Restoring a Remote Farmhouse - Build A New Life in the Country - S03 EP5 - Real Estate

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in 2004 I met Terry Flynn and Marilyn Fleming  an extraordinary couple renovating a derelict   cottage in the heart of Northumberland it's  something I always wanted to own life is do   something like this I know it's a bit of a  record a moment now in their third year of   this project they're about the tackle  the most ambitious part of their dream   turn in the 16th century farmhouse into  the kitchen and heart of their new home Terry and Maryland's build was epic  but when I last saw them there was   still living very much on a building  site so I've come back to dedicate a   whole new one-hour program  to their exceptional story [Music] Marilyn Fleming and Terry Flynn are both  in their 50s and have busy full-time jobs as an   accountant and construction engineer but two years  ago this golden age couple took the plunge to make   a new life for themselves it would start with  one of the biggest renovation projects I had   ever come across I mean what made you take on  something like that let's go out of carpet you   know and there and it's the it's the area as  well I'll follow it straight away definitely   what's the dream for you here to get away from  our way there the hospital really it's gonna   be a family home you know where the family can be  here with us and there's enough room for all this the couple threw themselves into their bills  with total abandon living in a tiny Caravan   on site they got straight to work repairing  the 200 year old farmhouse despite not having   any previous experience Maryland proved  herself a courageous and capable laborer   it absolutely terrified me because part  of the roof was derelict and it was all   caved in and you couldn't really see any  way of getting up there to get them down   there frighten me I used to wake up in the  night had nightmares a week and what me see   how would we get the roof fleecing it's  a doddle man not going we're going going [Music] the couple were determined to  restore this house using traditional   methods and techniques doing everything  by hand even though this took a lot longer   I want to be in I want the moon fiend  let's just and great you know got some   determination that's what keeps you going  they even worked through severe weather   conditions experience and the worst  storms here the area in over 40 years [Music] heíd 16 to the sand at the hunt let's wash  the ball out of here I know that your sound   left at all gone all the rainwater fallen  on the hills at the back it's real isn't   it yeah so you have to do a lot of ground work  on the back to protect yours right here we've   got this mess we've got everything but I  tell you what I've never been so happy in   my life I can't are you still in such good  spirits well I mean it was that yesterday   and we just look - you sure then started  a lot and we said if we do it we didn't   you just you just crack up you would cry  no you just just gotta get off know what Terry and Marilyn have eight grandchildren  between them and part of their dream was to   have a house big enough so that everyone  could stay that can be here more they can   steal for this plenty of food father and you  you've got no fear get knocked over by traffic   you have freedom here as well and you know you  only got the sheep but family visits would be   few and far between until the house was built  Terry and Marilyn would be left working alone   it is a great wrench I mean we yeah I really  really miss them I tried I try not to shorten   a fight I did to be honest and like sort of  you know but I should miss the balance left [Music] when I first met Terry and Maryland I  thought they were incredibly brave to do such   a massive building project in this remote  location and I was worried that they're   also taken on an epic challenge at a time when  most people their age would be thinking about   retirement now it's been over a year since I  last saw them but knowing how hard these two   graft I'm sure I'm in for a pleasant surprise  [Music] what a difference what a difference   the last time I was here they barely finished  one room they've now completed two bedrooms   and a fantastic living room downstairs but  there's one part of the house still missing   we're about to commence work on the bustle  so the bustle has not done yet no we have   started but it is a big job it's a special job  the fascial is special that's gonna overlook attached to the cottage is a 16th century  fortified farmhouse called abyssal Terry and   Marilyn want to convert this into their kitchen  and dining room but turning this ruin into the   heart of their new home is an epic building  project all on its own to be quite honest   this is what sold me on the property mmm because  I stood out on that ledge up there where the door   is and I look down here and I said to him this is  my kitchen I'm saved I can see units there nicely   and I'll go there and I can see this here nothing  yes that's what it's going to be like I can see   it yes and can you still see in our dreams the  one Marilyn must have incredible vision all I   can see is a building ready to collapse crack  exciting I see a frightening is that exciting   yes it is it's it's amazing I can't believe  you're taking this one no most people would   look at a finished house on the other side of  that door we're sitting though the carpeting   go go okay the bustle oh no no you stop stop if  you stop you'll never do it you would deceive No   rebuilding the medieval battle walls is a grueling  conservation project that will take months of hard   work Terry and Marilyn are the most extraordinary  self builders I've ever come across but turning   this into the heart of their new home has to be  their biggest challenge yet [Music] Terry Flynn   and Marilyn Fleming have spent the last two years  renovating a derelict cottage in the heart of   Northumberland now in their third year they're  embarking on the most ambitious part of their   bills creating a spectacular kitchen and dining  room in the 16th century Bassel next door it's the   most interesting there's more history in this one  much more history there really is there's a lot   of nice beautiful features and you you love the  history part of buildings anyway you have to be so   so gentle it's one stone at a time you're not even  just builders it's like being a sort of medieval   stonemason move it in summers I've been the master  craftsman it's just slow very gently very patient   yeah each of these just piece in this building  back together again bit by bit by bit next door   people thought we graphed it hard and it was hard  work it's nothing to want this section this couple   are passionate about this building's history what  they're doing is taken on the restoration and   conservation of what is essentially a poor man's  castle this fortified farmhouse is absolutely   unique to this area you've got to ask yourself  why it was built well in the 16th century the   English farmers had to protect their cattle from  the Scottish cattle rustlers on the other side   of the border they cross over Hadrian's Wall and  steal all of the English animals that's why this   building is so strong and so robust at the end of  each day the farmer would go out into the fields   herd up all of his cattle and actually bring them  inside of the building on the ground floor now   here where you can see this new window this used  to be a door and it's incredibly low this wasn't   the door for humans this was to literally push  the cows and the Sheep inside the building to keep   them protected and warm now you imagine the ground  floor of this building being absolutely packed   with farm animals the smells would be unbearable  so openers like this weren't about getting natural   light into the building they were just purely  for ventilation though that's great about this   building it's on the first floor the farmer would  live up there with his family that is his front   door so at night he'd pull a ladder in and protect  themself as well as the animals this building is   purely about protection restoring a medieval ruin  is far more challenging than creating a new build   from scratch just to secure these ancient walls  is a massive structural engineering job not only   this but because of its remote location no one  will deliver materials to the site itself instead   Marilyn and Terry face a two mile round-trip  to bring everything they need back to the house I'm gonna gear shifts and blocks and some  materials from the bottom up at the top to sort   and carry on and the first type will be they'll  get a hold for a while it's a bit bumpy this bit how will work in this will I get on and uhand  the mon correct god you should be on mastermind   i think working together for two years they've  become quite a team once a week they make the   trip loading and unloading by hand all of which  slows them down but getting materials to the   site is only the first problem this couple face  as they both have full-time jobs they can only   concentrate on the build during weekends  and evenings Marilyn has become adept at   dividing up her roles my day job really is all  mental this mental exhaustion be quite honest   very very stressful and very tiring mentally so  when we get home at nights and we actually do   work on the house it's very relaxing believe  it or not and you do tend to unwind a little   bit because it's physical it's a different  tiredness turn to de-stress after working   an eight-hour day as an accountant she comes  home to start work as a laborer [Music] her   first job is to make a traditional lime mix  mortar which they'll use to repair the storm   walls in size having already completed one  house Marilyn has become a bit of an expert see how it is how it feels it's just  a bit wet because of the the stones   and everything being so big you've got  to have quite a dry texture than it has this building has stood here for hundreds  of years and over time the foundation stones   have shifted causing the walls to collapse in  on themselves you see how this bellied it's   really dried out and it's move so we've got to  push it back to get it back in its its position   it's dangerous work taking out the wrong  stone could bring 20 tons down on top of   them and that's not the only peril he faces  see that mixes too so you know just Runa too many Clark who works here just there  I'm good joint [Music] a bit of a sleeve   done rebuilding the walls it's a massive job  and one that the couple have to keep up night   after night I'll tell you what it's only a  little woman but God you know there's a lot   of big women wouldn't a lot of men wouldn't  even know what she's doing to be honest with   you with only tiny sections rebuilt every  evening it's a job that goes on for months [Music] hope had cottage lies in a far-flung and  rugged part of Northumberland when they first   bought it both Marilyn and Terry were worried  that their family would find it a difficult place   to visit the last thing they expected was Marilyn  son Pete together with his wife Jane son Ryan and   daughters Tegan and Amy moving to the area peace  what are you doing cooking mess Grafton hard yeah   hopefully so what made you move up even better  quality elation for the kids better schooling we   actually spent a fair time walking around Whitley  beyond an eight-team and looking at the kids just   hanging around doing nothing you know I'm getting  in trouble and I just didn't want me kids to do   like I wanted a better quality your life on they  must love having grandma's place on the door it's grandma's place and a lot of friends and  the horse-riding and Amy were the ferrets baby   with ferrets countryside is unbelievable so much  better than being in the town and a happy family   as well yes a very happy family do you think  this has made you closer to your members up   I've been closer than your mum and the past  two years I've been in my life at least still   lived him Willy bill and I really do not  think me and your mum would have been in   touch we would've lifted apart now it's we're  family should be well there for each other Pete's two girls Amy and Tegan have totally  fallen for country living so what's it like   living up here yeah you got a lot of fresh air  and everything you can just go go outside you   don't you don't have to see the boat it's not same  roads in july chromos in your house tomorrow I'd   say no I'd picture 10 and just stay here I live  in a tent I would I would just Stacey I would live   with a sheep of that and having family around  means there's more help to push the build on Peter my sons come along and he's just going  to give Terry a hand to work do some of the   heavier work come what was often as I can  well work commitments and that it's not as   often as I would like but it's just wherever  I come you know when I got a spare for your   minutes bringing the old bustle back to  life has got Marilyn thinking about the   future I'm looking through some photographs  that I want to put in a time capsule to put   into the bustle in the war culture than how  it was built originally but what I can try   and do is to show them how we have built it  and what we've done to make it into a home I   would imagine they look at the photographs and  things and see the condition of the house when   we started I think just like everyone else has  thought they will probably think they were mad we're going to put the letter in and just  some other little bits and pieces that you   know that we can think what I've written is  my name is Marilyn Fleming and my partner's   name is Terry Flynn and it's taken us two years  to complete the main house we are just starting   work on the battle Terry and I started  the renovation in 2004 at the age of 51   years we're actually gonna put it up here  in the wall there's a natural space there   which we think it will just fit in there  nicely in that row it's gonna go [Music] autumn turns to winter over the long dark  nights Terry and Maryland continued to work   inside the Bassel rebuilding the ancient walls  but the bad weather is slow things down it's   been snowing enough so to be honest we would  haven't been able to get on as well as what   was should be because obviously it's all been  about 8 degrees below couldn't use any anymore   because over there just freeze and we'll just  be back to square one again so we couldn't do   much Marylyn especially is becoming disheartened  with their lack of progress you just don't feel   it all you're moving on you don't feel it all  there's any change you're getting anywhere you   just working and working and working and there's  no live seek just the same walk let's see down a   little bit after a while you think you've worked  for so many weeks and then there's no no change [Music] every time I come here I'm just  amazed at how remote but tranquil   this place can actually be this is the  farthest north point in England before   you hit that Scottish border and  I think it's stunningly beautiful morning how you doing I'm fine looking hard as  I turn right how's things all right so how's it   going bit but bloody brilliant would look at the  photo I said yeah race the law and all this war   looks fantastic then you're completely rebuild  yeah yeah just a section at a time things just   stir a little bit of time so what's the next  job that what you don't know well I'm putting   in windows and if you want you can get what I've  put in windows before but never like this he's a   bit rough outside the [ __ ] trip away that  isn't a power tool in sight I love the fact   that Terry and Maryland respect this building so  much that they're doing everything by hand using   the simplest tools like a hammer and chisel no  Charlie hey God thanks boy level as well yeah they show me upstairs where they even covered a  piece of the building's history so this is the   original chimney breast for the fire that's not  here and then you found that behind it's just   like a it looks like it's sort of nothing brick  over not saying yes definitely it's got a lot of   character this there's a lot more car pool and  what it has a next door you taking bits off and   you're finding bits you know but the great thing  about this part of London is it's the oldest part   that's right and so that's why you just find  on all these fantastic things drink yeah you   starting to feel naked buy all of this very much  yourself poor you if I'm not myself I feel it yeah   where before I would brush it off Todd its mate  there to get this tool no you know I mean um don't   like her e^x and pians know after two years hard  graft I'm not surprised it's taking its time of   earnest the disadvantage of using traditional  techniques to restore this medieval building   is that even the smallest job takes time which  means this project still has a long way to go   [Music] Terry Flynn and Marilyn Fleming are  both in their 50s three years ago they took   the plunge to live together while restoring a  16th century property in the beautiful northern   pennons they've been working on turning  the old fortified farmhouse into a massive   kitchen and dining area but for the last six  months they spent all their time rebuilding   the walls quite well really finished all the  reappointment yeah good yeah I think it took   that long factory to build fantastic doesn't it  it's all really in keeping with all the other   old store whether you've got around here really  yeah that's gonna be like in here and eternal ruckus I would think amazing yeah you know get  everybody put that be brilliant that that is the   dream you know that's that's what this is this  is the heart of the house you know and well you   know we'll get there eventually we just have to  keep plugging away plugging away while Marilyn   dreams of family get-togethers Terriers can  tend to be leaving city life behind no I said   I fell in love with it when I first seen you  it's cool but when I was a kid like you know   what I mean needs to go out and you score bird  watching them and then what the horses and put   the animal in put the geese and they're  all like pets deer they're all I've seen   me out in the middle of the night you know  it's trying to play know where they all are yeah are these a good night we  love you when it's finished [Music] after the long cold winter the weather changes  and the couple finding the perfect opportunity to   start work on the roof earlier than anticipated  and please the weather's too good today I think   we've been extremely lucky we thought well Easter  weekend normally we have snow oh we have had us   not to be quite honest hallelujah please this  is far too big a job for Terry and Marilyn on   their own so a team has been assembled to speed  things up which includes Maryland Sun Pete Colin   fair weather that is nickname because as soon as  there's bad weather all those read Pete's don't   really disappears so I'm really really pleased  throughout the weather this weekend because fair   wear this here doing some work also helping out  today is pizza and Ryan and Maryland's recruited   David from her office heard about the work that  she was doing here and they offered a few times   come along give us some help but she took me up  on the offer and I think I'm paying the price now with the old roof stripped the troops  head down the mile-long track to pick up   the Timbers needed to support the new roof  umbrella these here ultimately frames the   trusses in the roof hopefully the cloak  of tea no please op seriously heavy each   beam wears a quarter of a ton but marilyn  is first in line to heave it onto the van the thieves roll off you're gonna be in bother take your time you're more that's  hanging on it takes some Indiana   Jones Maryland might be a grandmother  but she's as tough as any of the men   she's with if not tougher mama Mia  that bloody slipping up man hurry up Romar away there are we in are we you should  have put the buckle it's a skinny little thing   we've got a British strength meeting now you  hold them there it will get round the corner Hannah idea struck me back on David's desperate  to impress the mighty Marilyn core Peter this is the Booga we're on the floor  but this is dangerous and sensibly they   get a neighbor to Tiger lure down with minimal  precautions in place they can carry on that's it well you want a bit of excitement dear me buckskin actually thought we were gonna die at one  point there what just all up with I never   said nothing I skipped it to myself the  following day the team reassemble for the   next Herculean challenge you've got three  bits of trusses to get over one foot of the   fade one for this fade and one for the  middle right right we're gonna do that   one first they have to get heavy Timbers  from the ground to the top of the bustle most builders would use a crane to hoist  quarter-turn beams in a position but the   location here makes that impossible luckily the  sun is shining so Peters turned up yet again to   give his mom a hand without any professional  safety equipment all they're using to get the   Timbers up to the roof is a thin bit of rope  a tiny pulley and buckets of brute strength with all the wood in position the a-frame  is slotted together and tightened this is   exactly how buildings would have been  made hundreds of years ago after two   days working on the roof everyone  is beginning to feel the strain [Music] don't don't let go one airframe is secured  but there's another to fit with little room   to maneuver they have to dismantle sections  of the wall that took them months to rebuild [Music] it takes all day to put up the trusses  and have another wonderful day eventually the   team can call it a night Terry and I have sort  of been on our own for quite some time now but   lo and behold you know Robin Hood's been  all turned off and you know the happy band   have helped us so it was absolutely amazing we  wouldn't have caught on my wrong no way [Music] well I've got to get this bit out so that I  can loosen this piece out once once this is   a week against the roofs off at last but most  people looking at this now it would just think   this is carnage it's an absolute wreck but the  amount of work that you've done to get it to   this stage it's just a hurdle every day isn't  it and then these new Timbers that you've put   in absolute link that you've lifted those in  with your hands with your own bare hands the   ones this roof couldn't be finished them in  yeah well I think about three weeks we should   have it every week yeah that's quick though  yeah but I think you're gonna need an extra   pair of hands MIT your hand or something yeah  working now putting these there and how much   does this weigh or dropping me no come on this  is mega heavy honestly I'm an unbelievably heavy   stuff scuffle Porter well haven't you want  it in there you think Oh a new house a purlin   like this which is run across the top of the  trusses will be about half the width of this   timber because of modern houses it's like the  ribs on like toothpicks and this it's a big   chunky robust building and the golfer big strong  heavy Timbers get in there these two every day that's all right that's it wedged [Music] over the next few weeks Terry and Marilyn  continued to work around the clock to push   the build on as fast as they can the priority  is to get it watertight so they start to glaze   the windows I don't think I've got a new flat  cover it's not as easy as it looks if I just   get it they and then you can just get a butyl  well up the alright cuz after in the hardwood   company yes the band there you go you knees all  out of funny like that in your hands squeeze it   you know like you do plasticine visits from  the grandchildren are a strong reminder of   why they're building this home you know a superb  job [Music] oh you're doing well they're eyeing   your knowledge so I'll probably finish this window  and then I'll step two and organizing some dinner [Music] with the build now well on its way  Marilyn and Terry can start thinking about   their future life together in this breathtaking  location choice to capture them I almost be close   because he's making a lot of noise mm-hmm sat  on those stones just up there look I see you   now as one over there as well on the top there  so peaceful is it just the birds is moving the   stream stream babbling along they all over  two acres of land surrounding the house all   of which needs landscaping and the couple have  big plans for all of it this paddock how we're   gonna get that clear mean blis grass I tell  you what we'll do we get a couple of pigs put   them in that with sorted out I but their motor  will do with the pigs when it was all turned   off well you can eat them oh you can't do that  no we need to get these walls built up there   still wouldn't yes otherwise have you running  riot I'm going on the bottom well no because   I would like that try and get that filled a  bit of a pond oh you want to support I think   it would be a good feature oh no well some  place for your dogs to go to I guess [Music] but the grounds will have to wait till the  battle is finished the next mammoth job on   Terry and Maryland's list is retiring the  new roof because it's a listed building   they have to use authentic stone which means  more back-breaking work this pile here or on   the stones that are quite light I mean they  are still heavy put the lighter than the   heavy ones which we've put down here they do  look the same but when you actually feel the   weight I mean I can barely lift that one and the  more the more that you know the person becomes with the help of Terry son Robbie they  have to raise the tiles up to the roof   by one you lion king once they're up  Terry and Marilyn carefully juggle   them into position you just see that they  meet me feel better I don't they have to   drill individual holes to each of the tiles  before hammering them down into the battens   beneath the biggest pressure they face is  getting the roof three tiles before the   bad weather sets in and in this part of the  world that can happen at a moment's notice what happened come inside because at the start  Doreen was quite heavy it's a little bit dangerous   because it just gets slippy on the boards of  snipers on the mettle of this scaffold if only   they could finish off the roof the last of the  heavy grind it would be over but with full-time   jobs they only the weekend to do the board of the  work with rains Saturn's really knocks you back a   week because you only put a few hours a night a  minute before I get stuck or whatever you know   it's not just the weather that's getting them  down the damage left by the new trusses going   in means they have to rebuild these walls for  a second time it feels like an endless task I   feel like I've been doing this forever it's  just constant you know all the time that's   just about sometimes it's the smallest things  that can tip you off the edge this is either a   lot of hard heavy work maybe at times I've try  and do things that really I shouldn't because   I'm not capable good Terry hasn't got anybody  else likes to think I'm a woman but I'm not   you know it was always my dream to do something  like this and imagine so to think as much of what   it it has come from work do a little bit for a few  hours and then you're working every weekend just   take it all a little bit with all they've been  through I'm not surprised Terry and Marlon are   running out of steam but knowing this couple as  I do I can't believe they'll stay down for long [Music] when I first met Terry and Marilyn I was  amazed by their courage and vision to turn such   a derelict ruin into a family home now after  they completed the main part of the house last   year they then set to work on the fantastic  600 year old Bassel next door restoring this   historic gem with their bare hands and the  most primitive of tools was one of the most   incredible challenges I've ever seen I just hope  Terry and Marilyn think it's all been worth it over the last three years Terry and Marilyn have  successfully transformed what was literally a ruin   into a stunning four-bedroom house they  lovingly restored the building's country   cottage failed but also put in modern  day luxuries like the ensuite bathrooms downstairs they have a fantastic living  room with plenty of old-world charm but for Marilyn the most important  part of the project was creating a   kitchen and dining room inside  the sixteenth century Bassel that's great you got everybody here yes the  whole family here hi this is what you know   is 100 on their own the table seen it like this  now you can see an end I mean there's still work   to be done after sighs we've still got quite  a lot of work to do but at least we can see   you know an end hello at the jail for you was  that fantastic kitchen in the Bassel which was   the best part of building for you as well and  you always said all the family sitting around   the table on the Gelman it's great victory is  a pride of place our course the top list so   we're well after all the work you've done I  think you're deserve a drink made after all   laughing is it's nice and any fantastic in here  must be throw the bits we are yeah absolutely   what do you think of anything else what do  you reckon it was above the kitchen and what   will eventually become a more formal dining  room Terry and Marilyn have painstakingly   brought this historic building back to life by  using materials which complement the original   features means the battles unique character  will be preserved for generations to come although it's the smallest window in the hall  of the building that is my favorite because   it's just got so much character to it it's  like the old all castles really in somewhere   something obviously to fortify farmhouse but the  fact that you've got the sort of very angular   walls come in at the small windows of a small  amount of light balances out yeah quite a lot and you've rescued adhesive British heritage  in my book that's worth everything Terry and   Marilyn have undergone a massive life-changing  experience and can now look forward to many   years together in this remote and beautiful  location for the police who fell in love with   the area at the house we didn't really see I  don't think what it was that we were taking   on you know and once we start with well no  it just didn't stop we just had to keep on   going you took this project all on your own  but gradually the family I've got involved   haven't I uh I thought was brilliant brilliant  great and I'll put their little bit into it and   put their mark on it and on screen really  really enjoy you know I love the fact that   it's really the comma so I mean even the Graham  bends you know they come along and that you know   they're carrying the stones and the suit and  the floor and everybody chips in it's a dream   come true for you both yeah definitely nothing  nothing can compare with what we've got here I've absolutely loved watching teri and Marilyn  bring this building back to life it's made me   realized that no matter how difficult the  conditions are how physically grinding   the work some people will stop at nothing to  make their dreams come true Terry and Marilyn   are incredible okay they aren't there yet but it  doesn't matter this is the project of a lifetime   and some dreams just take a little longer to build  than others next time absolutely insane the Slater   family attempt to rescue a derelict schoolhouse  in Scotland via planned until October [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 308,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 16th century house, architect george clarke, architect guidance, country living, countryside living, diy home, family home construction, family home projects, george clarke, historic restoration, home makeover, home renovation, house restoration, interior design, northumberland cottage, property conversion, property development, real estate, rural life, rural renovation
Id: TPcfMvdrsrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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