Ancient Aliens: Aztec Origins Revealed

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NARRATOR: Mexico City. Beneath the current-day capital of Mexico lie the ruins of the ancient Aztec metropolis known as Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs dominated much of central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century AD, and Tenochtitlan is considered to be their first official settlement-- an incredibly sophisticated city featuring a grid system of canals and causeways. But according to their historical texts, the Aztec civilization did not originate here. [music playing] EDWIN BARNHART: The Aztecs say they started from this place up in the north called Chicomoztoc. It was a cave, and inside that cave, it had seven different caverns. And there were said to be seven different tribes. And the Aztecs say they were part of the seven tribes that came from the seven chambers of Chicomoztoc. NARRATOR: While Chicomoztoc was once thought to be a mythological place, some scholars believe archeological evidence suggests that it really did exist, and is located at the site of the ancient pyramid complex known today as Teotihuacan. [music playing] EDWIN BARNHART: The place of seven caves-- we think maybe that has actually been located archeologically at the sight of the main temple of Teotihuacan, called the Pyramid of the Sun, which sits just north of the valley of Mexico. Underneath it is actually a cave with seven different spots that it extends out into, and that's where the Aztecs said their original ancestors came from. [music playing] NARRATOR: In the 16th century, Spanish chronicler Gerónimo de Mendieta recorded the legends of the local native population. According to their accounts, the Aztec believed that they were fashioned by a group of stranded gods within these seven caves. JONATHAN YOUNG: Mendieta wrote an account of Aztec legend. In this report, he describes a giant flint knife landing on the earth. And the earth was trembling and shaking as this enormous flint knife landed. Then, some 1,600 gods disgorged from this thing. And they are responsible for launching Aztec civilization. [music playing] EDWIN BARNHART: The Aztecs talk about the many gods coming down to earth and creating humans. They create them out of bone, ash, and their own blood. And they make them somewhat in their own image, but they make them specifically so that they will honor them and they will serve them. GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: All of a sudden, there is a description of a giant flint knife that descended from the sky, and somebody emerged out of it. One has to wonder whether or not our ancestors were witness to a landing of some type of a craft. If so, then the Aztec story suggests that at some point in our history, extraterrestrials created mankind. And something very strange was going on at Teotihuacan. NARRATOR: Located just 30 miles northeast of Mexico City, the Teotihuacan complex encompasses nearly eight square miles, and is dated to the first century A.D. It is the oldest and most sophisticated city of Mesoamerica, an area that extends from northern Mexico down through central America. [music playing] The civilization predated the Maya by at least 100 years. At its peak, it was said to have supported nearly 100,000 residents. It was also the largest city in the entire Western hemisphere prior to the 15th century, and served as the major commerce and religious center for the region. EDWIN BARNHART: The significance of Teotihuacan cannot be overstated. It is the Rome of Mesoamerica. The things that Teotihuacan did set the pattern for all other city-states after it. NARRATOR: The central features of the complex are two large pyramids, known as the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon, as well as a temple dedicated to Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. [music playing] These structures stand alongside a thoroughfare referred to as the Avenue of the Dead. Over 200 smaller buildings, platforms, and pyramids are found adjacent to the avenue, and there are thousands of living quarters just outside the complex. But as incredible as Teotihuacan is, no one knows exactly who built this metropolis or what happened to its occupants. EDWIN BARNHART: Teotihuacan, despite its size, has no hieroglyphs whatsoever. There are other cultures in Mesoamerica that were using writing systems. There's nothing like that at Teotihuacan. So we don't really have a clear history of what happened at Teotihuacan, and we can't really find evidence of their rulers. --to develop a complete, huge complex, citadel-- WILL HART: We have such a sophisticated site that embodies engineering principles, craftsmanship, art. Where did it originate? Where are the smaller versions of this? Well, we don't find any. So we don't have a progression, an evolution to show where this came from. So we have to ask, where did it come from? DAVID WILCOCK: We've become conditioned to look at these awesome works of stone architecture and think, oh, primitive people did that, and they used primitive methods and primitive technology. But we have to rethink the fundamental assumptions and come to a greater and greater level of understanding that the technology required to build these artifacts, in fact, is greater than anything that they possessed.
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, ancient aliens debunked, ancient civilization, alien, Aztec's Origins Revealed
Id: 5nXvGryLGIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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