Anchorage, Alaska Vacation Guide| Traveling During Covid- 19| Quarantine and Travel

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i just i just don't know what else to say besides god is real [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] are you trying to rob us what's up man how you doing this is nice in here it's very like modern day uh pablo here lives across town so you have to make its way all the way over here all right y'all it's day one in anchorage alaska and um you know we see what we do we decided to ride bikes along this 22 mile trail in hopes of running into some moose and some black bears we have not encountered any wild animals yet but we want to not to be attacked but to take pictures we decided to actually get the motorized bikes which i'm glad we did because we're going to get the regular ones but the way this trail is is up and down and turning turns tiring and i haven't ridden a bike in a very long time so me and pat pat is actually checking out the map back there trying to figure out where we're going next it's just awesome it's like wow who would have thought alaska was this beautiful not me not me but i'm here and i'm with my best friend we wish ken was here but you know ken is um duty calls ken is you know overseas doing what he needs to do with the military and um we just out here is actually low-key for patrick's birthday his dirty 30. uh why are we really here because we do know for his birthday because he didn't really want to do anything so he just randomly said alaska and people are like why are y'all going to alaska because he's randomly why not why not go to alaska why not it's a part of america right usa and it's beautiful so we're here and uh we we're having a good time so far so it is nine o'clock and it's still yeah it's literally nine o'clock y'all p.m uh day one going good so far everybody here is nice too literally everybody we see hi how's it going how's your flight [Laughter] super nice i think it's because we're in nature and nature makes everybody happy either way it's good um we're gonna get back down on this trail and uh [Music] come on pat says you want to call him nice and they right here bro they big dog they super huge it's pretty close to rotten season when the moose will battle each other [Music] [Music] right y'all we decided to rent a car and um do a little road trip slash please hike you can't save me if i fall on these it's just i don't know where i'm going where oh oh that's a log dog yeah it's a log that's a freaking log it like a snake but um you guys can see how beautiful it is hold on before i fall off this thing on a rock you know i'm just that guy that would do that and i feel like the camera really doesn't do it any justice just how beautiful it is my goodness i'ma turn this down so we don't get demonetized um what's up y'all this is day two here in the anchorage we are on a little road trip to um go i think we still go hold on all right i think um we're on a little road trip to um brian glacier trail and we're going to do a hike up there we got on our hiking gear i got these little baby shorts uh shorts it's okay though that's all i can find um do the little hike take some incredible pictures and videos and just really show y'all how dope alaska is um i've always wanted to come here i didn't know when i would ever come here but you know being as random as we are we are here and uh i hope that um we capture it the way that we see it with our eyes i don't think the camera does it justice but [Music] so we were just told about um a cave ice cave and um i'm a little nervous because they said that there will be like falling rocking stuff and falling ice but not so scared well i'm not gonna do it i'm gonna walk over here get over here get through this this uh springfield little waterway climb through the rocks and make our way to the cave we may or may not go inside the cave just depends on how dangerous it looks we're advised to be really careful um so that's what we're gonna do but um yeah we're gonna try we're gonna i'll show you guys when i get there trying to get through all these crazy rocks as you can see and not twist my ankle that's the trick but i'll show y'all how it's looking once i get in there alright so we made it to this um snow cave but i'm scared to go inside of it because one of the park rangers was like don't go inside uh you might die but it'll be a good picture for your obituary so that's stuck in my head and then that rocks are falling anyway like so i'm gonna be i'm gonna be good right here and i'm gonna just watch the waterfall and like and just bash in the beauty of where i am um i do want to go inside but i'm gonna just take pictures from the house you know what i'm saying what's up pat look yeah we gonna eat this um what kind of meat yeah yeah yeah not yet i'm gonna wait we about to eat a yak burger what kind of animal is that it's a yak [Music] you're going to eat a yak burger this is this boy biggest biggest hill it looked good it looked juicy but um i'm a little nervous because if it's not good i don't want to be that patron that sends the food back i will but i don't want to the guy highly recommended it and um yeah i'm nervous but it should be good it looks i'ma just eat it i'm gonna let y'all know all right all right it's so big [Music] everything on the board let me see you're good it's a lot you guys can see you're good though [Music] do [Music] so according to alaskan law alaskan rule if you hit a moose let me let me get in this camera if you hit a moose you call some people and they come pick it up and you take it home you pick it up and take it home to eat butcher and that goes for bear and what other animal y'all alaska different that's different okay y'all eat the roadkill out here that's scary that's true you drink that water let me let me i don't believe you i think you capped me you camping for my camera wow that was refreshing bro you just drank this it's beautiful i'ma drink some i think whoa it's a beautiful river y'all no no no no i'm um oh it's good yeah yeah it's like a little refresher yeah it is now if i get sick stacy i'm kicking you away [Music] good morning from anchorage alaska this morning uh we're up early super early we probably almost got up as early as the sun was rising because we are um taking a train to this town called whittier and we're going to do a glacier tour and check out some of the most beautiful glaciers in the world so they say and i'm gonna try to get as much footage as many pictures as possible but i'm just gonna tell y'all guys just from being here the mountains and the scenery you have to be here with these things these things right here your two eyes because the camera does not capture it the way that i that you can actually see it um but nonetheless i'm still gonna record and take pictures because it's just beautiful um i knew alaska was beautiful i didn't know it was this beautiful and they keep saying like oh this isn't even like the beautiful part of alaska this is like the ugly part i'm like it gets better so um join me on the train ride join me at the glaciers um today should be a pretty awesome day so right we're coming in there right up by the beat car right now [Music] why do they swim that way their heads this way their heads well to the ship or the cruise or whatever [Music] [Music] so protecting it from this ocean water that's one of the major reasons this glacier is able to stay advancing the tidewater can really erode away the lower part of the glacier and cause many more calvings all right guys what glacier is this patcher is harvard all right we are at harvard glacier thank you appreciate you and uh as you guys can see is remarkable it's beautiful i don't think my camera does it justice but um it's finally quiet it's been windy we've been rolling for about an hour and a half and it's just amazing i told you all you coming to the last community you need these because just look at them come up here i highly recommend somebody anybody love watching this come out here to alaska experience what this picture this video does not do justice no matter how good the camera is it's not going to show the beauty of it it does not just you need out here look at this alaska um a trip worth coming to i know as far as way up north but um you won't regret coming out here it's just it's just beautiful people are super nice and so far we've been enjoying [Music] [Music] ourselves [Music] you guys look at this glacier now the first one was dope of course but this one is super look at the waterfalls it's no better than that [Music] [Laughter] let me get my camera ready incredible things like that happen in nature in alaska sup y'all we just finished the glacier tour cruise situation and it's about 10 o'clock p.m but it looks like it looks really really bright out right that's alaska for you as you guys can see or as you guys saw depending on where i placed the clips in this video um it was beautiful glaciers are beautiful um nature is just incredible god is the dopest artist you never seen nothing like it you won't ever see anything like it anywhere else probably like antarctica or like the north pole or like places like that but um yeah you won't see stuff like that in the united states ever and i'm just so glad that we decided to come here so randomly so last minute um but it was all worth it i personally advise or suggest or recommend that if you can or willing to travel anywhere in the united states come to alaska it's fun it's a little expensive because they they um they import everything i believe um but if you are looking for somewhere different to go outside of the beaches and miami's and the mexico's and the vegas let's come to alaska flight wasn't that long people are super nice um it's a trip worth coming on it's just me and my best friend we missing one we missing ken but that's okay give me on the next one he'll be on the next one oh yeah it's gonna be darkness after august and they say they lose sunlight a little bit of sunlight each day so and they say we've been really lucky because it's been nice it rained in anchorage today but we weren't here we were in another town so we didn't get the witness here but the ground is wet but that's okay we've been having beautiful weather so i won't even complain anyway come come to anchorage just come check it out hopefully this video has convinced you that it's worthy of the trip it should be [Applause] so guys what's up what's up what's up another day in beautiful alaska um i know it looks like i'm looking all over the place because i am i am on a as you guys can see i'm at a minusca glacier i think that's how you say it minutsuka minutia i'll read it and correct myself but um we are trucking it to get to what i believe to be one of the most beautiful glaciers i've ever seen in my life being that the only ones i've ever seen have been here in alaska but still it's very very beautiful i like to call it the ice age oh the ice age and um it's just beautiful it's glorious i can't wait to show you guys how it looks y'all yo i'm literally walking on a glacier now this is just the beginning i know i've been hyping y'all up trying to get you all ready for it and it's still ain't gonna be good enough because it's so big but let me just show y'all this beautiful piece of [Applause] art y'all see that y'all see that that is incredible just let's go christina yeah and beautiful get out real close wow wow all right y'all as you can see i am standing on a glacier a beautiful glacier and i can't believe it i really can't believe it because what the what what are you saying to me right now talk to me nice mother nature it's just it's just something special man uh so many great photo ops there's a whole lake right there i'm actually about to fly my drone and try to get like some even doper shots uh from an aerial view so hopefully they come out right but man just walking this this was hard this kind of reminded me of uh going to school in chicago after blizzard in january school started back but this this was like next level this was next level i almost broke my ankle twice broke my neck once you know what i'm saying but i'm just beautiful i'm just glad to be here and i'm about to get this get this drone out get some footage and i'm gonna show y'all what it's looking like from up there uh we might be trying some water again y'all go ahead get some of this glacier this ice glacier let me see how i look [Music] yo this just about wraps up my video you guys alaska was phenomenal i know i kept repeating it in the video and i know i kept repeating that you need to be there to see how glorious it is and i mean that if you've never been to alaska please check it out we were there for a good time not a long time but we made the best of it we tried some great food we did some great adventures we met some cool people overall the trip was top tier if you liked this video please comment subscribe like and share till next time peace out
Channel: ThatsMyQue
Views: 32,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vpEfJL2mw5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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