Andres Bisonni Beautiful Holy Spirit (ministry)

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I want to invite you for a few moments to simply  close your eyes right there where you are I wanna   invite the worship team to come to the front my  heart is that you would hear his voice tonight   that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see  Jesus but the Holy Spirit will open your ears   to hear his voice I wanna invite the worship team  to come to the front Jesus came to give you good   news maybe you're here and you're struggling  with your marriage God wants to give you peace maybe you're here you struggling with  thoughts of condemnation of guilt of   depression God wants to give you joy he  wants to cover you with his righteousness he's so good he's so guarded he's compassionate  he's merciful abounding in goodness and truth   but it's up to you if you want to make a  decision to forsake sin to turn away from   sin and to believe in Jesus to believe in  his sacrifice to believe in the blood that   He shed for you is enough to cleanse you from  all your sins and to make you righteous holy   and accepted to God if you want to make that  decision tonight I'm gonna ask you right there   where you are to simply lift up one hand to  him and lifted as high as you can yes yes with your hand up lift there right there where  you are when I ask you to simply pray this   prayer from your heart and pray it to the Lord  say Jesus I believe you are the son of God say   Jesus and make a decision to turn away from my  sin say Jesus cleanse my heart and fill me with   your Holy Spirit to let your kingdom come into  my heart let your righteousness come let your   peace come let your joy come into my life  say Jesus I belong to you today and forever now everyone with your eyes closed just for a  few moments I want you to examine your heart   if there's any unforgiveness in your heart maybe  towards your father your mother maybe your husband   or your wife I want to encourage you this evening  to be merciful even though they may not deserve it   but I encourage you to forgive them and to bless  them tonight Jesus if you're here maybe you're   struggling with anger I want to ask you to simply  talk to Jesus he's not here to condemn you he did   not come to judge you he came to forgive you he  wants to remove that anger from your heart that   bitterness he wants to take it away from your soul  he wants to place his joy in your heart and he's   love in your heart maybe you're here and you're  struggling with lust ask Jesus to forgive you and   to cleanse him and make a decision to have clean  eyes pure eyes and your body will be full of light maybe you're here you struggling with  warring with anxiety with fears but with   your uncertain the Lord wants to give you  his hope he wants to give you a hope and   a future the Holy Spirit wants to give  you hope in faith and show you that he   has great plans for your life not to worry  don't worry but seek first his kingdom and   his righteousness and he assures you tonight  that he will take care of everything else Jesus Oh and encourage you to simply close your  eyes and just lift up your hands to him please our desire tonight for your kingdom  to come for your kingdom to come in US and   upon us for your presence to manifest for  your joy for your peace to fill every heart   for your oil of joy to be poured out Lord  for your mental phrase and your mantle of   righteousness to cover us let your kingdom come  that you will be done in this place in our lives come Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus  make Jesus real to every heart sundaramma kya today most so yeah that about  God she close your eyes and lift up your hands   let us worship Him there's worship Jesus  for he's worthy he's worthy to receive   honor to receive glory to receive praise  for the kingdom belongs to him for his is   the power and his is the glory Jesus thank  you Lord for your forgiveness for making   us righteous for giving us your peace  for giving us your joy thank you Father we can sing the song you're worthy of it all Jesus Jesus yes yes I want us to sing this song from the beginning  where says that the saints in angels bow before   his throne and tonight I wanted to do something  a little bit different I want to invite you as   we sing this song to come out of your seat  and come and bow before Jesus just to come   and humble yourself before him and I believe that  as you do his presence his kingdom will come upon   you he will touch you he will heal you he will  deliver you he will give you peace he will give   you joy but let us humble ourselves before him  and come to Jesus tonight as we sing this song   I want to invite you just to come and just bow  before the feet of Jesus in this altar tonight if we could have the ushers help  me move some of the chairs back so   there's room for everyone who  wants to come tonight to Jesus   and worship Him at his feet can help  me move some of the chairs back yes their crowns before of every voice you you for fun if you have calmed up to this all turn one  encourage you to simply stand to your feet   and just lift up your hands to him and let us  together tell them tonight Lord you're worthy   of it all you are worthy of it all just stand  to your feet and just lift up your hands to him I believe us we worship Him tonight many  people are gonna be delivered set free   healed as Jesus moves and touches people  in this place his presence is so real so   tangible in this place many people already  been touched by the Holy Spirit all I ask   from you is not to look at me not to look  at the worship leader worship team but to   set your eyes on Jesus he is your deliverer  he is your healer he is the giver of joy the   giver of peace the giver of life as you set  your eyes on him I see worship Him in spirit   and truth he will he will stretch his hand and  he will touch you right there where you are he   will heal you right there where you are he will  deliver you right there where you are yes Jesus   Jesus voice to the Lord come on Jesus yes Lord you as we continue to worship I want to  begin to pray for some of you and my   prayers for Jesus to touch you tonight  for to him to give you his peace to give   you his joy to cover you with his  righteousness and to heal your body Jesus you're worthy of it all worthy is the Lamb  Jesus stretcher here to heal touch your Jesus hard Jesus where he is the see Thunder so as I answer the Lord search exclosure  eyes and lift up your hands to him tonight experience the grace of your heavenly father  experience embrace he was waiting for you in   this altar he was waiting for you to come and just  receive his embrace receive his peace Jesus as my   peace I give unto you I don't give it to you like  the world gives it to you let not your heart be   troubled neither let it be afraid of my how you're  not gonna fall in love with a king like that no he loves his children ah miracles are beginning to take place all over  even in the back everywhere miracles will be a   big place many of you gonna begin to feel warmth  in your body that's Jesus touching you others   gonna feel like an electricity going through  you and all the pain all the sickness will   leave your body just close your eyes and lift up  your hands to him let us worship Him yes yes yes   for the glory of your son Lord heal every sickness  and every disease remove pain in the name of Jesus right now right now Jesus is touching you  Jesus is healing you Jesus is setting you   free Jesus is breaking every chain every  bondage every curse every sickness every   disease is leaving your body  right now right now right now name of Jesus in the name  of Jesus yes Lord yes Lord if there's a pain or a sickness in your  body just place one hand where that pain   or the sickness is in your body right  now so we continue to softly worship Him Father in the name of Jesus stretch your hand to heal tonight stretch your hand to deliver  tonight in the name of Jesus   I command cancer to leave your body right  now a rebuke cancer I command every tumor   every growth to disappear from your  body right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I command arthritis  to leave your body right now all pain in   the joints to leave your tendons your ligaments  in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus right   now if you begin to move the place of your  body where the pain was gonna find out that   that pain is gone it's left your shoulder left  your neck slap your knee right now in the name   of Jesus backs are being straightened are being  healed vertebrates are being heal our thright us   is leaving your joints is leaving your knees is  leaving your hands right now in the name of Jesus if you have problems with your eyes eyesight  your near side or far side or cat tracks for   blindness place a hand over your eyes right now  Father in the name of Jesus I ask for you to heal   and restore the eyesight I rebuke blindness in the  name of Jesus I command the spirit of blindness to   leave those eyes in the name of Jesus I pray that  you remove cataracts in the name of Jesus that you   will restore perfect vision in the name of Jesus  that's it many of you to begin to feel a heat in   your eyes that's the power of the Holy Spirit  restoring your eyesight doing surgery in your   eyes in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus  Lord touch touch touch my lord touch Lord touch   if you have hearing problems place a hand over  your ears right now in the name of Jesus I command   the deaf spirit to loose your ears I command deaf  ears to be opened right now in the name of Jesus   be opened right now to receive restoration  of your hearing right now in the name of   Jesus tumors there is a tumor or a growth in your  body right now place a hand there in the name of   Jesus I rebuke that tumor I rebuke that cancer I  rebuke that growth in the name of Jesus if you're   struggling with depression or anxiety place a hand  over your head right now you're struggling with   fear with anxiety with depression father in the  name of Jesus right now I break every chain every   curse Lord in the name of Jesus I command the  spirit of fear to leave the spirit of heaviness to   go in the name of Jesus let your peace fill their  minds in their hearts in the name of Jesus aramis   I olara macaé let's say that's it that's it that's  it just receiving receiving let his perfect love   cast out all fear from you right now right now if  there's something specific that you want the Lord   to heal your body from place a hand where your  sickness or you diseases and lift up the other   hand to chase us tonight just place one hand there  and lift up the other one to Jesus and ask him to   touch you right now ask him to touch you right now  that say that say that's his power touching you   as his power healing you right now I rebuke the  spirit of infirmity right now in the name of Jesus let's say that say that's his healing virtue   running through your body let your  kingdom come let your power come I see letting the name of Jesus be  healed be free in the name of Jesus for your name he's great and grace yes let us give Jesus a big hand a price tonight Wow Wow we get into taste a little bit of what  Heaven's gonna be like amen I want to see if   there's someone here who felt the healing touch  from Jesus tonight I'm gonna ask you to lift up   one hand if you felt the healing touch from  Jesus god bless you god bless you anybody   else god bless you god bless you god bless you  anybody else felt the healing touch back there   god bless you God bless you God bless you god  bless you anybody else got bless you god bless   you Oh back there god bless you all the way back  there god bless you back there god bless you so   many miracles are taking place for the glory  of Jesus let's give Jesus god bless you god   bless your big hand of praise give him all the  glory all the honor all the praise Wow I want   to invite you to go back to your seats and I want  to ask all those people who lifted up their hands   to come up to the front if you lift it up your  hand I'm gonna invite you to come to the front   tonight if you felt the healing touch from Jesus  tonight just come up to this altar all those who   felt a healing touch just let them come to the  front if you felt the pain leave your body if   you felt checked for the tumor the tumors gone  there thright us is gone just come up to this   front hallelujah hallelujah this is wonderful  thank you lord thank you lord Thank You Lori if   anybody here and the altergott feel in the front  just come up stay up here check your hearing   check your eyesight cleanse your eyes check your  eyesight move your arms move your shoulders move   your knees you're gonna see the pain is gone from  your body the pain has disappeared in the name of   Jesus move such a beautiful presence of God whoa  you can help her down yes so what I want us to   do this for next couple minutes we're gonna take  just some brief short testimonies so you can hear   what God is doing after we take some testimonies  I'm going to stay I'm gonna pray for everyone   who desires to receive prayer but at the same  time I want you to feel free to go at any time   you want but I'm gonna stay here and pray for  everyone who desires to receive when I pray for   his righteousness for his room joy for his peace  for his healing tomorrow night I want to encourage   you to invite a friend how many say Amen invite  someone to come tomorrow if you know someone who   needs healing or needs deliverance or needs the  Lord invite them to come to none tomorrow's I   believe the Lord's gonna be doing some amazing  things in our midst if you could come just a   second I heard a little bit of what the Lord did  in your heart just come just a few brief testimony   so what the Lord is doing we could lower the music  a little bit yes tell us what happened well where   there was once pain there's no more pain in my  back it's been just this pesky thing for months   and months and it kept manifesting over here but  it was very present over here and it's not there   anymore and my neck because I haven't been able  to turn it and I can turn it so yeah God helping   the beautiful women up from the did you feel  something when the Lord touched you it's boring   you know I felt the heat and I've been healed of  carpal tunnel surgery the water of his spirit it   was just cooling and it was so tender and sweet  and and I was just all all better just all better it was it's gone so yeah God cover with your  mantle of joy there's such a beautiful presence   of God here thank you for a crazy Lord more  more and more and more it's so heavy up here   it's hard to stand you know sue Murder Lord sue  Murder Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come   thank you Jesus a beautiful testimony she  was submerged in the river of the spirit   yes what happened tonight I've had really  bad back pain for five years to the point   where I can't even hardly lift my kids without  it hurting and me crying and as I was standing   here just all this sudden I just felt like I  like that feeling when you have a sunburn and   the heats just radiating from your skin and I  just started shaking and I couldn't stop and   then like I just started to fall and as I fell  it just just felt like I got chills everywhere walk up the stairs it doesn't hurt to  stand anymore when you see you bend down no point Jesus that doesn't touch your heart  so beautiful what happened I had several areas   that I've been having difficulties with when  it's right here in my chest area and I felt   a real hot heat I was sweating and I was  praising and worshipping at the beginning   of the service and he touched me that time and  in my eyes I've been having blurry vision my   eyes slightly and I touched my hands over my  eyes when you told me to do that a penetration   go through my eyes and I opened my eyes  and I could see clearer and just thank   you Jesus you're gonna do in my life for he is  my healer in my deliverer and my Savior forever thank you for restoring her eyesight Lord I'm  standing right here both of you thank you just   remain in his presence yes what happened  tonight well like I was just praising and   worshipping the Lord you know in the back  back there and then you called out somebody   who had knee knee pain whenever I when I walk  up steps on I would always have knee pain and   then I just I just do that and and then you  said you said somebody with knee pain and   then after you said that no more knee pain  let's give Jesus all the glory and you were   all the way in the back ever since I've  been in the fourth grade you called out   near sight and and I fell he come over all  my body and and now my vision is clear you   can see clearer let's give Jesus a big hand of  praise guys thank you Lord do you be the glory   to be the honor pillar with your Holy Spirit  Lord fill him with your Holy Spirit father wow that's electric shock just went through  my hand oh my goodness yes come come Wow it   literally felt like I put my hands on  the socket on the electricity bill yes   what happened you can ask my wife for about a  pass my little over month I've had a night I   don't know if it was a tumor what I was on my  arm and I was gonna tell her we have a doctor   here I got a church here dr. Robertson  I was gonna show it to him but I thought   my hand felt like it was swollen log on I  kept looking at it and I just kept getting   hotter and hotter and I took my wife back  there while ago and said it's totally gone let's give Jesus a hand you could see it before  oh yeah yeah you can see it it had a little knot   there and I just show it hurt I got a bigger  bigger and my hand right now feels like it's   just a shake and it won't quit shake him but  it's it's gone I mean he got I said while ago   I said am I crazy or am I feeling this it's  gone let's give Jesus close your eyes and   lift up your hands oh Jesus do we give you the  glory my goodness is power in his name thank you   lord thank you lord thank you lord yes I don't  have another testimony yes if you can help me   with the testimonies come over here over here  thank you lord yes what happened please God is   gone it's gone let me see move your knee move  your knee move the knee lift up your knee no   pain what's rising lift up your hands thank you  Jesus so we can say fill them with your spirit   Jesus there's like electricity in here hallelujah  thank you Jesus yes what happened all week I've   been struggling with extreme fatigue in my body  and I've been to the doctor I even went to the   emergency room last night and they don't have  a clue what's going on in my body and I've got   muscle twitches and I'll do this service I felt  so weak like I just need to go lay down somewhere   but I came to the altar and I just I feel a lot  stronger right now I really do this like I said   I was like wait I don't feel weak like I did  a little while ago what did the doctors call   your problem what did they say they don't know  they're sending me to a neurologist now because   they don't know what's going on and as I was  standing there I'm still feeling the twitching   and it's really scary and just believing God to  first take away the fear and then you know take   away the the twitching or whatever's going on in  my muscles are my brain and it's really scary but   what is your name Jim Jim let's all stretch our  hands towards sir I probably thank you for Jen   all fatigue or fear or anxiety Lord let it go away  that your kingdom spray for a few moments Lord we   pray for complete freedom complete freedom in your  name all fear to go that's it that's it that's it in his presence there is fullness of joy amen what  happened tonight spirit my whole body but since   then I was tell us what happened in Louisiana  first um I had problems everywhere I mean Rocky   Mountain spotted fever every single joint I  would pick something up and drop it it felt   like my muscle was detaching from the bone it just  pain everywhere so that what happened when you got   prayed it was gone Louisiana it was gone just  left come on yeah hallelujah and that was a few   months ago and you're still good but yes but since  then I was strangled I was attacked physically   and I had an MRI that showed you know pretty bad  changes in my neck so it was muscle it was nerves   and disks and I've been having trouble since um  but you asked me to put my hand honey it's gone see there's a difference when the devil places  his hand on you he will try to strangle you   he'll try to kill you and destroy you but when  Jesus places his hand on you he takes away the   pain he takes away that fear it's not only  he's gonna heal the neck but also remove the   fear from that attack in the name of Jesus  yes yes what happened well for me I've had   back pain for the past couple of weeks and I  was down there and I just felt the heat and   it's gone completely gone but for my daughter  it just came on her and I guess what happened   what did you feel she made a helper urkesh she had  that pain and she I wanted to help her because she   didn't have anything to help her what did you  feel what are you feeling what was her problem you told you told him to put their hand on their  eye and she placed her little hand on her and   she just bent over and what's her knee Madeline  Madeline come here stretch your hands towards her   father in the name of Jesus Lord we pray for  this tumor to be completely gone from her eye touch her Jesus touch her Jesus stretch your  hand and touch her Lord bless her Lord filler   with your presence in your spirit thank you  Jesus come on come over here yes what happened   tonight well I uh I was doing a thing um my  bag and I was I feel like I pay my back and   then and then I was I've been back as your  purchase and then I either pair all day you   feel better let me see bend down bend down move  up there's no pain thank you boy that's beautiful what happened in the moment that you touched my  hand I felt the power and the fire in the presence   of God go through my whole body and I've been  fighting rheumatoid arthritis for thirteen years   I believe tonight the Lord has healed me you move  your hands you feel a difference yes stand over   here give me your hands stretch your hands towards  her father in the name of Jesus will rebuke this   arthritis from her body we commend it to loose  loose those hands yes come hallelujah come over   here this world want us to do as we pray for  her first all those who need physical healing   or emotional healing you want Jesus to heal you  first those people won't ask you to come and we're   gonna make lines here in the front I would like  to pray for you then if you also if you want God   to give you his peace his joy if you want the  Holy Spirit to come and fill you also come but   come a little bit further back so first wanna  pray for those in need and then want to pray   for all those who are hungry and thirsty for his  presence amen so if you need healing for your body   come to the front and many many many more gonna  be healed tonight and one more thing if the Lord   heals you tonight I want you to come tomorrow and  testify of what the Lord has done amen so if the   Lord touches you and heals you tonight I'm gonna  encourage you to come tomorrow and give him the   glory for what he's gonna do because tremendous  miracles are about to take place here tremendous   healings are about to take place in the name of  Jesus so if we could move the chairs further back   and all those who want to receive prayer just  come and let's do this let's do it in order so   everybody can receive if there's someone standing  in front of you I want to encourage you to take   two steps back so leave some room between you and  the person front of you so everybody can receive   with complete freedom everybody can be touched by  the Holy Spirit another thing if the Holy Spirit   touches you don't be in a hurry let him minister  to you let him heal you let him deliver you let   him speak to you let him pour his love on you  let him just minister to you tonight amen in   his presence there's fullness of joy where the  Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom there's   healing there's liberty so this is a night for  you to spend in his presence amen hallelujah   hallelujah yes what happened tonight I play fast  pitch softball and I'm a pitcher and I had like   real bad pain in my arm but when you said put your  hand all where the pain is I put my hand right   here and when I whenever I open my eyes it was  gone see move your hand like no pain no pain now   you gonna be able to pitch faster than before what  is your name you want Jesus to fill you with the   Holy Spirit close your eyes thank you for Alissa  Lord fill her with your love with your presence   with your peace make her Lord a carrier of your  kingdom thank you Jesus let us close our eyes and   just lift up our hands to him and let us worship  Jesus tonight for what he's doing for what he's   going to do for His goodness for His mercy for his  kindness we saw the Lord take away tumors restore   eyesight we saw the Lord heal every type of pain  tonight remove back pain remove fatigue the Lord   is doing amazing things in our midst he's gonna  continue to do because his desire is to touch   you and to heal you tonight Jesus we give you  glory we give you honor we give you praise fill yeah principie ha the key you a mother Oh
Channel: Los Hechos De Jesús
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Keywords: Andres Bisonni Beautiful Holy Spirit 2019, Andres Bisonni Beautiful Holy Spirit ministry, andres bisonni 2021, andres bisonni ministrando, ministrando andres bisonni, andres bisonni espíritu santo, andres bisonni holy spirit, andres bisonni en ingles, andres bisonni predicas en ingles, pastor andres bisonni, evangelista andres bisonni, los hechos de jesus andres bisonni, andres bisonni holy spirit ministry, andres bisonni sermon, Andres bisonni United States, USA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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