Ancient stone housebarn becomes couple's tranquil home-office

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I knew this area for many years when I was a child I used to come here with my parents because these areas been always a very beautiful and very untouched it's super easy to come down here because you don't hear any noise any car any plane any nothing so you just hear nature I call it Vilas low because when I come to the house immediately I calm down once you come here the time is just another measurement that what you are normally used to in the city we come to actually slow down from the busy life of the city so everything goes so slow the measurement of time is very very different this is one of my favorite places in our house as you can see it has a magnificent view this valet in total in the whole valley we live 300 people most of the Paseos that is how they are called the people that are living in this valley there are farmers very small industry what we have been learning by being here is all these cows horses and goats and all the animals that they take care of they only eat grass I mean they only eat from the land which is very nice but then that requires a lot of moving cows from one to another field so in the past all these farmers they used to be nomads so they had in each of the land they used to have one of these sheds so they were living for the time when the cars were eating the grass they were living there and then moved into another house and then move into another house the HOA bi gente que si will be a known area aquí abajo tenemos una poor Denova Centro de hecho es la Topeka Cabana paseo de toda vida que bajo tenían las vecas ya Reba by viola gente Valentin digamos el lugar CK tenían una chimenea Proctor las bakkasur a las que Dobbin el calor Tito ich Alan Tabas la casa y oprahop lo nacido aqui me crea aqui entonces vez como las cosas de terre las vecas processed on desaparecido entonces las cabañas pasa gus' Posse no less Keita's pues el agua de los dejado SU todo super save on save on Gondo se convierte en rhiness de hecho por aqui i Miuccia when I was this property it was a ruin actually so it it had like some pieces of walls it didn't have any roof so I had to dismantle everything and mounted it again so the nose as you can see it's stone walls so all the stone of the house is actually from the old house it was exactly in the same position as a ruin the roof is also stone as you can see also because all the traditional houses from here this house is echo gases Pasi areas they all have like a stone roof and stone walls I think the Paseos are very intelligent in how they place the houses in winter when it's sunny we almost don't need to use any heat because the Sun is providing all the heat and in the summer the Sun is very high so then it doesn't get in as you can see this has amazing views but in this house there is only five windows actually I had not like a lot of money to build this house so I wanted to do as a less openings as possible because all the stonework that you have to do around the house is very expensive so I say okay I do few windows but very large windows Accio india podemos hablar de todos los Renton Allah's a por esta Hoppus entrar Sally totalmente communica con la calle Jesus Allende ce SS Antonio de la loire de Chara bass los colores sorry el calor de Tonio see Vanessa Marano por esta todo mess Verde see Tomas various Bacchus toda spray the weather is a thing it is the most changeable weather that I've ever experienced and it's sunny again this is what I mean with living landscape when we wake up the very first thing we do is we go to these big windows that see the landscape and then you always have a different landscape sometimes the clouds are very low so you see the we call it a sea of clouds and then sometimes you are in the middle of the clouds I come over - no tenemos television de hecho tampoco cover to remove in Picasa digamos que de como para dezhkin estar un poco del mundo entonces si tienes tele yeah no disconnected totalmente del mundo to keep the interior simple for me it's very important because it gives me a lot of peace I wanted to make a very high space because I mean at the end of the day this floor plan is very small so the house is not very big but it feels very very large because of the height I think is also the proportion of the room is very nice it's very symmetrical I really took care to have like a very symmetrical plum because for me it means that is like a very quiet space so it gives me a lot of peace to be in space I don't think it's just me but I think when interior space is well proportioned it gives you a lot of calmness Nature has Portus you cuando las beaming Cantara por que son muy a typical Avast Antivirus Ella formid el pecho mean kantola for meketa nian CL no change no central ah lo que la man para tiene su porta every Muslim porta yet Ramos la lucha es una ducha burta de hecho way no podemos a parla porque el are Mario's tacky escondido a gente que entra lr mario de hecho nunca lemme porque esta Escondido the hoc approach Amish measureless passing a rebar esta muy bien Aprovecho espacio porque tenemos UN al t OPA caimito donde eres la siesta si si Yamashita's pour tenemos un tronco typically lucky si este lado she sat on Antigua alas alas famosos Macias de noche que some typical pesetas some nose so no strong cause grandes este ban Quito STP copass ago que es el típico Banco pardon our Lavaca normalmente 808s ITA's para ordinar la vaca C entonces esta esta pico de aquí de de san roque Rio Marisa de las viejas Posadas la cocina es muy sofia tenemos passe solos los tipico sir Mario's para Gwadar las cosas Yahweh no por si que tiene todas commodious this space is very easy to read so once you enter in the house you understand how the house works everything is intuitively in its position and I think when you try to do this very simple designs you have to think I think 10 times more than when you do a very complex shape they just place the spiral of the hair loss vent analysis if you're on absolutamente los cuatro to get all these very simple lines you have to hide a lot of things so you have to think everything beforehand yeah care area protocol crystal del tiempo de los animales de todo [Music] [Music] yeah well I like the most of Cantabria is you can just have outdoor plans you know so it's every time we come here regardless the weather we just go to see you go to the mountains we are always outside something that when you live in a city you really miss and then when you come here you're always you can just go from this kind of places on your own I mean look we are here today on our own yeah I think that's something very very beautiful of the north of Spain that because the weather is not always good or not always sunny it's not like a mass tourism what I see as a future of this area and especially after Corona this these two months have proved proven as that working remotely is easier than what we think is showing us how important it is to be in contact with nature and I think a lot of people could live in places like this in the future if certain infrastructure would be provided oh do you go again we have had so many Eagles today I think that would happen is gonna take a while but I think this is gonna happen and I hope that it doesn't get fully parked because then isn't of this valley anymore it is so beautiful Wow whoa this one is the one that came last week yeah this is a place where you can never get bored
Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 2,110,793
Rating: 4.9516387 out of 5
Keywords: slow life, villa slow, cantabria, casa pasiega, spain, northern spain, housebarn, stone architecture, abandoned architecture, abandoned house, repurposed ruins, stone ruin, revamped ruins, modern house barn, abandoned barn home, symmetrical architecture, simple home, quarantine home, low density living, see through shower, wood fired hot tub, nature retreat, home office, work from home, laura alvarez architecture, craftsmanship, wood furniture, traditional architecture
Id: i6c0Pvei3F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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