OpenAI Mafia | Ex-OpenAI Members Rising

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history repeats itself lots of movement is  happening at the people from today's hottest   startup but there's more when people hear the  name open AI they think of Sam Altman Microsoft   and of course Chad GPT however there are plenty  of people related to the AI hype that spun over   this company what exactly can we expect to happen  within the next acts of these powerful people what   do I mean by saying history repeats itself why is  the word mafia in this video's title and what has   all of this to do with Elon Musk let's find out hi  my name is Ayhan I'm a freelance software engineer   in Germany and I share my experiences about tech  engineering and self-employment with you guys but   today's video is about a never told story about  success intrigues and [Music] power first let's   go back in time a bit to be precise to the year  19 95 our young entrepreneur Elon Musk co-founded   a company called zip 2 and sold it a short time  later to compaq you remember for 300 million few   years later Peter field co-founded an online  payment company called confinity in 1998 one   year later our now pretty wealthy entrepreneur  Elon Musk invested some of his money from his   exit from zip 2 to also found an online payment  service company called does that ring a   bell one year later so two 000 the two investors  merged their ventures and confinity became XCOM   only for it to be renamed short time later to  one company that everybody knows today PayPal   PayPal was a huge success and it didn't take  too long for it to be bought off entirely by   eBay for over $1.5 billion which was shared  across a group of founders of PayPal who were   from then infamously called the PayPal Mafia  with Peter teal CEO of PayPal or dawn of the   mafia getting over 55 million from this and  Elon Musk reaching even 175 million however   money wasn't enough for these 23 members of the  PayPal Mafia I think the career of Elon needs   no introduction but the exceptionality of the  group was that Elon himself was not that much   of a unicorn at that group let's quickly wrap  it up the members of the PayPal Mafia founded   well-known companies like Yelp LinkedIn YouTube  paler stripe SpaceX Tesla and had their influence   in Airbnb Facebook flicker GitHub Last FM the  Mozilla Corporation the cryptocurrency Ripple   Twitter and held multiple seats in leaderboards  sea level positions and More in big startups   and companies like Sequora Capital Square Google  and much more and it seems like everything these   people touch turns to gold and they have their  fingers in most of the products technology and   services we are using every day in in our life  just like a Silicon Valley Mafia right all right   now so we know about the PayPal Mafia now but  why is this word in the title of this video do   you remember I said history repeats itself PayPal  members splitting out and taking over the world is   not a unique thing for hyper successful startups  the story is as old as the Silicon Valley itself   in the early Beginnings when silicon in its  name was still corresponding to the valley the   traitorous eight left Shockley semiconductors to  found their own competition with their valuable   experience in their former work whenever  a startup blows up like this it's usually   only a matter of time until the employees become  self-employed Founders themselves and that's just   how things go nothing to hate here but why now the  emphasis on the PayPal Mafia well before we get to   open AI let's quickly check what the papal mafia  members have done and influenced in the tech world   and what role they play in the art artificial  intelligence industry and in particular for open AI the three most well-known members of the  PayPal Mafia were Peter teal Reed Hoffman and   of course Elon Musk since their exit from PayPal  they have invested and founded some of the most   influential companies of the world right now  while they have had their own Investments it   was not seldom that they have behaved like an  elite club that have taken their part Partners   into promising Investments and put their old  friends into advantages when there was a big   opportunity on site for instance both Hoffman  and Thiel were early investors into Facebook   short time prior to the big betrayal of Eduardo  sein was that a coincidence whenever some of   them founded a promising company guess who  was the first on board and involved in early   Beginnings okay but over time an outsider seemed  to hop in and shows up among them on the dinner   table and in intersected more and more with  the interest of these elite players the name   Samuel Altman involved in some of the most  successful Investments like Airbnb or stripe   Thiel and Oldman also shared their passion for  supporting young funders Sam being the president   of Y combinator and field being the owner of  field Fellowship which grants 100K to Young   students to drop out of school and pursue their  business ideas and now it's time to Spill the tea   there's only one company that all four of these  men invested and were involved in a significant   manner the startup everyone talks about open  AI everyone who thought the massive success of   open AI was sheer luck or had anything to do  with it should know better by now open AI is   a once in a-lifetime success story backed by  the entrepreneurs who silently rule the tech   world and led by the most talented scientists  in the field of artificial intelligence in the   history only when the company switched from a  nonprofit to a for-profit model players like   Microsoft entered the stage until then a wild  ride from Elon Musk being the head leaving them   for good multiple CEOs and CTO from companies  such as stripe Google Tesla joining the company   Altman become an CEO getting fired by the board  Microsoft threatening to take all their employees   to create their own AI competition two Altman  being reinstalled as CEO after only 5 days and   ended with Microsoft investing over 1 billion  and owning 9 94% of open AI for profit arm and   being investigated upon from the EU antitrust  regulations but all of this is already out there   you can find any of these events and investigate  in detail about it but we care about the potential   repetition of History the birth of the open  AI Mafia and to say the least it has already begun over the past 6 years over 30 employees  from open AI have left them and started their   own businesses many of them with great success  let's take a look at the most enticing of their   new Ventures Maddie Hall former special  projects manager at open AI founded living   carbon a public benefit to fight climate change  by rebalancing the planet's natural carbon life   cycle the startup being the least valuable of them  is funded with $36 million pretty sad if you asked   me that no one cares about the environment so  much as they do in other fields that are more   profitable but that's again how things go I guess  closeup Jeff Arnold former head of operations and   Jonas Schneider former Tech lead at open a formed  their companies pilot and Daedalus with fundings   of 172 million and 41 million respectively  Peter Chen former research scientist formed   covariant creating the world's first AI robotic  solutions to automate pick and place processes   in warehouses and fulfillment centers covariant  has been founded to date with over 222 million   getting bigger now right David Luan former VP of  engineering founded adapt of 400 and 50 million   funded company providing AI models to automate the  usage of every software tool there is in the world   these startups alone have a valuation or funding  of over $880 million but there's one that makes   all of them look like a child's toy Dario and  Daniela Amodei founded their startup anthropic   in 21 a company that received fundings for over  7.6 billion in less than 3 years of existence   the twins left open AI as their dispute of their  vision for building safety into AI models rised   with open AI Daniela was vice president of people  and vice president of safety Dario was the former   vice president of research at open AI by the way  the first person who thought about giving the AI   models an unfinished programming software task  and as asking it to finish it and ultimately   he's the reason why GitHub co-pilot an AI tool  that helps with programming in astonishing   speed and efficiency came into existence way  before we saw ChatGPT in the wild with their   new Venture alongside five co-founders all of  which were former staff at open AI they work   on AI Safety Research that includes the first  mature approach on constitutional AI a radical   method on aligning AI systems with each other and  let them train each other to ensure harmless list   of artificial intelligence systems that we have  today and in the future with artificial general   intelligence but also their own AI assistant  Claude which is widely considered a close   competitor to GPT 4 open ai's strongest model  and even Google Gemini let's come to an end here the value of these Ventures formed  by former open AI Staff reaches 75% of   open AI itself and even if they won't succeed  over the exp parent or don't even plan to one   might predict that the future of tech lies in  artificial intelligence and the research and   progress in it and some of these entrepreneurs  alongside open AI Google meta and Microsoft   will form an oligopoly that is hard if not  impossible to enter just like a mafia isn't it
Channel: AYHAN
Views: 8,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openai, agi, technews, claude 3, elon musk, sam altman, ai, openai sora, devin, Perplexity, Neuralink, Brainchip, KI, Künstliche Intelligenz, Fireship, Dbrx, Databricks
Id: bomC6V9zzVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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