Angela Lansbury interview on The Rosie O'Donnell Show--October 1997

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[Applause] traditional performers of our time of first guest has captivated film television and theater audiences for over five decades take a look at her back in 1944 with Elizabeth Taylor you're too young to understand something really keen about anything oh yeah horses what does it be like to be in love with a horse I lose my lunch you're right child yes skip the beat see ya please welcome the one and only Angela Lansbury [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a relic of my goodness they love you this black to see you back on TV am i right I'm still alive and kicking you know I've been off the air for almost a year now but I'm back on I'm a second good we're good how are you gonna do a year like well we're gonna think we'll probably do two a year you know plus other things as well not not just always Murder She Wrote no in fact who does this look like ah now I seem to recognize that little figure that would be you that is the Empress herself that's that that's Anastasia's grandmother that's of course your first venture into animation missus this is my favorite mrs. Potts yes mrs. Potts is that she introduced me to a whole new generation of little people little people who are growing up fast but there's always new little people coming along and we have a sequel you know a nice old Christmas sake you have yes paint what's good it is very good oh good am i all right and you're fabulous to difference when you you know remember and you tell the story by the fireplace pots now very good thank you did you enjoy doing the animation cuz it's it's a whole different art form but you know you're not working with another actor half the time so you have to sort of pretend it's really a case of pretend right you know when you're growing up and you and you start acting you it's pretend well this is pretend yeah anyway we do it a lot because yeah a lot the fina that I I'm doing a little voice in the new Tarzan just a small little and the Disney one and I will do the pages and then three months later I'll come back and redo them again because the other actors lay down the voices and it doesn't match or something absolutely right and it took us about two years to do actually to do Beauty and the Beast and also Anastasia have you seen the Broadway show Vietnamese no no haven't you I said I saw it in LA and the Broadway show I saw the LA show I mean it was on the street yeah alright the Shubert theater yeah I real my son really I've seen it a few times my son enjoyed it I took everything I took all my grandchildren on that occasion to see it and they thoroughly enjoyed it but the live theater you can't beat it no and you come on hello Sweeney Todd here you are be aware here you are me I do mr. theatre how could you not there's something magical about theater life playing that you can't find anywhere else you know you've just got to get out on the boards Here I am with a live audience and suddenly I come alive you know so I know what it feels like and that's why you come here every day and do this now I know what it's true it's a lot that's why I go see all the new shows have you seen any of the new shows not yet I'm tonight I'm gonna go see Barrymore I haven't seen it I just have one night in New York and I'm gonna go see that see my friend Christopher Plummer was amazing I came on the show yeah because the sound amused Captain Von Trapp absolutely you know for me it was overwhelming I couldn't get over it we showed the clip from National Velvet yeah you were what 18 I was 18 yes mm 18 absolutely yes just faking it was it your first role no gasps Mike was my first role but that was my second role actually yeah and I thought I was too grown up to be playing that part you see because I was only playing a fifteen year old and I just turned 18 you know and it's so exciting to be 18 but then to have to go back and play 15 no never they have you playing Elvis's mother when you were the same age as him pretty much right and yeah well I was a little older but not much a lot of moms you know I'm new in almost every instance I was just a few years older than the guy whose mother I was playing so it was an interesting proposition I was always sort of kissing them you know and it was a little odd on the downtime you were making out with else well not like that no you were we start those rumors here oh I should have been so lucky no no no no he he was suggested it's just out of the army and he's just absolutely surrounded with beautiful women girls you know right he was an awfully nice guy though in those days he always was a sweet guy he was a real Southern gentleman do you stay friends with the people like like Elizabeth Taylor and him when he was still here well you know one if you work with somebody you always are a very friendly acquaintances and and people in show business always sort of sense that they know each other just because we see one another all the time we bump into each other at events and parties and so on at least that's the way it used to be in the old days and I guess it is in the new days but I'm not so much part of that scene anymore you know no are you I'm not really no like I'll go to a party and I'll see someone and I don't want to go hi I know you and I on the show too so because I never met them I feel like a dork well we're all we're all dorky in that respect that we look at one another we say oh I I know that person and you smile and you feel like an idiot too you know just like the general public we're just just as able to make a boat pass because I running up to somebody we've seen on television say hi how are you you know and don't know them at all no no no it frightened the the guy I don't know his name he was in Fame and he played the guy who played the stand-up comic what's his name John do you know he'd the curly hair I'll find out his name and I was a Chinchin in LA and I was like oh I love faming you were the guy was at Comic and the guy looked at me like I was escaped from the lunatic asylum and I felt like such a dweeb well you need never feel a dweeb again because everybody knows you Rosie he didn't seem to know nor care listen we're gonna show a clip from the Murder She Wrote movie and we'll do that right after the break so don't go way back with Angela [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how long did it take to shoot it oh it we shot it in about four weeks I suppose running every step of the way it was very exciting we shot with Amtrak we were on a train we were out in the desert it was a very moving story in that respect and it was quite quite a bit different but this the same only different from our murder she votes it's a two-hour show so it's got a lot of more story in it now you're it's a family affair for you over there now huh yes my son director did Anthony and my son David produced it it sure is yeah yeah it is and it isn't you know you have to mind your P's and Q's you you know because it is a tough when the director gives mom a note well yes if you don't agree with them it's very tough you know I'd say no wait a minute Oh mom you know so you end up doing it right and but I trust him because he's a good director you don't like send him to his room or anything well I can't quite do that you know just give me my three grandchildren so I can't there are 8 13 and 15 do they come on the set and watch you when you're working not too much not too much listen they're so busy with school you know but they have been on the set and my little eight-year-old Ian he appeared in a Murder She Wrote segment which was really lovely and this may happen to you one day yeah that would be sweet wouldn't it yeah your little guy both turn up on one of your shows well I think he's gonna be in the revival of beauty in the Beast in 20 years [Laughter] you see mrs. Potts yeah voice and see I bet you he'll know I'm sure that's nothing you know we could do a little duet for him Beck's look what I do to my guests now I force them to perform for my child it's not really it's not right now I'm going over to Ireland which is I know a second home I guess I have a home there and I try to get a month a year or two hopefully a little more possible but I'm going over there to shoot a movie in Dublin and it's not a murder she wrote it's it's based on the story of mrs. Palafox who is a very interesting lady who is not a detective but she is a spy a spy yeah and it's really an adventure story it's kind of like Indiana Jones only she's an elderly lady but she can't what she doesn't get up to is nobody's business it's a it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm really looking forward I can't wait so that'll be out in about a year's time oh yeah no well maybe sooner maybe next May next May well I hope so you must come back when that movie comes out thank you Anastasia go see it and on November 2nd would you watch Murder She Wrote south-by-southwest Angela Lansbury we all adore you thank you so much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Flanagan
Views: 23,654
Rating: 4.9386191 out of 5
Id: wFvhdlVOb5w
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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