ANATOMY TIPS & TRICKS (Get to lv 9 fast)

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are we live let me see hello okay hey everybody um hopefully you can hear me well so like how i did with my last like poses stream we're going to do this video as if like i'm just talking to the people we're going to watch this after the fact and then i'm gonna start paying more attention to chat after a little bit um just so that you know when they click on it they don't have to like hear me saying hello for 10 minutes random stuff like that um so the point of this video is if you guys haven't already checked out my last video um you should check it out it's called uh well at least the cover title says to skip art school but it's called like how to learn or how to draw anatomy and the point is that i showed you guys nine different levels of how to improve your anatomy um just trying to make sure you guys can hear me but yeah how to improve your anatomy all that and there are some things i missed in that video um that you guys reminded me in the comments that i wanted to go over but i also had like some typed up stuff here if you guys want to screenshot that you can it's like the details um but i have a lot of stuff here that i wanted to reiterate and then some tips on how to actually get through those levels faster than um however many years i said it takes because it does take a while but there's a lot of things you can do like that are kind of like shortcuts did it all depends on you and what you want to do and your style um so yeah let's let's go ahead and start with the first thing that i wanted to talk about um and that's that what is it i'm doing this because i can barely hear myself with these headphones um yes okay so there are some things on that list i talked about that you do want to do throughout your entire process not just when you get to the level um so one of them was imagination drawing or drawing from imagination you definitely want to do that throughout your entire process so that you can have an idea of where you're at because when you draw something from imagination and you look back on it it's the best way to see how much you've grown because it's just you with nothing barely any inspiration other than what's in your head right um you also want to do just your drawing all the time that's always good to brush up on your gesture you want to check accuracy from a reference sometimes you just want to brush up and see how well you can observe something and what details you can actually capture from it um and then you also yeah checking the reference but actually overlaying it as well and thanks so much for the three-month sub bay conspiracy appreciate it um and then the next thing is going to be to look at other artists so i'm gonna put this at like level four to five um because that's where you're gonna start looking at how to create shapes and take those shapes and draw those instead of uh just copying the anatomy so like three basic 3d shapes to like for example um something really simple maybe i can show you guys something that i did here in this one um where's the sketch at the sketch will be the best example of it oh see oh okay that stuff is fine uh that's not i have to be careful i i mix i mix and match all of the artwork that i do some of it's not safe for work um where's the shape here so like see how i had this like cube here and the knee like that really helps me because drawing these can be really tricky sometimes because there's a side to it there's a left side and a right side to it and the top and the bottom um and there's you know there's this complex knee anatomy for like there's like this turtle shell um abstraction that i got that i remember learning from the anatomy for a sculptor's book but for me just drawing a cube there really helps and so that's something that helps me out um also just making the arms these diamond shapes helps a lot because if you look it's just a diamond shape instead of two tubes that's something i've gotten from other artists and so look at other artists to see how they describe more complex anatomy into something that's more basic that's gonna really help you a lot and you should start doing that really heavily at levels four and five but again i think that would be a good idea to look at through throughout your entire you know art career look at how other people take something complex and simplify it and if it's something that you like take it that's what i do it's super super helpful um if you want some ideas on how to do that my pose is live stream um it's i think one of my highest viewed live streams right now it just says poses in the cover with some other figures in the background check that one out because i show you how to do that with other people's artwork um to actually look at it and pay attention and study it and i also just recommend checking out ethan becker he's really good at going through other artists and telling you their secrets so that you can really understand it well and the last thing before i get into the kind of cheats um and ways to look at this whole process without getting so so stressed out about you know the time and how long it takes is there's kind of a prerequisite to all of this and that's perspective um anatomy is really important to learn because no matter if you're drawing humans or or uh animals you gotta learn it to make to be able to do really good stuff like for example i'm studying a lot of jade uh j.w cooper's stuff right now she's an amazing artist she draws animals really well um but you need to be able to you know understand you know the actual anatomy of animals before you can really start to draw them in all these really cool ways and you can tell that she knows but even before that you need to know perspective because that's what makes everything feel like it's real and it's in a place because even if you're not doing something realistic you want to feel like it's real right if you shine a light on something even if it's a really cool stylized character you want it to feel like it's believable like the the people can believe your character is there so perspective really really helps with that it's really hard to draw something like this you know this is all heavily based on perspective and it's actually like i'm sure there's some i'm not sure this whole leg in combination with everything else how we're looking up at her is correct it's kind of like this weird perspective where the top of her head is going away from us and so is the bottom of her foot but the somewhere in the middle of her body is coming closer so it's like kind of fisheye i still need to work on that but even then at least i was able to really understand that okay this is this upper part is farther away the rib cage can be broken down i need to get a bit better like layer so i can actually draw over what i'm talking about uh let me do this really quick this is good so like yeah i drew the rib cage like this to start out with because it's like that's perspective i'm looking at the bottom of the rib cage right i'm gonna place it there right this is where how i set things up normally right so that is important to learn before all this anatomy you don't have to be perfect at it but remember it's like neck and neck with anatomy the better your perspective is the easier it is um going to be to do your anatomy and the better it's going to look like so good just remember that those two things are really tight together um like you know simple as her legs keeping in track like okay where what am i looking at from below where is the front of her leg like here and how is that connecting um like i try to keep where these lines would connect in in my mind as i'm doing like the basic drawing for this this was really hard trying to figure out okay where do i want the pelvis to be tilting right even though we're looking at her from below like this where do i want uh the ilia what is it the iliac crest to show up here and how is that going to go down into our crotch area like all that stuff is really really closely tied to perspective knowledge just not just anatomy okay so now we're going into the tips the tricks the things are going to make it easier first thing is that list is really just a gradient it's not like okay level one two it's like it is but you don't check it off it's not a checklist so if i were to hide this and i draw like uh let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine so it's not like all right i did this time to move on to the next one it's not like that it's more like this this is how it's gonna look when you when you improve right because i should have blown this up more uh what's that one one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so it's not like all right eventually you're gonna be able to check this list it starts like this like it starts getting defined as a gradient and it gets more and more um trying to switch to my blend tool here it gets more and more like like that and eventually it's slowly going to fill up let me get another brush here and eventually it's slowly going to be full and it's not even like that it's going to be like certain areas will kind of like fill in earlier right and eventually it will fill up more and more so like for kim jong-il for example it's oh lord this brush is too much for my computer kim jengy is like all of this is black and then it's like it starts to be a gradient so like that's how kim jenkins anatomy knowledge looks right and somewhere in there is like drawing like really animated characters like elsa and stuff he's not as good at if you look at his stream on how there's a stream where he challenges people to give him an idea of to tell him to draw things he they don't think he'll be able to draw and you'll see his ability to draw like um a chimpanzee driving a a tank through like a military battlefield isn't as good i mean that is really good but he can't draw a random anime girl as good as he can draw that crazy scenario right he can't draw a tank crossed with a with a arachnid you know he can draw that but he can't draw an anime girl as well as he can draw those crazy things and people from all kinds of perspectives so there are little little places in here where he's like uh not as much not as good but then for us it's like reverse it's like mostly white but it's like i can i can draw like i'm pretty good i think i'm pretty good at drawing lips for example so yeah that's just some random way to look at it but it's really helpful because it makes you realize it's not supposed to be this really boring monotonous thing where you just check it off and then another thing to help you out with is also for me i consider myself between levels five and six um because in that video i'm doing exercises really a lot from both of these but some of the more intense exercises from level six i'm not doing like i'm not doing mirrored drawings right now um that's really really hard to do but i'm just kind of more exploring i'm like taking a scenic route and doing a lot of level seven and eight stuff like the imaginative stuff right now because i've never done it at all during this time which is bad because you do want to do some of everything as you're growing just focus on the things that i talk about in each one of these levels right [Music] so the next thing is the way to skip and the way to get faster and to go through that chart faster and one of the easiest things you can do that i do is to basically split it um into a few different categories so for example anatomy there's basically i see it in three ways there's people there's animals and then there's objects so you can learn anatomy of human beings you can learn anatomy of animals um you know insects all the different phylum kingdom whatever yeah you can learn anatomy for that stuff and then you can learn how basic man-made stuff works like architecture um robotics uh all that kind of stuff you can learn about it and the more you learn the more creative you'll be able to be um and even within you can go another step down let's say you just want to draw people you can cut it to men and women so for me as you can see i mostly draw women and that allows me to skip and kind of grow a little bit faster a lot of people say that you know oh yeah drawing men and the masculine anatomy will help your understanding of women and vice versa and that's true that's true but at the end of the day if you want to get good at something you have to do that thing right so it's just it will take me a little bit longer to get as good and as fluid as i am quite a bit longer with men right now if i draw a guy it will look extremely stiff and rigid it will not look like the drawings i'm doing currently with women and it will take me quite a while to get to that level of women where i'm at now so that's a way you can kind of skip through things if you want to you can be like all right i'm only going to draw men over or women and focus on which spectrum of the the anatomy the the anatomy um anatomical differences you know wider hill hips the pelvic tilt angles the opening for the pelvis the rib cage angles um the jawbone a lot of the anatomies in the face and the head um all those different things the bone density the muscles and all that um you can focus on one of those and that can help you go a little bit faster and then you can save time uh another thing you can do though is you can just avoid challenging poses and so with that i'm gonna bring up some artists and we're gonna talk about some different artists here i think this is what i want to show you guys and for some reason okay nope there we go is this right yeah so um there are some different artists and by the way when i said like this is the video i'm talking about this is what i meant this first one how to draw anatomy beginner to expert just go to my videos page and you can find it um but yeah you can skip poses and not memorize like super not learn super tough poses you know that's really going to help you a lot because there's a lot of really good artists that out there that just memorize poses and eventually that's all they really have to draw so like for example my favorite example for this is art germ um let me make sure i'm on track here uh yeah so you don't have to do these really crazy challenging poses like kim jong ki does for example so let me actually pull him up really quick uh please don't be something bad please please please please all right that's not terrible i love phil stuff why is it always something lewd that comes up on my ig when i'm on i'm on i'm live or something um kim jong ki where is his like is this his main thing that's not him why is it why don't like people's original things come up there are hella scammers out there i can't remember what's his like handle does anybody remember his handle like it should come up he's he has tons of followers super annie i think it's because i'm on my desktop yeah this is weird it's bringing up some random stuff this wouldn't happen on my phone one sec i know it's kim jong ki us yeah his name comes up immediately but for some reason on on desktop it's like weird yeah he's verified i don't know why they didn't come up first so like kim jungie will be doing crazy perspectives like this isn't even as crazy as you can go and i need to be careful actually because some of this stuff might not be youtube safe um horses like really clear drawings like this is a pretty crazy pose and you know he barely looked at reference to do this like look at these different spider-man he drew right he does some pretty intense stuff please don't let anything really bad come up like look at these tigers right he would just sit there and do all this from memory look at this like this perspective of looking at the whole room here and what oh that's bad that's the the good thing about his work is like even though it's it can be really grotesque it takes you a while to see it so i think i'll be fine but you guys get the idea so if i go to like stanley lao this is what he'll be doing at like conventions he'll like sit there and do specific poses and face angles that he's just memorized and he'll just sit there and do it perfectly right so that's one way you can kind of skip through and you can just skip the really hard perspectives and he you can tell like he knows his anatomy super well like he does a lot of like super powerful women in uh marvel and dc character universes and you can see he just is always showing off those different striations and details um or is he's like really like this one was sick he does some really really crazy detail sometimes like this one look at look at the shoulders he goes in like super detailed with that super tight outfit um like here too but he doesn't necessarily memorize like he'll have like memorized certain poses that he's really good at i know for a fact like i've watched him since like his live stream since what was it 2013 14 15 and he does this pose with the shoulders and the neck the collar the clavicles a lot like he's really good at this this profile with the face about 60 degrees he's really really good at this part right here right and he's just he's done that a lot and you don't see him doing crazy different perspectives all the time another one who's another example ah yes chrissy zullo i love her work very stylized as well but look how like the faces are almost always 15 to 30 degrees like almost these are all 15 degrees or head on head on head on head on about 15 degrees rotated 15 to 30 degrees 30 degrees 30 degrees 30 degrees that's like yeah that's 30 a little close to 45 but it's like the same face not from above not from below i'm not saying she has same face syndrome but the same angle right and you can see she she does that and she's hella successful right what where what's her like i can't like quantify this because i don't know her that well but i can tell you she's super successful and somebody that i've looked up to since i've started a lot of my my journey when i was focusing on faces and stuff but look they're all straight and head-on really good figures you know very simplified anatomy but she can draw hands down to the toes whenever i'm sure she's has some stuff like that right in the poses that she wants and she doesn't do anything super crazy complex it's usually like this one is okay this one has some interesting perspective going on here right but you can see it's not that much so you can just focus on these things and get really good at them like a body straight slightly rotated and you can still make a really really insane amount of progress and learn a lot faster so this is just one example of tons of artists that do this well i'm going to show you another one anna kaddish now she's hands down extremely successful right um she's been at this for a while uh and you can see her characters are really really stylized right a lot less detail but she'll still throw some anatomy in there like look at this one there's not that much here right nothing super crazy and even if she does do some more impressive like perspective stuff because her style is pretty simplified it really helps and that's why um i was saying earlier you know you can look at people's style as a way to simplify things if you're getting a good feel for that early on um some of us can't do that because we have to like you know go on a more a more eventful more big adventure to discover our own style but the people who found it out kind of early they can kind of hone in on that and appearingly have really really good anatomy sense early on um so that's another way you can kind of speed through this and let's see yeah that was the last thing i kind of slipped into here so stylistic choice having a minimal anatomic understanding or just like a medium anatomic understanding and you can get a really really good effect here um dice daisuke richard he's another example so he does actually really intense perspectives i would argue that he actually looks at reference for a lot of these i don't know but i would say that he probably has reference but even if he didn't look at how like simplified some of the stuff is right like that foot you don't need to know foot anatomy to draw that right that's you just need to be have like a shoe in mind or a reference and look at the leg he clearly knows about you know there's calf muscles here then there's not that many muscles that are bulging out around the knee it's not that crazy knowledge but the perspective he's able to clearly break things down into shapes and then put them in the correct perspective so like this right this is exactly how i would block out the legs if i wanted to do uh you know you can fit all the muscles here in this shape he knows the shape really well but you don't have to know it perfectly it's just the really clear understanding of perspective here it's very easy for me to imagine the all the rest of the muscles and the different creases in the skin here because you got the perspective down so well so this is an example of how you can really focus on that perspective and not have to do so much of the detailed anatomy knowledge and you can still get some really really cool work done like you can tell he knows his perspective because of his stuff this architectural stuff is really cool um who else um i think that's it for like the stylistic people so one of the people that i'm studying that i'm going to go into with the kind of i guess demo for this as i end not end the stream but just go into the second part of the stream it's going to be jw cooper uh this is a little risky some of her stuff is a little spicy but we'll see um so let me skip through here and see if i can find something that's not that bad okay this one oh no no there's a nipple there uh come on come on let's look at her animals okay here so like looking at how she breaks down i can't point out anything because i literally like know no anatomy for animals but you can see i remember watching one of her live streams is what she'll do is she'll do a strong line for some of the anatomy as she's drawing and then she'll show like knowledge of like okay this is fur here or a little bit of a detail of how this this part of the joint works and then it'll be another straight line right so you'll see lines and then detail and then lines and then they stop and come back to detail several times um let's scroll down more let's see if i can find if i can't find anything that's more here's another example here right this is extremely stylized like a skeletal drawing of an arm there she's really really good at animals so that's why i mentioned her earlier she's gotten really good at drawing tigers and so this is all an example of like this is a kind of what i would consider a higher level of breaking down that stylistic choice so you don't have to know all the anatomy but it's still done in a way where it looks like she knows exactly like if she's showing all you know all the anatomy knowledge you could show outside of just being hyper realistic [Music] but what i just personally love about her work is how she's able to do so much of this with just line work which is what i really am into because i love drawing for the most part um so yeah hopefully that helps you guys out with ways to skip ahead and make this easier on yourself um definitely recommend that you try all this stuff while you're going through it because i feel like nobody's gonna go through just pure they're not gonna be a puritan they're going to go through you're going to go through it and you're going to find that you care more about some things and care less about others and your journey is just going to go up and down you know different avenues different ways you're going to go around the block and like i said earlier you start out with something that's really really empty and then you'll eventually start to get a darker and darker gradient going through right and that process will take some time it takes it's different for everybody don't worry about how long it takes you just focus on improving every day and listening to yourself as you start to get that ability for artistic um intuition and being able to self-guide yourself and control take control of your learning because something that i also don't know if i mentioned too clearly in the video was you want to be able to get a good idea of yourself as an artist and take control of your education you can't like i know some people have already asked me like you can't just say how do i know when i need to move on to this level to this level to this like you have to get to the point where you just know and you'll feel that and you just move it you just start to let yourself do what you need to do um you know a better question to ask people would be like okay how many drawings do you think maybe i should do of this before i get a proficiency and like really solid understanding or how many like how many months do you think would be like a minimum time for this or something that would be better but like how do i personally know when to move from x level to this you have to be able to figure that out yourself um the only people who get to a good you know working level where they're able to produce things regularly and make it a living for themselves know how to do things on their own so that needs to be part of your study that needs to be part of what you're working towards is that self-awareness you can't have someone hold your hand the whole time you have to pretty quickly learn how to figure it out on your own because that's that's how you learn and that's that level of learning is gonna be key um trust me very very few our schools are just gonna take you from zero to hero um i don't think any of them will people are always talking like i just keep hearing about at least ahmed al-duri i know he's talked about teaching at our center a lot and i've watched a lot of his live streams and he's always like oh yeah it's it's different now or whatever so like even that school is like revered as the best or whatever sorry i keep saying did i say art center yeah so i was like oh i wasn't thinking about going to art school but i remember those days when i was listening to his streams i was like oh okay i guess guess it wouldn't be that great if i went there now so just saying that so that you know hey you have to make it you know you have to figure the journey out on your own um so yeah that's pretty much it for me talking uh this is a that's that was a little sample of something i'm doing but i can't show you more because it's a little nsfw you can see like a little bit of it here um but i'm just gonna go into like doing a demo and before that i'm just gonna check out the chat thank you guys so much for hanging out i hope this was super helpful for you guys um and please leave comments in the comments if you want me to like ads or something after the stream and the music is from final fantasy xv if you're wondering it's called golden k you think you're so big you think you're so tough uh that's awesome to hear me by the way this was the drawing i was looking at was kami's uh draw listener style challenge if you want to check it out this was a really fun character to do no problem sonica and thank you one you can always count on this channel to help nice i don't know what that means howie tambien day and mammoth but i think it's a good thing right yes you will be able to rewatch it with everything showing um you'll be able to rewatch the stream on youtube even if you're on twitch you can just check it out on youtube um i forgot i really want to turn my vods back on i need to turn them back on unfortunately i didn't remember hey hey jennifer you didn't realize it was a lie that's funny that's really interesting i've been wondering like how to make this work better um because i'm i want to do more streams like this so i'm kind of like limiting how i do other streams i will be streaming more during the week but it's going to be probably you'll see it's like it will be public but some won't be public they'll be for like members and stuff but i like the kind of like more targeted streams like this if i can keep it up because there are ideas that i have that i want to just talk about and tell you guys but i don't have the energy to just put it in a whole video so streaming it first can be like perfect i just have to make these streams unfortunately they can't be like four hours or else people will be like nah i'm not gonna watch that thank you alistair he said awesome perspective yeah i'm just sharing my journey you know it's not the ultimate end i'll be all even though i say it is the ultimate challenge because it helped me out this is what i've learned and i i came from you know not anything no special art training or anything um is it okay if you draw on pink yes you can done dunxilla i just have uh 10 loyalties that you have to pay me for every pink drawing that you sell so you know i've copyrighted that specific shade of print just got the anatomy for sculptors i recommended your mind blew at the first page so many stuff to learn yeah there is a lot and it's a really good book because i think i just got another book um i'm worried to show you guys because it's not that great but i still want to show you i got this book and i'm not i know i don't regret it but it doesn't have nearly as much stuff useful for 2d artists um in it there's only i'd say only about half the book is worth even looking at if you want to draw stuff and then some of it's just not as useful but one thing for example that i'll show you that i really like about this book and the book the reason why it's not that great for us is because it's geared towards people who are going to sculpt these things in 3d but the diagrams are all 3d and this is just so much like this one for example is so much clearer like showing how the muscles are in the leg when it's bending like this one i've never seen like that so clearly demonstrated um like look at that how the what happens to the muscles when the toes like curl up like that um and this is all with the intention to help you learn how to model it this is a scenario i always okay i can't show you that page this these legs like when she's sitting that's so hard for me usually like figuring out where the bulges are when you sit like that like uh how do i draw hips when the person's sitting so that was really helpful i'm like okay i don't regret the book but i definitely recommend anatomy for sculptors above that and for some reason it seems like it's really expensive for some people so that really sucks but there is an uh uh ebook version so by the way you just want to say that you inspired you to take art seriously watching me makes you want to draw that's awesome that's part of why i do this because i knew it would have helped me out a lot if i could have seen stuff like this early you need to get that super annie anatomy book is that another book should i get it hold the door what book is that um again i don't really recommend it that much but it's called anatomy for 3d artist the essential guide for cg professionals so take it for what you will stone house in me i have not i rarely actually read books it's just that book that i knew i had to get because a lot of the diagrams from anatomy for sculptors were on pinterest and that's where i get all of my most of my references and study stuff from you said you're digging my headphones thank you yeah i wish i could wear them properly but when i talk a lot i don't like i don't like having my ears cupped like this have i used blender yes i've used it a little bit for references and trying to figure out lighting i'm still i really like it this it's so simple and it's so um it's so capable this final fantasy 15 playing background yep so i'm going to start doing some let's see some drawing for this like as like a demo but i'm not really going to pay too much attention to it to be helpful but hopefully some things come out that are going to be useful for you guys uh let's create a new thing file new figure drawing for all it's worth yeah it's probably good i just i literally only have those two books i don't get a lot of books because i find pinterest is more than enough for my needs for the most part let me save this really quick in case like i lose everything today [Music] how do i ensure the perspective i'm doing going forward is how it turns out going for the bottom feet looking up to the head how do you keep that look without it looking 2d you have to use 3d shapes and use actually perspective like guidelines if you're really worried about it just keep everything in perspective as you go and you'll get better at catching yourself but sometimes you know i'll work and it'll be like oh that's actually not i started making that flat because your brain will do that but you have to just start continually check yourself and see what's going on it's a process it will happen where you just mess up and your brain will start flattening stuff because it doesn't understand because that's what it understands it knows flat does photoshop have stabilizer yeah a lot of people gets confused about that wording but it's just smoothing the stroke and it's right here the setting right here that says smoothing at the top it's at 10 for me right now depending on the brush and the body part that i'm drawing i change it and if i'm inking or yeah it's always changing but usually the lowest i have it on is 10. i have pretty shaky hands and i just feel like drawing in general drawing digitally in general you do require some smoothing help because these screens are just slippery and you get less information sent to your brain as you draw so it's just harder when you're drawing with a real pencil on sheet paper there's all kinds of different things like the depth the friction of the paper how hard and how far into the paper your pencil tip is going into so you don't really need like smoothing in real life but in digital it's much harder to draw like smooth consistent strokes why did i so a lot of people ask this question um well i have like two answers the first answer is just straight up answering what you asked and it's because i since i upload a lot more i draw a lot more and i upload that stuff to patreon and it's just so much easier to work in photoshop where i can save everything on the cloud and then export them in bulk as photoshop documents and then just upload it to patreon and if i want to post something on instagram i just export it i just save it hey i go to my ipad i open up photoshop my ipad export it to procreate add some finishing touches export it to my phone through airdrop and i can upload it to instagram super fast if i were to work in csp i have to save it to my desktop upload it to google drive go to my phone download it back to my phone and then it's just so much more work so that's the main reason i kind of switched but otherwise it's just because i wanted to get used to it both a lot of people ask me a similar question for like uh what is it um ipad versus the tap like the cintiq and the thing is they're coming from a place where they only have money or something for one and they're trying to find the best but the reality is they're both good enough for what you want to do that you just need to get one and learn it there's there's a reason to use both because one is mobile and one isn't you know that's more than enough reason to have both so don't compare yourself to me just think okay what's going to be good for you right don't ask me to tell you the best ipad or cintiq because for me i like both i can have both there there's used for both if you only have one that you can get think about your own scenario what you what your limitations are and just do that see ya jesse my thoughts on photorealistic illustration um i used to do that a lot um i think it's just depending on what you want to do i'm not as interested in that stuff anymore i've never really heard anyone defend the position though that it's not creative so i wish i knew what the benefits were but that's really my biggest critique of that it's like it tends to be really boring and not that interesting but i want to hear what somebody who only does super realistic stuff has to say because i used to you know i used to do that all the time and i didn't switch because i was like oh they're right this isn't creative i just was like wow i love this stylized stuff it's easier and it's more rewarding and it's i said it's easier simply because it's like uh it takes less time because it looks realistic stuff takes forever have you ever thought about making a book yes so like right now the sketches that i've been doing recently i'm like ooh can't wait to like release some ergo pink sketches like a sketchbook one day or just an art book but that's it i'm not gonna do like a teaching book or something i get cancelled really how can this person make a teaching book i'm just kidding i know i wouldn't get canceled but i'm just not interested in it [Music] i'm drawing on a 32 inch cintiq right now oh stop you wouldn't get animation yes i've always thought of it but it just takes too long i'm not gonna i wouldn't enjoy it maybe one day when it's not it doesn't take as long that's the same thing about like 3d modeling i'm waiting for it to be easier right now i honestly see 3d modeling is like is it in its infancy phase it requires a ridiculous amount of technical knowledge just to model to model anything that i could draw with just raw experience requires so much technical knowledge you have to you have to learn how to use so many different tools so many different programs to just create a textured rendered colored version of a character with clothes you have to learn so much just to do that and i feel like you already have to learn so much about colors and gesture and character design and all that stuff there's so much to learn and i feel like that should be what you're spending your time doing not all the technical stuff like it's we're making a lot of progress but i'm still not satisfied so i'm not really focusing on learning 3d programs just yet yeah this is tricky to do i usually don't draw on stream like this and look at chat so it's gonna be a little bit of a bumpy ride so bear with me here toon boom now like i said i haven't really animated that stuff it takes too long but yeah i think that's also you know that goes to show itself a lot of people are into anime like a lot of people are always asking questions about animations and animation in 3d because it's so hard it requires so much like secret knowledge from the people who can do it but digital art there's so much information out there i think eventually a lot of people are always talking about like oh one day we're going to be replaced by robots and like way before that happens robots are going to replace all the tedious crap of like texturing and ray topo and all that stuff and you'll be able to model the character and design it in an intuitive way maybe it'll be in vr and then the computer will just make it good for games and stuff and we can focus on being creative am i using the 4 000 red camera oh no i'm using uh i'm using a sony a7 um what the heck oh okay i'm using a sony a73 with uh sam sigma what is it sigma 35 millimeter lens so it's not four thousand dollars but it's about two thousand eight hundred dollars worth of camera gear that i'm streaming with right now that's because you know there's like a thousand or almost a thousand people watching at one time right that's not something you do when you just start nor is it necessary but it's something that i've done as i've improved scaled up [Music] do i think it's better to go to school for animation better than it's a better decision than digital art but i still i'm not so sure it's worth it i think you can learn just as much for just as much going to smaller courses and different things like that like not courses but yeah this is a tough pose to do without me being focused but like you know you can go to smaller things to get education and get indication from individuals i'm going to try one more time and then i'll do my backup drawing i'll try a different approach by going super detailed first what headphones do i have um i can't remember the name oh i'm covering the box it's like the mees 99 classics m-e-z-e-99 classics i think it's called thanks for the hosting oh lord so that shape is looking a little white um oh you hosted me 10 minutes ago thanks beer it was wolf i thought it tasted i'm like i don't know why the delay is so much what glasses am i wearing um i don't know what the name is but they're by prada and that sounds like really fancy but honestly it's just one of the things i picked from those like like uh online glasses retailer things where you can just send your prospect your type in your prescription and then they'll make the lenses for you and you can get them delivered i'm gonna do another one this is this pose is one of those ones i feel it's difficult for me extra difficult because it's very has a lot of gesture to it but the body is fairly there's like little perspective on it it's very subtle so it requires probably some more focus than i'm able to give right now on the stream what's better for the head i would say a box because i'm always for things that give you help you make decisions this is something that's an ethan becker's like content as well um like using random oval shapes for stuff is just not very helpful and it's what a lot of like art books you'll find in libraries and schools teach you which is really bad it's just not you don't you're not able to make decisions you want to be able to say this is the left side of this or this is the right side of this not just draw a blob right that way you can think in perspective but a lot of art books and stuff they don't teach you that they're just like here here's how to draw it easy but if you can't think about stuff in perspective you'll never get it right [Music] um what's the what's taking the most practice for me to get down anatomically um hmm i have i don't there's still some a lot of stuff i haven't gotten down but i think the thing that takes the most practice for me is uh i think it's just the hips the hips are the only thing i can consistently just get wrong or get stuck at yo thanks for the four thanks for the donation alexis fowler just want to thank you for helping my digital art super dramatically ah thank you i appreciate it yeah usually when i draw on stream like this i put a like timer for like when i'm gonna pay attention to chat so that people know to expect that i won't be able to engage as much [Music] well my finger drawings are pretty good thanks daigle or davey how many levels are there there are nine sticky art you should check out my latest video people really like it it's good don't don't skip it and you recommend it nobody skipped my video [Music] hi shea this was any recommended meaning you've not seen my channel before awesome but i usually do my videos i just give help with art give art tips art tutorial videos sometimes sometimes i do reviews whatever um i'm learning i try to share what i've learned with my audience um and create environment at least with my live streams where other people are encouraged to work on their art and of course a lot of inspiring and motivational content as well because i know it can be very tough to keep on track on this perilous journey [Music] uh yes i was thinking of that but i'm like i should probably chill from d2is for a while but i don't know why i say dt draw this in your styles i don't even think that's how it's spelled i don't really finish stuff late right now taste years so i can't really give you that time information a lot of people ask me that but i don't i'm not that's why i said i'm between levels five and six i'm not somebody who consistently does like this certain finished art quality of stuff and i can give you that time most of what i do is experimenting learning sketching stuff like that everything i do doesn't just become into some fully rendered thing it's almost always by surprise i'm like oh i'll take this further and then there's a lot of experimenting things can easily take tens of hours and i don't keep track of it for that same reason proportions for this are weird am i gonna do a video on character design no i do not think i'd be a good person for character design because i don't design characters you should check out uh the video for character design that uh is on proco's channel by knight aka ruselli i think that was a really fantastic [Music] video is it okay to only draw sketches you've been punching yourself down yeah it's fine don't really worry yourself too much with what people say you should do with art it's really hard to get over that but it's a really big waste of time just focus on what you want to do right anything that you do because other people are making you forcing you to do is probably not going to end up very good anyway hmm this is weird i don't like both of these things this stream is definitely affecting my performance big time today which is weird because it hasn't been lately i actually think the other one is better but we'll see oh wow it's not even been an hour yet it was a really quick quote-unquote video do hey calypsi i'm doing great you're loving the motion of my figures lately thank you i have really been getting into it studying a lot of artists who i really love the flow that they have in their line work i would continue what i've been working on earlier today but a lot of it's just reserved for patreon if you know what i mean so i can't show it here is also extra tough because uh i can't see her feet in the rough you purchase my brushes and you totally love them thank you you know can i make a video on my line work maybe maybe because i don't even know what i'd do right it's not really something that people ask me about [Music] thank you john attacker like the video i did recently is because a lot of people were asking me like uh how do you learn anatomy and then also it's something that i actually was studying so it's like okay seems like i should just make a video on this what's a bob ross style stream someone said i should make bob ross styled streams more [Music] i'm on a display tablet right now that's why i'm looking like down [Music] i'm doing good thank you erhem [Music] what would those be like oh sorry i don't even i don't even know what you're referring to i should have millions of subs uh it takes a while to get to a lot of subs without um bob raw style streams yeah i don't even know it takes a while to get to that many subs unless you're doing really you know entertaining content my content is still very educational for the most part you gotta really master that blend of um entertainment and education to grow fast this one's starting to look better now i need to upstate the stuff on my patreon looks kind of it's kind of crazy how even though it was only a short time ago my work has improved so much more [Music] have i tried clip studio paint uh yes all right i timed out stream labs but it takes a while for it to go into effect but all the messages will disappear soon [Music] hey michelle how are you by the way can we get a shout out if we haven't for michelle and calypsi they're fantastic streamers that i really enjoy watching fantastic artists as well combined that makes fantastic art streamers yay uh three times the charm you used to use graphite and acrylics you started with digital you're too lost which should you master photoshop should do master in photoshop just focus on the fundamentals don't worry too much about the software just get software that works if you have photoshop that's solid you know you don't have to worry about like if it's good or not [Music] hey josh would you say it's hard to get hired by studios if you do in a more cartoonish style i am not the best person to ask that i'm not interested in getting hired by studios or never thought about that my first inclination for that is if you're worried about that all you have to do is look at the type of content that the studios make that you want to get into you know the way her leg is is really tricky do do [Music] can i show the ref i'm working from um yeah uh this is one of my favorite models on [Music] i've shown her before but let me just write down the name on instagram that way i can give her some some cred oh nice she changed her name yeah this is her name on ig i wonder how she got married cake huh it used to be mary cakes with like underscores and stuff i'm pretty sure you have any well-known studios no your boy's still improving i haven't done any professional work i've not been contacted for any um for any professional work at all it's a pretty it's pretty big luxury like you know you're good when you're getting contacted without doing any outreach that's really hard to be in a place like that without having done any work you can get there if you have some experience out there but you know that's usually how it goes you you do some work for people and then you get experience and your name gets around and then eventually get to the point where you just work with the clients that you want to portfolio no i actually really should make one soon but it's gonna take me a while because i have to actually be happy with the artwork that i have but honestly i don't it would be no i don't think i'd make one actually because it would be my website my portfolio would be my website i don't think i would make a traditional portfolio yeah getting your foot in the door yeah definitely the toughest part it's very easy with anything once you have some amount of something you can do more you can scale it up as we say in the entrepreneur uh sphere of things i knew when i made my first three hundred dollars on online with my brushes and youtube and all that i'm like okay i can do more you know this can be a thing because 300 is a bill that was my car bill at the time i was like all right there's no reason why i can't scale this up to 10x you know but it's that first actual money hitting your bank account that's actually really hard to get requires a lot of work uh can we not do any self-promotion foomi is your warning no soliciting or biz promotions please um it's funny i guess i wonder how many people are watching on youtube oh wow that's actually a lot i guess this is getting recommended to a few people a few people here and there ah thanks yada i just got a haircut yesterday that's great josh appears on cam when he gets a haircut he's digging it i have a hand tutorial nope i don't know how to draw hands and again i don't know if i would it's tough i'd have to have a good idea a lot of the videos people ask me to do like oh do hair tutorial do hand tutorials like doing a tutorial like that straight up is such a terrible video such a terrible idea for content nobody's gonna watch it you have to have a good idea now the days of like saying how to draw hands and making a video like that are gone those are like you'll see those videos they're like seven years old nobody will watch a video where you just type how to draw whatever you have to have a really creative idea behind it you know like look at ethan for example none of his videos are just how to draw x he always has a really excellent way to present his ideas in a new way that's how you actually get views you might be thinking oh how selfish but it's like if nobody watches your video then what's the point josh can i get the guest hand on again one day yes for sure in mexico art true youtube can be quite saturated with basic content yup there's so many videos with like two three four million views like how to draw x and you will never beat those videos you have to try a different way maybe that era will return but i doubt it anytime soon at least you get videos with clickbait yep that's really true piggy bird all these draw different body part videos are all unnecessary you need to understand that every form is being understood yeah that's that's pretty true like for example i've gotten a lot better from drawing hands at drawing hands by just drawing a lot of hands i'm not a place yet where i can like really well explain what i've learned into a video most of what you're seeing is simply the result of uh um just practice and having fun with the gesture and studying other artists all right let's bounce back to this one since i'm really happy with this one on the left her pose is really hard because she's the hardest pose for me to do is when i think it's probably women in particular since their pelvis can't like outwards when they arch their hips in like that is it the classic madonna pose like you guys can't see it but like this pose right where they're thrusting forward that's hard that's like the hardest one for me to do any pose that involves that yes [Laughter] oh man if you guys can see the full camera leota was waiting for her time to strike it's been good having a late lunch break it's nice to make it here and chat yeah it's good to see you in chat every now and then couldn't see [Music] but if it's hard it wouldn't be that stiff and rich i'm gonna try and scrap this i think let's just cut it and bring it back do yeah i'm just gonna do what like this pose is speaking to me and not really copy it i'll show you the pose for example it's a very classic boudoir type of thing yeah so it's a nice pose but it's very challenging especially since she's got a decent amount of clothes on it'd be much easier to see like where her skin is folding she's also like exceptionally skinny just to to use positive words so it's i don't even think i would see any skin folds that would help me figure out where the joints are for this particular rough let's cut it off sometimes the head is just not helping vogue you mean that vogue type pose wait was that what i was doing earlier what i just showed you guys apparently painting makes you happy and it makes you happy to have someone to art with you that's awesome to hear uh queen [Music] i'm happy to know that i'm helping you enjoy the joy of painting how many pencil tips i've never i've never bought an extra set of wacom pencil nibs but i have bought a couple sets of ipad apple pencil tips but i mean you don't you get one extra when you buy an ipad versus when you buy a cintiq you get when you buy an apple pencil i should say versus when you buy a cintiq you get like eight so you won't have to buy a new ones for a long time [Music] they're the me's classics 99 mies 99 classic headphones handbuster i believe those are the headphones that i have on me spelled m-e-z-e yup it is a small bb bearing mecha art that's why if you you need to be careful when you're drawing with the apple pencil because if eventually when the tip wears down there will be metal scratching the screen so you have to make sure you don't damage your screen by just take a look at your pencil tip every now and then [Music] or it could damage your paper like which you guys should check out because it makes drawing on an ipad much much easier especially if you're coming from traditional which way do i want the pelvis to be going yeah that's better the apple pencil tip will just wear down there's nothing you should really do to fight that other than having a lighter pencil grip because that will just make your art usually better and save the lifespan of your hand when you draw a lighter your hands take less damage that's just facts your body wears down the more you use it no matter what you do especially your hands when you go to sleep your body repairs itself man-made things don't repair themselves so that's where the problem is [Laughter] hey wait did we get a raid hayner's raid hey how are you hannah hope you guys had a good stream i didn't see that i need to get a raid notification thing how long has it been i'm sorry i missed it i'm over here illegally illegally streaming hope you guys had a great time let me see i want to see this raid notification here on twitch i'll just keep twitch chat open longer instead but yeah welcome everybody from from hayner's raid yes thank you for the shout out wait is there a shout out yes somebody did thank you yes you will see me and hannah's ra hannah's stream sometimes i was actually there recently uh thank you lover boy yeah i got a haircut yesterday am i youtube mechanic uh are you asking uh jennifer yeah raids are on twitch yeah i wish we could raid on disc on youtube her shoulder looks really broad [Music] you gotta head out okay cool thanks for the raid and have a great night or whatever time it is we're here wherever you are or evening most complex pose i never really finished it but it was somebody lying upside down on a chair with their legs straddling the chair it was at a crazy perspective it was fun though do now that i'm making this pose out from memory it's just really i thought i enroll it [Music] do [Music] he's being super loose right now [Music] [Music] do um thanks for the sub jay my favorite pose to draw i rarely have the the poses that i just typically enjoy are you know your typical arch back perspective shot from i think i like slightly below more than slightly above but to be honest i just prefer anything that has a little bit more exaggerated perspective yeah this postal looks really weird i did something i really shouldn't do on stream which is just trying to come up with imaginary stuff this happens pretty regularly every now and then i'll just be like all right that other thing i did was better oh my god photoshop please i'm using a wacom cintiq welcome all the pools i was doing was just too much [Music] for my limited visual library do and now she built like a disney mom maybe this is not bad without the legs since i'm trying to make the legs up bye do wacom yeah that's correct make a heart because it's japanese [Music] that's a fun fact if you didn't know um wacom is a japanese company most of the other tablet companies are chinese there's no american ones it's just other big computer companies at least i'm pretty sure there aren't any american brands if i played any dark souls games yes i love dark souls this is from final fantasy xv it's basically the a repeated clip from an area in the game called galden k with a q [Music] um [Music] [Music] wait a second is that really reek yo wait that is reek can we get a shout out for reek tv i love your art man i was that's weird i thought you'd have been like hella verified i wasn't like is this a fan account but yeah you should check out reek if you're on youtube as well this he's got some crazy crazy good skills because he's been at it for a while thanks for the sub uh nano [Music] maybe if i get the face in here yeah rik is one of the the channels i watch on youtube when i was trying to figure out my style and all that a few years ago then i had to like just go back and learn the basics you've been lurking all this time but super focused thank you i appreciate it yeah yeah i don't know if you just got started streaming on twitch or something but yeah i'm pretty sure you'd have the view count by now like easy yeah watching rick do his figures is like just magic just watching it looks like it's watching magic happen on screen it's just like well perfect perspective anatomy stylized character calling my age hey that was only three years ago i have i'm much younger than i look you guys i want her to look hunched over i'm not giving up on this pose [Music] could i spare some beard no i just got a haircut it used to be much much bigger and wilder now i can i cannot spare anything you're gonna have to go to the barber and see if there's any beard left [Music] oh um you professional vibes but by a fake artist watch the youtube video guys if you haven't already learned it's all a scam the very stream you're watching is a skin i skimmed all of you figure out this pose already i should just work on the one i got right leave my ego to rest to get this right on stream do um is just a video running while i pretend to draw yep i have this professional chinese artist drawing live that's my business partner how long it usually takes me 30 minutes to get a decent sketch down before i start detailing it but on stream it can take me much much longer just because there's always like this amount of anxiety of like oh there's people watching you um then looking at chat and looking back takes time so all that stuff can slow me down quite a bit this isn't terrible anymore it's just still weird yeah that that whole like crunched up fetal position thing i really need to practice more it's definitely the hardest pose for me was this one even that hard this one was hard because there wasn't that much negative space and stuff but i figured it out eventually [Music] um making big changes here if we just rotate this entire part forward and bring our head down it's actually quite motivational to see the whole process yeah you're definitely seeing a rare process here [Music] it's not it's not particularly fun to see how people see you struggle and mess up and that's that never goes away i mean you're always going to be having a higher standard for yourself i think this is the closest i've gotten to it yeah i don't know why i ended up doing one of the hardest poses i've had to do on stream but hey [Music] it's a really good ref which is partially why i force myself to do it because it's just too good to not you know try and get it to look good especially with the clothing foreign she's leaning over to fix that i'm pretty happy with this go ahead and change her sometimes the features i do just end up looking different and i just go with it i'm just gonna give her like i don't know maybe an 80s african-american haircut i have no idea this is actually real if this is a real thing or not i do not study hairstyles that much especially time periods [Music] see you sarah music is from final fantasy xv i'll probably change it for the last few minutes to something that's on my playlist yeah let's do that um uh i have to restart itunes all right one second it's gonna be silence for a little bit it's just you and me you and me welcome to the asmr portion of the stream all right there we go hopefully this yeah it's not too loud right boom yes nikora don't worry in a few in about 30 minutes you'll be able to see the beginning of this video what made you think it was a video was it the thumbnail the title clickbait copy strike no i have pre-selected this music in a playlist that i can confidently stream i don't know if i've been drawing for my whole life but i got really serious in 2018 2017 may 2017 or no beginning of the year 2017. i got kind of serious and i started getting more and more serious until i got very serious around uh around october that's super serious all right let's switch back to merry cakes uh-oh don't forget to subscribe everybody subscribe smash that like button right now all right the live notification is different yeah youtube's been messing with me these days oh thanks for i don't know if you're in the stream but somebody signed up to my patreon i appreciate it thank you [Music] do today i'm going to end the youtube stream first because i want to show you guys one thing that i've been working on one not safe for work thing that i've been working on on twitch i don't really care about twitch because if i i just don't think they're gonna do anything but i i i know they might flag the stream if i do it on youtube so it's just a little booba just a little bit but even then [Music] hey josh your art tips have helped you so far to finish bible pitch for an animation contest nice i'm happy it's helped you out have i played the near games yes i love them and i love 2b's design which i regularly reference to be i can't wait for the newer games it's a game i'm sad i played already because the setup i have now is just so much nicer um and i wish i could play it on this setup but that game is too damn hard for me to play it again for fun it's too damn hard and i hate i hate playing as minus i'm sorry i like playing as 2b and what was it a1 a1 sauce a2 oh that's good to hear melody i'm glad you think my streams are chill hey camo the bear any advice for artists who are starting to get out there but scared of the criticism uh don't worry um to be completely honest the criticism doesn't really come when you're small people don't really give it to you that much but like when you get bigger more people will be more inclined to give you criticism whether you like it or not so it should grow with you you should be fine so just know that in the beginning no one's really gonna be super criticis like mean about you at all mean to you like for example uh a lot of people criticize me like oh you don't have any right like on my video you don't know anything your your anatomy is [ __ ] you don't know anything why are you making a video like that i get comments like that but i never got those comments when i was between one to ten thousand subs nobody cared nobody thought it was like whatever but now oh you know so don't worry you're not gonna get any painful criticism hopefully in the beginning just stay out of those toxic toxic art communities out there there's some really toxic ones please stay away from those i see them on twitter i see them on youtube sometimes i just i'm just surprised i'm like let let them try to get to me one day i will just laugh i know i can never get into that crap because it's just it's so silly like i could never get caught up in that drama the drama i see happening man it's just so silly like you teenagers even when i was a teenager i was like you teenagers what are you doing my sister would be like look at those teenagers honestly we saw ourselves we saw ourselves as grown-up adults a whole life when do you get hate he means you made it kind of it's not too far yeah i do want to do another video on that music discord for building up the head shape because the one i did on youtube to start off with is old this is not that good ah glad you can make it i am soulless but you're a little late her nose is bigger than her mouth that's a problem [Music] and i i'm saying that by my drawing not because of not for mary kicks one day i want her to like model my merch i wonder if she'd do it i'm gonna have to make a very strong pitch i have a lot of people on my like list that i hope i could get to like model my merch but we'll see gotta get more clout more a million subs am i no shame do i actually make sure everything has the exact right proportions i try no i go by look what looks cool but also perspective it needs to be in perspective and i try to make sure it's correct it always needs to be in perspective free clout yes you are you are correct there was some kingdom hearts twitter castle no please twitter have mercy [Music] look at that cranium very smart hey josh you're a senior in school getting ready to graduate oh let's see if this works yes it worked you're seeing in school getting ready to graduate and you've thought about getting into streaming the process of your work and advice and tips on how to get started um try to minimize spending a lot of money on gear unless you just have money to blow but just start honestly and try to do it when you're already drawing try not to make it a big deal it's a lot of this stuff is always analysis paralysis everybody who wants to do it says they want to do it and they just never do it just start you know that's the best advice i can give you because everybody just doesn't start [Music] do i use any note-taking apps actually not really to be honest yeah i agree with you it's tough to find really good ones i just use the notepad on iphone and i could i would use something better if i found something that worked really well how do i deal with the hecklers when you get when people when you get backlash from people when you draw women too much how do you deal with the hecklers you just have to deal with the haters a lot of people you have to have some empathy for them a lot of people think things have like think there should be a lot of shoulds and shouldn'ts and do do's and don'ts for things that don't really that don't really have those things or shouldn't shouldn't have shouldn'ts isn't that funny but you just gotta kind of ignore them but also try to understand that you know they're coming from kind of this place of ignorance i made a post on this recently on my instagram a lot of people can complain about that stuff but the reality is it doesn't matter because it's just i'm just one person you know why does what i'm drawing stress you out so much and i have my whole life to live why do i have to draw something right now when i could draw it later like the analogy i made was i could suddenly become an artist that just does blue pineapples and i could do that 63 years old and all i do is all i draws paint is blue pineapples and oil paint and people will be like wow this guy used to be a digital artist and now this is what he does people will be asking me what made me made that radical transition i'd be old i'd be like well it's this this and this it's like with that huge perspective in mind it's wouldn't it be silly to think about people asking you why don't you draw this already right it's just kind of silly when you think about it it's like you have your whole life and there's so many other artists out there every artist doesn't have to do the same thing i was watching i was watching a really like really old much older artist on youtube today talk about what they would advice they would give to younger artists and there was this one guy he just paints on folded tapestry and it's hanging out and it's hanging on these crazy iconic buildings and that's all he did at least for the past several years imagine people asking why don't you paint on a canvas and not fold it up i'm sure he did other stuff when he was young but now he's hella old and that's what he does giant folded tapestries you know every artist does something different there's plenty of artists out there so try to just when you when you know how crazy it is what the hecklers are saying then it's easier to ignore them but i do understand it's hard to ignore them but then you just think like oh you poor people just don't get it you know i'm so i feel bad that they their mindset for art is so limited that they won't be able to enjoy it as much as they could being too self-critical yes i deal with that a lot i've actually had to go through some of coach some coaching for that in terms of like ego because my ego will make it really bad i think the most important thing i've learned is to stop assigning value judgments to things and accept them for what they are so there are some things i don't like about myself that when i do it i'll beat myself up a lot for and then i just have to realize like hey the reason i did that is because my i just learned it was the best thing to do my brain learned that that was the thing i should do to the situation to make me feel better and i'm in a process to get better and all i have to do is notice that and just accept that that's what my body does it's like you know it's like uh you literally have to give yourself the empathy you would give for a uh aggressive dog you know that dog has been through some trauma and is acting out and being aggressive for a certain reason and you understand that it's like all right you know you snarled at me bit me or whatever if you're rehabilitating this dog not if it's some random dog you take care of yourself but yeah let's see like if that happened then you would be empathetic then you have to be the same thing for yourself so when you find yourself if you ever find yourself like me giving yourself a hard time too much you have to think well i haven't done this much work yet you know or i've i'm new on my art journey i have to give myself some space and some credit for the effort i've done you know you have to be nice to yourself and respect yourself in that way and you'll find that every time when you do that you'll find that every time it comes up again it's less intense that's what i found it doesn't just go away immediately but it doesn't [ __ ] you anymore you know hopefully that helps what do you tell artists that consistently don't like their art yeah i think it's just uh a youthful place to be at it could be the result of a lot of things but um you have to kind of find your find why you like art in the first place because at the end of the day you wanted to do art for some reason find that again find out what's making you upset is it expectations then start telling yourself hey my expectations are wrong i haven't done this this and this my expectations i need to lower them right and then start focusing on doing the stuff that makes you happy about art because it's a very emotional thing art is tough no one does it it's a very terrible thing to do to get money it's a very terrible thing to do to build your self-esteem you got to love it to do it right there are a lot of jobs out there like that architecture is one of them it's tough you have to love it in order to do it if you're doing it because you want to get money or praise or accolades you will always be frustrated and i won't tell you i won't tell you that you shouldn't be frustrated you always end up frustrated so some people are in that scenario some people just need to remember oh i don't have to be like everybody on instagram i don't have to draw us i don't have to draw 10 times speed some people just need that reminder some people's whole entire fundamental approach to art is wrong in the first place and that's why they're so frustrated so it's hard to answer that question for everybody some people are stressed because they're not making enough money to feed themselves and that's why they can't do it it's like well that's a big problem in and of itself that's why you're frustrated hey selena i don't believe i've seen you before do you do art do you do art streams [Music] i just recognize that i verify a check mark we've gone over time okay i need to stop the stream on youtube because i don't want people not to click the video because it's too long thank you guys so much for coming to the stream and i will see you in let me see in the next one which will probably yeah probably be next friday all right bye everybody peace on youtube
Channel: e r g o j o s h
Views: 473,446
Rating: 4.9856038 out of 5
Id: m_LrikThG0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 28sec (7468 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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