ANBERNIC RG556, Wii - Super Mario Galaxy and 9 games test

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testing one two okay testing 1 two 3 testing one two 3 okay this is looking all good yep it's looking good this is Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii using Dolphin Emulator the latest beater I'm not using the the nightly build cuz the nightly one was crashing all the time so I've pinned the link of games that I have ready simply because they're quite easy to set up with the controls so I shouldn't need to mess around with any of the controls for any of those games in that list but the um the special one here is Mario Galaxy so I I have a a patch uh which makes Mario Galaxy playable on the classic controller and then I'm using that to map all the controls I can give you some details about that a bit later but um if you just want to quickly get to it you can Google Mario Galaxy Classic Controller patch hello to tibo um Cabanas hello lro la Toro sorry welcome to the stream Let's uh let's start Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii uh oh I'm also one times resolution running out uh running in open Gil okay and I'm going to use my right stick for the pointer so I already started again just to run around a little bit make sure it works and it looked like it was fine so let's go it's very loud this [Music] game Mushroom Kingdom [Music] [Music] am I Max finus okay just to confirm I'm at full brightness uh Wi-Fi is on high mod uh fan on auto Bluetooth off I'm at 89% battery good morning Eric Mell welcome to the stream okay is everything working [Music] here okay everything's working [Music] looking okay so far oops there's a little there is a little speed speed [Music] dip I'm only running one times resolution so it's not going to be much uh optimizing to be to be done oh okay getting 45 FPS now Eric Mel uh I do have Galaxy 2 but I don't have the controller patch so I might do Galaxy 2 next time uh oh I may I may have it actually yeah we Eric we don't really have a we don't really have a um a list at the moment so I'm at one times resolution uh at a moment I'm not sure what one times is actually on on Wii was it 720p or were we not doing 720p yet La Toro uh Black Ops is definitely the next game okay so so we yeah we I don't think uh we yeah we couldn't do fight uh 720p [Applause] right [Applause] it's when Bowser couldn't [Applause] talk [Applause] panic and fear uh how do we progress D oh the the FPS is a bit yeah not not [Applause] great SP yeah FPS is not not too great actually 42 uh I guess we might need [Applause] MMJ I might try MMJ next stream just on this game to see see how how well it does I actually did play Black Ops earlier and it it was working [Applause] okay uh it wasn't quite as hard to run I think [Music] w monster hun to try uh I I do have one of the Monster Hunters but I don't remember which one it is let me just check uh on my [Music] list this guy I don't remember if I have Monster Hunter G or Monster Hunter try but I can play that one right Billy do I have muscle match uh muscle March uh I don't think I do actually uh hi TMS by the way [Music] w [Music] [Music] ah can he uh can he dive like Mar 64 he [Music] [Music] [Music] can't oh there's [Music] one where are those [Music] rabbits [Music] oh there's one there one no [Music] [Music] no wow this is a bit uh this is CEST play on this device it's working quite well but where are these bloody [Music] rabbits where are these [Music] rabbits yeah TMS I was pressing the I wasn't pressing the center button [Music] where's the CR oh there there's one there's [Music] one yeah is a bit annoying the camera angle [Music] but it's workable though it's all [Music] right jrb 363 thanks for stopping [Music] by uh why other one oh I didn't I didn't read his message I was reading the chat pipe [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] yeah Diego I think you might be right at the beginning we might be able to get better fps on mmgr it's a shame the mmgr 3 doesn't work anymore because whenever I try to start the app now it it just freezes so I wonder if it's trying to access the internet or something and then just like there's nothing there [Music] [Music] anymore [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] w Yep dieo this is one time's resolution it's actually looking pretty good for for one [Music] times oh there's a little there was a little slot down there oh I meant to smash that there whoops [Music] [Music] good evening aan and good afternoon alvara I think at some point I need to do a a retro pocket for wi stream as [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well okay it's pretty uh it's pretty cool playing we actually it is pretty [Applause] cool uh but I'm I I this game never really grabbed me to be honest Galaxy I know it's a bit of a you know that might be a bit Blasphemous to say but to be honest like I didn't play a lot of Mario Galaxy when it first came [Music] [Applause] out this is probably an opportunity to play more of it uh now that we have a some handhelds that can handle it [Music] w [Music] will I test Donkey Kong uh maybe maybe not in this stream actually cuz I don't have the Classic Controller patch for it yet uh unless it already works with the Classic Controller uh yeah alar I completely agree with you like do uh the the mapping is a bit of a pen in the pen in the ass so what I've done is I've just limited myself to the Classic Controller games for today uh but this this will be the only like modded uh game that I play because I'm actually using a patch to play the um play Mario Galaxy with the classic controller and then I have this uh all set up I think it makes the game much sort of easier easier to to handle and you don't need to do as much mapping and weird stuff but I'm actually using a patch and I I'll show you how to do that when I switch [Music] [Music] games uh Ian we are going to play Black Ops and if I have it I'm going to play Monster Hunter try and I will see I don't remember if Donkey Kong need has classic controller support or not but I don't think it does it might need a patch but if if I'm wrong then then I will play that one as well uh if if if it's classic controller compatible then I can play Donkey Kong oh requires a code [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay oh the FPS is taking a hit here w yeah FPS is taking a little bit of a [Applause] [Music] hit H geometry was yeah I can play that g walls DK just WR those down okay where is it where the hell is it [Music] [Music] w [Applause] uh Arch Neil gaming and and logs y Vlogs sorry follows a y yes is the this is the Amic RG 556 uh Joseph uh Joseph you how is the travel distance on the abxy okay I'm I'm sorry I don't have a uh RG 4 5 m uh but I think the travel distance is quite good uh it's going to be a bit hard to see but I've got no problems at all with the travel distance uh they don't go right down uh yeah not not sure if that's a great camera view but like I think they're fine they don't sink in right into the shell they're they're perfect um they've got like maybe know 3 mm something 4 mm is they're pretty high these buttons and they do they do travel uh they're not like uh they're not like this for example this one this is a Game Force and uh the buttons on this are very very shallow uh have do you have any other handhelds maybe uh Joseph I don't have a four or five M I'm afraid a Neil G thanks for dropping by yeah I'm playing Wii today uh We've we've uh gone through a lot of systems actually so far uh Joseph maybe to give you a bit more detail I don't feel like it's a you know massive amount of pressure you need to put down um yeah I actually don't have anything I don't have anything comparable I have a 405 V uh but I'm not sure if that's the same as the 405 m a support x uh int uh I think this game is pretty good so far like it's uh I know some people say actually it's their favorite Mario so you can take that uh you can take that as a as you know as a recommendation for me I've not played a ton of this game I remember when it first came out and I kind of played a little bit but it didn't really hold my interest I thought the graphics were amazing uh and I thought that the uh you know what they were doing was really cool but it just I don't know what it was but I just didn't feel like playing it [Music] okay oh so I I think this game is running I I feel like it's quite hard to run because the FPS is sort of floating between full speed 60 FPS and like 45 so it's yeah and I'm I'm just running out the lowest resolution as well one time so it's not not perfect it is playable uh but it's yeah unfortunately not quite full speed can't go up there yet okay Joseph uh I'm glad that angle of the buttons helped you okay I'm just trying to figure out where I'm going to meant to be going next as well why am I to [Music] going this is the comet observatory oh yeah you can see the FPS is kind of Dipping a bit okay garage Terrace right can I not go that [Music] yet I guess something's going there uh Ryan right I have not gone back to dp4 Pro for for a while actually I will try some Wii games on it though CU I bet these games won't run perfectly on the Wii uh on the [Music] [Applause] rp4 [Music] I feel like the Wii uh the Wii is probably like probably easier but I I'd just be guessing I mean it's a 480p machine but it's a slightly overclocked GameCube isn't it that's what the hardware was and the Dolphin Emulator is already quite [Music] good I think the Wii is probably after PS2 or maybe slight just slightly more harder to emulate in the PS2 that'll be my guess the GameCube would be easier than the PS2 [Music] all right okay so the actual level well this is this is running [Music] good point [Music] the oh this this B we're getting some FPS drops [Music] here oh I lost my camera button where did my camera button go whoa [Music] oh b 2 yeah uh not sure if I loaded b 2 do [Music] [Music] one [Music] this is definitely a good-looking game I'll say [Music] that oh [Music] w [Music] [Applause] it's kind of kind of disorientating oh out for the black holes oh watch out for the black [Music] [Applause] holes all right uh not Vex do I have no more Heroes I do actually uh I'm not sure which one it is the first one or the second one oh bug uh welcome welcome back to the stream thanks for dropping by just trying to figure out what to do in this in this little world oh there's a pipe there oh no no I'm not just going to oh there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] yeah this guy is fast [Music] man so the I think the device is being pushed a little bit now cuz I can hear the fan going now and again like it goes off uh when it's a bit of sort of quiet quiet moment but then it does come on it was on when the boss was on the screen so we're finally pushing the device a little bit I think uh I may have uh I may have Resident Evil but I'm not sure how I'm going to play on this they might not be too too good to play to be [Music] honest cuz it's just like you know pointer pointer game it was just me tapping the screen [Applause] right blood how do I [Applause] um um this this guy's pretty hard [Laughter] man all right I'm going to call it for Mario Galaxy I think we've seen a lot of this game it's almost there right because there's little drops like 45 FPS but it doesn't become unplayable I feel so I think it's still still good still worth a try on this on this device all right yeah so I suck out I suck out Mario Galaxy confirmed oh that that looks good okay let's uh let's quit out this game uh I shall Save State okay right so I do have uh Revolution installed screen wipe time yeah the patch for or the little uh mod for Super Mario Galaxy is called is called this Super Mario Galaxy Classic Controller it's all over Reddit so it's uh probably pretty easy to find if if you can't find it I'll drop it into the comments or description later what you need to do is you need to place it into a specific specific uh folder which is this one this SD card root folder uh SL load SL Revolution and then SL Revolution lower Cas R which is really really dumb but you know you you'll know you've got it right in the right place when you see uh the actual mod in your uh in your launch menu uh because this is how you start the game and there's different little small options you can you can swap the triggers around or you can go for nid style or Allstar style I'm not sure what Nvidia Styles like actually but I was just using Allstar style because it seemed uh seemed simpler uh and then to get to that menu uh you'll have your games here and you'll need to hold this down and then press start with Revolution patches to actually get back to that to to get to this menu where you can launch it with the patch if you don't launch it uh if you just launch it normally it will launch it without the Classic Controller patch uh Eric Mitchell yes it does it does uh work for sorry I just read the other message Eric Mitchell there is a Galaxy 2 controller Classic Controller patch as well and that will help you just um that will help you with the controls because otherwise you know you have to get into all of this stuff where you're mapping buttons and then you're mapping all the you know dolphin stuff and I kind of can't be bothered with it right now and it's not very you know it doesn't work for a very good interesting stream so I I didn't bother doing that there are a couple of games with these patches I think uh so Mario Galaxy one and two I think Donkey Kong is a just a gecko code or something just to map the uh the Wii mod shake to a button so you can so you can do the shake and I think there might be one or two other Classic Controller patches out there because um yeah because there's some you know these very notable games of course uh didn't didn't have a classic controller support and then you can you can add them in uh but the yeah the patch is kind of annoying to uh install as well because you need to do this uh Revolution thing let me just show you where it is as well because I'm using something called Z archiva you've probably heard it before uh but the standard Android files folder you won't be able to find your dolphin uh or where you meant to be meant to be putting the mods so generally Z Iver is the one that I use uh you can go into your your device go into the Android folder uh the data folder and then go down to uh dolphin emu uh in here files uh I mean I'll give you the full path but this will um this Z Arch it lets you see some of the folders that you can't usually see CU I think around about Android 10 or something Android 10 or 9 uh they started hiding these folders and it got quite annoying uh to to put your mods in I think it's also annoying for like Yuzu mods as well or if you need to put the you know if you want to put the GameCube uh bios in here uh this kind of stuff uh it's it's good to have this this uh AP AP around the Z ARA because I find it just um bypasses all of those like permission things and you can you can find your um you can find your folders easily so basically you want to be going into the load folder dolphin load uh Revolution there's another folder called Revolution which is where you put your uh XML files and that's where you put the uh the mod itself but I'll I'll drop this in the I'll drop this in the comments something later so you you don't have to rewind back into this into this video but that this is where you install the Classic Controller patches and then you can um yeah it'll be a bit easier for you to to play games with with a handheld and this will work for retro pocket 4 as well uh or any other Android um device so let's get back to the games we were going to play Call of Duty Black Ops um so I do have pretty much uh all so I pinned a a URL in the uh in the pinned comment in the chat uh I've got pretty much all of those games uh on the list uh in that Wikipedia sh the handeld um uh but we will be playing Call of Duty Black Ops next because Call of Duty Black Ops is is great I like Black Ops um and we're running out one times resolution just as a reminder not doing any upscaling uh but to be honest this game might be able to do a two a 2X because I I tried it a little bit earlier uh zodiac curse can you load games from a USB uh SS a USBC SSD to be honest I've never tried uh but I I would think you can I would think you can if it just appears as a device right um some emulators might behave better than others um but yeah I think you can if it appears in the you know Android file system then you probably can probably work oh yeah so Ryan right and the person with the um the sort of Russian Russian name uh you can bind the Sha to a button yeah there's a there's a button where you you press it and then will do a a simulator check uh this is not Yuzu so it's uh um I mean yuzu's oh what am I saying sorry sorry I was talking rubbish uh Johnny turbo b what's the Maxum SD card that Tech uh I can I've used two uh I have two one terab cards and both of them work fine but I but right now I am actually using a 512 okay this message will just tell you Classic Controller yeah and we're going to use the classic controller oh zombies okay all right let me just check the did I okay that's all oh did I just okay that's one up okay wake up Ming yeah all all Treyarch all Treyarch Call of Duty games have zombies kiss ass I think this is the second game with zombies second or third uh world that world that war had zombies was the first one uh Johnny turbo b I'm afraid I won't be playing luny Tunes uh for Game Boy Color I probably don't have it around actually um oh I I may have it I may have guarantee your [Music] sa at the beginning 1961 Bay of Pigs we know you were there no do not with meon you're 61 what happed we all got killed there's no use lying we know you went in with woods and was bman BS bunny uh BS bunny forever welcome to the stream we went in to kill Castro you guys in the chat emu deck yeah I've heard emu deck is quite good I have a friend who uses that on uh on Steam steam deck all right this is uh yeah this is bringing about memories it's a little bit low res but I mean I I'll take it I'll take it pable Black Ops my PL our attack on thefield should distract them enough to get you inside EV we'll have transport waiting for you just be there WWE DBZ guy no I didn't so we will be going back to that at some point I'll be I'll be streaming Wii rp4 Pro at some point I where you to you okay we [Music] go cover we fight our through the street go where the who's shooting at me who's who's shooting uh you guys can you help uh maybe keep an eye on the FPS for me because I I think I can't look up there I'll be I'll concentrating on the game so far it's looking all right though oh it's 21 21 FPS okay that's a bit okay there's a guy there oh yeah the FPS is dipping a bit dipping a bit still still okay it's still okay okay that's a friendly fire oh how I Sprint [Music] oh how do I Sprint oh is it uh oh well that that guy had a that's a good guy Friendly Fire friendly fire oh it's getting the getting cover H tap bet to Sprint oh oh my god oh okay okay okay that's good that was uh there was a massive dip then but I think it was loing or something press Z out to reverse oh oh I'm [Music] driving oh it's so mature language oh man okay that was messy es from police you head for Castro's compound we're losing him we have [Applause] nooice okay so was I don't know was the original going at 17 FPS maybe cuz the Wii was not you know not a powerful machine it is is quite a good-looking game I'll set that we have to get going it's okay use why use the zip mine [Applause] okay take oh got [Applause] him I think this game looks [Laughter] great this is bringing back uh this is bringing back memories although I didn't play it on that on Wii I played it on on Xbox I think or even PC I might have been playing this oh what my actions I didn't kill anyone all right all right I don't think I tested this game on rp4 I didn't test any Wii games on rp4 Pro oh okay you w you weren't meant to go guns blazing into those [Applause] guys move out upst got iton get for years today's the day we succeed let's get fedel castra where is he stay [Applause] close [Applause] this game is Call of Duty Black Ops one on the Wii trouble give us a oh this gu of out of the6 and dring all over the place will should be up ahead oh it's lava okay Stack Up hurry it up let's do [Music] it oh never Gana taret should be overhead Roger moving inside get in position H up is it you ready to make history oh did oh I [Laughter] missed I I didn't mean to do that for let's do [Music] it that was embarrassing I I the hostage died hey n welcome to the stream okay I bet okay let me get this bad guy oh [Music] man yeah I got him oh what is that was a [Applause] twist keep Ming oh ah it's getting it's getting quite hairy now it's getting very uh it's getting very difficult [Applause] this oh near gone downstairs oh sorry sorry sorry oh course yeah got the jam on the screen oh there's a lot of jam oh bad bad stick is probably just me man I'm I'm bad I'm I'm more used to playing some of these games on a mouse it it's okay uh there it's just okay I think the analog stick on a FPS blood out there's a lot of people there [Applause] [Applause] I oh that's Bowman hurry my friend God bless you Carlos this way get the sugari us oh you guys [Laughter] oh need to get out of here the plan is ready will [Applause] [Applause] be go go go [Applause] [Applause] go shoot the red [Applause] barrels oh there a guy with an RPG [Applause] [Applause] now [Applause] fine go get out of here Oh missing you're dead we killed you no you killed the th you think we didn't know of your plan we always know do with him what you wish General this my gift to you in honor of our new relationship just make sure that he suffers he will know suffering Beyond his darkest fears I have plans for you americ oh it's so good yeah the old cods were Classics okay let's leave it there for Black Ops oh is it going to give us like a a l title card okay all right let's move on to Monster Hunter try I think this one this stream I probably won't be able to play that many games uh oh but Monster Hunter try is going to be the next one okay I think this is a classic controller game as well uh after that we got Gears uh DK Xenoblade No More Heroes uh tmsi sto playing after modern warfare three the the latest one uh I'm a big Call of Duty fan actually I've been playing for a Cod since since cod cod 2 I think yeah I I probably should have stopped earlier as well Erin Bloom thank you so much thank you so much for your message yep Arin Bloom if you if you see it running well on the games that you like then go for it I think this is a good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] handheld have I tried old uh so question have I tried old windows games like the original Oregon Trail wow um I've not tried I've not gone back that [Applause] far there are some people who who like playing uh like The Witcher one and Gothic and these kind of old school PC Games Command and Conquer uh I know um our friend uh web web and me over in the iono Discord uh was was trying to play Command and Conquer red [Music] [Applause] okay there's some some Monster hunting going on there let's uh let's see how we go okay begin the game so I'm at a one times resolution here uh this seems a bit dark this game um so I I bet that this game doesn't look too good on like the okay that I might turn up the brightness a bit oh that's much better that's much better but it might not be true to uh it might not be choos it again but [Music] the but setting the brightness probably is uh it's good we speak oh what's we oh was we speak the the microphone or way anyway uh so I I turned up the brightness to the max I'm not sure if that's going to mess something up but oh it is going to mess something up all right uh maybe that wasn't a good idea oh it's a weird keyboard yeah I I think I should probably turn the brightness down oh but it does make I think it makes some some of the it made the menus look [Music] [Music] good [Music] all right I'm going to skip this uh wholesome wholesome cut scene oh no I can't oh [Music] no I wish I could all right um there is one person in the comments uh a while ago who was asking me to test Wii with the sensor bar and a Wii remote uh with this handheld but unfortunately I don't have any of those pieces of equipment so I apologize to that person who was asking for a we sensor bar test I'm sure you can pick up a a sensor bar right cheap now or like the remote I guess the remotes might be [Music] [Music] expensive Lost Planet T TM they made three those uh uh Ian I believe the sensor bar it it just needs power right it does it actually need to send data to the device or is it just like uh I I forgot how the sensor bar worked but wasn't it just like something which needed power and then uh the the remote would send a signal of what it saw all right yeah I really need to change that actually so I've made a mistake about the brightness it's not on uh it's not on playable so it's okay it's okay all right let me can I oh i' I've messed this up sorry I I really made a mess of this um can I save oh haunted nuts uh I can't sa right oh let let me try and find a bed or something that looks [Music] good yeah EV on Mesa thanks for yeah yeah that's it so yeah you just need something to power a sensor bar right because you could even get wireless sensor bars right in the uh they came out cu people had trouble with their with like wires and stuff and then you could you could set up a wireless one with just batteries all right apologies for this I I messed up um I shouldn't set the brightness so high uh but it was it seems really dark on the default I don't I don't like that I don't like that maybe it's just the menus all right let's get back into it oh yeah I remember I remember that yeah two candles all right so that's it's actually not that much better but um anyway oh this game does not look I I think Black Ops one looks better than this game at least the text is readable all right every R's got a weak point here Care Free lad all right okay can I can I pick up a I'm just going to go the woods fine I'll just freestyle it so in in town it seemed okay the FPS let's see how it is in in like the Forest Area uh Alvaro I've been playing nothing but the RG 556 actually uh lately okay that's running I I think the graphics on this game are a little bit they're a little bit rubbish I have to say an upscale PSP game might might look better than this are you want me to wipe the screen is there some I mean I've not needed to touch the screen so that's been uh that's been pretty good my cloth's getting a bit dirty as well my my wiping off oh I accidentally accidentally triggered the screenshot all right okay all right so far it's okay we haven't seen any monsters though I mean despite being a little bit badl looking I think the game is working fine at least I just think it's a not not a very sharp game there's a lot of Bloom oh not in this area but there was a lot of Bloom outside oh is that a monster no it's not a monster oh did I actually go out with no weapons oh crap [Music] um I think I went out without any weapons oh oh no no no okay good good that would have been embarrassing how do I use that uh all right getting getting 30 FPS why is all the bloody monsters I think they call this where's all the monsters gone oh do you actually need to take out a mission before you see them oh okay okay nice okay yeah kill the kill the yeah kill him kill him oh these guys look a big to right oh crap sharpen my sword [Applause] twice okay it's C put your weapon away and carve him yeah TMS I just got a little I just thought about that as well it didn't feel uh that that guy wasn't doing anything and I just just slashed him tutorial Monster uh Ricky red Mom this is Monster Hunter try uh oh welcome back by the way Christian honey uh welcome to the stream first time I've seen you around I think [Music] I think this game is working pretty well though to be honest like I'm not seeing any big dips or any issues the graphics do not look great the the bloom is very strong and there's a bit of like banding like color color Blanding like in in this obviously it's not the screen's fault but there's some color B banding here I'm not sure if you can see it on the the stream but just it looks like there's like a like a filter over the the screen it's it's just a bit bit crap Hi Overlord 90 welcome back to the stream all right I'm going to leave it here for Monster Hunter because I'm not too impressed with this game but it's it's working okay I don't see any like issues or anything but not not impressed but look at that that's a bit that's a bit rubbish not sure what they were thinking about here anyway Monster Hunt to try all right what we got next uh geometry walls okay interesting uh what was a a Cursed Mountain okay I just want to see if I've got that game uh I don't think I do I don't think I got curse Mountain uh I do have a lot of dance dance what the hell is this okay geometry Wass there's a lot of FIFA here uh oh geometry Wass galaxies okay here we go oh does it work oh yeah okay Mad World okay I don't think I have Mad World I think the last geometry walls I was playing was like the DS version or something the first one I played was of course the the Xbox One Xbox 360 one oh I should have upscaled this this is this would probably be safe to upscale this game as well what's this uh okay okay and all right looks uh looks okay oh it looks everything looks quite sharp so it's not not too bad all right I'll go retro evolved because uh I don't Eric Mitchell is telling me to do that so I forgot what galaxies was but retro evolve is oh it's the actual original game all right okay oh yeah it works perfectly man okay I guess galaxies is like the is it like the one with the different worlds and different different galaxies this is just like the the endless mod right where's the bomb the bomb okay the bomb button's up there oh I even got the original music this okay sorry I was just testing the bombs man this is a good yeah this is a good version of the game cuz you've got like you probably got is there a PSP version of this I know there's a DS version of this which is probably not ideal to play so I I think this one uh I don't think there was a PS2 version uh that's too early uh I don't I don't remember if there was a PSP one um so I think this might be the best the best one if you want to play this game just trying to remember okay yeah this is uh this is bringing me back to oh to Xbox 360 days oh man yeah this yeah this is good I think you could I'm thinking this would look really good upscaled oh sh okay I'm I'm I blame I blame the chat I blame the chat I'm looking at the chat I use a bomb I use my last bomb oh bloody lell okay let me just see what the Galaxy Mod is I think it's like yeah it's just oh it's got the Collectibles right yeah I remember okay oh it's got okay it's got extra stuff right fair enough yeah not not that not that different from the oh it's got It's yeah it's got those things that you can collect it's pretty uh when you're playing this and you get in the zone it's very it's very uh it's very relaxing definitely a very relaxing game to play yes it's nice ah simpler simpler times eh when uh Xbox Live arcade was around we were playing like hexic Geometry Wars uh what else it's a simpler simpler times project golfin racing Perfect Dark uh what else what else was I playing amped all right that's that's cool Beed yeah Beed brilliant brilliant games Xbox Live all right that's geometry worlds galaxies limbo limbo's to too uh that's too new man limbo was new wasn't it BR was uh yeah that that's a that's an Xbox Live game that's an Xbox Live classic uh explosion man uh not too uh I didn't play splosion man I didn't play that one happy happy walls okay I'm trying to remember what that first sort of blast of uh Xbox Live arcade games were okay what am I doing here Donkey Kong DK where are you there you are okay so for DK I need to map a shake button door uh it's probably I think I have a shake button uh I'll see when I get in the game I'll see when I get in the DK returns oh avaro you I know you like your [Laughter] Castlevania uh remove unsupported okay all right sorry sorry about that DK returns I need to I need to put in a supported controller uh I'm going to I'm going to load my I'll load my Classic Controller I'll load my Galaxy was it Galaxy uh oh W what will I do we with mtion plus I think I need to make a new one all right so that's that's a bit of a hassle okay so this is the yeah this is the annoying part of of uh of wi Mar of wi configuration it's very very annoying where's the shck okay I got a shck that's good this is the annoying part of Wii [Music] nuggets welcome back to the [Music] stream okay run running okay so [Applause] far oh some FPS drops so zodiac K2 I've never played Oregon Trail I've never played that game so it's going to take me hours probably to to get through it Chicken McNugget yes I did I played Call of Duty Black Ops we played quite a lot of it actually I had a lot of fun with uh messon Woods Bowman Hudson the crew the OG crew what is this intro uh unfortunately Chicken McNugget it was between like 17 and and 30 FPS so it's a yeah a little bit I I think it's playable but it's uh yeah not not fantastic I'm at one times resolution as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] Miss all right let's uh oh where's my shake but nice okay so thank you to Ryan Wright for the for telling us all about the uh Shake button simulat check um this game is uh this game is running better than the switch version can can DK run in this can he can he run he's got okay does you don't need to hold the button to run right oh no we got analog stick now aren't we yeah he doesn't I'm just thinking CU this game reminds me so much of Donkey Kong Country I keep thinking there's a button to run oh these guys oh I touched the Frog oh give me the I want the yeah I want that I kind of want that but I don't know how to how do you how do you uh can I just no I'll probably die I steady Co I did play this recently didn't I I played the switch switch [Applause] one this is is running pretty well though I mean it's running better than this uh was it running what was I no wa minute I wasn't playing the switch one I was playing the 3DS one oh sh I lost my oh no I didn't ler I got con I missed out M Kong it's nice this game yeah no no issues no issues just make sure you got a button mapped to the mapped to the uh the um what do you call call it the Shing then you're all good maybe not all good what happened there okay all right it didn't like that DK effect it really didn't like that oh there's a secret there just as I say like it was all good right I'm getting FPS drops now this part is is dropping how do I get up here I need to grab that right yeah actually the FPS is going down a [Music] bit and I'm also trying not to get killed that's a big flower [Applause] oh [Music] sh I am using up jail oh sure oh you roll like that okay that's that's stupid just make it a button oh sh that was close oh man that was poor oh okay [Music] oh I got bitten okay that's good the level design in this game is quite it's quite good it's quite elaborate for like the first you know like the simple levels like first couple of levels are meant to be you know just easing you in but the they actually did a actually went to a lot of trouble making them interesting it's usually you know the the first few levels of a game is are quite you know quite pedestrian they don't you don't really do much but this one is quite good it's teaching you a lot a lot about the game like in short space of time oh there a flower [Music] there [Music] [Applause] all right had a good time with this there's a little bit of slowdown on this second level unfortunately but it's uh running running okay so next game we have on the list is is Xeno Blade okay so I'm not sure if this is this a classic controller game uh I think it might be so let's uh let's try it Xeno blood Chronicles uh on the list I've Got No More Heroes Mad World Castlevania rebirth uh probably might uh I might have to make this one the last game I think uh oh is it is it working oh yeah I guess it won't be the last game why is C uh this is interesting okay I'll have to find out what the issue is with this one that's pretty interesting Oregon Trail uh is there already Trail in the Wii right so Xena BL Chronicles is a is a fail I'm not for some Unown reason just not getting anything uh let me just see I don't I don't know what it could be actually uh I don't know what it could be I do have some uh what do I have on I don't have anything weird on I think do I have any weird deal calls on uh what what what makes uh what makes Xeno blood yeah what makes this crash I do have some relatively crazy settings on in the in the graphics I think uh I have that on I think I think that's something I turned on that FB access thing I might turn that off um I have the vbi skip on let me try that off and I'll try turning turn this off as well uh apart from that I don't think I have anything else oh I have wi screen hack on all right let me just try that I don't know what's specifically wrong with this okay might be okay it might have been something that I had on oh okay yeah okay nice it was probably the the skip setting that I put U maybe the vbi skip as well but I've never seen that before it is possible for to crash something but uh yeah let's just see if this game works in the game then okay uh why TMS why are you talking about my [Laughter] cloth long ago the world was nothing more than an Endless Sea cloaked in a boundless Sky reaching as far as could possibly Be Imagined then two great Titans came into existence I feel like I've seen this before I feel like I've seen this before all right let's get into the game and just see see what it's like okay I'm getting 30 FPS some some stuff's going to come up oh okay how do I Target Z oh oh there is oh reinfor time is [Applause] now I think it's okay I think it's okay I'm not seeing anything a Miss uh I'm just trying to remember how I play this gun it's like Alto attack isn't it there's a lot of [Applause] shouting [Applause] is now seems Seems okay actually yeah seem there's a lot going on in the screen maybe not like some Ultra special moves but it's it's okay I'm I Target these fellas [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh the time is now what [Applause] [Applause] aain I think it's good yeah I think it's okay this guy's going to run away right looks like the me on taking us out yeah it looks slightly looks like they better in the 3DS version Dixon let's do this [Applause] [Applause] I ain't going down that easily you all right what does it look like I'm still good to go guess even a hero's got to reach his limit eventually Mona what are you doing that sorry brothers hate to drop this on you but it's the Berard therea so have fun keeping him occupied for me I'm getting out of here you judge don't worry I'll organize your funeral oh these guys all right let's uh let's play a little bit more I think there's another battle right it's talking and some battle let's play a bit more of the battle and then we'll we'll try something else sorry ion we've uh we've seen that before on [Music] 3DS okay I think those those uh those bits are fine I am uh I wanted to check this so I remember there was an extra fight scene we can definitely do this you're aav let's go now the best I'm here no anyone yeah this this game is pretty pretty good it all right this uh hello um whoever there's someone saying hi and I'm saying hello back thanks Ry that was a close one man what were you doing wandering off by yourself stay where I can keep an eye on you it's pretty dangerous outside of the colony there are all kinds of monsters yeah but thanks to you we got it sh everyone I'm more worried about you than the all right right okay one last thing I'm going to try I think this game might be able to run out two times I'm going to do a Save State and then just bump the resolution up and then we'll see all right this quick save exit and then change the settings for this game because the the speed was quite good so let's try it okay quick load okay yep that looks a lot better and I think it's not too bad I know I'm just running around here but let's uh maybe try some more combat oh was there stutter then uh oh can I can I kill that thing I don't know I saw like an insect [Music] okay oddly enough the is the map the map has a problem but the game itself is is okay the game looks pretty good like in in the field in in this uh non-combat situation the game is actually looking pretty good oh yeah it's losing a bit of FPS here it's a shame we don't have a 1.5 for Dolphin here we are I better stop in at HQ you're off to the weapon development lab yeah when I've sold any parts I can't use all right see you later [Music] yeah if you can bear with those little slowdowns um now and again of like 20% I think you can play this out two times if you if you don't want to deal with that then just play it one times [Music] seems quite good around [Music] here all right let's call it for Xeno blood Chronicles oh cross scy thank you so much for that message it's uh it's been fun playing a Wii games I've not gone back to the Wii for for a long long long time all right let's try something else uh let's just keep going uh noral noral Heroes where is noal Heroes oh do I not uh I don't think I have noral I thought I had one like No More Heroes two or something or somewhere uh let me just try and find it I've got a lot of Pro Evolution Soccer I mean there's a some who was asking for pro Evo oh was someone asking for Resident Evil 4 uh the other day uh okay so I can't find my normal Heroes I'm afraid I thought I had it but it looks like it's not there um which is a shame no no is it here no no it's not here Namco Naruto uh no it's not here all right okay so no more No madwell E I think Metal Slug yeah no madw either all right uh so Castlevania rebirth for Alvaro a big cast oh sorry Castle judgment not rebirth let's play that oh I'm on I'm on two times resolution so just keep that in mind I am no problem at all it's uh Xeno Blade is a it's a seems like a good game uh seems like a good game to play on Wii uh 3DS uh I think I'd rather play the Wii version if I had the choice uh Chicken McNugget uh card Modern Warfare 3 is playable on Classic Controller it is a classic controller game I've pinned a link in the chat and you can press that and it's got a list of all of the games which support classic controller and actually it's on that list right oh okay so Castlevania judgment uh okay oh I need to okay sorry I need to plug my plug my Classic Controller in uh oh was I not using my Classic Controller is that why it was all weird okay yeah I should be using my let me just plug my Classic Controller in okay that's better oh okay so it has that bug so we have to that brightness issue uh whenever you see that brightness issue you see you see that there where it goes all white uh all you do is you bring them you bring the menu up and just just move around a little bit and then just dismiss it by pressing the touch screen that has a long-standing dolphin bug which is very annoying [Music] story arade what the hell is this all right uh I'm going to play Arcade all right just to uh is this a fighting game or something is this the castle oh my God it is yeah I remember they made this bloody thing this Castlevania fighting game what [Music] the what the hell were they thinking if you will fight then stand resolute uh aan the the sticks clicking also also did that uh the brightness thing it happens in the menu too which is unfortunate I will show you the of House Belmont me a and I shall the title proudly oh my God okay I oh this game is uh this game is kind of weird wow it's working fine out two times though I'll say that two times resolution enough oh I'm getting smashed here uh how do I how do I fight okay that the might of Legend oh [Applause] it's a 99 hit combo the of this is very very op move okay but not one slow down it didn't slow down one bit koil round two ready oh I got got blasted I don't know what the other buttons like oh you can okay it's got the it's got the castle like flask not enough not enough [Music] [Applause] oh that is the power of a not enough what the hell was that oh no no no no oh come on oh okay is not easily defeated Cosmic bolts 888 hello hello thanks for stopping by on the stream so this is uh alar game and I will show you I I'm I'm good I'm good I may not be sure what's going on but I'm I won't lose round okay I'm not going to play anymore this oh this is the character from the Saturn uh Saturn symph of the night oh oh no I'm getting pumpkin I got smashed okay I'm good I'm good um the move list was here okay all right yeah yeah I'm I'm good I'm good that was Castlevania judgment oh man all right so uh let's um let's play one game which I I want to Let's what did I want to play where was my request okay I wanted to play Resident Evil 4 wi Edition cuz I remember someone saying something about this I saying Resident Evil 4 the other day so I'm going to play this Cosmic ball 888 I'm doing pretty well I'm doing good see it's almost the end of the week but today we're playing some we games which is something I've never done before on stream Eric Mitchell is this the device I'm going to use myself uh outside of testing um I I I don't know actually I don't know uh I think probably probably not because I have ion pocket but this has actually made me appreciate like an alled screen and you know good good controls uh good good Comfort this device for sure cuz I I think I didn't realize like the uh the the rp4 was like a little bit uncomfortable uh usually Comfort is actually not a big deal for me why is that doing that okay uh but after using this I realized oh actually it's nice to have a comfortable handheld I know that's a bit weird to sound to say but uh you know after using the RG 556 a bit more I felt like oh a comfortable handeld is actually it's actually a thing 1998 I'll never forget it it was the year when those Grizzly murders occurred the arlay mountains soon after the news was out to the okay so this game has a couple of weird things on the borders yeah I agree with you Eric Mitchell yeah I agree with you performance is not everything like on pepper like on pepper right the the gfor I have here right is one of the best handhelds in the world but there's a lot of issues with it which kind of stop it from from being there aan thank you so much for for stopping by it's a pleasure to have you here as alwaysed and for all intents Andes umbrella was finished I'm just going to get to the first guy and see see how it runs okay that purple line at the bottom is a bit annoying maybe there's a way to fix it uh I'm running at two times resolution here uh CU I didn't ever take it off I left it on for Castlevania and I left it on for Xeno Blade Chronicles as well so we're going to just play a bit of re for where's my okay so that's my map that's also my map how do I that's my knife okay that's my gun all right okay excellent Cal that's very funny Cal well Schall Lord Sir with a late request I think I may have that game uh but I will I'll probably not be able to play it very deeply but I I'll certainly put it on for you I'm just going to kill this one guy and then see [Music] um I was wondering if you might recognize a girl in this Photograph La Toro we'll save that for another stream [Applause] MW3 freeze oh freeze freeze man La Toro you you'll know when I test that game because um I'm going to put it as the thumbnail is everything okay there was a hostile local I had no choice but to neutral neutralize him okay he's not a zombie all right this this game is running quite quite good at two times uh how do I reload my gun oh it's not that b okay let's just jump out of the window and then and we're good oh [Music] oh this this game brings my memories a it's a great one okay uh res Evil 4 the beginning Works quite well at two times resolution pretty pretty happy with [Music] that let quick save that all right okay La Toro that's uh that's great great to hear that you get your rp4 I might even test MW3 on on rp4 uh I'll I'll say that um okay what was the other get Samurai Warriors okay do I have it uh yeah I do okay this one's for Welsh Welsh warlord uh because I think Welsh warlord likes uh likes a lot of those uh is this likes a lot of those Dynasty Warriors games is this at 1X or is that 2x oh it's at 1X sorry oh I was playing those last two games on 1X oh you can change the resolution in on the fly in this ah you can okay so I'm trying this at 2x now oh whoops okay so I was playing Castlevania rebirth I think at one at two uh yeah what 1 x not two so and res evil as well all right this is Samurai Warriors what what's going on there okay so weird was happening there not sure if my controls are not configured properly all right we'll make this one the last one I'll have to get get through this I'm just going to go free mod uh I think usually usually do that with these games uh there's no there's no l Lu boo and and the yellow yellow turban Rebellion oh it's so it's Japanese this one is it yeah they're all Japanese okay all right let's just get in the game and see see what's up I mean I don't know yeah uh you're you're the expert Welsh um Welsh warlord oh crap K okay we got a problem we got a problem here I can't see anything break through the castle Gates all right uh there was a big problem there the game is not appearing right so I'm going to just uh what the hell am I going to do here I'm going to turn the upscale off just put at one times uh what else can I do that's a bit bizarre um I'm not well not sure what else I can do I don't have that many uh do I have a I have that hack on uh I have the BBI skip hack on uh uh um okay oh I saw I can see something I can see something that Tres oh I just saw a character [Music] um okay so Welsh uh we probably need to figure out what's wrong cuz I can't see anything uh it's a I think it's a fail I think it's a fail yeah it's a fail for Samurai 103 interesting all right okay so Vala junr thanks so much for coming back uh I've not a been able to play Sonic colors but at some point I I will try it uh not not in the Stream cuz I'm just I'm just finishing up uh so this is a very uh fortunate so it means that I don't have to play anymore of this [Music] all right guys uh so that's going to be the last one this has been the ambic RG 556 again thank you so much for amck for sending this over for evaluation I'm very grateful to them as always you can get yours uh down in the description if you want to if you want to order it uh thank you so much uh we went we got we there we played Super Mario Galaxy Call of Duty Black Ops monster hunted try uh Geometry Wars Galaxies uh Donkey Kong Country Returns Xenoblade Chronicles Castlevania judgment Samurai Warriors Three and uh we had one big fail which is Samurai Ro 3 what's the next handheld review uh not sure sure actually not sure uh I'm just happy doing these streams for now uh the uh the the reviews do take a lot of time actually they take a lot of editing to do so I've not had much time to do them I did have a a ktr1 uh revisit review uh planned I actually have some of the scripts written for it but I haven't got around to finishing it yet uh because I've just been just been busy and just been doing these streams instead but um yeah so Jonathan Anderson thank you so much for your message I hope you get you all soon uh TMS yep I hope retroid send me anything uh I did ask um is it Chris I did talk to Chris at retroid and that person told me to uh the next time that they have some kind of announcement uh they said that they send out the units and they evaluate the the people who are going to get them for free they evaluate it every time so they don't just they don't have a list like a a media list I think pal Kitty have a media list or a developer list and I think amck do as well uh but I do have a contact at amck uh who is nice enough to to send me a a handheld now and again uh ion I don't know how they operate so they've never sent me anything um I don't know how ARA operates uh and Ayn I don't also don't know how they operate as well they didn't send me anything free but we'll try to get something next time next handheld next new handheld is probably going to be the zpg Unicorn the one to one one uh but anyway okay so thanks so much to dieago TMS Jonathan Eric Mitchell Chicken McNugget Valena Jr uh an andreil 3 38 Welsh sword apolog about this game rord but it looks like it's a it's a fail uh we'll maybe try and find try and find out how to how to fix it uh Cal thank you so much for dropping by uh La Laro I will play MW3 I love MW3 so I will play it but I'm just saving it for another stream uh zodiac curse 12 thank you so much Cosmic bolt 888 uh who else is here uh well you guys ch a lot man Ryan WS thank you so much thanks for the tip about the shaking the controller as well that's a it's a good one uh all right so thank you so much and I'll see you guys in the next stream I hope you enjoyed the Wii RG 556 testing and I'll catch you later bye-bye now for
Channel: forthenext
Views: 7,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ANBERNIC, ANBERNIC RG556, RG556, Super Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Monster Hunter Tri, Geometry Wars Galaxies, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Xenoblade Chronicles, Castlevania Judgement, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Samurai Warriors 3
Id: cRQAoi8nhAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 54sec (8634 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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