Analyzing Evil: Richmond Valentine

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hello everyone and welcome to the 83rd episode of analyzing evil featuring richmond valentine from kingsman secret service an intense action flick with a serious sense of humor the first film in the kingsman series was a breath of fresh air for the action genre and richmond is quite the entertaining villain to watch in action as any character played by samuel l jackson typically is however richmond is a representation of a horrible idea that many people have proposed as a solution to a multitude of problems throughout our history that being the mass murder of humans at random and in this video we're going to explore all that were given about how a person might arrive at this terrible juncture and what kind of person you even have to be to get to that point now there is a kingsman comic book series that the film was based on but there are enough similarities and a few differences between the two that it wouldn't really make sense to cover richmond as he appears there so this video will only be about richmond as he appears to us in the film now richmond might be approaching the climate crisis in the most extreme way possible but there are definitely less extreme solutions to this problem and a great way to get involved in some of those solutions is by checking out our sponsor for this video ren ren is a public benefit company with a mission to unlock the collective action of individuals against the climate crisis it's no secret that there are much larger entities contributing to this crisis but that doesn't mean we can't do our part as well and ren helps you to do this by evaluating the impact you're having on the environment with their carbon footprint calculator by answering a few simple questions about your lifestyle ren gives you the tools you need to get involved in saving the planet by helping you reduce your carbon footprint and by pointing you towards projects that you might enjoy getting involved in like tree planting mineral weathering and rainforest production one of my personal favorite projects you can get involved in is the clean air task force a policy group that's dedicated to stopping the harm that the aforementioned large entities are inflicting upon our planet by influencing politicians and promoting key climate solutions right now you can get involved in this project and others like it by heading over to or by clicking the link down below and as an added bonus wren will plant 10 extra trees for the first hundred people who sign up by using my link so start helping myself and others make an impact on the important issues facing our planet by clicking the link in the description and calculating your carbon footprint today thank you ren for sponsoring this video now without further ado let's begin richmond appears to us as a laid-back friendly and exceptionally pleasant person to be around he dresses in a motley of business casual and hip-hop fashion typically wearing a color-coordinated button-up shirt over a sweater vest over yet another button-up shirt with a matching hat a pair of contrasting slacks and matching sneakers though occasionally we do see him wearing a hat that isn't color coordinated with his outfit and sometimes he also switches out his outer button up for a jacket all of which he always accentuates with some form of prayer beads around his neck and right wrist when you add in his signature see through smart glasses you get a man who appears to us as a fly spiritual tech guru that mark zuckerberg only wishes he could be he's relaxed silly and friendly a charming man who moves and speaks warmly his lisp helping to make him appear like a harmless tech nerd one that's able to disarm anyone who he speaks with with his genial personality laughing and joking with people as he peppers his conversations with altruistic euphemisms and relatable pop culture references a self-made billionaire and genius richmond is surprisingly humble for a man of his stature though he can be a bit pompous at points when he's asserting his intelligence but all in all he treats everyone around him as an equal and his appearance and willingness to do quote-unquote common things like feeding his powerful friends mcdonald's is an aspect of the middle to lower class that many influential people shed as they come into their power but along with his incredible wealth and influence this aspect of richmond is what makes him able to operate so well in high society so much so that he's connected to most of if not all of the most powerful people on the planet by all accounts richmond on a surface level is perhaps the most admirable billionaire on planet earth and for a time he played that role well by donating most of his wealth to charity or dedicating it to fighting climate change however the noble trajectory that richmond had placed himself on was at some point shot down by his continuous dissatisfaction with the results he was getting for his efforts and even more so in the politicians that claimed to be serving the people and working towards bettering the world politicians who could care less about anything as long as a steady supply of money flowed into their bank accounts and he began to believe that the one problem he was concerned with the most climate change couldn't be solved by throwing any amount of money at it or by the graces of any one well-to-do politician unfortunately in developing this viewpoint richmond came to the conclusion that the largest contributor to climate change wasn't the advent of advanced fossil fuel-based technology and the way we're using it but the amount of people on the planet using those technologies and consuming all the resources necessary to sustain modern human life likening humanity to a virus infecting mother earth and just as the human body raises its temperature to fight a virus the earth is doing the exact same thing and sooner or later it will rid itself of that virus one way or another and fearing this to be a certainty as i mentioned in the introduction of this video richmond came to the sad conclusion that many doomsayers reach when faced with an insurmountable problem randomized genocide being one of the world's most powerful men this idea must have seemed like an easily obtainable goal rather than a far-fetched fantasy and unfortunately it very much was however richmond isn't exactly a homicidal maniac in fact he seems to be quite the opposite a pacifist with a severe distaste for violence who is only undertaking this abhorrent endeavor for the perceived greater good other less compassionate individuals might have killed off scores of people through sheer brutality as some notable dictators and despots have done in our past but richmond seems to have wanted to go about completing his mission in the most humane and guilt-free way he could think of which complicated matters much further than a plan to shoot every other man woman and child would have now to accomplish this still incredibly horrifying goal richmond began researching ways to hack into the human brain in order to have people become extremely violent and kill one another a solution he believed to be the only way to make it so he wasn't responsible for these murders now it's unknown if it was the beginning of these tests but the earliest known case of these primal rampages occurring was in uganda in 2012 at a gorilla army base and investigators found synthetic cathinones in their water supply from wikipedia a cathinone is a monoamine alkaloid found in the shrub known as cat and is chemically similar to ephedrine caffeine methcathinone and other amphetamines cat has been cultivated and used in the horn of africa in the arabian peninsula for thousands of years and it's known for producing a sense of euphoria loss of appetite and excitement in the user i'm sure richmond attempted to use cathinones as a delivery agent for whatever chemical compound his company manufactured to induce this berserk state in people however during the next documented incident of this behavior in chechnya in 2013 where insurgents turned on one another in a similar fashion there was no trace of chemicals found with that in mind we can assume that richmond at some point realized how inefficient introducing a chemical compound into the wider population would be as tampering the water or food supply of nearly the entire planet would be a gargantuan logistical undertaking so he decided to try and figure out a way to put his devious plan in action by taking it to an arena he knew well the digital one mass producing billions of sim cards using the vast resources of his company valentine industries richmond planned to offer these sim cards free of charge to anyone who would accept them and to convince people to get them he made it so they would receive free cell phone service and internet coverage after they implanted the device into their necks a revolutionary and tantalizing proposition that few would be unwilling to accept especially when you consider that richmond seems to have had an excellent reputation amongst the populace of course the only downside to this too good to be true deal was the real purpose these sim cards were designed for acting as relays for a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression in and lowers the inhibitors of the human mind now even though this is a much better plan than using a biological agent he still had one major problem to overcome distribution sure many people the world over would jump at the chance to obtain one of these sim cards but the various governments of the world wouldn't exactly be too keen on an american business tycoon distributing technology to their populaces that could potentially be used for espionage or other nefarious purposes so during the course of the simcard's development richmond set to work seducing all of the most powerful people in the world to his cause from actors to professors to the president of the united states and in order to keep them in line he implanted each of them with the sim cards which while also acting as relays for his plan also had the added feature of being able to superheat under the victim's skin and explode their cranium and if any of these powerful people refused his offer to live in the new world he built on the blood of innocents he had them imprisoned in a secret base in the himalayas so they wouldn't foil his plot which is a seemingly surefire way to ensure that your plan will succeed so through the power of whining and dining imprisonment and murder richmond successfully sets up in his mind the fairest and most humane way to solve the climate change crisis except it isn't fair nor is it humane as having people absolutely destroy one another for the sake of saving the world isn't what a majority of us would even come close to considering humane and it isn't fair because richmond's powerful friends are exempt from this digital culling and of course they are because although richmond certainly cares about the planet he isn't above helping out his friends or cronies if necessary as he's a very sociable man who seems to get along with others and bond with them quickly but again he's also fairly willing to have them murdered as well if they don't comply with his wishes and apparently by the time of the events of the film hundreds of vips have been killed all because they refuse to lay down and acquiesce to his demands and though he refers to himself as responsible insane at one point his darker side does slip through at certain points in the film and of course that darkness presents itself in his lack's attitude towards the mass murder he's trying to commit and the aforementioned murders of people who try to stop him but also in the way he talks to certain people when he's in conflict with them as we see when he's conversing with harry on several occasions however perhaps the most interesting thing about richmond is his distaste for all forms of violence that i mentioned earlier so much so that even a drop of blood in his line of sight is enough to make him sick which isn't exactly typical for a would-be mass murderer especially when you consider he's very much willing to murder someone himself if he sees the need to like when he puts a bullet through harry's head an act that he took no pleasure in that nearly causes him to vomit obviously richmond is quite deluded and this becomes even more apparent when exi and merlin set off all the sim cards that were embedded in the next of the vips at richmond's base as after all is said and done he wonders how the kingsmen could have killed all those innocent people a laughable statement considering every single person in that room was guilty of being accessories to genocide fortunately for humanity richmond's plan is stopped before too much damage is caused and richmond himself meets his end in a gruesome fashion one that of course causes him to projectile vomit as he sees his own blood cascading out from his chest and at this end who was richmond valentine he was an amiable and eccentric man who was deeply concerned with the dire straits that our planet's climate has been put in by human activity a man who had tried everything in his power to solve this crisis but ultimately failed to bring about any meaningful change because of this he chose to do the unthinkable and kill off a majority of the human population to save it ordering hundreds if not thousands of people to be imprisoned or murdered in order to do so and causing the deaths of who knows how many others when his plan saw partial fruition there are multiple issues facing our planet and our species but i don't think there are too many individuals out there who are willing to sacrifice the lives of their loved ones or their fellow man on a massive scale in order to fix those problems it's difficult to make any kind of change in the world but trying to make positive changes rather than implementing destructive solutions is typically the best way to make that change and though it might seem like the writing is on the wall for humanity in certain aspects resorting to extreme measures is something that's reserved for only the heartless and delusional people who believe that our problems will somehow magically disappear through death and destruction problems that will definitely never occur again further down the line richmond was one such person and the fact that he was able to convince hundreds of powerful people to side with his line of thinking is a harrowing thought a reminder that everywhere you go in the world you can find anyone from the lowliest beggar to the most powerful men and women in the world treading a path of unrepentant evil thank you all for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and i hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on richmond did i miss anything let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured in a future episode while you're at it if you like this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers and to my patrons and a most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now join the channel's discord server and reddit to interact with myself and the community and follow me on the social media platforms listed below to keep up with the channel as always thanks for watching and i'll be seeing you soon you
Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 126,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MzoWpG1EUz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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