Ancient Egyptian PYRAMID WARS

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[Music] [Music] thank you in the ancient Egyptian city of edfu an inscription on the temple walls describes a conflict that is otherwise known as the first pyramid War quote in the year 363 his majesty ra the Holy One the Falcon of the Horizon The Immortal who forever lives was in the land of Kim he was accompanied by his Warriors for the enemies had conspired against their lord Horus the winged measurer came to the boat of raw he said to his forefather old Falcon of the Horizon I have seen the enemy conspire against thy lordship to take the Luminous Crown unto themselves then raw the Holy One the Falcon of the Horizon set unto Horus the winged measurer lofty issue of raw my begotten go quickly knock down the enemy whom you have seen in the quote the war had its origins in the Anunnaki struggle for control over Earth and actions taken by tah also known as Inky and his son Roth also known as Marduk manetho an Egyptian priest who lived in the ptolemaic kingdom in the early 3rd Century BCE explained that Todd turned over the dominion over Egypt to Raw After A Reign of nine thousand years however one thousand years after raw took control his Reign was cut short by the great deluge the Egyptian god Shu known as the god of air took over control after raw and reigned for 700 years following Shu was the reign of Geb which lasted 500 years according to scholar Zacharias sitchin it was at that time Circa 10 000 BCE that the Anunnaki space facilities in the Sinai and the Giza pyramids were built sichin explains that the Anunnaki Spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula and the Giza Pyramids were supposed to remain neutral under the Aegis of ninharzag but Inky and his descendants had really no intention of relinquishing control over these installations a Sumerian text known as The Paradise myth also known in ancient times as Inky and ninharzag presents a record of the politically motivated deal between Inky and his half-sister ninharzag pertaining to the control of the space facilities in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula the text is set in the time after Earth was a portioned between the Anunnaki given the Sinai Peninsula to ninharzag and Egypt to Inky's Clan the tale relates how Inky crossed the marshy lakes that separated Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula and seduced ninharzag ultimately impregnating her as sitchin points out Inky's real intention was to obtain his son but The Offspring was a daughter Inky then had intercourse with the daughter as soon as she became young and fair and then to his granddaughter Inky's sexual activities resulted in a total of eight Gods six female and two male ninharzag was furious with Inky's incestuous behavior and used her medical skills to sicken him despite the appeals from those Anunnaki who were with Inky as he lay stricken and in harzag would not help him she declares quote until he is dead I shall not look upon him with the eye of life end quote foreign inerta and Lil's son went to the Sinai Peninsula to investigate what had happened subsequently he returned to Mesopotamia to report the developments at a meeting attended by in-lil Nana utu and inanna inlil was unsatisfied with nannerta's report and ordered him to return to till Moon and bring back ninharzag however in the meantime ninharzag had changed her mind and healed Inky after she cured him Inky proposed that the two of them assigned tasks spouses and territories to the eight young Gods let Abu be the master of the plants let nintola be the Lord of Magan split ninsuthu Mary Nina Zoo let ninkashi be she who Saints The Thirst let Nazi marry nandara let azamura marry ningazida let nintu be the queen of the months let inzag be the Lord until Moon according to sichin Egyptian theological texts from Memphis likewise held that there came into being eight Gods from the heart tongue teeth lips and other parts of the body of ta in this text as in the Mesopotamian one tah followed up the bringing forth of these Gods by assigning abodes and territories to them quote after he had formed the gods he made cities established districts put the Gods in their sacred abodes he built the shrines and established their offerings all that he did to make Rejoice the heart of the Mistress of life end quote it is no surprise that rivalries developed as a result of such confused parentages perhaps the most significant rivalry was the Osiris Seth conflict which stemmed from the assertion that Osiris was truly the son of raw and not of Geb conceived when raw had come by stealth into his own granddaughter Seth had been allotted Upper Egypt by Geb but he was more interested in Lower Egypt which was granted to Osiris the main factor for Seth's interest in Lower Egypt was the Great Pyramid and its companions at Giza because he knew whoever controlled them would in turn control the space activities of the Anunnaki on Earth suchin explains that for a while Seth succeeded in his ambition but in the year 363 following The Disappearance of Osiris the young Horus became the Avenger of his father and launched a war against Seth this was the first pyramid war and also the first war in which the gods involved men in their struggles Horus with the support of other Inky Gods reigning in Africa began his campaign in Upper Egypt utilizing the winged disk that thouth had fashioned for him horse Advanced northward toward the pyramids sichin contends that this major battle took place in the water district The Chain of Lakes that separates Egypt from the Sinai Peninsula any good many obsessed's followers were slain after peace negotiations filled Seth and Horace engaged in personal combat in and over the Sinai Peninsula Seth did not fare well in the battle and as a result the Council of gods gave the whole of Egypt a horse Seth was subsequently banished from Egypt and withdrew East to the Asiatic lands besides the space facilities in the Sinai in Giza there was also a need for a new Mission Control Center to replace the one that had existed before in Nipper the necessity to equidistance the control center from the other space-related facilities dictated its locating on Mount Moriah which means the Mount of directing this new construction site would become the future city of Jerusalem according to both Mesopotamian and biblical accounts this site was located in the lands of Shem which was controlled by the inlow lights but biblical accounts explain that this territory ended up under an illegal occupation by the line of Inky the hamitic gods and by the descendants of the hamitic Canaan the Old Testament outlines how Canaan son of ham was singled out for the special rebuke that his descendants were to be subservient to the descendants of Shem the explanation in Genesis really does not make that much sense it says that ham not his son Kanan had inadvertently seen the nicogenitals of his father Noah but as a result Canaan is the one cursed sitchin points out that the true answer lies in the supplemental information in the ex-biblical book of jubilees where it becomes clear that the real offense was the illegal occupation of shem's territory after mankind was dispersed in its various Clans allotted their lands the book of jubilees relates quote ham and his sons went to the land which he was to occupy the land which he acquired as his portion in the country of the South but then journeying from where Noah had been saved to his allotted land in Africa Kanan saw the land of Lebanon all the way down to the river of Egypt that it was very good and so he changed his mind he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west of the Sea West of the Red Sea he dwelt instead in the land of Lebanon Eastward and Westward of the Jordan end quote his father and his brothers tried to dissuade Canaan from such an illegal act quote and ham his father and Kush and misraim his brothers said unto him thou has settled in a land which is not thine and which did not fall To Us by lot do not do so for if thou Dost do so thou and thy Sons will be fallen in the land and be accursed through sedition for by sedition ye have settled and by his addition will thy children fall and thou shall be rooted out forever dwell not in the dwelling of Shem for to Shem and his sons did it come by their lot end quote were he to illegally occupy the territory assigned to Shem they pointed out quote cursed art thou and curse shalt thou be beyond the sons of Noah by the curse which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the Holy judge and in the presence of Noah Our Father but Kanan did not hearken unto them and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from hammeth to the entering of Egypt he and his sons until this day for this reason is that Land named Canaan in quote sitchin posits quote behind the biblical and pseudo-epigraphical tale of a territorial usurption by a descendant of ham must lie a tale of a similar usurption by a descendant of the god of Egypt we must bear in mind that at the time the allotment of lands and territories was not among the peoples but among the gods the Gods Not the people were the landlords a people could only settle a territory allotted to their God and could occupy another's territory only if their God had extended his or her domain in that territory by agreement or by force the illegal seizure of the area between the Spaceport and the Sinai and the landing place in balbec by a descendant of ham could have occurred only if that area had been usurped by a descendant of the hamitic deities by a younger God of Egypt end quote the first pyramid War could very well be viewed as a skirmish in comparison to the second one moreover it can be reasonably argued that Seth's banishment during the first conflict is what brought about the second one Seth's trespass into Canaan meant that all the space-related sites came under the control of the inky Gods it was a situation that the Enloe lights could not abide and about 300 years later they launched a war to eject the illegal occupiers from the vital space facilities second pyramid war is described in several texts including the original Sumerian and later in the Acadian and Assyrian renderings while Scholars refer to these texts as myths they are really Chronicles of the war to control the space-related Peaks which included Mount Moriah the harzag which is Mount Saint Catherine in the Sinai and the artificial melt the Ecker which is the Great Pyramid in Egypt the texts make it clear that nenerda commanded the in low light forces in the second war which started in the Sinai Peninsula after the hermitic gods were beaten there they retreated to the mountain lands of Africa in the second phase of the war nenerda carried the battle to the strongholds of his foes through a series of vicious and ferocious battles the final phase of the war was fought at the Great Pyramid which was the last and impregnable stronghold of the hamitic Gods it was there that nenerda besieged his opponents until they ran out of food and water hymns to the nurda contained numerous references to his Feats and heroic deeds in this war a great part of the psalm like Anu Art Thou made is devoted to a record of the struggle and the final Victory but the principle in most direct Chronicle of the war is the Epic text Lugal Ood malami which consists of 13 tablets best collated and edited by Samuel Geller King the glory of thy day is lordly nenerda foremost possessor of the Divine Powers who into the throes of the mountainlands step forth like a flood which cannot be stopped the enemy land as with a girdle you tightly bound foremost one who in battle vehemently enters hero who in his hand the Divine brilliant weapon carries Lord the Mountain Land you have subdued as your creature royal son whose father to him had given might hero in fear of Thee the city has surrendered o mighty one the Great Serpent the heroic God you tore away from all the mountains while this Chronicle highlights in the nerda's Feats and his Divine brilliant weapon it also describes the location of the conflict the mountainlands and the principal enemy The Great Serpent leader of the Egyptian deities it identifies this adversary several times as a zag and once refers to him as a Char which are both well-known epitaphs for Marduk these lines make it clear that the two principal sons of inlil and Inky in inerta and Marduk were the leaders of the opposing camps in the second pyramid War the second tablet of the text describes the first battle nanerto's Advantage is attributed to his Godly weapons and a new Airship that he built for himself after his original one had been destroyed in an accident it was called the imdu good usually translated as Divine storm bird but which literally means that which like heroic Storm Runs its wingspan was about 75 feet ancient schematics depicted it as a mechanically constructed bird with two winged surfaces supported by cross beams an undercarriage reveals a series of round openings perhaps air takes for jet-like engines the aircraft Bears a remarkable resemblance not only to the early biplanes of the modern air age but also an incredible likeness to the sketch made in 1497 by Leonardo da Vinci depicting his concept of a man-powered flying machine sitchin reveals that the imdu good was the inspiration for ninerda's emblem a heroic lion-headed bird resting on two lines or sometimes on two bulls it was in this aircraft that inerta soared into the skies during the battles of the second pyramid War he flew so high that his companions lost sight of him then the text relate in his Winged Bird against the walled Abode he swooped down as his bird neared the ground the summit of the enemy's stronghold he smashed while his enemies retreated and inerta kept up the frontal attack simultaneously a dad roamed the countryside behind the Enemy Lines destroying the adversary's Food Supplies in the absu a dad the fish called to be washed away the cattle he dispersed when the enemy kept retreating into the mountains the two Gods like an on-rushing flood the mountains ravaged as the battles extended in time and scope the two leading Gods called on the others to join them my Lord to the battle which is becoming extensive why don't you go they ask a god whose name is missing in a damaged verse the question was clearly also addressed to Ishtar for she is mentioned by name in The Clash of weapons in the Feats of hero ship Ishtar her arm did not hold back as the two Gods saw her they shouted to her Advance hither without stopping put your foot down firmly on the earth in the mountains we await Thee the weapon which is lordly brilliant the goddess brought forth a horn to direct it she made for it she used it against the enemy in a feat that to distant days shall be remembered the skies were like red huge wool in color the explosive beam tore apart the enemy made him with his hand clutch his heart although tablets 5 through 8 are too damaged to be properly read partial verses suggest that after the intensified attack with ishtar's assistance there arose a great cry in limitation in the enemy land fear of Niners Brilliance Encompass the land and its residents had to use substitutes instead of Wheat and barley to grind and Mill as flour under this Onslaught the enemy forces kept retreating South at that point nenorto led the inlaw-like Gods in an attack on the heartland of nergal's African domain and his Temple City Muslim suchin explains that these verses describing this aspect of the war are damaged but its details are available from various other fragmented tablets that deal with the overwhelming of the land by ninerda a feat whereby he earned the title vanquisher of michelam in these battles the attackers apparently resorted to chemical warfare we read that nenerda reigned on the city poison bearing missiles which he catapulted into it the Poison by itself destroyed the city those who survived the attack on the city escape to the surrounding mountains but nanerto with the weapon that smites through fire upon the mountains The Godly weapon of the Gods whose tooth is bitter smoke down the people here too some kind of chemical warfare is indicated the weapon which tears apart robbed the senses the tooth skinned them off tearing apart he stretched upon the land the canals he feel with blood in the enemy land for dogs like milk to lick overwhelmed by the merciless Onslaught a sag called on his followers to show no resistance the Arisen enemy to his wife and child called against the Lord and inerta he raised not his arm the weapons of Kerr with soil were covered minerto believed the lack of resistance was a sign of Victory after nenerto killed the opponents occupying the land of the harzag the Sinai and went on to attack the gods incur he defeated them in the mountains he then burst out in a song of Victory my fearsome Brilliance like anus is mighty against it who can rise I Am Lord of the high mountains of the mountains which to the Horizon raise their peaks in the mountains I in the master but the claim of victory was premature by his non-resistant tactics a zag had escaped defeat although the capital city was destroyed the enemy leaders were not the text state the Scorpion of Kerr and inerta did not annihilate instead the enemy Gods retreated into the Great Pyramid where the wise Craftsman Inky both raised up a protective wall which the Brilliance could not match in essence it was a shield through which the death Rays could not penetrate sitchin reveals that our knowledge of this final and most dramatic phase of the second pyramid war is augmented by text from the other side just as nenerda's followers composed hymns to him so did the followers of nergal the text explained that as the other gods found themselves within the Giza complex nergal lofty Dragon beloved of the Ecker at night stole out and carrying awesome weapons and accompanied by his lieutenants broke through the encirclement to reach the Great Pyramid reaching it at night he entered through the locked doors which by themselves can open a roar of Welcome greeted him as he entered Divine nergal Lord who By Night stole out had come to the battle he cracks his whip his weapons Clank he who is welcome his might is immense like a dream at the doorstep he appeared Divine nergal the one who is welcome fight the enemy of Ecker lay hold on the wild one from Nipper but the optimism of the besieged Gods was short-lived we learned more of the last phases of this pyramid war from yet another text first pieced together by George a Barton in his book miscellaneous Babylonian text from fragments of an inscribed clay cylinder found in the ruins of in Lil's temple in Nipper as Nagal joined the Defenders of the Great Pyramid he strengthened its defenses through the various re-emitting crystals positioned within the pyramid the water stone the Apex Dome the stone the Lord nergal increased its strength the door for protection he to Heaven its eye he raised dug deep that which gives life in the house he fed them food with the enhanced pyramid defenses nanerda resorted to another tactic he called upon utu to cut off the pyramid's water supply the text here is too mutilated to enable a reading of the details but the tactic apparently achieved its purpose sichin informs us quote huddled in their last stronghold cut off from food and water the besieged gods did their best to ward off their attackers until then in spite of the veracity of the battles no major God had fallen a casualty to the fighting but now one of the younger Gods Horus We Believe trying to sneak out of the Great Pyramid disguised as a ram was struck by nanurda's brilliant weapon and lost the sight of his eyes an Odin God then cried out to ninharzak reputed for her medical wonders to save the young God's life at that time the killing brightness came The house's platform withstood the Lord until in harzag there was an outcry the weapon my Offspring with death is accursed other Sumerian texts called this young God Offspring who did not know his father an Epitaph befitting horse who was born after his father's death in Egyptian lore the legend of the ram reports the injuries to the eyes of Horus when a god blew fire at him it was then responding to the outcry that ninharzag decided to intervene to stop the fighting the ninth tablet of the text begins with the statement of ninharzag to her son inerta the son of in Lil the legitimate Heir whom the sister wife had brought forth to the house where the cord measuring begins where Asar his eyes to Anu raised I shall go the cord I will cut off for the sake of the warring gods her destination was the house where cord measuring Begins the Great Pyramid was first astounded by her decision but since her mind was made up he provided her with clothes which should make her unafraid as she neared the pyramid she addressed Inky the exchanges are lost by the brakes in the tablet but Inky agreed to surrender the pyramid to her the house that is like a heap that which I have as a pile raised up its mistress you may be there was however a caveat the surrender was subject to a final resolution of the conflict promising to relay Inky's conditions ninharzag went to address in Lil sichin points out that the events that followed are recorded in part in the Lugal epic and in other fragmentary texts but they are most dramatically described in a text titled I sing the song of the mother of the Gods surviving in great length because it was copied and recopied throughout the ancient near East it is a poetic text and praise of ninma the great lady and her role as many mother of Gods on both sides of the battle lines opening with a call upon the comrades in arms and the combatants to listen the poem briefly describes the Warfare and its participants as well as its nearly Global extent on the one side were the firstborn of ninma an inerta and a dad soon joined by sin and later on by inanna on the opposing side are listed near gal a god referred to as mighty lofty one which was Marduk and the god of the two great houses the two Great Pyramids of Giza who had tried to escape camouflaged in a Ram's skin which was Horus with the approval of Anu ninharzag took the surrender offer of Inky to in Lille she met with him in the presence of a dad while nanerto remained at the battlefield oh hear my prayers she begged the two Gods as she explained her ideas the dad was at first adamant presenting himself there to the mother a dad thus said we are expecting Victory the enemy forces are beaten the trembling of the land he could not withstand if she wants to bring about a secession of hostilities a dad said let her call discussions on the basis that the in-law lights are about to win get up and go talk to the enemy let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn in little endless forceful language supported this suggestion in Lil opened his mouth in the Assembly of the Gods he said whereas Anu at the mountain the gods assembled Warfare to discourage peace to bring and has dispatched the mother of the Gods to entreat with me let the mother of the Gods be an emissary turning to his sister he said in a conciliatory vein go appease my brother raise unto him a hand for life from his barred doorway let him come out following in Lil's suggestion ninharzag informed Inky that his safety and that of his sons was assured she then led the Defenders out of the Great Pyramid to her Abode in the harzag As ninerta and his Warriors observed their departure and the great and impregnable structure stood unoccupied and silent decision States quote nowadays visitors to the Great Pyramid find its passages in Chambers bare and empty its complex inner construction apparently purposeless its niches and Nooks meaningless it has been so ever since the first men had entered the pyramid but it was not so when inerta had entered it Circa 8670 BCE according to our calculations until the radiant Place yielded by its Defenders and inerta had entered the Sumerian text relates and what he had done after he had entered changed not only the Great Pyramid from within and without but also the course of human Affairs end quote when inerta went into the Great Pyramid he must have wondered what he would find inside conceived by Inky planned by Roth built by Gibb equipped by Thoth defended by nergal what mysteries of space guidance What secrets of impregnable defense did it hold in the quote on the North Face of the pyramid the text explained that a swivel Stone swung open to reveal the entrance way to nanerto after following the straight descending passage to the lower service Chambers and inerta could see a shaft dug by the defenders in search for subterranean water but he was more interested in the upper passages and Chambers that is where the magical Stones were arrayed some Earthly some Heavenly some the likes of which he had never seen the stones beamed pulsations for the guidance of the astronauts and the radiations for the defense of the structure as nenerda inspected the array of stones and instruments he placed them in three categories they would be smashed up and destroyed taken away for display or salvaged as instruments elsewhere oxygen tells us that we know of these Destinies and of the order in which nenerda had stopped by the Stones from the text inscribed on tablets 10 through 13 of the epic poem It Is by following and correctly interpreting this text that the mystery of the purpose and function of many features of the pyramid's inner structure can be finally understood sichin's interpretation of the last four tablets is as follows quote going up the ascending passage and inerta reached its Junction with the imposing Grand gallery and a horizontal Passage inerta followed the horizontal passage first reaching a large chamber with a corbled roof called the vulva in the ninharzag poem the chamber's axis lay exactly on the East-West Center Line of the pyramid its emission an outpouring which is like a lion whom no one dares attack Came From a Stone fitted into a niche that was hollowed out in the East wall it was the Sham Destiny Stone emitting a red Radiance which an inerta saw in the darkness it was the pulsating heart of the pyramid but it was an anathema to inerta for during the battle when he was Aloft the Stone's strong power was used to grab to kill me with a tracking which kills to seize me he ordered it pulled out be taken apart into obliteration be destroyed returning to the junction of the passages ninerta looked around him in the grand gallery as ingenious and complex as the whole pyramid was this Gallery was breathtaking and a most unusual sight compared to the low and narrow passages it Rose High some 28 feet in seven overlapping stages its walls closing in Evermore at each stage the ceiling was also built in slanting sections each one angled into the massive wall so as not to exert any pressure on the segment below it whereas in the narrow passages only a dim green light Cloud the gallery glittered in multi-colored lights its vault is like a rainbow the darkness ends there the many hued glows were emitted by 27 pairs of diverse crystal stones that were evenly spaced along the whole length of each side of the gallery these glowing Stones were placed in cavities that were precisely cut into the ramps that ran the length of the gallery on both sides of its floor firmly held in place by an elaborate niche in the wall each crystal stone emitted a different Radiance giving the place its rainbow effect for the moment in order to pass by them on his way up his priority was the uppermost Grand chamber and its pulsating Stone Atop The Grand Gallery nanera reached a great step which led through a low passage to an anti-chamber of unique design there three port culluses the boat the bar and the lock of the Sumerian poem elaborately fitted into grooves in the walls and floor hermetically sealed off the uppermost great chamber to foe it is not opened only to them who live for them it is opened but now by pulling some cords the port coulices were raised and ninerta passed through he was now in the pyramid's most restricted sacred Chamber from which The Guiding net was spread out to survey Heaven and Earth the delicate mechanism was housed in a hollowed-out stone chest placed precisely only north south axis of the pyramid it responded to vibrations with bell-like resonance the heart of the guidance unit was the gug direction determining Stone its emissions Amplified by five Hollow compartments constructed above the chamber were beamed out and up through two sloping channels leading to the North and South faces of the pyramid ninerta ordered the stone destroyed then by the Fate determining the nerda on that day was the gugstone from its Hollow taken out and smashed to make sure no one would ever attempt to restore the direction determining functions of the pyramid ninerta also ordered the three port culluses removed first to be tackled where the Su vertical Stone and the kashura awesome sure which opens Stone then the heroes stepped up to the sagkal stone sturdy Stone which is in front he called out his full strength shook it out of its grooves cut the cord so that we're holding it and to the ground set its course now came the turn of the mineral stones and crystals positioned atop the ramps in the grand gallery as he walked down the nerda stopped by each one of them to declare its fate were it not for the breaks in the clay tablets on which the text was written we would have had the names of all 27 of them as it is only 22 names are legible several of them nenerda ordered to be crushed or pulverized others which could be used in the new Mission Control Center were ordered given to utu and the rest were carried off to Mesopotamia to be displayed in inerta's Temple in Nipper and elsewhere as constant evidence of the great victory of the inlaw lights over the inky Gods finally there was the Apex Stone of the pyramid the Yule high as the sky Stone let the mother's Offspring see it no more he ordered and the stone was sent crashing down end quote the deed haven't been done the Nerdist comrades urged him to leave the Battleground and return home sitching concludes that at this point quote the second pyramid war was over but its ferocity and Feats and ninerta's final victory at the Pyramids of Giza were remembered long thereafter in Epic and song and in a remarkable drawing on a cylinder seal showing inerta's Divine bird within a victory wreath soaring and Triumph above the two great pyramids foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Ancient Astronaut Archive
Views: 43,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient, Egyptian, Pyramid, Wars, Horus, Osiris, Seth, Sinai Peninsula, Ninurta, Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Ishtar, Nergal, Egypt, Khem, Great Deluge, Ninharsag, Nanna, Utu, Ptah, Ningishzida, Geb, Jerusalem, Canaan, Book of Jubilees, Noah, Sumerian, Azag, Thoth, Ekur, Nippur, Great Pyramid, Ninmah, Adad, Grand Gallery, Manetho, Shu, Mesopotamia, Tilmun, Giza, Mount Moriah, Old Testament, Shem, Bible, Mount St. Katherine, Abzu, Meslam, Kur, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Inanna, Grand Chamber, Ptolemaic Kingdom, Shamash, Genesis
Id: 1Wa2Jm8X_jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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