Andrew Tate Destroyed A Feminist In 12 Minutes #andrewtate

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okay so let me ask you a question so obviously back then for survival women needed a man otherwise when they were pregnant could die and all of these things they would perish in today's society given Evolution given the fact that as women we can go get yeah but I'm I'm not saying that isn't there a glitch between what is actually happening and the nature of what we have in our bodies I think that's probably the conflict that we're having right now glitching what way in the sense that women don't feel like they need men in the most physical sense perhaps like naturally it's very interesting women don't feel like they need men in a physical sense because life is soft but it's but it's but it's [ __ ] and it's [ __ ] because you still need Men by proxy one and two the second life gets difficult you very quickly you very quickly learn how much you need men but women will go I'm an independent I don't need no man because I have an only fans and Men be my only fans and if anyone comes up to me I'll call a male police officer I don't need men shut up you [ __ ] idiot of course you do you just named your whole life is based on [ __ ] men the road you're driving on was paved by a man the house you're living in was built by a man the car you're driving was was designed by a man your whole life depends on men and the second anything bad were to happen to you the second you were physically threatened or times were to get hard or War were to start or famine or riots the first thing you do is find a big strong man [ __ ] yourself and throw the feminism out the window feminism goes out the [ __ ] window the second that the snow needs shovel in or there's a [ __ ] broken down car or the tire needs changing then all that crap vanishes it's garbage with and this is the actual the very interesting thing I'll make a point here which is GNA get me canceled again but I don't give a [ __ ] but but this is the point feminism in and of itself can't be defended any idea the point of an idea is that it can be defended by the people who believe in it this has been the whole point of War since the dawn of time it doesn't matter if it was the Christians against the Hindus doesn't matter if it was the Germans against the French there were people who had ideas and ideologies and they prepared to fight each other to defend their ideology feminism is an ideology which cannot be defended by feminists the only people who could defend feminism are The Men Who subscribe to the garbage if you if all the feminists were to get in a in a in a line and say we want feminism and the conservative men were to get in a line you would learn very quickly it's [ __ ] I had a friend in Afghanistan when Taliban kicked America out and he told me the Americans were tell were telling the girls they could go to school so they built all these girl schools and they put the afghanistani Defense Forces there and they get funded the Afghanistan Defense Forces to to to protect these schools you had American satellites you had night vision goggles Taliban were afraid to attack America leaves now you have Afghani Defense Forces they're basically blind they don't have satellites anymore don't don't have uh night vision whatever so now it's a real war the men are standing next to this girl school the Taliban are coming you're some dude you're standing there and you're looking at this girl school going I don't really give the [ __ ] if girls go to school bounce and you just and you didn't fight so that's why they all gave up and Taliban took over so quickly and when I said this the girls like yeah they should have fought for us feminism why don't the women fight can I ask oh wait the women can't defend their own [ __ ] idea you need men to defend feminism so that's why the whole thing is stupid the second men don't defend it it does it just fails as a [ __ ] ideology it's garbage may I tell you something now so this is the thing this is when we assume that women perhaps don't have the physical or even mental ability to go to a war wait wait because this is the thing for example in Ukraine a lot of women took up arms and in fact I'm angolan wait wait I'm angolan wait wait I'm angolan Don't Lie the people at home wait no worries I'll talk about my personal story you want wait let me tell you let me tell you something this is the thing I think it's also really like silly to assume that for example a woman because she didn't go to school she'll not be as intelligent as a man therefore naturally a woman is not intelligent no it doesn't make sense if we're now starting to normalize equality and we want to put everybody in the Forefront give a woman a who normalizing equality well that's what what people are wanting then that's people let me tell you who wants to normalize equality people like who feminist who else wants I want well actually know equality I want respect that's really what I stopping you from getting respect I get respect get respect I get respect what I think is you don't know what you want I'll tell you what I want what you as a woman I carry myself differently I actually hold the things I have done in the fights that I for I hold it that's why when you speak to me I don't move different I move different to many of the girls that's why when you talk to me and you argue with me I don't take it you do sometimes and I'll tell you something a lot of women may have the accolades to be somebody but they uncomfortable to own that and the reason why then I would like to ask you for example um I do need a woman a man for example to you know procreate but other than that I'm quite strong and I would find things I would find a way to protect myself differently with that mentality what would be the man that would be for me then denava denava what would you do if one of these security guards broke into your door well would I do I'll tell you what would you do what would you seriously she's a feminist I'll tell no I'm not a feminist I'm I'm not I'm not a feminist I'm I'm a bit smarter either I'd play dead one yeah okay they see you're not dead it's okay no I be like this and then if not maybe I would kind of like be very gentle and comply to find a way to get out they want to come kill me let's many people let's make an important Point you're talking about equality equaling respect the way you get respect as a woman is by being feminine there's nothing we can be equal and very very different I'm not saying that we there's not equality but you've confused equality with the same you can be equal completely different things you can have a bishop and a knight on a chessboard they're equal in terms of points but they do different things right a woman can have equal respect to a man if she is very good at being a woman and a man gets Respect by being very good at being a man when a woman decides she wants to act like a man or a man wants to act like a woman that's where all gets [ __ ] up we try to pretend it's all the same it's not the same men and women are good at different things we have different strengths different weaknesses there's nothing wrong with accepting that there's nothing wrong with saying I'm a woman I'm good at X he's a man he's good at y then we work together as a team we have a beautiful family we're happy forever it's only confused where you have women who sit and go no because in the name of equality we can fight in war there's no [ __ ] women on the front line in Ukraine that is sop [ __ ] they put some chick there dancing around doing Pokemon dances to try and convince men to go [ __ ] die in a ditch it's garbage if you go to the front line of Ukraine right now you do not see women in their makeup and their manicures you see [ __ ] men in the freezing cold dying you know where the women are by chilling that's where the women are so to sit and pretend that women are just as capable physically as men is a [ __ ] lie it's delusion to send that you're strong as men is delusion you are good at other things you're better than men at a lot of things but it's not the physical world and the unfortunate reality about life this is what we're saying when I was saying earlier that feminism goes out the window when things get hard the harder the world gets it the the closer it gets to the Baseline of humanity the unfortunate Baseline of of of humanity is violence that's what happens when if of all the electricity were to go out and all the police were to quit this would become a violent place very quickly and there would be [ __ ] zero feminists left zero you would all need men that's the bottom line of reality that's the bottom line so you have to understand as a woman and say okay I need a man who's good at being a man but no one's saying that we don't need men in society of course we do we're talking about relationships yeah you're strong but the thing is I can live my life as a woman and not need a man what's a woman I oh stop like in my in my day today life I don't need a man to fix my car I'll just go to the mechanic listen right but is the mechanic a man or a woman no no I'm saying yes we need men in society but in relationships the only reason I actually need you is because I want you I don't actually need you you know what I need you I need you to procreate yes I agree but the things I don't need you in my day-to-day life what but wait what wait what if someone breaks into your house I'll just call the police okay what if they don't come what if it the average in the in the US it takes like in the in in the US it takes like 15 minutes for them to get there that's not realistic that doesn't happen on a day today life these two guys in your in your house what are you doing but that's not realistic I've not had any man break into my house on a day today it doesn't happen the point is so let's be realis I know what you're saying but the point is this the point is when we're talking about feminism as a whole feminism as a whole demonizes men and you just said and you just sat and said besides procreation I don't need a man in my life I can go to a male mechanic or call a male police officer they're men so it's Society you are need I agree I agree of course we need you of course so you're talking about being with a man because you want to so my my question to you is why would you want to be with a man why would a man want to be with you cuz they're sexy like obviously of can we just talk about sorry I love men I love dick don't sound like it but it's not all about Dick what I'm trying to say is that in a good relationship right one that works there's Blue Jobs and there's pink jobs right and that's the problem that women have got they don't want to be doing no pink jobs but that's not what we're talking about we're talking about relationships why do you need a man in a relationship because you want a partner companionship friendship romantic love things that you can't get byself like you want to go on dates with him it's not about I need someone to fix my car like go to mechanic You're Not Safe call the police like it's not what about what about wait wait what about a father to your kids you don't think your kids I definitely want that these are the stuff this is the reason I need I AG wait wait wait it's not it's not that you want it you need it I agree and these are the stuff that I need in a man but it's like at the end of the day it's not like I completely need you I but the whole point is if the lights went out tomorrow you would need a man in society agree why do we have women so change no I'm saying I'm saying if if the lights went out tomorrow you would need someone to protect you you yes of course Society not my boyfriend half of my exes can't even do anything can I that's actually another problem a lot of men can't do much you know what I mean this day and age in this day and age guys can't even fit a tire I brother your brothers they don't know how to do even guys guys guys guys you have to do one at a time can I just say something this is why you can't blame all men for your poor choices you can't say I'm talking to both of you cuz you are saying yeah my man can't do this my man can't do that what and you want to settle down why would you go and choose a man that can't do these things that you wanted them to do my man could do all the blue jobs cuz most men grow up with a PlayStation instead most men grow up with a PlayStation it's not no that's the truth it's not speak for speak for yourself speak for sorry I don't need a mechanic to my boyfriend I need a father to my children I don't need you know something right she needs ace off she needs a father for her children right so she's going to go out there right and you're going to buy your child an electric car you're going to go and buy your child a bicycle Who the hell's going to put the bicycle and fix the electric car who's going to do it you got YouTube I know how to do these things I fixed the bentle before I fixed the bentle you can do everything yourself go and get some sperm donor or something because you obviously don't need a man that's the f the future for who no the because at the end what year are you living in the living because let me finish talking let me finish talking right now you you got a man right and you've been busy all day right and you're in your bed at 1:00 in the morning and your man comes in with all of his friends and said oh bab all the friends are here they're hungry what you going to do yeah I'll cook for my man I'm I'm a traditional woman in that aspect why is it that when people start cooking they think that cooking is traditional it's everything it's not just about cooking they always I have a question I have a question I have a question wait wait wait wait I have a question are you a virgin you're traditional or you're virgin are you a virgin no I said I said in that aspect I'm not going to comment on me being a virgin or not but what I'm going to say is every every human being should be able to cook she's she's a hybrid of tradition and modernization surv you know I need to cook to to survive
Channel: HighFlyBirdy
Views: 1,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate ban, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate confidential, Andrew Tate interview, Anrew Tate podcast, Pearl, Andrew Tate interview wirh Pearl, Andrew Tate at just pearly things podcast, Andrew Tate podcast with Pearl, Andrew Tate on feminists, Andrew Tate on feminism, TOP G, Top G, Tate, Tate ban, Tate speech, Tate confidential, Andrew Tate emergency meeting, matrix, matrix escape, the real world, Cobra Tate, Cobra Mind, Andrew Tate video, Tate pledge
Id: aeebYjUD47E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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