Ancient Jewish Wisdom and Music with Rabbi Daniel Lapin - Episode 01

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welcome I am delighted to be here together with Rabbi Abraham Rosenblum and to share with you some of the biblical insights that reveal how the world really works and what's so wonderful about this special opportunity that I enjoy is that we're going to focus not only on the substance but also upon the soul you will hear the sounds of ancient Jewish wisdom as well as the words thank you for joining us well Rabbi it's a great pleasure to be here with you again what's today's special Bible topic well this is terrific we've got an opportunity today uh to talk about something that everybody knows something about they've made movies about it the story of Noah and the flood the problem is that for many people it became a legend about mythological people of a long time ago of no contemporary relevance at all but what we're going to do today is show how this is really an absolutely vital guide book that you and I and all our friends need for how the world really does work you know how when you get a new car right there in the glove box uh is an instruction manual right now a lot of people don't pay any attention to that but uh those of us who enjoy a car and expect long and reliable service well we we do pay attention to that and uh that manufacturer's manual in the glove box is exactly how I view the Torah in ancient Jewish wisdom this book in front of me is the manufacturer's instruction manual that's what it is this is a book that shows us how the world really works what do I mean well here's one very important Rule and and as any Enthusiast of ancient Jewish wisdom like you already know there are no superflous verses in the whole Torah there are no Superfluous sentences there are no Superfluous words or even letters and that means we have to look at things very very carefully um I'm going to tell you about two verses having to do with the life of Noah but uh i' I'd like you to hear them in the Hebrew first and then the English now I know that you probably don't know Hebrew yet but um you will nonetheless very much enjoy the Cadence and the sound of the Lord's language here is one verse and we're looking at chapter 5 in Genesis verse 32 Noah shame yafet that's the last verse in chapter 5 now we're looking at chapter 6 verse 10 right just 10 verses later and uh this reads A now in English the first verse I read to you chapter 5:32 says um and Noah had shame and jaff when he was 500 years old okay just 10 verses later we read and Noah gave birth to three sons and shame ham and jaff now look I got to explain something to you and you understand the Bible is not meant for people with short-term memory loss right it's not telling us this because you've already forgotten what went before so why on Earth would the Bible tell us that Noah had three sons sham ham and yafet just 10 verses after it already told us that Noah gave birth to shemam and jaff why could that possibly be and the answer is stunning and very significant to each and every one of you you might be a uh a child you might be a parent you might one day be becoming a parent maybe you're a grandparent but wherever you are in life this information is valuable to you you see there is one very big difference between verses chapter 532 and verse and chapter 6:1 big difference the big difference is that chapter 532 if you listen carefully it just says that when he was 500 years old Noah had sham Hammond jaff no mention of the word son but in chapter 6: 10 it says and Noah had three sons Shem ham and jaffi what's changed well think about this anybody can G can conceive a fetus anybody can make it a male fetus 50% of the time it's going to be a male it's just that not it's just not that hard to give birth to a male I mean as far as a man is concerned there's not even a lot of work involved this is really easy but to end up with a son now that's a totally different story you see in Hebrew the word Stone means father son and when we think of stones we think of permanence we think of buildings that are going to stand forever in Hebrew the word EV it means a stone it's made up of the two words of and ven Father and Son the relationship between parents and their son is quite different from the relationship between parents and a male child that has not become a son so how did Noah convert three people Shem ham and yaffed who just were born how did he convert them into the three sons Shem ham and jaffi well you have to think about what's been going on here what's been going on here is that for 120 years Noah has been working on the Ark by himself no with his three sons and during that time how did the population around him how did the Neighbors react hey Noah what are you doing over there and when he told them they were not happy think about it would you if your neighbor started doing this and then on top of that there were moral overtones Noah said God is going to bring a flood because of your behavior people didn't care for that one little bit and there was a lot of mockery and there was a lot of antagonism and there were a lot of insults hled and Noah didn't stand alone he stood with his sons Shem ham and jaff that is what turned them into Sons and The Marvelous message of God here is that we can do this with our children as well don't conceal from them what you live for don't hide your values from them don't conceal your mission in life the things you really live for make your children part of that involve them in that give them a role to play in all of that because that is the way to turn a child into a son and a daughter robbi that's a lesson true lesson for all of mankind and how we should work together isn't it amazing though I mean that these insights that have shaped thousands of years of Jewish National Life are now available for everybody always amazing and um you know what I'd really love now if we could uh have some music some of your special music uh that would give us all a chance to to listen and reflect and the the music helps the message enter the soul I believe just we just want to concentrate on that now be my pleasure a little piece a day of rest and EAS no more no more the race each man's a king but in his humble Place shabat shalom it's nice to be at home sha shom MH it's nice to be at home with the the Torah to make my soul to sing oh make my soul to sing sh shom it's nice to be at home shabat sh oh it's night to be at home oh at home beautiful Aram that's exactly the sort of music I was hoping to hear thank you very much and um and and what's great about it is you highlighted something that really is a part of today's message which is that when you have your Bible and when you have a connection with God you're at home wherever you are isn't that so wonderful you're always at home absolutely be together with us for the next show we very much look forward to seeing you back right here this is my latest book business secrets from the Bible spiritual strategies for financial abundance are the secrets that have brought my people disproportionate business success only for Jews no of course not encoded in the Bible Bible are vast numbers of tips tools and techniques for making money that we Jews have successfully used for centuries and now they are all condensed into 40 spiritual strategies for financial abundance that you and all those you love can immediately put to use in your life thank you for investing your time with us today and for giving us the opportunity to share with you 3,000 years of ancient Jewish wisdom presented in a way that we hope will enhance your life enhance your faith enhance your family your friendships and yes even your finances thanks for being part of this make sure you see the next show and also please visit our website www rabid Danel lappin tocom
Channel: Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Views: 30,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Lapin (Author), Religion (TV Genre), Episode, Series, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, AAJC, American Alliance of Jews and Christians, Lifecodex Publishing, Thou Shall Prosper, Wisdom, Community, Advice, United States Of America (Country)
Id: P7D06ltCZPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
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