اندرو تيت : هذا سبب إسلامي ! رأيت الشيطان | لقاء محمد حجاب

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I wanted to ask you now because this is the Hot Topic especially in the Muslim Community about your conversion yeah so tell us the story like what happened exactly well I think a lot of people have been following me for a while understand that I've been very respectful of Islam for a long time I was born in a Christian country I was raised as a Christian and I've always been very respectful of Islam and it's become more and more obvious to me and and more and more pertinent that Islam is the last religion on the planet when I talk about Islam because I'm new to it yeah I I'm a little bit careful right because I'm new to it I'm certainly not a scholar there's so much I need to learn I know I'm on a Learning Journey I'm not here to sit here and talk scripture I don't know those things yet I'm here to learn but we're here at your assistance thank you brother thank you thank you but um it's just for me it feels like the last religion on Earth I feel like there's no other religion people say to me why did you convert I said I don't really feel it as a conversion I it's almost like I knew God was real and now I've become religious and they say oh you're religious before I was like religious before how Christian what does Christian mean like who's not a Christian you go to Christian nations and everyone says they're a Christian look how they live their lives go into the average church is anyone actually fearful of God anybody no the girls are out on Saturday night drinking and then they turn up to church because their parents made them but there's there's no substance to the religion and also Islam very closely reflects my personal beliefs I through my personal life I've learned that if you don't have standards and you're not a strong person who's prepared to defend his ideas you will be crushed yes and we look at most religions in the world today which are not prepared to defend their ideas what's happened to them they're just getting crushed and now we have Christianity as an idea which is basically said well we can't set any firm rules because everyone will just quit so instead let's make it so easy to be a Christian that nobody has to put any effort in and then accept everybody no matter what and hopefully we can keep the church doors open that's not that's not God to me you know God to me is is strong God to me is something to be feared God to me is something someone that people are afraid to mock yeah God to me is someone that you have to go out of your way to prove something to God to me has red lines like God to me represents the Islamic faith the Christian God to me I don't see God I can't explain I don't see anything there so to me it was it was the only logical choice in the end I mean many as you're saying this I'm sure many people are like ecstatic and extremely happy it's great it's a great thing for everyone honestly because you know just anyone coming into Islam is is you know the prophet is better than the world and everything in it but imagine now somebody of major influence when you're the most Google person on the planet I'm not sure if you still yeah I think Putin might have beat me as of last week but I think it's between me and Putin at the moment but I don't want to lose Putin's the Big G I don't want more enemies like it's fine Vladimir you can have it I never thought I'd heard you saying that statement yeah it wouldn't beat me last year yeah last week I think we're just something the most Google but no no it's definitely something beautiful and a lot of people have you know you'll be surprised at how many women as well like because obviously the the accusations of misogynist you know but but a lot of women handling especially in the Muslim world they're absolutely happy in fact let me tell you a story just before I came here today one um one particular woman I can't remember her identity but she's working as a school teacher yep in London and actually my friend told me that she was kicked out of school because they had this campaign against you in the schools I'm not sure if you're aware of it yeah this was part of the cancellation I didn't know about this yeah yeah so in British schools they said you know if you say anything good about if you if you say anything good about this person or you have to be reported or prevented and if you say anything you know you have to kind of combat his extremism or whatever maybe right so she because when you became Muslim she abstained from doing that she said I can't really do that because you know Islamic clause and it's it's backbiting and he's got honor and Islam and so on and unfortunately they fired her from that from the position wow so you can see that this is the level of encroachment we're talking about here so and this shows you that the level of fraternity that exists and not only the fact that you know when you're looking at Old Twitter whatever Twitter or whatever social media it's not a representation of what's really happening of course of course and I I mean that's that's crazy to hear and what's most crazy is yeah the fervor behind this idea that I'm somehow extremist is truly it's truly clown world like I've sat as a professional and and analyzed my content and understood which things can be taken out of context and which things were said in a way perhaps they wouldn't shouldn't have been said before I was massively famous but we have to sit here and understand that if you take anybody on the planet and give them seven years of YouTube and then they decide and they blow up big you're gonna be able to find 30 to 45 seconds of clip across all those years that could be taken out of context right yeah and and and and it's truly crazy because they sit and say oh yeah but you know the young boys are watching your stuff and they don't truly understand all of it and it there's Nuance that's missing and my argument is very simple my argument is well one you're taking small Clips out of context and two there's not a single piece of content on the internet that 14 year old boy can't misunderstand name somebody name someone who's producing content on the internet that you would be 100 happy for a 14 year old drill artists and so they say that I mean I live in an area this I'm not going to mention the names of the artist but they're talking about going to this person's house and killing it and killing him in the middle of a life crime epidemic yeah we have little Nas twerking on having sex with level in his music videos like we're gonna sit here and talk about how children can be impressionable young children and I'm sitting there saying there's no way I'm the worst person that's not why they're deleting me the difference for them is as you've mentioned on those on those fronts it doesn't matter to them because it's like okay they're consuming our hedonistic products or whatever it is that doesn't change their world view whereas what you're saying is ideological now you're you're challenging the status quo of the LW of the liberal world order your challenging second wave feministic Notions you are challenging some liberal Notions you're challenging ideas commonplace ideas of of Tolerance and George Orwell said it very well he said that the more a society moves away from the truth the more it hates people who speak it absolutely and and you're and you're right and I think even the basic things I teach because some people have said to me Andrew all you teach about is personal responsibility motivation working hard getting up and doing the right thing I said that's the absolute those are the things they're most afraid of if you teach people to have standards for themselves and to be morally really strong people and to know right from wrong then they can't brainwash you so that's what they're most afraid of they're most afraid of young men waking up and going no I don't believe that you have to believe it no I don't believe it I don't want to and I want to go do this I want to go to the gym and be strong or I want to believe X or I want to be a moral person they genuinely have a problem with Baseline morality yes you understand when some people recognize when I convert to Islam that there was a time I was an atheist there was a time when I was atheistic and the reason I am now so absolutely certain that God is real is because I've seen evil I've seen shaitan I've seen it when you see enough evil you realize that there must be an equal and opposite force and there are people out there in the world today doing the work of the devil genuine demons who are trying to destroy the Baseline morality that's inside of all of us we're all born with some kind of morality and they're trying to destroy it and that's exactly the Islamic understanding that we believe that you're born with something called which is the initial goodness you're born with an innate belief receptivity to believe in one God and then that is corrupted in fact there's a prophet uh Hadith with the prophet where he says [Music] every born child is born upon this initial goodness foreign mother or his parents they socialize him into you know Christianity Judas and magism so the idea is that everyone is born with this initial uh goodness and this initial uh will or want to believe in God one God and then as you mentioned I mean it's what you're mentioning here is really is profound because you're you're mentioning a central Doctrine in Islam but but it's and and this is why perhaps I found God the way I did because I understood all these things first and then I saw the Quran and it confirmed so many things for me you know like even the conversations I've been having so far so many things have been confirmed and it's amazing the knowledge that's inside of it which is so applicable today yeah for for a old book right you know it's supposed to be old but it seems so so Timeless but it's truly amazing but you're telling right and and the Baseline morality I don't think most people understand that when they're doing this under the guise of Tolerance when they're saying be so tolerant that you no longer believe in right from wrong they're not doing that to make Society a better place they're doing that to empty your brain so that you have no resistance to the slave mind programming they want to get you to a point where if they tell you the sky is green yeah you look at with your own eyes yeah and you see blue but no the sky is green that's what they want so that you have to have nothing in your brain that can prevent that if you have God if you have no I believe this is right and wrong if you have personal responsibility if you have self-accountability if you're a person who sticks up for what he believes all that's bad to them they want all of that gone so they could tell you the sky is green and and I don't want to say too much because I don't want the stream to end but they're going to tell you something much worse than the sky is green they're going to tell you something else and and if they're trying to program us all into slaves I remember when I was in my undergraduate days and I was reading a particular book by this guy called Jeremy Bentham who became like you know the spiritual forefather of Jose Mill who is the father of like social liberalism of today and I remember reading this because it was so powerful because it linked to something I read in the Quran he said that you know you have two gods he said you have the god of pain and you have the God of Pleasure and I thought this is so interesting the Quran States you know have you seen the one who takes his own desires as a God and because now there is no transcendental force that we can look up and as you say venerate now we're forced to be slaves to the system yeah we're to our own desires or I mean the Quran has another verse which I think is so powerful and it connects very well with what you're saying that God has struck a parable of a man that he's got many different slave owners and another kind of man who's only got one slave owner he's God is basically telling us in the Quran that you've got one example of one individual who's got multiple slave owners and another one with just one he says are they the same so here the idea is as Rousseau said that his liberal philosophy said that man is Born Free but everywhere in Chains this is the order because if you don't have that God to to worship then you're going to end up having to worship to everything else and the whole part of the shahada which you took which is the the true meaning of that is that there is no God worthy of worship except for one God which means that your your desires or the system or these people that want to control us they are the problem is they're not worthy of worship the only one worthy of our subordination and submission is the creator of the heavens and the Earth there's no one else I agree and it's it's it's I completely agree and I've agreed with this for the longest time you know I've never been to like a music concert and people ask me why and I said I just look at it and I feel embarrassed I look at someone up on a stage dancing around and I look at hundreds of thousands of peasants in the crowd just yeah yeah yeah I'm like it's embarrass I feel cringe it's like secondhand embarrassment when I see these festivals and everyone's losing their our mind or these music concerts I genuinely feel embarrassed for the people who go because to me that is a form of worship like yeah you can listen to the music at home for free you're like you don't have to wait in that line and stand out in the cold like I don't know perhaps it was a bit extreme but I've always known that they're trying to give us false Idols to some degree and when I speak to atheists atheists say oh I don't believe in God but they they've signed up so hard to the liberal woke agenda they're as religious as anybody but they're just believing in the wrong things they're believing in degeneracy and they're believing in the work of the devil so humans always need something to believe in and it's a great thing you said about your own desires it's like one one guy I was talking to since my conversion says it's interesting that somebody with everything all the Western World yeah I think everything somebody could want exactly has now converted and I said yeah because even before my conversion I understood that Hedonism is a black hole and you can never fill it you're never going to be able to have enough girls to be happy with girls you're never gonna be able to have enough money to be happy with money you know be able to you know drink enough to be happy with drinking like it's a black hole and you can pour endless things down it but you'll never fill it up and you need to have some degree of self-restraint and I've always been a very disciplined person I've never made mistakes but certainly yeah the higher power is is going to give you more satisfaction in your heart than endless endless insanity inshallah
Channel: AlasnaHaq - ألسنا على الحق
Views: 2,652,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: اندرو تيت ملاكم, اندرو تيت يصلي, andrew tate, اندرو تيت, تيك توك, اندرو تيت محمد حجاب, اندرو تيت يسلم, اندرو تيت في دبي, اندرو تيت بودكاست, مشكلتي مع اسلام اندرو تيت, Omar Aburob, Mohammed hijab, محمد حجاب, Podcast, Interview, Convert, Revert, تايت, تاتي, جوردان بيترسون, قصة اسلام, بالقران اهتديت, قصص, المسلمون الجدد, New muslims, نسوية, Putin, Lil nas x, Shaytan, الشيطان, الفطرة, Fitra, Shahadah, ينطق الشهادة, Concert, Atheists, God, لقاء, كامل, Full, Live
Id: nzYdpq3MOxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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