Andy Elliott Reveals How to Sell Anything to Anyone

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if I was to kidnap your kids put a gun to their head and I was gonna kill them if you didn't sell 30 cars would you sell 30 people don't accidentally get successful people win on purpose you know why because they have an intent everybody sucks till they don't everybody starts somewhere until they rise to the top of them I stuttered I literally was the least likely to make it what I did is that I started learning from somebody what happened is everything changed you're always selling you're selling your kids to go to bed at night you're selling your wife to re-fall in love with you every single day everybody that's out there that has the life that you want has the same 24 hours that you got people can sing the ABCs they can sing the Happy Birthday song but I can hit it with an objection I'm like dude what's your problem man so what are some tactical things that you teach sales people I believe in two things number one I believe that secondly I believe that for those who are listening they're saying dude I like what Andy's saying but I'm not that intense like I cannot bring it the way he's bringing in these other guys to it does everyone have to be as intense and as fired up as you what if they're or even killed like me today I have what I would call the best sales trainer I have ever met and this guy came into Las Vegas with an entire Posse of other sales trainers who were absolutely hyped they're actually training my team right now while we filmed this podcast um this man is on YouTube he is the Forefront Authority on sales he's got over 300 000 people on his sales platform right now this moment I've got none other than Andy Elliott what's up dude hey number one I'm grateful to be here um you know we sit back and everybody watching this right now I know that you watch this podcast because you get a lot of value out of it everybody sucks till they don't everybody starts somewhere until they rise to the top am I right and a lot of people along the way the reason why they don't go to the next level is because they just don't learn skill that's it and you're a student you've mastered the the craft of learning you've learned to love to learn am I right correct so we trained 325 000 sales people and I'm gonna tell you why we're able to train that many people number one because I sucked I stuttered I literally was the least likely to make it I mean I'm just telling you like the least likely to make and what I did is that I started learning from somebody and what happened is everything changed within one year had a brand new house had a brand new Corvette I'm 19 years old and by the way whether I needed to buy that or I needed to save it I didn't know because I didn't have any guidance but I could get things that I normally couldn't get I could create my own lifestyle and I've watched guys just like Ryan right here start at the bottom lay it all out there on the line literally go and attack and give everything you have you study everybody in the world the world's your library if you know what you're looking for it'll give you what you're looking for right and if you don't know something you study it says you're watching this podcast I promise you this if you sell something which you do you're selling your kids to go to bed at night you're selling your wife to re fall in love with you every single day right you're selling your team to do what it is you want to do you're selling the world on your vision your dream right you're always selling we're going to talk about selling because I believe that selling is everything and obviously this is Ryan's show but I'm grateful to be here but I'm going to tell you if you'll consciously pay attention and I say that because a lot of people watch you for entertainment they're like oh this guy's killing it I look up to him he's amazing they can have the same life as you and better matter of fact I've talked to Ryan last night at dinner one of his goals was for his people to be 10 times better than him but you got to consciously be aware and listen because if you don't you're not going to grow and every single day you recreate and you get better would you agree I agree and that's what this is about so I'm grateful to be here this guy is amazing He's 33 32 he's turned 33 33 years old I'm 42. this guy's the future and by the way you're the future so if you're watching this right now take notes grab a pen grab a piece of paper don't just watch this podcast and by the way if you're driving watch it tonight later consciously pay attention I promise you today's the day that you're going to grow I love it I love it and 100 agree one thing I didn't realize is I got into my business career was that literally everything is selling you know I I was an introvert I did not want to talk to people well I did not do very well when I first became a realtor in 2010 because I was just afraid to talk to people being introverted and I just figured that people would be smart enough to buy the things that I knew were smart right yeah like I remember showing houses that were eighty thousand dollars that were you know over 300 Grand a couple years before you know and then the market tanked and I'm like guys buy this house like there's no such a good deal but I didn't have the sale skills like other than I knew in my mind it was great and I knew they should do it but I could not convince them otherwise yeah and I love that and by the way if you're paying attention look every I said in the beginning everybody sucks till they don't right so everything that you've learned in your life you've acquired which means an introvert right can turn into an extrovert would you agree right let me tell you why selling is so important to learn because number one you need to be extroverted but you can still be an introvert I'm an introvert me and my wife we used to go to dinner literally they would order the wrong food right and I wouldn't speak up I would eat the wrong food because I didn't want to make a fuss does that make sense sense right that was me but when I was in the automotive space I destroyed it if I was on my pavement my lot my place I own that that was my territory right but once I walked outside of that territory I didn't want to talk to anybody but what I learned one day I was talking to my wife we walked by a lady and I smiled or actually my bad I'm gonna reverse I walked by a lady I didn't smile at her and I told my wife I said man what's that lady's problem you know what she said she said well number one why didn't you initiate a smile and say hey how you doing and I thought well I don't I mean that's just not the way I am but she's in a bad mood she goes no listen to me what do you want in life what do you want do you want people to want to like you do you want people to want to be around you look you're a sales guy Andy she's like do you think people buy in a good mood or a bad mood look think about the buying State let's think about it you call out you're wanting to buy your somebody's home or whatever or you're wanting to sell a product do you think that person is going to do what it is that you want them to do and agree with you if they're in a bad mood no so they're going to mirror your state they're going to mirror your attitude they can tell whether you're smiling smile with your eye is having the best day of your life and this is good for them well guess what my wife that day everything changed and I said you know what so you're watching this energy that we have and by the way it's passion and I always say this I turn my pain into passion people that are capable for the most the people that can grow the most are the people that have been through the most crap I'm telling you and you take that pain you study you learn you use it as passion and I'm going to tell you in a society out there right now that really doesn't care and it's the truth you will stand out and within a couple few years you'll be at the top so I was going to tell you just like you're extroverted so am I or introverted so am I but guess what I decided from that day forward never am I going to be an introvert again so now when I walk by someone I'm always saying hey hope you're having the best day of your life how you doing yeah why because I want people to feel great by the way don't care about money care about people you'll never worry about money it's just the truth be really good at dealing with people so I was going to say anybody watching this a rule you need to do is you need to take attack every buddy that you walk by build a relationship with them say hi to them do the things that we don't like everything you want in life is on the other side to be an uncomfortable right you wouldn't be where you're at right you didn't want to learn YouTube you didn't want to learn social media you didn't want to be on a camera but guess what you knew that was what needed to be done mister I don't feel like it never uh I never became anything yep and that's it so no 100 um it comes back to doing the things that you may not truly not want to do but you know you need to do them and that's going to be the difference of whether you're successful or not but I'll sell you for everyone listening you know I I met Andy well we actually met at my future flipper event for the first time um briefly um he came it was amazing yeah it was great event and um Brad spoke and he gave me a lot of crap and it was great but uh you know we ended up um saying hi and then all of a sudden um you know we got a book for him to come here to Vegas to do this podcast and we had dinner last night and the first thing that happens is his entire team comes up to me and just like making me feel so welcome dude they're like giving me hugs um a couple of them like I don't know what they were trying to do but it was all good like I felt the love and you know it was great and today as we go to the office they literally shook every person's hand in the office introduced themselves brought the energy hyped them up and you did the same you know and it's like sometimes a lot of us you know whether you're just a normal person or not like for a guy like you who's accomplished so much to go and introduce yourself to every single person says a lot it's like doesn't matter how much success you have or how big you've gotten you're still doing the same things you're telling people to do right now for yourself that's right I want to say something when you go and meet somebody is your energy infectious I mean I'm asking like what are you infecting people with right look you get to choose who's around you in your life I always say take inventory of your life okay I want to be a person that when I'm around somebody they never forget me they never forget me and it's by the way it's my job to make that happen that's not going to happen accidentally people don't accidentally get successful okay right people win on purpose you know why because they have an intent their intent is mine with everybody is when I meet you number one you are important you are significant we want you to have a great life look when they bury us with dirt we want to make a lot of money sure that's great all right but at the end and I want my and why do I want a lot of money because I want my family to have a great life lifestyle period end of story I want all my people that work for me to make a lot of money but I want just like you want to change the way that the world has worked forever so many people have so many low self-limiting beliefs they have lids on themselves so guess what what do we need to do well number one we need to be like a true one percent or not be like the other 99 so what does everybody else do when they go and they meet other people Nothing they're entitled dude your ego is burying you you're nobody you could go back to being nobody to Morrow right every day I go back to zero I want to say this right every day we go back to zero zero look I tell my wife all the time by the way she's the money person she hides all she didn't hide it I asked her to hide it right you know why because I want to live like I'm broke you'll get comfy yeah and I don't want it by the way like listen to me the second I get comfortable I'm finished I tell her every day I'm after the journey not after the destination right you know I talked to you last night you go hey whether I become a billionaire whether I become this or that or whatever you know what I don't care you go I want to win yeah this is a game the question is you play in the game to win or you're playing the game to lose I read a book Tim Grover wrote called winning and then it was relentless Relentless said does winning recognize you like does it like look whether you have the brain analytical brain to grow and do systems and processes and efficiency and that's your strong point and you're a great you know social media person or whether you're a hard-working sales guy you're willing to put in all the hours you know you're willing to you know show people massive love whatever your skill is by the way whatever skill you don't have right now you can learn it find your leaks find your leaks I would say if everybody's writing down something right now write down two things number one in leaks write down opportunities opportunities are things you're currently not doing that you know you need to do look if you want to be like this guy right here if you want to have a massive we'll call it just reach to people because people need to know who you are what you do how great you are what you do and where you're at right if you're going to do something shouldn't if everybody's gonna everybody at some Point's gonna buy or sell a house so if you you're in real estate everybody should know who you are right exactly if they don't shame on you because you have social media right so all this stuff that he's doing well guess what you just watch anyone else could have done it yeah and they can still do it right now there's so many people that are and by the way listen to me it's gonna suck it's gonna be hard you're either going to be obsessed with winning or obsessed with losing and by the way training you know and we'll call that learning right like investing in yourself people like if the future flipper event right those people came to get in that room to look up your skirt to see what it is that you know that's it because you've spent all this time right like 10 10 years grinding it learning how to make these deals make these buys what to do what you should what all the things that should happen and I'm just talking about that event specifically right dude to pay twenty five hundred five thousand ten thousand dollars and be in that room that's nothing yeah oh my God are you kidding me one month of mistakes I mean get in the room with people that is are in a good location that can help you and then also that have a good vehicle like you know if somebody's watching your podcast obviously they're interested in the things that you're interested in right right you're like-minded people I mean I'm just telling you I like to watch people on social media I like to learn digitally but also there's nothing like sitting in the room just like we are right now watching a person talk speak seeing the way they really believe in their business and then going home and duplicating that and taking that back into your own life well the other part of it too is seeing is believing you know a lot of people they read a book or they listen to a podcast or whatever and they're like yeah you know that's great and they they somewhat believe but the moment you walk into either of our offices you go to this event you see other people having success with the trainings and everything else you're like dude if he could do it I can do it like he wasn't that far away from where I'm at today that long ago that's it and and you talk about like look here's the deal I always say this in two years from now there's loser dialogues and there's winner dialogues okay a winner dialogue is like well I can't afford not to do it I can't look up in two years and not afford not to be there right I can't afford not to be there cost of regret yeah like there's no like it can't happen like winners say it can't happen losers say well what if it don't work right right well number one you've got a problem with yourself you've got a problem with yourself and I think right now in all of our businesses and yours mine and everything it's all mindset that's all it is man I mean I'm going to tell you this what value is the skill what value is it to teach everybody something if they don't believe in themselves you you know Bradley which is a good friend of both of ours he always says you'll never out earn your own self-worth and I think everybody should tattoo that on themselves because at the end of the day you got to like yourself you got to like who you are if you if you wake up just like our guys walk down here today and they're firing your staff up and they're rock and roll weather the best in the world or whether they're not whether they are they're not they believe they are right and if you just believe that could you imagine I mean you had 10x your outcome right right and then by the way like people would actually see that you're somebody that they want to be around you can't deny that it's great to be around people that are in a great state in a good mood and then I'll say something else also you train to be the best you learn to be the best I said consciously pay attention in the beginning look if you're undeniably the best in your industry at what you do which you can be right now okay and by the way if you're an underdog and you're watching this look underdogs take down goliaths every single day okay that's the story I live for and I'm going to tell you this just like you came from nothing you're probably out there ready to partner with the people that are winning that are on the top but you know one of the things he's always looking for the guy who's ready to start just like you started Max your credit cards out win all in the biggest risk you ever take is not taking any risk at all you believed you knew there was no backing up once your back's against the wall you find out who you're made of 100 guess what that's why you are who you are today and the people that are watching you know that you're not fake you're real and at the end of the day all that anybody wants to do is be around real people because there's a shortage of that in the world yep no 100 man and I I totally agree with all those points I mean you brought up so so many different things that a man everyone's gonna have to listen to this twice at least like at a bare minimum because that's why I told them to write it down yeah write it down um this is winning yeah because you're giving in so many nuggets that probably are going through people's ears that they're not even realizing what you're saying and it's just like it's so true that for you to win you have to be willing to be the best and will you be the best I mean odds are you might not be but if you if you practice and you prepare and you believe like that you're gonna be the best version of you whatever that ends up being right and I can tell you for me I don't go into anything unless I truly believe I can be the best um if not I just don't do it there's no in between there's not like yeah I'm gonna go do this half-heartedly and we'll just see how it goes I don't play games I don't feel like I can win yeah like I only I want to play fixed rigged games yeah I'm like yeah I'm gonna win this and there ain't nothing anyone can do about it yeah my wife I only choose the games I know I'm gonna win yeah yeah there's no ways and then but I want to say this this game of life right this game of Life we'll call that a game yeah that's a game that everybody can win yeah they really can and when I say this like I think there's multiple areas that create winners like your family look I'm gonna ask whatever you put into something is what you get out of it right Ryan right okay so I want to talk about a couple things number one if you're not taking care of your house you're not taking care of your wife you're not taking care of your kids you're not going to take care of your business okay and then if you're not taking care of your business and you're not giving everything you got at the end of the day winning won't recognize you you're a fraud and it will leave you so if you're taking care of business and you're going all in when you come in at the end of the day guess what your wife's going to see when you come into the front door she's going to see a fulfilled man or your husband's going to see a fulfilled woman that gave everything they got laid it out on the table and who can't respect that look that is how winning gets done what layout whether it's spiritual financial and hey I'm a big physical health person which I know you're an athlete and by the way some of you like your next journey to going to higher success will be to exercise and to work out by the way when you work out you're in a better mood for the next 12 hours okay and you're big on that you told me um one of the very first things you said was yeah we all work out together we got a gym in the office like we have to work out before we go to work and you just gotta pump in before this podcast dude I can already see the veins popping out and everything man yeah no we're jacked up and I want to say this hey but listen there was a time that I wasn't in great shape I said everybody sucked until they don't look I'm going to tell you this when I was 32 year olds 32 years old I'm 42 now I was the GM of a dealership I was killing it and literally I'm going to tell you this this is why I told you to take care of your wife your kids your family and everything um I was working from 7 A.M in the morning till 11 o'clock at night I was killing it making more money than I ever made in my life man I thought I was doing great well I wasn't taking care of my family and business was everything to me and I'm going to tell you this my wife taught me a lesson she said don't be a one-dimensional man okay I come home one night I'm killing it you know she's heated up my food for the 19th time I kept telling I'm gonna be home I'm gonna be home I'm gonna be home I'm gonna be home most supportive woman woman in the world but what she is is she's a real she's my real best friend she said we've learned to live without you you just you don't come home you're always working and I thought as a man like that was what was going to make her proud of me and that was going to make me proud of me was by making a lot of money I lost my health listen I had love handles I got fat I'm just telling you and like and by the way like I mean this isn't about health but I want to tell you you need to be healthy because what's the value of making a whole bunch of money and have somebody else come in marry your wife and kids because you die early okay I'm not interested in that I want to be around for a long time I want to live a long time I want my kids to look up to me as a great dad and she goes Andy you know you have this thing where like you're like you can only have your family you can only have business right you can only have the gym you're always giving yourself ultimatums like if I get this one I can't have that she goes you're one-dimensional man she goes you need to understand this you can have everything you want everything you want in life everybody that's out there that has the life that you want has the same 24 hours that you got okay you're making excuses knock it off guess what dude she punches me right in the mouth like with her words right and you thought you were being successful dude I was literally drowning our family yeah and I'm going to tell you this you're going to go through these kind of mistakes when you're trying to find success right is this the truth but guess what I was man enough to say hey you know what you're right I remember crying I broke down and you know what I did I got I got up at 5am that next morning I went to the gym you know what I did that night I decided I was going to train my sales team because I was doing everything I could close the sales I could close any look my whole team was out there but I was the closer I was the best I could shut everybody down what good did that do I was sinking my own life right so guess what I trained my team and if you got a team you better train them because if not you're going to kiss your life goodbye or you'll kiss your business goodbye I decided to train my team I got back in the gym I was at home for dinner and our business grew yeah isn't it freaking crazy but guess what sometimes a person giving you the advice and I hope that you're taking this right now and you're like dude I need to do that it's really hard to take advice from your wife or from somebody that you're close to because you feel like they're being really critical on you does that make sense and honestly that was a day I had decided to grow up and I was like hey man I'm gonna be a good man I'm going to listen to her and she wouldn't have told me that if it wasn't the truth yeah so dude so many things there I think for one the initial reaction of a lot of dudes if their wife tells them that especially if they're you know you were killing it as the GM you're making you and I were talking um at dinner I mean you're making millions of dollars doing that and you know most people like dude she doesn't appreciate me you know I'm out here doing this for the family and all this stuff I played that victim that was the first thought I had right and then you realize like yeah actually I'm not really doing this for my family I'm doing it for me like that's it I enjoy it and I want this Prestige I want the status and you know I'm sacrificing all this other stuff um and that was honestly I've seen that story so many times even at a young age like I've seen it from older guys who tell me that exact story I see it happening currently with guys and it was why I created something called The Wealthy way um for those who don't know it's uh you can go get the free course the free planner the free um Discord everything in there is free because I am so passionate about that exact thing of look you can have everything you want like you mentioned you can have great health you can have a great relationship with your family with God you can be very successful in business as long as you just do the right things every day as long as you create the right schedule you learn to let go of certain things let your team do what you actually want them to do and for me it was a weird thing the moment I started Living that way like you said my business has exploded um the things that I was doing my employees wanted to do they wanted to start taking care of themselves they wanted to start hanging out with their family like you know we have a in my company now we don't work weekends and do we lose Revenue by not doing that absolutely I mean leads come in on the weekend and it is what it is but in the long haul if my employees are having a better quality of life because they're getting to go spend time with their families they're getting the opportunity to take care of themselves and their health I think in the Long Haul you're gonna win hey if you're looking to grow your real estate investing business whether you're just getting started trying to get your first deal or you're trying to scale and get to the next level you need to join us at wealthy investor we've got events every single quarter that are absolutely crazy we've got online coaching programs where we have zoom calls a community every single week we give you everything you need to know to start your business scripts processes Sops all of it it's for you so that you can dominate so if you want to learn more about how to join our community and be mentored by me and some of our top coaches and be around other students who are absolutely crushing it go to apply for a free call with my team once again apply for a call today that's called good leadership and the reason why I mean everything you just said I would love to work for a guy like you when I worked but the deal and I started my own company because I couldn't find that right okay so we went the hard way we built it thank God we did do it but I just want to to say that I was looking for that okay I was looking for that well I want to tell you this as you're going back and you're thinking about like why did I grind 7 A.M to 11 you know work six days a week when I go home on Sunday and I am with my family I'm thinking about being back at work again on Monday morning and you were forced to be home because the dealership was closed yeah and honestly like and by the way um it was because somebody taught me that right okay like so guys a lot of our bad men and women a lot of our habits that we have in the way that we are are because someone else is taught that so it's instilled in our brain I needed to be reprogrammed so that night and she slapped me literally with those words and just said hey you're one-dimensional guy okay like you're either gonna Step Up be the man that you could be or this is it we don't need all this money and all this stuff and not know who you are like we we're we're disconnected how many husbands and wives sleep in the same bed but they're miles apart no ways no more look and I don't know how you know how much we can talk on this podcast but I'm going to tell you me and my wife you know we make love to each other all day long every day all the time we work together we don't get burned out we run a sales team that's intense insane we're breaking records we got the life that we wanted we grind together we'll cry together we'll we'll break together we'll make mistakes together we forgive together and guess what in our whole team they they lead and learn from us and by the way I was used to micromanaging people because I got micromanaged and when you started giving these people the responsibility not cutting their legs off and say hey you know what I'm going to give you the opportunity to do this maybe you make a couple mistakes but guess what you're going to get this down I Believe in You You Believe in yourself you're my guy you're my girl you're going to make this work I know you're going to do great at this all of a sudden you've got to spend time with your family they get the Fulfillment that they're enjoying it you're not burning out now they've got purpose and guess what everybody's winning you're growing together and guess what that right there should happen in every comp company out there in the world yeah well one thing I'll say too about having those types of balance and you know getting away from work it allows you to be fully present and focus on what it is you're doing because if I'm just work 24 7 I'm kind of like a zombie dude I'm just like rolling through going through the motions but if I'm constantly switching up where it's like yep I'm at the gym dude I'm focused for this next hour I'm doing it or hey you know now I'm at work I'm here for the next eight hours and I'm gonna crush it you know and I don't have to worry about that I'm gonna be doing it for the next 16 hours yeah then I'm at home with my fan like it's it's like life is constantly just you're getting these different aspects of life that makes life so great yeah because people don't burn out they lose their purpose right would you agree yeah okay like I mean I'm just going to tell you any time in life that you've ever not enjoyed what you had but by the way five years ago you prayed for this right now if you look up and you're not grateful today it's not because you're burned out it's not because you're are overworked it is because you've lost your purpose for just a minute you've watched lost your gratefulness so you've got to know when it's time to press on the gas look I always say this I never let my foot off the gas because I'm never going to let somebody come after me okay I work with a healthy paranoia that somebody's trying to take it all away from me in the next 24 hours so I'm always like dude who is that yeah right so I'm just going hard hard hard hard but I want to say something you also like you said you guys don't work the weekends either do we yep isn't that crazy I know we don't work the weekends now does that mean that my team isn't home isn't at home answering a sales phone call by the pool having a good weekend with their family or they've scheduled two hours in the morning to get into the queue and answer a couple leads yeah they want to get that but we shut the office down we make them get out of there right because absence makes the heart grow fonder yep when they come back in Monday morning you know what they're doing we're excited to see them they're ready to go yeah and then guess what Friday adios also another deal is you're growing with your company I said people remember the journey those are the great brand moments it's not the paychecks it really isn't everybody wants to make a big paycheck okay but that's a one minute endorphin rush boom I got that money but you know what it's about it's about grinding with people around you that you enjoy being around yeah one of our hiring processes my wife hires from the heart we just did a podcast on Bradley that talked about building an elite sales team and he said Hey how do you guys hire well the crazy thing is whether it's right or wrong everybody has their own deal we hire off heart and attitude we'll teach skill I'm a sales trainer okay like if I can't teach you to speak talk work and all that stuff and I'll talk to you for a second and you're afraid of your own shadow like we're not going to hire you right okay I mean we love you but we just get a certain level yeah yeah but I mean like but if you've got the heart okay like I mean if you're like hey because I'll ask a question and I talked to you about this last night hey what do you see yourself doing 15 years from now and if they say well being with you I'm like my guy okay let's let's keep going but if I'm like hey where do you see yourself in 15 years from now they're like well I just want to work here until this happens well the deal is I'm not going to invest all my time in that person right there's eight billion people in this world for any business owner out there take your time find the people that that you believe what they believe they believe what you believe and like literally you can grow together and that way you don't have to start over again yeah I'm not trying to build up you know other people's businesses yeah I'm not trying to train my competition to go across the street and work against me later or waste my time with somebody whenever I've got certain goals and dreams that I want well you can you just got to pay for a different type of thing you're not working for me yes exactly pay for um Elite sales training pay for future flipper like happy to train you to start your own business that way but if you're working for me you know like you said we want loyalty we want heart we want attitude and trust and you know and you'll be rewarded if you work hard you told me you know a bunch of guys in your company are making over a million bucks like there's there's upside dude anybody out there right now let me tell you something four out of five millionaires work for someone else let's just make this clear it's not all cracked up what it's been on your own business okay a lot of work it's it's it's awful sometimes it's nasty you know sometimes payroll is crazy sometimes problems come up I mean just from every aspect and and I'll tell you this if you're working for a company right now okay and you've got a good opportunity guess what skill up that's it give them more do you think that a guy like Ryan or a guy like me isn't looking for the next person to come in our company and move the needle and take us to the next level dude we're everybody's looking for that guy or girl like we pray for that yeah but there's so many people coming in and waiting to get promoted and then they're going to go do it for us walk like you run the company talk like you run the company act like you run the company dude put up the numbers that no one else has ever seen do something so crazy that it's undeniable that you are the best and guess what you will demand the attention of those owners and they will do whatever it takes to put you in the position that you've always wanted to be in right and I just want to say you're looking for that person currently I'm looking for and no matter how many new people that are or even people that are loyal to me now like when someone shows up with that or somebody decides to step up I've got guys in my company that we're always about right here and then something clicks one day and they just go boom so I get a question for you so I agree with what you're saying there I honestly like yeah we have needs and we hire people based on you know the position that's of need but a lot of my best people came on to fill a position that wasn't even there right I'm just like dude this guy is a stud we're gonna find a way to make it work because he's gonna move the needle big time and it's going to work out um but my question is you know you and I both run our companies very much like a sports team right like your your guys are like I was telling you guys they're like a football team man they're all just hyping each other up like doing all this cool stuff um and I coming from a baseball background think the same and so I tell our guys this all the time it's like look at the end of the day the best player is going to play I don't care if you're a vet if you're a rookie if a rookie comes in and they're crushing your numbers who you think's gonna get the leads yeah they're up to bat next yeah yeah and I like that and by the way that's a good positive uplifting thing to know that number one if you are number one in your company guess what keep the edge yep keep training keep studying keep the passion up right don't get comfortable all right because that'll be your Achilles heel that'll be how the role in the Trojan Horse and take you out okay you got a crack in your Castle figure out how to kick your own ass so no one else comes in and kicks it okay like know your business better than anybody else if you are a veteran number two let's go to the flip side a guy who's who or a woman who's like hey I want to come up in my company right well guess what you have everything you need I mean even just as podcast alone you could sit down and you could study it and you could say all right so I need to learn to speak better okay because people want to be around people that actually speak great and by the way everybody in every company that speaks good usually has a really good position but everybody's not naturally born a great speaker they learn that your tonality your drive can you clearly see the passion that we have behind the words that we're using while we're talking right how about that that's called caring I mean that doesn't cost you anything you can out care everybody else in your company right right I mean how cool would that be to walk out here and see someone really like consciously caring more than everybody else right and do it over and over again that's one of the biggest things look I always say preparation like getting prepared for what's next Dabo Sweeney when he got what team does he play for the Tiber with the tiger walk when he made the tiger walk and I'm not a big Sports guy okay which is and I'm not a militant guy but we run like a sports team and we act like we're military but I've watched these these people and I study podcasts and stuff and and I study everything I mean anybody and everything that somebody does I always study it he went in and literally he was preparing way in advance for being a head football coach and he said look always be ready because somebody's watching right somebody's always watching so my biggest goal is that right now somebody's watching you and guess what if they're not watching you put on a show worth paying for okay they will watch you'll demand their attention they'll come around and before too long guess what just like you look up time's flowing you're like oh my God where we really just maxed out in our credit cards the other days trying to buy our first flip and we're working this out and now we're here and we've got all these companies and verticals and we're going crazy and you know it's like how did that happen you know how it happened you 'd Relentless you get delusional belief which means no one else could convince you otherwise a delusional belief that you were going to make this happen and that was it and that and by the way that's that can that self-love that belief in that deal that you have to carry that all successful people have because people are going to try to talk you out of your dreams every single day yeah you honestly need to have it's like this weird blend of confidence arrogance delusion you know Faith you've got to believe that you know you're going to do something that you have not done yeah and that takes you know all of those elements to do it's crazy yeah and I'll say something this is cool so we have two terms in our in our company we always talk about number one we will say don't be scared right like don't be afraid okay like the one thing that scares you the most is the one thing you need to do the most does that make sense sometimes you're like dude I'm scared good do it do it you need to do it you need to do it so you can get that out of the way okay so now you have courage because in order for you to get where you want to go you're going to need so much freaking courage I can't even tell you how much you're going to need so anytime you get an opportunity to gain an extra brownie point with courage you know do it but I was going to say being scared let's talk about something else I am scared you know what I'm afraid of I'm afraid of going backwards so I worked scared every single day and that's why I work so freaking hard and that's why I give so much energy and passion so much love to the people that we train the people that we do business with and our clients that other companies don't get because I am scared right and I'm afraid that for some reason if I don't give it all I got and I don't stay sharp and I don't keep learning I don't keep reincreating and Reinventing myself guess what well I will go backwards so I say don't be scared right one thing that scares you the most do it number two live scared yeah okay don't go backwards I'll tell you I'm yeah my number one people ask me like what's your top fear and I'm like ah I mean I'm not like super scared of losing money like it I know I'll make it back like I'm not worried about that like he's scared of the market I'm like no I can't control the market like what what am I gonna be scared about like I just have to just do whatever is the best move as the market plays out I can't I can only control what I can control but um you mentioned backwards and that is what I'm most scared of that pisses you off yeah dude I'm trying to always just progress forward in all aspects dude I'm gonna tell you something right now so I don't know how you push your buttons because I have buttons right and I'm really calm you can't trigger me like I don't care what you say to me guys like I hate that guy he's a fraud he's a loser he did this he did that I'm like dude I just laugh yeah I'm like we love you man you know we don't stop it and throw rocks at every dog that's going to bark okay right but my wife she knows she knows how to push me okay I was having this seminar one time we had about a thousand people there in the room and I was coming out hard I was coming out good we were coming out strong everybody was lit up and you know I don't know if she was messing with me I still never asked her right because we didn't have a conversation after this but I brought the heat there was a new Andy 3.0 that came out just literally like a guy I've never met and sometimes your back has to be against the wall or something has to happen for that to happen and she came out and it was like right after a lunch break or it was right before the lunch break okay she goes hey I'm going to tell you everybody doesn't seem very engaged today um I go what you know what happened it was on I went out there and when I was done everybody's like oh my God oh my God everybody's like that's the most amazing thing in the world still to the that day that training was my best training I ever had and she had to say something piss me off to get that out of me yeah you know I tell people all the time and by the way like I'll just I'll talk about Automotive Training for just a second a sales guy selling 10 cars a month okay and by the way I always use extreme parallel so people might be I don't like that I'm sorry I'm not I'm trying to get you to understand what I'm saying and I'll say a guy's selling 10 cars a month okay we're just going to use this and it could be for any industry right salesman selling 10 cars a month he's he's there training with me who wants to sell 30. he goes to the training goes back home he's still selling 10 cars he can't figure it out and you know what the guy does the guy needs to get pressed on right the guy needs something to happen so we can come out of his shell and actually go to the next level and wake up well guess what I'll say hey you got kids yeah okay let me ask you a question real question if I was to kidnap your kids put a gun to their head and I was gonna kill them if you didn't sell 30 cars would you sell 30 he said well if you had my kids I would sell 30. well then why the hell can't you sell 30 now why do we have to even talk like that that's your problem okay and I and I that that little uh you know that parallel yeah like look sometimes we got to get extreme to make people understand that look stop acting like you're gonna Live Twice right you only get one freaking life yeah you know you're capable of it yeah like we can do it dude we've given you permission give yourself permission and one of the things is a lot of people because of the past or things that they've gone through are failures do you know what they don't think they deserve it you do deserve it if you don't think you deserve it you're not going to get it so you got to give yourself permission you got to believe that you deserve it and guess what you're not in it for selfish games so many people won't do it for themselves but they'll do it for someone else there's things that I won't do for me but I'll do for my kids yeah I know how to push my buttons and at that right time when I need it just like in that Tim Grover book you know Relentless he's like Tim knew how to push those buttons on Mike whether it was saying hey man that guy's shooting better than you and that piss him off or to say hey can you hear what that do you believe what that guy said about you he'd piss him off I mean I'm just telling you right like sometimes we need that stuff to happen and I'm just telling you like learn how to push your own buttons yeah I'll say the biggest leaps I've ever taken forward were from failures from criticism from whatever right so yeah if everyone's telling you how great you are all the time you start to believe it and you just it stops you and it makes you complacent it's not good man yeah you don't need a pat on the back that's not what we're looking for so whatever it is that you you do what I want to tell you to do is number one be really good at it be undeniably the best take your family yourself your life to a whole other level and do it for one reason to have your great life but number two to inspire others to see that they can have a great life if you currently don't have what it is that you would like and you're watching this well guess what you can have it just believe that number two if you'll study it and you'll get it down imagine what it would be like when they go to throw dirt on you at the end of your life and you're going to die and you're like man you know what I changed thousands of people's lives because I proved to others what could be done that's cool man I mean that's called the fulfilled heart right I mean like we talk about fulfillment like you talked about money look dude when you help somebody and you get a text message or an email and somebody's like man my life is completely changed since I started doing that like amazing they're like that's it like check or that I'll take that yeah no 100 and now you're getting them all the time and you're constantly seeing that and it's such a gift now it's your turn okay we got our ass kicked we leveled up now we're doing it for others now it's your turn to level up pay the price you need to learn it and then you can go Inspire others I love it dude so let's transition a little bit I think that mindset wise you know you mentioned that that's the first thing that has to happen how do you fix someone's mindset how do you get them going that way and I think this whole first half of the podcast I if your mindset hasn't shifted yeah at this point well then you know there's not much I can tell you nobody can do anything for you yeah yeah so watch it 10 times yeah but let's talk more tactical now right you had mentioned um downstairs before we um got on the show you were like yeah you know people think I'm a hype man sometimes and they come in they're like oh this is just all rah-rah hype and then all of a sudden I hit him with the Tactical and they're like wow this is totally different so what are some tactical things that you teach sales people okay so number one there's a couple different things obviously um I believe in being deadly on the phone okay like being deadly on the phone's a big deal your company uses the phone a lot would you agree every every company uses the phone a lot now with zoom being so big because kind of what happened with covid people distancing you got to be good also on Zoom okay also on top of that you got to be good at talking you got to be good at speaking listen I'll ask everybody right now are you guys a public speaker yes yes you are you speak to people publicly every single day whether it's one or ten thousand right right some people don't want to hear you so one of the first things that we do is that we teach people how to say common things in uncommon ways look the old people that were taught how to do things in your industry or this industry look the same regurgitated training is out there you know what that means those people are calling saying the same thing what's the difference between you and everybody else right the way you sound the way you talk the way you speak and the way you make them feel by the way do you sound like you're the trusted advisor and the damn trusted guide while you're on the phone with them do you sound like the expert right do you sound like the person that they've been looking for to solve their problems or do you sound like somebody just giving out information right right so one of the biggest things that we do is that we teach tactical like what to say okay like when you answer the phone hope you're having the best day of your life this is Andy how can I help you today little things like that yeah instead of this is Andy okay hey by the way who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today oh my god look I'm gonna reset my computer it takes 30 seconds of my time then I'm going to get you all the information you need by the way where are you calling from today why did you reach out about that look what am I doing now now I'm connecting with you right name a sales Pro or anybody on the phone that can reach out call somebody pause slow down the cell make a connection build a relationship and then say hey by the way my computer's back up Peter it's awesome dealing with you I'm just going to tell you this you remind me of my dad he's amazing by the way my dad's name is Peter too so that's crazy we're family yeah and now I go into whatever it is and I'm going to talk about that you need that's good for you now you trust me people buy from people that remind them of their friends done right so we teach people tactically what to say by the way so I'm going to say this to you I am not good at learning is what I believed that is you are good at learning everybody learns differently you may retain information by watching it video by reading it some people read it in a book list and if I read a book I'm not going to retain it I have to read it in a book then write it down over here I have to I have spiral notebooks thousands of them wrote down I write everything down and again and again and again and again and again how many times have you watched a YouTube video and you've got something valuable out of it but you didn't write it down and then later that day you're trying to think of it what it was you couldn't remember it so you couldn't use it right write it down which is what I said at the beginning of this podcast so tactically what I would say is whatever it is that you do I said know your business so well right that you can find your own holes you can be undeniably the best how does that happen well what is it you do well so if I deal face to face with somebody right my number one thing is I'm gonna have to go out make a best friend with you within two minutes okay because I'm face to face with you I'm going to have to make a connection with you that's going to make you think man you know what I just drove 30 minutes of my family to get here or I just came here from this place this guy's awesome right you know what I want to do business with Skype but not only do I want to do business I've already made that decision before you've even talked numbers or product or anything right and you know what they've made that decision by the way they're judging you people are judging you all the time so if they're going to judge you give them something to judge right be good and by the way guess what I've never had somebody say I hate your energy yeah they may say hey look you're a little extreme for me I'll say hey I apologize look in a world full of people that really don't care a lot I care too much and I'm sorry if that has offended you would you like me to tone down the carrying a little bit oh no we good we good okay to learn in your life that will advance your life for faster than anything else is to learn how to speak and I'm going to give you an example okay number one if you want to Brand yourself and you want to get out there and you want the whole world to know who you are you're going to have to learn how to talk right well how do you do that put your pressure yourself under pressure pressure makes diamonds Superior or burst pipes like it'll break pipes on some people but it makes diamonds you learned how to speak because you got in front of that camera you did not like it you watched your video and you said oh my God I cannot do this again well like you got to do it again because there's not another way to get your name out there without getting on a camera so you've got to get good also what it allowed you to do is run your sales team better too it also allows you to communicate which by the way being a master Communicator tactically right you want to know real tactical stuff learn to communicate people like we're having this podcast right now this is natural there's no none stage this is all skill skill that's learned from years of losing and getting your butt beat right and and felling which is great Okay and like you said I'm not afraid to fail I'm not afraid to lose money hey if the market shifts I can't control that there's uncontrollables but there's controllables this is a controllable tactically if I was to give you within 30 seconds how I think every person in life should live wake up at 5am or in the morning get up before the sun comes up because you're beating your competition you're already ahead of him get out of the house go to the gym get your heart moving run do something to get your blood flown it'll put you in a great mood exercise so you'll live longer and so you have more energy yep secondly go home and study something dedicate 30 minutes of your time to studying change your eating eat clean food if you put good food in your body your brain's going to operate right you're going to do well and you're going to look better and by the way who doesn't want to deal with somebody that's better looking at the end of the day I told him last night I said dude look at your hair he's got gray hair I have no hair okay listen I said I'm not that great of a look of a guy I know that so you know what I do I work out I have an eight pack so I can look better okay I'm trying everything I can to put things in my court right I want to increase my odds let's call it that right like be the best version of you yeah like Predictive Analytics right like if you want to watch the data a person that actually is better looking is going to be able to deal with someone and stay with them longer than a person who isn't remember I told you I was out of shape look I mean it's just the truth my wife she's like hey you got to dress better right she busted me up last night for wearing shorts right she's like I can't believe you wore shorts I'm like what she's like 16 years we've been together and you packing shorts in a suitcase you need to wear slacks when you go out to business meetings and I'm like damn it always get my butt Rip but she's it's the truth I need to dress nicer but you talked about tactically what you can do get up study study somebody find somebody and by the way don't study them to just watch them learn exactly everything that they're saying and then practice saying it duplicate it if I was watching him I would literally go through and I'd write down everything that he says that I like and then guess what would happen I would practice it I'd repeat it I'd learn your tonality I'd learn your dialect like when do you slow down in your words when do you speed up I stuttered when I was younger and this and most people never get out of stuttering but this guy told me he goes hey learn how to slow down your words yeah so really it helped me be a better closer because I play chess now instead of checkers when I go to say something I know already what I'm going to say before I say it so I can slow down my words yeah you can start predicting what people are going to say yeah and it's a skill yeah so like tactically what would I tell you to do well who do you want to be like right now just think about it okay you're not a second rated version of them you're a frustrated version of yourself but who do you want to emulate right study them write it down write down everything you say learn it listen become obsessed with learning everything this guy knows and learn it better than him yeah and so tactically that would be a great way to study somebody it doesn't cost you any money it just costs Sweat Equity one question um or one um I don't want to even call them myths but maybe things that just are common beliefs um you want to listen 80 of the time and talk 20 of the time yeah I totally agree number one don't be a machine gun sprayer with your mouth hoping that something sticks eventually right and then they say yes because you're actually going to say a couple things that you didn't want to say and you can't take those words back right by the way that's one of the biggest problems of sales people is they over talk oversell and they say things that they shouldn't have said so what I like to do is I like to say all right so what does my business look like if I'm going to go sell insurance and I call somebody I know in the first seven to 11 seconds on the phone when I'm talking to them they're going to decide whether they want to spend any more time with me or not okay so the idea of it is you skill up you get better you learn what to say you go through different word tracks different scripts different patterns different things you learn what to say that does work and then guess what once you do something you just repeat it so I would say this I believe in being a sniper yeah a sniper with my words if you tell me no I'm going to get you to say yes 100 sure okay in the sales game any and every objection Under the Sun I don't care what it is if I'm in that space right somebody says Andy I sell um I sell bathtubs I don't care listen I'm going to go through any bathtub rejection that you could possibly get I'm just making that up because right I like silly stuff and guess what I'll take all those down and if you say no to me my job is I'm not going to run my mouth and try to get you to say yes I am going to say hey I totally understand however let's look at it from this angle boom and I'm going to close you down be a sniper so 80 listening yeah 20 speaking absolutely because your customer is going to tell you number one what's their dominant buying motive like why and by the way if you ask great questions you'll get great answers right so I want to say that the 20 of the time that we're talking it's really about asking good questions let the customer speak the more that they speak the more they become comfortable with you also the more they talk to you the more they become comfortable with you guess what the easier it is for you to sell them because they feel comfortable with you and all you got to do is just ask a couple good questions like hey have you had an opportunity to look at one of these yet or to buy one of these and by the way like is this am I the first person you spoke with or have you spoke to multiple people they spoke to multiple people awesome why haven't you pulled the trigger yet it's really rare that somebody shops this long and hasn't pulled the trigger yet by the way was it are they not treating you great what's going on you guys are amazing you're asking leading questions when you when you're only talking 20 of the time you have to get them to go down the funnel that you want them to go down yeah so ask great questions have a list of great questions in your business that allow people to open up tell more than they want which is my favorite thing and then also on top of that you're going to close them based off the information that they give you yeah the more info you have the more you can be strategic and yeah how to solve their problems yeah and take your top 10 things like if I was in your space right now I'd say and by the way let me say this give me the top 10 objections that you struggle with and I would write out exactly how to handle all those and I would memorize them so well that literally like people can sing the ABCs they can sing the Happy Birthday song but I can hit them with an objection I'm like dude what's your problem man you memorize the stupidest stuff but you can't memorize the stuff that's going to change your life you know what I'm saying no I got you okay second belief people say that most make purchases based on emotion versus logical yeah so I believe in two things number one I believe that people buy right when their gut tells them that it's the right time to buy secondly I believe that if you can make somebody feel in their gut that you're the right person to do business with and also logically what you're saying makes sense you're deadly yeah okay so emotionally yeah I love emotional you know how I get you emotional and I want to get you excited okay look I'm gonna get your endorphins firing look I know what your buying state looks like without even you having to tell me get you in a good mood that you fired up and it's you feeling like Now's the Time to do something if there was ever a time and then guess what if what I'm saying right out of my mouth makes you feel like it my words are flowing like water it makes you feel like hey man you know what this is it and you've got that gut feeling with me that's a wrap it's a wrap yeah I'm I'm the same way you know people don't logically buy a Ferrari right it's the gut it's the feeling they get driving that car yeah let's get people excited to spend money shoot man I mean like seriously like listen if I spend money you know how bad it sucks to spend money when I'm spending it with somebody that I feel like hates their job right or somebody that's just doing it to just be a part of the service you're not making me excited to buy this no no so whatever you do just do it all the way and do it at a level that no one else has ever seen before right ever ever yeah it makes if and this is one thing I've learned about making changes in life and so I learned this in sports you know I would have a batting coach and he'd be like hey I want you to drop your hands down here and all this stuff and then like I do it and it feels so weird I'm like this is weird and he's like no you need to do it like way more he'll show me the video and it's like I moved my hands down an inch he's like nobody would even know you changed he's like you have to exaggerate it so it feels so crazy and that's what you want and so when you're saying this about the energy literally feel like foolish like you just feel so like you're a crazy person with your energy you're bringing and that's probably the right amount of energy yeah and by the way don't be afraid look don't overthink this okay like somebody's watching this like how much is too much listen just get excited okay you know what people look if you're watching this right now and you're like hey these guys are having fun it looks natural okay cool that's it yeah like that's it like that's all you want by the way you you offer you know so many different programs with all your people every single one of them one of the things that we do in our company is we we teach sales training like that's what we teach we teach sales training and you know I can give a number that they can text if they want to learn how to be great at sales training give them that number okay so the number if you guys write this down it's 918-210-0254 and by the way it's simple it's 918-210-0254 be around people that can just say hey man let me hear you for a minute okay cool I got you or you can tell your problem too and they can say hey we've been there one of the things that's for sure find people I would say my mentors in life are people that have gone where I want to go I know the people that you're studying right now you don't even have to tell me because and by the way like I know you're in big time and you know nfts and cryptos and all these things that you know my company doesn't have anything to do with or even I don't even understand yet right because it's a whole different deal but you're building a tech brain a sales brain you're building a business brand you're you're developing every day and guess what who's telling you to do that nobody right you want it yep and to me I just want to say like if that was it my mentors in life are people that have gone where I want to go find a couple people not 20 find two or three people that you would really like to consciously learn from and say hey you know what I'm going to study these people like the back of my hand yeah and that's it and next year you're going to be a totally different person the person that you'll see next year when you go back and watch this podcast who you were today yeah you'll be like I can't believe I was that guy right every year I watch my old content from last year you're like I suck back then I tell her all the time I'm like I can't believe we got a business I can't believe it and by the way you know what I think I think that's inspiring because you're telling people right now that they can get the life they want they can recreate they can change and you know what if you keep changing and you keep leveling up and you keep showing people that the same advice you did because a lot of people give advice so they don't take it right okay you take the advice you give and to me that's a mentor yeah this is the Bradley podcast We've Just Dropped a Bomb because that right there is who you want to find people that aren't jaw jacking saying hey do this do this do that and then you know they're not going home and doing it okay like find people that are really winning really scaling and growing and Innovative being an entrepreneur is the ability to create and that means create in yourself and also create like in in product line and stuff yeah and um you know be around people that I call it a power source okay if I'm close to you and I don't know how to do something when I'm close to you I feel powerful right so I feel like now I can actually go do that so many people don't have that powerful person in their life so that's why they're not scaling and growing so that will go back to the live events for a minute which is why I would tell you get in the room in a live event with someone that you look up to and spend the day pushing everything to the side and just studying them yeah guess what you know what's funny Andy was telling me about his Live Events like they're way more strict than mine he don't let people be on their phones they get a notebook if they yawn he will call them out from the crowd push-ups baby push-ups uh it's amazing and so guys if you want to attend um one of Andy's events text him we'll link to his um phone number down below in the description but uh yeah like I want to send my guys to your events good because I want them to we look forward to a long relationship and by the way I'm going to say this to you okay if you're watching this right now and you're like man I want to level up look next year you could be on this guy's podcast 100 next year listen he's looking and by the way you could work for him in six months you can do whatever you want it's that simple stay delusional that's it stay crazy and by the way don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams it's your dream okay and if you don't have a dream I'm just going to say this because a lot of people were talking about all this and they're inspired they're jacked up they're fired up right they don't have a dream you know what a dream is a dream is something if you close your eyes it'll make you emotional and it'll also fire you up at the same time I think about my dreams I'll start crying and I'll also be ready to go to war and kick your ass at the same time right that is a dream and if you don't have that you need to think about that right now write down your why and then guess what then take action and let's go get that I love it so I have one final question for you for those who are listening right they're watching both of us and they're saying dude I like what Andy's saying but I I just I'm not that intense like I cannot bring it the way he's bringing in these other guys do it so my question to you is is there certain sales Styles like does everyone have to be as intense and as fired up as you what if they're more even killed like me you know like what do you think about that so my wife she's the exact opposite of me yeah she she calls me a showman and she's actually a real teacher okay now I'm a teacher and I teach but she really like when we trained we both trained together okay um her people she's totally different she's smooth she's she's calm okay she'll make sure that you understand what it is that she's saying right very clearly where me I'm intense you know I want you I want you and by the way like I just live that way like that is what it has allowed me to yeah to get this life that I have because I had to attack it with so much focus and so much intensity and in the times where I wasn't winning I mean I'm gonna tell you this like you need to know you right um at the times where I wasn't intense and I didn't have the focus that I had I didn't row so I knew that my Edge was going to be intensity massive Focus but being lethal with skill and so those things right there like you asked what kind of energies what kind of stuff look just have Swagger yeah be cool right know your know what you're talking about know your business so many people right now you know whatever it is they're doing they don't know their business better than anybody else so I would say this just know it the best and then you're not a second rated version of anybody your first rated version of yourself you could close a deal I'll close a deal completely different so my wife and somewhere else we'll all close it our own way okay one of the things that I've always loved is Authority when I was younger I I needed some Authority I needed it right so I was looking for a person that I could look up to and when I thought about who I would want to look up to or who I would want to talk to it seemed like this kind of guy that I've become today which is why I've become this guy right and on your end on your coaching style and everything that you run you've had an Envision of what you wanted to look at they both work yeah just be undeniably the best yeah put in the work and study and one part that I'll save for me I've thought about is you know not being a super high energy guy being more you know even keeled and like you said just having Swagger yeah it's like the only reason it works for me is because of the confidence in what I'm saying yeah because I know my industry better than anybody yeah so if I tell you something you believe it you're like yeah this guy he doesn't need to like Jack me up to do like I believe he's telling me exactly what he says um I trust him he's gonna be honest with what he's saying and I'm not afraid to say it if like yo you probably aren't the right fit for this you can't do this like yeah as long as for me that directness is good it's a good quality yeah like I'm just very honest direct and I'm an expert and like that's just literally my sales approach yeah so anybody that's watching that I'll tell you this he said confidence conviction conviction comes from confidence and by the way confidence comes from competence okay so competence you didn't know what you knew until you studied it learned it the people that you were studying it from you actually learned it better than they even knew it because you took what they knew then you went over here to this guy and then that guy and this guy and this guy and all of a sudden you know everything right and that's it and by the way look how humbly still is you know what that means he's a sponge he grows every single day there's no like when I get here I made it it's like every day you keep getting sharper people either gaining ground losing ground getting duller getting sharper and the reason why we train every day so we can stay sharp and in a world full of people out there right now that there's a shortage of commitment that aren't committed every day to getting sharper well for a guy who is you will start to move up the ranks very fast it's not hard to pass everyone no it's not and by the way he said something when he speaks he speaks with authority he speaks with conviction he speaks with believability and he's not a fraud he's done the work he puts in the research and also whatever it is you learn you practice it before you go out and share it to the public right you make sure it's right you know when I learn to sell script or if I write out a new something or a new close I'll practice it I'll make 20 live calls okay I was the other day we were calling three and there we had this new script we put together for insurance sales right on whole life and tournament literally I called three people back to back close close Okay well guess what I before I shared that with anybody made sure that that could happen with me before I said oh guys I got something new and cool you gotta try this because then you're going to look like a jackass when nobody out there gets the results and that's what it is stay real study your study your craft Master the craft I think so many people don't use the word Master anymore but Master the art of learning Master the art of your industry and then guess what before too long just like you started here and now you have multiple businesses multiple verticals like you're a student of learning yeah like you never stop and when you don't know something you're not okay with that answer I don't know you go into research mode and guess what if everybody would just do that this little research mode just even on this podcast is like 20 000 books I'll put into one 50 hundred YouTube videos you know three lifetimes of building a business and selling I mean it's all there and then so you just write it down you dissect it you study study study and next thing you know you're a better person and your business grows and you like yourself more in your Kick-Ass person there was guys dropping the bomb they're like that's it that's all it takes well dude Andy I appreciate you coming out to Vegas man it's been a blast uh everybody here got a ton of value repeat your phone number one more time yeah if anybody look on the sales end okay if you're wanting to become a sales closer okay a person that learned how to speak learn how to close literally just want to be the best at what you do it's all going to take selling um 918-210-0254 you can shoot shoot us a text message long story short it'll take a couple minutes we'll say what's up to you I'll say hi to you look at the end of the day where do you want to go right where's the difference between who you are and where you want to go it's always going to be the Gap in your skill set it's in mine it's in yours whatever you put into something's what you get out of it find your leaks right now if one of your leaks is you're not the best salesperson you're not the best closer in the world I can help you if one of your leaks is you don't know what to do well guess what this guy clearly tells you every single day what to do reach out find out what to do and take action but whatever it is find your leaks and fix them don't let somebody else come in and kick your ass okay you figure out how to kick your own ass and I think that that's a rule for all of us to keep until we die and then uh opportunities there's never had a greater opportunity right now in this world to win look at the opportunities what do you want to do and let's attack and never look back again let's never go backwards I love it well guys go do that go follow Andy on social media and make sure you subscribe to the podcast and leave a five star review catch you on the next one thank you guys a lot of people they see Grandma they're like oh my gosh this is my idol this is the man you know so they don't want to check him yeah they don't want to say Graham I think that your opinion here is wrong and we totally have different perspectives on mine some things like you're like dude he's so smart then other times you're like this makes no rational sense
Channel: Ryan Pineda
Views: 187,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, house flipper, cash flow, financial freedom, entrepreneur, future flipper, house flipping, rental properties, passive income, real estate investor, real estate investing, wholesaling real estate, ryan pineda, graham stephan, meet kevin, max maxwell, bigger pockets, grant cardone, andrei jikh
Id: ExUqAmjPgsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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