Andrew Schulz On Drake LEAKED Diss Track

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Drake this went I didn't catch it at first my first listen I didn't hear I didn't know what he was saying I was like I I thought it was all going to be about Kendrick and I didn't realize he got to go out everybody yeah so I was like disappointed I was like I thought it' be more bars for Kendrick you're calling him short I got called short all the time it's not that bad but then when I caught all the [ __ ] he was say I was like oh yeah you he went he went yo that [ __ ] was Flames the Metro one is is the best disc to me which one that's some Rick Ross type [ __ ] which one shut up and make your drums son because for in this for Metro to respond he's got to do exactly what Drake said so annoying it was out to Rick R it's not go make a beat it's just make drugs so dismissive that [ __ ] was belittling bro I was offended for him yeah but the Bars were crazy I mean there was a lot of uh you know double on TR tandas triple on tandas that like once the internet started explaining I was like oh this is [ __ ] the drop a g 50 [ __ ] is great I knew what that was coming for him immediately but then to find out it had to do with the record deal yeah the TD thing so he's um he to get out of his deal I believe he had to either sell he Kendrick he's Kendrick yeah so it's like um Top Dog the guy who he used to be signed to that's TD entertainment Top Dog entertainment to get out of it he had to I believe either sell 50% of his his catalog or give him like 50% of future earning something it's like they that's why Drake wants him to release the contract because there's a big like rumor that he's owes top like 50% didn't they have him in a 360 before that basically yeah but everybody's in when you start out when you start out you get in a 360 and you're just so hungry for the opportunity you'll take whatever deal is there because you think a deal is going to make your career it's kind of like to what Russell was saying and then when you start making money you learn a little bit more about the industry you learn a little bit more how it works you're like okay how can I kind of buy my freedom but you locked up in these deals and the way that it works is like it's not for you to be free yeah we're signing 20 people and one of them might pop and you got to pay for all 20 mhm here's my one push back with that part isn't that what everybody says happened to Drake that's what push keeps saying the M's count different when baby divides a pie you signed One n signed three nword so that's kind of the same like how much of your money are you keeping in music as apparently Drake was keeping n yeah that was the case but now Drake's out of his deals and I think that's the argument with the Kendrick situation is that he might have had to give up half to get out future yeah maybe I don't know but like the Swifty line like yo make a song with Taylor Swift because you have to for the money yeah drop and give me 50 like that's what his label saying drop an album give me I mean it's just like really clever so there there's one part that I don't hear people talking about that it's probably the most disrespectful this is okay I'm glad you're talking about this is wild so when he says uh he calls out um Kendrick's wife with it and he's like oh um yeah and it was like a play on Tandra with like Whitney Houston and yeah bodyguard bodyguard song but people used to refer to J [ __ ] God damn Jrock Jrock as Kendrick's bodyguard his muscle and it was a rumor that Whitney slept with Jrock Whitney meaning Kendrick's wife yes oh that's diabolical so that line if one of is true even if it's not true that's crazy can we also say no one's talking about and can we also say one thing the whole reason he went on the shop and was like I didn't respond to push cuz I didn't want to be so filthy he did the jcole I sleep better know I didn't have to do that we got to look at that differently now and be like he has respond to push though no he said he wrote a song after push his story of since then he's respond to push but he said I had a song no no we know what he said what I'm saying is since then he has had plenty of bars for push but not like not like in the heat of the battle and it's like he said he didn't want to go that personal and now so it's like he was like I could have been filthy but I I don't have to do that yeah say the real thing which is like you're just inflating this guy that you're so far beyond when you do with push but with Kendrick is worth it yeah it's Kendrick is worth this with push it's like like you know with all du respect where the [ __ ] is push now it's over so it's like and Drake is on top of the world again after taking the L in their little beef if he just kept beefing with this guy you're just going to keep putting air in his lungs whereas not talking about him is going to silence him also I think push is like legit sociopathic like push is like I'll go I don't give a [ __ ] I'll go no no no 100% 100% like I can't beat that so so knowing that he's going to go wherever and the only thing that keeps the air in his sales is you yeah make the boat stall exactly like you you don't you could take the risk with Kendrick Kendrick it makes sense yeah because by beating him now you're Undisputed number one nobody could be like hey Kendrick is actually better he's more of an artist Drake is McDonald's Kendrick is Carbone whatever but nobody ever compare Drake to Pusher no one will ever compare Drake to we just need to acknowledge that that was some white [ __ ] to do white girls you hate Drake so much it's so funny who your favorite white boy now this is the no embrace it Drake you are white what's wrong with being white why is why is that an insult I'm just saying I sleep better you lost that's fine just acknowledge you lost that's cool this you are clearly winning right now I also as much as I'll hate on Drake will admit it and be like yo he's probably going to go down as the greatest ever he's not necessarily for me probably going to go down as the greatest ever and I think he's going to win this battle so I give credit so tell us some more [ __ ] we ruined we partially ruined this beef because on the patreon episode when we um show the public about this AI music stuff now everybody thinks everything's AI yeah like so there was a track yeah so there was multiple versions of the Drake song that came out I think what happened is so he just laid down the uh his lyrics and then sent it around to a couple of producers to try to put a beat over it that's what I think because there's a version out now that it's just his vocals with no music on it so the fact that somebody can get a hold of that most likely he sent that out to a few people and so the first version that came out or the first version that I got where it was like um it was a biggie sample on it get money and I actually like that version the best even though he's not really rhyming on the beat too well that's why people thought it was AI because he's not really hitting the beat the way that he would hit the beat and it wasn't a mixed finished song it was a leak and so then I feel that he was rushed to put that second version out because the first thing didn't sound too great I don't think he really wanted to drop the way that it it was released okay so but Russ have put out the second thing meaning yeah the so now the second version of that diss track yeah I still don't think he wanted to he wants Kendrick to drop first he wanted Kendrick to he's been telling everybody yo tell Kendrick to drop I'm ready he posted that [ __ ] posted his manager yeah m so it's like this is the thing the leak got out so now it's Force's hand he had to put this out now there's a Kendrick leak that came out yesterday is it real or AI if from the internet most people are saying it's AI I don't I haven't heard AI that good to sound like the person do different inflections in tone like the bars are kind of dope like it's that's the thing that's interesting about this is that like you could if it flops you say n that's AI if it's fire you go that was us yeah yeah or if it flops you apologize and take it off your album bro J.Cole might win in all this bro everyone everyone's going to go at each other everyone's [ __ ] is going to get leaked everyone's be like oh this person had a ghost rider for this da d da and then j.cole's going be the only person sitting there unscathed yo that that's true somebody came I think Drake posted or somebody posted that there was a reference track that came out for one of Kendrick's songs and did that guy get exposed as a fraud that's debatable so what what is that story um so that I forgot the name of the rapper but uh and he's only he only used like maybe two or three bars from that reference track most most of the time like a reference track if they use the entire song then it's like oh that's ghost writing but if somebody sends a reference track like hey here's an idea of how you can flow on the beat and here's what I would say on the song and if you take a little thing here and there as long as you give him a writing credit on it usually it's fun got it but that guy wasn't credited on that song and he did use like maybe one or two lines from it interesting the question is did you just take it and then wrap over it like after the song came out to make it look like it was a reference that's what I thought I mean they could make it look like you have a writer Yeah by basically after you put out your song repping including some bars and then putting it out and going uh this was the reference track Le same with the yachty Drake reference track that got leak wait what was that one so there was a reference track for Jumbo TR sh oh is that why Rick Ross is like so they're saying that yachi basically put down all the all the bars for that track and then that reference track came out but then some people are like wait is this AI of yachi doing the song uh yeah and so it's like no one knows because you can find any cartoon character doing a rap of any sort you know what I mean does AI make this beef better then no because the fact that there's so much mystery that everything is shrouded in creates more conversation and that's what we really want out of this we don't want definitive answers we want to debate we want to go back and forth we want to say this person no this bar is actually this hey this guy's going to come back oh what we heard is there's a track out there that's so crazy we want all the conversation because it fills up our day if it's just head shot done we're bored again true but at the same time it takes like takes the win out of the sales if you're debating if the song is real yeah I agree with but it does force artists to perform so like now instead of dropping a Dis Track you might have to drop a disc music video or you have to be like yo I'm actually just going to W it on camera so people know this is from me and this is what I'm saying or you just drop it on your social page you promote it I'm going live yeah and that's the weird part about this so Drake has never officially said that song is me cuz when that first came out people were saying it's AI he hasn't he's like been dming people saying like uh what's up where's Kendrick at but he hasn't officially said hey I'm putting this song out it's not on any streaming service and so I'm like is it Ai and people because it's getting good reception he's not denying it yo here's here's a question I got that would be crazy AI to have all those to your point about Kendrick all those references I just no I can't see AI going triple on Tandra with [ __ ] and and inside info that's actually the and apparently doesn't have to be AI in that way like it could be someone else wrote it and then they use well ma also I think before the song came out said dropp and give me 50 on the pot by the way M was being so funny I was listen him talking about jcole unbelievable shouts to m Rory but anyway he said drop and give me 50 before this song oh yeah they heard something yeah so he heard something and it must have been I don't believe this is AI and this is coming from the only guy who will say anything negative about Drake or maybe they made the AI track you got to catch up you got to catch up got to catch up how do I get featured in one of these diss tracks I'm trying to get sampled do you have any advice on how to cuz I'm actually I really want to get sample on oh yeah that was fine congratulations that was sick dude that was sick I want to get sample bro that was F Drake is the greatest rapper ever ever ever ever sample that Metro boomman is the greatest producer ever boom add that if you want to Rick Ross is the greatest rapper ever and so if any of these guys want to use that at diss track just go ahead put it in there well charl just had like a lot of reasoning behind what he said I you just echoed the last word of your sentence I agree yeah that's what you got that works that works yeah that's that's fire I killed that I killed that I ain't going to lie strong agreement dude I killed that strong agreement that was nice that was really good bro my fots areed blowing up that [ __ ] like I thought I was on out so you almost were you didn't agree if you agree if you agreed you would have been on the album today we do brilliant just makes sense going to be black church bro bro keep going talk about that [ __ ] was so fire had this great monologue but it was just totally overshadowed by my green that's what everybody Wasing on interet that's really what everybody was saying on internet was yo charlan had all these really interesting thoughtful points but when you just went I agree and then mhm I agree the second inflection on the I agree oh my god oh yeah Metro they said I don't know if this is true but the rumor is that Metro isolated my vocals and then really increased the inflection on the ey that's what you're good you get that was good you going to make it next time you going to make it wait but did they credit you on the S I am on it yeah you you are about to say my suit him my stud I have a ghost riding stud you're not credited that's a ghost ring no no oh say Metro got a Ghost Rider yeah you that's crazy bro that's wild yeah that is fire anyway so yeah to be involved in the beef like it's you know it's a very tricky situation you were kind of doing a kid Cy impression actually what was I doing you were humming a little bit I didn't hum I agree no no no don't cutting me don't K cutting me fting Cy yo if that kendri track is not AI he's not built for this if that's him if you your wife gets called out in the song and then your response is that it's over oh that's what I was going to say Drake had so many [ __ ] bars and it was so well done do you think these guys are constantly writing things for their adversaries and then like just keeping a note TM obituary [ __ ] what is that like where they write up the obituary of the person before they die and then when they die they just release the thing first I didn't know that they do that heard that no oh that's like I thought yeah like they'll write like the obituary like this person died they had a great life this is who they are da d da and they have it for all the celebrities and then once they die they're able to be like this date boom be the first one released but do they update it like well they'll just be like their life everything that they've done up until that point sometimes later in life Harvey Weinstein gets called out for some [ __ ] and it changes the [ __ ] obituary he's a dead guy dude don't bring that up come on bro you're not I mean you're going to bring that up or you just not going to be I think once you make it to TMZ they start the obituary with that fact okay and then they just keep it going and okay okay I'm just saying sometimes you need to update you know but you have you have the you have the nukes ready and you have the bars ready and then they come at you and you're like boom I got it ready what a horrible business man we got to be first with death hey write up an obituary for every person that's worth it yeah oh some producer had to tell staff that there's an intern doing that so just writing about the people that you idolize and look up to dying Angelina Jolie died of ovarian cancer yeah What a Sad [ __ ] existence no she can't she got that sco she can't she can't she did I think she had a uh she had a clitorectomy or something what is it called it's not she had a clitorectomy it's not she had a clitorectomy it's where you take away your she take out your cervix no she had that breast remov you're talking about Somali had she had a breast one and then she also had a clitorectomy no she has no look up now she went full Elliot dude she got the clitorectomy she got her breast taken she got everything she got it all removed we need to I need the breast is called a myectomy and then when you get your [ __ ] scooped out it's called a clitorectomy I'm pretty sure oh yeah it's a clct hysterctomy clitorectomy it's close enough can't be a hysterctomy uterus yes it is a hysterctomy but it should be should be he direct something like that not a his all right this guy dude dude he's on it right now sample that bro we got to put that a song okay uh what do we got what do we got what do we got but no so they got the bars ready so when the that's what I'm wondering it was just so many it was like so many good lines there was so many things put together about like he was he's been off tall for about 3 weeks so and they've been building toward this you think yeah how long you think it takes to write a song well we found out was like 20 seconds with AI insanely fast that's true yeah I mean I don't know I thought it takes a while to like really perfect it and make it good for Kendrick at least they've been building I'm sure they've had because they've been building for this beef for a decade so you you think they are keeping [ __ ] I would assume I would assume yeah I think they have stuff that they plan to say in the tuck ready to go because they they're saying this Kendrick fouryear old track and it's like I don't think he'll release that track but he'll take lines from it right cuz it has to sound dated at this point yeah right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wild but if this Kendrick track isn't real and he still hasn't dropped he's looking funny in the light right now yeah cuz he wanted this battle Drake replied yeah you should have dropped immediately right after yeah why do you think he's not I don't know he wanted it that's what's weird he wanted he wanted this yeah I know from 10 years ago he wanted yeah so that's where I'm like what's going on maybe he had to retool after maybe the Whitney made him be like [ __ ] I got to go now we got to go harder like we got to we got to take it there now and maybe he had that for later and now he's but just I don't know but every day that goes by it's he's looking weaker and weaker I don't know if they got anything on Drake if the only thing Rick Ross says is that his nose is fake you know what I mean like that's the only thing you're saying I'm like all right that's probably nah something's going on because the way that all these uh people turned on Dr he's he did something like yeah he's [ __ ] enough girls and pillow talk probably enough where it's like they got a lot of [ __ ] on him or a reason to not like him what I heard was what you heard what I heard was this might get S I agree and you know now that now that I'm involved in this you know I privy to certain information that regulars like yourselves might not know Metro hit you but uh no no no no no no but what I heard is that uh no that that uh Drake and his crew apparently have been like talking like tough guys Street [ __ ] for a while oh yeah when and like doing a lot of subliminals that maybe we're not even getting so it's like really really inside [ __ ] and that only the other people that were involved in the line's back now and uh so they're like yo what are we doing like why are you acting Street why are you acting tough like we're all mature we're all old we're all making money enough of this kind of [ __ ] with you guys act trying to act tough and [ __ ] sending the shots that's just what I heard that's just what I heard I mean that has been happening I don't I didn't even think that was a private thing they Drake talks about don't come to the six you know my goons will take care of a lot of stuff and that does actually happen I've heard this is true right there's a lot of people that just want to be in his favor so it's like they'll snatch a chain and then right Drake can get the chain back and now he looks like hey I'm big boss in this town yeah but there's definitely more this is personal especially is personal yeah yeah the Ross thing does feel the weekend [ __ ] this is personal the weekend [ __ ] felt more personal than Ross I hear some people saying like this is beef that they're going to go on tour again premeditated which I don't know Ross is going a little too far with that but the weekend [ __ ] felt personal yeah yeah they've been not liking each other for a while cuz it goes back to ever since like I feel uh Drake introduced the world to the weekend and he was supposed to sign to Drake's label he ended up not signing to his label then blows up so that's a you know Drake is looking like that at that like yo I put you on and I don't get compensated but then later on down the line it's like weeken claims to be from Toronto Drake says he's not from Toronto um they move to LA oh there was in that diss track there's some gay rumors or references like one of the managers of uh weekend label EXO his name is Cash He is that guy supposedly in Toronto he spends a lot of money but there's some rumored stuff that you know maybe he might uh be by you know so M yeah so they're talk there's a lot of personal behind the scenes stuff going on but why now why now I mean it's been brewing this is like Marvel like really good this sh has been brewing for a long time this is 10 years later and now we're finally getting our end yeah and I think people I think once maybe kendri came came out and was they were like all right now that Kendrick is here I'm a little more comfortable stepping out yeah if it's just me I don't know about that but if Kendrick is there I feel safe with it yeah but again if that is the TR the actual track that Kendrick dropped y'all miscalculated the [ __ ] out of he better come with yeah he got to go ether it's not strong enough it is crazy that like this is happening right now and people are like it's war and is invested in this Palestine and people like there's a conflict over there this is war all the and XO are going at it it's War it's endgame it's Avengers what's happened in the Middle East they going to figure that [ __ ] out we got war on our on our land when Iran sent the drones I said the most insensitive thing in the group chat I was like oh [ __ ] Drake Started War immediately I'm like oh
Channel: Comedy Shorts
Views: 80,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlamagne tha god, schulz, Andrew Schulz, flagrant, flagrant 2, drake, j cole, kendrick lamar, rick ross, the weeknd, metro boomin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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