Ancient Aliens: UFO Captured on Camera in Puerto Rico (Season 16) | History

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as far as ufo researchers are concerned some of the most compelling video taken in outer space was recorded during nasa mission sts-80 in december 1996. during the space shuttle columbia mission astronaut story musgrave captured a number of strange events on camera including slow moving circular objects it really seems like the footage that we're looking at the video footage of sts-80 clearly show what appear to be powered vehicles operating in low earth orbit clearly performing the way ufos or extraterrestrial spacecraft are supposedly able to perform while nasa scientists dismiss these objects as ice particles the incredible images have fascinated researchers including aerospace engineer and digital imaging expert dr mark carlotto after spending countless hours studying the footage he has come to the conclusion that the objects in these images were intelligently controlled a number of objects are seen just after sunrise the conjecture by nasa the explanation is that these are the result of particles that move from shadow into sunlight and suddenly become illuminated so they appear to the camera and then they move and then if there's a thruster firing or some other action they change direction however nasa spokespersons do not comment on what's seen earlier in the video here we're looking at the earth about a minute or so before the disks and the streaks appear and we're looking at as the camera zooms we're looking at puerto rico that's that bright blob that we see in the middle of the screen as the camera zooms the camera operator is moving around as if they're looking for something and in a moment we'll see something suddenly appear almost literally out of nowhere [Music] if we look at this event more closely it leaves a trail or a wake behind it and it happens very quickly it's very unusual in this particular map we see puerto rico and the virgin islands and i will now overlay one of the frames of the video see the object appearing and moving left to right in one half second this object moves 340 miles which is a speed of 680 miles per second this object moves as fast as a bolt of lightning there are no thunderstorms in the area it is unlike any natural phenomenon that's known and this object has never been mentioned by nasa or anyone that's talked about this video is it possible that nasa has already captured footage of an extraterrestrial presence in outer space only to dismiss it as natural phenomena ancient astronaut theorists believe that as humankind continues to venture further out into the cosmos it is only a matter of time before we record an alien encounter that is impossible to deny you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 1,913,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UFO, UFO captured on camera, Puerto Rico, NASA, 1996, space mission, the space travelers, ufo sighting, history, history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ancient aliens, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo video clips, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, Area 51 Secrets, The UFO Pioneers
Id: LxDsVe64rq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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