Andy Woods - Ecclesiology 34: The Charismatic Movement Part I

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you can figure out if it's from the Holy Spirit or not based on its conformity to this book but as we try to explain a lot of people are having experiences outside the pattern of this book so if the experience is not coming from the Holy Spirit it leaves only two other possibilities from which the experience can come the first source could be the flesh or the Fallen nature and the second source can be the realm of Satan and his fallen angels so if people can have experiences not just based on the Holy Spirit but also based on the flesh or based on the the fallen angelic realm then that changes your epistemology doesn't it in other words you cannot accept everything is true if there's some sort of accompanying experience since the devil himself and the flesh itself can give experiences so I gave you this quote I think last time and this was someone that claimed the ability to speak in tongues and they say this and here they're criticizing the gift of tongues as it's being practiced today in many circles he says now before you sit down and write me a letter telling me how real your experience with tongues is let me tell you about mine I've spoken in tongues on several occasions I've walked down the aisles I prayed at the altar I followed the instructions of spiritual leaders who were telling me how to speak in tongues and I spoke in tongues and here's the key line it was very real it happened there was nothing unreal about it but it was not the Holy Spirit exclamation point how do I know question mark because I wasn't even saved at the time that's how I know I became convinced by the preaching I heard that I must speak in tongues to be right with God I determined to do it and I did it so Satan masquerades as an angel of light and if he has to give someone some kind of experience to keep them away from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ then he can do that and we'll do that and if he has to give Christians experiences to sort of alter their worldview and keep them away from truth he will do that as well so if that becomes a biblical possibility than your epistemology can't mean experience equals truth so here is a slide that I used many many semesters I taught at the College of biblical studies the College of biblical studies was a great place to teach partly because you're touching people that would never come to a traditional Bible Church like this church for example but at the same time the vast majority of the students that I entered interacted with there were of the charismatic persuasion and they were people that believed they were apostles they believed they were prophets they would narrate their experiences about tongues interpretation of tongues receiving visions and my response to their different stories was well that's very interesting have you tested the spirits and they would look at you what do you mean test the spirits well testing the spirits is a biblical command I'll be showing it to you a little later it's found in first John 4 verse 1 well why would I need to test the spirits because an experience that you're having may not come from God and see they were assuming every experience had to be the Holy Spirit and your Bible in this slide here is telling you that's not true what it's telling you is that God is in the miracle business but so is the devil and this is just my own accumulation of passages that I've run into over the for an authentic miracle is transpiring there's no doubt that it's an authentic miracle but God has absolutely nothing to do with it so let's sort of if we could walk through this list because you have to sort of grasp this list to develop a correct epistemology the first example I have there is in Exodus 7 and 8 I actually had you open up to Exodus 7 and you know that story don't you that's Pharaoh's magicians imitating the early miracles of Moses and I think it was Aaron so Moses and Aaron would do a miracle under God and Pharaoh's magicians there in Egypt would duplicate it and they were able to duplicate it up to a certain point until I think it was Nats if I'm not mistaken until God created gnats through Aaron and Moses and finally Pharaoh's magicians said well this is the hand of God we can't even imitate that but before that miracle transpired what you'll see in Exodus chapter 7 and chapter 8 is the example of Pharaoh's magicians performing miracles and those miracles have absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Spirit and you say well if God didn't cause those miracles who caused them well let's go back to what dr. Pentecost said if it's not coming from the Holy Spirit then you only have other two other possibilities it's coming from the flesh or most likely it's Satan masquerading as an angel of light see that second example just go to the right there a book or two and go over to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13 verses one through three and you ought to keep a record of these verses because these are epistemology changing verses what they are notice what it says there in Deuteronomy 20 I'm sorry did I say 23 I meant 13 Deuteronomy 13 one through three here God is giving Moses and the children of Israel instructions just prior to the conquest of Canaan which would happen happen under Joshua and it says this if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or Wonder and look what it says here and that sign or wonder comes true concerning that which he spoke to you saying let us go after other gods whom we have not known let us serve them verse 3 you shall not listen to the words of the prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord God is testing you to find out if you love him with all of your heart with all of your mind with all of your soul you shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him you should listen to his command etc etc so there's a perfect example of a group of people that are performing a miracle that's true and yet it's obviously not coming from the Holy Spirit why is that because God can't say something on Monday and completely contradict himself on Tuesday because God cannot what why in fact your Bible says it's impossible for God to lie numbers 23:19 Titus 1 verse 2 Hebrews 6 verse 18 and many other passages this can't be God because God already spoke in the Decalogue didn't he back in Exodus 20 and also once again to this new generation in Deuteronomy 5 and what are the first two Commandments no graven images no gods before me so if a if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams or a giver of visions comes along and Connor the foundation of the Decalogue that can't be God miraculous power come from obviously it didn't come from God because this guy these folks are saying something that contradicts something that God already said it's obviously calling coming from the fallen angelic realm and this is why God's people are to test the spirits in fact if I read this right God is using this to test them to see if they're going to test the spirits all they have to do is compare the statement there in verse two let us go after other gods to the first of the two commandments and they could tell that this was a lying spirit a false spirit and what God is saying here is laying out an epistemology you don't ascertain what is true by an experience and experience alone is a dangerous barometer to determining what is true because this miracle really would occur but it was coming from a power source other than God so this is a principle you don't you don't just see it in the Old Testament you find it in the New Testament go over if you could to Matthew the very first book of your New Testament if you can take a look at Matthew 7 and notice if you over tsa's 21 through 23 the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father many will come now if you follow along in our soteriology course I tried to explain that this verse is misquoted by a lot of people today they don't understand that these are unbelievers here pleading their self-righteousness before God on the day of judgment these are unregenerate 'add many will say to me on that day Lord Lord did we not here comes the self-righteousness number one did we not prophesy in your name that would involve a miracle wouldn't it number two did we not cast out demons in your name that's miracle number two and number three did we not perform many miracles not just miracles but notice the adjectives in front of miracles plural many miracles verse 23 I will declare to them I never knew you now why did Jesus never know these people because these are people that thought that they could make themselves right with God through their own self righteous acts and as we know it doesn't work that way you come to God to the righteousness he provides in Jesus Christ verse 23 I will declare to them I never knew you never had a relationship with you depart from me you who practice lawlessness so if these people never knew Christ how are they able to number one in the name of Christ prophecy number two in the name of Christ cast out demons plural and number three in the name of Christ perform many miracles how could people do that if they never knew Christ personally the answer is are obviously tapped into a source of power other than God because God is not the only source of power in the universe God of course is the ultimate source of power but there is also a high-ranking angel once named Lucifer that fell and took with him a third of the angels and they're capable of giving people all kinds of counterfeit signs and wonders as well even in the name of Jesus Christ take a look if you could over at the Olivet discourse take a look at matthew same book chapter 24 and verse 24 see what we're doing here is we're building a correct epistemology Matthew 24:24 Jesus is speaking and he says for false Christ's and false prophets will arise you speaking of the end times and look what it says and will show not just signs and wonders but notice the adjective first of all notice the plurality signs plural and wonders plural and then he even says great signs and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the elect so here you run into another group of people they're false prophets they're portrayed as people that have never known Christ personally and yet they have this tremendous ability to perform not just signs and wonders but great signs and wonders so through which power source are these people tapped into if they're not tapped into God they're obviously tapped into a cultic source of power this is a biblical reality this is why a miracle even if it can be documented in and of itself should not impress you as a Christian there's to be impressed just by a miracle is a very shallow simplistic epistemology it's actually an unbiblical epistemology let's keep on marching go over to the right past the Gospels if you could and we go into the book of Acts just for a minute and we run into a man named Simon the sorcerer so that shows you a little bit about his vocation in life and it says now there was a man named Simon the sorcerer who formerly now this is in Samaria now there was a man named Simon the sorcerer who formerly was practicing not just an occasional miracle but this was a practice he was practicing magic in the city and astonishing the people of Samaria now look at what it says here claiming to be someone great does that sound very christ-like to you I mean I thought John the Baptist Jesus said you know he must increase and I must decrease I mean I thought Jesus made himself of no reputation so one of the things to look at when you test the spirits is not just as their doctrine match up with what God has already revealed you look at their character what kind of character do you see in the person in other words you don't accept something is true just because there's a miracle you look at the character of the miracle worker and you also look at the content of their doctrine that's what it means to test the spirits so this man had abilities to do all kinds of things he obviously didn't possess the fruit of the Spirit by the way did you know God is a lot more impressed with fruit of the Spirit than he is with gifts of the Spirit and powers and signs and wonders see our culture wants to see the power and the sign I wonder God says show me the character now when you go down to verse 13 it says even Simon believed after being baptized so Simon doesn't get saved and a lot of people doubt whether Simon was ever saved here I I'm not of that persuasion the Bible says he believed he just hadn't had a lot of time to grow as a new Christian but I think he's an authentic Christian so I want you to see that he doesn't become a Christian until verse 13 but prior to trusting in Christ back in verse 9 he had a capacity to perform signs and wonders he was astonishing a whole city to the point where everybody was attributing greatness to him so the question is well if he didn't believe until verse 13 how was he performing the signs and wonders verse nine well the answer is very simple he was tapped into an alternative source of power take a look if you could about eight chapters to the right over in acts 16 and verse 16 acts 16 and verse 16 this was the Apostle Paul and Silas in Philippi I believe on missionary journey number 2 and it says this in verse 16 it happened that as we were going to the place of Prayer a slave girl having a spirit of divination meant met us look at what it says here bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling so here is a slave girl she has it says it right there a spirit of divination I would take that to be some kind of demon inside of her and because this demon was inside of her she had the ability with certain accuracy because Satan can predict the stock market just like anybody else probably with greater accuracy than the rest of us because Satan has been around a lot longer than we have understands economic patterns so Satan and his demons were giving this little slave girl the capacity to foresee the future that's what fortune-telling is that's what a spirit of divination is and it was obviously a very real power because a there was a spirit inside of her and B this was gravy train I mean the psychic hotline is a pretty lucrative business so all of these people were kind of lining up to get their fortunes read and all of these kinds of things same kind of thing goes on today some of the things that go on today I think are shams others I think are very real I just don't think God has anything to do with it and Paul you know she was going around and she was making she was disrupting their ministry Paul got tired of it he cast the demon out of her and so the spirit of divination leaves her and what else leaves the gravy train rolling in and that's what got Paul and Silas thrown in jail so here's yet another example of it where a miracle is happening fortunes predicting the future these are of all very real things and yet the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it it's rather a spirit of divination so do you accept something as true just because there's a miracle obviously you can't do that as a Christian if you understand these passages go if with me if you could do the book of Galatians chapter one there to the right just go past those big books Romans first Corinthians second Corinthians and then go to God's Electric Power Company Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians or go eat popcorn Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and by the way after you go eat popcorn then you'll run into the t's first Timothy second Timothy Titus the Thessalonians are in there so that's just an easy mnemonic to remember as when someone says flip to this passage or flip to that passage and most pastors don't take the time to explain those things to people and so they're kind of you know rushing all over the Bible real nervous I hope nobody sees that I can't find the book when in reality there's a very people are going to question my salvation if I don't even know where the books of the Bible are there's just a very easy way to remember those and by the way that order that I just gave you is the canonical order it is not the chronological order if we get into the chronology of Paul's letters you would put Galatians first but your your New Testament is not organized that way it's organized in canonical order not chronological order so how's that for confusion okay Galatians 1 6 through 9 notice what Paul says I am amazed as he's speaking to the Galatians that he's just one to Christ led to Christ built up in Christ about a year earlier I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting him who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel so if it's a different gospel it cannot be God's gospel right because God can't say something on Monday and contradicts himself on Tuesday which is really not another gospel only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ now here's the key point he's laying down in epistemology but even if we that would be myself Paul says and we there is plural first-person the rest of us apostles even if we or an angel from heaven now if it's not of God how could it be an angel from heaven well to you it appears to be an angel from heaven because Satan comes as an angel of what light 2nd Corinthians 11 13 through 15 so there are many people that have visitations from angels the Angels don't come with you know a red cape and a pitchfork Satan is not that dumb ok he's not dressed up in like a Halloween costume why would why would Satan come that way that would be obvious to recognize right Satan comes as something beautiful and attractive and in fact when you study the origin of Satan in Ezekiel 28 12 through 17 you'll find him described in complete beauty almost like all the different colors of the rainbow are represented that's why he comes as an angel of light because that's what he is and it's very interesting to me to listen to these stories of people that have you know had contacts from the other side and they're always it's almost in every story I've ever heard it's always this tunnel that they're going through and there's this beautiful light on the other you know at the end of the tunnel and they're just drawn to this light and I keep hearing this story over and over again from people and everybody is assuming that the light is God well that's not a biblical epistemology why would you think the light is God when Satan himself comes as an angel of what an angel of light have you tested that spirit which is what we're commanded to do the Apostle Paul goes on and he says but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary so there it flunked the test God can't contradict what he said earlier contrary to what we have preached to you he is to be accursed now that word accursed is very strong in the Greek language it's the Greek word on mathema and I think what he's basically saying is that false demon is hell bound to you he looks very attractive but he's actually on his way to hell because we know Matthew 25 what is it verse 45 that Hell itself was created for Satan and his angels verse 9 and we have said before I say now again to you if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you have received he is to be accursed notice that Paul utters not just a single Anathem but a double anathema so you know there was a young named Mohammed who actually believed that he had a visitation from the angel Gabriel which they called gibreel and it took me a while to figure out that's what they were talking about when I would converse with Muslims they would say gibreel and finally the guy looked at me and he knew I didn't understand him he says well like Gabriel and I go you mean like Gabriel in the Bible yeah that's the guy that showed up well I believe this that Muhammad probably did have a visitation that appeared to him like the angel Gabriel but I do not believe it was the real Gabriel of the scripture I believe it was a demon impersonating Gabriel how do I know that because the teachings of Islam are completely contradictory to the Bible I mean Islam they don't even believe that Jesus died on the cross they think that was a substitute it was I think they think it was Judas that died on the cross and it was a great deception so I mean how in the world could I believe that that kind of doctrine came from the Holy Spirit and we have another individual in history Joseph Smith who started the Mormon belief system he claims as as a very young person that he had a visitation from the angel Moroni he believed it was a biblical angel that gave him essentially the doctrines of Mormonism and I could tell you flat out that that Moroni is was not a biblical angel because first of all I'd never see the named Moroni in the Bible but you say oh come on Andy there's ten thousand times ten thousand angels couldn't there be one angel named Moroni okay well maybe so but you test the spirit by the doctrine that this angel supposedly gave Joseph Smith I mean what are the teachings of Mormonism almost at every juncture you look at contradicts the Word of God Mormons believe you're saved by it works the Bible says you're saved by faith alone in Christ alone by God's grace Mormonism believes that you know Jesus is kind of the spirit rather of Lucifer that's not what the Bible says the Bible says that Lucifer is a created being he's an angel and Jesus is the eternally existent second member of the Godhead we could go through this on and on and on and see here's what Christianity says here's what Mormonism says here's what Christianity says here's what Islam says and so by basic mental discipline you test the spirits and therefore you reject both Islam and Mormonism as false teaching because you have matured to the point of growth in Christ where you have a correct epistemology and you do not accept something is true just because there's a miracle behind it I believe that both Joseph Smith and Mohammed probably had very real encounters but so what it doesn't mean anything because the Bible is very clear of making us aware of another power source outside of God take a look if you could at second Thessalonians now we're getting into the t's 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 9 this is the coming Antichrist and what does it say here about the coming Antichrist Paul says that is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan with all what power signs and false wonders so the Antichrist has nothing to do with Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is not behind the Antichrist obviously so if Jesus Christ is not behind Antichrist and my question is well how in the world can the Antichrist come with power signs and false wonders we'll the answer is right there in verse nine it says Satan Satan is giving the antichrist the ability to do these things because the world system at that time will have a false epistemology the knowledge of the Bible following the rapture of the church is basically erased from the hearts of people they don't have any any clue of what this book says and so they have been conditioned for so long to believe something is true because there's a miracle behind it they follow the Antichrist see that and this is why the kind of teaching that I'm doing right here is contrary to the culture I mean most of the culture won't embrace what I'm saying in fact a lot of the church world won't even embrace it why is that because this world is being set up for the Antichrist for Satan to get this world to accept the Antichrist he has to shift the epistemology of the world he even has to shift the epistemology of professing Christians that's why this book is always under attack everywhere you go I mean we can teach Islam in the public schools we can teach human religious humanism in the school don't you dare bring the Bible in here because we don't want people to have a correct epistemology because we got to get this world ready for the Antichrist now a lot of people look at this verse 9 and they say well these aren't real miracles this is just sort of hokum that the Antichrist is doing well notice this chart here I give you the three Greek words that are used to describe the miracles of the Antichrist the word powers is translated Dunamis where we get what word dynamite or even dynamic the word signs is translated Simeon and the word wonders is translated Tarot's and what I want you to see is those identical three words are the same words used to describe Christ miracles Dunamis is used to describe Christ's miracles Matthew 11:27 is used to describe Christ's miracles John 20 verse 30 terrazas used to describe Christ's miracles acts 2 verse 22 what your Bible is saying is when the Antichrist shows up he will do miracles that will look exactly and will be just as real as Jesus Christ's miracles and you can see how people would fall for that but they're not from God because there's a power source out there other than God that can for perform miracles obviously Satan as a creative being can't do everything God does the duplication of the miracles up to the Nats I think it is in the book of Exodus prove that however there is an awful lot of stuff Satan can do so therefore a miracle doesn't mean something is automatically true and we're not even done yet are we let's go to a book of Revelation chapter 13 and verse 3 book of Revelation chapter 13 and verse 3 and what does it say here of the beast this is the Antichrist that Paul just talked to us about in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 9 John says I saw one of the heads as if it had been slain and his fatal wound was healed and the whole look at this not part of the earth the whole earth was amazed and followed after the Beast so you obviously have some kind of slang here it says one of the heads of the beast it was slayn and it comes back to life and it's of such a caliber that the whole world is astonished at this and because they don't have a correct epistemology they say this is Jesus if you jump down to verse 14 same chapter it says he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given to him to perform in the presence of the Beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast look at this who had the wound of the sword and yet came to life came to life there is the Greek verb I think it is Otto and you know what's interesting about that verb it's the exact same verb used to describe Christ's resurrection in the same book in Revelation 2 verse 8 now I don't know how you interpret this here's how I interpret it the resurrection of Jesus Christ is going to be imitated by the devil himself in the Tribulation Period the devil does not have as much power as God has but he obviously has an awful lot giving a man even an ability to die and come back to life that's what that's what your Bible predicts is going to happen and Paul says if they won't reject if they won't accept the true Christ then they're given over to delusion here's the false Christ that imitates what Jesus does right down to a bodily resurrection and I bring that to your attention because a lot of people in our camp even some of my heroes like dr. John F Wofford and his revelation commentary goes on and on about why this is not a real miracle here well let me tell you something it's the exact same Greek verb same Greek verb used here same one used in revelation 2 verse 8 and so I think this is an authentic resurrection that's an imitation of what Jesus did if you go same book just a verse later this is talking about the false prophet it says he performs signs noticed the plurality of signs there he performs not just signs but great signs so that he even makes now tell me who this sounds like in the Old Testament he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men does it sound like anybody you remember in the Old Testament started starts with an e kind of sounds like Elijah doesn't it with the prophets of Baal I mean was was that a real miracle that Elijah did everybody thinks it's a real miracle well Satan is duplicating that miracle because apparently Satan has an awful lot of power working ability himself so the people on the earth at that day they don't have the right epistemology they're not testing the spirits they're not looking at the character of the miracle worker through the lens of the fruit of the Spirit that n even know what fruit of the Spirit is they're not testing the doctrine of the miracle worker based upon doctrine because God can't contradict himself they don't even know what prior doctrine is so you can see how fast the world would fall for this kind of deception one more for good measure just go over to revelation 16 verses 13 and 14 these are all the verses I have found in the Bible that talk about miracles that don't come from God maybe they're right there's others that you know of that I didn't even mention here but you get the drift revelation 16 verses 13 and 14 it says I saw coming out of the mouth of the Dragon now who is the dragon the dragon is Satan how do I know that because the book of Revelation interprets itself you'll see Satan is identified as the dragon in revelation 12 verse 9 and revelation 20 verse 2 I saw coming out of the mouth of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophets prophet excuse me unclean spirits like frogs well frogs that rings a bell doesn't it I mean isn't that if I'm not mistaken one of the miracles that Pharaoh's magicians imitated so here we're being reminded of that but verse 14 tells us the power source behind these miracles for they are spirits of demons performing what signs plural which go out to the kings of the what part of the world know the whole world to gather them together for war for the great day of God the Almighty hey let's gather in the Middle East and let's fight the return of Jesus Satan is not going to say that you know he's going to deceive them through occurrences that are apparently are very real and probably look like God himself and it's probably going to shock these people more than anyone else to learn that in the end they've been set up to fight against God so having said all that that's why we have the injunction there at the bottom of the screen and I'm not going to go through all those verses again because I've been through those with you before the injunction to test the spirits says it over and over and over and over again it says to test the spirits it says it in the context of receiving prophesies in church first Corinthians 14 verse 28 it says it there in Deuteronomy 13 one through five relative to the false prophets that will exist in the land of Canaan in the days of Joshua Isaiah 8 verse 20 says the false spirits that mutter are to be tested by the testimony of God which is the law of Moses Isaiah 8 verse 20 this is a practice that the Bereans did even putting the Apostle Paul to the test acts 17 verse 11 which I hope you're doing with me right now I hope everything I'm saying you're listening to and saying is that really right with the Word of God and by the way how can you do that when you're sitting in a church every Sunday that's giving you three points in a poem and it's not teaching you inductive Bible study skills how can you do that if you're not a Bible reader yourself how you don't have any ability to test the spirits you're just sort of a sitting duck for anybody that has the 3 G's you know what the 3 G's are the gift of gab good looks and a guitar it's amazing the people that will follow other people as long as they have the 3 G's but if you're a Berean you're not antagonistic to the teaching but you're screening everything through the Word of God that's a biblical command that's what God tells you to do this is what Paul exhorted the Galatians to do Galatians 1 verses 8 and 9 we're told to test all things hold fast to that which is good 1st Thessalonians 5 verses 20 and 21 skipping first John 4:1 just for a minute over in Revelation 2 verse 2 as we know from our study in the book of Revelation that the church at Ephesus put the false prophets or apostles I should say to the test and found them to be liars the key verse on this take a look at it if you could real fast first John chapter 4 in verse 1 and I gave you all those verses to show you this is a consistent command throughout the Bible but here's the key one beloved so he's writing to who believers beloved do not believe every spirit now isn't that interesting because we're lectured all the time in our culture about being broad-minded and opened everything that's a epistemology called a post-modernism which your your kids and your grandchildren are being hit with every single day in their education you have to be open to everything and certain of nothing and the moment you're certain of something you're called arrogant and the only thing you can really be certain of is your own uncertainty if you want to be uncertain you can be certain of that so it you see how it collapses on itself that's how you recognize false ideas they contradict themselves it's like when someone says there is no absolute truth my in-laws tell me that all the time there is no absolute truth which myself and my wife usually my wife says and you know that absolutely right just lovingly reveal that they're in a world view that's self-defeating first John 4:1 beloved do not believe every spirit but what test the spirits how do you do that look at the doctrine and look at the character of the miracle worker because Satan himself as John has detailed in his writings can perform miracles beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God well why should I do that well look at the Lexx clause there because many not a couple not a handful many what kind of prophets false prophets have gone out into the world at some point in your Christian life you're going to leave a sanctified environment like this and you're going to be hit head-on with false teaching in fact that false teaching might even be so completely and totally persuasive that everybody thinks you're crazy because you haven't bought into it and in fact the people under that false teaching might even start giving testimonies of the miracles that they've seen and experienced and you know what they could be real miracles but you are under an injunction from God I believe the Greek here is in the imperative this is an injunction from God this is not a suggestion you have to test the spirits we as Protestant Christians believe in the five SOLAS we've done our Protestant Reformation series on this and the first on the list is Sola what scriptura this is the authority these 66 books are the authority the church is not the authority the board is not the authority your pastor is not the authority the Church Fathers are not the authority people with the 3 G's and also performing miracles are not the authority this is always the authority in the life of the child of God every single time and so when teachers or churches or pastors or boards or church fathers depart from this book you depart from those individuals because those individuals are not your authority but because of mental and intellectual laziness and because people have never really taken the time to investigate the scripture for themselves the vast majority of people out there even within professing Christianity are not doing this and I'll close with this I found this from creation scientist Jonathan David Sarfati and I don't know I just thought this kind of got the point across an arrow coming in saying God gave me a fresh revelation and it's coming up against a big balloon that says Sola scriptura scripture by itself and you could see how that incoming missile is crushed under the proper epistemology of Sola scriptura so what is the source of the charismatic movement I think it's something other than God it doesn't matter if miracles are actually happening and the next time we're together I'll be explaining why is this movement so popular and I think we'll do one lesson on that and then the following week I'm planning on just opening it up completely for questions and answers we have a minute or two left does anybody have a quick question or answer well I can't promise the answer but you can at least ask the question over what we covered today yes Ellen
Channel: Andy Woods' Unofficial Channel
Views: 1,540
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: andy woods, ecclesiology, charismatic, charismatics, charismania, charismaniac, charismaniacs, charismaniax, movement, church, ecclesia, ekklesia, charisma, charis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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