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you got that I can feel it it's just right there it's just right on my toes hello and welcome to our Channel I am Nigel Jones this is Andy Anderson here it's Nicole we are at California's training facility the greatest place ever and you're gonna be teaching and you some backside airs right now backside ollie backside Ollie means no grab out of my overcoat I saw her earlier My Mind's book thang raisi yes explain who you are and what you do I'm Nicole Haws I've been skateboarding for 10 years and I competed around the world then traveling for the past six years so this is where I usually stay a couple times a week and it's nice and indoor who are you I'm Andy Anderson and I'm here to learn new tricks no this is a great training facility the park is built to spec and I'm just excited to be here and excited to attempt this amazing trick that it caused pulled off and I've won for a very long time but I've not had it did I sure hope it is because the video is titled Andy learned the new trick but there's a chance I won't learn it I got it I got no I didn't for sure this I'm not leaving until my tips perfect okay get it alright [Music] Oh other I'm not playing you state that was amazing please explain this that was amazing yeah how did that just happen [Music] the way you like your back foot goes up and then it's kind of like a pendulum or your front foot pushes it in your shoulders turn over it so it's like you go straight up and then turn your shoulders slowly and let your body come over and so you're not even actually popping you're just like barking right here your front foot like pushes down on it and then your shoulders come around okay I'm just gonna try one with with no advice yeah and you tell me what I'm doing wrong okay how about a fun little wager wager what's a wager money is involved oh my gosh in that case I'll ant it first try on your coping that's what I was gonna say cool first try over coping Braille will give you $100 no no it's just a one-way street okay but I don't have to I don't have to air the Box jump yeah just Arabic okay i gosh okay really explain it to me now I'm gonna change my you can do it back better yeah yeah okay let's go let's go over there let's go over there so when you're here you say you kind of scoop it you'd like kind of yeah like that and then and then do you flat out the board in the air like that no not really so what happens is I'm going off my back foot like I'm straight up here and then my front foot is pushing the board no I'm saying kind of like an all you do on flat ground so your ollie and then shift that foot forward you roll your foot the same way yeah like roll it and so it pushes the board like that so that's how it stays to your feet and then do you carve into it or do you go straight at it I got straight up and down oh my gosh you can't carve into it I do them sometimes like that well you like travel a little bit how did you learn it traveling or like traveling is when you come up on like here and then you end up over here opposed to straight up and down where you're just like burnt I found them I do them differently at different places like the combi I travel but here I do so straight up and down it's really about the Bach and the turn of the shoulders like this okay this goes straight up spot spot your landing and then you got it yeah I'm gonna do it I'm do a warm-up melon tailbone okay that seems harder is it this is actually so awesome [Music] oh she didn't like how her shoulder was on that really oh yeah her shoulder wasn't fully committed but I can see you can see how she totally rolled her front foot yeah I left my shoulder too far and yeah your board does not flatten out at all no I just like pendulum II kind of pengie I love pendulums there you go does that make sense yeah so the end goal is to air over the box and then do one is that the end goal of the video or just to land one in general when you air over the box and then do it that is so much more intense it's like dropping in a ramp this big and then doing a trick on a ramp this big cuz like it's almost the same height and then you're airing and landing with all that speed as she said earlier you have to anti pump when you land Wow [Music] okay analyzing oh wow my shoulder even comes around late they're kind of but your head is the real deal it's got a spot the landing okay okay I'm gonna do a couple backside tail bones and then and then I'm gonna go for it [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay okay [Music] [Music] oh not a bad first try yeah I felt it he backed off good then you just need to get get over your front foot you know okay okay long could you were in it but you're too far back like you knew you're gonna bail kind of okay okay like I pre decided I was gonna be pre decided I mean we all do it we all pre decide yeah okay I got it it feels good yeah you just got to commit you just gotta you know put a little pressure on that front foot and then commit in [Music] yes same idea hey that's kind of it yeah that's kind of it yeah yeah [Music] I was insane not that was so scary that would scare than actually you got that I think it I think it came off my foot cuz it didn't roll it yeah yes you're like you're like bonking and then staying right here but yeah roll your front foot and now move your board to your back foot and then you'll naturally want to go inside the ramp would you do some with me yeah help me believe that it's possible yeah I got you the ones that you try to actually bunk off you can do those I kind of scooped that last one and it felt way better yeah yeah scoop it [Music] whoo [Music] I got one that was this high okay I'm I can i my confidence is building you're just like up and then you're not you're not committing to the down part you're just you're just going up [Music] Wow okay you're there yeah man commitment issues we all have them as skateboarders because it's not natural what we do I feel do it do I do it how I'm doing it where you don't air over it please that scares me marks I don't have a speed I can feel it it's just right there it's just right on my toes oh yes yeah you've worked yeah darn it once you commit you'll do it you'll do it for sure just so the viewers know when you carve air you're coming up like this when you go straight up and down it looks like this but when you get out you you're coming like this so I'm more comfortable carving because that is the least effort but for me to go straight up and down I gotta think of it like an alley-oop and that helps my body work out how to go straight up and down so I'm will work on that right now oh dude that was it you like for a split second you look like you're gonna like go for it easier with more air yeah I think so yeah more your body has more time to set up okay I'm gonna angry I got a hawk a couple like that see how it feels do it and look where you want to land look my landing yeah cuz some of them you can tell you're looking like behind you're looking at your back wheel or something really yeah like when you travel them you're like looking so you're kind of back here and in the back seat a little bit okay I'll spot my landing yeah like that learning new tricks good yes you got it let's see let's see it he's doing it [Music] [Laughter] you know what is like pretty much every attempt until that last one yeah I thought I was gonna hang up oh no you're good and that last one I shot myself so far down I was like okay yeah it does not look like you're gonna hang out yeah I would let you know if you were gonna hang up okay I trust you you're good yeah you're gonna you're gonna land rolling away Oh I got a baby one okay okay here's a decent one you're gonna do it again get it this is so scary your back foot was floating and then you just like yeah that was crazy it's all on the front foot I feel like it's a lot of times my back foot has come off and I just until ended yeah it's such a basic simple movement that's so complicated it's it is a little confident that furniture unbelievable definitely didn't used to having this consistent okay this one's for you Nigel [Music] [Music] yes sir [Music] [Music] whoo these stretches that's why rope you stretched your level of like the capability is so high I know okay so just for gigs giggles I'm gonna try to air the box and do one are you ready for this sir I do not think I'm ready but I want to do it you are Andy Anderson you gonna tigereye this and send it all right he's already locked in he's locked in say less brother oh you got it [Music] [Music] yes [Music] whoo [Music] oh yeah no problem but next time I see you you'll probably just boost in them dude I'm gonna try my hardest acoustic I think you got it he's actually new so much that's good I'm stoked I'm glad today was your day to learn backside Ollie's you know you just everyday try them yeah it's gotta get better at him every day work at it yeah I see what you mean he's had to bunk harder yeah and it's like it's trippy because when you think of you know when you bunk off a crack on the flat ground it's pretty easy yeah but then you put it on a vertical wall where there's no gravity it's like a push towards but if you do it too much who's gonna fly so it's like being a masseuse you know you don't push too deep but not too shallow I just take that right amount you're like as you said it seems it's such a basic simple maneuver like such simple all tiny movements what would you guys like to shout out whatever you want [Music] social media Instagram you know mind control products mind control I need to get some life control products telling you I need that in my life no it's coming bro it's coming more products coming all right well that was amazing you learned a new trick I feel great bro I feel like there's a lot more to learn in this life and yeah shut up - Nicole House for killing it out here today and inspiring me to learn a new trick I swear next time I see you I know you yeah even better like you already did him good today I'm only gonna go up from you literally so please please please check in on an answer damn amazing skaters Thank You California training facility for having us describe like it leave a comment alone some videos to my left check them out see you next video
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 644,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille
Id: Vmiw5tct9dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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