Andrew Tate - Millionaire 🤑 (Music Video 4K)

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I first made my millions of dollars the first time I ever became a millionaire was with webcam Studio oh really I know yeah this is how I first ever made money I mean I was a kickboxing world champion but kickboxing is not boxing right [ __ ] better [ __ ] when I pull up with a stick by to take a [ __ ] out you looking like a typical [ __ ] that's looking for a hand out [ __ ] is about to be a man out Mama should have told you never run your [ __ ] mouth she got [ __ ] you fuing dis just listen all that [ __ ] talk is toxic gold all your homies Pockets you don't want to be so hom stop don't want to dig your grein just drop it go home grab your gun and [ __ ] it the repap waiting buy it [ __ ] your rotting course blood and flesh just stay in the floor but you said that you wanted more that I never find out cut your fcking eyes out being a [ __ ] in the back with a call out doesn't matter what you say cuz we all get a paid you one said CL but it all going fade now stay in hardless in my mind just a play all the talk you can't relate just take a walk you can't complain there's a lot of
Channel: Rebellion Empire333
Views: 40,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3xjDchvmnzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 21sec (81 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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