and this is why classical music is so hard

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Hi, welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. a new game. We're wearing the same merch. Oh no. It's the... Exactly. For some context... I remember when I was a kid, and back in high school... and some kid bullied me, and he said "Classical musicians aren't creative at all." "They just play the notes that the composers wrote." Eddy: I went home and cry. And I thought about it. I'm like... "Ten years later I'm making this video for you, man." So something that is... we think is quite unique about being a classical musician or violinist is that there's so much creativity that can be put into the interpretation. And so the same piece of music, exactly written by the same composer, can be phrased or interpreted or played in so many different ways, to create so many different sounds, emotions, effects. And that is why to this day, there's still so many amazing violinists that can do different renditions of these same great works. Yes, because 2 people can never really play the same. Mhm! So today we have... that we've pulled out from famous violin repertoire. And the challenge is for each one that we draw, we have to play that excerpt twice. - And try to make them sound very different in phrasing, - Oh god... Oh man... which will be a- This will test all our musical and technical abilities cos it's actually very hard to do it in a way that's still tasteful. Yes, it's... Yeah... It's the comp- You.. yeah... Scissors, paper, rock! - You can play first. - Dammit! Oh wow... Ha! Ha! Ha! - Good luck. - Oh man, I'm nervous. Oh, those days are back again. - Yup, we actually gotta play now. - Arghhh... When I had dreams! Okay, so... Oh, this is pressure. Back in those days... Ah, do it again! That was crap! Oh, we're gonna be here forever. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. This is the first version. This the second one! I'm gonna try and change it up. Yep. This is hard! Yeah... It's probably gonna sound the same. You phrase off more in that one, hey? - Yep. - Yeah. But I don't know where I was going of that, so... But I hope you guys heard the difference. Dude, I suck. Alright, my turn. Dude, that's just so bad. I should've practiced- I mean I did practice! I mean wha- Oh... Never actually played this one before, but- Oh dude, I'm nervous. Oh bro, I'm nervous! Wrong bowing. - Okay, nice. - Alright. Now, I think I'll try a different way. I'm nervous. - Did you- - Did you hear the difference? I did. I'm trying to figure out what the difference was. Did you- You went further in the second one, the phrasing? Yeah. Towards the... I... - drove the, the mood. - drove more in. - I... - The first one was kind of more like... More rubato. In and out, yeah. But uh... The first one- - I didn’t do the first one that well, but- - I know. I was trying to like... The second one was more like... - I tried to just... - Yeah. - more sustained. - I feel like it's just like... Either one- The two phrases are like the sustained one and non-sustained. - The good one and the bad one by default! - Yeah. We're not even trying to do it good and bad. - Alright here we go. - Alright. Now that we've warmed up, the next one will be epic. Pffftttt! I really hope. I don't know. Oof! - Oof! - Epic, epic my *ss. This is gonna be hard. Nice! I don't know what I did there. I was just cop- I was just coping. Let me change it up. That one was hugely different. Yeah, I messed it up though. I mean they're both good, but it was different. - Very different. - I feel like the first one was like... I'll just have one thing in mind. But second one was like one thing, but there's like within the thing there was two motions. - Yeah. - So the first statement was like this. And then the next one... "I've had enough!" And there's like... Bum. BUM! Yeah. I also noticed you- The second one felt more fluid? - Like... - Yep. - Rather than the first one... - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah, I went aggressive on the first one straight away. Yeah. And the second one I wanted to be more reserved and held back. - But then build it. - And then build it. It's like a smoother "zzzZzZZZ!" That was good! Alright, done. Told you it's gonna be epic. The first one's always warm-up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, Mendelssohn. Woot! Ooh, Sibelius, okay. Alright. Now, the second one... Nice! I feel like second time's always better. Yeah. - Yeah, I think so. - But the difference... I mean, what did you do? I heard like... The second time was... I felt more icy. - Really? The second one? - Yeah, because there was less vibrato, and then... but then it builds into it. - Yeah. - The first one was more like a warmer... type of sound. That's true. The second one... I know it's first one I... narrow, but more constant, faster vibrato. The second one was like... I tried to just be more... Bow-driven. deep... ...more time so there wasn't vibrato. But when I did do vibrato, it will be wider. I know you did... - Yeah, yeah, you did wider vibrato. - Yeah, wider and slower. - There you go. - And just certain places that took more time. Yeah. Yeah. New phrasing, guys. Yeah! Next one. But you know that's what- There's something else, dude. It's like no two performances are always the same. I remember- Remember Hilary was saying how she performs based on what she's feeling in the moment. - Yeah! - So it's authentic. Exactly. Yeah. Whoa!! What do I feel like? I'm hungry. Okay. Nice. Second one was bigger. Yeah, bigger sound. - More sustained. - Yeah. First one was more... just sweet, I guess. - I was trying to go for more the ballet for the first time, - Yeah. but I ruined it. But that was good. Yeah. I tried. Tchaikovsky's like your piece. Alright, see you, bro. Alright, that leaves the last one. What's the last one? M i C h A e L j A c K s O n ! Nah. M i C h A e L j A c K s O n ! Actually bro, this will be... This is hard to play... But it's easier to show the difference. - But it's easier to show the difference. Yay... - Yeah... Very nice! Alright, this will be simple. - This is the uh... - Oh, here we go... Romantic way of playing it. Now! The more Baroque-ish way. Don't judge if you're a Baroque player. This is just my interpretation. Uh-oh! That was Baroque! Let, let me try that again. Nice! Obvious difference. Less vibrato, more rolling chords. I mean, I hope you can hear the difference, guys. Yeah. I tried to like accentuate the bass more as well. Ah... Yeah. Whereas the first one's more like... - They're more like... connected? - Yeah. Anyway... Music nerds, you know. We tried. For those of you don't know, that was a good- That was a small sample of phrasing. How music- classical music can be interpreted differently even from the same people, so... Mm. So yeah, next time (you) go to a live concert or play a recording, we encourage you to listen out to how these different artists interpret the same piece of music. Oh yeah! Subscribe, like, comment your favourite piece.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 547,829
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Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, ling ling, practice, music, classical music, orchestra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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