'm coping with with finding a way through to make sure that this somehow makes us stronger and closer this film is a combination of of passions film making as an art um your humanitarian work in say 5 years time where would you like to see yourself where do you think you'll be 5 years time do AR do I have all teenagers you have all teenagers at that stage that stage I hope just standing uh yeah in five years time I would like to be um traveling around the world visiting my children hoping that they're just happy and doing really interesting things um and I imagine in many different parts of the world and I'll be U you know supporting them and everything I do I hope is a is that I I represent something and I represent the right things to my children and give them the right sense of um what they're capable of and and um and the world as it should be seen not not through the prism of of Hollywood or through a certain kind of life but really take them into the world where they have a a really good sense and become rounded people what do you really want to do when you wake up first thing in the morning get through the day it's been it's been a difficult few months um right now I'm going through a moment where there's just everybody's in my room so there two hamsters and two dogs and two children children at the moment oh well so it's wonderful but it's uh but yeah so usually I just wake up trying to figure out um who's going to get the dog out who's going to start the pancakes and did anybody brush their teeth
Channel: BBC News
Views: 2,945,419
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Keywords: bbc angelina jolie, angelina jolie divorce, bbc news angelina jolie, angelina, bbc interview angelina jolie, angelina in cambodia, jolie bbc interview, bbc news interview with angelina jolie, angelina jolie interview in cambodia, bbc news, angelina jolie, angelina jolie bbc interview, angelina jolie interview, cambodia, angelina family, angelina jolie interview 2017, brad pitt, angelina jolie brad pitt divorce, news uk, brad angelina, angelina crying, angelina jolie crying
Id: BtgG08pKqmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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