Angela Rye Shuts down Trump Supporter Steve Moore

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people who do book learning yes a lot somebody who knows how to create jobs your just don't have enough jobs bill you know it's not when you council see you when you count the people I say the workforce when you count people who have so much jobs because of Obamacare so real unemployment rate that's when the Democrat is residue that what a Democrat is president we don't count the stats from the we have a number of people drop out of the workforce these but you know what else you know here's the bigger plan to argue that point here's a bigger problem his candidate also counts students who are in high school and who are in college and you count them and Indian you say black people's unemployment is at 51% lies we are also in school so that's the other problem the black America's had the biggest decline of income under Barack Obama of any good I'm not even anything black Americans were doing well today what America is doing well what I'm not gonna allow you all to continue to do is to make it seem like I walk out my door there's gunfire immediately I'm not gonna let you say I walk out the door and I can't read your candidate can't read I walk out the door I can't afford like you're just not gonna do it like we do have challenges in our community wait what are the Democrats done for your community no child you've got no so what I'm going to tell you is very clearly and I say this all the time and hopefully this will bless your life and change it is a bipartisan problem this isn't about what Democrats did or did not do Republicans have done this - Chicago congratulations run for Cercado 60 years you've got 3,000 baby and you know what and where did the guns come from on the street where we have no good jobs in this country I was down craze down oh yeah I don't tell the people that go to Chicago you picked the one place and it's ten percent less it's not the normal rate with some 10 percent unless you're trying to horn in on summons territory Steve what has he done I think up against that America is a place where there is always a wider vote I thought I'm talking about the racist there xenophobes I mean much more than that that's a good winning message for the Democrats people are slow they're not saying well I'm faded I'm saying that you have at least four supporters that are in the basket of the barbel that inserts their store I need you to let me finish my point is not only are they misinformed there are voters who are angry in many instances where human beings are angry somebody
Channel: The Exalted Nation of Truth
Views: 453,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angela Rye, Bill Maher, CNN, Deplorables, Trump Supporter, Steve Moore, Election, Donald Trump, Real Talk
Id: p_cnJJV8rGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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