Andrew McCourt: Uncensored - The Day God Talked About Judging

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[Music] yes so I'm just back from Ireland I was working on my accent again just make sure I'm going to keep this thing you know you got you've got to stay in character the whole time that's what you got to do how's everybody doing so good to see you big hello to video cafe as well if you're new to Bayside that's wonderful we are finishing a series that we've been doing over the summer and it has been called on censored and it's all about the sermon on the mind and today I would love you if you've got a Bible to open it at Matthew chapter 7 if you don't don't worry about that we'll get you available you can even keep that Bible go to the contents at the beginning and check time for the Gospel of Matthew let me give you a little bit of context about today's talk what we're talking about is the day that God talked about judging we're all good at judging and Jesus lived in a day when everyone was a suit okay y'all know Harvey Specter y'all know yeah Harvey he's nearly as handsome as me almost as handsome as me and Jesus lived in a world full of suits when everyone was just consumed with the law and it was actually the law of God a very important thing the law of God and everyone was just nitpicking at the law so let me give you just an example of that it started right with the Sabbath law part of the Ten Commandments one of the commandments was basically look after the Sabbath and the Sabbath will look after you what happened was then the lawyers got there got a hold of it and the lawyers the scribes of the day the lawyers they got it and they produce 24 chapters okay of a commentary on the one commandment that God give is not incredible we've got to love our lawyers everybody yes come on how do you stop a lawyer from drowning take your feet off his head that's what your I'm only joking I come on everyone it's a church okay Sabbath law 24 different laws and then there was the Jerusalem Talmud which was a commentary on this became an extra 64 chapters the lawyers thought that people should know about the one original commandment do you see what's happening here everybody Jesus at the beginning of the sermon of the mind he said this here he says I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law Matthew 5:17 I really want to show you what this is all about how you live your lives and this is where he starts I want you to take out your sermon I claim and all night you can fill in your first fill-in okay and it's simply this judge yourself first is that cool advice today judge yourself first so jesus said this do not judge or you too will be judged for in the same way you judge others you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured to you I think we also live in a land full of suits and lawyers because we get the judge everything today we're asked to judge Amazon yes even how the package was delivered to you you're asked to review the booking do you know that if you see a five-star review on a book that's actually the guy's mom that's done that and that is not true everybody and then there's over you get the writ the driver I don't know if you've heard of this as well I was in New York last week on my way home and I took an uber and the guy said I was really excited about coming to get you today and I went wow my family said no you've got a five-star rating as a passenger do you hear that I'm a 5-star passenger in the world of uber how cool is that and then TripAdvisor I think this is weird because what we do we want to find out about places we've never been to before from people we've never met before that's kind of weird isn't it then you go Yelp from restaurants and even this week the Bible a person would you read us read survival we're ready everything I we're just do to judging things and even things that were not especially knowledgeable about so come on everyone I need you to help me here because on the 26th of August Ireland is fighting America in the form of Conor McGregor against Floyd Mayweather and you're was going to be Irish that night come on you got to pray for Connor because this guy's gonna kill him okay Connors got a big mouse but not a big Brie and I don't know what he's doing with this guy but listen I've never had my hands taped up I've never put on boxing gloves I've never stepped into your ring I've never taken a blow to the head never done anything like that but when I was Fox and I sign like I'm a professional I'm like yeah I was definitely his right that was definitely his right or at the end of it he was completely robbed like I know what I'm talking about come on let's be honest we do that when we judge people we don't always know what we're talking about but we're very quick the passed judgment this guy here is gonna lead worship in heaven his name's Paul no if you don't hear about it okay him and Lincoln him and Lincoln okay and Donnell definitely had or has a Christian fear and I had the privilege one time of meeting like the guy that was like Bono's pastor from the earliest days he married a Bono and his wife and dedicated Bono's kids and stuff like that and this guy Chris his wife was almost like an adopted mom to Bono one day she was watching bono on television with a friend of hers and and while bono was having the interview live interview on television he he dropped an expletive and and he shouldn't have done that but every other word in Dublin seems to be that but anyway he shouldn't have done that especially on live television and the other lady that was watching television with like sort of the semi adopted mom of Bono she was so offended and she said I can't believe he said that I mean Christian using a word like that had a terrible thing to do how can he call himself a Christian and this other lady she turned right she said I've got a choice to make right now I can either choose to be his judge or choose to be his intercessor and I choose to be his intercessor that's smart isn't it everyone come on what do you want to do the next time you fall do you need judges around you our intercessors we need intercessors come on everyone let's not be quick to judge let's be quick pray for people because william barclay he he gives this advice is great advice we never knew the whole facts of the whole person is that true the green Rabbi Hillel he said this as well do not judge a man until you yourself have come into his circumstances or his situation now I don't think God or Jesus here in the sermon on the mind is asking us to Dom everything done because we need to make judgments in life and Jesus continues in the chapter and says well you need to judge what path you're going to go on what road you're going to go on the broad or the narrow one you need to judge between true or false prophets you need to judge between crew your false disciples because one day God's going to judge you on that and you need to judge between foundations either wise ones or foolish ones between rocker sides you need to make judgments in life but John Start helps us here by saying this the command to judge not is not a requirement to be blind but rather a plea to be what come on everyone we need to be generous and we're living in a stingy a stingy culture today where everyone is quite the judge so Jesus continues on this theme and he says this why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eyes as gripped wordplay isn't it how can you say to your brother let me take the speck out of your eye when all the time there is a plank in your own eye you hypocrite everyone say hypocrite what is the one thing that the church keeps getting accused of hypocrisy first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will be then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your own brother's eye let's talk about eye infections here for a second a common eye infection is pinkeye spiritual eye infections one flank eye plank eye everybody because we've got one of these bad boys you know what I'm talking about one of these bad boys in her eyes and think about what Jesus is saying here he said hey your brother's got a speck in his eye but you with the plank in your I think it's a really smart thing to try and take the speck out of his eye and think about this here for a second you even reach towards his eye because your plank is getting in the road - the whole time who are you to get involved and it's just like let's be honest as well elect with many eye infections people get hurt when you've got pinkeye but especially when you've got Planck I like front row just be careful from it is that when your turn around is thought to these things getting in the road all of the time has anyone ever had a plank in the Rye come on let's be honest and anyone ever had a speck and the right come on if you think that you don't have this back in your eye you've definitely got a plank you got a plank in your act it's right there this is what we do this thing is here all the time I remember when I was back in Ireland pastoring the church and we used to get teams from America it used to come over and help us it was great one day we wanted to take them out to what's called the Giant's Causeway a first famous tourist spot and I was driving one of these vans but we needed someone else to drive another van and it needed to be one of the Americans and I said to this guy you're the oldest you need to do this you're on the insurance you need to try to find he said no I don't want to drive - fine I've never driven stick shift in my life and you know I don't want to drive on the left we drive on the right I was like we don't drive on the right you drive on the wrong we drive on the right I get over here drive on the left and he was all I could get in or these kids are going to miss out so I did nice stick close to me can I just say he was probably the worst driver in the world everyone I mean he was completely useless and how do you confuse an American just bring them to your EIN debate just bring them to a roundabout site and especially on the wrong side of the road you know it's just oh my goodness you need a therapy after this and I mean he just he just couldn't stick with me it was a disaster eventually we got to the spot we let everyone out and I said now you've got to stay right with me because there's a it's a little bit of a strange parking lot and the entrance to it and you need to stay right with me just stay right with me and so I'm looking at my rear view the whole time and he still getting my stay with me you useless drivers and all other time I'm just judging them and Joe gen'l'men judging him and i just like come to this bit where just turned into the parking lot that's it right come on stay with me stay with me you useless driver and I just turn India and there's this almighty Christ and I'm thinking he hit something it wasn't him it was me he was me I didn't see that there was like an archway into the parking lot I took the whole roof off the van I mean peeled it right back everyone there was you know what the problem was I was driving with a prank of my eye that's why I didn't see it everyone there was a massive old plank in my eye let's talk about planks just for a minute planks or what planks are slow growers it's not like you just wake up one morning go hey honey what's this big thing uh-uh where does it come from overnight what happened to me it's not like that do you know whatever could we know where it comes from it comes from an unchecked judgmental attitude where we just allow this feeling of superiority to grow in our lives come on let's just be honest here we to judge and it just goes unchecked until we become Judge Judy you ever watch Judge Judy your mom mom loves Judge Judy thank mom I mentioned your name and my mom loves Judge Judy she really does and it's a slow-growing thing and we become we become like that in our life it's a slow growth then planks turn people into what issues this is it everyone because there's a plank in our eyes what happens is that we don't see the God and meet in their life we just see the human issues in their life and we keep reducing people to issues instead of God images and then planks create what I call bad breath syndrome but you know I'm talking like bad breath syndrome you're talking to someone and they don't realize it but their breath is like Godzilla's I mean there's like and it's just like an ER the only one that doesn't know everyone else within sixty if fate that they've been eating garlic last night but they don't notice and that's what it's like with the plank because got this planking are I who are swinging a ride and we're hitting people with our judgmental attitudes all of the time but we can't even see it we're so used to doing it and this last one's powerful planks produce Pharisees planks produce piracy we're promoting a book this weekend tinder it's called the 12 steps for the recovering Pharisee like me have you ever been to a piracy recovery group I need to go to one of those I mean look at number one the first step is we admit that our single most on mitigated pleasure is to judge other people come on let's be honest before you even came to church today I mean you roll out of your garage you're driving down the street and you're you're judging everything and everyone why haven't they cut their lawn oh look at the color of their Lord why is their car parked over there I've been up hit their car in the garage overnight can she see what she's wearing oh my goodness does that woman not have a murder I mean this is just shocking and before you even reach the edge of your community you've judged hacked your neighborhood yes you see what happened here it turns us in the authority judge yourself first here's the key thought everyone is what live graciously that's what Jesus is saying here there's enough lawyers around there's enough suits around don't join that Union okay of spec inspectors don't do that you're not part of the Christian Taliban don't do it get the plank out of your eye and learn to love other people so that's the key thought then the next one is this Judge God's faithfulness so judge yourself first then judge God's faithfulness and Jesus turned to everything on his head here and this is what he says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asked receives the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be open which of you if your son asks for bread will give him a stone or the axe for a face will give him a snake if you then and though you are evil and it's the power of contrast here that Jesus is using know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father and this is really important this word here your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask them suing everything do to others the ROI law here do to others what you would have them do to you for this sums of the law and the prophets and God says get generous you want people to be generous with you you be generous with them because when you're generous you're like you're being like God because God is your father and he wants to hear you and he wants to respond to you Richard Glover really helps us with us this is what he says with a child if his mother is near and visible he would everyone if she is neither he was while if she is inaccessible in her room he won the whole thing here it's fierce and there's different levels of bids I mean like the first level of this is just like you know what I can see you god I'm on a mountaintop experience God you feel so close I just know you're so your ears right there of whatever I asked you on the do it God other times lights a bit more challenging and I just God doesn't feel and everyone God's always close it's just sometimes done to feelings did you hear me there's other times but I gotta go god I don't feel you as close but I'm still gonna seek you I always know that God is there but I'm gonna seek you God and then finally there's been times in my life of the heavens feel like brass but I'm gonna knock cuz I knew God is there you hear what I'm saying here well Jesus is saying don't be stingy in your life and full of judgment because you got a father and no matter how you feel he's always there just seek Him ask seek knock and do it come on get some faith in your life this is what Jesus is encouraging us to do I love this here can we go in an exciting forgiving God wants us to believe in the supernatural and for the supernatural did you hear that you see some of us we stopped here yeah I believe in the supernatural I believe an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent God yeah I believe in that but I'm going to ask you when was the last time we believed for the supernatural that's what Jesus is asking us to do here it's not just believe in the supernatural but start to ask start to seek and begin to knock I didn't get an answer I'm keep knocking I am NOT going to give up are you concerned about your family ask think knock are you concerned about your neighborhood ask signagi concerned about your marriage ask seek knock sometimes we ask we give up if you ask and nothing happens seek if you think not happens knock do you know what get a gang of knockers get them all going and get everyone on your side get in a circle up group and get people involved who are going to ask they're going to seek and we're going to knock and let's just stop believing in the supernatural let's be like Jesus and start believing for the supernatural to see it happening in our life Luke chapter 11 is the way that this is the way that Luke records a Sermon on the Mount if you then though you are evil remember this know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him what God has said I'm not just going to give you a gift or an answer I'm going to give you myself when you become a Christian everyone you receive the Holy Spirit into your life you become God's god zip code on earth you become a God carrier of the supernatural power of God who said I'm going to give you I've already give you my Holy Spirit I will answer your prayers I remember when I was pastoring in Belfast my daughter Abigail one day went down to the office with me I just had a few jobs to do and she brought her little iPad just to keep her occupied for a minute and she said to me dad what is the staffs Wi-Fi code and I said your darling you are not staff therefore I cannot tell you she looked at me the way her mother looks something sometimes and she says to me dad I am your daughter and I have your DNA and I give her the code immediately just give it a coat of intelligence and listen this is a father-daughter thing this is a father-son thing everybody this is family are you with me this is finally God wants you to speak and tell him your needs why because God wants to answer you and this is the key thought right this time so important God's Judge God's faithfulness what the key thought live bullying this is it everybody number one is judge yourself first okay live graciously and in light of that as they see oh my goodness God is so faithful and because God is fearful guess what I'm going to do I'm gonna live bully he is my father I'm not scared of my father I'm not timid about my father I'm going to live boldly and I'm going to ask things of my father and this is the last point today judge your direction judge your direction so these words that I'm about to read don't forget these are the Sermon on the mind this is not you know the Gospel of Andrew or the gospel of Ray or Lincoln or Kurt no no this is the words of Jesus look at this enter through the water narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to work come on everybody hey I need everybody to say this what is this word and many enter through it but small as the kid and narrow the road that leads to were and only a find it I find this very sobering we hear an awful lot of talk today about minority groups if you heard that minority groups I think what Jesus is saying he said there will be times in the kingdom of God when you'll not be part of the majority than many on the broad road but to be part of the minority and the few on the narrow road and what is the thought here this is the key thought everyone is live countercultural II don't expect the culture of the day just embrace you and hug you and bring you in and go oh we love you Christians know could be Lions again to be times of persecution because we live in a world that's all about the broad road everyone and I don't think that maybe the disciples who heard this at first could ever have imagined just how broad the road has actually caught I don't know if you've experienced this maybe some city living before but there's been a freeway of like two different lands and then five years later you notice that they've had to broaden and it becomes three lanes and then becomes for you Lien's a decade later and they keep broadening the traffic just keeps getting bigger but I think the philosophically we live in a world today that's just all gone a little gnarly and crazy and basically the broad road is as wide as the universe if you believe it I mean it might have no basis for fact it might sound like absolute insanity but you know what if you want your own lien if you want to make the road wider we'll make it as wide as you want even though it's absolute insanity thick dying the curb stones remove what was normal to that and sanity and life take it all away and let's make this road so broad and I'm just saying here for a minute Christians it's not us we signed up for a narrow road and it really doesn't matter truth it really does matter and we need to be courageous because you know what can happen we can drift I want to say high school student you're going to be tempted to drift millennial you're gonna be empirics and they do not share the same values that you do they don't see Scripture as God's Authority they're gonna look at you like you are absolutely crazy what are you going to do at that moment in time are you going to just compromise and go on the broader wide road are we going to hold the truth because it really does matter we're going to do that CS Lewis from Belfast Northern Ireland when he was 13 years old he was had a little crisis of faith in his life and he'd been real sort of let's say as a nominal Christian I knew what the narrow road was but when he was 13 years old he got all smart and clever and thought that he would start to drift towards the broad road and the broad way in life thank God the years later he came back and became one of the greatest Christian apologists ever but this is what he said when he was of his experience at 13 years old he said I was soon altering I believe too one does feel I know the relief of it from the tyrannous noon of Revelation I passed into the cool evening Twilight of higher thought where there was nothing to be obeyed and nothing to be believed except what was either comforting or exciting does that sign like the generation we live in where there's nothing to be obeyed and there's nothing to believe whatever you believe that's the gospel if the Gospel according to Andrew whatever you think that feels good just do it as long as it's comforting as long as it's exciting I want to say this here the narrow road actually means come on everybody the narrow road means that there are things to be of aid and there are things to be believed correct because if you don't stand for something you'll fall for everything yes there's a guy called David platen and he says this in a world where everything revolves around yourself protects yourself promote yourself comfort yourself and take care of yourself Jesus says what crucify yourself some of your right Meyer going all Andrews being on vacation and he's back and he's smokin hot and we're getting this today where we're getting maybe we deserve it and it feels good know everyone know what is Jesus saying here he's saying you know what don't go the broad road it'd be crazy if you went that road imagine if you're on a road and it says destruction it's the only sign destructive five miles away would you stand that road you wouldn't do it he's sick on the narrow road when we were away on vacation we were in Ireland then we went France to see Isabelle's folks and we were driving around France quite a bit we got a rental car and we went on the French freeways but you couldn't call them freeways because they're not free you got to pay tolls but the great roads and this is what I noticed that general watt in France they they like their speed cameras oh my goodness everyone there are like just so many speed cameras and the national limit on the freeway it's a hundred and thirty kilometers an hour and the rental car that I got just a smaller rental car but what it had was the speedometer it would tell you the speed that you are doing but it would always show you the speed you should be doing and I've also got Isabel beside me doing the same job as well yeah you know I'm talking about man you know exactly the conscience of Jesus is beside me okay so go speedometer I've got to tell me what I should be doing I've got Isabella side man got the threat of speed cameras all around me so anyway we're traveling over towards the east of France to go and see it's a bells brother and we think yourselves all we should just then go into Germany and go down that way and this is a really incredible thing so what happens is you are driving in France and you've got this speedometer you got the speed that you should be doing because Isabella can be careful with your speed that's a French freeway but when you cross from a French freeway onto the German Autobahn everybody oh yes come on onto the German Autobahn it's gloves off it's gloves off everybody and it goes from this 130 km/h which is about 80 miles per hour 130 kilometers far and it just disappears and it is replaced by nothing you suddenly become the limitless limitless everybody you become limitless and you can go forth and I just go Isabel it's all within the law I'm perfectly legal Integra come on you German what's the point of all of this look at me everyone you can be a Ferrari for Jesus sometimes we hear this stuff about the narrow road you know what we think well you've become a monk and I'll become a nun and we'll never see each other again it's not anyway it's not a boring life it's the best light in the world everyone the best life in the world don't you call me boring I've lived a boring moment in the life I wouldn't know what boring is why if you're following Jesus you cannot be bored you cannot be bored see Jesus he didn't preach something he didn't practice because our Jesus he knew what it was to get on the narrow road Jesus knew what it was to be focused this is what it says in the Gospel of Luke but he said as fierce towards Jerusalem like a flint you see Jesus he knew what it was to have a plank but it wasn't the plank of judgment he Jesus had a plank and it was a plank of courious oh yeah he carried a plank everyone it wasn't in his eye he was on his back and he carried that plank on a narrow focused road he never plank in his eye he only had one thing in his eye and that was you that was me he wouldn't let any broad distractions get in his road why because he was totally totally focused or not the cried were going can't be our king he said no no no I've got a focus the devil tempted him in so many different ways you can have it all he said no I have it all his name is Andrew McCord his name is youth but I'm serious sure name is mania that's all I want my father's will that's all I want focus focus he carried his plank on a narrow road and went all the way they said we're going to kill you he said bring it on he narrow to write dine everybody did Jesus live a boring life does resurrection silac boring no I didn't you know what Jesus is sandy us you can live a big life on the narrow road I want you to pray with me would you please close your eyes would you stay in your seat if you leave your seat I will judge you oh yeah sorry give me Chris close your eyes by your head I specially want to speak to people here who are not yet a Christian I'm going to put this clean and simple because I think Jesus put it plain and simple broad road destruction narrow road life do you choose right line come on come on line God make a choice broad road destruction narrow road life if you are here today video cafe watching online near SEM I choose life I choose Jesus would you pray this prayer of a queen today it's a very simple prayer but I'd love you to pray it with me are you ready dear Jesus I choose life Jesus take me from the broad road take me to the narrow road I want to follow you Jesus cleanse me wash me forgive me Jesus be my god be my Savior forever and you prayed that prayer and you never prayed that prayer before you've just gone from the broad road to the narrow road you've just gone from the potential of destruction to the promise of life this is what I'm going to ask you to do in just a second not right now I wanna ask you to raise your hand well that's never ly embarrass you it's just a little sign that says I really prayed that prayer really meant it so if you prayed that prayer here we go you ready if you prayed that prayer for the first time you really really meant it would you right now just raise your hand it's just me looking put your hand up so I can see it come on get it up thank you if your hand up don't feel frightened that's so good put your hand up and put your hand down Lord Jesus I pray Lord for people to raise their hands today God would you bless them Lord would you strengthen them Lord in this decision in the very thing they've done today I pray Lord that this day would be the beginning of the just the greatest days of the rest of their life Lord would you just pull them close to you keep them close to you and I pray that in the name of Jesus
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 1,499
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, Andrew McCourt, Sermon On The Mount, Uncensored series, Judging Others, Hypocrisy
Id: EhygI-CUtEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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