Andrew Tate was Offered 50 Million$ #andrewtate

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and I'll say it right here on this podcast I've been offered to to shut up yeah we've talked about that before which I've been offered to shut up and many people don't understand that this is how selling your soul works because I've I've tweeted before if I if they ever kill me the details on exactly how they asked me to sell my soul will be released and that's true but what they effectively do I'll give you the very sanitized version they come along with a sponsorship contract and they come and say look we're going to pay $50 million your official opinions are x y and Zed you don't talk about this this this you're going to wear these clothes and you're going to act this way and you're going to laugh when they make certain J about this certain har crap and you're going to be this kind of little fru idiot like all the Liberals are and you're going to get paid all this money and if anyone asks you about these things you're going to say this this and this and we're going to protect you and they don't say we're going to protect you what they say is don't worry we have huge Partners in the media so we'll make sure that any story before it comes out we can see in advance and we can give our own reply basically saying we'll make sure the media says good things about you we'll pay you money and you're going to have this opinion and that's how you sell your soul and then you join the machine and I'm I'm guess guessing because I said no I'm guessing that's the beginning of it because then you get invited to the industry parties right if I would have sold my soul i' beat the Grammys I would have never got arrested I'd be at the Grammys I would have gone to an Afterparty at the Grammys [ __ ] Trevor Noah or whoever else would be doing something [ __ ] Haram in the corner with [ __ ] knows who I'd be in the same room it be on camera boom then they got me blackmail I'm Paran I don't trust this stuff I don't want to go near these people I don't want to hang around with them I don't do any the weird [ __ ] they do every five minutes a sex tape's coming out about some celebrity some dude some [ __ ] guy has his dick out 5 minutes why would you do that if you're a celebrity unless it's all purposeful or it's set up or they want something on you it's all a scam so when I instantly refused I think that's what upset them the most was my instant refusal when I was offered this contract and I'm not going to say who it's from because I don't want to die yet and I said no and they're like oh uh well your lawyer do you want to send it to your lawyer no no I've I've just read that I need to have official opinions the answer is no it was only a few months after that I ended up in a jail cell I knew it was going to happen they they they they they looked at me and go this is a big guy with a lot of influence there's a lot of people who listen to him let's use him as a tool to purport the ideas we want the people to believe he refused all right teach him a lesson we gave the bad employee a written warning and he refused well then what happens next something has to happen and if you're at home thinking that you can become massively influential and not have the attention of these people or offers like that then you're not very smart on how the world works if you get big enough they're going to come to you sir I'm warning you if you get big enough they're going to come to you and they're going to offer you a whole bunch of money and you can take it and you'll be okay or you can stick to your principles and your morals and you'll suffer yeah they've um I mean they've asked me to can you talk about this can you talk about this we'll pay you this much talk about this issue or talk about this issue and even if it's something I agree with I just I can't say yes to any of it because I know if you say yes one time it's never going to end you know you can't say yes and then all of a sudden say no it's just not possible well let's tie this back into what I was saying about how they were threatened by my masculinity and the fact I teach masculinity what type of person will reject money and reject his own personal financial gain for his morals a man only a man will do that I will argue now that weak men and women would be far more likely to take the cash for their own selfish interests only a man stands up and says no this is wrong so I disagree because men have been like this since the dawn of time Women and Children First on the lifeboats I am a man I will suffer it is my job so I sat there and said no my sanity is not for sale sir I reject your $50 million I don't need it anyway cuz I'm not a peasant and I'm not going to listen to you and they couldn't believe it because most people in my position if I was a girl or and of course don't I'm not being misogynistic just talking in generals if I was a chick and they came along and some makeup brand offered me a bunch of money and like oh yeah and you have to for this episode you have to do a a pro transgender episode or Pro LGBT episode because it's Pride week and here's all your money and you're part of our makeup brand she'd be like okay she would even realize how far down the scop she is she wouldn't even realize what she's doing only me as a man sat there and saw exactly what it was this is a bribe you attempting to bribe me and the fact that I said no and then went on an emergency meeting afterwards and started screaming that my sanity is not for sale there was a room somewhere I don't know where it was I don't know if it was Washington DC I don't know if it was in London I don't know if it was on the moon I don't know where there was a room of people people who sat around and watched my emergency meeting a few hours after I rejected their contract and thought he's a problem yeah he's a problem yeah how dare he how dare he how dare he deny our offer it was a fair offer it was a it was a very good offer and this arrogant idiot thinks he this arrogant guy doesn't understand how the world works the thing is I did understand yeah that's what they don't get I did know how the world Works which is why I started saying they're going to put me in jail which is probably frustrates them even more that I'm not scared of them I understand where this ends and I'm going to do it anyway and I'm hoping at least when you said I'm a general I'm hoping I'm at least inspiring bravery in enough other people because they can't put us all in jail no they can't put us all they can put me in jail if I'm alone but if there's thousands of us then it becomes harder then the Matrix cracks then the new system is built perhaps we can save the world
Channel: HighFlyBirdy
Views: 22,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate reaction, Andrew Tate video, Andrew Tate podcast, Andrew Tate interview, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate advice, Andrew Tate confidential, Andrew Tate in podcast with Matt Kim, Matt Kim, Tate, Tate ban, Tate speech, Tate speaks, Andrew Tate ban, TOP G, Top G, Andrew Tate emergency meeting, the real world, matrix, matrix escape, Andrew Tate quotes, Tate confidential, Tate pledge, Hustlers university, war room, Highflybirdy, Andrew Tate on matrix
Id: rjCK7jNJAq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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